RNS Number:4363M
Goldshield Group PLC
19 June 2000

                  GOLDSHIELD GROUP PLC
  Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2000

Goldshield  Group  plc,  the  profitable,  marketing-led,
emerging British pharmaceutical company, has pleasure  in
reporting its preliminary results for the year  ended  31
March 2000.


*    Turnover up by 52% to #52.6m (1999: #34.7m)

*    Pre-tax  profit  increased by 68% to  #9.4m  (1999:

*    Diluted earnings per share up 68% to 16.5p (1999: 9.8p)

*    Final  dividend of 1.8p per share - total  dividend
     for year 2.6p per share
     (1999:  1.38p per share)

*    Strong level of organic growth in UK sales plus part
     year contributions from several acquisitions

*    Sales  in UK & Western Europe increased by 44%;  in
     Rest  of  World (excluding USA and Canada)  by  1,251%;
     entry into US and Canadian markets planned for 2000

*    Successful equity capital raising through a placing
     and open offer was completed in June 1999, raising #15.7m
     net of expenses

*    Role of Chairman and Chief Operating Officer to be split

Ajit  Patel,  Chairman and Chief Executive of Goldshield 
Group, said:
     "Growth  in  this financial year has been  excellent
     and  this is primarily as a result of strong organic
     growth in UK sales and part year contributions  from
     our numerous acquisitions.  In order to continue  to
     deliver  sustained  growth to our  shareholders  our
     principle focus in the short to medium term will  be
     on   consolidation  and  optimisation  of  resources
     within our businesses."

For further information, please contact:

Goldshield Group plc Tel on 19.06.00:   +44 (0)207 466 5000
Ajit Patel, Chairman & Chief Executive 
Thereafter:  +44 (0) 208 649 8500
Rakesh Patel, Finance Director

Buchanan Communications           Tel: +44 (0) 207 466 5000
Nicola How

                  Goldshield Group plc
  Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 March 2000

Chairman's Statement
The   year  ended  31  March  2000  has  been  a   highly
significant one in the development of the Group.  It  has
seen   continued  maturing,  underpinned  by  progressive
achievements  in  strategy  development,  management  and
expansion  into  international  markets.   In  order   to
provide a steady growth in future earnings per share, the
Directors  have  begun a careful and managed  process  of
operational changes.  These changes are critical in order
that carefully tested strategies are implemented to shift
the  focus  towards globalisation and away from  being  a
predominantly UK player.

In  order  to deliver sustained future growth, particular
emphasis  in  the  last six months  has  been  placed  on
consolidation.  This will be carried out from  the  solid
foundations   established  over  the  past   few   years.
Product acquisitions in the UK, Europe and the Developing
World,   investment  in  existing  and  new   management,
expanding  product  portfolio  and  investment   in   new
channels  of  distribution are the  cornerstones  of  the
Group's strategy going forward.

Financial Review
The  Group  has  continued to enjoy both acquisitive  and
organic  growth  over  the last  financial  year.   As  a
result,  Group  turnover has increased by 52%  to  #52.6m
(1999: #34.7m) and profit before tax and exceptionals has
increased by 68% to #9.4m (1999: #5.6m)  Diluted earnings
per  share increased by 68% to 16.5p (1999: 9.8p),  which
is  somewhat  higher than forecast, profits to  31  March
1999  being  impacted by exceptionals relating  to  costs
associated with the 1998 flotation.

Sales  in  the  UK and Western Europe were #49.5m  (1999:
#34.5m),  which represents an increase of 44%.  Like  for
like  growth  was 30% with the remainder being  accounted
for through acquisition.

To  date  the  US  and  Canadian markets  have  not  been
targeted by the Group, but it is intended that this  will
change   during  2000.    The  Directors  are   currently
evaluating   strategies  and  investigating   appropriate
opportunities  with the view to developing some  activity
during the new financial year.

Sales in the Rest of the World were #3.1m (1999: #0.2m) a
1,251% increase over the same period last year.  Like for
like  growth was 36%, whilst the rest is attributable  to

Gross Profit:
The  Group's gross profit was #39.7m (1999: #25.6m) after
charging product manufacturing and packaging costs.   The
Group's gross margin improved to 75% from 74% largely  as
a result of buying efficiencies.

Operating Results:
Group  operating profit was #8.9m (1999:#4.7m)  producing
an operating margin of 17% (1999: 14%).  This improvement
reflects the benefits of economies of scale.

Earnings and Dividends:
Diluted  earnings  per share has increased  68%  to  16.5
pence  (1999:  9.8 pence).  Basic earnings per share  has
increased 70% to 17.2 pence (1999:  10.1 pence).

In  view  of  the  Group's success during  the  year  the
Directors  propose  a final dividend  of  1.8  pence  per
share, making a total dividend for the financial year  of
2.6  pence per share (1999:  1.38 pence per share).  This
is an increase of 88% on last year.

The  final  dividend will be subject to approval  at  the
Annual  General Meeting and is expected to be paid  on  4
August  2000 to Ordinary Shareholders on the register  at
the close of business on 30 June 2000.

Operating Review
During the financial year ended 31 March 2000, the  Group
has made a significant investment in developing a network
of  international  distributors in Europe,  Middle  East,
Africa,  Far East and Asia Pacific.  This investment  has
come  in  the  form  of  a series  of  acquisitions  from
SmithKline Beecham, Proctor and Gamble, Regina,  Norgine,
G.D.  Searle and Novartis.   These acquisitions, combined
with  our  own  management  initiatives,  have  given  us
distributor presence in over 50 countries worldwide -  we
expect this to grow over the next year.

Appropriate management restructuring has begun  in  order
that  we  can  capitalise  on  opportunities  for  growth
outside  our  UK base.  Our objective is to  build  sales
into  three  regions over the next 18-36  months.   These
regions are:

          -    UK and Western Europe
          -    USA and Canada
          -    Rest of the World

In  June  1999 approximately #15.7m of additional  equity
capital  was raised, net of expenses, through  a  placing
and  open offer.  Despite spending #39.1m in a series  of
acquisitions,  part  paid and part  deferred,  the  Group
remains strong in its cash position, which at the end  of
the  year  was  #11.4m.  This coupled with internal  cash
generation should provide scope for further growth.

Product Development:
Several  new  products were introduced across  the  Group
during the period.  The total development expenditure for
the  year was #0.6m compared to the same period last year
when we spent  #0.5m.

The  UK  generics market has enjoyed improved prices  and
the  Directors  have responded by launching  a  range  of
niche  generic pharmaceuticals.   We would  expect  sales
continuation  from  these  products  in   some   of   our
international markets as well.

As reported at the time of our interim results, the Group
has   started  a  careful  investment  programme  in  the
Internet market.  Our site is now operational and we will
begin  a  market testing exercise to access new  customer
segments.   Many of the economics attributed to  internet
selling  as  opposed to conventional retail  are  already
available  to  us  through mail order.    Long  term,  we
expect  the  internet to become a profitable  and  viable
medium from which to expand the customer base both in the
UK   and   overseas   using   our   existing   fulfilment

The second half of the last financial year saw the launch
of  our  concept Health Centre in Central  London.   This
provides complementary therapies and sells our healthcare
products.  The testing is progressing well and we  expect
the  site to be profitable on an annualised basis by  the
end  of  the  current financial year.  In order to extend 
out testing we have acquired two more sites - these are 
located in  Beaconsfield and  Stratford  upon Avon.  By 
the end of this  financial year, we expect to announce a 
plan for controlled  roll out across the UK.

We are now investing in developing more direct methods of
selling.  Person to person selling accounts for twice the
sales  of mail order in most developed countries.  It  is
also  an  excellent method of distribution in  developing
countries  where the postal systems are not adequate  and
levels of unemployment high.

Management Update:
In  light of the Group's continuing growth and in keeping
with our promise, the Board  will be restructured.   With
immediate effect the Board will be chaired by Ajit  Patel
who  will take on the role of Executive Chairman.   Kirti
Patel  becomes Chief Operating Officer with Rakesh  Patel
continuing  as  Finance  Director  and  Ajay   Patel   as
Marketing Director.  One further appointment will be made
in  the near future and, in the meantime, the Board  will
continue  to be supported by two Non-Executive Directors.
The  process of integrating the new management  structure
is expected to take approximately 15 months.

This  has been a challenging year and one where the Group
has  produced excellent growth.  Credit must be given  to
all  the  directors, senior managers  and  employees  for
their contribution in making it our most successful  year
so far.

Ajit Patel
Chairman & Chief Executive
June 2000

Goldshield Group Plc
Profit & Loss Account
for the year ended 31 March

                                             2000    1999
                                             #000    #000
Turnover                                   52,646  34,652
Cost of sales                             (12,931) (9,051)
Gross profit                               39,715  25,601
Distribution costs                         (5,099) (4,788)
Administrative expenses                   (25,724)(16,120)
Operating profit                            8,892   4,693
Operations                                  8,892   5,063
Flotation costs                                 -    (370)
Net interest                                  474     514
Profit on ordinary activities before        9,366   5,207
Profit before tax and exceptional item      9,366   5,577
Flotation costs                                 -    (370)
Tax on profit on ordinary activities       (3,386) (2,002)
Profit for the financial year after        
taxation                                    5,980   3,205
Operations                                  5,980   3,464
Flotation costs                                 -    (259)
Equity dividends                             (942)   (483)
Profit retained for the year transferred    
to reserves                                 5,038   2,722
Earnings per share                                       
Basic (pence)                                17.2    10.1
Diluted (pence)                              16.5     9.8
Dividend per share (pence)                   2.60    1.38

There were no recognised gains or losses other than the
profit for the financial year.

Goldshield Group Plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet
for the year ended 31 March 2000

                                             2000    1999
                                             #000    #000
Fixed assets                                             
Goodwill                                   14,676   6,677
Other intangible assets                    29,991   2,694
Intangible assets                          44,667   9,371
Tangible assets                               336     622
                                           45,003   9,993
Current assets                                           
Stocks                                      5,353   4,285
Debtors                                     6,409   2,067
Cash deposits                                   -   4,928
Cash at bank and in hand                   11,353   4,748
                                           23,115  16,028
Creditors: amounts falling due within    
one year                                  (25,922)(11,647)
Net current (liabilities)/assets           (2,807)  4,381
Total assets less current liabilities      42,196  14,374
Creditors: amounts falling due after       
more than one year                         (5,489)      -
Provisions for liabilities and charges     (1,598)   (108)
                                           35,109  14,266
Capital and reserves                                     
Share capital                               1,810   1,609
Share premium account                      20,806   5,327
Profit and loss account                    12,493   7,330
Shareholders' funds                        35,109  14,266

The financial statements were approved by the Board of
Directors on 16 June 2000, and signed on their behalf by:
A R Patel, Chairman 
R V Patel, Finance Director

Goldshield Group Plc
Company Balance Sheet
as at 31 March 2000

                                             2000    1999
                                             #000    #000
Fixed assets                                             
Investments                                 2,279       1
Current assets                                           
Debtors: due in more than one year         21,824   2,121
Debtors: due within one year                    -   1,284
Cash deposits                                   -   4,928
Cash at bank and in hand                       26       -
                                           21,850   8,333
Creditors: amounts falling due within        
one year                                     (671)   (682)
Net current assets                         21,179   7,651
Total assets less current liabilities      23,458   7,652
Capital and reserves                                     
Share capital                               1,810   1,609
Share premium account                      20,806   5,327
Profit and loss account                       842     716
Shareholders' funds                        23,458   7,652

Goldshield Group Plc
Consolidated Cash Flow
for the year ended 31 March 2000

                                             2000    1999
                                             #000    #000
Net cash inflow from operating             
activities                                 13,383   3,362
Returns on investments and servicing of                  
Interest received                             481     515
Interest paid                                  (7)     (1)
Net cash inflow from returns on                          
investments and servicing of financing        474     514
UK corporation tax paid                    (2,715) (1,414)
Capital expenditure and financial                        
Purchase of tangible fixed assets            (170)   (160)
Purchase of intangible fixed assets       (22,112)   (672)
Proceeds on disposal of tangible fixed          
assets                                          -      23
Net cash outflow from capital                            
expenditure and financial investment      
Acquisitions and disposals                (22,282)   (809)       
Purchase of subsidiary undertaking         (2,278)      -
Equity dividends paid                        (585)   (499)
Management of liquid resources                           
Cash transfers from/(to) deposit            
accounts                                    4,928  (2,928)       
Net cash outflow before financing          (9,075) (1,774)
Issue of shares                            15,680   5,181
Increase in cash                            6,605   3,407


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