Group Financial Review 
Group revenue for the half year ended 30 September 2018 grew by 30% to US$330.8 
million from US$254.0 million in the comparable period. The contribution to 
revenue by the different segments of the Group is set out in Note 4. 
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation "EBITDA" for the 
period rose by 107% to US$31.5 million from the previous year's result of 
US$15.2 million. The contribution to EBITDA by the different segments of the 
Group is set out in Note 4. 
Profit after tax grew by 464% to US$15.3 million from US$2.7 million achieved 
the previous year.  Profit after tax for the six month period ended 30 
September 2018 had surpassed the result for the full financial year ended 31 
March 2018 of US$7.7 million by 99%. 
Progress is being made in raising long term finance. On completion, short term 
loans and overdue current liabilities will be paid off. 
Segment Commentary 
TM Supermarkets trading as TM and PnP 
Revenue for the period amounted to US$305.6 million, a growth of 32% from 
US$232.0 million in the previous year. The rise in revenue was underpinned by a 
considerable growth in the number of units sold. 
EBITDA for the period grew by 65% to US$21.8 million. Profit after tax grew by 
106% to US$13.9 million from US$6.7 million in the previous year. 
Refurbishment works are in progress at five branches with completion expected 
before the commencement of the festive season. 
Revenue grew by 21% to US$15.7 million from US$12.9 million achieved during the 
six months ended 30 September 2017. Average international bulk tea export price 
for the period was US$1.68/kg compared to US$1.65/kg in the six months period 
to 30 September 2017. Bulk tea production of 3 886 tonnes grew by 26% from 3 
077 tonnes produced in the comparative prior year period. 
The volume of Macadamia nuts sales grew by 70% to 374 tonnes. Average price of 
US$4.82/kg was 16% above US$4.14/kg realised in the previous period. 
Avocadoes' results will be reflected in the second half of the year. 
EBITDA for six months ended 30 September 2018 grew by 181% to US$8.4 million 
from US$3.0 million generated during the comparable period. Profit after tax 
grew to US$5.6 million from US$0.6 million in the previous year. 
Revenue grew by 19% to US$10.3 million from US$8.7 million achieved during same 
period last year. At Meikles Hotel revenue per available room "RevPAR" rose by 
35% underpinned by growth of both room occupancy and average room rate. The 
Victoria Falls Hotel RevPAR grew to US$198 from US$188 achieved the previous 
EBITDA grew by 60% to US$3.4 million from US$2.1 million in the previous year. 
Profit after tax from continuing operations for the six month's period was 
US$1.4 million, a growth of 175% above the previous year. 
Refurbishment works at The Victoria Falls Hotel will commence during the last 
quarter of our financial year. 
Meikles Stores 
Meikles Mega Market operations closed during the period under review due to 
working capital constraints. EBITDA for the period was a loss of US$1.2 million 
compared with a loss of US$1.8 million in the previous year. Funding 
arrangements for working capital requirements are being secured and new store 
models are being developed. 
Amount owed by Government 
The Company reaffirms the position as set out in the 2018 Annual Report.  There 
are expectations that final written agreements on this matter will be concluded 
very shortly. 
The trend of greatly increased profit earned in the first six months of the 
current financial year has continued into the first period of the second six 
In view of the profit for the six month's period ended 30 September 2018 and 
the ongoing restructuring of short term loans, the board declared an interim 
dividend of US$0.012 per share payable either as scrip or cash. The total 
dividend will amount to approximately US$3.1 million. A full dividend 
announcement will be published separately in due course. 
I would like to extend my appreciation to our customers, suppliers, 
shareholders and regulatory authorities for their continued support. I would 
also like to extend my appreciation to my fellow Directors, and to management 
and staff for their dedication and commitment. 
JRT Moxon 
Executive Chairman 
13 November 2018 
                                                         Unaudited  Unaudited    Audited 
                                                            30 Sep     30 Sep   31 March 
                                                              2018       2017       2018 
                                                           US$ 000    US$ 000    US$ 000 
Revenue                                                    330,830    253,989    534,930 
Net operating costs                                      (305,881)  (245,151)  (508,197) 
Operating profit                                            24,949      8,838     26,733 
Investment income                                               20         34        271 
Finance costs                                              (4,412)    (3,440)    (8,640) 
Net exchange gains / (losses)                                1,163       (37)      (468) 
Loss recognised on discounting Treasury Bills                    -        (6)        (6) 
Fair value adjustments on biological assets                     78          -      1,336 
Profit before tax                                           21,798      5,389     19,226 
Income tax expense                                         (6,466)    (2,672)   (11,533) 
Profit for the period from continuing operations            15,332      2,717      7,693 
Profit for the period from discontinued operation                -        554        501 
Profit for the period                                       15,332      3,271      8,194 
Other comprehensive income, net of tax 
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to 
profit or loss: 
Reclassification adjustment relating to 
available-for-sale financial assets disposed of in               -         47         47 
the current period 
Other comprehensive income for the period, net of                -         47         47 
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE PERIOD                   15,332      3,318      8,241 
Profit for the period attributable to: 
     Owners of the parent                                    8,520       (41)      (829) 
     Non-controlling interests                               6,812      3,312      9,023 
                                                            15,332      3,271      8,194 
Total comprehensive income is attributable to: 
     Owners of the parent                                    8,520          6      (782) 
     Non-controlling interests                               6,812      3,312      9,023 
                                                            15,332      3,318      8,241 
Earnings / (loss) per share (cents) 
Basic                                                         3.33     (0.02)     (0.32) 
Diluted                                                       3.12     (0.01)     (0.31) 
Headline earnings / loss per share (cents)                    3.46     (0.29)       0.08 
Diluted headline earnings / loss per share (cents)            3.24     (0.27)       0.08 
                                                          Unaudited  Unaudited    Audited 
                                                             30 Sep     30 Sep   31 March 
                                                               2018       2017       2018 
                                                            US$ 000    US$ 000    US$ 000 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                               183,094    173,253    175,267 
Investment property                                             237        241        239 
Investment in Mentor Africa Limited                          20,046     20,046     20,046 
Biological assets                                             1,407      1,262      1,299 
Intangible assets                                               124        124        124 
Other financial assets                                       11,803     11,823     11,815 
Deferred tax                                                    264      3,859        121 
Total non-current assets                                    216,975    210,608    208,911 
Current assets 
Inventories                                                  47,324     30,710     43,870 
Trade and other receivables                                  15,679     16,639     17,341 
Biological assets - produce on bearer plants                  2,482      1,195      2,810 
Other financial assets                                        3,346      3,419      3,383 
Cash and bank balances                                       54,845     27,552     34,175 
Total current assets                                        123,676     79,515    101,579 
Total assets                                                340,651    290,123    310,490 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital                                                 2,562      2,538      2,562 
Share premium                                                 1,469      1,316      1,469 
Other reserves                                               12,559     12,559     12,559 
Retained earnings                                            91,374     83,642     82,854 
Equity attributable to equity holders of the                107,963    100,055     99,444 
Non-controlling interests                                    42,786     30,188     36,241 
Total  equity                                               150,750    130,243    135,685 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                                                   13,455     15,446     17,309 
Deferred tax                                                 21,311     18,551     19,189 
Total non-current liabilities                                34,766     33,997     36,498 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                                     98,318     75,067     82,334 
Borrowings                                                   56,817     50,816     55,973 
Total current liabilities                                   155,135    125,883    138,307 
Total liabilities                                           189,901    159,880    174,805 
Total equity and liabilities                                340,651    290,123    310,490 
                                Share   Share                   Attributable  Non-controlling   Total 
                              capital premium    Other Retained  to owners of       interests 
                                              reserves earnings        parent 
                                  US$     US$ US$ 000   US$ 000       US$ 000         US$ 000     US$ 
                                  000     000                                                     000 
2018 - Unaudited 
Balance at 1 April 2018         2,562   1,469   12,559   82,854        99,444          36,241 135,685 
(Loss) / profit for the             -       -        -    8,520         8,520           6,812  15,332 
Other comprehensive income          -       -        -        -             -               -       - 
for the period 
Non-controlling interests           -                                       -           (267)   (267) 
arising from Mopani Property                -        -        - 
Development (Private) Limited 
Balance at 30 September 2018    2,562   1,469   12,559   91,374       107,964          42,786 150,750 
2017 - Unaudited 
Balance at 1 April 2017         2,538   1,316   12,512   83,683       100,049          28,591 128,640 
(Loss) / profit for the             -       -        -     (41)          (41)           3,312   3,271 
Other comprehensive income          -       -       47        -            47               -      47 
for the period 
Non-controlling interests           -                                       -         (1,715) (1,715) 
arising from Mopani Property                -        -        - 
Development (Private) Limited 
Balance at 30 September 2017    2,538   1,316   12,559   83,642       100,055          30,188 130,243 
                                                            Unaudited Unaudited     Audited 
                                                               30 Sep    30 Sep    31 March 
                                                                 2018      2017        2018 
CONTINUING AND DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                       US$ 000    US$ 000     US$ 000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
Profit before tax                                              21,798     5,943      19,226 
Adjustments for: 
- Depreciation and impairment of property, plant and            6,571     6,658 
equipment and investment property                                                    13,311 
- Net interest                                                  4,391     3,399       8,415 
- Dividend income                                                   -         -        (53) 
- Net exchange (gains) / losses                               (1,163)        37         468 
- Profit on disposal of subsidiary                                  -     (768)       (768) 
- Fair value adjustments on biological assets                    (78)         -     (1,336) 
- Loss recognised on discounting Treasury Bills                     -         6           6 
- Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                83       176       1,545 
Operating cash flow before working capital changes             31,602    15,451      41,368 
(Increase)/decrease in inventories                            (3,454)     3,757     (9,403) 
Decrease / (increase) in trade and other receivables            1,647   (2,963)     (3,627) 
Increase in trade and other payables                           15,347     4,289      11,895 
Cash generated from operations                                 45,142    20,534      40,233 
Income taxes paid                                             (3,848)   (1,567)     (6,447) 
Net cash generated from operating activities                   41,294    18,967      33,786 
Cash flows from investing activities 
Payment for property, plant and equipment                    (14,612)   (7,465)    (17,717) 
Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and                     160       117         350 
Proceeds from sale of Treasury Bills and coupon                     -     3,075       3,075 
Net movement in service assets                                   (26)      (73)        (89) 
Net movement in other  investments                                 52       816         847 
Net movement in biological assets                                 298       557         241 
Net cash inflow on disposal of subsidiary                           -     1,060       1,060 
Investment income                                                  18        12         208 
Net cash used in investing activities                        (14,110)   (1,901)    (12,025) 
Cash flows from financing activities 
Net (decrease) / increase in interest bearing                 (3,010)        45       7,064 
Non-controlling interests arising from Mopani                   (267)         - 
Property Development (Private)                                                          519 
Finance costs                                                 (4,412)   (3,444)     (8,640) 
Dividend paid - minority shareholders                               -   (1,715)     (1,715) 
Net cash used in financing activities                         (7,689)   (5,114)     (2,772) 
Net increase in cash and bank balances                         19,495    11,952      18,989 
Cash and bank balances at the beginning of the                 34,175    15,637      15,637 
Net effect of exchange rate changes on cash and bank            1,175      (37)       (451) 
Cash and bank balances at the end of the period                54,845    27,552      34,175 
1. Basis of preparation 
The abridged unaudited financial results are prepared from statutory records 
that are maintained under the historical cost basis except for biological 
assets and certain financial instruments which are measured at fair value. 
Historical cost is generally based on the fair value of the consideration given 
in exchange for assets. These abridged financial results are presented in 
United States of America dollars (US$), which is the Group's functional 
currency. In the current environment the determination of functional currency 
is a significant judgement area. These abridged unaudited financial results do 
not fully comply with IFRS and should be read in conjunction with the Group's 
annual report for the full year to 31 March 2018. 
2. Accounting policies 
Accounting policies and methods of computation applied in the preparation of 
these abridged unaudited financial results are consistent, in all material 
respects, with those used in the prior year. The effects of IFRS 9 and IFRS 15, 
effective in the current year shall be included in the full year results to 31 
March 2019 
3. Going concern 
The Directors assess the ability of the Group to continue in operational 
existence in the foreseeable future at each reporting date. As at 30 September 
2018, the Directors have assessed the Group's ability to continue operating as 
a going concern and believe that the preparation of these unaudited financial 
results on a going concern basis is still appropriate. 
4. Segment information 
                                                           Unaudited Unaudited    Audited 
                                                              30 Sep    30 Sep   31 March 
                                                                2018      2017       2018 
                                                             US$ 000   US$ 000    US$ 000 
Supermarkets                                                 305,557   231,973    487,822 
Agriculture                                                   15,667    12,927     28,847 
Hotels                                                        10,343     8,685     17,646 
Departmental stores                                              415     1,040      1,881 
Wholesaling                                                        -        89        224 
Corporate*                                                   (1,152)     (725)    (1,490) 
                                                             330,830   253,989    534,930 
Supermarkets                                                  21,767    13,229     34,514 
Agriculture                                                    8,387     2,980     10,289 
Hotels                                                         3,363     2,101      4,063 
Departmental stores                                          (1,188)     (825)    (2,218) 
Wholesaling                                                        -     (948)    (1,998) 
Corporate*                                                     (811)   (1,277)    (3,570) 
                                                              31,518    15,260     41,080 
Segment assets 
Supermarkets                                                 154,656   108,937    126,701 
Agriculture                                                   89,283    76,451     85,582 
Hotels                                                        46,917    46,467     46,966 
Departmental stores                                           22,598    26,473     23,446 
Wholesaling                                                        -     4,988      1,071 
Corporate*                                                    27,197    26,807     26,724 
                                                             340,651   290,123    310,490 
Segment liabilities 
Supermarkets                                                  70,493    50,479     56,148 
Agriculture                                                   30,778    29,557     32,779 
Hotels                                                        22,020    22,263     23,515 
Departmental stores                                           28,631    18,108     18,999 
Wholesaling                                                        -    10,237     10,032 
Corporate*                                                    37,979    29,236     33,332 
                                                             189,901   159,880    174,805 
*Intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated from the corporate 
amounts. Corporate also includes other subsidiaries that are immaterial to 
warrant separate disclosure. 
The EBITDA figures are before Group management fees. 
                                                           Unaudited Unaudited    Audited 
                                                              30 Sep    30 Sep   31 March 
                                                                2018      2017       2018 
5. Other information                                         US$ 000   US$ 000    US$ 000 
Capital commitments authorised but not contracted for          8,971     3,000     23,583 
Group's share of capital commitments of joint operation        3,000     3,000      3,000 
6. Net borrowings 
Non-current borrowings                                        13,455    15,446     17,309 
Current borrowings                                            56,817 50,816        55,973 
Total borrowings                                              70,272    66,262     73,282 
Cash and cash equivalents                                   (54,845)  (27,552)   (34,175) 
Net borrowings                                                15,427    38,710     39,107 
Secured                                                       64,627    55,453     57,505 
Unsecured                                                      5,645    10,809     15,777 
                                                              70,272    66,262     73,282 
The weighted average cost of borrowings for the period was 13.86% per annum (31 
March 2018: 13.39% per annum). 
  * US$1.8 million (31 March 2018: US$1.8 million) worth of borrowings are 
    secured by inventories. 
  * US$4.2 million (31 March 2018: US$4.1 million) worth of borrowings are 
    secured by receivables. 
  * US$19.3 million (31 March 2018: US$22.2 million) worth of borrowings are 
    secured by a negative pledge over assets. 
  * US$6.3 million (31 March 2018: US$27.8 million) worth of borrowings are 
    secured by mortgage bonds over freehold land and buildings with a carrying 
    amount of US$43.4 million (31 March 2018: US$45.6 million). 
The Group has issued cross company guarantees worth US$53.1 million (31 March 
2018: US$42.1 million) for Group borrowing facilities. 
6.2   Breach of loan covenants 
During the current period, the Group was in default on some of its loan 
covenants with financial institutions. Details of loans in default as at 30 
September 2018 are as follows: 
  * S$17.1 million (31 March 2018: US$16.1 million) secured borrowing, carrying 
    interest at 12% p.a. The loan is currently on overdraft and fundraising 
    activities to mobillise long term finance to expunge all short term loans 
    are underway. 
  * US$2.5 million (31 March 2018: US$2.4 million) secured borrowing, carrying 
    interest at 11% p.a. The loan expired on 30 September 2018. 
  * US$2.8 million (31 March 2018: US$3.7 million) unsecured borrowing, 
    carrying interest at 11% p.a. The loan expired on 31 May 2018. 
  * US$10.6 million (31 March 2018: US$9.4 million) unsecured borrowing, 
    carrying interest at 24% p.a. The loan expired on 30 June 2018. 
  * Loan instalments and interest amounting to US$1.3 million (31 March 2018: 
    US$1.1 million) were in arrears as at 30 September 2018 for a loan of 
    US$1.7 million (31 March 2018: US$2.7 million) expiring on 31 January 2019. 
  * Loan instalments amounting to US$180,000 (31 March 2018: US$373,000) were 
    in arrears as at 30 September 2018 for a loan of US$4.0 million (31 March 
    2018: US$4.7 million) expiring on 31 July 2021. 
  * US$4.9 million (31 March 2018: US$4.6 million) unsecured borrowing, 
    carrying interest at 18% p.a. The loan expired on 31 October 2017 and is 
    now subject of litigation. 
  * US$468,500 (31 March 2018: US$432,678) unsecured borrowing, carrying 
    interest at 15% p.a. The loan expired on 23 July 2017 and is now subject of 
Meikles Limited Website : http://www.meiklesltd.com/ 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 19, 2018 04:25 ET (09:25 GMT)

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