RNS Number : 7668Z

Cambium Global Timberland Limited

27 January 2022

27 January 2022

Cambium Global Timberland Limited

(the "Company")

Net Asset Value, Interim Results

Net Asset Value

The Company announces that the Net Asset Value per share as at 31 October 2021 is 9.1p.

Interim Results

The Company announces that the Interim Report and Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements (the "Interim Report") for the six months ended 31 October 2021 are available and set out in full below.

An electronic copy of the Interim Report is also available on the Company's website at www.cambium.je .

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations (EU) No. 596/2014. Following the publication of this announcement, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.

For further enquiries please contact:


Tony Gardner-Hillman

01534 486980

Broker and Nominated Adviser

WH Ireland Limited

James Joyce

020 7220 1698

Administrator and Company Secretary

Sanne Fund Services (Jersey) Limited

01534 835835

Cambium Global Timberland Limited

Interim Report and Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements

for the six months ended 31 October 2021

Chairman's statement

Assets and values

The Company's Net Asset Value per share ("NAVPS") as of 31 October 2021 is 9.1p, compared with 9.9p as at 30 April 2021, a decrease of 8.6% in the period.

The change in NAVPS comprised currency movements -4.8% and net expenditure on costs -3.8% .

As announced on 20 May 2021, the Company completed its exit from interests in property-related assets by selling its interest in the Lizarda property, leaving the Company with the receivables to become payable under the announced land sales contracts, wood sale receivables from the Forquilha wood sale contract previously announced, and its cash balances at bank. The Company retains legal title to the land assets until receipt in each case of final payments for the land sale. The Board continues to consider timing for the contemplated winding up of the Company and in the meantime, not having yet taken steps to instigate that winding up, presents these interim financial statements on a going concern basis. The Board will re-visit this judgment when it completes its review into the appropriate method, based on considerations including cost effectiveness and timing of proposals, to wind up. Winding up is of course the only remaining substantive step for the Company and will enable distribution of the final net cash balance to shareholders as a return of capital.

As at the period end the Company and its subsidiaries had cash reserves of GBP3.4 million.


New expenditure on properties has of course been ended by land sales.

Administrative expenses are down 4% on the corresponding prior period (note 4).

Forestry expenses (note 5) show the anticipated fall against the prior period as the result of the asset disposals, down 95%.

The net result, allowing for the impact of currency fluctuations, is that total costs, including finance costs, for the period in Sterling terms amounted to GBP0.35 million, as compared with GBP0.64 million for the same period last year.


I have been frustrated by the inability over the period to find means, via a reverse transaction, of extracting additional value for shareholders from the AIM listing and corporate structure. I attribute that inability to the counter-parties' perception of the "Brazil risk". Those endeavours have now concluded I now look forward to delivering to shareholders the conclusion to this journey .

Antony R Gardner-Hillman


26 January 2022

Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of comprehensive income

For the six months ended 31 October 2021

                                                                     For the        For the 
                                                                         six            six 
                                                                      months         months 
                                                                       ended          ended 
                                                                  31 October     31 October 
                                                                        2021           2020 
                                                                   Unaudited      Unaudited 
 Continuing operations                                  Notes            GBP            GBP 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Finance costs                                                       (1,258)       (58,610) 
 Net foreign exchange loss                                                 -          (278) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net finance costs                                                   (1,258)       (58,888) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Administrative expenses                                  4        (197,651)      (239,703) 
 Loss for the period from continuing operations                    (198,909)      (298,591) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Discontinued operations 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Revaluation of receivables from disposals 
  of assets held for sale                                10           79,521              - 
 Costs arising on settlement of sales receivables        10         (78,477)              - 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
                                                                       1,044              - 
 Administrative expenses                                  4        (134,283)      (105,411) 
 Forestry management expenses                                              -        (1,068) 
 Forestry operating expenses                              5         (11,880)      (225,990) 
                                                                   (146,163)      (332,469) 
----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------- 
 Operating loss from discontinued operations                       (145,119)      (332,469) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------- 
 Finance costs                                                       (8,951)        (6,844) 
 Net foreign exchange gain/(loss)                                      2,950       (63,567) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------- 
 Net finance costs                                                   (6,001)       (70,411) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------- 
 Loss before taxation from discontinued operations                 (151,120)      (402,880) 
 Taxation charge                                          6                -              - 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Loss for the period from discontinued operations                  (151,120)      (402,880) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------- 
 Loss for the period                                               (350,029)      (701,471) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ---------------------  ------------- 
 Other comprehensive loss 
 Items that are or may be reclassified to profit or loss, net of tax 
 Foreign exchange loss on translation of discontinued 
  foreign operations                                     12        (281,352)      (505,712) 
 Other comprehensive loss for the period                           (281,352)      (505,712) 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive loss for the period                           (631,381)    (1,207,183) 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Basic and diluted loss per share                         7     (0.47) pence   (0.95) pence 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Basic and diluted loss per share from continuing         7     (0.27) pence   (0.40) pence 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Basic and diluted loss per share from discontinued       7     (0.20) pence   (0.55) pence 
-----------------------------------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 

All losses from continuing and discontinued operations are attributable to the equity holders of the parent Company. There are no minority interests.

The notes below form an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position

At 31 October 2021

                                                                        31 October       30 April 
                                                                              2021           2021 
                                                                         Unaudited        Audited 
                                                              Notes            GBP            GBP 
 Non-current assets 
 Trade and other receivables                                   11          771,768        942,487 
 Current assets 
 Assets held for sale                                          10          822,028        980,744 
 Trade and other receivables                                   11        1,795,805      2,879,821 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                               3,413,474      2,721,997 
--------------------------------  -------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total current assets                                                    6,031,307      6,582,562 
--------------------------------  -------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total assets                                                            6,803,075      7,525,049 
--------------------------------  -------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Liabilities held for 
  sale                                                         10           62,585        160,443 
 Trade and other payables                                                   46,101         38,836 
 Total liabilities                                                         108,686        199,279 
--------------------------------  -------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net assets                                                              6,694,389      7,325,770 
--------------------------------  -------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Stated capital                                                13        2,000,000      2,000,000 
 Distributable reserve                                         14       82,603,312     82,603,312 
 Translation reserve                                          12,14    (1,781,601)    (1,500,249) 
 Retained loss                                                        (76,127,322)   (75,777,293) 
--------------------------------  -------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Total equity                                                            6,694,389      7,325,770 
--------------------------------  -------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net asset value per                                            8        9.1 pence      9.9 pence 
--------------------------------  -------------------------  ------  -------------  ------------- 

These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements were approved and authorised for issue on 26 January 2022 by the Board of Directors.

 Antony R Gardner-Hillman   Mark Rawlins 
 Chairman                   Director 

The notes below form an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity

For the six months ended 31 October 2021

                                           Share   Distributable   Translation       Retained 
 Unaudited                               Capital         reserve       reserve           loss       Total 
                                             GBP             GBP           GBP            GBP         GBP 
 For the six months ended 
  31 October 2021 
------------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  -------------  ---------- 
 At 30 April 2021                      2,000,000      82,603,312   (1,500,249)   (75,777,293)   7,325,770 
 Total comprehensive loss 
  for the period 
 Loss for the period                           -               -             -      (350,029)   (350,029) 
 Other comprehensive loss 
 Foreign exchange loss 
  on translation of discontinued 
  foreign operations (note 
  12)                                          -               -     (281,352)              -   (281,352) 
------------------------------------  ----------  --------------  ------------  -------------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive loss                      -               -     (281,352)      (350,029)   (631,381) 
------------------------------------  ----------  --------------  ------------  -------------  ---------- 
 At 31 October 2021                    2,000,000      82,603,312   (1,781,601)   (76,127,322)   6,694,389 
------------------------------------  ----------  --------------  ------------  -------------  ---------- 
                                           Share   Distributable   Translation       Retained 
 Unaudited                               Capital         reserve       reserve           loss         Total 
                                             GBP             GBP           GBP            GBP           GBP 
 For the six months ended 
  31 October 2020 
------------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 At 30 April 2020                      2,000,000      82,603,312     (437,729)   (76,461,897)     7,703,686 
 Total comprehensive loss 
  for the period 
 Loss for the period                           -               -             -      (701,471)     (701,471) 
 Other comprehensive loss 
 Foreign exchange loss 
  on translation of discontinued 
  foreign operations (note 
  12)                                          -               -     (505,712)              -     (505,712) 
------------------------------------  ----------  --------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Total comprehensive loss                      -               -     (505,712)      (701,471)   (1,207,183) 
------------------------------------  ----------  --------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 
 At 31 October 2020                    2,000,000      82,603,312     (943,441)   (77,163,368)     6,496,503 
------------------------------------  ----------  --------------  ------------  -------------  ------------ 

The notes below form an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows

For the six months ended 31 October 2021

                                                                                        For the six 
                                                                       For the six     months ended 
                                                                      months ended       31 October 
                                                                   31 October 2021             2020 
                                                                         Unaudited        Unaudited 
                                                          Note                 GBP              GBP 
------------------------------------------------------  -------  -----------------  --------------- 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss for the period                                                     (350,029)        (701,471) 
 Adjustments for: 
    Revaluation of receivables from disposals 
     of assets held for sale                              10              (79,521)                - 
    Costs arising on settlement of sales receivables      10                78,477                - 
    Net finance costs, excluding foreign exchange 
     movements - 
     continuing operations                                                   1,258           58,610 
    Net finance costs, excluding foreign exchange 
     movements - discontinued operations                                     8,951            6,844 
    (Increase)/decrease in trade and other 
     receivables (excluding receivables reclassified 
     from assets held for sale)                                           (18,491)           14,085 
    Decrease in trade and other payables                                  (90,593)         (11,178) 
   -------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------- 
                                                                         (499,948)        (633,110) 
 Tax paid                                                                        -                - 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  --------------- 
 Net cash used in operating activities                                   (499,948)        (633,110) 
-------------------------------------------------------------  -------------------  --------------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities - discontinued operations 
 Net proceeds from sale of assets held for 
  sale                                                    10               128,816        1,106,244 
 Net proceeds from deferred settlement of                                  982,399                - 
  sales debtors 
 Net cash from investing activities                      10              1,111,215        1,106,244 
----------------------------------------------------  -------  -------------------  --------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Net finance costs, excluding foreign exchange 
  movements                                                               (10,209)          (8,434) 
 Net cash used in financing activities                                    (10,209)          (8,434) 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                 651,058          464,700 
 Foreign exchange movements                                                 40,419         (77,036) 
 Balance at the beginning of the period                                  2,721,997          625,612 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------- 
 Balance at the end of the period                                        3,413,474        1,013,276 
----------------------------------------------------  ---------  -----------------  --------------- 

The notes below form an integral part of these unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements

For the six months ended 31 October 2021

1. General information

The Company and its subsidiaries (together the "Group"), are nearing the end of a process of realising a portfolio of forestry based properties managed on an environmentally and socially sustainable basis. The Group has disposed of its forestry assets and as at the period end date the Group's remaining forestry-related assets, comprising plantations awaiting harvesting and receivables related to such sales, are all located in Brazil.

The Company is a closed-ended company with limited liability, incorporated in Jersey, Channel Islands on 19 January 2007. The address of its registered office is Charter Place, 23-27 Seaton Place, St Helier, Jersey JE1 1JY.

These unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements (the "interim financial statements") were approved and authorised for issue on 26 January 2022 and signed by Antony Gardner-Hillman and Mark Rawlins on behalf of the Board.

The Company is listed on AIM, a market of the London Stock Exchange.

2. Basis of preparation

The interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 October 2021 have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard ("IAS") 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" and with applicable legal and regulatory requirements of the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991. They do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements. The interim financial statements should be read in conjunction with the Group's annual report and financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2021, which were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") issued and adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board ("IASB"). The comparative numbers used for the unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of comprehensive income, unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity and unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows are those of the six month period ended 31 October 2020, in accordance with IAS 34. The comparatives used in the unaudited condensed consolidated statement of financial position are those of the previous financial year to 30 April 2021.

The accounting policies applied by the Group in these interim financial statements are the same as those applied by the Group in its financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2021.

The interim financial statements have been presented in Sterling, which is also the functional currency of the Company, and under the historical cost convention, except for plantations, assets and liabilities held for sale and certain financial instruments, which are carried at fair value less cost to sell.

The preparation of financial statements in accordance with IFRS requires Directors to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities, and the disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial statements. It also requires management to exercise its judgement in the process of applying accounting policies. The main area of the financial statements where significant estimates are made by the Directors is in determining the valuation and fair value of the assets held for sale and contractual receivables for the sale of land and plantations.

In preparing the interim financial statements, the significant judgements made by management in applying the Group's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty are the same as those that applied to the financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2021.

Going concern and assets and liabilities held for sale

On 30 November 2012, the Directors announced the outcome of the strategic review initiated in June 2012. The Directors proposed and recommended a change of investment policy with a view to implementing an orderly realisation of the Group's investments in a manner which maximises value for shareholders, and to returning surplus cash to shareholders over time through ad hoc returns of capital. This proposal was approved by shareholders at an Extraordinary General Meeting ("EGM") on 22 February 2013.

Since the EGM, the portfolio has been reviewed by the Directors with a view to an orderly sale of the assets in such a manner as to enable their inherent value to be realised. During the prior year, the Directors have completed sale transactions for the Group's remaining forestry assets. As a result, at 31 October 2021, the portfolio of assets is classified as held for sale (and its transactions for the period as discontinued operations) under IFRS 5 'Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations', as disclosed in note 10.

As at the date of approval of these financial statements, the Directors have not yet taken steps to instigate a winding-up of the Company, a course of action that would require the approval of shareholders. As a result, as at 31 October 2021, the assets and liabilities of the Company pertaining to the Jersey operations have not been classified as held for sale and its Jersey operations continue to be treated as continuing.

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in adverse impact to businesses globally and has contributed to the volatility of many businesses and communities throughout the world. The impact of the global spread of COVID-19 continues to evolve and will require continued assessment as the pandemic follows its course. The extent of the impact on the Group's investments and ultimately to the Group will depend on future developments, including the duration of the outbreak and the extent of the impact of the pandemic on the Brazilian economy, in particular on the counterparties to the Group's agreements for the sale of the Agua Santa, Ribeirao do Gado and Forquilha properties. The virus is widespread in Brazil, and is likely to continue to be so for some time, however there is evidence that Brazilian rural activities continue largely unaffected. These agreements are underpinned by the competitive Brazilian exchange rate and continued demand for wood, paper and agricultural products on a worldwide basis. The Group continues to monitor the ability of service providers to continue to function with employees working from home. In the opinion of the Board, there are, for the time being, no signs that contracts entered into will not run their course. The Board will nevertheless continue to monitor the situation and take appropriate mitigating actions as necessary.

Going concern and assets and liabilities held for sale (continued)

The Directors have reviewed the Group's cash flow forecasts, which cover the period to 28 February 2023 and consider that the Group has sufficient resources available to pay its liabilities as they fall due. On the basis of the above, the Directors believe it is appropriate to prepare the financial statements on a going concern basis.

New accounting standards effective and adopted

There have been no new accounting standards, interpretations or amendments to existing standards issued and effective for the period that have had a material impact upon the Company.

Amended accounting standards applicable to future reporting periods

-- IAS 1 (amended), "Presentation of Financial Statements" (amendments regarding the classification of liabilities, effective for periods commencing on or after 1 January 2023).

In addition, the IASB has completed the following project:

-- 'Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 2018-2020', published in May 2020. This project has amended certain existing standards effective for accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2022.

The Directors do not anticipate that the adoption of these amended standards in future periods will have a material impact on the financial statements of the Company.

Exchange rates

The following exchange rates have been applied in these interim financial statements to translate foreign currency balances to Sterling:

                           31 October     31 October       30 April     31 October 
                                 2021           2021           2021           2020 
                         closing rate   average rate   closing rate   average rate 
----------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Brazilian Real                7.7160         7.2872         7.5115         6.9285 
 United States Dollar          1.3682         1.3854         1.3822         1.2758 
----------------------  -------------  -------------  -------------  ------------- 

3. Operating segments

The Board of Directors is charged with setting the Company's investment strategy in accordance with the Prospectus. The Board of Directors, as the Chief Operating Decision Maker ("CODM"), had, until 16 October 2014, delegated the day to day implementation of this strategy to its Investment Manager and, with effect from 16 October 2014, to its Operations Manager, but retains responsibility to ensure that adequate resources of the Company are directed in accordance with its decisions. The investment decisions of the Operations Manager have been and are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure compliance with the policies and legal responsibilities of the Board.

Whilst the Operations Manager may manage operations on a day-to-day basis, any changes to the investment strategy, major allocation decisions or any asset dispositions or material timber contracts have to be approved by the Board, even though they may be proposed by the Operations Manager. The Board therefore retains full responsibility as to the major decisions made on an ongoing basis.

As at 31 October 2021, the Group operates in two geographical locations, which the CODM has identified as one non-operating segment, Jersey, and one operating segment, Brazil. Timberlands are located in Brazil. The Brazil segment is classified as a discontinued operation (see note 10).

The accounting policies of each segment are the same as the accounting policies of the Group, therefore no reconciliation has been performed.

                                            Jersey      Brazil       Total 
 31 October 2021 (unaudited)                   GBP         GBP         GBP 
-------------------------------------   ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Assets and disposal group held for 
  sale (note 10)                                 -     822,028     822,028 
 Other assets                            3,312,996   2,668,051   5,981,047 
--------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total assets                            3,312,996   3,490,079   6,803,075 
--------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities                          46,101      62,585     108,686 
--------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                            Jersey      Brazil       Total 
 30 April 2021 (audited)                       GBP         GBP         GBP 
-------------------------------------   ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Assets and disposal group held for 
  sale (note 10)                                 -     980,744     980,744 
 Other assets                            2,198,103   4,346,202   6,544,305 
--------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total assets                            2,198,103   5,326,946   7,525,049 
--------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total liabilities                          38,836     160,443     199,279 
--------------------------------------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
                                             Jersey   Brazil    Total 
 31 October 2021 (unaudited)                    GBP      GBP      GBP 
----------------------------------------   --------  -------  ------- 
 Segment revenue                                  -        -        - 
----------------------------------------   --------  -------  ------- 
 Segment gross profit                             -        -        - 
----------------------------------------   --------  -------  ------- 
 Gain/(loss) on disposal of assets held           -        -        - 
  for sale 
----------------------------------------   --------  -------  ------- 
 Forestry management expenses                     -        -        - 
----------------------------------------   --------  -------  ------- 
 Forestry operating expenses                      -   11,880   11,880 
-----------------------------------------   -------  -------  ------- 
                                             Jersey    Brazil     Total 
 31 October 2020 (unaudited)                    GBP       GBP       GBP 
----------------------------------------   --------  --------  -------- 
 Segment revenue                                  -         -         - 
----------------------------------------   --------  --------  -------- 
 Segment gross profit                             -         -         - 
----------------------------------------   --------  --------  -------- 
 Gain/(loss) on disposal of assets held           -         -         - 
  for sale 
----------------------------------------   --------  --------  -------- 
 Forestry management expenses                     -     1,068     1,068 
-----------------------------------------   -------  --------  -------- 
 Other operating forestry expenses                -   225,990   225,990 
-----------------------------------------   -------  --------  -------- 

As at 31 October 2021 the Group owned no land (30 April 2021: no land).

There was no revenue in the periods ended 31 October 2021 or 31 October 2020. Sales of wood are classified as asset disposals rather than revenue (see notes 10 and 11).

The net cash proceeds from realisations of assets will be applied to the payments of tax or other liabilities as the Board thinks fit prior to making payments to shareholders.

4. Administrative expenses

                                                                       For the 
                                                                    six months 
                                                     For the six         ended 
                                                    months ended    31 October 
                                                 31 October 2021          2020 
                                                       Unaudited     Unaudited 
                                                             GBP           GBP 
----------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 
 Continuing operations 
 Operations Manager's fees (note 16)                      12,000        53,000 
 Directors' fees (note 16)                                49,000        49,000 
 Auditor's fees                                           16,775        23,975 
 Professional & other fees                               119,876       113,728 
                                                         197,651       239,703 
 Discontinued operations 
 Professional & other fees                               123,001        93,201 
 Administration of subsidiaries                           11,282        12,210 
------------------------------------------------------  --------  ------------ 
                                                         134,283       105,411 
 Total administration expenses                           331,934       345,114 
------------------------------------------------------  --------  ------------ 

Administration of subsidiaries includes statutory fees, accounting fees and administrative expenses in regard to the asset holding subsidiaries.

5. Forestry operating expenses

                                                                         For the 
                                                                      six months 
                                                       For the six         ended 
                                                      months ended    31 October 
                                                   31 October 2021          2020 
                                                         Unaudited     Unaudited 
                                                               GBP           GBP 
------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 
 Property management fees, forest protection and other 
  expenses                                                  11,880       225,990 
-------------------------------------------------------  ---------  ------------ 

6. Taxation

Taxation on profit on ordinary activities

Entities within the Group made no taxable profits during the period and there was no tax charge for the period. A reconciliation of the Group's pre-tax loss to the tax charge is shown below.

                                                                            For the 
                                                                         six months 
                                                          For the six         ended 
                                                         months ended    31 October 
                                                      31 October 2021          2020 
                                                            Unaudited     Unaudited 
                                                                  GBP           GBP 
---------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 
 Tax charge reconciliation 
 Loss for the period from continuing operations before 
  taxation                                                  (198,909)     (298,591) 
 Loss for the period from discontinued operations before 
  taxation                                                  (151,120)     (402,880) 
---------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Total loss for the period before taxation                  (350,029)     (701,471) 
---------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Tax credit using the average of the tax rates in the 
  jurisdictions in which the Group operates                  (50,930)     (112,697) 
 Effects of: 
 Operating losses for which no deferred tax asset is 
  recognised                                                   50,930       112,697 
 Capital losses for which no deferred tax asset is                  -             - 
 Tax charge for the period                                          -             - 
---------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 

The average tax rate is a blended rate calculated using the weighted average applicable tax rates of the jurisdictions in which the Group operates. The average of the tax rates in the jurisdictions in which the Group operates in the period was 14.55% (31 October 2020: 16.07%). The effective tax rate in the period was 0% (31 October 2020: 0%).

At the period end date, the Group has unused operational and capital tax losses. No deferred tax asset has been recognised in respect of these losses due to the unpredictability of future taxable profits and capital gains available against which they can be utilised. Tax losses arising in Brazil can be carried forward indefinitely.

Operational tax losses for which deferred tax assets have not been recognised in the consolidated financial statements

                                                                      For the 
                                                    For the six    year ended 
                                                   months ended      30 April 
                                                31 October 2021          2021 
                                                      Unaudited       Audited 
                                                            GBP           GBP 
---------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 
 Balance at beginning of the period/year              3,723,518     5,257,887 
 Current period/year operating losses for which no 
  deferred tax asset is recognised                      150,986       159,605 
 Brought forward operating losses utilised                    -   (1,435,986) 
 Exchange rate movements                               (67,256)     (257,988) 
---------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Balance at the end of the period/year                3,807,248     3,723,518 
---------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 

Accumulated operating losses at 31 October 2021 and 30 April 2021 in the table above relate entirely to discontinued operations The value of deferred tax assets not recognised in regard to operational losses amounted to GBP822,484 (30 April 2021: GBP795,467), all of which related to discontinued operations.

Accumulated operating losses relating to continuing operations at the period end amounted to GBP29,543,552 (30 April 2021: GBP29,344,643). No deferred tax assets arose in respect of these losses.

At the period end the Group had accumulated capital losses of GBP2,649,494 (30 April 2021: GBP3,970,927). The accumulated capital losses at 31 October 2021 and 30 April 2021 related entirely to discontinued operations. The value of deferred tax assets not recognised in respect of these capital tax losses amounted to GBP900,828 (30 April 2021: GBP1,350,115), all of which related to discontinued operations.

Deferred taxation

As at 31 October 2021 and 30 April 2021 the Group had no recognised deferred tax liabilities or deferred tax assets. The Group believes that it has sufficient deductible tax losses available to be offset against future realised profits, however the materiality of any such related tax exposure remains uncertain.

7. Basic and diluted loss per share

The calculation of the basic and diluted loss per share in total and for continuing and discontinued operations is based on the following loss attributable to shareholders and weighted average number of shares outstanding.

                                                                               For the 
                                                                            six months 
                                                             For the six         ended 
                                                            months ended    31 October 
                                                         31 October 2021          2020 
                                                               Unaudited     Unaudited 
                                                                     GBP           GBP 
------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 
 Loss for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings 
  per share being net loss for the period                      (350,029)     (701,471) 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Loss for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings 
  per share being net loss for the period from continuing 
  operations                                                   (198,909)     (298,591) 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Loss for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings 
  per share being net loss for the period from discontinued 
  operations                                                   (151,120)     (402,880) 
------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                              31 October 2021     31 October 
                                                                    Unaudited           2020 
 Weighted average number of shares                                                 Unaudited 
--------------------------------------  -------------------------------------  ------------- 
 Issued shares brought forward (note 13)                           73,728,284     73,728,284 
 Issued shares carried forward (note 13)                           73,728,284     73,728,284 
 Weighted average number of shares in issue during the 
  period                                                           73,728,284     73,728,284 
----------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------- 
 Basic and diluted loss per share                                      (0.47)   (0.95) pence 
----------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------- 
 Basic and diluted loss per share from continuing operations           (0.27)   (0.40) pence 
----------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------- 
 Basic and diluted loss per share from discontinued                    (0.20)   (0.55) pence 
  operations                                                            pence 
----------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------- 

8. Net asset value

                                         31 October     30 April 
                                               2021         2021 
                                          Unaudited      Audited 
 Total assets                             6,803,075    7,525,049 
 Total liabilities                        (108,686)    (199,279) 
--------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Net asset value                          6,694,389    7,325,770 
--------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Number of shares in issue (note 13)     73,728,284   73,728,284 
--------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Net asset value per share                9.1 pence    9.9 pence 
--------------------------------------  -----------  ----------- 

9. Plantations

During the prior year, the Group disposed of the majority of its forestry assets. The only remaining forestry asset is the unharvested plantations at the Forquilha property. These remaining plantations and a small quantity of financial assets are classified as a disposal group and assets held for sale (see note 10).

The assets held for sale are carried at their estimated fair values less costs to sell as at 31 October 2021, as determined by the Directors, with reference to the views of the Operations Manager, taking principally into consideration the estimated proceeds from the contract for sale of the Forquilha plantations.

The fair value measurements of plantations have been categorised as Level 3 fair values based on the unobservable nature of significant inputs to the valuation techniques used.

In forming their conclusions of the fair value of the investment property and plantations, the Directors have considered the following factors:

 Property         Fair value       Valuation                     Significant unobservable                                     Inter-relationship 
                                   technique                               inputs                                          between key unobservable 
                                                                                                                                inputs and fair 
                                                                                                                               value measurement 
                  31       30 
                October   April 
                 2021     2021 
                 GBPm     GBPm 
               --------  ------ 
  Minas            0.7      0.9    31 October     *    Market log prices per m(3) , being standing prices      The estimated 
  Gerais                           2021                with the buyer absorbing all the costs of harvesting    fair value would 
  -Forquilha                       and                 and haulage, subject to a minimum of BRL 46 per m(3)    increase/(decrease) 
                                   30 April            : BRL 60                                                if: 
                                   2021                                                                         *    market log prices were higher/(lower) 
                                   accordance     *    Discount rate: 5% 
                                   with                                                                         *    the discount rate were lower/(higher) 
                                   sale           *    Estimated costs to sell: 5% 
                                   agreement,                                                                   *    estimated costs to sell were lower/(higher) 
                                   adjust for 
               --------  ------  ------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 
 Total            0.7      0.9 
               --------  ------  ------------  ------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------- 

Plantations - Forquilha

During the prior year, the Group completed a contract to sell the Forquilha plantations for a minimum amount of GBP0.8 million (BRL 6.4 million), with a possible uplift subject to market prices of wood at the time of harvesting. During the period, the Group disposed of plantations with a value of GBP0.1 million (BRL 1.0 million) (during the year ended 30 April 2021: GBP0.1 million (BRL 0.7 million)), and the Board has determined that the remaining plantations should be valued in accordance with this contract, based on the market price of wood at the reporting date, less a discount for deferred settlement. Accordingly, the Forquilha plantations are valued in these financial statements at GBP0.7 million (BRL 6.0 million) (30 April 2021: GBP0.9 million (BRL 7.0 million)) before estimated selling costs of GBP0.04 million (30 April 2021: GBP0.05 million).

10. Disposal group and assets held for sale and discontinued operations

During the period, the Group continued its disposal plan for the remaining assets in Brazil.

The Group's Brazil segment is presented as a disposal group held for sale.

The Brazil disposal group comprises the following assets and liabilities held for sale:

                                   Assets   Liabilities                      30 April 
                                 held for      held for        31 October        2021 
                                     sale          sale    2021 Unaudited     Audited 
                                      GBP           GBP               GBP         GBP 
-----------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Plantations                      734,820             -           734,820     888,621 
 Trade and other receivables       87,208             -            87,208      92,123 
 Trade and other payables               -      (62,585)          (62,585)   (160,443) 
                                  822,028      (62,585)           759,443     820,301 
-----------------------------  ----------  ------------  ----------------  ---------- 

A loss of GBP281,352 (31 October 2020: loss of GBP504,912) related to the Brazil disposal group, representing foreign exchange translation of discontinued operations, is included in other comprehensive income (see note 12).

Total assets held for sale in the statement of financial position are as follows:

                                                 31 October 2021      30 April 
                                                       Unaudited          2021 
                                                             GBP           GBP 
----------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 
 Balance brought forward                                 980,744     5,608,306 
 Decrease in trade and other receivables                 (4,915)      (24,492) 
 Net proceeds received from disposals of assets held 
  for sale                                             (128,816)   (5,166,539) 
 Gain on disposal of assets held for sale                      -     1,192,547 
 Increase in the fair value of disposal group and 
  assets held for sale                                         -       412,204 
 Foreign exchange effect                                (24,985)   (1,041,282) 
----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------ 
                                                         822,028       980,744 
----------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 

The assets held for sale were all located in Brazil.

The fair value measurement of GBP759,443 has been categorised as a Level 3 fair value based on the appraised fair values of the plantations less costs to sell. These assets were measured using the methods outlined in note 9. The fair value of other assets and liabilities within the disposal group is not significantly different from their carrying amounts.

Net cash flows attributable to the discontinued operations were as follows:

                                                                  For the six       For the 
                                                                 months ended    six months 
                                                                   31 October         ended 
                                                                         2021    31 October 
                                                                    Unaudited          2020 
                                                                          GBP           GBP 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 
 Operating activities 
    Loss for the period before taxation                             (151,120)     (402,880) 
    Adjustments for: 
  Revaluation of receivables from disposals                          (79,521)             - 
   of assets held for sale 
  Costs arising on settlement of sales receivables                     78,477             - 
  Net finance costs                                                     8,951         6,844 
  Decrease in trade and other receivables                               4,915        14,090 
  (Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables                    (97,858)         9,975 
 Net cash used in operating activities                              (236,156)     (371,971) 
 Net cash from investing activities (proceeds of disposal 
  of assets held for sale)                                          1,111,215     1,106,244 
 Net cash used in financing activities (net finance 
  costs)                                                              (8,934)       (6,844) 
 Foreign exchange movements                                            40,419      (76,758) 
 Net cash inflow for the period                                       906,544       650,671 
----------------------------------------------  -----------------------------  ------------ 

11. Trade and other receivables

                                         31 October 2021    30 April 
                                                     GBP         GBP 
 Ribeirao do Gado sales proceeds receivable       71,416     222,853 
 Forquilha sales proceeds receivable             700,352     719,634 
                                                 771,768     942,487 
--------------------------------------------------------  ---------- 
 Agua Santa sales proceeds receivable            720,178   1,574,476 
 Ribeirao do Gado sales proceeds receivable      294,535     297,137 
 Forquilha sales proceeds receivable             735,370     719,634 
 3R Tocantins sales proceeds receivable                -     266,258 
 Prepaid expenses                                 45,722      22,316 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                               1,795,805   2,879,821 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Total trade and other receivables             2,567,573   3,822,308 
--------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

12. Foreign exchange effect

The translation reserve movement in the period, all of which was derived from discontinued operations, has arisen as follows:

                               Exchange    Exchange   Translation 
                                rate at     rate at       reserve 
                             31 October    30 April      movement 
 31 October 2021                   2021        2021     Unaudited 
-------------------------  ------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Discontinued operations                                      GBP 
 Brazilian Real                  7.7160      7.5115     (281,352) 
---------------------------------------------------  ------------ 
                               Exchange    Exchange   Translation 
                                rate at     rate at       reserve 
                             31 October    30 April      movement 
 31 October 2020                   2020        2020     Unaudited 
 Discontinued operations                                      GBP 
 Brazilian Real                  7.4401      6.9081     (504,912) 
 United States Dollar            1.2947      1.2594         (800) 
-------------------------  ------------  ----------  ------------ 
---------------------------------------------------  ------------ 

13. Stated capital

                                                  31 October 2021    30 April 
                                                        Unaudited        2021 
                                                              GBP         GBP 
-----------------------------------------------------------------  ---------- 
 Balance brought forward and carried forward            2,000,000   2,000,000 
-----------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 

The total authorised share capital of the Company is 250 million shares of no par value. On initial placement 104,350,000 shares were issued at 100 pence each. Shares carry no automatic rights to fixed income but the Company may declare dividends from time to time to which shareholders are entitled. Each share is entitled to one vote at meetings of the Company.

On 22 February 2007 a special resolution was passed by the Company to reduce the stated capital account from GBP104,350,000 to GBP2,000,000. Approval was sought from the Royal Court of Jersey and was granted on 29 June 2007. The balance of GBP102,350,000 was transferred to a distributable reserve on that date.

The Company was granted authority by shareholders on 15 August 2008 to make market purchases of its own shares, an authority which was renewed annually, most recently on 20 September 2018. However no such authority was sought at the Company's 2019 AGM, and on 17 December 2019, the Board resolved that no further share buybacks would be contemplated until further notice.

During the years ended 30 April 2009 and 30 April 2012, the Company used this authority to buy-back and cancel 2,220,000 shares.

On 27 January 2015, shareholders approved a resolution to distribute GBP5,000,000 of cash via a tender offer of 25 pence per share, resulting in the buy-back and cancellation of 20,000,000 shares.

No share buy-backs occurred during the period.

Movements of shares in issue

                                                     For the six       For the 
                                                    months ended    six months 
                                                 31 October 2021         ended 
                                                       Unaudited    31 October 
                                                          Number        Number 
----------------------------------------------------------------  ------------ 
 Brought forward and carried forward                  73,728,284    73,728,284 
                                                     -----------  ------------ 

14. Reserves

The movements in the reserves for the Group are shown in the Statement of Changes in Equity.

Translation reserve

The translation reserve contains exchange differences arising on consolidation of the Group's foreign operations (see note 12).

Distributable reserve

In June 2007, the Company reduced its stated capital account and a balance of GBP102,350,000 was transferred to distributable reserves. This reserve has been utilised by the Company to purchase its own shares (as at 30 April 2021: GBP7,237,888) and for the payment of total cumulative dividends of GBP12,508,800, leaving a balance at 31 October 2021 and 30 April 2021 of GBP82,603,312.

15. Net asset value reconciliation

                                                                 For the year     For the six 
                                                   For the six          ended    months ended 
                                                  months ended       30 April      31 October 
                                               31 October 2021           2021            2020 
                                                     Unaudited        Audited       Unaudited 
                                                           GBP            GBP             GBP 
--------------------------------------------------------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Net asset value brought forward                     7,325,770      7,703,686       7,703,686 
 Foreign exchange translation differences            (281,352)    (1,062,520)       (505,712) 
 Loss on disposal of assets held for sale                    -      1,192,547               - 
 Decrease in the fair value of investment                    -        412,204               - 
  property and plantations 
 Revaluation of receivables from disposal 
  of assets held for sale                               79,521        319,489               - 
 Costs arising on settlement of sales receivables     (78,477)              -               - 
 Net finance costs and exchange differences 
  - continuing operations                              (1,258)      (110,912)        (58,888) 
 Net finance costs and exchange differences 
  - discontinued operations                            (6,001)       (61,527)        (70,411) 
 Loss before above items                             (343,814)    (1,067,197)       (572,172) 
 Net asset value carried forward                     6,694,389      7,325,770       6,496,503 
--------------------------------------------------  ----------  -------------  -------------- 

16. Related party transactions

Parties are considered to be related if one party has the ability to control the other party or exercise significant influence over the other party in making financial or operational decisions.

During the period the Directors received the following remuneration in the form of fees from the Company:

                     For the six       For the 
                    months ended    six months 
                 31 October 2021         ended 
                       Unaudited    31 October 
                             GBP           GBP 
--------------------------------  ------------ 
 Antony Gardner-Hillman   24,000        24,000 
 Svante Adde              12,500        12,500 
 Mark Rawlins             12,500        12,500 
                          49,000        49,000 
--------------------------------  ------------ 

There has been no change in the remuneration of the Directors during the period.

At the period end, Directors held the following interests in the shares of the Company:

                                              31 October 2021   30 April 
                                                    Unaudited       2021 
                                                       Number     Number 
-------------------------------------------------------------  --------- 
 Svante Adde                                          160,840    160,840 
                                                      160,840    160,840 
-------------------------------------------------------------  --------- 

Other material contracts

Under an agreement effective from 16 October 2014, Robert Rickman, a former Director of the Company, was engaged as Operations Manager to the Company, with responsibility for the management oversight and realisation of the timber assets of the Group. With effect from 1 July 2018, Mr Rickman earned a fee of GBP106,000 per annum. The agreement for Mr Rickman's services was amended with effect from December 2019 so as to align his remuneration with shareholders' interests, by a combination of measures including deferral of part of his monthly fee until all assets have been contracted to be realised and an outcome-related bonus in the event realisations from assets on a property-by-property basis exceed the published NAV figure for the relevant property as at 30 April 2019.

Following the completion of agreements for the sale of the Group's remaining investment properties and plantations, Mr Rickman's fee was amended to GBP24,000 per annum with effect from 1 February 2021.

During the period, Mr Rickman earned remuneration of GBP12,000 (2020: GBP53,000) from the Company.

17. Contingent asset

Until it was settled by the Group on 21 December 2017, there existed a security interest on the property owned by 3R Tocantins Investimentos Florestais Ltda to cover a liability between the previous owners and Banco da Amazonia (BASA), a financial institution which lent money to the previous owners who used the property as collateral. Notwithstanding the settlement of the liability to BASA, 3R Tocantins Investimentos Florestais Ltda retained a security interest on Lizarda, another property of the previous owners, as cover for this potential liability. The Group continued to explore legal options in relation to the Lizarda security interest, and during the prior year, a settlement was reached with the previous owners under which the Group released its security interest on the Lizarda property in return for a settlement of GBP0.3 million (BRL 2.0 million), an amount which was received during the period.

18. Events after the reporting period

There were no other significant events after the period end which, in the opinion of the Directors, require disclosure in these interim financial statements.

Key Parties

 Antony R Gardner-Hillman (Chairman) 
 Svante Adde 
 Mark Rawlins 
 Registered Office of the Company 
 St Helier 
 Jersey JE1 1ST 
 Operations Manager 
 Robert Rickman 
 Belsyre Court 
 57 Woodstock Road 
 Oxford OX2 6HJ 
 Sanne Fund Services (Guernsey) Limited (formerly Praxis Fund Services Limited) 
 PO Box 296 
 Sarnia House 
 St Peter Port 
 Guernsey GY1 4NA 
 Administrator and Company Secretary 
 Sanne Fund Services (Jersey) Limited (formerly Praxis Fund Services (Jersey) Limited) 
 Charter Place 
 23-27 Seaton Place 
 St Helier 
 Jersey JE1 1JY 
 Moore Stephens Audit & Assurance (Jersey) Limited 
 1 Waverley Place, Union Street 
 St Helier 
 Jersey JE4 8SG 
 Registrar, Paying Agent and Transfer Agent 
 Link Market Services Limited 
 6(th) Floor, 65 Gresham Street 
 London EC2V 7NQ 
 Corporate Broker and Nominated Adviser for AIM 
 WH Ireland Limited 
 24 Martin Lane 
 London EC4R 0DR 
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 27, 2022 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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