NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR INTERESTS IN SHARES                   

All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

1. Name of company                   2. Name of shareholder having a major     
   UNITED BUSINESS MEDIA PLC                                                   
                                        FRANKLIN RESOURCES INC AND ITS         
                                        AFFILIATES, WHICH INCLUDES FRANKLIN    
                                        MUTUAL ADVISERS LLC AND TEMPLETON      
                                        WORLDWIDE INC AND ITS AFFILIATES.      

3. Please state whether notification 4. Name of the registered holder(s) and,  
   indicates that it is in respect      if more than one holder, the number of 
   of holding of the shareholder        shares held by each of them            
   named in 2 above or in respect of                                           
   a non-beneficial interest or in      As 2 Above - see attached sheet.       
   the case of an individual holder                                            
   if it is a holding of that                                                  
   person's spouse or children under                                           
   the age of 18                                                               
   NON BENEFICIAL - See 2 Above                                                

5. Number of      6. Percentage of  7. Number of shares 8. Percentage of      
   shares            issued class      /amount of stock    issued class       
   acquired                            disposed                               
                     N/A                                   N/A                
   Not Advised                         N/A                                    

9. Class of security                10. Date of          11. Date company      
                                        transaction          informed          
   ORDINARY SHARES OF 25P                                                      
                                        Not known            24 JULY 2003      

12. Total holding following this     13. Total percentage holding of issued    
    notification                         class following this notification     
    30,055,048 ORDINARY SHARES OF        8.9579%                               

14. Any additional information       15. Name of contact and telephone number  
                                         for queries                           
                                         MARIA SMOUT: 020 7921 5062            

16. Name and signature of authorised company official responsible for making   
    this notification                                                          
    ANNE SIDDELL                                                               
    COMPANY SECRETARY                                                          
Date of notification: 24 July 2003                                             

           Registered Holder                         No. of Shares             
Bankers Trust Company                                    6,860                 
Bank of New York Europe Ltd                             21,150                 
Bank of New York                                       1,249,574               
Cede, New York                                         2,391,655               
Chase Nominees Ltd                                    16,913,713               
Citibank Nominees Ltd                                   125,816                
Clydesbank Bank Plc                                    1,121,800               
Deutsche Bank AG                                        520,418                
HSBC                                                    41,200                 
Mellon Bank                                            2,261,369               
Merrill Lynch                                           482,520                
Northern Trust Company                                  893,709                
Royal Trust Corp of Canada                             1,608,440               
State Street Nominees Ltd                              2,416,824               
TOTAL                                                 30,055,048