U.S. and German Scientists Honored with MetLife Foundation Awards for Medical Research in Alzheimer's Disease
26 February 2010 - 12:05AM
PR Newswire (US)
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25 /PRNewswire/ -- Complementary approaches to
Alzheimer's research were recognized as four scientists received
the prestigious MetLife Foundation Awards for Medical Research in
Alzheimer's Disease in Washington, D.C. during a scientific
briefing and luncheon. Todd E. Golde, M.D., Ph.D., professor of
neuroscience at the University of Florida and director of its
Center for Translational Research in Neurodegenerative Diseases,
and Edward H. Koo, M.D., professor of neuroscience at the
University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, were
honored alongside Eckhard Mandelkow, Ph.D., and Eva-Maria
Mandelkow, M.D., Ph.D., director and principal investigator,
respectively, of the Max-Planck-Institute for Structural Molecular
Biology in Hamburg, Germany. This year's recipients are examples of
how differing schools of thought can come together to solve some of
the world's most vexing problems. Drs. Koo and Golde have together
identified the gamma-secretase modulators that decrease production
of the highly toxic 42 amino acid "long" form of ABeta, which holds
great promise for drug therapies to treat or prevent Alzheimer's.
Drs. Mandelkow and Mandelkow, a husband and wife team, have been
seeking therapies through analysis of the pathological folding of
tau protein, its aggregation to Alzheimer neurofibrillary tangles,
and the development of inhibitors of this aberrant aggregation.
Both approaches, though divergent in many ways, are now believed to
hold promise for each other in disease treatment research. Since
1986, MetLife Foundation has granted major awards to scientists who
have demonstrated significant contributions to the understanding of
Alzheimer's disease (AD). The program's goal is to recognize the
importance of basic research with an emphasis on providing
scientists the opportunity to pursue ideas. Each winner received a
$100,000 research grant and personal prize of $25,000 to further
their work. According to recent estimates, more than 26 million
people worldwide are believed to be living with Alzheimer's
disease. In the United States, as many as 5.3 million Americans
have Alzheimer's, making it the seventh leading cause of death. If
current population trends continue, the number of people with AD
will increase to 7.7 million by the year 2030, unless the disease
can be effectively treated, delayed, or prevented. The direct and
indirect costs of Alzheimer's and other dementias to Medicare,
Medicaid, and businesses amount to more than $148 billion each
year, according to the Alzheimer's Association. Alzheimer's and
dementia triple healthcare costs for Americans age 65 and older.
"MetLife Foundation has long recognized the impact Alzheimer's has
on families, society and the economy," said C. Robert Henrikson,
Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of MetLife, Inc.
"We continue our commitment to support the outstanding scientists
who are making strides and developing methods to combat and,
perhaps someday, prevent Alzheimer's disease from impacting future
generations." "Millions around the world look to science to find
hope for the families affected by Alzheimer's, and the scientists
we have honored -- today and in year's past -- truly represent the
best of what the scientific world has to offer," said Dennis White,
president and CEO of MetLife Foundation. "These awards are an
investment in the future and we thank our awardees for their vital
contributions." The event's keynote speech was delivered by
photographer Judith Fox, author of the book I Still Do: Loving and
Living with Alzheimer's, which puts a human face on Alzheimer's
through photographs and poetic writing. The book, named "one of the
best of 2009" by Photo-Eye Magazine, tells the story of Fox's
husband, Dr. Edmund Ackell, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer's
three years into their marriage. Fox was the owner of a large
temporary service company on the East Coast, and her photographic
work is in solo and group museum and gallery shows from New York to
California, as well as in private, corporate, and museum
collections throughout the United States and Europe. The awards
program began with a research briefing during which the award
recipients elaborated on their work. The briefing was moderated by
Robert N. Butler, M.D., president and chief executive officer of
the International Longevity Center - USA, and Professor of
Geriatrics, Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City. Dr. Butler
is the chair of the MetLife Foundation's Research Committee and
also the founding director of the National Institute on Aging of
the National Institutes of Health. "Alzheimer's disease research is
crucial to saving an aging population from its devastating
effects," said Dr. Butler. "The personal and societal costs are
staggering because Alzheimer's takes away the essence of
individuals and robs years from their families. Through these
awards, MetLife Foundation has demonstrated sustained support for
scientists working to unravel the mystery of Alzheimer's by
providing leading scientists with the funds to freely pursue their
life-saving ideas." About the Award for Medical Research Winners
Dr. Todd E. Golde is a Professor of Neuroscience at the College of
Medicine University of Florida (UF) and the Director of UF's Center
for Translational Research in Neurodegenerative Disease, located in
Gainesville, Florida. Following completion of his residency
training at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Golde began his
independent research career by trying to understand how different
species of ABeta were produced. In collaboration with Dr. Koo and
colleagues at the University of California, San Diego, these
studies led to the identification of compounds, now referred to as
gamma-secretase modulators (GSMs), that selectively lowered the
production of the highly toxic 42 amino acid "long" form of ABeta.
These studies have provided the rationale for development of novel
drugs that might be used to treat or prevent AD. The Golde lab is
focused on trying to translate the increased understanding of
Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis into therapeutic approaches that
might benefit patients. Other ongoing research includes: the
development of optimized anti-amyloid immunotherapy for AD and
other amyloid diseases; determining the role of various immunologic
factors in AD and whether the immune factors can be targeted to
prevent or treat AD; trying to understand why neurons die in AD so
that more effective ways to slow neurodegeneration can be
developed. Dr. Golde received his Ph.D. (1991) and M.D. (1994) from
Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. He completed his
residency in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at
University of Pennsylvania Hospital in 1996 where he served as
chief resident. After serving as an assistant professor at UPenn,
he went on to Mayo Clinic Florida where he later became chair of
its Department of Neuroscience. Dr. Golde's previous honors include
a Paul Beeson Physician Faculty Scholar Award in Aging Research, an
Ellison Medical Foundation New Scholar Award, a Zenith Award from
the Alzheimer's Association and the Coins for Alzheimer's Research
Trust from the Rotary Clubs of the Southeastern United States. Dr.
Edward H. Koo is Professor of Neurosciences at University of
California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine, and Co-Director of
the Shiley-Marcos Alzheimer's Disease Research Center at UCSD, one
of the five original ADRCs established by the National Institute on
Aging. Dr. Koo's lab focuses on understanding the pathophysiology
of Alzheimer's disease, with the hope of translating findings from
basic cell and molecular biological studies to the clinical
setting, to better understand the causes of the disease or have an
impact on treatments. Together with Dr. Golde, they have led the
way in identifying gamma-secretase modulators in Alzheimer's
disease therapeutics. Dr. Koo's lab has also been recognized for
studies on characterizing the pathways of production of the amyloid
beta-protein from the amyloid precursor protein (APP). He has
investigated the physiological function of the APP and how it might
contribute to Alzheimer pathogenesis in ways unrelated to amyloid
production. More recently, he has focused his attention on how
synapses are damaged in Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Koo received his
B.A. (1976) from Amherst College and his M.D. (1980) from Duke
University School of Medicine. He completed a year of residency in
anatomic pathology at Duke Medical Center and a medical internship
at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. After that he
completed a neurology residency at the University of California,
San Francisco and later, a neuropathology fellowship at the Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr. Koo became assistant
professor in pathology at Johns Hopkins and then relocated to
Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital to become associate
neurologist, neuropathologist and assistant, and later associate
professor in pathology at Harvard Medical School. Soon after, he
joined the Department of Neurosciences at UCSD becoming full
professor in 2000. Dr. Koo's previous honors include a Research
Career Development Award from NIH, recipient of a Paul Beeson
Physician Faculty Scholar Award in Aging Research, an AlliedSignal
Award in Aging and the Zenith Award from the Alzheimer's
Association. Dr. Eckhard Mandelkow is director of the
Max-Planck-Society's Research Unit for Structural Molecular Biology
in Hamburg, Germany. He is also a scientific member of the
Max-Planck-Society and professor at the University of Hamburg. Dr.
Mandelkow has a long-standing interest in the structure of
molecules and protein assemblies that make up the cytoskeleton of
neurons, particularly microtubules, the proteins that associate
with them and regulate their stability, the motor proteins that
move along microtubules and carry cargoes around cells, and enzymes
that modulate their interactions, such as protein kinases. The
scientific goal of the lab was to determine the self-assembly of
tau aggregates, the interactions with microtubules, and the
conformation of tau in the normal and pathological state. One
outcome of this research was the identification of "hotspots" in
the structure that determine tau's behavior. This allowed the
design of variants of tau which differ predictably in their
aggregation behavior, i.e. either aggregating rapidly or not at
all. This has formed the basis for generating cell models and mouse
models of tau pathology, and the screening and development of tau
aggregation inhibitors as a potential therapeutic strategy. Dr.
Eckhard Mandelkow studied physics at universities of Braunschweig,
New Orleans (Tulane, Fulbright exchange) and Hamburg, where he
carried out a diploma thesis in high energy physics followed by a
Ph.D. thesis at the Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research in
Heidelberg on the structure of virus proteins. His postdoctoral
training was done at Brandeis University on the structure of
microtubules and other polymers of the cytoskeleton, research later
continued as group leader at the Max-Planck-Institute in Heidelberg
and as director of the Max-Planck-Society's Research Unit for
Structural Molecular Biology, where current research is focused on
the cellular biology and structure of tau protein and proteins
modulating the function of tau. Dr. Eva-Maria Mandelkow is
principal investigator at the Max-Planck-Society's Research Unit
for Structural Molecular Biology, located on the campus of the
German Electron Synchrotron Facility DESY in Hamburg, Germany.
Following clinical work at university hospitals, Dr. Mandelkow
turned to research and investigated motor proteins from muscle and
protein assemblies that determine the shape and motility of cells.
She applied methods of high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy to
the structure analysis of these proteins. Since tau, one of the
major microtubule-associated proteins in the human brain, is one of
the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease, she focused on the analysis
of tau proteins from Alzheimer brain tissue and compared them with
the properties of recombinant tau, in an effort to characterize the
pathological changes of the protein in the disease. This led to the
discovery that tau can inhibit transport processes and cause toxic
effects in neurons. One major breakthrough was the generation of a
regulatable mouse model that showed learning and memory deficits
which disappeared after switching off the expression of the toxic
tau species. The aim is to identify cellular reaction pathways
leading to pathology involving tau, in particular the relationship
between the toxicities of tau and amyloid-beta, to find ways to
combat the disease. The projects were done in close collaboration
with Eckhard Mandelkow's team. Dr. Eva-Maria Mandelkow obtained an
M.D. degree at the universities of Heidelberg and Hamburg, worked
at university clinics in Hamburg, New Orleans, and Heidelberg, and
then joined the Max-Planck-Institute for Medical Research in
Heidelberg for a Ph.D. thesis on the muscle motor protein, myosin.
She moved to Brandeis University for postdoctoral research on
cytoskeletal proteins, which was continued later at the
Max-Planck-Institute and during sabbaticals at the Scripps Research
Institute, La Jolla, CA, and MRC Laboratory in Cambridge, UK. With
her husband Dr. Eckhard Mandelkow, she moved to the
Max-Planck-Society's Research Unit for Structural Molecular Biology
in 1986. About MetLife Foundation MetLife Foundation was
established in 1976 by MetLife to carry on its long tradition of
corporate contributions and community involvement. For more than 20
years, MetLife and MetLife Foundation have invested more than $18
million for Alzheimer's research and public information programs,
including over $12 million through the Awards for Medical Research
in Alzheimer's Disease program. The Foundation has also supported a
number of major initiatives, including the PBS documentary The
Forgetting: A Portrait of Alzheimer's; short pocket films on
Alzheimer's narrated by David Hyde-Pierce; an educational
initiative with the National Institute on Aging's Alzheimer's
Disease Centers; the film Alzheimer's Disease: Facing the Facts;
and initiatives that include caregiving videos, Alzheimer's
toolkits, and resources for the Hispanic community. For more
information, visit http://www.metlife.org/. MetLife is the trade
name of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Contacts: David
Hammarstrom (401) 827-2273 Ted Mitchell (401) 827-3236 DATASOURCE:
MetLife Foundation CONTACT: David Hammarstrom, +1-401-827-2273, ,
or Ted Mitchell, +1-401-827-3236, , both of MetLife Web Site: