RNS Number : 9960U

Roebuck Food Group PLC

31 March 2023

Chairman's Statement

Roebuck Food Group plc (AIM: RFG), is pleased to announce its results for the year ended 31 December 2022.

Group Financial Highlights - Continuing Operations

   --    Group revenue increased by 29% to GBP31.4m (2021: GBP24.3m) 
   --    Earnings per share of 0.5p on continuing operations (2021 : loss of 3.5p) 
   --    Profit after tax from continuing operation of GBP0.2m ( 2021 : loss GBP1.1m) 
   --    EBITDA of GBP0.5m from the Dairy division (2021 : GBP0.1m) 
   --    EBITDA of GBP0.4m from the Sourcing division (2021: GBP0.3m) 

Divisional Highlights- Continuing Operations

     GBP'000        Sourcing        Dairy 
                   2022   2021   2022   2021 
                  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 Revenue           29.9   23.3   1.5     1.0 
                  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
 EBITDA            0.4    0.3    0.5     0.1 
                  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
  Profit/(loss)    0.4    0.3    0.3    (0.8) 
                  -----  -----  -----  ------ 
  Margin           1.3%   1.3%   20%    (80%) 
                  -----  -----  -----  ------ 

Sourcing Division

Sales at our sourcing division increased by 28% in 2022, compared with the same period in 2021, from GBP23.3m to GBP29.9m. Operating profit improved from GBP0.3m to GBP0.4m.

Townview Foods Ltd, continues to execute its commercial strategy which centres on diversification of products and end-markets. Our core animal proteins business continues to deliver consistent revenue and profits with a low-risk trading model and diversification of product sourcing and end-markets. From a standing start in March 2022, we have grown our dairy ingredients trading business into a significant operation both in terms of revenues and profits and we are confident about its prospects in 2023. We are also developing capability in plant-based ingredients which will allow us to offer a full portfolio of ingredient solutions to our customers. Operating margins declined slightly in the period, mainly due to the investment in talent, ICT and marketing. Overall, we are confident that our commercial strategy will continue to deliver profitable growth in 2023.

As part of a strategic alignment with Townview Foods Ltd, Foro International Connections Ltd was rebranded to Townview Sourcing Ltd in May 2022.

Townview Sourcing sales increased by 57% from GBP2.1m in 2021 to GBP3.3m in 2022.

The strategic alignment between Townview Foods Ltd and Townview Sourcing Ltd companies will create cost saving efficiencies and allow Roebuck Food Group Plc to have continuing ease of access to the UK, Republic of Ireland and European markets.

Chairman's Statement (Continued)

Dairy Division

Our primary dairy operation, Cantwellscourt Farm Ltd, exceeded expectations in 2022 in revenue and profit terms, driven by record dairy prices and good delivery across its management KPIs. Milk production was down 3% whilst revenue from milk sales was up 43% year on year. This was partially offset by input cost inflation, particularly in feed and fertiliser; our pasture-based system gives us some protection from rising input prices.

We expect the average farmgate milk price in 2023 to weaken versus last year but to remain at a level which delivers above average returns.


Our subsidiary, Grass to Milk Company Ltd, exited the Chinese market in H1 2022 due to ongoing lockdowns, supply chain disruptions and cost inflation. China has proven a difficult market for a majority of overseas dairy companies over the past 24-months with an unprecedented shift toward domestic supply. Opportunities for A2 protein ingredients in other export markets have failed to materialise, due to high dairy commodity prices making it difficult to achieve firm commitments from customers and a lack of interest from processors to dedicate capacity towards A2 during the scale-up phase. At this juncture, we do not have any immediate commercial prospects, so we have reclassified the business as a discontinued activity. Accordingly, we have impaired the intangible asset of GBP0.7m. The total loss from discontinued operations recogonised during the year is GBP1.1m.

During the year we also incurred an additional amount of GBP0.3m in respect of the sale of the cold store business that was sold in 2021.

Strategic Review

Following the successful sale of the Cold Stores business, Roebuck Food Group PLC (RFG), formerly known as Norish PLC, returned GBP49.92m to shareholders at the end of 2021. Overall, we believe our core sourcing and dairy businesses are well placed to deliver profitable growth in 2023, notwithstanding an expected reversal of some pricing tailwinds from 2022. We continue to examine M&A opportunities, which can complement our existing businesses, which fulfil our criteria in terms of growth prospects, margins and returns. We remain focused on delivering shareholder value through efficient capital allocation.


The board does not recommend the payment of a dividend.

On behalf of the board, I would like to thank the management team and staff for their commitment and contribution in 2022.

Ted O'Neill

31 March 2023

Financial Review


Total Group revenue from continuing operations increased by 29% to GBP31.4m (2021: GBP24.3m). Revenues in the sourcing division increased by 28% to GBP29.9m (2021: GBP23.3m). Revenues in the dairy division increased by 50% to GBP1.5m (2021: GBP1m)

Gross profit

Gross profit from continuing activities increased to GBP571k (2021: GBP199k).

Operating profit/(loss)

Operating profit from continuing activities increased to GBP0.3m (2021: loss GBP1m), after an impairment charge of GBPNil (2021: GBP0.9m relating to fixed assets).

Finance expense (net )

Net Finance expense increased to GBP0.12m (2021: GBP0.06m).

Loss from discontinued operations

Loss from discontinued operations GBP1.4m (2021: profit GBP39.1m). Current year loss is made up of GBP0.3m relating to residual cold store sale transaction costs and GBP1.1m from the discontinued operations of Grass to Milk.

Earnings per share

The basic adjusted earnings per share from continuing operations increased to 0.5p (2021: loss per share 3.5p).

Net Debt

The net debt position is GBP3.4m (2021: Net cash GBP1.4m). During the year we discharged GBP1.5m in respect of liabilities due in respect of the disposal of the cold store division in 2021.

Financial Review (Continued)


The board does not recommend a payment of a dividend.

Treasury policy and management

The treasury function, which is managed centrally, handles all Group funding, debt, cash, working capital and foreign exchange exposures. Group treasury policy concentrates on the minimisation of risk in all of the above areas and is overseen and approved by the Board. Speculative positions are not taken .

Financial risk management

The Group's financial instruments comprise borrowings, cash, and various items, such as trade receivables, trade payables etc., that arise directly from its operations. The main purposes of the financial instruments not arising directly from operations is to raise finance for the Group's operations.

The Group may enter into derivative transactions such as interest rate swaps, caps or forward foreign currency transactions in order to minimise its risks. The purpose of such transactions is to manage the interest rate and currency risks arising from the Group's operations and its sources of finance.

The main risks arising from the Group's financial instruments are interest rate risk, liquidity risk, credit risk and foreign exchange risk. The Group's policies for managing each of these risks are summarised below.

Interest rate risk

The Group finances its operations through a mixture of retained profits, bank and other borrowings at both fixed and floating rates of interest and working capital. The Group determines the level of borrowings at fixed rates of interest having regard to current market rates and future trends. At the year-end there are GBP0.1m at a floating rate of 5.44%.

Liquidity risk

The Group is in a net debt position of GBP3.4m. This is made up of cash of GBP1.5m, Invoice financing of GBP3.7m, term loans of GBP0.1m and leases of GBP1.1m.

Credit risk

The Group's policy is to minimise exposure to credit risk by performing the appropriate customer due diligence and monitoring the exposure to credit risk.

Foreign exchange risk

The Group's policy is to manage foreign exchange risk which arises principally in the product sourcing division. The Group does this by mainly purchasing Euros and US dollars at a fixed rate forward for cross currency transactions and using this rate in establishing a selling price for its goods in order to maintain an acceptable margin.

Gerard Murphy

Finance Director


for the financial year ended 31 December 2022

                                                    2022      2021 
                                                 GBP'000   GBP'000 
Continuing operations 
Revenue                                           31,351    24,313 
Cost of sales                                   (30,780)  (24,114) 
Gross profit                                         571       199 
                                             -----------  -------- 
Fair value gain on biological assets                 182       161 
Administrative expenses                            (417)     (502) 
Property, plant and equipment impairment               -     (862) 
Operating profit/(loss)from continuing 
 operations                                          336   (1,004) 
                                             -----------  -------- 
Interest received                                      9         - 
Finance expenses - lease interest                   (28)      (26) 
Finance expenses - interest on bank 
 loans                                             (100)      (36) 
Profit/(loss) on continuing activities 
 before taxation                                     217   (1,066) 
                                             -----------  -------- 
Income taxes - Corporation tax                      (40)      (20) 
Income taxes - Deferred tax                         (21)        33 
 Profit/(loss) for the financial 
  year from continuing operations                    156   (1,053) 
 (Loss)/profit for the financial 
  year from discontinued operations              (1,404)    39,120 
 (Loss)/profit for the financial 
  year attributable to 
  owners of the parent                           (1,248)    38,067 
 Other comprehensive income/(expense)                169     (355) 
                                             -----------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive income for 
  the financial year attributable 
  to owners of the parent                        (1,079)    37,712 
                                             ===========  ======== 
for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 (continued) 
                                                   2022     2021 
Earnings/(loss) per share expressed 
 in pence per share: 
From continuing operations 
 - basic                                           0.5p   (3.5)p 
- diluted                                          0.5p   (3.5)p 
From discontinued operations 
 - basic                                         (4.7)p   130.1p 
- diluted                                        (4.7)p   130.1p 

Consolidated Statement of financial position

at 31 December 2022

                                             2022     2021 
                                          GBP'000  GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Goodwill                                    2,338    2,338 
Intangible assets                               -      665 
Property, plant and equipment               2,162    2,014 
Biological assets                             884      762 
                                            5,384    5,779 
                                          -------  ------- 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables                 7,223    3,988 
Inventories                                   316       97 
Cash and cash equivalents                   1,491    4,543 
                                            9,030    8,628 
                                          -------  ------- 
TOTAL ASSETS                               14,414   14,407 
                                          -------  ------- 
Equity attributable to owners of the 
Share capital                                 564      564 
Share premium account                           -        - 
Other reserves                               (68)    (237) 
Retained earnings                           5,204    6,452 
                                          -------  ------- 
TOTAL EQUITY                                5,700    6,779 
                                          -------  ------- 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                                  1,016      794 
Deferred tax                                   58       35 
                                            1,074      829 
                                          -------  ------- 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                    3,427    2,579 
Liabilities - discontinued operations         298    1,869 
Borrowings                                  3,915    2,351 
                                            7,640    6,799 
                                          -------  ------- 
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES               14,414   14,407 
                                          -------  ------- 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the financial year ended 31 December 2022

                                 Share     Share     Other   Distributable   Retained 
                               capital   premium  Reserves         Reserve   Earnings       Total 
                               GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000         GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------------  ---------  ---------- 
At 1 January 2021                5,640     7,321       141               -      5,750      18,852 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------------  ---------  ---------- 
Profit for the financial 
 year                                -         -         -               -     38,067      38,067 
Foreign exchange loss                -         -     (355)               -          -       (355) 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------------  ---------  ---------- 
  Total comprehensive 
  income for the financial 
  year                               -         -     (355)               -     38,067      37,712 
Equity dividends paid                -         -         -               -      (510)       (510) 
 Capital redemption                  -         -         -        (12,420)   (37,497)    (49,917) 
 Gain on capital redemption 
  in JSOP                            -         -         -               -        642         642 
 Reduction in capital          (5,076)   (7,321)      (23)          12,420          -           - 
Transactions with 
 owners                        (5,076)   (7,321)      (23)               -   (37,365)    (49,785) 
At 31 December 2021                564         -     (237)               -      6,452       6,779 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------------  ---------  ---------- 
Loss for the financial 
 year                                -         -         -               -    (1,248)     (1,248) 
Foreign exchange gain                -         -       169               -          -         169 
                              --------  --------  --------  --------------  ---------  ---------- 
Total comprehensive 
 income for the financial 
 year                                -         -       169               -    (1,248)     (1,079) 
Equity dividends paid                -         -         -               -          -           - 
Transactions with                                                        - 
 owners                              -         -         -                          -           - 
At 31 December 2022                564         -      (68)               -      5,204       5,700 
                              ========  ========  ========  ==============  =========  ========== 

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

 for the financial year ended 31 December                          Restated 
  2022                                                2022             2021 
                                                   GBP'000          GBP'000 
Cash flow from operating activities 
Profit/(loss) on continuing activities 
 before taxation                                       217          (1,066) 
Gain on biological assets                            (182)            (161) 
Loss on sale of biological assets                      117                - 
Foreign exchange gain                                (201)             (50) 
Loss on discontinued activities                    (1,404)            (270) 
Finance expenses                                       128               62 
Finance income                                         (9)                - 
Bad debt expense                                        41               13 
Taxation charge                                       (40)              (5) 
Impairment - Intangible asset                          665              860 
Impairment - property, plant and equipment               -            1,519 
Depreciation - property, plant and 
 equipment                                             191            1,699 
Operating cash flows before changes 
 in working capital                                  (477)            2,601 
Changes in working capital and provisions: 
(Increase) in inventories                            (218)             (39) 
(Increase)/ decrease in trade and other 
 receivables                                       (3,223)               10 
Decrease in current assets held for 
 sale                                                    -              381 
(Decrease)/ increase in current liabilities 
 held for sale                                     (1,571)            1,869 
Increase/ (decrease) in payables                       848            (554) 
Taxation paid                                         (25)            (205) 
Net cash (used)/ generated from operating 
 activities                                        (4,189)            1,462 
                                                   -------  --------------- 
  Cash flow from investing activities 
Investment in intangible assets                          -            (986) 
Purchase of property, plant and equipment             (62)          (1,840) 
Proceeds on disposal of subsidiary                       -           55,160 
Costs incurred on disposal of subsidiary                 -          (3,533) 
Cash included in subsidiary disposed                     -             (72) 
Sale of biological assets                              149              127 
Purchase of biological assets                            -              (9) 
                                                   -------  --------------- 
Net cash generated from investing 
 activities                                             87           48,847 
                                                   -------  --------------- 
  Cash flows from financing activities 
  Dividends paid to shareholders                         -            (510) 
Invoice finance utilised                             1,649            1,016 
Finance lease capital repayments                      (91)          (1,390) 
JSOP capital redemption                                  -              642 
Share Capital Redemption                                 -         (49,917) 
Finance Lease advance                                    -              616 
Term loan repayments                                  (31)            (374) 
                                                   -------  --------------- 
Net cash generated/ (used) from financing 
 activities                                          1,527         (49,917) 
                                                   -------  --------------- 
Net (decrease)/ increase in cash and 
 cash equivalents                                  (3,052)            2,993 
                                                   -------  --------------- 
  Cash and cash equivalents beginning 
  of the financial year                              4,543            1,550 
Cash and cash equivalents end of the 
 financial year                                      1,491            4,543 
                                                   -------  --------------- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 31, 2023 09:13 ET (13:13 GMT)

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