-The proposed transmission line would power a
new electric vehicle battery cell manufacturing facility in
St. Thomas and support economic
growth in the area-
THOMAS, ON, May 17, 2024
/CNW/ - Today, Hydro One Networks Inc. (Hydro One) announced that
it will host community drop-in sessions to continue gathering local
knowledge and input on the three proposed route options for the
future project. Beginning May 21,
2024 - and every Tuesday and Wednesday after that until
August 28 – community members can
walk in or schedule an appointment between
10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Express & Suites
St. Thomas to meet with the St. Thomas Line's project team and
provide their feedback or have their questions answered. Over the
next several months, the company will continue to seek feedback
through one-on-one meetings with property owners and other
"Incorporating community feedback and knowledge into the
planning and design of the proposed transmission line is integral
to the project," said Andrew
Spencer, Executive Vice President, Capital Portfolio
Delivery, Hydro One. "We take our responsibility and stewardship of
our natural resources seriously and work to ensure all of our
infrastructure projects are built in a sustainable and
environmentally responsible manner, with local interests in
The proposed St. Thomas Line is expected to power Ontario's growing electric vehicle industry
and support future economic growth in the City of St. Thomas and surrounding
communities. Hydro One has started the Class Environmental
Assessment (EA) process for the approximately 20 km double-circuit
230 kilovolt (kV) transmission line that would extend from the
existing transmission corridor north of Highway 401 in the
City of London to the new
Centennial Transformer Station in St.
Thomas. Contingent on necessary approvals and agreements,
the project is expected to be in service in 2027.
During the open house sessions in late February, community
members shared their feedback and questions about the potential
impacts of the project, which ranged from individual property
concerns to the impact on farming operations and ensuring the
natural environment remains protected. Feedback, including
opportunities to reduce project impacts, would be integrated into
the design and development of the project, where possible.
As part of the Class Environmental Assessment (EA), the company
will review known technical and environmental considerations by
collecting data from a variety of sources such as existing reports
and plans, conducting environmental field surveys and technical
assessments. Each route would then be evaluated based on the
feedback and information collected on their effects to the natural
environment, social and economic factors and local cultural
heritage features along with each of their technical requirements
and cost factors. This evaluation will result in the selection of a
preferred route for the transmission line.
Later this year, the company plans to present a preferred route
for the new line to the community, along with the rationale for its
selection. As part of the EA process, Hydro One will continue to
seek feedback about individual property features to determine the
preferred route and work to mitigate project impacts.
"We look forward to working together with Hydro One as we make
progress on building our largest and first overseas gigafactory for
sustainable and responsible battery cell manufacturing," said
Sebastian Wolf, Chief Operating
Officer of PowerCo. "The development of this new transmission line
is a key element in PowerCo's ambition to power its gigafactories
with fossil-free energy."
"We are excited to be working together with Hydro One and
PowerCo to bring more jobs and economic growth to the community and
hard-working families of St.
Thomas and Elgin County," said Joe
Preston, Mayor of the City of St.
Thomas. "The size of this future infrastructure investment
is a game changer for our community and Ontario's EV vision."
For more information about the project, please
visit HydroOne.com/StThomasLine.
Hydro One Limited (TSX:
Hydro One Limited, through its wholly-owned subsidiaries, is
Ontario's largest electricity
transmission and distribution provider with approximately 1.5
million valued customers, approximately $32.8 billion in assets as at December 31, 2023, and annual revenues in 2023 of
approximately $7.8 billion.
Our team of approximately 9,700 skilled and dedicated employees
proudly build and maintain a safe and reliable electricity system
which is essential to supporting strong and successful communities.
In 2023, Hydro One invested approximately $2.5 billion in its transmission and distribution
networks, and supported the economy through buying approximately
$2.5 billion of goods and
We are committed to the communities where we live and work
through community investment, sustainability and diversity
Hydro One Limited's common shares are listed on the TSX and
certain of Hydro One Inc.'s medium term notes are listed on the
NYSE. Additional information can be accessed at www.hydroone.com,
www.sedarplus.com or www.sec.gov.
Forward-Looking Statements and
This press release may contain "forward-looking information"
within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Words such as
"expect", "anticipate", "intend", "attempt", "may", "plan", "will",
"can", "believe", "seek", "estimate", and variations of such words
and similar expressions are intended to identify such
forward-looking information. These statements are not guarantees of
future performance or actions and involve assumptions and risks and
uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual
outcomes and results may differ materially from what is expressed,
implied or forecasted in such forward-looking information. Some of
the factors that could cause actual results or outcomes to differ
materially from the results expressed, implied or forecasted by
such forward-looking information, including some of the assumptions
used in making such statements, are discussed more fully in Hydro
One's filings with the securities regulatory authorities in
Canada, which are available on
SEDAR+ at www.sedarplus.com. Hydro One does not intend, and it
disclaims any obligation, to update any forward-looking
information, except as required by law.

SOURCE Hydro One Inc.