White Gold Corp. (TSX.V: WGO, OTCQX: WHGOF, FRA:
29W) (the "Company") is pleased to announce partial
results from 2023 exploration diamond drilling at the Betty Ford
target on the Betty property including 3.38 g/t Au over 53.0 m from
7.30 m depth in hole BETFD23D013, which included higher grade
subintervals of 7.19 g/t Au over 6.30 m and 8.00 g/t Au over 4.35
m. Results of diamond drilling at the Vertigo target on the JP Ross
property include 1.4 g/t Au over 58.4 m in hole JPRVER23D0052 from
40.95 m depth, and JPRVER23D0051 which intersected three zones of
high-grade gold mineralization. Betty Ford and Vertigo (Figure 1)
are located approximately 65 km southeast and 30 km northeast
respectively from the Company’s flagship White Gold Project in
west-central Yukon, Canada, which comprises 16 million tonnes
averaging 2.23 g/t Au for 1,152,900 ounces of gold in the Indicated
Resource category and 19 million tonnes averaging 1.54 g/t Au for
942,400 ounces of gold in the Inferred Resource category (1).
The Betty property lies along strike and
approximately 40 km east-southeast of Newmont Corporation’s (NYSE:
NEM, TSX: NGT) Coffee gold deposit with Indicated Resources of 2.14
Moz gold and Inferred Resources of 0.23 Moz gold(2). The Betty
property is also contiguous to and 15 km northeast of Western
Copper and Gold Corporation’s (TSX: WRN, NYSE: WRN) Casino porphyry
project with Measured & Indicated Resources of 14.8 Moz gold
& 7.6 Blbs copper and Inferred Resources of 6.3 Moz gold and
3.1 Blb copper(3). The JP Ross property is road accessible and
located in a prolific placer camp with significant recorded placer
gold production. These drill programs form part of the Company’s
2023 fully funded exploration program on its extensive and
underexplored 350,000 hectare land package in the emerging White
Gold District, Yukon, supported by strategic partners Agnico Eagle
Mines Limited (TSX: AEM, NYSE: AEM) and Kinross Gold Corporation
“We are pleased to encounter near surface
high-grade gold mineralization over such a broad zone at Betty Ford
which remains open for expansion. Furthermore, we have also
encountered the first occurrence of gold within the deeper sulphide
domain of the polylithic breccia unit while testing for possible
feeder structures, which represents an important development in our
understanding of Betty Ford and the potential to even further
extend mineralization. The diamond drilling at Vertigo has improved
our structural interpretation of the known mineralization controls
at this high-grade gold target. These results continue to
demonstrate the expansiveness of gold mineralization in our
underexplored district scale exploration portfolio in a tier 1
mining district,” stated David D’Onofrio, Chief Executive
Maps and images accompanying this news release
can be found at
http://whitegoldcorp.ca/investors/exploration-highlights/. Assay
results and drill collar details for Betty Ford and Vertigo are
summarized below in Tables 1 and 2, and Tables 3 and 4
- Betty Ford:
- Diamond
drilling consisted of four holes totalling 1,165 m (Figure 2) to
further evaluate the zone of near-surface high gold mineralization
encountered in 2021 (BETFD21D003: 3.46 g/t Au over 50 m), and 2022
(BETFD22RC004: 8.94 g/t Au over 18.29 m), and also test for the
presence of a mineralized buried porphyry at depth, as well as a
possible feeder contact/structure for the gold mineralization.
- BETFD23D013
(Figure 3) intersected 3.38 g/t Au over 53 m from 7.30 m depth,
including 7.19 g/t Au over 6.30 m and 8.00 g/t Au over 4.35 m.
Assays for the lower portion of BETFD23D013 from 364 m to 503 m
remain outstanding.
- BETFD23D012
intersected 1.20 g/t Au over 8.3 m from 166.7 m depth, including
5.51 g/t Au over 1.0 m, and is the first occurrence of gold within
the sulphide domain of the polylithic breccia unit and also
significantly extended the width of the polylithic breccia
- Based on visual
inspection, holes BETFD23D014 and D015 appear to have also
intersected significant zones of oxidized mineralized breccia which
has been the primary host of gold mineralization at the Betty Ford
target. Assay results are pending and will be released as they are
received and interpreted.
- Vertigo:
- Diamond
drilling at Vertigo was designed to test a revised structural
interpretation including identification of multiple prospective
vein sets and potential for bulk tonnage gold mineralization.
- 5 holes
totalling 1,022 m (Figure 4) tested the mineralized zone near
previous trenching and drilling, as well as adjacent gold-in-soil
anomalies located 250-300 m to the east-northeast, southwest and
- Hole JPRVER23D0052 intersected 58.4
m grading 1.4 g/t Au from 40.95 m depth, with narrower high-grade
subintervals of 9.10 g/t Au over 2.85 m and 6.68 g/t Au over 4.80
m, with multiple occurrences of visible gold within the zones.
- Hole
JPRVER23D0051, located approximately 50 m west-northwest of
JPRVER23D0052, intersected 3 narrow (< 2 m) mineralized zones
grading 4.37 g/t Au over 1.30 m, 15.79 g/t Au over 1.60 m, and 4.17
g/t Au over 1.90 m.
- Newly collected
borehole optical televiewer data supports the structural
interpretation of multiple mineralized vein sets, with two separate
- Additional
targets remain to be tested and to date all drilling at Vertigo has
been conducted at shallow depths with the longest hole being only
280.5 m.
- Additional
results from the Company’s diamond drilling at the Betty Ford and
Cali targets, and the regional exploration program will be
announced in due course (see Company News Releases dated August 15,
2023, July 20, 2023, and July 6, 2023).
Precious Metals Beaver
The Company will be presenting and providing a
corporate update at 2023 Precious Metals Summit Beaver Creek.
Management will also be participating in the One on One Meeting
Program and interested conference attendees are encouraged to
request a meeting to learn more about the Company and its 2023
exploration program.
September 12th to 15th, 2023Location: Beaver Creek, Colorado,
USACorporate Presentation: Thursday, September 14th at 4:15pm
Betty Ford Target
The Betty property comprises 860 quartz claims
which cover an area of 17,127 hectares and hosts several
prospective exploration targets including Betty Ford, Mascot
(BETMAS22RC005: 1.14 g/t Au over 27.43 m; BETMAS22RC004: 1.24 g/t
Au over 3.05 m, 1.48 g/t Au over 9.14 m & 4.13 g/t Au over 7.62
m), Betty White, Betty Grable and Betty Black. The property is
transected by the Coffee Creek Fault which exerts important
structural controls on Newmont’s Coffee gold deposit 40 km along
strike to the west-northwest.
Gold mineralization at the Betty Ford target is
hosted in a polylithic breccia unit along an east-west striking
splay structure located approximately 1.5 km south of and parallel
to the Coffee Creek Fault. The target, which forms an approximately
1 km long east-west trending gold-in-soil anomaly with gold values
ranging from trace up to 1,961 ppb Au, was initially RAB drill
tested by the Company in 2018 with BETFRDRAB18-002 intersecting
near surface gold mineralization averaging 1.08 g/t Au over 50.29 m
from 4.57 m depth. During 2021 and 2022, the Company completed 11
diamond drill holes totalling 2,297 m and 2 RC holes totalling 201
m to further test the target along an approximately 250 m strike
length. This drilling has continued to intersect a broad zone of
near-surface gold mineralization within the polylithic breccia host
unit that has returned 1.17 g/t Au over 48.00 m in hole
BETFD21D001, 3.46 g/t Au over 50.0 m in BETFD21D003, 1.50 g/t Au
over 55.15 m in BETFD22D007, and 8.94 g/t Au over 18.29 m in
BETFD22RC004 including 21.73 g/t Au over 6.10 m. Thus far,
mineralization has been traced for approximately 175 m along strike
and to a vertical depth of 75 m. The zone remains open primarily to
the east for a minimum of 100 m and further evaluation of the
target is recommended.
The 2023 diamond drilling program at the Betty
Ford target comprised 4 holes totaling 1,165 m that was designed to
test: 1) the presence of a mineralized buried porphyry at depth
beneath the polylithic breccia unit; 2) a possible feeder
contact/structure identified from VLF-EM surveying; 3) a strong
gold-in-soil anomaly in the area of an eastern gully and
interpreted fault structure; and 4) controls on higher grade gold
mineralization such as that intersected in hole BETFD22RC004.
Betty Ford - Partial 2023 Diamond
Drilling Results
Assay results received to date for the 2023
Betty Ford diamond drilling program are summarized below in Table
1. Assays have been received for all of hole BETFD23D012 and a
portion of BETFD23D013 from surface to 364 m.
Hole BETFD23D012 was drilled to test for a
potential feeder contact/structure for the near-surface gold
mineralization. A VLF-EM survey suggests that in this area the
contact is characterized by a resistivity high to the south, and
the gold mineralization encountered in existing holes appears to be
at the contact zone with a resistivity low to the north. The hole
collared in metasediments (3.0-42.0 m), and then passed downwards
into a feldspar porphyry dyke from 42-113 m (71 m), and polylithic
breccia from 113 m to the end of the hole at 202 m. It appears that
the VLF feature is explained by the resistivity contrast between
the metasediments and feldspar porphyry (resistivity high) and the
polylithic breccia (resistivity low), and that the prospective
metasedimentary – polylithic breccia contact in this area has been
infilled with a dyke. Of note, the hole intersected a gold
mineralized zone grading 1.20 g/t Au over 8.3 m within the breccia
from 166.7 – 175.0 m, which is the deepest gold mineralization
encountered to date at Betty Ford and is well within the sulphide
domain. Additionally, the hole successfully widened the polylithic
breccia to the south by approximately 50 m and now measures up to
90 m locally in true width.
BETFD23D013 with a final depth of 503 m, is the
deepest hole drilled to date at Betty Ford and was designed
primarily to test for the presence of a mineralized buried porphyry
intrusion at depth beneath the polylithic breccia unit. The hole
collared in oxidized mineralized breccia which passed downwards
into a transition zone to 60 m depth. The hole intersected 3.38 g/t
Au over 53.0 m from 7.3 m depth, and included two higher grade
subintervals including 7.19 g/t Au over 6.3 m and 8.00 g/t Au over
4.35 m further extending the high-grade mineralization zone 10 to
25 m east of gold mineralization previously intersected in hole
BETFD21D003 which returned 3.46 g/t Au over 50.0 m. The hole
drilled through a thick interval of polylithic breccia down to
289.5 m, then a zone of breccia with intermittent feldspar porphyry
dykes (3 – 30 m wide) from 289.5-383.0 m, and finally continuous
polylithic breccia to the end of the hole at 503 m.
Assay results for the lower portion of holes
BETFD23D013 (364 – 503 m) and holes 014 and D015 are pending and
will be released as they are received and interpreted. Details on
the Betty Ford target are provided in a news release issued by the
Company on July 6, 2023 (available on SEDAR+).
Table 1. Highlights of 2023 Diamond
Drilling Gold Assay Results (partial) for the Betty Ford
Hole No. |
From (m) |
To (m) |
Length (m)* |
Au (g/t)** |
BETFD23D012 |
166.70 |
175.00 |
8.30 |
1.20 |
Including |
174.00 |
175.00 |
1.00 |
5.51 |
BETFD23D013*** |
7.30 |
60.30 |
53.00 |
3.38 |
Including |
18.00 |
24.30 |
6.30 |
7.19 |
And |
38.80 |
43.15 |
4.35 |
8.00 |
* All drill hole intercepts reported herein are
core lengths. Currently there is insufficient data to estimate true
thicknesses.** Gold assays are uncapped.***Partial assays received,
364 m to 503 m assays remain pending.
Table 2. Collar details for 2023 Diamond
Drill Holes at the Betty Ford Target.
Hole Number |
Collar Location (UTM NAD83 Zone 7) |
Azimuth |
Dip |
Length |
Easting (m) |
Northing (m) |
Elevation (m) |
(°) |
(°) |
(m) |
BETFD23D012 |
624,600 |
6,963,430 |
855 |
0 |
-70 |
201 |
BETFD23D013 |
624,701 |
6,963,607 |
856 |
175 |
-75 |
503 |
BETFD23D014 |
624,724 |
6,963,561 |
870 |
20 |
-60 |
250 |
BETFD23D015 |
624,577 |
6,963,583 |
816 |
195 |
-50 |
211 |
4 holes |
1,165 |
Vertigo Target
The road accessible Vertigo target is located on
the JP Ross property approximately 80 km south of Dawson City.
Covering 76,385 hectares centred on the famed Henderson Creek
placer gold area. The property hosts several prospective targets
including Vertigo, Stage Fright (JPRSF19RAB-005: 2.31 g/t Au over
16.76 m), Sabotage (JPRSAB19RAB-011: 3.42 g/t Au over 7.62 m),
North Frenzy (JPRNF19RAB-002: 5.45 g/t Au over 4.57 m), Notorious
(GT-Probe: 24.4 g/t Au; Rock samples: 18.2 g/t Au & 33.6 g/t
Ag) , Life Boat (JPRLB19RAB-001: 5.41 g/t Au over 3.05 m) and
Gold mineralization at Vertigo is associated
with quartz veining, brecciation and strong quartz-sericite altered
structures containing disseminated to locally massive arsenopyrite,
galena and pyrite, and locally fine-grained visible gold within a
felsic gneiss host unit. Vuggy textures and iron oxides after
pyrite, as well as an interpreted early phase of potassic
alteration, are common.
Gold mineralization at Vertigo occurs at a
principal fault intersection between a district-scale WNW-trending
magnetite-destructive fault zone (Vertigo FZ) and a major
NE-trending magnetic and topographic (LiDAR) lineament. Gold
mineralization occurs within an approximately 2.0 km by 0.8 km
mag-destructive sigmoid, suggesting that a left-lateral pull-apart
can be the principal controlling array. On a local scale, optical
televiewer data and trench mapping confirmed that steeply dipping
quartz veins predominantly follow a principal WNW-trend and a
subordinate NE-trend. Both vein systems crosscut at high angle to
the host-rock sub-horizontal foliation, while the subordinate vein
array occurs parallel to open folding of NE-axis. Overall, the
geometry, magnetic character and scale of the WNW- and NE-trending
faults and quartz veins are encouraging, as they closely resemble
the principal structures controlling gold mineralization at,
respectively, the Golden Saddle and Ryan’s Surprise deposits.
Initial diamond drilling at Vertigo was carried
out by Kinross in 2010 with the completion of 4 holes totalling
521.7 m. During 2018 and 2019, the White Gold carried out RAB (25
holes, 1,448.9 m) and RC drilling (36 holes, 2,551.3m), and in 2019
completed 46 diamond drill holes totalling 9,568.5 m. The 2018 RAB
and RC holes drilled to the south (180° azimuth) and north (360°
azimuth), whereas 2019 RAB, RC and diamond drill holes drilled to
the north-northeast (020° azimuth) to test the interpreted primary
west-northwest striking and south dipping mineralized structures.
The drilling produced very encouraging results (e.g. 23.44 g/t Au
and 144.75 g/t Ag over 24.38 m in hole JPRVERRAB18-014, 9.46 g/t Au
and 36.68 g/t Ag over 22.86m in hole JPRVERRC18-006, and 11.64 g/t
Au and 32 g/t Ag over 5.34m in hole JPRVER19D0015 – see Table 1,
and Company News Releases dated Dec. 06, 2018 and Aug. 08, 2019)
with significant associated silver values.
More recently the Company has reviewed and
interpreted available borehole optical televiewer and trench
structural data which indicates that there are 3 mineralized vein
sets at Vertigo: 1) the primary WNW striking vein set which has
been the focus of previous drilling; 2) a north-northeast (022°)
striking secondary vein set which dips steeply to both the west and
east; and 3) a set of narrow (up to 10-15 cm) sheeted quartz veins
that strike east-northeast (070°) and dip moderately at 55° north.
These latter quartz veins were exposed during mechanical trenching
during the 2019 field season, and vein samples returned encouraging
gold assays in the range of 1.5 g/t Au to 17.3 g/t Au, however 2019
diamond drilling did not test this newly identified vein set due to
the orientation of drilling.
The 2023 diamond drilling program at the Vertigo
target comprised 5 holes totalling 1,022 m which tested the
mineralized zone near previous trenching and drilling, as well as
adjacent gold-in-soil anomalies located 250-300 m to the
east-northeast, southwest and south. All holes were drilled to the
south-southeast (152°-155°) at dips of -50° to -52°, and holes
lengths ranged from 138 to 233 m.
Vertigo - 2023 Diamond Drilling
Assay results for the 2023 Vertigo diamond
drilling program are summarized below in Table 3. Hole JPRVER23D052
produced the most encouraging results intersecting 58.4 m grading
1.4 g/t Au from 40.95 m downhole, with narrower high-grade
subintervals of 9.10 g/t Au over 2.85 m and 6.68 g/t Au over 4.80
m. This hole confirms that Vertigo locally contains relatively
broad zones of bulk tonnage gold mineralization. Hole JPRVER23D051
was collared approximately 50 m west-northwest of JPRVER23D0052 and
intersected 3 discrete gold mineralized zones grading 4.37 g/t Au
over 1.30 m, 15.79 g/t Au over 1.60 m, and 4.17 g/t Au over 1.90 m.
Intervening intervals between mineralization did not return any
significant gold values, suggesting a variation in vein density and
structure between the two holes.
Hole JPRVER23D053 was drilled approximately 250
m east-northeast of hole JPRVER23D052 to test a gold-in-soil
anomaly and intersected a single narrow zone grading 2.77 g/t Au
over 1.90 m from 64.45 m depth. Holes JPRVER23D054 and
JPRVER23D055, drilled to the south and west-southwest to test
additional gold-in-soil anomalies did not encounter significant
The 2023 diamond drilling successfully
identified two primary fault and vein arrays that strike WNW and
NE. The higher concentration of gold in hole JPRVER23D052 is
closely associated with an increase in vein and breccia structures
in the hanging wall of a major fault zone which appears to strike
WNW. The highest gold grades (5.5 – 15.6 g/t Au) are associated
with multiple phases of quartz-pyrite and quartz-arsenopyrite which
is hosted in brittle-ductile vein sets and crackle and hydrothermal
breccias. Additional review of the 2019 drill core and other data
(geochemical & geophysical) is expected to aid in refining the
structural interpretation for future drill targeting.
Additional surface targets on the project remain
to be drill-tested, and Vertigo has seen only relatively shallow
drilling, so opportunities exist for the discovery of additional
high-grade gold zones.
Table 3. Highlights of 2023 Diamond
Drilling Gold Assay results for the Vertigo Target.
Hole No. |
From (m) |
To (m) |
Length (m)* |
Au (g/t)** |
JPRVER23D0051 |
50.60 |
51.90 |
1.30 |
4.37 |
Including |
50.60 |
51.10 |
0.50 |
9.86 |
85.60 |
87.20 |
1.60 |
15.79 |
Including |
85.60 |
86.40 |
0.80 |
23.90 |
107.00 |
108.90 |
1.90 |
4.17 |
Including |
107.85 |
108.90 |
1.05 |
7.01 |
133.80 |
135.80 |
2.00 |
2.09 |
JPRVER23D0052 |
40.95 |
99.35 |
58.40 |
1.40 |
Including |
40.95 |
43.80 |
2.85 |
9.10 |
And |
74.65 |
79.45 |
4.80 |
6.68 |
109.85 |
111.15 |
1.30 |
5.50 |
JPRVER23D0053 |
64.45 |
66.35 |
1.90 |
2.77 |
Including |
65.35 |
66.35 |
1.00 |
4.39 |
* All drill hole intercepts reported herein are
core lengths. Currently there is insufficient data to estimate true
thicknesses.** Gold assays are uncapped.
Table 4. Collar details for 2023 Diamond
Drill Holes at the Vertigo Target.
Hole Number |
Collar Location (UTM NAD83 Zone 7) |
Azimuth |
Dip |
Length |
Easting (m) |
Northing (m) |
Elevation (m) |
(°) |
(°) |
(m) |
JPRVER23D0051 |
593,056 |
7,028,567 |
958 |
155 |
-50 |
233 |
JPRVER23D0052 |
593,103 |
7,028,549 |
955 |
152 |
-52 |
201 |
JPRVER23D0053 |
593,327 |
7,028,654 |
960 |
152 |
-52 |
138 |
JPRVER23D0054 |
593,162 |
7,028,265 |
827 |
155 |
-50 |
225 |
JPRVER23D0055 |
592,803 |
7,028,432 |
868 |
155 |
-50 |
225 |
5 holes |
1,022 |
Analytical work for the 2023 diamond drilling
program was performed by Bureau Veritas, an internationally
recognized analytical services provider, at its North Vancouver,
British Columbia laboratory. Sample preparation was carried out at
its Whitehorse, Yukon facility. All diamond drill core samples were
prepared using the PRP70-250 package, where samples were weighed,
dried, and crushed to greater than 70% passing a 2mm sieve, then
pulverized to greater than 85% passing 75 microns). Core were then
analyzed in accordance with BV’s FA430 and MA250 packages, for both
gold analysis by fire assay (30g fire assay with AAS finish) and
ultra-trace multi-element ICP analysis (0.25 g, 4 acid digestion
and ICP-MS analysis).
The reported diamond drilling sampling program
work was completed using industry standard procedures, including a
quality assurance/quality control (“QA/QC”) program consisting of
the insertion of standard, blank, and duplicate samples into the
sample stream. BV also runs a comprehensive QA/QC program of
standards, duplicates, and blanks within each sample stream.
About White Gold Corp.The
Company owns a portfolio of 17,584 quartz claims across 30
properties covering approximately 350,000 hectares representing
over 40% of the Yukon’s emerging White Gold District. The Company’s
flagship White Gold project hosts four near-surface gold deposits
which collectively contain an estimated 1,152,900 ounces of gold in
Indicated Resources and 942,400 ounces of gold in Inferred
Resources(1). Regional exploration work has also produced several
other new discoveries and prospective targets on the Company’s
claim packages which border sizable gold discoveries including the
Coffee project owned by Newmont Corporation with Indicated
Resources of 2.14 Moz at 1.23 g/t Au, and Inferred Resources of
0.23 Moz at 1.01 g/t Au(2), and Western Copper and Gold
Corporation’s Casino project which has Measured and Indicated
Resources of 7.6 Blb Cu and 14.5 Moz Au and Inferred Resources of
3.3 Blb Cu and 6.6 Moz Au(3). For more information visit
(1) See White Gold Corp. technical report titled
“2023 Technical Report for the White Gold Project, Dawson Range,
Yukon, Canada ”, Effective Date April 15, 2023, Report Date May 30,
2023, NI 43-101 Compliant Technical Report prepared by Dr. Gilles
Arseneau, P.Geo., available on SEDAR+.(2) See Newmont Corporation
10-K: Annual report for the year ending December 31, 2022, in the
Measured, Indicated, and Inferred Resources section, dated February
23, 2023, available on EDGAR. Reserves and resources disclosed in
this Form 10-K have been prepared in accordance with the Regulation
S-K 1300, and do not indicate NI43-101 compliance.(3) See Western
Copper and Gold Corporation technical report titled “Casino
project, Form 43-101F1 Technical Report Feasibility Study, Yukon
Canada”, Effective Date June 13, 2022, Issue Date August 8, 2022,
NI 43-101 Compliant Technical Report prepared by Daniel Roth, PE,
P.Eng., Mike Hester, F Aus IMM, John M. Marek, P.E., Laurie M.
Tahija, MMSA-QP, Carl Schulze, P.Geo., Daniel Friedman, P.Eng.,
Scott Weston, P.Geo., available on SEDAR+.
Qualified PersonTerry Brace,
P.Geo. and Vice President of Exploration for the Company is a
“qualified person” as defined under National Instrument 43-101 –
Standards of Disclosure of Mineral Projects and has reviewed and
approved the content of this news release.
Cautionary Note Regarding Forward
Looking InformationThis news release contains
“forward-looking information” and “forward-looking statements”
(collectively, “forward-looking statements”) within the meaning of
the applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements,
other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking
statements and are based on expectations, estimates and projections
as at the date of this news release. Any statement that involves
discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs,
plans, projections, objectives, assumptions, future events or
performance (often but not always using phrases such as “expects”,
or “does not expect”, “is expected”, “anticipates” or “does not
anticipate”, “plans”, “proposed”, “budget”, “scheduled”,
“forecasts”, “estimates”, “believes” or “intends” or variations of
such words and phrases or stating that certain actions, events or
results “may” or “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken to
occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and may
be forward-looking statements. In this news release,
forward-looking statements relate, among other things, the
Company’s objectives, goals and exploration activities conducted
and proposed to be conducted at the Company’s properties; future
growth potential of the Company, including whether any proposed
exploration programs at any of the Company’s properties will be
successful; exploration results; and future exploration plans and
costs and financing availability.
These forward-looking statements are based on
reasonable assumptions and estimates of management of the Company
at the time such statements were made. Actual future results may
differ materially as forward-looking statements involve known and
unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the
actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to
materially differ from any future results, performance or
achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking
statements. Such factors, among other things, include: The
expected benefits to the Company relating to the exploration
conducted and proposed to be conducted at the White Gold
properties; the receipt of all applicable regulatory approvals for
the Offering; failure to identify any additional mineral resources
or significant mineralization; the preliminary nature of
metallurgical test results; uncertainties relating to the
availability and costs of financing needed in the future, including
to fund any exploration programs on the Company’s properties;
business integration risks; fluctuations in general macroeconomic
conditions; fluctuations in securities markets; fluctuations in
spot and forward prices of gold, silver, base metals or certain
other commodities; fluctuations in currency markets (such as the
Canadian dollar to United States dollar exchange rate); change in
national and local government, legislation, taxation, controls,
regulations and political or economic developments; risks and
hazards associated with the business of mineral exploration,
development and mining (including environmental hazards, industrial
accidents, unusual or unexpected formations pressures, cave-ins and
flooding); inability to obtain adequate insurance to cover risks
and hazards; the presence of laws and regulations that may impose
restrictions on mining and mineral exploration; employee relations;
relationships with and claims by local communities and indigenous
populations; availability of increasing costs associated with
mining inputs and labour; the speculative nature of mineral
exploration and development (including the risks of obtaining
necessary licenses, permits and approvals from government
authorities); the unlikelihood that properties that are explored
are ultimately developed into producing mines; geological factors;
actual results of current and future exploration; changes in
project parameters as plans continue to be evaluated; soil sampling
results being preliminary in nature and are not conclusive evidence
of the likelihood of a mineral deposit; title to properties;
ongoing uncertainties relating to the COVID-19 pandemic; and those
factors described under the heading “Risks Factors” in the
Company’s annual information form dated July 29, 2020 available on
SEDAR+. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this
news release are based upon what management of the Company
believes, or believed at the time, to be reasonable assumptions,
the Company cannot assure shareholders that actual results will be
consistent with such forward-looking statements, as there may be
other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated,
estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue
reliance on forward-looking statements and information. There can
be no assurance that forward-looking information, or the material
factors or assumptions used to develop such forward-looking
information, will prove to be accurate. The Company does not
undertake to release publicly any revisions for updating any
voluntary forward-looking statements, except as required by
applicable securities law.
Neither the TSXV nor its Regulation
Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the
TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this
news release.
For Further Information, Please
Contact Information:David
D’OnofrioChief Executive OfficerWhite Gold Corp.(647) 930-1880
Request Meeting:
Photos accompanying this announcement are available
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