27 April 2009 
Property Recycling Group plc (AIM: PROP), which acquires and improves 
brownfield sites  before selling  them to  developers or  end  users, 
announces its results for the year ended 31 December 2008. 
For further information please contact: 
Paul Rackham, Chairman,                       01953 717176 
Property Recycling Group plc 
Geoff Nash/Leslie Kent                       020 7600 1658 
FinnCap (Nominated adviser and joint broker) 
John Webb/Robert Luetchford                  020 7490 3788 
Marshall Securities Limited (Joint broker) 
The report and financial  statements for the  year ended 31  December 
2008 are expected to be posted to shareholders by 1 May 2009.  Copies 
of  the  accounts  will  be  available  on  the  Company's   website: 
The Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 10.30  a.m. 
on 2 June 2009 at the  offices of Mayer Brown International LLP,  201 
Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AF. 
Visit our website: www.propertyrecycling.co.uk 
The economic  environment which  I described  in September  2008  has 
worsened considerably. The virtual collapse of the banking system and 
the knock on impact to the  real economy have created a breakdown  in 
the property market. I see little  prospect of an improvement in  the 
foreseeable  future  and  I  believe  that  many  commentators   have 
underestimated the depth and length of the current downturn. There is 
little evidence of  the low  interest rate  environment described  by 
government ministers feeding through to property businesses, in  fact 
the contrary. 
During the year we made  two property acquisitions and no  disposals. 
We have  continued our  policy  to maximise  income from  short  term 
lettings, although  the income  is no  longer adequate  to cover  our 
operating costs. The Group has low gearing and continues to move with 
extreme caution in respect of acquisitions and expenses. 
Financial results 
In the year  ended 31  December 2008  the Group  achieved revenue  of 
GBP0.88 million  (2007:  GBP0.97  million).  There  was  no  income  from 
property sales in  2008 (2007: GBP0.09  million). Administrative  costs 
were almost unchanged from  the previous year  at GBP0.90 million.  The 
loss before tax was GBP0.20 million (2007: profit GBP0.23 million).  Loss 
per share was 0.51p (2007: earnings  0.80p). At 31 December 2008  the 
Group had  net borrowings  of GBP2.20  million (2007:  net funds  GBP0.54 
In the  light of  the results  for  the year  and the  prospect  that 
economic conditions will continue to  be difficult for some time  the 
Directors recommend that no dividend be paid. 
Property portfolio 
The portfolio comprises eight properties totalling 346 hectares. 
In April  2008  we completed  the  acquisition of  this  121  hectare 
freehold site  at  Kentford  near  Newmarket  in  Suffolk  for  GBP2.05 
million. The site has three dwellings which are let and  agricultural 
land, some of which is let.  The property has been considered in  the 
past for  substantial  development  and  we  believe  it  will  offer 
significant opportunity in the longer term. 
We acquired  this  vacant freehold  17  hectare site  at  Welford  in 
Northamptonshire for  GBP0.58 million  at the  end of  2008. The  site, 
which  is  located  at  the  junction  of  the  A14  and  the  A5199, 
approximately 5 miles from the Cathorpe interchange of the Ml and the 
M6, has planning permission for the full range of motorway services. 
Freehold 8 hectare site  located adjacent to  the A1, midway  between 
Stamford and Grantham, has  planning consent for general  industrial, 
storage and distribution use. There are a number of storage buildings 
on the  site amounting  to  220,000 sq.  ft. of  which  approximately 
three-quarters are let. 
Freehold vacant  37 hectare  site  located near  Bury St  Edmunds  in 
Suffolk. The site has  the benefit of  an existing planning  approval 
for an 111,480 sq m distribution  centre granted in August 2006.   In 
the first half of 2008 our  agents marketed the property but none  of 
the potential enquirers had the capacity to implement a transaction. 
Freehold  50  hectare  site  near  Scunthorpe  in  Lincolnshire  with 
industrial / commercial planning permission. A three year option  was 
granted over five hectares of the  site in August 2007 in  connection 
with a potential biomass plant. We have made a major submission under 
the Local Development  Framework for  a mixed  residential/commercial 
development on part of the site.   Some of the buildings on the  site 
are let. 
Fornham Park 
Freehold 89 hectare  site located  near Bury St  Edmunds in  Suffolk. 
Approximately half  of the  site  has planning  approval for  a  golf 
course and 28 log cabins. Following the sale of a part of the site in 
2006 and 2007 for development as five residential properties, we have 
been actively working on  the balance of this  site which we  believe 
has  considerable  future  potential.  In  the  meantime  we  receive 
agricultural rental in respect of approximately half of the site. 
Freehold 20 hectare  investment property located  near Huntingdon  in 
Cambridgeshire, let to ADAS Consulting Limited on a ten year  lease. 
We continue to work  with our tenant to  maximise the future  earning 
potential of the  undeveloped land  and to  establish the  site as  a 
centre of excellence for composting technology. 
Stoke Holy Cross 
Freehold 5 hectare site  outside Norwich in  Norfolk. A former  radar 
base. This is a longer term  site which will require the  acquisition 
of additional  land  to maximise  potential  and in  due  course  the 
preparation of a master plan. 
Sam Wauchope, who has  been a non-executive  director of the  Company 
since flotation, has indicated that due to increasing demands on  his 
time from his other business activities he wishes to resign from  the 
board. He  will  stand  down  with  effect  from  the  close  of  the 
forthcoming annual general meeting. I would like to record my own and 
the Board's thanks to  Sam for his advice  and valuable support  over 
the years. We wish him well for the future. 
We see little prospect of property sales at acceptable prices in  the 
current financial year.  We expect  this to be  a long  haul and  are 
seeking to minimise our  expenses and retain as  much of our  letting 
income as  is possible  at a  time when  several of  our tenants  are 
experiencing difficult trading conditions.  We are working with  some 
tenants to restructure their rental obligations in order to avoid the 
costs and  income  disruption to  the  Group associated  with  tenant 
We continue to  believe that the  portfolio will deliver  shareholder 
value in the long term. 
Paul Rackham 
Executive Chairman 
27 April 2009 
Year ended 31 December 2008 
                                        Year ended         Year ended 
                                       31 December        31 December 
                                              2008               2007 
                                  Note           GBP                  GBP 
Revenue                            3      880,944            970,101 
Cost of sales                                                      - 
Gross profit                              739,144            970,101 
Administrative expenses                  (899,830)         (938,663) 
Operating (loss)/profit                  (160,686)            31,438 
Investment revenue                         50,969            284,542 
Finance costs                             (90,137)           (86,385) 
(Loss)/profit before tax                 (199,854)           229,595 
Tax credit                         4        16,082            61,375 
(Loss)/profit for the year               (183,772)           290,970 
attributable to equity holders of 
the parent 
(Loss)/earnings per share          6 
Basic (pence)                               (0.51)              0.80 
Diluted (pence)                             (0.51)              0.80 
In 2008 and 2007 all results derived from continuing operations. 
Year ended 31 December 2008 
                                            Year         Year 
                                           ended        ended 
                                     31 December  31 December 
                                Note        2008         2007 
                                               GBP            GBP 
Balance at 1 January                 11,217,380   11,273,647 
(Loss)/profit for the year             (183,772)     290,970 
Dividends paid                     5   (253,400)    (434,400) 
Increase in equity reserve               53,548       40,338 
Increase in revaluation reserve           3,955       46,825 
Balance at 31 December               10,837,711   11,217,380 
Equity  comprises  share  capital,  share  premium,  merger  reserve, 
revaluation reserve, equity reserve and retained earnings. 
31 December 2008 
                                   31 December 2008 31 December 2007 
                                                  GBP                GBP 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment              123,735          159,261 
Investment property                      2,962,000        2,962,000 
Finance lease receivables                   71,718           88,218 
Deferred tax asset                               -            1,066 
                                         3,157,453        3,210,545 
Current assets 
Inventories                             10,161,220        7,477,515 
Finance lease receivables                   16,500           16,500 
Trade and other receivables                446,551          773,634 
Current tax assets                          26,684                 - 
Cash and cash equivalents                   18,007        1,734,929 
                                        10,668,962       10,002,578 
Total assets                            13,826,415       13,213,123 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                  (159,671)        (172,766) 
Current tax liabilities                          -          (40,451) 
Borrowings                     7        (1,371,278)        (139,275) 
Deferred revenue                          (197,673)        (178,993) 
                                        (1,728,622)        (531,485) 
Net current assets                       8,940,340        9,471,093 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                     7          (851,608)      (1,051,920) 
Deferred tax liabilities                  (408,474)        (412,338) 
                                        (1,260,082)      (1,464,258) 
Total liabilities                       (2,988,704)      (1,995,743) 
Net assets                              10,837,711       11,217,380 
Share capital                            1,810,000        1,810,000 
Share premium account                    6,428,529        6,428,529 
Merger reserve                             821,833          821,833 
Revaluation reserve                      1,696,035        1,692,080 
Equity reserve                             159,032          105,484 
Retained (losses)/earnings                 (77,718)         359,454 
Total equity                            10,837,711       11,217,380 
Year ended 31 December 2008 
                                                     Year        Year 
                                                    ended       ended 
                                              31 December 31 December 
                                                     2008        2007 
                                     Note               GBP           GBP 
Net cash outflow from operating       8       (2,456,045) (4,529,616) 
Investing activities 
Interest paid                                    (90,137)    (86,385) 
Interest received                                 50,969     284,542 
Purchase of property, plant and                        -    (176,498) 
Net cash (deficit)/increase from 
investing activities                             (39,168)     21,659 
Financing activities 
Dividends paid                        5         (253,400)   (434,400) 
Repayments of borrowings                        (148,940)   (133,839) 
Proceeds from borrowing                         1,180,631           - 
Net cash used in financing                       778,291    (568,239) 
Net decrease in cash and cash                 (1,716,922) (5,076,196) 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
beginning of year                              1,734,929   6,811,125 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of               18,007   1,734,929 
1.         Presentation of financial information 
This financial  information does  not constitute  statutory  accounts 
within the meaning of Section 240  of the Companies Act 1985 for  the 
Group for the year ended 31  December 2008 but has been derived  from 
those accounts. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 
2008 have been reported on by the auditors without qualification  and 
such report did not contain a statement under sections 237(2) or  (3) 
of the  Companies  Act 1985.  The  accounts  for the  year  ended  31 
December 2008 will  be delivered  to the Registrar  of Companies  for 
England  and  Wales  in  due  course   and  will  also  be  sent   to 
Statutory accounts  for the  year ended  31 December  2007 have  been 
filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on  those 
accounts was unqualified,  and did  not contain  any statement  under 
Section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 
2.         Significant accounting policies 
Basis of accounting 
The financial  information  has  been  prepared  in  accordance  with 
International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRSs). 
The financial information  has been prepared  on the historical  cost 
basis. The principal accounting policies adopted were set out in  the 
statutory accounts  for  the year  ended  31 December  2007  and  are 
included in the  statutory accounts  for the year  ended 31  December 
3.      Revenue and segmental information 
Revenue for the year comprises the invoiced value of property  sales, 
property rentals and other goods  and services which fall within  the 
Group's ordinary activities  after deduction of  trade discounts  and 
value added  tax.   Income from  operating  leases is  accounted  for 
according to the terms of the leases. 
An analysis of the Group's revenue is as follows: 
                              Year        Year 
                             ended       ended 
                       31 December 31 December 
                              2008        2007 
                                 GBP           GBP 
Sale of properties              -       87,500 
Property rental income    859,976      829,729 
Other income               20,968       52,872 
                          880,944      970,101 
Investment revenue         50,969      284,542 
                          931,913    1,254,643 
Business segments 
For management purposes, the Group is organised into one segment 
being the sale or rental of property.  Analysis of the Group's 
revenue between sale of property and rental income is presented 
Geographical segments 
The company  operates solely  from the  UK and  management  considers 
there to be only one geographical segment. 
4.      Tax 
                                                     Year        Year 
                                                    ended       ended 
                                              31 December 31 December 
                                                     2008        2007 
                                                        GBP           GBP 
Current tax (credit)                             (17,239)     42,315 
Deferred tax                                       1,157    (103,690) 
Total tax (credit) on profit on ordinary         (16,082)    (61,375) 
Corporation tax is  calculated at  28% (2007: 30%)  of the  estimated 
assessable profit for the year. 
The charge  for the  year can  be reconciled  to the  profit per  the 
income statement as follows: 
                                 Year     Year        Year       Year 
                                ended    ended       ended      ended 
                          31 December       31 31 December         31 
                                 2008 December        2007   December 
                                    GBP     2008           GBP       2007 
                                             %                      % 
(Loss)/profit before tax:   (199,854)             229,595 
Tax at the UK corporation 
tax rate of 28% (2007:       (55,959)   (28.0)     68,878       30.0 
Tax effect of expenses 
that are not deductible 
in determining taxable          7,139      3.5     10,774        4.7 
Permanent differences re            -        -    (33,498)     (14.6) 
Impact of abolition of 
allowances/charges on        (18,007)    (9.0)   (137,783)     (60.0) 
Tax effect of utilisation 
of tax losses not 
previously recognised               -        -     (1,704)      (0.7) 
Increase in unrecognised 
deferred tax  re tax           26,305     13.2       7,609        3.3 
Tax effect of 
unrecognised deferred tax 
on share based payments        14,994      7.5      12,104        5.3 
Change in deferred tax              -        -     (7,532)      (3.3) 
Marginal relief                     -        -     (3,689)      (1.5) 
Tax effect of losses 
surrendered in previous        26,686     13.4           -          - 
Prior year adjustment re 
current tax                  (17,240)    (8.6)      1,864        0.7 
Prior year adjustment re 
deferred tax                        -        -      21,602        9.4 
Tax expense and effective 
tax rate for the year                            (61,375)      (26.7) 
                             (16,082)    (8.0) 
In addition to the amount  charged to the income statement,  deferred 
tax relating to  the revaluation of  the Group's investment  property 
amounting to  GBP3,955 (2007:  GBP46,825) has  been charged  directly  to 
5.      Dividends 
                                                     Year        Year 
                                                    ended       ended 
                                              31 December 31 December 
                                                     2008        2007 
                                                        GBP           GBP 
Amounts recognised as distributions to 
equity holders in the period: 
Final dividend for the year ended 31 
December 2007                                     253,400     253,400 
of 0.7p (2006: 0.7p) per share. 
Interim dividend for the year ended 31 
December 2008                                           -     181,000 
of Nil p (2007: 0.5p) per share. 
                                                  253,400     434,400 
Proposed final dividend for the year ended 31 
December 2008 of Nil p (2007: 0.7p) per share.              - 253,400 
6.     (Loss)/earnings per share 
The  calculation  of  earnings   per  share  arising  on   continuing 
activities for the current  year is based on  the loss on  continuing 
activities for the year  of GBP183,772 (2007:  profit of GBP290,970)  and 
the  weighted  average   number  of  shares   of  36,200,000   (2007: 
36,200,000).  The Company  had 36,200,000  shares in issue  as at  31 
December 2008. 
                                           Year        Year 
                                          ended       ended 
                                    31 December 31 December 
                                           2008        2007 
(Loss)/earnings per share (pence) 
- continuing operations                  (0.51)        0.80 
The calculation  of  diluted  (loss)/earnings per  share  arising  on 
continuing activities is calculated by adjusting the weighted average 
number of shares to assume conversion of share options.  The adjusted 
weighted average number of shares is 36,200,000 (2007: 36,200,000). 
                                           Year        Year 
                                          ended       ended 
                                    31 December 31 December 
                                           2008        2007 
(Loss)/earnings per share (pence) 
- continuing operations                  (0.51)        0.80 
7.         Borrowings 
                                           31 December 31 December 
                                                  2008        2007 
                                                     GBP           GBP 
Secured borrowing at amortised cost 
Bank overdrafts                              1,180,631           - 
Bank loans                                   1,042,255   1,191,195 
                                             2,222,886   1,191,195 
Amount due for settlement within 12 months   1,371,278     139,275 
Amount due for settlement after 12 months      851,608   1,051,920 
                                             2,222,886   1,191,195 
The principal features of the Group's borrowings are as follows: 
Bank overdrafts are  repayable on demand.   An overdraft facility  of 
GBP1.8 million (2007: GBP1,000,000) dated 14 March 2008, had been secured 
by a  charge  over  two  of  the  Group's  properties.   The  average 
effective interest rate on bank  overdraft for the year  approximated 
5.77%   and was determined  based on 1¿% plus  bank base rate.  On  7 
April 2009 the Group secured  its position with Lloyds Banking  Group 
converting its  overdraft facility  of  GBP1,800,000 into  a  revolving 
credit facility for a term of three years at an interest rate of 2.5% 
over 3 month LIBOR with a 1.5% non utilisation fee. 
The Group has one principal bank loan.  The loan of GBP1,042,255 (2007: 
GBP1,191,195) is secured by a charge over one of the Group's properties 
dated 27 September 2004.  The payments commenced on 20 December  2004 
and will  continue until  20  September 2014.   The loan  carries  an 
interest rate of 1% over Lloyds Banking Group base rate. 
The weighted  average interest  rates paid  during the  year were  as 
                31 December 31 December 
                       2008        2007 
                          GBP           GBP 
Bank overdrafts       5.77%           - 
Bank loans            5.67%       6.51% 
8.         Notes to the cash flow statement 
                                               Year ended  Year ended 
                                              31 December 31 December 
                                                     2008        2007 
                                                        GBP           GBP 
(Loss)/profit for the year                      (183,772)    290,970 
Adjustment for: 
Investment revenues                              (50,969)   (284,542) 
Finance costs                                     90,137      86,385 
Income tax (credit)/expense                      (16,082)    (61,375) 
Depreciation of property, plant and equipment     35,526      17,876 
Losses on disposals of property, plant and             -       1,122 
Share based payment expense                       53,548      40,338 
Operating cash flows before movements in 
working capital                                 (71,612)      90,774 
Increase in inventories                       (2,683,705) (4,918,718) 
Decrease in receivables                          343,583     632,492 
Increase/(decrease) in payables                    5,585    (267,892) 
Cash absorbed in operations                   (2,406,149) (4,463,344) 
Tax paid                                         (49,896)    (66,272) 
Net cash from operating activities            (2,456,045) (4,529,616) 
Cash and cash equivalents (which are  presented as a single class  of 
assets on the face  of the balance sheet)  comprise cash at bank  and 
other short-term highly liquid investments with an original  maturity 
of one month or less. 
9.         Analysis and reconciliation of net funds 
                          At                                       At 
                   1 January        Cash         Non-cash 31 December 
                        2008        Flow         Movement        2008 
                           GBP           GBP                GBP           GBP 
Cash and cash     1,734,929  (1,716,922)                -     18,007 
Borrowings due 
after more than  (1,051,920)           -         200,312    (851,608) 
one year 
Borrowings due     (139,275) (1,031,691)        (200,312) (1,371,278) 
within one year 
Total net funds     543,734  (2,748,613)               -  (2,204,879) 
                                              31 December 31 December 
                                                     2008        2007 
                                                        GBP           GBP 
Decrease in cash and liquid resources in year (1,716,922) (5,076,196) 
Cash outflow from decrease in debt            (1,031,691)    133,839 
Change in net funds resulting from cash flows (2,748,613) (4,942,357) 
Net funds at beginning of year                   543,734   5,486,091 
Net (deficit)/funds at end of year            (2,204,879)    543,734 
This announcement was originally distributed by Hugin. The issuer is 
solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 

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