Golden Goliath Resources Ltd.: Las Bolas Exploration Update
17 September 2009 - 2:11AM
Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: GNG)(PINK SHEETS:
During the past several months, the Company's exploration
activities have focused on the Las Bolas property. The Las Bolas
property represents a small portion of the overall Uruachic Camp
which is 15 by 25 kilometres in size. With the recent discoveries
of San Luis to the east and Las Bolas West to the west the
mineralized strike length is increased to 3 kilometers (1.9
The Las Bolas property hosts three main, well defined, parallel
mineralized trends which run northeast-southwest. These trends are
called Papacho, Frijolar and El Corazon. The main cluster of old
workings and the exploration focus lie within a 600 to 700 metre
strike length but preliminary work show it extends out much
further. The Company continues to find additional old workings as
exploration is expanded and new roads are built. Every time new
roads are built additional old workings are uncovered. The presence
of so many old workings at Las Bolas, and over the entire Uruachic
Camp, gives the Company confidence that the mineralization is
extensive. In addition to the three main trends there are at least
two other mineralized zones. A graphic presentation of the property
and its characteristics can be found in the Company's power point
(slides 20 and 21) on its website.
Papacho Trend
The Las Bolas mine, which encompasses Station 19, Station 37 and
Station 50, is located in the most Northerly Papacho Trend.
Drilling and extensive sampling has been conducted in this area
which will form the basis of the preliminary resource calculation
being prepared. Within the Las Bolas Mine Station 19 silver grades
averaged 577 gms/tonne and gold grades averaged 1.25 gms/tonne over
a strike length of 45 metres with an average width of 2.17 metres.
Ninety metres from Station 19 is Station 37 which has four
mineralized zones including a bonanza zone which averaged 699
gms/tonne silver and 15.3 gms/tonne gold over a strike length of 11
metres with an average width of 2.65 metres. The Papacho Trend also
contains the Gambusino adit and several other old workings. The
Gambusino workings averaged 320.7 gms/tonne silver and 0.4
gms/tonne gold over a strike length of 120 metres with an average
width of 1.10 metres. The high grade zones in the Papacho trend
reach up to 8m in width.
The Papacho Trend also hosts the collapsed Papacho tunnel,
several other smaller tunnels as well as the Arbolito shaft. The
Company found extremely high grade sulfide samples in the dump next
to the Arbolito shaft, including one that assayed over 71,000
grams/tonne silver (over 2,000 ounces). In addition, at least 5
other old shafts have been indentified to date. The number and
extent of the old workings and the significant grades they contain
demonstrate the potential of the Papacho Trend, which is about 250
metres wide.
Frijolar Trend
Directly adjacent and parallel to Papacho trend is the Frijolar
Trend which contains the Frijolar, Frijolar II and Guadalupana
tunnels along with several nearby mineralized showings. The known
Frijolar workings are approximately 205 metres in length and
include an upper and lower zone. The upper zone hosts a mineralized
structure that is exposed for a length of 43 metres, is 2 metres
wide and averaged 281 gms/tonne silver. The lower zone is a 2 metre
wide structure traced over 35 metres. Chip samples across its width
averaged 316 gms/tonne silver. Two surface drill holes completed
along the structure returned 327 gms/tonne silver over 15.3 metres
and 100 gms/tonne silver over 6.2 metres respectively. Further
along strike the Frijolar Trend contains at least five old shafts.
The Company recently completed a 125 by 125 metre soil grid in this
area. Of the 41 samples collected, 7 samples returned values above
19.1 gms/tonne silver (80th percentile) , 4 samples returned values
above 44.1 gms/tonne silver (90th percentile), 2 samples returned
values above 69.1 gms/tonne silver (95th percentile) and the top
two samples returned values of 209 and 246 gms/tonne silver. The
presence of old shafts in this area indicates that these surface
values are contaminated from mineralization originally from depth.
However, these anomalous values demonstrate the excellent potential
for finding additional, high grade precious metal mineralization
along the northeast extension of the Frijolar Trend.
Corazon Trend
Immediately south of the Frijolar Trend is the El Corazon Trend.
Within the 600 to 700 metres adjacent to the Frijolar workings lies
the El Corazon tunnel, two old adits and three old shafts. About
400 metres further along strike to the northeast lie four more old
shafts and two exploratory drill holes in this area returned 81
gms/tonne silver over 7.72 metres and 146.5 gms/tonne silver over
6.1 metres. Further along strike about 1 kilometre from the
entrance to the Corazon tunnel, lie the Los Hilos West and Los
Hilos East mine workings and two more old shafts. Finally, at a
distance of over 1,500 metres from the Corazon tunnel along strike
lies the recently discovered San Luis and San Luis II workings.
These workings trend in the same direction as those in the main Las
Bolas area, contain mineralization that looks identical to that
found within the Las Bolas tunnel. Three samples were taken within
the San Luis area. A chip sample across a 0.3 metre wide vein
structure ran 509 gms/tonne silver and 0.21 gms/tonne gold and its
1 metre wide footwall assayed at 74 gms/tonne silver. A grab sample
of the same structure, further along the workings, assayed 720
gms/tonne silver with 0.42 gms/tonne gold. Two hundred metres south
of San Luis at San Luis II, a chip sample across a 0.3 metre wide
exposure of the same vein structure assayed at 1,850 gms/tonne
silver and 0.61 gms/tonne gold. The discovery of these workings and
the mineralization found indicates that the Las Bolas, Frijolar and
El Corazon Trends have a strike length, measured from the entrance
of the Las Bolas mine tunnel, of approximately 1,600 metres.
Several other old shafts and workings still lie outside of these
three main trends, including the Providencia Mine, south of the El
Corazon Trend, and old shafts that lie north of the Papacho Trend
in another exploration target area called Las Bolas II. The Las
Bolas II area alteration, host rock and structural settings are
similar to the rest of the targets in the area and a orientation
sample has returned highly anomalous silver grade of 34 gm/tonne.
The presence of these workings and showing indicates that there may
well be more mineralized trends than the three above defined to
El Manto
The known mineralization on the Las Bolas property extends not
only northeast from the main working area, but also to the west.
The old El Manto Mine lies about 600 metres west of the entrance to
the Las Bolas tunnel and 275 vertical metres below it.
Mineralization at El Manto differs in several ways from that found
within the Las Bolas and Gambusino Mines. Mineralization in the El
Manto area is predominantly sulfide in nature, and is found in sub
horizontal blankets, or mantos, and appears to be stratigraphically
controlled. This mineralization has been intersected in recent
diamond drilling as well as in earlier reverse circulation
drilling. These intersections include 366 gms/tonne silver with 1.2
gms/tonne gold over 1.9 metres, 101 gms/tonne silver with 0.28
gms/tonne gold over 3.6 metres and 222 gms/tonne silver with 0.47
gms/tonne gold over 3.23 metres. Preliminary work on the west side
returned a 0.9 metre chip sample grading 99 gms/tonne silver and
0.918 gms/tonne gold and a grab sample of 36 gms/tonne silver with
0.02 gms/tonne gold in areas of sericite and quartz-tourmaline
alteration. Analysis from recent drill hole data gives a vector
indicating higher grades and thicknesses to the west and southwest,
across the creek opposite the El Manto Mine. Extending the drill
road across the shallow Rio Uruachic creek has already been
completed and important new showings have already been found west
of the creek during preliminary mapping and prospecting. This newly
opened area is referred to as Las Bolas West.
Las Bolas West
Approximately 200 metres northwest of the El Manto Mine a
northwest trending structure with banded clay alteration and
disseminated pyrite has been exposed over 50 metres. Samples taken
from this structure have returned assays ranging from 6.0 to 26.6
gms/tonne silver and 0.11 to 2.11 gms/tonne gold. Another sample of
similarly altered material taken 110 metres west of this structure
returned 10.6 gms/tonne silver and 0.12 gms/tonne gold. Prospecting
along a small creek 550 metres northwest of the El Manto Mine has
identified a 4 metre wide silicified vein structure that strikes
northeast and dips 70 degrees northwest with a cross cutting fault.
This structure returned a sample grading 43.1 gms/tonne silver, 0.1
gms/tonne gold, with highly anomalous copper, lead and zinc.
Further encouraging results have been obtained 675 metres northwest
of El Manto where a series of east-west veins cut by northeast
trending faults have returned 20.2 gms/tonne silver, 0.15 gms/tonne
gold and significant base metal content. To date mineralization has
been found over an area that measures 600 by 900 metres, and is
clearly open to the west.
The geological setting at Las Bolas West has some commonalities
with the Las Bolas system such as the host rocks and intrusives are
both the same, being andesite and diorite, and in both the Las
Bolas West and Las Bolas andesite over lies shallow dipping
mineralized shale which is underlain by gneiss, the basement rock.
The mineralized structures at Las Bolas West trend east-northeast
dipping steeply to the northwest and north-south with steep dips to
the east. The samples with higher gold mineralization have similar
settings to El Manto, i.e. mineralization is found at the base of
the volcanic rock in shallow dipping shales underlain by gneiss.
With the end of the rainy season approaching more access roads will
be built in this area in order to facilitate more detailed
The overall length covering these mineralized trends and zones,
from San Luis at the east end to Las Bolas West at the opposite end
is approximately 3,000 metres. The width from Las Bolas II at the
north and Providencia to the south is about 1300m and the vertical
extent of known mineralization is approximately 650 metres. These
dimensions and grades gives the Las Bolas property excellent
potential for hosting a large polymetallic deposit which the
Company intends to develop.
Preliminary Resource Calculation
The independent consultant completing this work has advised the
Company that his report will be finalized within the next one or
two weeks and will be released at that time.
About Golden Goliath
Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. is a junior exploration company
listed on the TSX Venture Exchange (symbol GNG). Assays are done
using traditional methods at Inspectorate Labs and Chemex Labs. The
Qualified Person for the Uruachic project is J. Paul Sorbara M.Sc.,
P.Geo. The Company is focused on exploring and developing the gold
and silver potential of an historic mining camp located in the
world famous Sierra Madre Occidental Mountains of northwestern
Mexico. Golden Goliath's Uruachic claims are owned 100% by the
Company and are fully paid for with no property option or purchase
payments to make.
To find out more about Golden Goliath visit our website at
To view the maps accompanying this release please click on the
following link:
Contacts: Golden Goliath Resources Ltd. J. Paul Sorbara, M.Sc.,
P.Geo President & CEO +1(604)-682-2950 +1(604)-685-3764 (FAX)
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