RNS Number : 0971O

Bluebird Energy PLC

08 October 2012



Final Results for the Year Ended 30 June 2012

Bluebird Energy PLC ("Bluebird" or "the Company") is pleased to announce its final results for the year ended 30 June 2012.

 Bluebird Energy plc           www.bluebirdenergy.net 
 James Ede-Golightly              +44 (0) 1225 428139 
 WH Ireland Limited              www.wh-ireland.co.uk 
 John Wakefield/Marc Davies      +44 (0) 117 945 3470 

Chairman's Statement

Bluebird's first year as a public company has been a difficult and disappointing one. A strategy is now underway to consolidate the remaining balance sheet value prior to either renewed investment or return of capital to shareholders.

In July 2011, Bluebird obtained admission to the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange, accompanied by an institutional placing raising GBP2 million before expenses and a further amount of approximately GBP0.2 million by means of an Open Offer.

Following admission to AIM, the Company commenced a strategic review in August. This review was triggered by Running Foxes sale of its operator interest at the Centurion project in Kansas, in which Bluebird held a net 50% working interest. Centurion was Bluebird's only producing asset.

In October the Centurion interest was sold for gross proceeds of US$3.1m and impairments on the US portfolio of over US$15m were subsequently recognised on publication of the June 2011 year end accounts. David Bramhill stepped down as executive chairman in December 2011.

In 2012, the residual value in Bluebird is predominantly represented by the Company's stake in Wessex Exploration and cash balances, which can be summarised as follows:

  37,055,245 Wessex Shares     GBP2.59m 
     at 7.38p (being the 
  closing price on 3 October 
   Cash balance at 30 June     GBP1.28m 

In the US, Solitaire is the only asset to which the Company has continued to assign any meaningful value. The Company is in the process of marketing this asset for farm-out or sale. Whilst the decline and on-going weakness in the gas price has diminished interest in Solitaire as a Niobrara biogenic shallow gas play, we are evaluating whether the acreage may have potential as a Mississippian oil play. Elsewhere in the US portfolio, the focus is on securing a complete exit from the Marcellus and Revloc Projects at minimal cost. Specifically, the operator at Revloc is currently in the process of commissioning contractors to Plug and Abandon seven wells in Cambria County, Pennsylvania.

Having received notification from the Irish government licensing agency, the Petroleum Affairs Division, that they do not propose granting any new authorisations for shale gas exploration in the near future, we do not intend to focus on this jurisdiction as an area for development.

Upon my appointment in March 2012, the Board commenced a cost reduction programme which is on-going and is intended to minimise the strain of working capital on cash balances. While operating costs fell by more than half in the six months ended 30 June 2012 compared to the prior half year, the cost reduction initiatives are on-going and the Board expects a further significant reduction in operating costs in the current financial year.

In June 2012, Bluebird distributed just under half of its holding in Wessex Exploration PLC to shareholders by way of a GBP2.15m dividend in specie. This decision reflected enthusiasm from shareholders for a return of capital as well as the Board's conclusion that Bluebird was not creating additional value for shareholders through its custody of this interest.

Board Changes

Due to other work commitments, Andy Yeo and Frederick Dekker decided to step down with effect from 28 September 2012. We would like thank Andy and Fred for their contributions to the Company and wish them well for the future.

Given the reduced level of activity in the group, I will assume executive responsibilities on an interim basis with support from Mike Thomsen, who represents Osceola's interests in the US. The need to recruit a board level executive function will be kept under review.

We announced recently the appointment of Gordon Hall as an independent non-executive director. Gordon is a non-executive director of Nanoco Group Plc and International Brand Licensing plc. After an early career in teaching, Gordon built up substantial international sales, management and development expertise with Rank Xerox and Abbott Laboratories. He became Chief Executive Officer of Shield Diagnostic Ltd (now Axis Shield plc) in 1990 and was responsible for listing the Company on the London Stock Exchange.


The immediate priority is to complete the process of simplifying the asset base and operating structure while reducing overheads to conserve cash. Once completed, the Company will be suitably positioned either to pursue renewed investment or return capital to shareholders.

Consolidated Income Statement

for the year ended 30 June 2012

                                                      Notes          2012           2011 
 Continuing operations:                                               US$            US$ 
 Revenue                                                            5,484          6,202 
 Gross profit                                                       5,484          6,202 
 Administrative expenses                                      (2,713,735)    (2,539,014) 
 Exceptional administrative expenses                    2       (972,283)    (9,549,233) 
 Total administrative expenses                                (3,686,018)   (12,088,247) 
 Operating loss                                         2     (3,680,534)   (12,082,045) 
 Finance income                                         4           6,952          2,134 
 Profit / (loss) on disposal of available-for-sale 
  investments                                                   2,568,779      (132,145) 
 Share of losses of associates                         11        (35,527)       (48,492) 
 Loss before taxation                                         (1,140,330)   (12,260,548) 
 Taxation                                               5         (8,074)        (7,932) 
 Loss for the financial year from continuing 
  operations                                                  (1,148,404)   (12,268,480) 
 Discontinued operations: 
 Loss for the financial year from discontinued 
  operations                                            6       (418,236)    (5,341,605) 
 Loss for the financial year                                  (1,566,640)   (17,610,085) 
 Attributable to: 
 Equity shareholders of the Company                           (1,566,640)   (17,610,085) 
 Loss per share from continuing and 
  discontinued operations 
 Basic and diluted loss per share (US 
  cents)                                                7          (0.32)         (6.94) 
 Loss per share from continuing operations 
 Basic and diluted loss per share (US 
  cents)                                                7          (0.23)         (4.83) 

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income

for the year ended 30 June 2012

                                                    Notes           2012           2011 
                                                                     US$            US$ 
 Loss for the financial year                                 (1,566,640)   (17,610,085) 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Available-for-sale financial assets: 
       Fair value gains / (losses) arising 
        during the year                                        3,806,487        (5,683) 
       Less / plus: reclassification adjustments 
        for (gains) / losses included in profit 
        or loss                                              (2,568,779)        138,753 
 Tax on gain on available-for-sale financial 
  assets                                                       (263,077)      (154,515) 
 Foreign exchange (losses) / gains on 
  consolidation                                                 (45,100)        289,410 
 Other comprehensive income for the 
  financial year net of tax                                      929,531        267,965 
 Total comprehensive income for the 
  financial year                                               (637,109)   (17,342,120) 

Consolidated Balance Sheet

as at 30 June 2012

                                         Notes          2012          2011 
 Assets                                                  US$           US$ 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment             8         771,387     1,129,546 
 Intangible assets                         9         911,932     4,620,131 
 Available-for-sale financial assets      13       3,989,558     2,751,673 
                                                   5,672,877     8,501,350 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables              14          96,576       181,328 
 Cash and cash equivalents                15       1,995,884       605,697 
                                                   2,092,460       787,025 
 Total assets                                      7,765,337     9,288,375 
 Equity and liabilities 
 Capital and reserves attributable to the Company's 
  equity shareholders 
 Share capital                            16       2,209,610     1,317,150 
 Share premium account                             5,025,369     2,536,487 
 Foreign exchange translation reserve            (2,572,253)   (2,527,153) 
 Retained earnings                                 1,433,077     5,347,821 
 Share-based payment reserve                         853,837       298,562 
 Total equity                                      6,949,640     6,972,867 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                 22         110,976     1,873,203 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Deferred tax                              5         704,721       441,644 
 Provision for associate losses           11               -           661 
 Total liabilities                                   815,697     2,315,508 
 Total equity and liabilities                      7,765,337     9,288,375 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

for the year ended 30 June 2012

                                                          Foreign exchange                  Share-based 
                                          Share premium        translation       Retained       payment 
                          Share capital         account            reserve       earnings       reserve          Total 
                                    US$             US$                US$            US$           US$            US$ 
 Balance at 1 
  July 2011                   1,317,150       2,536,487        (2,527,153)      5,347,821       298,562      6,972,867 
 For the year 
  ended 30 June 
 Loss for the 
  financial year                      -               -                  -    (1,566,640)             -    (1,566,640) 
 Other comprehensive income: 
 Fair value gain 
  on available-for-sale 
  financial assets                    -               -                  -      1,237,708             -      1,237,708 
 Tax on gain on 
  investments                         -               -                  -      (263,077)             -      (263,077) 
 Foreign exchange 
  losses on 
  consolidation                       -               -           (45,100)              -             -       (45,100) 
                         --------------  --------------  -----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                              -               -           (45,100)      (592,009)             -      (637,109) 
 Share-based payments                 -               -                  -              -       555,275        555,275 
 Issue of share 
  capital                       892,460       2,672,148                  -              -             -      3,564,608 
 Issue costs                          -       (183,266)                  -              -             -      (183,266) 
 Specie dividend                      -               -                  -    (3,322,735)             -    (3,322,735) 
 Balance at 30 
  June 2012                   2,209,610       5,025,369        (2,572,253)      1,433,077       853,837      6,949,640 
                         ==============  ==============  =================  =============  ============  ============= 
 Balance at 1 
  July 2010                   1,175,438      26,247,549        (2,816,563)    (3,268,197)       174,909     21,513,136 
 For the year 
  ended 30 June 
 Loss for the 
  financial year                      -               -                  -   (17,610,085)             -   (17,610,085) 
 Other comprehensive income: 
 Fair value gain 
  on available-for-sale 
  financial assets                    -               -                  -        133,070             -        133,070 
 Tax on gain on 
  investments                         -               -                  -      (154,516)             -      (154,516) 
 Foreign exchange 
  losses on 
  consolidation                       -               -            289,410              -             -        289,410 
                         --------------  --------------  -----------------  -------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                              -               -            289,410   (17,631,531)             -   (17,342,121) 
 Share-based payments                 -               -                  -              -       123,653        123,653 
 Issue of share 
  capital                       141,712       2,692,514                  -              -             -      2,834,226 
 Issue costs                          -       (156,027)                  -              -             -      (156,027) 
 Capital reduction                    -    (26,247,549)                  -     26,247,549             -              - 
 Balance at 30 
  June 2011                   1,317,150       2,536,487        (2,527,153)      5,347,821       298,562      6,972,867 
                         ==============  ==============  =================  =============  ============  ============= 

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

for the year ended 30 June 2012

                                                 Notes          2012          2011 
                                                                 US$           US$ 
 Cash flow from operating activities              27     (3,046,904)   (1,715,655) 
 Cash flow from investing activities 
 Purchase of intangible assets                             (741,124)     (777,206) 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                 (510,844)     (370,418) 
 Investments in associates                                         -      (20,000) 
 Purchase of available-for-sale investments                (839,736)             - 
 Proceeds from disposal of business                        3,100,000             - 
 Proceeds from disposal of available-for-sale 
  investments                                                      -       112,251 
 Interest received                                             6,952         2,134 
 Net cash generated from / (used in) 
  investing activities                                     1,015,248   (1,053,239) 
 Cash flow from financing activities 
 Proceeds on issue of new shares                           3,564,608     2,834,226 
 Expenses of new share issue                               (183,266)     (156,027) 
 Net cash generated from financing activities              3,381,342     2,678,199 
 Net increase / (decrease) in cash and 
  cash equivalents                                         1,349,686      (90,695) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of financial year                                          605,697       701,181 
 Effects of exchange rate changes                             40,501       (4,789) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of 
  financial year                                  15       1,995,884       605,697 

Notes to the Financial Statements

   1       Segmental Reporting 

Operating segments

The Group has only one operating segment: the production of, exploration for and investment in hydrocarbons in one geographical area, the United States of America.

The Group has one main customer, representing 100% of the sales revenue.

 2    Operating Loss                                           2012        2011 
                                                                US$         US$ 
      Operating loss is stated after charging: 
  Fees payable to the Company's auditor 
   for the audit of the annual statements                    30,969      47,839 
      Fees payable to the Company's auditor 
       and its associates for other services: 
        Other services relating to reporting 
         accountant work in respect of the admission 
         to AIM                                                   -     127,570 
        Other services relating to taxation                  16,001       6,378 
        Other services                                        5,559      11,561 
  Research costs                                             17,765      27,816 
  Equity settled share-based payments                       555,275     123,653 
      Exceptional administrative expenses: 
       Impairment of intangible assets                      764,126   6,091,907 
       Impairment of land assets                            208,157   3,240,072 
       Impairment of plant and machinery assets                   -     217,254 
                                                            972,283   9,549,233 
 3    Directors and Employees 
      The aggregate payroll costs of the employees, including the 
       Executive Directors, were as follows: 
                                                    2012            2011 
                                                     US$             US$ 
      Staff costs 
  Wages and salaries                             544,311         549,160 
  Social security costs                           65,596          49,976 
                                                 609,907         599,136 
  Equity settled share-based payments            502,655          58,841 
                                               1,112,562         657,977 
 Average monthly number of persons employed by the Group (all 
  of whom are management) during the year were: 
                                   2012                       2011 
                                 Number                     Number 
 UK                                   4                          4 
 US                                   2                          1 
                                      6                          5 
                                                US$       US$ 
 Compensation of key management was as 
 Short term benefits                        526,841   549,160 
 Share-based payments                       502,655    58,841 
                                          1,029,496   608,001 
 Social security costs                       64,621    49,976 
                                          1,094,117   657,977 
 Key management consists of all the directors and M. Thomsen. 
  Details of each director's remuneration and their share options 
  are included in the Report of the Directors. 
 Highest paid director: 
                                         2012      2011 
                                          US$       US$ 
 Aggregate emoluments and benefits    315,659   229,827 
 4    Finance Income     2012    2011 
                          US$     US$ 
  Bank interest         6,952   2,134 
 5   Taxation 
     There was a small current tax charge of US$8,074 paid by a US 
      subsidiary in the year, but no other current tax charge for 
      the year due to the loss incurred (2011: US$7,932). 
      A deferred tax charge of US$263,077 arising on fair value movements 
      on available-for-sale financial assets was recognised in equity 
      during the year (2011: US$154,515). 
 Reconciliation of the effective tax charge            2012           2011 
                                                        US$            US$ 
 Loss before taxation                           (1,558,566)   (17,602,153) 
 Loss before tax multiplied by standard 
  rate of corporation tax in the UK of 25.5% 
  (2011: 27%)                                     (397,434)    (4,928,603) 
 Tax effects of: 
 Other expenses not deductible for tax 
  purposes                                           98,125        155,190 
 Tax losses not utilised within the year            307,383      4,781,345 
 Tax expense and effective tax rate                   8,074          7,932 
 The amount of unutilised tax losses are 
  as follows: 
                                                             2012          2011 
                                                              US$           US$ 
 Unutilised tax losses                                  3,408,660     5,705,287 
   The unutilised tax losses have decreased during the current 
   financial year due to the chargeable gain realised on the investments 
   disposed by way of an in specie dividend to the Company's shareholders. 
 A deferred tax asset in respect of trading losses has not been 
  recognised due to the uncertainty over timing of future profits. 
  The trading losses are recoverable against suitable future trading 
  Deferred tax liabilities arising as a result of the gains on 
  available-for-sale financial assets are recognised in the balance 
  sheet as follows: 
 Deferred tax liabilities                       2012      2011 
                                                 US$       US$ 
 At 1 January                                441,644   287,129 
 Deferred tax charge recognised in equity 
  during the period                          263,077   154,515 
 At 31 December                              704,721   441,644 
 6   Discontinued operations 
 On 7 October 2011 Bluebird completed the disposal of its interest 
  in the Centurion project, receiving in consideration US$3,100,000. 
 Analysis of profit for the period from 
  discontinued operations                       2012          2011 
                                                 US$           US$ 
 Sales                                        28,992       290,113 
 Impairment of project costs                       -   (5,631,718) 
 Profit before tax                            28,992   (5,341,605) 
 Loss on disposal of Centurion project     (447,228)             - 
 Loss for the period from discontinued 
  operations                               (418,236)   (5,341,605) 
 Cash flows from discontinued operations              2012        2011 
                                                       US$         US$ 
 Net cash (outflows) / inflows from operating 
  activities                                     (418,236)     290,113 
 Net cash inflows / (outflows) from investing 
  activities                                     1,866,596   (852,268) 
 Net cash inflows/(outflows)                     1,448,360   (562,155) 
 7   Loss Per Share 
 Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the earnings 
  attributable to ordinary shareholders by the weighted average 
  number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year. 
  Given the Group's reported loss for the year share options are 
  not taken into account when determining the weighted average 
  number of ordinary shares in issue during the year and therefore 
  the basic and diluted earnings per share are the same. 
 Basic loss per share                                     2012           2011 
                                                      US Cents       US Cents 
 Loss per share from continuing operations              (0.23)         (4.83) 
 Loss per share from discontinued operations            (0.09)         (2.11) 
                                                  ------------  ------------- 
 Total basic loss per share                             (0.32)         (6.94) 
 The losses and weighted average number of ordinary shares used 
  in the calculation of basic loss per share are as follows: 
                                                          2012           2011 
                                                           US$            US$ 
 Loss used in the calculation of total 
  basic and diluted earnings per share             (1,566,640)   (17,610,085) 
 Loss for the year from discontinued operations 
  used in the calculation of basic and diluted 
  loss per share from discontinued operations        (418,236)    (5,341,605) 
                                                  ------------  ------------- 
 Loss used in the calculation of basic 
  earnings per share from 
  continuing operations                            (1,148,404)   (12,268,480) 
                                                      2012          2011 
                                                    Number        Number 
 Number of shares 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  for the purposes of basic earnings per 
  share                                        493,844,518   253,650,286 
 If the Company's share options were taken into consideration 
  in respect of the Company's weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares for the purposes of diluted earnings per share, it would 
  be as follows: 
 Number of shares 
 Potential dilutive effect of share options 
  and warrants                                  15,207,650    13,630,548 
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares 
  for the purposes of diluted earnings per 
  share                                        509,052,168   267,280,834 
 8    Property, Plant and Equipment 
                                          Leasehold     Plant and 
                                               land     equipment       Total 
                                                US$           US$         US$ 
  At 1 July 2010                          6,323,352     1,123,093   7,446,445 
  Additions                                 229,636       651,363     880,999 
  At 30 June 2011                         6,552,988     1,774,456   8,327,444 
  At 30 June 2012                         6,552,988     1,774,456   8,327,444 
      Accumulated depreciation and impairment 
  At 1 July 2010                          1,152,337       115,101   1,267,438 
  Charge                                    646,328        57,148     703,476 
  Impairment                              3,624,877     1,602,107   5,226,984 
  At 30 June 2011                         5,423,542     1,774,356   7,197,898 
  Charge                                    150,002             -     150,002 
  Impairment                                208,157             -     208,157 
  At 30 June 2012                         5,781,701     1,774,356   7,556,057 
      Net book value 
  At 30 June 2012                           771,287           100     771,387 
  At 30 June 2011                         1,129,446           100   1,129,546 
  At 30 June 2010                         5,171,015     1,007,992   6,179,008 
  During the year a decision was taken to discontinue all projects 
   with the exception of the Solitaire project. As a result all 
   other project assets remaining on the balance sheet have been 
   fully impaired. 
 9    Intangible Assets 
                                       Exploration      Royalty 
                                             costs    interests         Total 
                                               US$          US$           US$ 
  At 1 July 2010                        13,283,706      100,000    13,383,706 
  Additions                              2,169,184            -     2,169,184 
  At 30 June 2011                       15,452,890      100,000    15,552,890 
  Additions                                155,927            -       155,927 
  Disposals                            (6,962,060)            -   (6,962,060) 
  At 30 June 2012                        8,646,757      100,000     8,746,757 
      Amortisation and impairment 
  At 1 July 2010                           978,792            -       978,792 
      Charge                                     -            -             - 
  Impairment                             9,953,967            -     9,953,967 
  At 30 June 2011                       10,932,759            -    10,932,759 
  Impairment                               764,126            -       764,126 
  Disposals                            (3,862,060)            -   (3,862,060) 
  At 30 June 2012                        7,834,825            -     7,834,825 
      Net book value 
  At 30 June 2012                          811,932      100,000       911,932 
  At 30 June 2011                        4,520,131      100,000     4,620,131 
  At 30 June 2010                       12,304,914      100,000    12,404,914 
  During the year a decision was taken to discontinue all projects 
   with the exception of the Solitaire project. As a result all 
   other project assets remaining on the balance sheet have been 
   fully impaired. 
 10   Investment in Jointly Controlled Operations 
        The Group has entered into the following unincorporated Jointly 
        Controlled Operations, which are proportionally consolidated 
        within the Group's financial statements: 
 Name of project        Principal activities   Group interest 
 Revloc              Oil and gas development              50% 
 At the balance sheet dates there were no contingent liabilities 
  or contingent assets in respect of any of the Jointly Controlled 
  At the balance sheet dates there were no capital commitments 
  in respect of any of the Jointly Controlled Operations. 
 11   Investment in Associates 
        The Group previously held a 46.64% investment in start-up wind 
        energy company, Altawind Inc which is incorporated in the USA. 
        This has been included within the Group's financial statements 
        using equity accounting. 
        On 14 February 2012, this investment was disposed with no further 
        liabilities retained by the Group. 
 12    Disposal of business 
         On 7 October 2011 Bluebird completed the disposal of its interest 
         in the Centurion project, receiving in consideration US$3,100,000. 
       Details of assets disposed                                                US$ 
       Non-current assets: 
  Intangible assets                                                        3,100,000 
  Net assets disposed                                                      3,100,000 
  Project costs expensed in the period                                     (447,288) 
  Consideration received                                                 (3,100,000) 
  Loss on disposal                                                         (447,288) 
     Consideration on disposal                                         US$ 
  Cash consideration                                             3,100,000 
 13    Available-for-Sale Financial Assets                     2012          2011 
                                                                US$           US$ 
  Available-for-sale financial assets                     3,989,558     2,751,673 
  The available-for-sale financial assets consist of listed investments 
   and the fair value is based on bid quoted market prices at 
   the balance sheet date. 
   On 6 June 2012, the Company issued a dividend in specie of 
   part of its holding in Wessex Exploration PLC, consisting of 
   27,688,689 shares. This represents 1 Wessex share, valued at 
   7.75p, for every 18 shares held in the Company. 
   This is accounted for as a disposal of these available-for-sale 
   financial assets. 
   The following table shows the aggregate movement in the Group's 
   financial assets during the year: 
                                        2012        2011 
                                         US$         US$ 
 At beginning of the year          2,751,673   2,565,480 
 Additions                           839,736           - 
 Disposals                       (3,322,735)    (53,373) 
 Impairment                         (45,618)           - 
 Foreign exchange differences       (39,985)     106,496 
 Revaluation through equity        3,806,487     133,070 
 At end of the year                3,989,558   2,751,673 
 14    Trade and Other Receivables                             2012       2011 
                                                                US$        US$ 
  Trade receivables                                               -     73,614 
  Other receivables                                          62,161     54,374 
  Amounts due from associate undertaking                          -     32,590 
  Prepayments and accrued income                             34,415     20,750 
                                                             96,576    181,328 
  The directors consider the carrying value of trade and other 
   receivables are approximate to their fair value. 
   All of the Group's receivables have been reviewed for indications 
   of impairment. 
   None of the receivables were found to be impaired as at 30 
   June 2012 (2011: US$nil). 
   No unimpaired receivables are past due as at the reporting 
   date (2011: US$nil). 
 15    Cash and Cash Equivalents         2012      2011 
                                          US$       US$ 
  Cash at bank (GBP)                  258,566   418,509 
  Cash at bank (USD)                1,737,318   187,188 
                                    1,995,884   605,697 
 16    a) Share Capital                                                 2012            2011 
                                                                         GBP             GBP 
  500,000,000 shares of 0.25 pence                                 1,250,000       1,250,000 
                                                                         US$             US$ 
       Allotted, issued and fully paid 
  498,196,408 shares (2011: 275,596,724 
   shares) of 0.25 pence                                           2,209,610       1,317,150 
       Allotments during the year 
       During the year ended 30 June 2012 the Company issued a total 
        222,599,684 ordinary shares (2011: 35,110,000) for a premium 
        net of issue costs of US$2,488,882 (2011: US$2,536,487). 
       Date                      Price per      Number of shares         Total consideration 
                          share (Sterling)                issued              received (US$) 
  6 July 2011                           1p           200,000,000                   3,200,080 
  27 July 2011                          1p            22,599,684                     364,528 
 16   b) Share-Based Payments - Options and Warrants 
      The Company has a share option scheme for all directors and 
       senior management. Options are exercisable at a price equal 
       to the average market price of the Company's shares on the 
       date of grant. The vesting period is one, two and three years 
       - one third of the options vesting in each period. The options 
       are settled in equity once exercised. 
       The Company has also issued share warrants in the prior year 
       which were exercisable immediately. 
 If the options remain unexercised after a period of 10 years 
  from the date of grant, the options expire. Options are forfeited 
  if the employee leaves the Company before the options vest. 
  If the warrants remain unexercised after a period of 2 years 
  from the date of grant, the warrants expire. 
  The issue of warrants constituted a transaction with parties 
  other than employees for which the fair value of services received 
  cannot be reliably estimated, as they were granted on a 1 for 
  8 basis to shareholders as part of an open offer and placing 
  that took place in February 2011, and therefore the services 
  received have been measured by reference to the fair value 
  of the warrants granted, measured at the date of the placing. 
 Details of the number of share options and warrants and the 
  weighted average exercise price (WAEP) outstanding during the 
  year are as follows: 
                                      Number of         WAEP      Number        WAEP 
                                        options          GBP          of         GBP 
  Outstanding at the beginning 
   & end of the year                 25,000,000         0.04   3,750,000        0.12 
  Number exercisable at 30 
   June 2012                          8,700,000         0.03   3,750,000        0.12 
                                      Number of         WAEP      Number        WAEP 
                                        options          GBP          of         GBP 
  Outstanding at the beginning 
   of the year                        8,700,000         0.03           -           - 
  Issued                             16,300,000         0.05   3,750,000        0.12 
  Outstanding at the year 
   end                               25,000,000         0.04   3,750,000        0.12 
  Number exercisable at 30 
   June 2011                          3,200,000         0.01   3,750,000        0.12 
 The fair values of share options issued in previous financial 
  years were calculated using the binomial pricing model. The 
  inputs into the model are as follows: 
                                                        20 February 
   Date of grant                       5 May 2007              2008 
 Number granted                         3,200,000         7,000,000 
 Share price at date 
  of grant                                  0.25p                4p 
 Exercise price                                1p                4p 
 Expected volatility                          51%               51% 
 Expected life                            3 years           3 years 
 Risk free rate                             5.00%             4.70% 
 Expected dividend 
  yield                                        0%                0% 
 Fair value of options 
  granted at date of 
  grant                                     0.08p             2.20p 
 Exit rate                                     0%                0% 
 Earliest vesting                      5 May 2010       20 February 
  date                                                         2011 
 Expiry date                           5 May 2017       20 February 
 Expected volatility was determined based on the historic volatility 
  of four comparator companies as suggested by management. The 
  expected life used in the model has been adjusted, based on 
  management's best estimate, for the effects of non-transferability, 
  exercise restrictions and behavioural considerations. 
 The fair values of share options and warrants issued in the 
  prior financial year were calculated using the Black Scholes 
  model. The inputs into the model are as follows: 
                                     4 February         19 May         19 May 
   Date of grant                           2011           2011           2011 
 Number granted                       3,750,000     11,500,000      4,800,000 
 Share price at date of grant              5.0p           5.0p           5.0p 
 Exercise price                             12p           5.0p           5.0p 
 Expected volatility                        85%            85%            85% 
 Expected life                           1 year     5.5, 6 and     5.5, 6 and 
                                                     6.5 years      6.5 years 
 Risk free rate                           2.80%          2.34%          2.34% 
 Expected dividend yield                     0%             0%             0% 
 Fair value at date of grant              0.51p          3.61p          3.61p 
 Earliest vesting date               4 February    19 May 2012    19 May 2012 
 Expiry date                         4 February    19 May 2021    19 May 2021 
 For May 2011 options, these vest 33.3% after 1 year, 33.3% 
  after 2 years and 33.3% after 3 years. 
  Expected volatility was determined based on the historic volatility 
  of comparable companies. The expected life used in the model 
  has been adjusted, based on the management's best estimate, 
  for the effects of non-transferability, exercise restrictions 
  and behavioural considerations. 
  The Group recognised total expenses of US$555,275 (2011: US$123,653) 
  related to equity-settled share-based payment transactions 
  during the year. 
 17   Financial Instruments 
      Classification of financial instruments 
      The tables below set out the Group's accounting classification 
       of each class of its financial assets and liabilities. 
 Financial assets 
                                                               Loans and   Total carrying 
 At 30 June 2012                 Available-for-sale    other receivables            value 
                                                US$                  US$              US$ 
 Available-for-sale financial 
  assets                                  3,989,558                    -        3,989,558 
 Trade receivables                                -                    -                - 
 Other receivables                                -               62,161           62,161 
 Cash and cash equivalents                        -            1,995,884        1,995,884 
                                          3,989,558            2,058,045        6,047,603 
                                                                    Loans and     Total carrying 
     At 30 June 2011                 Available-for-sale     other receivables              value 
                                                    US$                   US$                US$ 
  Available-for-sale financial 
   assets                                     2,751,673                     -          2,751,673 
  Trade receivables                                   -                73,613             73,613 
  Other receivables                                   -                54,374             54,374 
  Cash and cash equivalents                           -               605,697            605,697 
                                              2,751,673               733,684          3,485,357 
    All of the above financial assets' carrying values approximate 
    to their fair values, as at 30 June 2012 and 2011, given their 
    nature and short times to maturity. 
    Under IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures, the available-for-sale 
    assets are classified under the fair value hierarchy as level 
 Financial liabilities 
                           at amortised   Total carrying 
 At 30 June 2012                   cost            value 
                                    US$              US$ 
 Trade payables                  80,546           80,546 
 Accruals                        30,430           30,430 
                                110,976          110,976 
 Financial liabilities 
                                       at amortised        Total carrying 
 At 30 June 2011                               cost                 value 
                                                US$                   US$ 
 Trade payables                           1,537,278             1,537,278 
 Accruals                                   335,925               335,925 
                                          1,873,203             1,873,203 
 All of the above financial liabilities' carrying values approximate 
  to their fair values, as at 30 June 2012 and 2011, given their 
  nature and short times to maturity. 
 18   Financial Instrument Risk Exposure and Management 
      The principal financial risks to which the Group is exposed 
       are: foreign currency exchange rate risk; interest rate risk; 
       liquidity risk, equity price risk and credit risk. This note 
       describes the Group's objectives, policies and processes for 
       managing those risks and the methods used to measure them. 
       Further quantitative information in respect of these risks 
       is presented in notes 14, 15, 17 and 22. 
      There have been no substantive changes to the Group's exposure 
      to financial instrument risks, its objectives, policies and 
      processes for managing those risks or the methods used to measure 
      them from the previous year. 
      Liquidity risk 
      Liquidity risk is dealt with in note 19 of these financial 
 Credit risk 
 The Group's credit risk is primarily attributable to its cash 
  balances and available-for-sale financial assets. 
  The credit risk on liquid funds is limited because the third 
  parties are large international banks. 
  The Group's total credit risk amounts to the total of the sum 
  of the receivables, available-for-sale financial assets and 
  cash and cash equivalents. At the year end this amounts to 
  US$6,047,603 (2011: US$3,485,357). 
 Interest rate risk and sensitivity analysis 
 The Group's only exposure to interest rate risk is the interest 
  received on the cash held on deposit. The Group does not have 
  any interest bearing borrowings. 
 The following table indicates the impact of a change in interest 
  rate on the interest received during the year, and with all 
  other variables being held constant, on the Group's loss before 
                   Change                    Change 
              in interest       2012    in interest      2011 
                     rate        US$           rate       US$ 
 Sterling           +0.5%      1,693          +0.5%     2,229 
                    +1.0%      3,385          +1.0%     4,458 
                    +1.5%      5,078          +1.5%     6,687 
                    -0.5%    (1,693)          -0.5%   (2,229) 
                    -1.0%    (3,385)          -1.0%   (4,458) 
                    -1.5%    (5,078)          -1.5%   (6,687) 
 Dollars            +0.5%      4,811          +0.5%     1,038 
                    +1.0%      9,623          +1.0%     2,076 
                    +1.5%     14,434          +1.5%     3,114 
                    -0.5%    (4,811)          -0.5%   (1,038) 
                    -1.0%    (9,623)          -1.0%   (2,076) 
                    -1.5%   (14,434)          -1.5%   (3,114) 
 Market risk and sensitivity analysis 
   Market risk arises when the fair value or cash flows of a financial 
   instrument fluctuates from the level where a long or short 
   position was established. These financial instruments are subject 
   to equity price risk. 
 Equity price risk 
   The Group's available-for-sale financial assets are subject 
   to equity price risk. 
   For financial instruments held, the Group uses a sensitivity 
   analysis technique that measures the changes in fair value 
   of the Group's financial instruments to hypothetical changes 
   in market price. 
   A 5% increase in the market value of positions held at 30 June 
   2012 would increase the value of the financial assets by US$199,478 
   (2011: US$137,584) and equity by US$183,388 (2011: US$115,501). 
   A 5% decrease in the value of positions held on at 30 June 
   2012 would decrease the value of the financial assets US$199,478 
   (2011: US$137,584) and equity by US$183,388 (2011: US$115,501). 
 Foreign exchange risk 
   The Group's principal exposure to foreign exchange risk is 
   in relation to the United States Dollar and Sterling exchange 
   rates, due to the concentration of cash and cash equivalents 
   that are held in Sterling. 
   The following table indicates the impact of a change in foreign 
   exchange rate on the value of cash and cash equivalents at 
   the balance sheet date, and with all other variables being 
   held constant, on the Group's loss before tax and on equity. 
                  Change                    Change 
              in US$/GBP                in US$/GBP 
                exchange        2012      exchange        2011 
                    rate         US$          rate         US$ 
 Sterling          +5.0%     215,910         +5.0%     163,338 
                   -5.0%   (215,910)         -5.0%   (163,338) 
 19   Liquidity Risk 
      In managing liquidity risk, the main objective of the Group is 
      to ensure that it has the ability to pay all of its liabilities 
      as they fall due. The Group monitors its levels of working capital 
      to ensure that it can meet its debt repayments as they fall due. 
      The table below shows the undiscounted cash flows on the Group's 
      financial liabilities as at 30 June 2012 on the basis of their 
      earliest possible contractual maturity. 
                                  Within         Within    6 - 12    than 12 
                       Total    2 months    2 -6 months    months     months 
                         US$         US$            US$       US$        US$ 
 At 30 June 
 Trade payables       80,546      80,546              -         -          - 
 Accruals             30,430           -         30,430         -          - 
                     110,976      80,546         30,430         -          - 
 At 30 June 
 Trade payables    1,537,278   1,537,278              -         -          - 
 Accruals            335,925           -        335,925         -          - 
                   1,873,203   1,537,278        335,925         -          - 
 20   Capital Management 
      The Group's objectives when managing capital are to safeguard 
      the Group's ability to continue as a going concern, to provide 
      returns for shareholders and to maintain an optimal capital structure 
      to reduce the cost of capital. The Group defines capital as being 
      share capital plus reserves as disclosed in the consolidated 
      balance sheet. 
      The Board of Directors monitors the level of capital as compared 
      to the Group's commitments and adjusts the level of capital as 
      is determined to be necessary, by issuing new shares. 
      The Group is not subject to any externally imposed capital requirements. 
 21   Financial Commitments 
      The Group had no capital commitments at 30 June 2012 (2011: US$nil). 
 22    Trade and Other Payables       2012        2011 
                                       US$         US$ 
  Trade payables                    80,546   1,537,278 
  Accruals                          30,430     335,925 
                                   110,976   1,873,203 
 23   Related Party Transactions 
      The only related party transactions during the year were with 
       the directors, key management and Mrs J Bramhill, the wife 
       of Mr D Bramhill. 
                                                        Short-term benefits 
                                                          2012            2011 
                                                           US$             US$ 
      Directors' remuneration: 
  Mr A Yeo                                             168,346         180,158 
      Mr J Ede-Golightly                                13,234               - 
  Mr D Bramhill                                        239,384         200,175 
  Mrs J Bramhill                                        19,135          17,470 
  Mr M Thomsen                                         269,475         115,450 
  Mr F Dekker                                           52,938          10,676 
  Mr B Marshall                                         52,938          10,676 
  Mr J. Michaels                                             -          32,025 
                                                       815,450         566,630 
  Social security costs                                 64,621          49,976 
                                                       880,071         616,606 
    In addition to the remuneration shown above, the Group incurred 
    share-based payment charges of US$502,655 (2011: US$58,841) 
    in respect of the above named directors and key management. 
    Mr B Marshall is additionally a director of 2 companies which 
    received payments from the Group during the year - Brian Marshall 
    Accounting Services Ltd which received US$39,704 for accounting 
    services (2011: US$15,946), and Berkeley Hall Marshall Ltd which 
    received US$4,236 for office facilities (2011: US$3,189). 
 24   Investment in Subsidiaries 
 The Group's Parent Company holds the issued share capital of 
  the following subsidiary undertakings, which are incorporated 
  in the USA and have been included in these consolidated financial 
 Company                   Principal activities       Class   Percentage holding 
 Osceola Royalties 
  LLC                   Oil and gas development    Ordinary                 100% 
 Osceola Production     Oil and gas development    Ordinary         (indirectly) 
  LLC                                                                       100% 
 25   Contingent Liabilities 
 The directors are not aware of any contingent liabilities within 
  the Group or the Company at 
  30 June 2012. 
 26   Ultimate Controlling Party 
      As at 30 June 2012, Bluebird Energy plc had no ultimate controlling 
 27    Cash Flow from Operating Activities                     2012           2011 
                                                                US$            US$ 
  Loss for the financial year                           (1,566,640)   (17,610,085) 
  Finance income                                            (6,952)        (2,134) 
  Loss from associates                                       35,527         48,493 
  Share-based payment                                       555,275        123,653 
  (Gain)/Loss on disposal of investments                (2,568,779)        132,145 
       Loss on disposal of business                         439,964              - 
       Expenses paid for discontinued operations          (418,236)              - 
       Revenue received from discontinued operations       (21,728)              - 
  Impairment of intangible assets                           764,126      9,953,967 
  Impairment of land assets                                 208,157      3,624,877 
  Impairment of plant and machinery assets                        -      1,602,107 
  Net foreign exchange gain                                       -        (3,321) 
                                                        (2,579,286)    (2,130,298) 
       Changes in working capital 
  Decrease / (increase) in trade and other 
   receivables                                               48,562      (129,614) 
  (Decrease) / increase in trade and other 
   payables                                               (516,180)        544,257 
  Net cash outflow from operating activities            (3,046,904)    (1,715,655) 
 28   Events After the Balance Sheet 
      There were no significant events after the balance sheet date. 
   29   Basis of Preparation 

This announcement has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") but in itself does not contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS. Details of the accounting policies are set out in the annual report for the year ended 30 June 2012. These accounting policies have been amended from the prior year due to the transition to IFRS. Other than presentation there were no significant adjustments in respect of the transition to IFRS.

   30   Publication of Non-Statutory Accounts 

The financial information set out in this announcement does not comprise the Group's statutory accounts for the years ended 30 June 2012 or 30 June 2011.

The financial information has been extracted from the statutory accounts of the Company for the years ended 30 June 2012 and 30 June 2011. The auditors' opinion on those accounts was unmodified and did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or section 498 (3) Companies Act 2006 and did not include references to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by the way of emphasis.

The statutory accounts for the year ended 30 June 2011 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, whereas those for the year ended 30 June 2012 will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting.

   31   Annual Report and Annual General Meeting 

The Annual Report will be made available from the Company's website www.bluebirdenergy.net and will be posted to shareholders shortly. The Annual Report contains notice of the Annual General Meeting of the Company which will be held at 11 a.m. on 11 December 2012 at the offices of W H Ireland, 24 Martins Lane, London, EC4R 0DR.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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