Medicine Springs – Soil Geochemistry Identifies Four Significant Mineralization Targets

CSE Symbol: NLR


Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada -- June 6, 2019 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire -- Northern Lights Resources Corp. (the "Company" or "Northern Lights") is pleased to announce the initial results from the ionic soil geochemistry survey completed over the entire Medicine Springs license area ("Medicine", or "Medicine Springs") located in Elko County, Nevada.


Result Highlights


The results of the ionic soil survey (794 soil samples), when interpreted with the geology, alteration and geophysics data, define four significant mineralization target areas as illustrated on Figure 1. Target 1 and Target 2 are considered to be priority drill targets for the planned exploration drilling program in 2019.


Target 1 is centered on the Golden Pipe prospect which historically has been subject to an extensive amount of shallow drilling (avg depth 43 meters). The drilling defined an open-ended mineralized zone which contains early flat lying oxide zinc-lead-silver replacement mineralization cut by a later set of lead-silver veins and breccia. The anomaly is coincident with an anomalous Carlin style geochemical association.

Target 2 is coincident with the northern half of the zone of iron oxide-sericite-carbonate alteration especially for Zn-Pb-Ag geochemistry. The prospective zone of mineralization is up to 1800m in length and up to 550m in width. The anomaly remains untested apart from two shallow holes (less than 50m depth) which intersected strongly altered carbonates with anomalous silver values. The base metal anomaly is coincident with an anomalous Carlin style geochemical association with an extensive zone of iron oxide- sericite-carbonate alteration.

Target 3 is defined by weakly anomalous base metal, Cu-Au-Mo and Carlin style geochemistry which are open to the east and is developed in the younger carbonates of the Thaynes Formation. At this early stage of exploration, this is a lower priority drill target.

Target 4 hosts a north trending linear anomaly which is not well developed. The target area contains numerous surface pits and intrusive dykes which are inferred from the magnetics. This is a lower priority drill target.


Figure 1: Medicine Springs Project - Exploration Target Areas


NLR Head of Geology, Gary Artmont, commented "The ionic soil results have significantly enhanced the potential for the discovery of a base metal carbonate replacement deposit at Medicine Springs. The two primary Zn-Pb-Ag soil anomalies identified as Target 1 and Target 2 have a combined strike length in excess of 2500m and will be the focus for exploration drilling."


Ionic Soil Geochemistry Survey


In late 2018, Northern Lights Resources completed a close-spaced ionic soil survey over the entire 1,189 Ha Medicine Springs license area. In total, 794 soil samples were collected on a 100m x 50m grid over the known zones of surface and drill-indicated oxide silver-lead-zinc mineralization. Wider spaced sampling was undertaken on 100m x 400m centers in the colluvial covered areas.


The Medicine soil samples were analyzed by ALS Vancouver utilizing Ionic Leach analysis for a 60-element suite. The key benefits to using partial ionic leach extraction for soil analysis compared to the industry standard aqua regia digestion includes the following:

  • Fewer false anomalies are generated
  • Anomaly better positioned directly above the mineralization
  • Excellent element value repeatability at very low detections limits
  • Better definition of metal zonation and complex metal associations
  • More effective at detecting deeply buried mineralization
  • Very low detection limits with low background noise
  • Important pathfinder volatile elements Hg, Br, I, Cl and F are retained
  • Element dispersion more active in arid climates such as in Nevada

The Medicine geochemical data was processed using proprietary multi-variate analysis developed by Mr. Russell Birrell is an Australian geochemical consultant. Mr. Birrell pioneered the application and interpretation of ionic geochemical data and has extensive international experience interpreting ionic geochemical data from a wide variety of exploration projects and geological settings worldwide.

Mr. Birrell created a series of geochemical models that are based on the geochemical signatures for the most common mineral settings observed in northeastern Nevada. The geochemical models developed by Mr. Birrell include the following; Cu-Au-Ba and Cu- Au-Mo for porphyry deposits (Robinson, Spruce Mtn.), Zn-Pb-Ag for carbonate replacement deposits (Lone Mtn, Gunman) and Au-Ag and Ag-Au-As-Hg-Sb-Tl for Carlin disseminated precious deposits (Maverick, Long Canyon, Bald Mtn, Alligator Ridge).


Emerging Nevada Base Metal Belt


As illustrated on Figure 2, a new basemetal belt is emerging in northeast Nevada that includes the Medicine property. This belt contains a wide variety of mineralized settings including copper and molybdenum porphyries, intrusive related base metal skarns, distal carbonate replacement and Carlin disseminated gold deposits. The notable porphyry deposits located in the vicinity of Medicine Springs include Mt. Hope (Mo) and Robinson (Cu-Au-Mo) in the south and Spruce Mt. (Mo-Cu) and West Butte (Cu-Au skarn) situated to the northeast.

Figure 2: Emerging Silver-Rich Base Metal Belt - Northeast Nevada



Taylor Geological Analogue


The Medicine base metal mineralization shows geological and geochemical similarities with the Taylor-Hermosa silver-rich base metal deposit located in Arizona.

As illustrated in Figure 3, Taylor mineralization represents an intrusive-related distal carbonate replacement setting. At the Taylor deposits, the carbonate host rocks exhibit intense prograde and retrograde calc-silicate alteration with the mineral assemblage dominated by lower temperature, iron poor, calc-silicate minerals. The absence of iron- rich calc-silicate minerals, magnetite skarn and copper mineralization support a distal setting for the deposit.


Figure 3: Carbonate Replacement Model – Medicine Springs


The similarities between Medicine and Taylor are summarized below:


  • Deep oxidation greater than 150 meters at both properties
  • At Taylor, the oxide/sulfide mineralization is selectively hosted by three lower Permian age carbonate formations while at Medicine the mineralization is hosted by the Gerster Formation of lower Permian age. Based on stratigraphic sections in the Medicine Ranges, the Gerster is underlain by upper Pennsylvanian age carbonates which offer excellent exploration potential for carbonate replacement style mineralization
  • Early stratiform carbonate replacement mineralization is cut by a later stage of high-grade veins and breccias at both properties.
  • Oxidized minerals are dominated by smithsonite & cerrusite with manganese
  • Mineralization enveloped by intense FeOx-sericite-silica-calcite alteration
  • The mineralized footprint at Taylor is of similar size as the surface alteration, geochemical and geophysical footprint defined at Medicine Springs
  • Pathfinder geochemical signature and alteration of the mineralization are very similar and comprises As, Sb, Ba, Ag, Hg, Mn with very low levels of Cu and Au
  • Association with Tertiary intrusive dykes and distal to copper or molybdenum porphyry systems. At Medicine, the porphyry complex has yet to be identified

For further information, please contact:

Albert Timcke, Executive Chairman and President
Tel: +1 604 608 6163


Jason Bahnsen, Chief Executive Officer
Tel: +1 604 608 6163

About Northern Lights Resources Corp.

Northern Lights Resources Corp is a growth oriented exploration and development company that is advancing the Medicine Springs Project located in Nevada. NorthernLights is earning a 100% equity interest in the Medicine Springs Project, a prospective
silver – zinc – lead property located in southeastern Elko County, Nevada. The scientific and technical data contained in this news release was reviewed and approved by Gary Artmont (Fellow Member AUSIMM #312718), Head of Geology and qualified person to Northern Lights Resources, who is responsible for ensuring that the geologic information provided in this news release is accurate and who acts as a “qualified person” under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

Northern Lights Resources trades under the ticker of “NLR” on the CSE. This and other Northern Lights Resources news releases can be viewed at and

CAUTIONARY STATEMENT REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING INFORMATION: This news release includes certain “forward-looking statements” under applicable Canadian securities legislation. Forwardlooking statements include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to: the terms and conditions of the proposed private placement; use of funds; the business and operations of the Company after the proposed closing of the Offering. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of estimates and assumptions that, while considered reasonable, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors which may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such factors include, but are not limited to: general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties; delay or failure to receive board, shareholder or regulatory approvals; and the uncertainties surrounding the mineral exploration industry. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward looking statements. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.
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