RNS Number : 0561O

DCI Advisors Limited

29 September 2023

DCI Advisors Ltd

("DCI") or the ("Company") and together with its subsidiaries the ("Group")

Half Year Results for the six months ended 30 June 2023 and Trading Update

Financial Highlights:

-- At 30 June 2023, the total Group Net Asset Value ("NAV") was EUR123.5 million and EUR116.9 million before and after Deferred Tax Liabilities ('D L") respectively. This represents a decrease of EUR3.6 million (3.0%) compared to 31 December 2022. The NAV reduction is principally due to operating, finance, corporate and management expenses.

-- In sterling terms, DCl's NAV decreased to 10p per Share on 30 June 2023 compared to 11p on 31 December 2022. The Sterling NAV per share fell notably due to a 2.9% depreciation in Sterling against the Euro during the period.

-- Aggregate Group debt was EUR5.7 million, a Group total debt to gross asset ratio of 3.4% as at 30 June 2023 (31 December 2022: 2.8%) .


 DCI Advisors Ltd 
  Nicolai Huls / Nick Paris, Managing Directors                                 nickparis@btinternet.com 
                                                                                +44 (0) 7738 470550 
 Cavendish Capital Markets Limited (Nominated Adviser & Broker) 
  William Marle / Jonny Franklin-Adams / Edward Whiley (Corporate Finance) 
  Mark Whitfeld / Pauline Tribe (Sales)                                         +44 (0) 20 7220 0500 
   FIM Capital Limited (Administrator)                                          llennon@fim.co.im / gdevlin@fim.co.im 
   Lesley Lennon / Grainne Devlin (Corporate Governance) 

DCI Advisors Limited


Unaudited lnterim Financial Report

For the Six Months Ended 30 June 2023

DCI Advisors Limited

Chairman's Statement

Dear Shareholder,

I am pleased to report the Interim results for the first half of 2023.

The focus remains on improving the Company's corporate governance and implementing its new investment policy and realisation strategy that was approved by shareholders in December 2021, and is aimed at selling the remaining investments, repaying debt and distributing the net proceeds to shareholders.

Following the removal of Dolphin Capital Partners as investment manager (on 20(th) March) and Miltos Kambourides from the board of the Company on 18(th) March, the Company has gone through a stabilisation phase of securing its assets and managing them with a view to readying them for sale. Construction has restarted at Kilada, and efficiency improved through the cutting of costs in order to complete phase one, which when we intend to sell it. Asset sale processes that have already started have been kept on track, but none has reached a notifiable conclusion.

Summary of Financial Performance

At 30 June 2023, the Group Net Asset Value after Deferred Tax Liability was EUR117 million, representing a 3.0% decrease compared to 31 December 2022. The NAV decline reflects operating and other expenses of EUR2.99 million (30 June 2022: EUR1.897 million). The net loss after tax attributable to the owners of the Company was EUR3.29 million, as at 30 June 2023.

ln sterling terms, DCl's NAV decreased to 10p per Share on 30 June 2023 compared to 11p on 31 December 2022. At 30 June 2023, DCI had a market capitalisation of approximately GBP35.7 million, compared with the Company's NAV of GBP100.6 million after DTL.

Additional Director

It is our intention to appoint a new independent Director in the coming months in order to enhance the corporate governance within the Company. We will update shareholders as soon as the process has been completed.

I would like to thank shareholders and our numerous service providers for the support and confidence that they have given the Board in proceeding with the changes outlined above.

Sean Hurst


DCI Advisors Ltd

28 September 2023

DCI Advisors Limited

Managing Directors' Statement

Business Overview

This report covers the period from January to September 2023 during which period (in particular in March) the Company terminated the Investment Management Agreement with the Company's former investment manager, Dolphin Capital Partners Limited ("DCP") and the board took over the self-management of the Company. Since then, the board has worked to improve and streamline the Company's operations and has reaffirmed terms with all of the Company's key service providers in Greece, Cyprus and Croatia but certain changes were necessary in order to create a basis to move forwards at an acceptable cost. Nick Paris and Nicolai Huls were previously non-executive Directors of the Company but have taken on the role of executive Managing Directors in order to replace DCP. Whilst the Company has hired a few people to work on a consultancy basis the Managing Directors have significantly reduced the cash outflow of managing the Company as DCP was being paid advances against future incentive fees of over EUR2 million per annum (repayment of which is claimed by DCI in its counterclaim in the UK litigation brought by DCP).

The Managing Directors have also focused on enhancing the value of the Company's existing portfolio of assets and are pursuing divestment opportunities for all of the Company's assets except Kilada which is in the middle of finalising phase 1 of its construction. There are active sale discussions underway for several of the Company's assets, including Livka Bay in Croatia, but none has yet reached the stage of binding commitments.

The Company has financed its operations via a series of loans arranged directly from certain shareholders of the Company and each of these loans is intended to last up to 12 months but to be repaid out of the proceeds of asset sales. They all bear an interest rate of 12% p.a. but no advance or redemption charges. Security will be granted against these loans in the form of individual charges over one of the Company's assets in amounts which will exceed the value of each loan. The support from shareholders via the loans has helped the Company to manage the transition phase since DCP's termination as investment manager.

The number of people supporting the Company's business has reduced significantly since DCP's termination. Despite this, operations have continued, and have even improved while at the same time the Company has been able to continue to make steps in the sales process of some of its assets.

The legal case in the UK brought by DCP against the Company is still ongoing.

While a continued legal fight with DCP is not the Company's preference, at present the board do not believe that DCP has shown serious interest in settling the outstanding issues between DCP and the Company.

Major Assets Review

Assets located in Greece:

Kilada Country Club, Golf & Residences (for further details see www.mykilada.com)

Construction work at Kilada has been financed from a loan granted by the Company's joint venture partner and the Company also expects to be able to draw down the first tranches of the government grant that the Company was awarded shortly.

Development of Phase 1 continues and the Company still expects to finalise this development phase by the end of 2024. This would include finalising the 18-hole Jack Niklaus Signature golf course, the country club and the infrastructure for 90 villas. It is the target to have finished 9 holes of the golf course by October/November this year.

Due to the progress the development is making, the Company would like to bring forward the development of the hotel component in order to support the golf course. The Company also expects sales momentum for villas and land lots to pick up as the finalisation of the golf course draws nearer.

Lavender Bay

The situation at Lavender Bay has been clarified and improved. The Archdiocese of Dimitriada and the Holy Monastery of Xenia have filed lawsuits against the State to resolve judicially the ownership issues.

The Company will also file a corresponding lawsuit in the following weeks. The cases of all three entities are very strong. The filing of the lawsuits will increase the valuation of the land and consequently reduce the negative valuation of the asset.

No additional funds will be paid to the vendor under the Company's sale and purchase contracts until the resolution of the legal dispute with the Greek State has been resolved.

Plaka Bay

The studies for a Special Development Plan for an integrated resort have been completed and will be submitted to the relevant authorities. Approval of this plan is anticipated to enhance the asset's valuation and market appeal.

Scorpio Bay

The Company is currently reviewing the update of permits and the agreement with Oberoi Hotels and Resorts to restore the asset's valuation and market appeal.

Assets located in Cyprus:

Aristo Developers Limited (a 47.9% affiliate) (for further details see www.aristodevelopers.com )

Aristo continues to benefit from a strong recovery in the residential real estate market in Cyprus albeit tempered by the increase in construction costs and bank interest rates that is being experienced worldwide. Property sales are growing month on month and margins are good and surplus cash flow is being used to pay down bank borrowings to further deleverage the company.

The sale process for the Company's holding in Aristo that commenced in February was affected by disruptions in global equity markets which occurred soon afterwards but is still continuing. It is too early to predict whether and when this will lead to sale negotiations.

Apollo Heights

Apollo Heights is a large area of contiguous land which is situated next to one of the British military bases in Cyprus and as such, planning permissions are influenced by intra-government relations between Cyprus and the United Kingdom. The site also contains a mix of agricultural and forest land and the Company is still awaiting the results of a planning appeal that the Company lodged in September 2022 to improve the planning status of the site. Despite this the Company is currently exploring several indications of interest in buying the land.

Asset located in Croatia:

Livka Bay

A sale process commenced in April with the assistance of one of the main local property advisers in Croatia in order to find a buyer for the entire site or a joint venture partner who would inject equity to develop the hotel, villas and marina that are already permitted for the site by the local government. Strong interest was expressed for a 100% purchase and the Company is working with several buyers who lodged letters of intent. The Company's aim is to agree acceptable terms with one of them that would lead to a sale of Livka Bay in the near future.


The Company's main objectives going forward are to:

1. secure adequate working capital liquidity for the Company until asset sales have been completed;

   2.     execute further portfolio asset disposals; 
   3.     progress construction at Kilada and start to generate plot/villa sales; 
   4.     progress planning and permitting selectively for the remaining portfolio: and, 

5. repay the Company's modest borrowings and once it has reserved adequate cash for working capital purposes, to distribute surplus capital to shareholders although it is too early to predict when the first distribution will be made.

   6.     make a first distribution with in 12 months' time. 

Nicolai Huls, Managing Director

Nick Paris, Managing Director

DCI Advisors Ltd

28 September 2023



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2023

                                                          6 Months        6 Months 
                                                             ended           ended 
                                                           30 June         30 June 
                                                              2023            2022 
                                                       (Unaudited)     (Unaudited) 
                                         Note              EUR'000         EUR'000 
 Revenue                                    6                    4              55 
 Cost of sales                                                   -               - 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
 Gross profit                                                    4              55 
 Gain on disposal of equity-accounted                            -               - 
 Change in valuations                                            -               - 
 Directors' remuneration                                     (187)           (100) 
 Professional fees                          7              (1,934)         (1,049) 
 Administrative and other expenses          8                (869)           (722) 
 Total operating and other 
  expenses                                                 (2,990)         (1,871) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
 Results from operating activities                         (2,986)         (1,816) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
 Finance income                                                 57               1 
 Finance costs                                               (614)         (1,290) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
 Net finance costs                                           (557)         (1,289) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
 Share of losses on equity-accounted 
  investees                                                      -           (275) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
 Loss before taxation                                      (3,543)         (3,380) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
 Taxation                                   9                  (1)             (2) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
 Loss                                                      (3,544)         (3,382) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
 Other comprehensive Loss 
 Foreign currency translation 
  differences                                                 (69)            (24) 
 Other comprehensive loss, 
  net of tax                                                  (69)            (24) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
 Total comprehensive loss                                  (3,613)         (3,406) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
 Loss attributable to: 
 Owners of the Company                                     (3,286)         (2,972) 
 Non-controlling interests                                   (258)           (410) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
                                                           (3,544)         (3,382) 
======================================  =====  ===  ==============  ============== 
 Total comprehensive loss 
  attributable to: 
 Owners of the Company                                     (3,355)         (2,996) 
 Non-controlling interests                                   (258)           (410) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
                                                           (3,613)         (3,406) 
--------------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  -------------- 
 Loss per share 
 Basic and diluted loss per 
  share (EUR)                              10              (0.004)         (0.003) 



As at 30 June 2023

                                                    30 June    31 December 
                                                       2023      (Audited) 
                                  Note              EUR'000        EUR'000 
 Property, plant and equipment      11               15,854         15,226 
 Investment property                12               45,943         45,943 
 Equity-accounted investees         13               42,694         42,694 
 Non-current assets                                 104,491        103,863 
-------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  ------------- 
 Trading properties                 14               56,516         56,516 
 Receivables and other assets       15                9,344         10,083 
 Cash and cash equivalents                              318          2,226 
-------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  ------------- 
 Current assets                                      66,178         68,825 
-------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  ------------- 
 Total assets                                       170,669        172,688 
-------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  ------------- 
 Share capital                      16                9,046          9,046 
 Share premium                      16              569,847        569,847 
 Retained deficit                                 (470,600)      (467,314) 
 Other reserves                                         459            528 
-------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  ------------- 
 Equity attributable to owners 
  of the Company                                    108,752        112,107 
 Non-controlling interests                            8,182          8,440 
-------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  ------------- 
 Total equity                                       116,934        120,547 
-------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  ------------- 
 Loans and borrowings               17               10,858         10,434 
 Deferred tax liabilities           18                6,577          6,577 
 Lease liabilities                                    3,347          3,347 
 Trade and other payables           19               19,795         19,795 
 Non-current liabilities                             40,577         40,153 
-------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  ------------- 
 Loans and borrowings               17                5,709          4,611 
 Lease liabilities                                       88             88 
 Trade and other payables           19                7,361          7,289 
-------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  ------------- 
 Current liabilities                                 13,158         11,988 
-------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  ------------- 
 Total liabilities                                   53,735         52,141 
-------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  ------------- 
 Total equity and liabilities                       170,669        172,688 
-------------------------------  -----  ---  --------------  ------------- 
 Net asset value ('NAV') per 
  share (EUR)                       20                 0.12           0.12 

The condensed consolidated financial statements were authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 28 September 2023.

   Nick Paris                                                                            Nicolai Huls 
   Managing Director                                                             Managing Director 



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2023

                                     Attributable to owners of the Company 
                        Share     Share   Translation   Revaluation    Retained              Non-controlling     Total 
                      capital   premium       reserve       reserve     deficit      Total         interests    equity 
                      EUR'000   EUR'000       EUR'000       EUR'000     EUR'000    EUR'000           EUR'000   EUR'000 
 Balance at 1 
  January 2022          9,046   569,847           305           279   (460,390)    119,087             8,942   128,029 
  Loss                      -         -             -             -     (2,972)    (2,972)             (410)   (3,382) 
   Foreign currency 
    differences             -         -          (24)             -           -       (24)                 -      (24) 
 Total other 
  income                    -         -          (24)             -           -       (24)                 -      (24) 
-------------------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
  income                    -         -          (24)             -     (2,972)    (2,996)             (410)   (3,406) 
-------------------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
 Changes in 
 in subsidiaries 
 Disposal of 
  interests without 
  a change in 
  control                   -         -             -             -           -          -               621       621 
-------------------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
 Total transactions 
  with owners 
  of the Company            -         -             -             -           -          -               621       621 
-------------------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
 Balance at 30 June 
  2022                  9,046   569,847           281           279   (463,362)    116,091             9,153   125,244 
-------------------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
   Balance at 1 
   January 2023         9,046   569,847           249           279   (467,314)    112,107             8,440   120,547 
  Loss                      -         -             -             -     (3,286)    (3,286)             (258)   (3,544) 
   Foreign currency 
    differences             -         -          (69)             -           -       (69)                 -      (69) 
 Total other 
  income                    -         -          (69)             -           -       (69)                 -      (69) 
-------------------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
  income                    -         -          (69)             -     (3,286)    (3,355)             (258)   (3,613) 
-------------------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 
 Balance at 30 June 
  2023                  9,046   569,847           180           279   (470,600)    108,752             8,182   116,934 
-------------------  --------  --------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ----------------  -------- 



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2023

                                                            30 June         30 June 
                                                               2023            2022 
                                                        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited) 
                                                            EUR'000         EUR'000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss                                                       (3,544)         (3,382) 
 Adjustments for: 
   Depreciation charge                                           47              38 
   Interest expense                                             122           1,291 
   Exchange difference                                         (69)            (24) 
   Share of losses on equity-accounted 
    investees, net of tax                                         -             275 
                                                            (3,444)         (1,802) 
 Changes in: 
  Receivables                                                   739           (752) 
  Payables                                                       72              14 
 Cash used in operating activities                          (2,633)         (2,540) 
 Tax paid                                                         -            (52) 
 Net cash used in operating activities                      (2,633)         (2,592) 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Acquisitions of investment property                              -           (145) 
 Acquisitions of property, plant 
  and equipment                                               (675)         (1,702) 
 Proceeds from other investments                                  -              99 
 Net cash (used in)/ from investing 
  activities                                                  (675)         (1,748) 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 New loans                                                    1,400             810 
 Proceeds from issue of redeemable 
  preference shares                                               -           3,000 
 Transaction costs related to loans 
  and borrowings                                                  -           (165) 
 Interest paid                                                    -           (768) 
 Net cash from/ (used in) financing 
  activities                                                  1,400           2,877 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net decrease in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                               (1,908)         (1,463) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  beginning of the period                                     2,226           4,575 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  end of the period                                             318           3,112 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 For the purpose of the consolidated 
  statement of cash flows, cash and 
  cash equivalents consist of the 
 Cash in hand and at bank                                       318           3,112 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  end of the period                                             318           3,112 
---------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 



For the six-month period ended 30 June 2023


DCI Advisors Ltd (Formerly: Dolphin Capital Investors Ltd) (the 'Company') was incorporated and registered in the British Virgin Islands ('BVI') on 7 June 2005. The Company is a real estate investment company focused on the early-stage, large-scale leisure-integrated residential resorts in the Eastern Mediterranean. The Company was managed, until 20 March 2023, by Dolphin Capital Partners Ltd (the 'Investment Manager'), an independent private management firm that specialises in real estate investments, primarily in south-east Europe, and thereafter the Company became self-managed. The shares of the Company were admitted to trading on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange ('AIM') on 8 December 2005.

With effect from 01 June 2023, the name of the Company was changed from Dolphin Capital Investors Ltd to DCI Advisors Ltd.

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company as at and for the six-month period ended 30 June 2023 comprise the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the 'Group') and the Group's interests in equity-accounted investees. These interim financial statements have not been subject to an audit.

   2.      basis of preparation 
   a.      Statement of compliance 

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements for the six-month period ended 30 June 2023 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting and should be read in conjunction with the Group's last annual consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022 ('last annual financial statements'). They do not include all of the information required for a complete set of financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS Standards. However, selected explanatory notes are included to explain events and transactions that are significant to an understanding of the changes in the Group's financial position and performance since the last annual financial statements. They are presented in Euro (EUR), rounded to the nearest thousand.

These condensed consolidated interim financial statements were authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 28 September 2023.

   b.      Basis of preparation 

The condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Company for the six-month period ended 30 June 2023 have been prepared on a going concern basis, which assumes that the Group will be able to discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business.

The Group's cash flow forecasts for the foreseeable future involve uncertainties related primarily to the exact disposal proceeds and timing of disposals of the assets expected to be disposed of. Management believes that the proceeds from forecast asset sales will be sufficient to maintain the Group's cash flow at a positive level. Should the need arise, management will take actions to reduce costs and is confident that it can secure additional loan facilities and/or obtain repayment extension on existing ones, until planned asset sales are realised and proceeds received.

f, for any reason, the Group is unable to continue as a going concern, then this could have an impact on the Group's ability to realise assets at their recognised values and to extinguish liabilities in the normal course of business at the amounts stated in the condensed consolidated interim financial statements.

Based on these factors, management has a reasonable expectation that the Group has and will have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future.

   3.      PRINCIPAL subsidiaries 

The Group's most significant subsidiaries we re the following:

                                                       Country          Shareholding 
                                                        of               interest 
 Name                            Project               incorporation    30.6.2023   31.12.2022* 
------------------------------  --------------------  ---------------  ----------  ------------ 
 Scorpio Bay Holdings Limited    Scorpio Bay Resort    Cyprus           100%        100% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
 Scorpio Bay Resort S.A.         Scorpio Bay Resort    Greece           100%        100% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
                                 Lavender Bay 
 Xscape Limited                   Resort               Cyprus           100%        100% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
                                 Lavender Bay 
 Golfing Developments S.A.        Resort               Greece           100%        100% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
 MindCompass Overseas One        Kilada Hills 
  Limited                         Golf Resort          Cyprus           85%         85% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
                                 Kilada Hills 
 MindCompass Overseas S.A.        Golf Resort          Greece           85%         85% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
 MindCompass Overseas Two        Kilada Hills 
  S.A.                            Golf Resort          Greece           100%        100% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
                                 Kilada Hills 
 MindCompass Parks S.A.           Golf Resort          Greece           100%        100% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
                                 Kilada Hills 
 DCI Greek Collection Limited     Golf Resort          Cyprus           100%        100% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
 DCI Holdings One Limited 
  (1)                            Aristo Developers     BVIs             100%        100% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
 D.C. Apollo Heights Polo        Apollo Heights 
  and Country Resort Limited      Resort               Cyprus           100%        100% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
                                 Apollo Heights 
 Symboula Estates Limited         Resort               Cyprus           100%        100% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
 Azurna Uvala D.o.o.             Livka Bay Resort      Croatia          100%        100% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
 Eastern Crete Development 
  Company S.A.                   Plaka Bay Resort      Greece           100%        100% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 
 Single Purpose Vehicle          One&Only Kea 
  Ten Limited (2)                 Resort               Cyprus           67%         67% 
==============================  ====================  ===============  ==========  ============ 

The above shareholding interest percentages are rounded to the nearest integer.

(1) This entity holds a 48% shareholding interest in DCI Holdings Two Ltd ("DCI H2") which is the owner of Aristo Developers Ltd.

(2) In December 2022 year this entity disposed of the 50% shareholding interest in Single Purpose Vehicle Fourteen Limited (owner of One&Only Kea Resort

   4.      Significant accounting policies 

The accounting policies applied by the Group in these condensed consolidated interim financial statements are the same as those applied by the Group in its consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31 December 2022. number of new standards are effective from 1 January 2023, but they do not have a material effect on the Group's financial statements.

Where necessary, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform to changes in presentation in the current period.


The preparation of interim financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, income and expense. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

ln preparing these condensed consolidated interim financial statements, the significant judgements made by the management in applying the Group's accounting policies and the key sources of estimation and uncertainty were the same as those applied to the last annual financial statements.

   6.      revenue 
                            6 Months        6 Months 
                               ended           ended 
                             30 June         30 June 
                                2023            2022 
                         (Unaudited)     (Unaudited) 
 Other revenue 
 Other income                      4              55 
--------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total                             4              55 
--------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                   6 Months        6 Months 
                                                      ended           ended 
                                                    30 June         30 June 
                                                       2023            2022 
                                                (Unaudited)     (Unaudited) 
                                                    EUR,000         EUR,000 
 Legal fees                                             810             318 
 Auditors' remuneration                                 100              80 
 Accounting expenses                                     75              99 
 Appraisers' fees                                        12               - 
 Project design and development 
  fees                                                  100             207 
 Consultancy fees                                        53              63 
 Administrator fees                                     115             186 
 Other professional fees                                669              96 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total                                                1,934           1,049 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
                                                        6 Months        6 Months 
                                                           ended           ended 
                                                         30 June         30 June 
                                                            2023            2022 
                                                     (Unaudited)     (Unaudited) 
                                                         EUR,000         EUR,000 
 Travelling and accommodation                                 72              28 
 Insurance                                                    22              35 
 Marketing and advertising expenses                           28              30 
 Personnel expenses                                          230             274 
 Immovable property and other 
  taxes                                                        -              78 
 Rents                                                        12              41 
 Other                                                       505             236 
------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total                                                       869             722 
------------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
   9.      Taxation 
                                                    6 Months        6 Months 
                                                       ended           ended 
                                                     30 June         30 June 
                                                        2023            2022 
                                                 (Unaudited)     (Unaudited) 
                                                     EUR,000         EUR,000 
 Income tax expense                                        1               - 
 Deferred tax expense/(income)                             -               2 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Taxation expense/(income) recognised 
  in profit or loss                                        1               2 
--------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
   10.    LOSS per share 

Basic loss per share

Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to owners of the Company by the weighted average number of common shares outstanding during the year.

                                                      6 Months        6 Months 
                                                         ended           ended 
                                                       30 June         30 June 
                                                          2023            2022 
                                                   (Unaudited)     (Unaudited) 
                                                       EUR,000         EUR,000 
 Loss attributable to owners 
  of the Company (EUR)                                 (3,286)         (2,972) 
 Number of weighted average common 
  shares outstanding                                   904,627         904,627 
==============================================  ==============  ============== 
 Basic loss per share (EUR)                            (0.004)         (0.003) 
----------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 

Diluted loss per share

As at 30 June 2023 and 2022, the diluted loss per share is the same as the basic loss per share, as there were no outstanding dilutive potential ordinary shares (a financial instrument or other contract that, when converted to ordinary shares, would decrease earnings per share or increase loss per share) during these periods.

   11.    Property, plant and equipment 
                                           Property under       Land & 
                                             construction    buildings   Machinery & equipment       Other       Total 
                                                  EUR'000      EUR'000                 EUR'000     EUR'000     EUR'000 
 30 June 2023 (Unaudited) 
 Cost or revalued amount 
 At beginning of the period                         8,924       20,457                     377          45      29,803 
 Direct acquisitions                                    -          671                       3           1         675 
 At end of the period                               8,924       21,128                     380          46      30,478 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------  ----------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Depreciation and impairment 
 At beginning of the period                             -       14,174                     365          38      14,577 
 Depreciation charge for the 
  year                                                  -           36                       8           3          47 
 At end of the period                                   -       14,210                     373          41      14,624 
============================  ===========================  ===========  ======================  ==========  ========== 
 Carrying amounts                                   8,924        6,918                       7           5      15,854 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------  ----------------------  ----------  ---------- 
                                           Property under       Land & 
                                             construction    buildings   Machinery & equipment       Other       Total 
                                                  EUR'000      EUR'000                 EUR'000     EUR'000     EUR'000 
 31 December 2022 (Audited) 
 Cost or revalued amount 
 At beginning of year                               5,683       20,445                     366          45      26,539 
 Direct acquisitions                                3,241           12                      11           -       3,264 
 At end of year                                     8,924       20,457                     377          45      29,803 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------  ----------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Depreciation and impairment 
 At beginning of year                                   -       17,080                     357          33      17,470 
 Depreciation charge for the 
  year                                                  -           38                       9           1          48 
 Reversal of impairment loss                            -      (2,944)                       -           -     (2,944) 
 Exchange difference                                    -            -                     (1)           4           3 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------  ----------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 At end of year                                         -       14,174                     365          38      14,577 
============================  ===========================  ===========  ======================  ==========  ========== 
 Carrying amounts                                   8,924        6,283                      12           7      15,226 
----------------------------  ---------------------------  -----------  ----------------------  ----------  ---------- 

Fair value hierarchy

The fair value of land and buildings, has been categorised as a Level 3 fair value based on the inputs to the valuation techniques used.

Valuation techniques and significant unobservable inputs

The valuation techniques used in measuring the fair value of land and buildings, as well as the significant unobservable inputs used, are the same as those used as at 31 December 2022.

   12.    Investment property 
                                               30 June    31 December 
                                                  2023      (Audited) 
                                               EUR'000        EUR'000 
 At beginning of year                           45,943         52,188 
 Capital subsequent expenditure                      -             75 
 Fair value adjustment                               -        (6,316) 
 Exchange differences                                -            (4) 
--------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 
 At end of year                                 45,943         45,943 
--------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 

Fair value hierarchy

The fair value of investment property has been categorised as a Level 3 fair value based on the inputs to the valuation techniques used.

Valuation techniques and significant unobservable inputs

The valuation techniques used in measuring the fair value of investment property, as well as the significant unobservable inputs used, are the same as those used as at 31 December 2022.

13. equity-accounted investees

                                  DCI H2     SPV14     Total 
                                 EUR'000   EUR'000   EUR'000 
 30 June 2023 (Unaudited) 
 At beginning of year             42,694         -    42,694 
 Share of loss , net of tax            -         -         - 
 Reversal of impairment loss           -         -         - 
-----------------------------   --------  --------  -------- 
 At end of year                   42,694         -    42,694 
------------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 31 December 2022 (Audited) 
 At beginning of year            42,694     22,861     65,555 
 Share of loss , net of tax       (388)    (1,397)    (1,785) 
 Disposal of Associate                -   (21,464)   (21,464) 
 Reversal of impairment loss        388          -        388 
 At end of year                  42,694          -     42,694 
------------------------------  -------  ---------  --------- 

Single Purpose Vehicle Fourteen Limited ('SPV 14')

On 23 December 2022 it was announced that the Company had completed the disposal of its entire interest in the One&Only at Kea Island ('OOKI') Project. Prior to the sale, the Company was the owner of 66.67% of Single Purpose Vehicle Ten Ltd ('SPV10') which, in turn, indirectly owned 50% of SPV 14, thereby providing the Company with an effective equity interest of 33.33% in SPV 14 and the OOKI project.

DCI Holdings Two Limited ("DCI H2")

As at 30 June 2023, 30 June 2022 and 31 December 2023 the investment in DCI 2 is presented at its recoverable amount of EUR42.7 million. The recoverable amount is calculated based on the NAV of DCI 2 group at the reporting date adjusted by approximately 30% discount on the DCI 2 group's real estate properties. The fair value of the investment in DCI 2 has been categorised as a Level 3 fair value based on the inputs to the valuation techniques used.

The details of the above investments are as follows:

           Country                                          Shareholding interest 
 Name      incorporation    Principal activities             30 June    31 December 
                                                                2023           2022 
--------  ---------------  -----------------------------   ---------  ------------- 
 SPV 14    Cyprus           Development of OOKI                    -              - 
--------  ---------------  -----------------------------   ---------  ------------- 
                            Acquisition and holding 
                             of real estate investments 
 DCI H2    BVI               in Cyprus                           48%            48% 
--------  ---------------  ------------------------------  ---------  ------------- 

The above shareholding interest percentages are rounded to the nearest integer.

   14.    Trading properties 
                                           30 June    31 December 
                                              2023      (Audited) 
                                           EUR'000        EUR'000 
 At beginning of year                       56,516         56,516 
 At end of year                             56,516         56,516 
----------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 
                                         Note         30 June    31 December 
                                                         2023      (Audited) 
                                                      EUR'000        EUR'000 
 Trade receivables                                         50             90 
 Other receivables                     21.3.1             278            939 
 Loan Receivable                                        6,637          6,637 
 VAT receivables                                          447            509 
------------------------------------  -------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total Trade and other receivables                      7,412          8,175 
====================================  =======  ==============  ============= 
 Amounts Receivable from Investment 
  Manager                                21.2           1,898          1,898 
 Prepayments and other assets                              34             10 
====================================  =======  ==============  ============= 
 Total                                                  9,344         10,083 
------------------------------------  -------  --------------  ------------- 

The amount receivable from Investment Manager relates to EUR3.0 million (2022: EUR3.0 million) of advance payments made net of variable management fee payable of EUR1.1 million (2022: EUR1.1 million). See note 21.2 for further information.

   16.    capital and reserves 


Authorised share capital

 As at 30 June 2023 and 31 December 
  2022                                  '000 of shares   EUR'000 
  Common shares of EUR0.01 each              2,000,000    20,000 

Movement in share capital and premium

                                    Shares in   Share capital   Share premium 
                                         '000         EUR'000         EUR'000 
                                   ----------  --------------  -------------- 
 Capital at 31 December 2022 and 
  to 30 June 2023                     904,627           9,046         569,847 
---------------------------------  ----------  --------------  -------------- 


Translation reserve: Translation reserve comprises all foreign currency differences arising from the translation of the financial statements of foreign operations.

Revaluation reserve: Revaluation reserve relates to the revaluation of property, plant and equipment from both subsidiaries and equity-accounted investees, net of any deferred tax.

   17.    loans AND BORROWINGS 
                                             30 June    31 December 
                                                              202 2 
                                               202 3      (Audited) 
                                             EUR'000        EUR'000 
 Loans denominated in Euro                    4, 288          4,611 
 Redeemable preference shares                10, 858         10,434 
 Shareholder Loans                             1,421              - 
------------------------------  ----  --------------  ------------- 
 Total                                        16,567         15,045 
------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Loans denominated in Euro                    4, 288          4,611 
 Redeemable preference shares                      -              - 
 Shareholder Loans                             1,421              - 
------------------------------  ----  --------------  ------------- 
 Within one year                             5 , 709          4,611 
------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Loans denominated in Euro                         -              - 
 Redeemable preference shares                10, 858         10,434 
 Shareholder Loans                                 -              - 
------------------------------  ----  --------------  ------------- 
 Two to five years                           10, 858         10,434 
------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 

Loans denominated in Euros

The maturity date of the outstanding bank loan to Azurna Uvala (the owner of "Livka Bay") was extended to 31 December 2023 in the reporting period.

Redeemable preference shares

On 18 December 2019, the Company signed an agreement with an international investor for a EUR12 million investment in the Kilada Hills Project. The investor agreed to subscribe for both common and preferred shares. The total

EUR12 million investment was payable in 24 monthly instalments of EUR500,000 each. Under the terms of the agreement, the investor is entitled to a priority return of the total investment amount from the net disposal proceeds realised from the project and retains a 15% shareholding stake in Kilada. As of 30 June 2023, 15.00% (31 December and 30 June 2022: 15.00%) of the ordinary shares have been transferred to the investor.

As of 30 June 2023, 12,000 redeemable preference shares (31 December and 30 June 2022: 12, 000) were issued as fully paid with value of EUR1,000 per share. The redeemable preference shares were issued with a zero-coupon rate and are discounted with a 0.66% effective monthly interest rate, do not carry the right to vote and are redeemable when net disposal proceeds are realised from the Kilada Project.

Shareholder Loans

During 2023 the company entered into a number of shareholder loans totaling EUR1.4 million (31 December and 30 June 2022: EURNil). These loans attract an interest rate of 12% per annum on a non-compounding basis, with no fees payable on disbursement or repayments. The initial termination date of the loans is the 30 September 2023. If, prior to the initial termination date, the Group provides collateral in the form of security over certain Company assets which exceeds the aggregate value of the loans, the termination date will be extended to 12 months from the date of entering into agreements.

Terms and conditions of the loans

The terms and conditions of other outstanding loans is as follows:

 Secured                                              Maturity       2023       2022 
  loa n         Currency    Interest rate                dates    EUR'000    EUR'000 
 Livka Bay      Euro        Euribor plus 4.25% p.a.       2023      4,288      4,611 
  loans         Euro        12%                           2023      1,421          - 
=============  ==========  ========================  =========  =========  ========= 
 Total interest-bearing liabilities                                 5,709     4,61 1 
===================================================  =========  =========  ========= 

Security given to lenders

As at 30 June 2023, the Group's loans were secured as follows:

-- Regarding the Kilada preference shares, upon transfer of the entire amount of EUR12 million from the investor in accordance with the terms of the agreement, a mortgage is set against the immovable property of the Kilada Hills Project, in the amount of EUR15 million (2021: EUR15 million).

-- Regarding the Livka Bay loan, a mortgage against the immovable property of the Croatian subsidiary, Azurna Uvala (the owner of "Livka Bay"), with a carrying value of EUR17.7 million (2021: EUR17.0 million), two promissory notes, a debenture note and a letter of support from its parent company Single Purpose Vehicle Four Limited.

-- Regarding the Shareholder Loans, in line with the agreements the group is expected to provide collateral in the form of security over certain Company assets before the 30 September 2023.

-- The Company is in the process of removing the security of a senior loan facility which was a fixed and floating charge over all of the Company's assets and was repaid in December 2022.

-- In addition, the development at OOKI was partly funded by a construction loan which was secured over its assets and those of Scorpio Bay asset. Steps are being taken to remove the security over Scorpio Bay now that we have sold our interest in OOKI.

   18.    Deferred tax liabilities 
                                                30 June    31 December 
                                                   2023      (Audited) 
                                                EUR'000        EUR'000 
 Balance at the beginning of the 
  year                                            6,577          6,609 
 Recognised in profit or loss                         -           (19) 
 Exchange differences                                 -           (13) 
=======================================  ==============  ============= 
 Balance at the end of the year                   6,577          6,577 
---------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 

Deferred tax liabilities are attributable to the following:

                                              30 June    31 December 
                                                 2023      (Audited) 
                                              EUR'000        EUR'000 
 Investment properties                          2,215          2,215 
 Trading properties                             4,299          4,299 
 Property, plant and equipment                     63             63 
=====================================  ==============  ============= 
 Total                                          6,577          6,577 
-------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 
   19.    Trade and other payables 
                                                    30 June    31 December 
                                                       2023      (Audited) 
                                                    EUR'000        EUR'000 
 Land creditor                                       20,752         20,752 
 Other payables and accrued expenses                  6,404          6,332 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total                                               27,156         27,084 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 
                            30 June    31 December 
                               2023      (Audited) 
                            EUR'000        EUR'000 
 Non-current                 19,795         19,795 
 Current                      7,361          7,289 
-------------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total                       27,156         27,084 
-------------------  --------------  ------------- 

Land creditors relate to contracts in connection with the purchase of land at Lavender Bay from the Church. The above outstanding amount bears an annual interest rate equal to the inflation rate, which cannot exceed 2% p.a.. Full settlement is due on 31 December 2025. T he Group is in negotiations with the land creditor with a view to ensuring that no additional funds are paid to them under the sale and purchase contracts until the resolution of the legal dispute with the Greek State and, also to reduce the overall quantum of the Group's deferred liabilities to them, potentially swapping all or part of the deferred payments against equity in the project.

   20.    NAV per share 
                                                    30 June    31 December 
                                                       2023           2022 
                                                (Unaudited)      (Audited) 
                                                       '000           '000 
 Total equity attributable to owners 
  of the Company (EUR)                              108,752        112,107 
 Number of common shares outstanding 
  at end of year                                    904,627        904,627 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 
 NAV per share (EUR)                                   0.12           0.12 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 
   21.    Related party transactions 
   21.1        Directors' interest and remuneration 

Directors' interests

Miltos Kambourides is the founder and managing partner of the Investment Manager whose IMA was terminated on 20 March 2023.

Martin Adams, Nick Paris and Nicolai Huls were non-executive Directors throughout 2022, with Mr. Martin Adams serving as Chairman of the Board of Directors. On 10 February 2023, Martin Adams resigned as a Director and Sean Hurst was appointed as a non-executive Director and Chairman.

The interests of the Directors as at 30 June 2023, all of which are beneficial, in the issued share capital of the Company as at this date were as follows:

--------------  ------- 
 Nicolai Huls       775 
--------------  ------- 
 Nick Paris       1,634 
--------------  ------- 
 Sean Hurst         475 
--------------  ------- 

Save as disclosed in this Note, none of the Directors had any interest during the year in any material contract for the provision of services which was significant to the business of the Group.

Directors' remuneration

                                   30 June         30 June 
                                      2023            2022 
                               (Unaudited)     (Unaudited) 
                                  EUR '000        EUR '000 
 Remuneration                          187             100 
--------------------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total remuneration                    187             100 
--------------------------  --------------  -------------- 

The Directors' remuneration details were as follows:

                                                   30 June         30 June 
                                                      2023            2022 
                                               (Unaudited)     (Unaudited) 
                                                  EUR '000        EUR '000 
 Martin Adams (resigned 10 February 
  2023)                                                  8              37 
 Sean Hurst (appointed 10 February                      29               - 
 Nick Paris                                             75              33 
 Nicolai Huls                                           75              30 
 Total                                                 187             100 
------------------------------------------  --------------  -------------- 

Miltos Kambourides waived his fees for 2022 through to the date he was removed from the board.

   21.2        Investment Manager remuneration 

On 20 March 2023 the Directors terminated the Investment Management Agreement dated 1 December 2021 (the "IMA") between the Company and the Investment Manager. Since 31 December 2021 no fixed management fee was due to the Investment Manager. The following outlines the amount receivable from the investment manager following the termination.

                                                  30 June    31 December 
                                                     2023      (Audited) 
                                                 EUR '000       EUR '000 
 Variable management fee payable                  (1,075)        (1,075) 
 Project Fees                                         (2)            (2) 
 Incentive fee advance payments                     2,975          2,975 
 Amount Receivable from Investment 
  Manager                                           1,898          1,898 
-----------------------------------------  --------------  ------------- 
   21.3        Other related party transactions 

21.3.1 Exactarea Holdings Limited

On 15th December 2022 SPV10 entered into a bridge loan facility with its 33% shareholder Exacterea Holding Limited, making available of a principle amount up to EUR6.6 million. The loan is interest-free and repayable at the latest six months from the date of the agreement.

This loan was in connection with the sale of our interest in OOKI, agreed to be deemed to be fully repaid when the courts in Cyprus approved an application to reduce the share premium reserve account of SPV10.

As at the 30 June 2023 and 31 December 2022 the full EUR6.6 million was outstanding. While the application above was approved on 16th of January 2023, the Company is awaiting confirmation before the loan is deemed fully repaid.

21.3.2 Discover Investment Company and Almitas Capital LLC

Nicolai Huls is a Director of Discover Investment Company which provided a shareholder loan of EUR350 thousand to the Company in May 2023. In September 2023, Almitas Capital LLC, who owns more than 10% of the issued share capital of the Company, provided two loans to the Company amounting to US$330 thousand in total.

The terms of each of these loans are the same as the loans provided by other shareholders who are not Related Parties and the loans are for a 12 month term bearing an interest rate of 12% per annum with no fees payable on disbursement or repayment. If the loans have not been repaid within 6 months from initiation, collateral in the form of security over certain Company assets will be put in place which exceeds the aggregate value of the loans.


The Company is currently in dispute a supplier over invoices for services during 2023 for which contracted terms had not been agreed. The Directors intend to contend these amounts and no provision has been made in the accounts.


There were no other material events after the reporting period except the one described above and in note 21.3, which have a bearing on the understanding of the consolidated financial statements as at 30 June 2023.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 29, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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