RNS No 2283w
28th August 1998

                            S.E.A. MULTIMEDIA LTD.
                              AS OF JUNE 30, 1998
                                IN U.S. DOLLARS
Review   Report   of   Interim   Consolidated   Financial    2
Consolidated Balance Sheets                                3 - 4
Consolidated Statements of Operations                        5
Statements of Changes in Shareholders' Equity              6 - 7
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows                      8 - 9
Notes to Financial Statements                                10
                            - - - - - - - - - - - -

Page 2

August 27, 1998
                             CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT
During  the  past  6 months S.E.A. Multimedia has significantly  narrowed  its
focus  to  two  areas  of  activity:  1)  online  sport  programming  and   2)
relationship  management  tools for online business  through  its  subsidiary,
Manna Network Technologies.

With  a clear focus and markedly fewer overheads, S.E.A. has succeeded to  cut
its  G&A costs and losses dramatically, as the results for the first 6  months
of  1998 indicate in comparison with the same period in 1997. Revenues for the
first  6  months  of 1998 were $415,000 with a recorded loss of  $923,000;  as
compared with the first 6 months of 1997, where revenues were $170,000  and  a
loss of $1,612,000 was recorded.

In  the  online sport programming area, S.E.A.'s focus is on creating a  sport
channel  on  the  Internet that offers sport fans dynamic,  interactive  sport
content  and  services.  The  Web  site will present  information  in  several
languages, and provide the best sport coverage of specific nations or regions.
S.E.A.  is currently seeking strategic partners for this venture. In addition,
S.E.A.  is  developing event-based and promotional sport  sites  such  as  the
official  International  Olympic  Committee Web  site.  S.E.A.  has  currently
completed  the  first  stage of the IOC Web site and is now  moving  into  the
second  phase of the site's development, due for completion in November  1998.
S.E.A.  has also entered into a Teaming Agreement with US-based Quokka  Sports
to  win  a bid to create the official Web site for Sydney 2000 Olympic  Games,
which is expected to attract an enormous amount of traffic, generating over  3
billion hits.

Manna  Network  Technologies is in the last stages of implementing  its  first
beta site, which is due for completion by mid-September. At the same time,  it
has  begun work on the implementation of its second beta site. The company has
initiated  discussion with several potential customers, channel  partners  and
integrators and is in an advanced stage of negotiation with a venture  capital
company for Manna Network Technologies' private placement.

Tal Barnoach
C.E.O. and Chairman

Page 3
                              KOST FORER & GABBAY
                                   A MEMBER OF
                          ERNST & YOUNG INTERNATIONAL

The Board of Directors
S.E.A. Multimedia Ltd.
          Re  Review   report   of  unaudited   interim
           :  consolidated financial statements
              for the six months and three months ended
              June 30, 1998
      At  your request, we have reviewed the accompanying interim consolidated
balance  sheet  of S.E.A. Multimedia Ltd. and its subsidiary as  of  June  30,
1998,  and the related interim consolidated statements of operations,  changes
in shareholders' deficiency and cash flows for the six months and three months
then ended.

      Our review was made in accordance with the procedures prescribed by  the
Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Israel, and included, inter-alia,
reading  the aforementioned interim consolidated financial statements, reading
the minutes of meetings of the shareholders and the board of directors and its
committees, and making inquiries of certain officers responsible for financial
and accounting matters.

      The  foregoing  procedures  do not constitute  an  examination  made  in
accordance  with  generally accepted auditing standards, and  are  limited  in
scope.  Therefore,  we  do not express an opinion on the interim  consolidated
financial statements.

      The  aforementioned interim consolidated financial statements have  been
remeasured into U.S. dollars on the basis described in Note 3.

     In the course of our review, nothing came to our attention as a result of
our   review  that  would  indicate  that  material  changes  of  the  interim
consolidated  financial  statements are required in order  that  they  may  be
considered   prepared   in  accordance  with  generally  accepted   accounting
principles in Israel.

Tel-Aviv, Israel                               KOST, FORER and GABBAY
August 27, 1998                                   Certified Public
                                                Accountants (Israel)

Page 4

In U.S. dollars

                                           June 30,         December 31,
                                       1998       1997        1997
                                           Unaudited         Audited
CURRENT ASSETS:                                              
 Cash and cash equivalents           62,876      1,242,982   680,931
 Trade receivables                   220,000     747,848     -
 Deferred software development       -           632,782     330,657
 Other accounts receivable and       141,562     32,713      68,917
  current assets
                                     424,438     2,656,325   1,080,505

FIXED ASSETS:                                                
 Cost                                758,934     638,766     746,905
 Less - accumulated depreciation     340,615     184,388     257,813
                                     418,319     454,378     489,092

OTHER ASSETS:                                                
 Cost                                -           749,117     749,117
 Less - accumulated amortization     -           462,509     749,117
                                     -           286,608     -
                                     842,757     3,397,311   1,569,597

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

Page 5

In U.S. dollars

                                           June 30,         December 31,
                                       1998       1997        1997
                                           Unaudited         Audited
  LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS'                              
     EQUITY (DEFICIENCY)                                     
CURRENT LIABILITIES:                                         
 Short-term bank credit              68          2,525       5,080
 Short-term bank loan                331,436     -           -
 Customer advances                   -           27,000      60,000
 Trade payables                      266,051     372,320     308,235
 Other accounts payable and          266,369     165,215     267,638
                                     863,924     567,060     640,953

LONG-TERM LIABILITIES:                                       
 Accrued severance pay, net          72,839      76,766      99,915
 Share capital                       76,811      70,075      76,380
 Additional paid-in capital          4,781,994   4,038,971   4,781,994
 Accumulated deficit                (4,952,811) (1,355,561) (4,029,645)
                                     (94,006)    2,753,485   828,729
                                     842,757     3,397,311   1,569,597

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

   August 27, 1998                                 
 Date of approval of the      Tal Barnoach            Ze'ev Rozov
  financial statements      Chairman and Chief      Managing Director
                            Executive Officer

Page 6

In U.S. dollars

                       Six months ended      Three months          Year
                          June 30,             ended               ended
                                             June 30,           December 31,
                       1998        1997      1998      1997        1997
                                      Unaudited                    Audited
Sales                  415,172     170,217   241,250   122,688     680,390
Cost of sales          240,063     676,046   119,410   407,092     2,774,884
Gross profit (loss)    175,109     (505,829) 121,840   (284,404)   (2,094,494)
Research and                                                       
development            861,485     168,781   613,726   97,055      431,644
expenses, net
Selling and                                                        
marketing expenses,    149,538     602,028   77,990    352,712     802,565
General and                                                        
administrative         283,065     341,536   144,149   169,151     956,717
expenses, net
                       1,294,088   1,112,345 835,865   618,918     2,190,926
Operating loss        (1,118,979) (1,618,174)(714,025) (903,322)  (4,285,420)
Financial income       20,813      6,027     13,064    (9,831)     (811)
(expenses), net
Other income, net      175,000     -         175,000   -           -
Loss for the period    (923,166)  (1,612,147)(525,961) (913,153)   (4,286,231)
Loss per 100 shares                                                
at NIS 0.01 par        (3.67)     (6.99)     (2.09)    (3.96)      (17.86)
value each
Weighted average                                                   
number of 100          251,330    230,589    251,330   230,587     239,946
shares outstanding

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

Page 7

In U.S. dollars

                                      Six months ended June 30, 1998   
                                          Additional               shareholders'
                             Share         paid-in     Accumulated     equity 
                             capital        capital     deficit    (deficiency) 
                             -------       ----------   ---------- -----------

Balance at the beginning of
 the period (audited)        76,380        4,781,994    (4,029,645)    828,729
 Issuance of shares
   (155,554 Ordinary
   Shares)                      431            -              -            431
 Loss for the period           -               -           923,166    (923,166)
                             ------        ----------     ---------    -------

Balance at the end of the
 period (unaudited)          76,811        4,781,994     (4,952,811)    (94,006)
                             ======        =========     ===========   =========

                                       Six  months ended June 30, 1997   
                                          Additional    earnings       Total  
                             Share         paid-in    (accumulated shareholders'
                             capital       capital       deficit)      equity
                             -------       ---------   ----------- -------------

Balance at the beginning of
 the period (audited)        70,075        4,038,971      256,586   4,365,632 
 Issuance of shares
   (155,554 Ordinary
   Shares)                      -              -              -          -
 Loss for the period            -              -       (1,612,147) (1,612,147)
                             ------        ----------     ---------    -------
Balance at the end of the
 period (unaudited)          70,075        4,038,971    (1,355,561)  2,753,485 
                             ======        =========    ===========  =========

                                   Three months ended June 30, 1998   
                                          Additional                   Total  
                             Share         paid-in     Accumulated shareholders'
                             capital       capital       deficit       equity
                             -------       ---------   ----------- -------------

Balance at the beginning of
 the period (audited)        76,733        4,781,994    (4,426,850)    431,877
Issuance of shares 
  (28,571 Ordinary 
  Shares)                        78             -             -             78
Loss for the period             -               -         (525,961)   (525,961)
                             -------       ----------   -----------   ---------

Balance at the end of the
 period (unaudited)          76,811        4,781,994    (4,952,811)    (94,006)
                             ======        =========    ===========    ========

                                     Three months ended June 30, 1997   

                                          Additional                   Total  
                             Share         paid-in     Accumulated shareholders'
                             capital       capital       deficit      equity
                             -------       ---------   ----------- -------------
Balance at the beginning of
 the period (audited)        70,075        4,038,971     (442,408)  33,666,638
 Issuance of shares
   (155,554 Ordinary
   Shares)                      -              -              -          -
 Loss for the period            -              -         (913,153)   (913,153)
                             ------        ----------     ---------    -------

Balance at the end of the
 period (unaudited)          70,075        4,038,971    (1,355,561)  2,753,485 
                             ======        =========    ===========  =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

Page 8

In U.S. dollars

                                      Year ended December 31, 1997
                                     Additional       earnings        Total
                         Share        paid-in       (accumulated   shareholders'
                        capital       capital         deficit)        equity

Balance the beginning  
 of the year             70,075       4,038,971       256,586        4,365,632

Issuance of shares, net   6,305         743,023          -             749,328
Loss for the year          -               -        (4,286,231)     (4,286,231)
                         ------       ----------    -----------      -----------
Balance at the end of
 year                     76,380       4,781,994     (4,029,645)       828,729
                          ======       =========     ===========     =========

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

Page 9

In U.S. dollars

                      Six months ended      Three months ended     Year ended 
                          June 30,               June 30,        December 31,
                      1998        1997       1998       1997          1997 
                                     Unaudited                      Audited 

Cash flows from 
operating activities: 
Loss for the period  (923,166)   (1,612,147) (525,961) (913,153)  (4,286,231) 
to reconcile 
loss to net cash 
used in
activities (a)         (9,715)      722,776    83,582   343,100   2,891,754

Net cash used in 
activities           (932,881)    (889,371)   (442,379) (570,053) (1,394,477)

Cash flows from 
Purchase of 
fixed assets          (12,029)     (68,924)   (10,982)   (32,421)    (128,424)

Net cash used 
in investing
activities            (12,029)     (68,924)   (10,982)   (32,421)    (128,424)

Cash flows from 
Proceeds from 
issuance of
shares, net               431           -          78        -           -
Short term bank 
credit, net            (5,012)     (204,574)       68      2,525     (202,019)
Short-term bank 
loan                   331,436            -     331,436      -           -
Net cash 
provided by 
(used in) 
activities             326,855     (204,574)     331,582   2,525     (202,019)

Decrease in 
cash and cash
equivalents           (618,055)   (1,162,869)   (121,779) (599,949) (1,724,920)
Cash and cash 
equivalents at
the beginning 
of the period          680,931      2,405,851    184,655  1,842,931  2,405,851

Cash and cash 
equivalents at
the end of 
the period              62,876      1,242,982     62,876  1,242,982    680,931

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

Page 10

In U.S. dollars

                                  Six months      Three months       Year ended
                                      ended           ended        December 31,
                                     June 30         June 30             1997
                                  1998    1997      1998    1997     
                                             Unaudited                 Audited

(a) Adjustments to reconcile loss
    to net cash used in operating

   Income and expenses not
   involving cash flows:

Depreciation and amortization    82,802   298,762   41,718  223,342    658,796
 Accrued severance pay, net     (27,076)   20,559  (17,027)  (3,722)    43,708

Changes in assets and
liabilities items:

Decrease (increase) in trade
receivables                     (220,000)  543,484  (219,802) 158,782 1,291,332
Decrease (increase) in deferred 
software development costs       330,657  (197,144)  391,749   52,222   670,439
Decrease (increase) in other 
accounts receivable and 
current assets                  (72,645)     5,243   (74,603)   1,337   113,194
Increase (decrease) in   
customer advances               (60,000)     27,000    -        27,000   60,000
Increase (decrease) in 
trade payables                  (42,184)    11,522  (53,276)  (91,574)  184,822
Increase (decrease) in 
other accounts payable 
and accruals                     (1,269)    13,350   14,823   (24,287) (130,537)

                                 (9,715)    722,776  83,582   343,100  2,891,754

Non-cash transaction:

Assets purchased for issuance
of shares                        -          -        -        -         749,328

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements.

Page 11



a.    S.E.A. Multimedia Ltd. ("the Company") is a public company incorporated
in Israel whose shares are traded on the Alternative Investment Market of the
Stock Exchange in London ("AIM").  The Company, an electronic publisher of
multimedia products, was established in 1993 and commenced operations in 1994.
On March 31, 1997, the Company established a wholly-owned subsidiary in Israel -
Manna Network Technologies Ltd.

b.    These financial statements have been prepared as of June 30, 1998 and for
the six months and three months then ended.  These financial statements should
be read in conjunction with the audited annual financial statements of the
Company as of December 31, 1997 and their accompanying notes.

c.    The financial statements of the Company for the year ended December 31,
1997 were audited by other auditors whose report dated March 8, 1998, expressed
an unqualified opinion on those statements.  Also, the financial statements of
the Company for the period ended June 30, 1997 were reviewed by other auditors.

The Company has reclassified certain comparative data to conform to the 1998

d.    During the quarter ended June 30, 1998, the Company terminated its
activity in the development of computer games.


The significant accounting policies applied in the audited annual financial
statements of the Company as of December 31, 1997, are applied consistently in
these financial statements.


The Company's transactions are recorded in new Israeli shekels ("NIS"), however,
the majority of the Company's sales are made outside Israel primarily in U.S.
dollars, and a substantial portion of the Company's costs are incurred in
dollars.  Therefore, the Company's management believes that the U.S. dollar is
the currency of the primary economic environment in which it operates.  Thus the
functional and reporting currency for the Company is the U.S. dollar.

Page 12

The Company's transactions and balances denominated in U.S. dollars are
presented at their original amounts.  Non-dollar transactions and balances have
been remeasured to U.S. dollars in accordance with Statement No. 52 of the
Financial Accounting Standard Board ("FASB").  All gains and losses from the
remeasurement of monetary balance sheet items denominated in non-dollar
currencies are reflected in the statement of operations as financial income or
expenses, as appropriate.

The exchange rate of the U.S. dollar in relation to the NIS is as follows:

December 31, 1997       - U.S.$1 = NIS 3.536;
June 30, 1997           - U.S.$1 = NIS 3.587;
June 30, 1998           - U.S.$1 = NIS 3.667.
                               -  -----------

Copies of this statement may be obtained from Raphael Zorn Hemsley Limited, 
              Cheapside House, 138 Cheapside, London EC2V 6W



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