Company name: | FTSE 350 Travel and Leisure Index |
EPIC: | NMX405010 | Trading Currency: | GBP |
Market Sector: | | ISIN: | |
Market Segment: | | Share Type: | IX |
WWW Address: | | Description: | |
Industry Sector: | |
Price | Price Change [%] | Bid | Offer | Open | High | Low | Volume |
9,210.96 | 32.55 [0.35] | - | - | 9,178.41 | 9,214.66 | 9,088.92 | - |
Market Cap. [m] | Shares In Issue [m] | Beta | EPS | DPS | PE Ratio | Yield | 52-Wks-Range |
- | - | - | - | - | - | - | 9,403.20 - 6,653.18 |
FTSE 350 Travel and Leis... Key Figures
FTSE 350 Travel and Leis... Balance Sheet%1$s Balance Sheet | Sorry No Data Available |
Share Price PerformanceShare Price Performance | Sample Period † | High | Low | 1 week | 9,215.48 | 9,083.78 |
4 weeks | 9,403.20 | 9,059.87 |
12 weeks | 9,403.20 | 7,774.77 |
1 year | 9,403.20 | 6,653.18 |
Share Price Chart (5 years)Share Price Chart (5 years) | |
FTSE 350 Travel and Leis... Historic Returns%1$s Historic Returns | Period † | Open | Change | % | Open Avg. | Avg. Daily Vol [m] | Total Vol [m] | VWAP | 1 week | 9,215.48 | -4.52 | -0.05 | 9,083.78 | - | | - |
4 weeks | 9,187.48 | 23.48 | 0.26 | 9,059.87 | - | | - |
12 weeks | 7,994.13 | 1,216.83 | 15.22 | 7,774.77 | - | | - |
26 weeks | 7,346.87 | 1,864.09 | 25.37 | 6,653.18 | - | | - |
1 year | 7,518.86 | 1,692.10 | 22.50 | 6,653.18 | - | | - |
3 years | 7,641.50 | 1,569.46 | 20.54 | 5,315.93 | - | | - |
5 years | 10,364.29 | -1,153.33 | -11.13 | 92.64 | - | | - |
† periods calculated are whole weeks rather than calendar months | |
FTSE 350 Travel and Leis... Key Management Ratios
FTSE 350 Travel and Leis... Investment Ratios
FTSE 350 Travel and Leis... Financial Ratios
Beta coefficients | Beta (60-Mnth) | Beta (36-Mnth) | Sorry No Data Available | Sorry No Data Available |
FTSE 350 Travel and Leis... Operating Ratios
FTSE 350 Travel and Leis... Dividends
FTSE 350 Travel and Leis... Fundamentals |
FTSE 350 Travel and Leis... Balance Sheet
FTSE 350 Travel and Leis... Cash Flow Statement
| FTSE 350 Travel and Leis... BrokersBroker infomation is not available for this class of stock. |
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