RNS Number:9037O
Cattles PLC
21 August 2003

Thursday 21 August 2003

                                  CATTLES plc

             Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2003


"The group has achieved excellent results in the first half of 2003, reflecting
the benefits of continuing volume growth and improving returns.   We have
continued to develop our distribution channels whilst maintaining our focus on
credit quality and arrears management.  I am particularly pleased that, during a
period of further expansion, our bad debt charge has remained unchanged from the
comparable period last year.   We remain confident of our ability to deliver
further disciplined growth for the group and that 2003 will prove to be another
successful year for Cattles."

                                                     Sean Mahon, Chief Executive


Strong financial performance

*  Profit before tax up 29.9% to #49.2 million

*  Earnings per share up 18.6% to 10.82p

*  Interim dividend up 16.2% to 3.95p

*  Consumer Division receivables up 22.7% to #1.3 billion

Profit and earnings per share are stated before goodwill amortisation of #1.5

Credit quality

*  Consumer Division bad debt charge stable at 8.6% of net receivables

*  Consumer Division arrears levels stable at 11%

Business development

*  Focus on profitability and disengagement from uneconomic sources of business 

*  Investment in new distribution channels, including successful launch of 
   Welcome Car Finance

*  Funding in place to support future growth with new bank syndication of #370 

*  Encouraging start to the group's five year plan

For further information:

On 21 August 2003

Sean Mahon, Chief Executive, Cattles plc             07733 124226
Mark Collins, Director - Treasury, Cattles plc       until 3pm today
James Corr, Finance Director, Cattles plc

Geoffrey Pelham-Lane, Financial Dynamics             020 7269 7194
Emma Buchanan, Financial Dynamics                    020 7269 7294

22 August 2003 onwards

Cattles plc                                          01924 444466
Financial Dynamics                                   020 7269 7194


Chairman's Statement

I am pleased to report an interim profit before tax and goodwill amortisation of
#49.2 million, representing an increase of 29.9% compared to #37.9 million for
the first half of last year.  On the same basis, earnings per share increased by
18.6% to 10.82p.   Profits, excluding the contribution of acquisitions made in
October 2002, have increased by 20.2% to #45.5 million.

After charging goodwill amortisation of #1.5 million, profit before tax
increased by 29.3% to #47.7 million compared to #36.9 million last year, with
earnings per share increasing by 18.1% to 10.38p.

The directors have declared an interim dividend of 3.95p per share, representing
an increase of 16.2% over last year.  The interim dividend will be paid on 24
October 2003 to shareholders on the register on 5 September 2003.   Shareholders
will again be offered the opportunity to reinvest their cash dividend in shares
in the company through the Dividend Reinvestment Plan.

Consumer Division

The Consumer Division has made strong progress in the period, increasing its
pre-tax profits by 29.2% to #48.0 million.   This reflects the benefits of
continuing volume growth, improving returns and further developments in our
consumer credit distribution channels.

Further enhancements to our bespoke customer management systems have enabled us
to continue to improve the quality of our consumer credit underwriting.  I am
pleased to report that arrears levels have remained stable over the past six
months and that the bad debt charge, at 8.6% of net receivables, has shown a
small improvement from the corresponding period in 2002.  Responsible lending,
credit quality and arrears management remain fundamental to the success of our

The Consumer Division had 725,000 customers at 30 June 2003, of which 290,000
comprised direct repayment customers and 435,000 were home collected customers.
Our policy of identifying and disengaging from those sources of business and
products where the level of return or arrears do not meet our internal
requirements has continued.  There has been a managed reduction of 38,000
customers since the beginning of the year, with the objective of improving our
future return and arrears levels, in line with the group's five year plan.

As a consequence of these planned reductions and the traditional seasonal fall
from the Christmas peak, home collected receivables have reduced by #38 million
to #204 million since 31 December 2002.  Direct repayment receivables increased
by #73 million during the period to #1.1 billion.  At 30 June 2003, total net
customer accounts receivable amounted to #1.3 billion, an increase of 22.7% over
the previous period.

The integration of our direct repayment and home collected activities within the
consumer credit business continues to progress.   During the last six months, a
further 18 new branches were opened with three branches merged, increasing our
national network to 510 branches at 30 June 2003.   The expansion of our local
collection units has also continued and there are now 34 units supporting our
national branch network.

Progressive, our reinsurance company, has now been operational for two years and
continues to deliver the benefits expected at the time of its establishment.  At
30 June 2003, funds under management had increased since the year end by 18.4%
to #39.6 million.

Our consumer credit support functions have, until recently, operated from four
different premises in Nottingham.  We are pleased to have acquired a modern,
53,000 sq.ft, business support centre in Ruddington, Nottingham, at a cost of #8
million. The relocation of our staff to this new facility, which also
incorporates a purpose built training centre and a fully operational consumer
credit branch, has now been successfully completed.   This new facility will
provide the required capacity for the future expansion of the group's consumer
credit activities.

Dial4aloan, our specialist consumer credit broker, has reported an increase of
118% in its pre-tax profits to #1.5 million, after absorbing all costs
associated with the broader development of its brand and the relocation of its
call centre from Harrogate, to a new enlarged operation in Sale.   Dial4aloan's
business volumes have increased by over 25% since acquisition, of which #2
million per month is currently being generated for the Consumer Division.

The motor loan portfolio we acquired in October 2002 was fully integrated into
the Consumer Division in January this year and has since been transferred into
our branch network.   Personal contact is now being established with these new
customers to introduce them to our broader range of products.   Early results
are positive.

We recently announced our entry into the direct distribution motor finance
business through the acquisition of Hathgap Limited.   This business is trading
under the Welcome Car Finance brand and currently operates from four sites
located in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester and Birmingham.  Initial trading is
encouraging and we look forward to introducing further customers to our branch
network by developing this route to market.

We continue to pursue other initiatives to develop our distribution capability,
including a pilot scheme with Barclays Bank PLC which is in the early stages of
development.   The concept has been well received and this initiative will
remain in pilot stage until 31 December 2003, in line with our original plans.

Lewis, the group's debt recovery specialist, has produced good results with
pre-tax profit increasing by 24.0% to #1.6 million.  Lewis continues to provide
a full recovery service to both our consumer credit business and to external
clients, the latter of which account for around 75% of its activity.

Corporate Services

The Corporate Division has again reported strong results with an increase in
pre-tax profits of 25.6% to #3.1 million. Trading has continued to improve at
both the invoice finance and asset finance businesses and net receivables have
increased by 9.1% to #118 million since the beginning of the year.


In July 2003, the group successfully completed a new bank credit facility for
#370 million to replace maturing facilities of #237 million and to provide
additional funding to support the on going expansion of the group. We were again
delighted with the strong support we received from our existing bank-ing
relationships and were particularly pleased to establish relationships with
several other banks for the first time.

The group's gearing of 2.7 times at 30 June 2003, remains unchanged from the
previous year end.


Current trading is in line with our expectations and we look forward to the
completion of another successful year in 2003.

Barrie Cottingham
21 August 2003

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the six months ended 30 June 2003 based on unaudited figures

                                                          6 months to  6 months to   12 months to
                                                              30 June      30 June    31 December
                                                                 2003         2002           2002
                                                   Notes        #'000        #'000          #'000

Turnover                                               2      279,380      233,409        499,192
                                                             ________     ________       ________

Profit before taxation and goodwill                            49,167       37,864         95,693
Goodwill amortisation                                         (1,453)        (965)        (2,084)
                                                             ________     ________       ________

Profit before taxation                                 2       47,714       36,899         93,609
Taxation                                               3     (13,837)     (10,701)       (26,957)
                                                             ________     ________       ________
Profit after taxation                                          33,877       26,198         66,652
Dividends                                              4     (12,906)     (10,146)       (32,993)
                                                             ________     ________       ________
Retained profit for the period                                 20,971       16,052         33,659
                                                             ________     ________       ________

Earnings per share   - basic                           5       10.38p        8.79p         21.95p
                     - diluted                         5       10.36p        8.76p         21.90p
                                                             ________     ________       ________
Adjusted earnings per share, before
goodwill             - basic                           5       10.82p        9.12p         22.64p
amortisation         - diluted                         5       10.80p        9.08p         22.58p
                                                             ________     ________       ________

The results shown in the profit and loss account above derive wholly from
continuing operations.  The only recognised gains and losses for the period are
those dealt with in the profit and loss account above.  There is no material
difference between the profit before taxation and the retained profit for the
period as shown above and their historical cost equivalents.

Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 30 June 2003 based on unaudited figures

                                                               30 June      30 June   31 December
                                                                  2003         2002          2002
                                                     Notes       #'000        #'000         #'000

Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                               54,702       33,389        50,663
Tangible assets                                                 39,841       39,281        35,563
Investments - own shares held                                    3,366        2,948         3,740
                                                              ________     ________      ________
                                                                97,909       75,618        89,966
                                                              ________     ________      ________
Current assets
Customers' accounts receivable:
Amounts falling due after more than one year                   768,880      594,530       725,546
Amounts falling due within one year                            658,563      582,248       656,602
                                                              ________     ________      ________
                                                         6   1,427,443    1,176,778     1,382,148
Less: deferred revenue                                       (222,082)    (196,938)     (237,518)
                                                              ________     ________      ________
                                                             1,205,361      979,840     1,144,630
Stocks                                                           1,293        3,541         1,526
Debtors                                                         18,915       25,518        25,195
Investments                                             10      39,558       33,309        33,421
Cash at bank and in hand                                         8,973        8,037         7,395
                                                              ________     ________      ________
                                                             1,274,100    1,050,245     1,212,167
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year              (424,778)    (207,331)     (334,059)
                                                              ________     ________      ________
Net current assets                                             849,322      842,914       878,108
                                                              ________     ________      ________

Total assets less current liabilities                          947,231      918,532       968,074

Creditors - amounts falling due after more than one          (580,212)    (672,543)     (622,414)
year                                                          ________     ________      ________
                                                               367,019      245,989       345,660
Provisions for liabilities and charges                               -        (160)             -
                                                              ________     ________      ________
Net assets                                                     367,019      245,829       345,660
                                                              ________     ________      ________

Capital and reserves

Called up equity share capital                                  32,788       29,941        32,766
Share premium account                                          139,656       58,896       139,258
Revaluation reserve                                                251          271           251
Profit and loss account                                        194,324      156,721       173,385
                                                              ________     ________      ________
Equity shareholders' funds                               7     367,019      245,829       345,660
                                                              ________     ________      ________

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the six months ended 30 June 2003 based on unaudited figures

                                                            6 months to   6 months to    12 months to
                                                                30 June       30 June     31 December
                                                                   2003          2002            2002
                                                    Notes         #'000         #'000           #'000

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating                8         3,479      (11,291)        (25,130)

Taxation                                                       (11,380)       (7,371)        (21,591)

Capital expenditure and financial investment                    (9,564)        10,543           8,612

Acquisitions                                                      (136)         (906)        (59,141)

Equity dividends paid                                          (22,847)      (18,015)        (28,161)
                                                               ________      ________        ________
Cash outflow before use of liquid resources
and financing                                                  (40,448)      (27,040)       (125,411)

Management of liquid resources                                  (6,137)      (28,654)        (28,766)

Financing                                                      (16,326)       (4,574)          74,481
                                                               ________      ________        ________
Decrease in cash in the period                                 (62,911)      (60,268)        (79,696)
                                                               ________      ________        ________

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt

Decrease in cash in the period                                 (62,911)      (60,268)        (79,696)
Cash outflow from increase in liquid resources                    6,137        28,654          28,766
Cash outflow from movement in debt and lease
financing                                                        16,714         6,056           9,225
                                                               ________      ________        ________
Movement in net debt in the period resulting
from cash flows                                                (40,060)      (25,558)        (41,705)
Loan notes issued on acquisition of subsidiaries                      -             -        (11,500)
New finance leases                                                (603)         (268)           (497)
Accrual for finance cost of debt                                   (87)          (87)           (175)
Net debt at start of period                                   (771,241)     (717,364)       (717,364)
                                                               ________      ________        ________
Net debt at end of period                               9     (811,991)     (743,277)       (771,241)
                                                               ________      ________        ________

Notes on the Financial Information
For the six months ended 30 June 2003 based on unaudited figures

1   Basis of preparation

The financial information included in this interim statement for the six months
ended 30 June 2003 does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of
Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and is unaudited.  The financial
information has been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies used in
the group financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2002.

This interim statement will be published on the company's website, in addition
to the paper version posted to shareholders.  The maintenance and integrity of
the Cattles plc website is the responsibility of the directors.  The work
carried out by the auditors does not involve consideration of these matters.
Legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of
financial statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions.

Comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2002 have been extracted from
the group financial statements on which the auditors gave an unqualified opinion
and which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.

2   Segmental analysis

                            6 months to              6 months to              12 months to
                            30 June 2003             30 June 2002           31 December 2002
                                        Profit                   Profit                   Profit
                                        before                   before                   before
                         Turnover     taxation    Turnover     taxation    Turnover     taxation   
                            #'000        #'000       #'000        #'000       #'000        #'000

Consumer Division         268,436       47,997     222,897       37,136     477,856       93,169
Corporate Division         10,944        3,122      10,512        2,486      21,336        5,314
Central Support
Services                        -      (3,405)           -      (2,723)           -      (4,874)
                         ________     ________    ________     ________    ________     ________
Group                     279,380       47,714     233,409       36,899     499,192       93,609
                         ________     ________    ________     ________    ________     ________

The company and its subsidiary undertakings operate wholly in the United

3   Taxation

The taxation charge has been calculated by applying the directors' best estimate
of the effective tax rate for the year, which is 29% (30 June 2002: 29%), to the
profit before taxation for the period.

4   Dividends

                            6 months to             6 months to            12 months to
                           30 June 2003            30 June 2002          31 December 2002
                            Pence       #'000       Pence       #'000       Pence       #'000

Interim                      3.95      12,906        3.40      10,146        3.40      10,146
Final                           -           -           -           -        7.00      22,847
                         ________    ________    ________    ________    ________    ________
                             3.95      12,906        3.40      10,146       10.40      32,993
                         ________    ________    ________    ________    ________    ________

5   Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the earnings attributable to
ordinary shareholders of #33.9 million (30 June 2002: #26.2 million) by the
weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period, excluding
'own shares held' which are treated, for this purpose, as being cancelled.

For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of ordinary shares
in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential ordinary

Adjusted basic and diluted earnings per share have been calculated after adding
back goodwill amortisation of #1.5 million (30 June 2002: #1.0 million), to
provide additional analysis of the underlying performance of the group.

The weighted average number of shares used in the calculations is set out as

                                                6 months to   6 months to  12 months to
                                                    30 June       30 June   31 December
                                                       2003          2002          2002
Weighted average number of shares                      '000          '000          '000

In issue during the period                          327,752       299,078       304,680
Held by the QUEST                                   (1,242)       (1,114)       (1,080)
                                                   ________      ________      ________
Used in basic EPS calculation                       326,510       297,964       303,600
Issuable on conversion of outstanding options           514         1,071           754
                                                   ________      ________      ________
Used in diluted EPS calculation                     327,024       299,035       304,354
                                                   ________      ________      ________

6   Customers' accounts receivable

Customers' accounts receivable, after deducting                  30 June        30 June     31 December
provisions for bad and doubtful debts, analysed                     2003           2002            2002
by division, is as follows:                                        #'000          #'000           #'000

Consumer Division                                              1,309,633      1,067,603       1,274,180
Corporate Division                                               117,810        109,175         107,968
                                                                ________       ________        ________
                                                               1,427,443      1,176,778       1,382,148
                                                                ________       ________        ________

Gross customers' accounts receivable, analysed
by product, is as follows:

Hire purchase contracts                                          613,659        520,818        620,405
Other instalment credit agreements                               853,975        658,861        791,290
Default debt                                                      25,602         25,160         24,814
Finance leases                                                    28,667         30,517         29,516
Factoring                                                         51,558         43,223         43,649
                                                                ________       ________       ________
                                                               1,573,461      1,278,579      1,509,674
Provision for bad and doubtful debts                           (146,018)      (101,801)      (127,526)
                                                                ________       ________       ________
                                                               1,427,443      1,176,778      1,382,148
                                                                ________       ________       ________

                                                   6 months to     6 months to  12 months to
The charge for bad and doubtful debts in the           30 June         30 June   31 December
profit and loss account, analysed by                      2003            2002          2002
division, is as follows:                                 #'000           #'000         #'000

Consumer Division                                       55,393          46,207        94,366
Corporate Division                                         733           1,132         2,263
                                                      ________        ________      ________
                                                        56,126          47,339        96,629
                                                      ________        ________      ________

7   Reconciliation of movements in equity shareholders' funds

                                                  30 June       30 June      31 December
                                                     2003          2002             2002
                                                    #'000         #'000            #'000

Profit after taxation for the period               33,877        26,198           66,652
Dividends                                        (12,906)      (10,146)         (32,993)
Contribution to the QUEST                            (32)          (59)          (1,022)
Increase in share capital and share premium           420         1,541           84,728
account                                          ________      ________         ________
                                                   21,359        17,534          117,365

Equity shareholders' funds at beginning of        345,660       228,295          228,295
                                                 ________      ________         ________
Equity shareholders' funds at end of period       367,019       245,829          345,660
                                                 ________      ________         ________

8   Reconciliation of profit before taxation to operating cash flows

                                                         6 months to       6 months to    12 months to
                                                             30 June           30 June     31 December
                                                                2003              2002            2002
                                                               #'000             #'000           #'000

Profit before taxation                                        47,714            36,899          93,609
Depreciation charges                                           5,676             5,451          11,478
Amortisation of goodwill                                       1,453               965           2,084
Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets                        213               119             162
Increase in customers' accounts receivable                  (63,966)          (70,072)       (179,882)
Decrease/(increase) in stocks                                    233           (1,216)             799
Decrease in debtors                                            6,412             4,918           7,760
Increase in creditors                                          5,744            11,645          38,860
                                                            ________          ________        ________
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities            3,479          (11,291)        (25,130)
                                                            ________          ________        ________

9   Analysis of net debt

                                                      30 June         30 June     31 December
                                                         2003            2002            2002
                                                        #'000           #'000           #'000

Cash at bank and in hand                                8,973           8,037           7,395
Overdrafts                                           (11,840)         (5,752)         (6,851)
                                                     ________        ________        ________
                                                      (2,867)           2,285             544
                                                     ________        ________        ________

Investments realisable within one year                 39,558          33,309          33,421
Debt due after more than one year                   (301,300)       (395,300)       (343,300)
Debt due within one year                            (263,437)        (92,250)       (161,937)
Debentures and other loan capital due
after more than one year
                                                    (271,272)       (269,597)       (271,185)
Debenture loans due within one year                   (6,000)        (12,103)        (20,998)
Finance leases                                        (6,673)         (9,621)         (7,786)
                                                     ________        ________        ________
                                                    (809,124)       (745,562)       (771,785)
                                                     ________        ________        ________
Total                                               (811,991)       (743,277)       (771,241)
                                                     ________        ________        ________

10  Current asset investments

At 30 June 2003, the managed fund investments held by Progressive Insurance
Company Limited amounted to #39.6 million (30 June 2002: #33.3 million).

The Regulators and the Trust Deed of this company require #29.2 million (30 June
2002: #18.7 million) of these investments to be retained within the company.
These monies, which are invested and held on deposit pending future claims
payments, cannot be applied to finance other parts of the group or to repay
group borrowings.

21 August 2003

Shareholder Information

The interim dividend will be paid on 24 October 2003 to shareholders on the
register on 5 September 2003.  Shareholders can again reinvest their cash
dividend in shares through the Dividend Reinvestment Plan ('the plan').
Shareholders who have not previously completed a mandate and who require details
of the plan should contact the Registrars.  New mandates must be received by
close of business on 7 October 2003 to be included in the plan for the interim

This announcement will be sent to the shareholders of Cattles plc.  Further
copies are available on request from the company's registered office, Kingston
House, Centre 27 Business Park, Woodhead Road, Birstall, Batley WF17 9TD.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange