Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
For the month of JULY 2022
Commission File Number: 001-06439
(Translation of registrant's name into English)
1-7-1 KONAN, MINATO-KU, TOKYO, 108-0075, JAPAN
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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on
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By: /s/ Hiroki Totoki
Hiroki Totoki
Executive Deputy President and
Chief Financial Officer
Date: July 4, 2022
List of materials
Documents attached hereto:
i) Press release: Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation.
July 4, 2022
Sony Group Corporation
Disposal of Treasury Shares as Restricted Stock Compensation
Sony Group Corporation (the “Corporation”) today announces that, pursuant to the delegation of authority approved by resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Corporation, the Representative Corporate Executive
Officer of the Corporation decided to dispose of treasury shares (the “Disposal of Treasury Shares”) as restricted stock compensation, as follows:
1. Outline of the Disposal
(1) Payment date
July 25, 2022
(2) Class and number of shares to be disposed
312,000 shares of common stock of the Corporation
(3) Disposal price
11,586 yen per share
(4) Total disposal price of shares to be disposed
3,614,832,000 yen
(5) Allottees
6 Corporate Executive Officers of the Corporation:
133,000 shares in total
8 Non-Executive Directors of the Corporation:
8,000 shares in total
11 Executives of the Corporation:
130,700 shares in total
4 Executives (1) of the subsidiaries of the Corporation (Note) :
35,000 shares in total
11 Executives (2) of the subsidiaries of the Corporation (Note) :
5,300 shares in total
(6) Other
Disposal of Treasury Shares to be allotted is conditioned on the securities registration statement taking effect in
accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
Note: Executives (1) of the subsidiaries of the Corporation and Executives (2) of the subsidiaries of the Corporation as set forth in “3. Outline of the Allotment Agreement (1) Transfer Restriction Period” below.
2. Purpose of and Reasons for the Disposal
At the meeting of the Compensation Committee held on April 27, 2017, the Corporation passed a resolution to adopt a policy to introduce a stock compensation plan under which shares of common stock subject to transfer
restrictions (the “Shares of Restricted Stock”) would be allotted to certain Corporate Executive Officers and other executives of the Corporation and the Related Companies (as defined
below) as compensation for the purposes of (i) further promoting shared values between the shareholders and the executives and (ii) giving an incentive to such executives to continuously enhance the mid- to long-term business performance of the
Corporation and its corporate value. Furthermore, at the meeting of the Compensation Committee held on February 1, 2018, based on the policy, it was decided that the Corporation would
grant Shares of Restricted Stock to the non-executive directors of the Corporation (the “Non-Executive Directors”) under such stock compensation plan for the purpose of developing and maintaining a sound and transparent management system through
further promoting shared values between the shareholders and the Non-Executive Directors. Subsequently, at the meeting of the Compensation Committee held on June 28, 2021, it was decided that the Corporation would grant Shares of Restricted
Stock to the Executives of the subsidiaries of the Corporation under such stock compensation plan (the current compensation plan being hereinafter called the “Compensation Plan”).
At the meeting of the Compensation Committee held on June 30, 2022, based on the objectives of the Compensation Plan, it was decided that the Corporation would grant Shares of Restricted Stock to all of the Corporate
Executive Officers of the Corporation (the “Corporate Executive Officers”), all of the Non-Executive Directors and certain Executives of the Corporation and subsidiaries of the
Corporation (the Corporate Executive Officers, the Non-Executive Directors and the Executives of the Corporation and subsidiaries of the Corporation who will be granted Shares of Restricted Stock shall be hereinafter individually referred to as the
“Qualified Person” and collectively referred to as the “Qualified Persons”).
Pursuant to the decision of the Representative Corporate Executive Officer of the Corporation dated July 4, 2022, which takes into account the resolution of the Compensation Committee held on June 30, 2022, and based
on the delegation of authority approved by resolutions of the Board of Directors of the Corporation pursuant to Article 416, paragraph 4 of the Companies Act, the shares of common stock of the Corporation that relate to the Disposal of Treasury
Shares will be disposed to the Qualified Persons in accordance with the Compensation Plan. Each Qualified Person who is a Corporate Executive Officer, a Non-Executive Director and an Executive of the Corporation will make an in-kind contribution
to the Corporation of the monetary compensation receivables paid by the Corporation to each Qualified Person in order to grant to such Qualified Person Shares of Restricted Stock. On the other hand, the Qualified Person who is an Executive of a
subsidiary of the Corporation will make an in-kind contribution to the Corporation of the monetary compensation receivables paid by the relevant subsidiary of the Corporation to such Qualified Person in order to grant to such Qualified Person
Shares of Restricted Stock (the Corporation will jointly assume the obligation of such subsidiary of the Corporation owed toward the Executive of such subsidiary arising from the monetary compensation receivables granted to such Executive). The
Corporation considers that the compensation of the Qualified Persons, which includes Shares of Restricted Stock that are granted to the Qualified Persons, is at an appropriate level in accordance with the roles, functions and responsibilities of
the Qualified Persons, based upon third-party research regarding compensation paid to management of both domestic and foreign companies.
The Corporation plans to execute, with each Qualified Person, an allotment agreement for Shares of Restricted Stock (the “Allotment Agreement”) which contains substantially the following terms:
3. Outline of the Allotment Agreement
(1) Transfer Restriction Period
With respect to Qualified Persons who are the Corporate Executive Officers or the Executives of the Corporation or some of the Executives of the subsidiaries of the Corporation
(the “Executives (1) of the subsidiaries of the Corporation”), until July 1, 2025, with respect to Qualified Persons who are the Non-Executive Directors of the Corporation, until July 1, 2031, and, with respect to Qualified Persons who are the Executives of the subsidiaries of the Corporation other than the Executives (1) of the subsidiaries of the Corporation (the “Executives (2) of the subsidiaries of
the Corporation”), until the point in time when he or she ceases to hold all the positions that he or she holds as a Director, a Corporate Executive Officer or another executive, or an
employee of the Corporation or a Related Company of the Corporation (a “Related Company” means a “subsidiary (kogaisha)” as defined in Article 8, Paragraph 3 of the Ordinance on the Terminology, Forms and Preparation Methods of Financial
Statements, etc. or an “affiliated company (kanren kaisha)” as defined in Paragraph 5 of such Article; the same shall apply hereinafter) (individually or collectively, the “Transfer Restriction Period”), the Qualified Person shall not
transfer, create any security interest on or otherwise dispose of the shares of common stock of the Corporation allotted pursuant to the Allotment Agreement (the “Allotted Shares”) (the “Transfer Restriction”).
(2) Conditions for Releasing the Transfer Restriction
The Corporation shall remove, as of the expiration of the relevant Transfer Restriction Period, the Transfer Restriction on all of the Allotted Shares, on the condition that
the Qualified Person who is a Corporate Executive Officer or an Executive of the Corporation or an Executive (1) of a subsidiary of the Corporation has held, throughout the Transfer Restriction Period, one or more of his or her positions, as
applicable, as a Director, a Corporate Executive Officer or another executive, or an employee of the Corporation or a Related Company of the Corporation, or that the Qualified Person who is a Non-Executive Director of the Corporation has held,
throughout the Transfer Restriction Period, his or her position as a Director of the Corporation. The Corporation shall remove the Transfer Restriction on all of the Allotted Shares at the point in time when the Qualified Person who is an
Executive (2) of a subsidiary of the Corporation ceases to hold all the positions that he or she holds as a Director, a Corporate Executive Officer or another executive, or an employee of the Corporation or a Related Company of the Corporation.
However, if, during the Transfer Restriction Period, a Qualified Person who is a Corporate Executive Officer of the Corporation ceases to hold all the positions that he or she has held as a Director, a Corporate Executive Officer or another
executive at, and if applicable, ceases to be an employee of, the Corporation or a Related Company due to (i) his or her death or (ii) any other justifiable reason that is approved by the Compensation Committee, the Corporation shall, at a certain
time after such loss of positions, make adjustments to the number of the Allotted Shares for which the Transfer Restriction is to be removed according to the period from the payment date to the date of such loss of positions, and any Allotted
Shares that are outside the scope of the removal of the Transfer Restriction will be acquired by the Corporation without any consideration to, or consent of, the Qualified Person. If, during the Transfer Restriction Period, a Qualified Person who
is a Non-Executive Director of the Corporation ceases to hold the position that he or she has held as a Director of the Corporation due to (i) his or her death or (ii) any other justifiable reason that is approved by the Compensation Committee (the
Compensation Committee will accept that there is a justifiable reason, unless there are special circumstances), the Corporation shall, at a certain time after such loss of positions, remove the transfer restriction on all of the Allotted Shares.
Furthermore, if, during the Transfer Restriction Period, a Qualified Person who is an Executive of the Corporation or an Executive (1) of a subsidiary of the Corporation ceases to hold all the positions that he or she has held as a Director, a
Corporate Executive Officer or another executive at, and if applicable, ceases to be an employee of, the Corporation or a Related Company of the Corporation due to (i) his or her death or (ii) any other justifiable reason that is approved by the
Corporation, the Corporation shall, at a certain time after such loss of position, make adjustments to the number of the Allotted Shares for which the Transfer Restriction is to be removed according to the period from the payment date to the date
of such loss of positions, and any Allotted Shares that are outside the scope of the removal of the Transfer Restriction will be acquired by the Corporation without any consideration to, or consent of, the Qualified Person.
(3) Grounds for the Acquisition without Consideration
As to a Qualified Person who is a Corporate Executive Officer of the Corporation, if certain events occur, including, but not limited to, cases where, during the Transfer Restriction Period, he or she ceases to hold all the positions that he or she holds as a Director, a Corporate Executive
Officer or another executive at, and if applicable, ceases to be an employee of, the Corporation or a Related Company, the Corporation will acquire the Allotted Shares without any consideration to, or consent of, the Qualified Person, except
where the Qualified Person ceases to hold all such positions that he or she holds at, and, if applicable, ceases to be an employee of, the Corporation or a Related Company due to (i) his or her death or (ii) any other justifiable reason that is
approved by the Compensation Committee. As to a Qualified Person who is a Non-Executive Director of the Corporation, if certain events occur, including, but not limited to, cases where, during the Transfer Restriction Period, he or she ceases to
hold the position that he or she has held as a Director of the Corporation, the Corporation will acquire the Allotted Shares without any consideration to, or consent of, the Qualified Person, except where the Qualified Person ceases to hold such
position that he or she has held at the Corporation due to (i) his or her death or (ii) any other justifiable reason that is approved by the Compensation Committee (the Compensation Committee will accept that there is a justifiable reason, unless
there are special circumstances). Furthermore, as to a Qualified Person who is an Executive of the Corporation or an Executive (1) of a subsidiary of the Corporation, if certain events occur, including, but not limited to, cases where, during
the Transfer Restriction Period, he or she ceases to hold all the positions that he or she has held as a Director, a Corporate Executive Officer or another executive at, and if applicable, ceases to be an employee of, the Corporation or a Related
Company of the Corporation, the Corporation will acquire the Allotted Shares without any consideration to, or consent of, the Qualified Person, except where the Qualified Person ceases to hold all such positions that he or she has held at, and,
if applicable, ceases to be an employee of, the Corporation or a Related Company of the Corporation due to (i) his or her death or (ii) any other justifiable reason that is approved by the Corporation.
(4) Management of Shares
In order to prevent the Allotted Shares from being transferred, having any security interest created thereon or otherwise being disposed of during the Transfer Restriction
Period, the Corporation will take such measures as the Corporation considers appropriate, including the management in dedicated accounts established at domestic and/or foreign securities companies.
(5) Treatment in Case of Organizational Restructuring
During the Transfer Restriction Period, if a matter relating to a merger agreement under which the Corporation will become the dissolving company, a share exchange agreement or
a share transfer plan under which the Corporation will become a wholly-owned subsidiary or any other organizational restructuring is approved at a General Meeting of Shareholders of the Corporation (or, if an approval at a General Meeting of
Shareholders of the Corporation is not required regarding the above-mentioned organizational restructuring, then the approval by the Representative Corporate Executive Officer of the Corporation), pursuant to
the decision of the Representative Corporate Executive Officer, the Transfer Restriction on all of the Allotted Shares among the Allotted Shares owned by the Qualified Person on the date of the approval with respect to Qualified Persons who are the
Executives (2) of the subsidiaries of the Corporation, and the Transfer Restriction on the Allotted Shares of a number adjusted according to the period from the payment date to the date of
the date of the approval among the Allotted Shares owned by the Qualified Person on the date of the approval with respect to Qualified Persons other than the Executives (2) of the subsidiaries of the Corporation shall be removed immediately prior to the business day preceding the effective date of such organizational restructuring.
4. Basis of Calculation of the Payment Amount and Specific Details thereof
The Disposal of Treasury Shares to each Qualified Person shall be carried out for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2023. Each Qualified Person who is a Corporate Executive Officer, a Non-Executive Director and an
Executive of the Corporation will make an in-kind contribution to the Corporation of the monetary compensation receivables paid by the Corporation to such Qualified Person to exchange for Shares of Restricted Stock allotted to the Qualified Person
under the Compensation Plan. On the other hand, the Qualified Person who is an Executive of a subsidiary of the Corporation will make an in-kind contribution to the Corporation of the monetary compensation receivables paid by the relevant
subsidiary of the Corporation to such Qualified Person in order to grant to such Qualified Person Shares of Restricted Stock (the Corporation will jointly assume the obligation of such subsidiary of the Corporation owed toward the Executive of such
subsidiary arising from the monetary compensation receivables granted to such Executive). In light of the terms and conditions of the bonds with stock acquisition rights that are already issued by the Corporation, and in order to eliminate any
arbitrariness in the determination of the disposal price, the disposal price shall be 11,586 yen, which is the higher of (i) 11,586 yen, which is the average of the closing prices
of the shares of common stock of the Corporation in the regular trading thereof on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (each, the “Closing Price”) for the thirty (30) consecutive trading days commencing on the forty-fifth (45th) trading day immediately before the day immediately after the payment date of the Allotted Shares (excluding days on which there is no Closing Price, and trading days during the period from May 23,
2022 to July 1, 2022) (any fraction of less than one (1) yen arising as a result of such calculation shall be rounded up to the nearest one (1) yen); and (ii) 10,810 yen, which is the Closing Price on July 1, 2022 (the business day immediately
before the date on which the Representative Corporate Executive Officer of the Corporation made a decision on the Disposal of Treasury Shares). We believe that the disposal price is reasonable on the basis that it is, in accordance with the
above-mentioned method of calculation of the disposal price, higher than the market stock price immediately prior to the date on which the Representative Corporate Executive Officer of the Corporation made the decision relating to the Disposal of
Treasury Shares, and we also believe that the disposal price does not represent a price that is particularly favorable to the Qualified Persons.
End of Document