RNS Number : 2828N

Ace Liberty & Stone PLC

22 September 2023

Ace Liberty and Stone plc

("Ace" or "the Company")


Well-positioned to deliver long-term value for shareholders

Ace Liberty and Stone Plc (AQSE: ALSP), the active property investment company capitalising on commercial property investment opportunities across the UK, is delighted to announce its results for the year ended 30 April 2023.

Financial Highlights:

   --      Value of investment property up 2.1% to GBP78,106,598 (FY 2022 GBP76,500,343) 
   --      Shareholders' funds up 1.3% to GBP34,426,901 (FY 2022 GBP33,988,485) 

-- Cash resources of GBP6,228,032 following successful open offer and refinancing (FY 2022 GBP2,245,873)

-- Revenue reduced 2.5% to GBP5,557,714 (FY 2022 GBP5,697,850) largely due to disposals in the prior year

   --      98% of Group's income from Government and Major Industrial & Commercial companies 

Ismail Ghandour, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

"In a challenging economic environment, Ace is well-positioned with a healthy balance sheet and significant cash resources to explore any opportunities that may arise"


For further information, please contact:

 Ace Liberty & Stone Plc                 Tel: +44 (0) 20 7201 8340 
 Laura Yates, Finance Director          www.acelibertyandstone.com 
 Alfred Henry Corporate Finance          Tel: +44 (0) 20 3772 0021 
 AQSE Growth Market Corporate Adviser          www.alfredhenry.com 
 Nick Michaels 
 SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP           Tel: +44 (0)20 3470 0470 
 Broker                                          www.spangel.co.uk 
 Vadim Alexandre / Rob Rees 

Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to present my Chairman's Statement on the results for the year ending 30 April 2023. The past year has been an active year for the Company. During the year under review, the Company successfully completed a GBP22 million refinancing with Coutts & Co, who are now the sole bank lenders to the Group. In addition, with the support of existing shareholders,

GBP3 million was raised following a successful Open Offer of shares. Together, these transactions have strengthened the balance sheet with over GBP6 million cash and cash equivalents available at year end.

We have welcomed two new Board members during the year, Nick Jones as Property Director and Laura Yates as Finance Director. Ivan Minter has moved to a non-executive role focusing on corporate governance, where his wealth of experience and expertise can assist in driving the growth of the Company. Mark Thomas and Hikmat El-Rousstom stepped down from the Board during the year to focus on other endeavours and we wish them every success for the future.

Two properties have been acquired during the period and subsequently, Loders service station in Dorchester and Egerton Park service station in Melton Mowbray, further details of which can be found in the strategic report. Completion of the acquisition of Hunters Row, Stafford is expected in December 2023.

During the year, revenue reduced 2% to GBP5,557,714 largely due to disposals in the prior year, partially offset by income from new acquisitions. Administrative expenses have increased from GBP1,291,943 to GBP1,875,448. The increase is driven in the most part by void costs of approximately GBP235,000 related to a vacant unit in Sunderland. The majority of this cost is historic and non-recurring as mitigating actions have now been put in place. In addition, staff costs have increased by approximately GBP182,000, which is largely related to non-recurring costs incurred as a result of changes to the Board. Dilapidations settlements in respect of Fawcett House, Sunderland and Telephone House, Sheffield resulted in one-off income totalling GBP277,954. Finance costs increased from GBP2,792,045 to GBP3,382,440. This is a result of increased bank debt following the drawdown of the Coutts facility in September 2022 and increasing interest rates. Our loan to value remains conservative at 54%. Fair value adjustments of GBP600,000 to investment property and GBP430,911 to the investment in Lebanon have reduced profit, with the Group reporting a loss before tax of GBP263,657.

The cash contribution to capital investment in Lebanon has been further impaired during the year to recognise the risk associated with remitting the funds to the UK due to current economic conditions in Lebanon. However, it remains the Company's intention to utilise the funds for investment, when circumstances allow.

The Company paid an interim dividend of 3.4p per share in October 2022 which was intended to recompense shareholders for a long gap in dividend payments. This dividend payment utilised a large portion of the Company's distributable reserves and, as such, no final dividend was declared for the year ended April 2023. The Board remains committed to establishing regular distributions to shareholders and dividend payments will recommence once adequate reserves are available.

The past number of years have been challenging for the UK economy with the unprecedented impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and the uncertainty caused by Brexit. Ace's robust portfolio withstood the many challenges during this period but new challenges are upon us. The ongoing Ukraine conflict, together with rising interest rates and inflation, which accelerated following the mini budget in September 2022, leave the economy in a very different place compared to 12 months ago. The volatility in the interest rate market has had a particular impact on property valuations and the real estate market.

In spite of the challenging economic conditions facing the Company, the Directors are confident in the long-term strength of Ace. The Board has focused on developing a portfolio of geographically diverse, low-risk assets with a secure tenant base. Together with significant cash reserves at year end, the portfolio is in a strong position to perform well against this backdrop of economic turmoil.

Dr Tony Ghorayeb


Date: 19 September 2023

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the year ended 30 April 2023

                                                    2023          2022 
                                                     GBP           GBP 
 Revenue                                       5,557,714     5,697,850 
 Gain / (Loss) on disposal of investment 
  property                                      (29,442)       917,203 
 Administrative expenses                     (1,875,448)   (1,291,943) 
 Fair value gain / (loss) on investment 
  property                                     (600,000)       193,704 
 Fair value loss on investments                (430,911)     (797,576) 
 Fair value loss on assets held for 
  sale                                                 -     (200,000) 
 Loss on disposal of subsidiaries                      -     (412,382) 
 Dilapidations settlement                        277,954             - 
 Finance cost                                (3,382,440)   (2,792,045) 
 Finance income                                  218,916       751,421 
------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Profit / (Loss) before taxation               (263,657)     2,066,232 
------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Taxation                                       (41,885)     (769,427) 
------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Profit / (Loss) after taxation                (305,542)     1,296,805 
------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Other comprehensive income - release 
  of equity proportion of CLNs                         -       202,302 
------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Total comprehensive income for the 
  period                                       (305,542)     1,499,107 
------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Attributable to: 
------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Owners of the parent                          (305,542)     1,499,107 
------------------------------------------  ------------  ------------ 
 Earnings per share on continuing             Pence   Pence 
 Basic earnings per share attributable 
  to equity owners of the parent             (0.48)    2.55 
 Diluted earnings per share attributable 
  to equity owners of the parent             (0.48)    2.03 

Consolidated Statement of Financial position at 30 April 2023

                                                                       2023          2022 
                                                                        GBP           GBP 
     Non-current assets 
 Investment property                                             78,106,598    76,500,343 
 Investments                                                      3,810,015     4,240,851 
 Deferred tax                                                       298,237       186,738 
 Derivative financial 
  instrument                                                        509,292       326,651 
 ---------------------------------------------------------      -----------   ----------- 
                                                                 82,724,142    81,254,583 
    ----------------------------------------------------------  -----------   ----------- 
     Current assets 
 Assets held for 
  sale                                                                    -       850,000 
 Trade and other 
  receivables                                                     1,251,468       533,079 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                        6,228,032     2,245,873 
                                                                  7,479,500     3,628,952 
    ----------------------------------------------------------  -----------   ----------- 
 TOTAL ASSETS                                                    90,203,642    84,883,535 
 ---------------------------------------------------------      -----------   ----------- 
     Current liabilities 
 Trade and other 
  payables                                                        2,421,557     3,072,567 
 Taxation                                                           320,341       953,280 
 Borrowings                                                      29,886,011    17,644,125 
 ---------------------------------------------------------      -----------   ----------- 
                                                                 32,627,909    21,669,972 
    ----------------------------------------------------------  -----------   ----------- 
     Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                                      23,148,832    29,225,078 
 ---------------------------------------------------------      -----------   ----------- 
                                                                 23,148,832    29,255,078 
    ----------------------------------------------------------  -----------   ----------- 
 Share capital                                                   17,806,741    14,711,713 
 Share premium                                                   17,010,240    16,975,362 
 Other reserve                                                      208,600       208,600 
 Treasury shares                                                  (880,620)     (480,620) 
 Retained earnings                                                  281,940     2,573,430 
 ---------------------------------------------------------      -----------   ----------- 
 Total equity                                                    34,426,901    33,988,485 
 ---------------------------------------------------------      -----------   ----------- 
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                    90,203,642    84,883,535 
 -----------------------------------   -----------------------  -----------   ----------- 

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year ended 30 April 2023

                                                                                  2023            2022 
                                                                                   GBP             GBP 
 Profit / (Loss) before 
  tax                                                                        (263,657)       2,066,232 
 Cash flow from operating 
 Adjustments for: 
 Finance income                                                              (218,916)       (751,421) 
 Finance costs                                                               3,382,440       2,792,045 
 (Gain) / Loss on disposal 
  of investment property                                                        29,442       (917,203) 
 Fair value adjustment                                                       1,030,911         803,872 
 Loss on disposal of 
  subsidiaries                                                                       -         412,382 
 (Decrease) / Increase 
  in receivables                                                             (762,949)         200,258 
 Decrease in payables                                                        (839,915)     (1,789,890) 
 Tax paid                                                                    (791,055)       (189,720) 
 Interest paid                                                             (2,735,433)     (2,050,999) 
 Other finance costs 
  paid                                                                       (455,715)        (39,469) 
 Share issue costs                                                             126,022               - 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------   ------------- 
 Net cash (used) / generated by operating 
  activities                                                               (1,498,825)         536,087 
--------------------------------------------------------   ------------  -------------   ------------- 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Interest received                                                               4,986             825 
 Purchase of investment                                                                              - 
  properties                                                               (2,206,255) 
 Sale of investment properties                                                 820,558       4,317,203 
 Sale of subsidiaries                                                                -       5,067,061 
 Investment into LiBank                                                              -        (37,747) 
-------------------------------------     -----------------------------  -------------   ------------- 
 Net cash (used) / generated by investing 
  activities                                                               (1,380,711)       9,347,342 
--------------------------------------------------------   ------------  -------------   ------------- 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Share issue, net of issue                                                                           - 
  costs                                                                      2,980,484 
 Purchase of treasury shares                                                 (400,000)               - 
 Long-term loans advanced                                                   23,227,500               - 
 Long-term loans repaid                                                    (1,093,450)       (761,950) 
 Short-term loans repaid                                                  (15,890,751)     (9,788,969) 
 Equity dividend paid                                                      (1,962,088)               - 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------  -------------   ------------- 
 Net cash generated / (used) 
  by financing activities                                                    6,861,695    (10,550,919) 
-------------------------------------------    ------------------------  -------------   ------------- 
 Net increase / (decrease) in cash 
  and cash equivalents                                                       3,982,159       (667,490) 
--------------------------------------------------------   ------------  -------------   ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
  of the period                                                              2,245,873       2,913,363 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end 
  of the period                                                              6,228,032       2,245,873 
--------------------------------------------------------   ------------  -------------   ------------- 


1. The financial information set out above does not constitute statutory accounts for the purpose of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The financial information has been extracted from the statutory accounts of Ace Liberty & Stone Plc and is presented using the same accounting policies, which have not yet been filed with the Registrar of companies, but on which the auditors gave an unqualified report on 19 September 2023.

The preliminary announcement of the results for the year ended 30 April 2023 was approved by the board of directors on 19 September 2023.

   2.         Earnings per Share 
   The calculations of earnings per share are based on the following 
    earnings and numbers of shares. 
   Profit / (Loss) for the period 
    attributable to equity owners                  (305,542)     1,499,107 
---------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------ 
   Weighted average number of shares                  shares        shares 
                                                      of 25p        of 25p 
   For basic earnings per share                   63,997,280    58,780,517 
   Dilutive effect of share options               14,568,122    14,940,383 
---------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------ 
   For diluted earnings per share                 78,595,402    73,720,900 
---------------------------------------------  -------------  ------------ 
   Earnings per share                                  pence         pence 
   Basic                                              (0.48)          2.55 
   Diluted                                            (0.48)          2.03 
                                                         GBP           GBP 
   Dividends declared during the                       0.034             - 
    year - per share of 25p 
   Dividends declared during the                   2,001,588             - 
    year - total 

- ends -

The Directors accept responsibility for this announcement.

Notes to Editors

Ace Liberty & Stone Plc is a property investment company with a diverse portfolio of properties located across the UK, predominantly in the midlands and north of England, which are now the focus of Government incentives. The Company locates commercial properties which have creditworthy tenants, several years' rental income and the potential for an increase in value through creative asset management activity, such as change of tenancy, change of use or new lease negotiation. Ace has maintained a track record of generating strong profits at disposal of properties and achieving better-than average returns on capital. With strong support from shareholders and mortgage lenders, the Company is currently seeking to deploy its strong balance sheet and is seeking further investment opportunities in the UK to create value for existing and new investors.

Ace is run by a board with extensive property experience, an excellent network of contacts and relevant professional qualifications. This sector expertise has allowed the Board to identify opportunities and act promptly to secure investments.

For more information on the Company please visit www.acelibertyandstone.com

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 22, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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