Storm Resources Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:SRX)

Storm has also filed its audited consolidated financial statements as at
December 31, 2013 and for the three months and year then ended along with
Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") for the same periods. This
information appears on SEDAR at and on Storm's website at

Selected financial and operating information for the three months and year ended
December 31, 2013, as well as reserve information at December 31, 2013, appears
below and should be read in conjunction with the related financial statements
and MD&A. 


Thousands of Cdn$, except            Three      Three                       
 volumetric and per share           Months     Months                       
 amounts                             Ended      Ended Year Ended Year Ended 
                                  December   December   December   December 
                                  31, 2013   31, 2012   31, 2013   31, 2012 
  Gas sales                          7,807      3,416     21,019      8,054 
  NGL sales                          4,483      1,597     13,124      4,466 
  Oil sales                          3,090      5,399     15,435     19,793 
Revenue from product sales(1)       15,380     10,412     49,578     32,313 
Funds from operations(2)             7,501      5,016     21,949     13,387 
  Per share - basic ($)               0.09       0.08       0.30       0.24 
  Per share - diluted ($)             0.09       0.08       0.30       0.24 
Net loss                           (25,174)    (2,320)   (26,203)    (6,574)
  Per share - basic ($)              (0.34)     (0.04)     (0.36)     (0.12)
  Per share - diluted ($)            (0.34)     (0.04)     (0.36)     (0.12)
Adjusted net income (loss)                                                  
 before reduction in carrying                                               
 amount of property and                                                     
 equipment                             826     (2,320)      (203)    (6,574)
  Per share - basic and diluted                                             
   ($)                                0.01      (0.04)      0.00      (0.12)
Operations capital expenditures     11,380     10,016     67,410     26,868 
Acquisitions and dispositions            -     (1,239)   (14,966)   139,208 
Debt including working capital                                              
 deficiency                         12,059     44,696     12,059     40,376 
Weighted average common shares                                              
 outstanding (000s)                                                         
  Basic                             81,994     61,824     73,391     56,067 
  Diluted                           81,994     61,824     73,391     56,067 
Common shares outstanding (000s)                                            
  Basic                             87,483     61,824     87,483     61,824 
  Fully diluted                     91,379     64,547     91,379     64,547 
Oil equivalent (6:1)                                                        
  Barrels of oil equivalent                                                 
   (000s)                              439        259      1,328        825 
  Barrels of oil equivalent per                                             
   day                               4,773      2,815      3,637      2,254 
  Average selling price (Cdn$                                               
   per Boe)(1)                       35.03      40.19      37.34      39.14 
Gas production                                                              
  Thousand cubic feet (000s)         2,015        987      5,783      3,053 
  Thousand cubic feet per day       21,898     10,728     15,843      8,342 
  Average selling price (Cdn$                                               
   per Mcf)                           3.88       3.46       3.63       2.64 
NGL Production                                                              
  Barrels (000s)                        64         25        187         67 
  Barrels per day                      695        274        512        185 
  Average selling price (Cdn$                                               
   per barrel)                       70.10      63.27      70.29      66.17 
Oil Production                                                              
  Barrels (000s)                        39         69        177        249 
  Barrels per day                      428        753        485        679 
  Average selling price (Cdn$                                               
   per barrel)(1)                    78.47      77.93      87.16      79.53 
Wells drilled                                                               
  Gross                                1.0        2.0        9.0        6.0 
  Net                                  1.0        1.2        8.6        4.4 

(1) Excludes hedging gains and losses.

(2) Funds from operations and funds from operations per share are non-GAAP
measurements. See discussion of Non-GAAP Measurements on page 16 of the MD&A and
the reconciliation of funds from operations to the most directly comparable
measurement under GAAP, "Cash Flows from Operating Activities", on page 26 of
the MD&A.

President's Message 


--  Production for the year averaged 3,637 Boe per day (27% oil plus NGL)
    which represents an increase of 61% from 2012. Fourth quarter production
    was 4,773 Boe per day (24% oil plus NGL), a year-over-year increase of
    70%. On a per-share basis, fourth quarter production increased 20% from
    the previous year while debt decreased by 70%, or $28.3 million.
    Increased production was the result of growth at Umbach where production
    averaged 3,262 Boe per day in the fourth quarter of 2013, a 480%
    increase from 564 Boe per day in the fourth quarter of 2012. 
--  NGL production averaged 695 barrels per day in the fourth quarter, an
    increase of 154% from the fourth quarter of 2012. NGL production
    increased as a result of production growth from the liquids-rich Montney
    formation at Umbach. With condensate and pentane being approximately 60%
    of the NGL mix, the fourth quarter NGL price of $70.10 per barrel was
    81% of the average Edmonton Par light oil price.  
--  Activity in 2013 was focused at Umbach where eight Montney horizontal
    wells (7.6 net) plus one Montney vertical delineation well (1.0 net)
    were drilled and seven horizontal wells (6.2 net) were completed and
    pipeline connected. In the fourth quarter, one Montney horizontal well
    (1.0 net) was drilled, one Montney horizontal well (1.0 net) was
    completed and two Montney horizontal wells (2.0 net) were pipeline
--  On Storm's 100% working interest lands at Umbach, five horizontal
    Montney wells (5.0 net) were drilled with rates over the first 90
    operated days (excluding days shut in) averaging 3.7 Mmcf per day gross
    raw gas which is equivalent to 670 Boe per day sales. This is an
    improvement of 70% when compared to earlier horizontal wells drilled in
    2010 and 2011. 
--  Funds from operations for the year totaled $21.9 million, an increase of
    64% from the previous year. Funds from operations in the fourth quarter
    was $7.5 million or $0.09 per basic share, an increase of 12% from $0.08
    per basic share in the prior year. The increase in funds from operations
    was the result of significant production growth at Umbach. 
--  The funds from operations netback was $16.52 per Boe in 2013, an
    increase of 2% from the previous year. The funds from operations netback
    improved to $17.08 per Boe in the fourth quarter. 
--  The field operating netback excluding hedging gains or losses was $20.43
    per Boe for the full year and increased to $20.82 per Boe in the fourth
--  Operating costs improved throughout the year. The full year operating
    cost of $10.86 per Boe was 5% lower than the previous year while the
    fourth quarter operating cost of $9.73 per Boe was 17% lower than the
    fourth quarter of 2012. Improving operating costs are the result of
    production growth at Umbach where operating costs were $8.73 per Boe in
    2013 which was lower than the corporate average of $10.86 per Boe.  
--  Controllable cash costs (operating, transportation, cash G&A, interest
    expense) declined to $16.24 per Boe in 2013 from $19.83 per Boe in the
    prior year. Controllable cash costs showed further improvement to
    average $15.38 per Boe in the fourth quarter. The largest improvement
    was with cash G&A which decreased $1.52 per Boe to average $2.98 per Boe
    during 2013. 
--  Capital investment was $11.4 million in the fourth quarter and $52.4
    million for the year, net of dispositions. Investment in 2013 was
    focused on exploitation of the Montney formation at Umbach including
    $14.0 million for infrastructure, $15.0 million to acquire undeveloped
    land and $36.0 million for drilling and completions. Dispositions in
    2013 totaled $19.5 million from the sale of non-core properties early in
--  Debt plus working capital deficiency, net of investments, ended the year
    at $12.1 million which is 0.4 times annualized fourth quarter cash flow.
    In November 2013, Storm's bank credit line was increased to $65.0
    million from $52.0 million. 
--  Total proved ("1P") reserves increased 50% to 20,764 Mboe with the all-
    in cost for additions being $13.19 per Boe. Total proved plus probable
    ("2P") reserves increased 48% to 40,541 Mboe with the all-in cost for
    additions being $9.79 per Boe. The increase in 1P and 2P reserves was
    the result of continued delineation drilling in the upper Montney
    formation at Umbach. 
--  Better than expected horizontal well performance resulted in PDP
    reserves at Umbach being revised higher by 439 Mboe. 
--  Additions to 2P reserves replaced 910% of 2013 production. 
--  Recycle ratio was 2.1 for 2P reserve additions using the all-in cost for
    reserve additions and the 2013 field operating netback of $20.43 per Boe
    excluding hedging gains or losses. 
--  Cost of adding production during 2013 was $17.22 per Boe for proved
    developed producing reserves ("PDP") on an all-in basis and was
    approximately $20,000 per Boe per day using 2013 capital investment of
    $52.4 million and production additions of 2,600 Boe per day (average
    fourth quarter rate from wells starting production in 2013). 
--  Subsequent to year end, Storm closed the acquisition of a 100% working
    interest in 29 sections of land in the Umbach-Nig area, prospective for
    liquids rich natural gas from the Montney formation. The acquisition
    included two horizontal wells producing 359 Boe net per day (19% NGL)
    from the Montney formation. Total cost of $87.9 million consisted of
    $30.0 million in cash and 13.6 million common shares of Storm with a
    deemed value of $4.25 per common share (closing price on the TSX Venture
    Exchange January 30, 2014). The cash portion was funded with $34.8
    million of gross proceeds from a bought deal financing and non-brokered
    private placement of common shares which closed on February 14, 2014
    (8.5 million common shares were issued at a price of $4.10 per common


Storm has a focused asset base with large land positions in resource plays at
Umbach and in the HRB which have multi-year drilling upside while the Grande
Prairie area, with its shallow decline, provides cash flow available for

Umbach, Northeast British Columbia

Storm's land position at Umbach is prospective for liquids-rich natural gas from
the Montney formation and currently totals 140 net sections (168 gross sections)
or 98,000 net acres. There are three project areas at Umbach:

--  Umbach South with 87 net sections at a 100% working interest (includes
    the 29 sections recently acquired) where fourth quarter production
    averaged 2,293 Boe per day. 
--  Umbach North with 33 net sections of jointly owned lands (61 gross
    sections with Storm's working interest being 60% on most of the lands)
    where fourth quarter production average 969 Boe per day. 
--  Nig with 20 net sections at a 100% working interest. 

To date, Storm has been focused on exploiting the upper Montney although the
middle and lower Montney may also be productive. Since entering the area in
2010, and including the lands acquired in January 2014, Storm has invested $108
million to acquire this land position ($2,750 per hectare or $1,100 per acre). 

Production at Umbach grew to 3,262 net Boe per day (18% liquids) in the fourth
quarter as a result of five Montney horizontal wells (4.6 net) that started
production during August to November. Fourth quarter NGL recovery was 40 barrels
per Mmcf sales or 629 barrels per day with approximately 60% being higher priced
condensate plus pentanes. The operating netback in the fourth quarter was $21.74
per Boe with revenue, after deducting transportation costs, of $31.10 per Boe
($3.52 per Mcf sales and $67.49 per barrel of NGL), a royalty rate of 3%, and
operating costs of $8.36 per Boe. Continuing production growth from the 100%
working interest lands at Umbach South is expected to result in operating costs
decreasing to approximately $7.00 per Boe in 2014.

Activity in the fourth quarter included converting a standing vertical well to a
water disposal well, drilling one Montney horizontal well (1.0 net), completing
one Montney horizontal well (1.0 net), and pipeline connecting two Montney
horizontal wells (2.0 net) which started producing on October 19th and November
19th. To date in the first quarter, two Montney horizontal wells (2.0 net) have
been drilled and two Montney horizontal wells have been completed with one
starting production in late February. 

A total of 18 horizontal wells have been drilled in the upper Montney at Umbach
(14.4 net) and there are 14 producing horizontal wells (10.8 net). Production
performance has continued to improve based on a comparison of operated day rates
over the first 30 and 90 days (operated day rates exclude days where wells were
shut in due to capacity constraints):

                                                30-Day     90-Day   1st Year
                                               Average    Average    Average
                           Start of    Frac   Mmcf Per   Mmcf Per   Mmcf Per
                         Production  Stages        Day        Day        Day
Hz's 1 - 5    60% Umbach   Mar/11 -         2.7 Mmcf/d 2.1 Mmcf/d 1.4 Mmcf/d
               WI  North     Oct/12  7 - 11     5 hz's     5 hz's     5 hz's
Hz's 6 - 8    60% Umbach   Nov/12 -         3.3 Mmcf/d 2.8 Mmcf/d        not
               WI  North     Aug/13 14 - 16     3 hz's     3 hz's  available
Hz's 10 - 14 100% Umbach   Apr/13 -         4.2 Mmcf/d 3.7 Mmcf/d        not
               WI  South     Nov/13 17 - 18     5 hz's     3 hz's  available

Comparing operated day rates over 30 and 90 days and using the InSite Petroleum
Consultant Ltd. ("InSite") 2P type curve used in the 2013 year-end reserve
evaluation, Storm management estimates that the most recent horizontal wells (10
to 14) will average 2.4 Mmcf per day in the first year with ultimate recovery of
4.4 Bcf.

Cost to drill and complete horizontal wells in 2013 averaged $4.6 million with
the drilling cost averaging $2.2 million and the completion cost averaging $2.4
million. Tie-in costs have been approximately $0.5 million per horizontal well,
not including cost of longer gathering pipelines to connect multi-well pads to
field compression facilities. A decrease in costs is anticipated in 2014 with a
larger program and with more horizontal wells being drilled from common pads.

Total investment in infrastructure in 2013 at Umbach was approximately $12.6
million which included the acquisition of field compression for $4.5 million
plus construction of 18 kilometres of larger diameter 8-inch and 10-inch field
gathering pipelines. In 2014, an additional $19.0 million will be invested in
infrastructure which includes $5.0 million for larger diameter gathering
pipelines plus $14.0 million to construct a second field compression facility
with an initial capacity of 24 Mmcf per day. Capacity of the new field
compression facility is expandable to 48 Mmmcf per day for an additional
investment of $9.0 million with this expected to occur in 2015. 

At pricing of $3.50 per GJ for natural gas and Cdn$89.00 per barrel for Edmonton
Par (WTI US$93.00/Bbl, FX Cdn$0.92), the estimated field netback is $21.00 per
Boe. With this pricing held constant, Storm management estimates that horizontal
wells have an unrisked half cycle rate of return of 37% (1.9 years to payout)
based on a first year average rate of 2.4 Mmcf per day gross raw gas (430 Boe
per day), ultimate recovery of 4.4 Bcf gross raw gas per horizontal well, NGL
recovery of 35 barrels per Mmcf sales (10% shrinkage), and $5.0 million to
drill, complete and tie in a horizontal well. 

On January 31, 2014, Storm closed the acquisition of two producing Montney
horizontal wells and 29 sections of undeveloped land for a total cost of $87.9
million. The allocation of the purchase price was $61.5 million for nine
sections with production, reserves and 35 horizontal drilling locations, and
$26.4 million for the remaining 20 sections ($4,700 per hectare or $1,880 per
acre). Highlights of the acquisition are as follows:

--  A 100% working interest was acquired in the lands and two producing
    horizontal wells (one upper Montney and one lower Montney). 
--  Production from the two horizontal wells totaled 359 Boe per day (NGL
    recovery 38 bbls per Mmcf sales) in the third quarter of 2013 with the
    majority from the C-42-A horizontal well which has produced 1.4 Bcf to
    date from the upper Montney with the current rate being 1.6 Mmcf per day
    gross raw gas (295 Boe per day sales). 
--  The acquired lands are contiguous with Storm's Umbach South lands where
    five Montney horizontal wells (5.0 net) were drilled and commenced
    production in 2013 from the upper Montney with rates averaging 4.3 Mmcf
    per day gross raw gas over the first 30 operating days and 3.7 Mmcf per
    day gross raw gas over the first 90 operating days (operating day rate
    excludes days shut in). 
--  The upper Montney formation is the primary target based on results to
    date in the area; however, Storm management believes that the middle
    Montney may also be productive across the acquired lands. 
--  Storm management estimates DPIIP of 1.6 Tcf in the upper Montney
    formation on the acquired lands based on data from existing wells on the
    29 sections (seven vertical wells plus two Montney horizontal wells)
    indicating that the upper Montney formation is 52 metres thick, has
    average porosity of 6% and a reservoir pressure of 18,000 to 23,000 kPa.
--  Two to three horizontal wells will be drilled in the upper Montney on
    the acquired lands in 2014 with additional wells being planned for 2015.

Horn River Basin, Northeast British Columbia

Storm has a 100% working interest in 123 sections in the HRB (81,000 net acres)
which is prospective for natural gas from the Muskwa, Otter Park and Evie/Klua
shales. Fourth quarter production averaged 363 Boe per day at an operating
netback of $11.59 per Boe. Wellsite compression was installed in November 2013
and production has increased to average 400 Boe per day to date in the first
quarter of 2014. Production is from one horizontal well with 12 fracture
stimulations which currently produces 2.7 Mmcf per day gross raw gas with
cumulative production of 3.8 Bcf gross raw gas since start-up in March 2011. A
second horizontal well was also drilled in 2011 and is awaiting completion with
timing dependent on natural gas pricing.

A resource evaluation completed by InSite effective December 31, 2011 estimates
that the best estimate of DPIIP in the core producing area is 3.1 Tcf gross raw
gas with the best estimate of contingent resources being 616 Bcf. The evaluated
area includes 30 sections at a 100% working interest and represents 22% of
Storm's total land holdings in the HRB. Commerciality has been proven across the
core producing area with a horizontal well that has been producing for 30 months
plus two vertical wells that were completed and tested with final test rates of
900 Mcf per day over the final 24 hours of each flow test. 

Grande Prairie Area, Northwest Alberta and Northeast British Columbia

Production in the fourth quarter averaged 1,147 Boe per day (44% oil plus NGL)
at an operating netback of $21.65 per Boe. No capital was invested in this area
in the fourth quarter and minimal activity is planned during 2014. Cash flow
from this area will continue to be re-invested to grow production at Umbach. 


Current commodity price hedges for 2014 include 11,500 Mcf per day (14,000 GJ
per day) of natural gas with an average floor price of approximately $4.12 per
Mcf and an average ceiling price of $4.34 per Mcf (AECO monthly index $3.39 per
GJ for floor and $3.57 per GJ for ceiling). In addition, an oil price of WTI
Cdn$101.89 per barrel (WTI price in $US per barrel converted to $Cdn per barrel)
has been fixed on 338 barrels per day. It is likely that this hedge position
will be expanded with the objective of ensuring that a decrease in commodity
prices does not have a significant impact on capital investment and growth over
the next 12 to 18 months. 


Shown below is a comparison of Storm's actual 2013 results to guidance provided
during 2013. 

                                               2013        2013        2013 
                                           Guidance    Guidance    Guidance 
                            2013 Actual    November     May 15,    February 
                                Results    14, 2013        2013    28, 2013 
Year-end adjusted debt plus                                                 
 working capital                  $12.1       $40.0       $37.0       $44.0 
 deficiency(1)                  million     million     million     million 
Average operating costs      $10.86 per       $10 -       $10 -       $10 - 
                                    Boe     $11/Boe     $11/Boe     $11/Boe 
Average royalty rate (on                                                    
 revenue before hedging)           12.2%         14%   13% - 14%   11% - 12%
Operations capital                $67.5       $62.0       $62.0       $40.0 
                                million     million     million     million 
Asset dispositions                $19.5       $19.5       $19.5       $20.0 
                                million     million     million     million 
Asset acquisitions                 $4.5        $4.5        $4.5        $4.5 
                                million     million     million     million 
Cash G&A                           $4.0         not        $3.7        $3.9 
                                million    provided     million     million 
Exit or fourth quarter            4,773 4,500-5,000 4,500-5,000 4,000-4,500 
 average production               Boe/d       Boe/d       Boe/d       Boe/d 
                             (24% oil +  (24% oil +  (25% oil +  (25% oil + 
                                    NGL)        NGL)        NGL)        NGL)

(1) Includes value of publicly listed securities.

Actual operations capital investment in 2013 of $67.5 million was $5.5 million
higher than most recent guidance of $62.0 million because of a casing failure
during completion of a horizontal well at Umbach in the fourth quarter ($3.0
million) and because the drilling of one horizontal well at Umbach was advanced
into the fourth quarter of 2013 instead of being drilled in 2014 ($2.5 million).
Year-end adjusted debt was lower as the result of receiving net proceeds
totaling $31.9 million from two equity financings that closed November 19, 2013.


Production in January and February averaged 4,970 Boe per day based on field
estimates and first quarter production is forecast to be 5,000 Boe per day.
Production is expected to be 5,000 to 5,500 Boe per day until September 2014
when the new facility at Umbach will be operational.

Storm's guidance for 2014 remains unchanged from what was provided on January
23, 2014 and is set forth below.

                                                              2014 Guidance 
Estimated year-end debt plus working capital                                
 deficiency(1)                                       $         50.0 million 
Estimated average operating costs                    $ 8.00 - $9.00 per Boe 
Estimated average royalty rate (on production                               
 revenue before hedging)                                           14% - 15%
Estimated operations capital, excluding acquisitions                        
 & dispositions                                      $         78.0 million 
Estimated acquisitions                               $         87.9 million 
Estimated cash G&A net of recoveries                 $          4.0 million 
Forecast fourth quarter average production              7,500 - 7,900 Boe/d 
                                                             (20% oil + NGL)
Forecast average annual production                      5,500 - 6,500 Boe/d 
                                                             (21% oil + NGL)

(1) Includes value of publicly listed securities.

Major expenditures included in operations capital investment for 2014 include:

--  $47.0 million at Umbach to drill 10 horizontal wells (10.0 net) with 9
    horizontal wells (9.0 net) being completed and tied in; and 
--  $19.0 million to expand infrastructure at Umbach, including a new field
    compression facility, expandable from initial capacity of 24 Mmcf per
    day to 48 Mmcf per day (expansion expected to occur in 2015). 

This level of investment is forecast to increase Storm's fourth quarter 2014
production to 7,500 to 7,900 Boe per day which represents 60% growth on a
year-over-year basis.

Guidance for 2014 assumes an average natural gas price at AECO of $3.75 per GJ
and an Edmonton Par oil price of Cdn$90 per barrel. This reflects estimated
first quarter pricing of AECO $5.00 per GJ and Edmonton Par Cdn$98 per barrel.
Adjusted net debt is forecasted to be $50.0 million at the end of 2014
(including public company investments), which would be approximately 1.0 times
annualized funds from operations in the fourth quarter of 2014. 

At Umbach, Storm is still in the early stages of delineating a large, higher
quality, liquids-rich resource in the Montney formation. NGL recovery increases
revenue and the relatively shallow depth (1,400 to 1,600 metres) results in a
lower drilling and completion cost with both providing Storm with a competitive
advantage. Significant future reserve growth is expected given 2P reserves have
been assigned to the upper Montney on only 8% of Storm's land position at
Umbach. In addition, showing that the middle and lower Montney are also
productive and sustained improvements in horizontal well productivity would also
lead to reserve additions. With a strong balance sheet and a plan in place to
further expand owned and operated infrastructure, continued rapid growth is
expected from Umbach during 2014 and 2015. 

Storm's land position in the HRB continues to be a core, long-term asset with
significant leverage to higher natural gas prices. 

Capital investment will be reviewed mid-year and, should natural gas prices
remain elevated and horizontal well performance at Umbach continue to meet or
exceed expectations, it is likely that capital investment would be increased in
the second half of 2014 and forecast fourth quarter production would also be

In closing, I would like to thank Storm's employees for their effort and hard
work in 2013 and Storm's Directors for their advice and guidance. A lot was
accomplished in 2013 and we look forward to providing updates on our progress
throughout 2014.


Brian Lavergne, President and Chief Executive Officer

March 6, 2014

Discovered-Petroleum-Initially-in-Place ("DPIIP") - is defined in the Canadian
Oil and Gas Evaluation Handbook ("COGEH") as the quantity of hydrocarbons that
are estimated to be in place within a known accumulation. DPIIP is divided into
recoverable and unrecoverable portions, with the estimated future recoverable
portion classified as reserves and contingent resources. There is no certainty
that it will be economically viable or technically feasible to produce any
portion of this DPIIP except for those portions identified as proved or probable

Contingent Resources - are those quantities of petroleum estimated, as of a
given date, to be potentially recoverable from known accumulations using
established technology or technology under development, but which are not
currently considered to be commercially recoverable due to one or more
contingencies. Contingencies may include factors such as economic, legal,
environmental, political and regulatory matters, or a lack of markets. It is
also appropriate to classify as contingent resources the estimated discovered
recoverable quantities associated with a project at an early stage of
development. Estimates of contingent resources are estimates only; the actual
resources may be higher or lower than those calculated in the independent
evaluation. There is no certainty that the resources described in the evaluation
will be commercially produced.

Boe Presentation - For the purpose of calculating unit revenues and costs,
natural gas is converted to a barrel of oil equivalent ("Boe") using six
thousand cubic feet ("Mcf") of natural gas equal to one barrel of oil unless
otherwise stated. Boe may be misleading, particularly if used in isolation. A
Boe conversion ratio of six Mcf to one barrel ("Bbl") is based on an energy
equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does
not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead. All Boe measurements and
conversions in this report are derived by converting natural gas to oil in the
ratio of six thousand cubic feet of gas to one barrel of oil. Mboe means 1,000

Reserves at December 31, 2013 

Storm's year-end reserve evaluation effective December 31, 2013 was prepared by
InSite Petroleum Consultants Ltd. ("InSite") under date of February 24, 2014.
InSite has evaluated all of Storm's crude oil, NGL and natural gas reserves. The
InSite price forecast at December 31, 2013 was used to determine all estimates
of future net revenue (also referred to as net present value or NPV). Storm's
Reserves Committee which is made up of independent and appropriately qualified
directors, has reviewed and approved the evaluation prepared by InSite, and the
report of the Reserves Committee has been accepted by the Company's Board of

Reserves included herein are stated on a company gross basis (working interest
before deduction of royalties without including any royalty interests) unless
noted otherwise. All reserves information has been prepared in accordance with
National Instrument ("NI") 51-101. In addition to the information disclosed in
this report, more detailed information will be included in Storm's Annual
Information Form.


--  Proved developed producing ("PDP") reserves increased 29% to total 7,579
    Mboe with additions of 3,046 Mboe replacing 131% of production. The all-
    in cost to add PDP reserves was $17.22 per Boe(1). 
--  Total proved ("1P") reserves increased 50% to total 20,764 Mboe with the
    all-in cost to add 1P reserves being $13.19 per Boe(1). This is a per-
    share increase of 17% on a debt adjusted basis(2). The 1P reserve life
    index ("RLI") is 12 years using production in the fourth quarter of
--  Total proved plus probable ("2P") reserves increased 48% to total 40,541
    Mboe with the all-in cost to add 2P reserves being $9.79 per Boe(1).
    This is a per-share increase of 15% on a debt adjusted basis(2). The 2P
    RLI is 23 years using production in the fourth quarter of 2013. 
--  The trailing three year all-in cost to add 1P reserves is $18.51 per Boe
    and is $13.80 per Boe to add 2P reserves. 
--  Recycle ratio was 1.5 for 1P reserve additions and 2.1 for 2P reserve
    additions using the all-in cost for reserve additions and the 2013 field
    operating netback of $20.44 per Boe excluding hedging gains or losses. 
--  The finding and development cost ("FDC") per NI 51-101 requirements
    (removing effect of acquisitions, dispositions and revisions) was $13.98
    per Boe to add 1P reserves and $10.75 per Boe to add 2P reserves. 
--  The year-over-year increase in 1P reserves was 6,942 Mboe which replaced
    430% of 2013 production and the increase in 2P reserves was 13,210 Mboe
    which replaced 910% of 2013 production. 
--  66% of total 2P reserves are at Umbach, 20% at Horn River Basin ("HRB")
    and 14% at Grande Prairie. 
--  Storm's asset value is $3.25 per share using the before tax 2P reserve
    value of $298 million (discounted at 10%) and after deducting adjusted
    net debt of $12.1 million at the end of 2013. This excludes any value
    for Storm's landholdings which totaled 302,000 net acres at year end. 
--  The majority of additions to 1P and 2P reserves in 2013 was from
    drilling activity (extensions) at Umbach where 10,355 Mboe was added on
    a 1P basis and 18,822 Mboe was added on a 2P basis with all of this
    being from the upper Montney formation. 
--  FDC was $159 million on a 1P basis and $319 MM on a 2P basis which is an
    increase from the end of 2012 where FDC was $103 million on a 1P basis
    and $229 million on a 2P basis. This represents approximately four years
    of activity based on the anticipated 2014 capital investment levels. 
--  Property dispositions completed during 2013 reduced 1P reserves by 859
    Mboe and 2P reserves by 1,137 Mboe. FDC associated with the dispositions
    was $1.7 million on a 2P basis (there was no 1P FDC). With net proceeds
    from the dispositions totaling $19.5 million and including FDC, reserves
    were sold for $22.70 per Boe on a 1P basis and $18.65 per Boe on a 2P
--  Technical revisions increased PDP reserves by 403 Mboe with 1P and 2P
    reserves being reduced by 78 Mboe and 304 Mboe respectively. This was
    related to well performance with negative 2P revisions at Grande Prairie
    totaling 437 Mboe that were partially offset by positive 2P revisions of
    105 Mboe in the HRB and 28 Mboe at Umbach North. Notably, improved
    horizontal well performance resulted in PDP reserves at Umbach being
    revised higher by 439 Mboe. 
--  Economic factors reduced 1P reserves by 1,149 Mboe and reduced 2P
    reserves by 2,844 Mboe. This was the result of removing two future
    horizontal drilling locations in the HRB due to low natural gas prices. 
--  At Umbach South (100% working interest), 2P reserves totaled 16,070 Mboe
    which is 40% of Storm's total 2P. There are five horizontal wells with
    PDP reserves and 20 future horizontal drilling locations (20.0 net) were
    recognized on 6.25 gross sections (6.25 net) with 2P reserves averaging
    642 Mboe per future drilling location (four proved plus probable future
    horizontal drilling locations per producing horizontal well). An average
    of 3.5 Bcf of gross raw gas was assigned per future horizontal drilling
    location with 10% shrinkage from raw gas to sales gas and NGL recovery
    of 37 barrels per Mmcf of sales (McMahon Gas Plant). 2P FDC totalled
    $113 million net.  
--  At Umbach North (60% working interest), 2P reserves totaled 10,741 Mboe
    which is 26% of Storm's total 2P. There are eight horizontal wells with
    PDP reserves and 26 future horizontal drilling locations (15.6 net) were
    recognized on 8.5 gross sections (5.1 net) with 2P reserves averaging
    549 Mboe per future drilling location (3.25 proved plus probable future
    horizontal drilling locations per producing horizontal well). An average
    of 3 Bcf of gross raw gas was assigned per future horizontal drilling
    location with 17% shrinkage from raw gas to sales gas and NGL recovery
    of 54 barrels per Mmcf of sales (Stoddart Gas Plant). 2P FDC totalled
    $84 million net.  
--  DPIIP in the upper Montney formation at Umbach was 604 Bcf for the area
    where 2P reserves were recognized, an average of 41 Bcf per section. 
--  Significant additional reserves are likely to be added in the future at
    Umbach given that reserves are recognized in the upper Montney only on
    8% of Storm's 140 net sections in the area. Additionally, comparing 30
    to 90 operating day rates, Storm management estimates ultimate recovery
    from the horizontal wells drilled to date at Umbach South will be 4.4
    Bcf which is higher than InSite's estimate of 3.5 Bcf for future
    horizontal drilling locations. More production history is required to
    confirm Storm management's estimate of ultimate recovery.  
--  In the HRB, 2P reserves were 8,258 Mboe with 1,466 Mboe assigned to
    complete a standing horizontal shale gas well (1.0 net) and to drill
    four future horizontal shale gas wells (4.0 net). Recoverable reserves
    assigned to each of the future horizontal drilling locations averaged 10
    Bcf of gross raw gas. Shrinkage of 12% was used to determine sales gas
    volumes. 2P FDC was $84 million gross. 

(1) The all-in calculation reflects the result of Storm's entire capital
investment program as it takes into account the effect of acquisitions,
dispositions and revisions, as well as the change in future development costs. 

(2) Debt adjusted calculation increases 2013 year-end debt from $12.1 million to
$44.7 million to equal the 2012 year-end debt by buying back 8 million shares at
$4.05 per share (Storm's December 31, 2013 closing share price). 


All amounts are stated in Canadian dollars unless otherwise specified. Where
applicable, natural gas has been converted to barrels of oil equivalent ("Boe")
based on 6 Mcf:1 Boe. The Boe rate is based on an energy equivalent conversion
method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not recognize a value
equivalent at the wellhead. Given that the value ratio based on the current
price of crude oil as compared to natural gas is significantly different than
the energy equivalency of the 6:1 conversion ratio, utilizing the 6:1 conversion
ratio may be misleading as an indication of value. Production volumes and
revenues are reported on a company gross basis, before deduction of Crown and
other royalties, unless otherwise stated. Unless otherwise specified, all
reserves volumes are based on "company gross reserves" using forecast prices and
costs. The oil and gas reserves statement for the year-ended December 31, 2013,
which will include complete disclosure of oil and gas reserves and other
information in accordance with NI 51-101, will be contained within the Annual
Information Form which will be available on SEDAR. 

References to estimates of oil and gas classified as DPIIP are not, and should
not be confused with, oil and gas reserves. 

Gross Company Interest Reserves as at December 31, 2013                     
(Before deduction of royalties payable, not including royalties receivable) 
                                        Light                        6:1 Oil
                                    Crude Oil Sales Gas       NGL Equivalent
                                      (Mbbls)    (Mmcf)   (Mbbls)     (Mboe)
Proved producing                        1,123    32,719     1,003      7,579
Proved non-producing                        -       123         2         22
Total proved developed                  1,123    32,842     1,005      7,601
Proved undeveloped                        300    65,758     1,903     13,163
Total proved                            1,423    98,600     2,908     20,764
Probable additional                       870    99,177     2,378     19,777
Total proved plus probable              2,293   197,777     5,286     40,541
Gross Company Reserve Reconciliation for 2013                               
(Gross company interest reserves before deduction of royalties payable)     
                                                  6:1 Oil Equivalent (Mboe) 
                                                Total                  plus 
                                               Proved   Probable   Probable 
December 31, 2012 - opening balance            13,822     13,509     27,331 
Acquisitions                                        -          -          - 
Discoveries                                         -          -          - 
Extensions                                     10,356      8,467     18,823 
Dispositions                                     (859)      (278)    (1,137)
Technical revisions                               (78)      (226)      (304)
Economic factors                               (1,149)    (1,695)    (2,844)
Production                                     (1,328)         -     (1,328)
December 31, 2013 - closing balance            20,764     19,777     40,541 

Future Development Costs ("FDC")                                            
HRB                 2.0 net horizontals plus infrastructure $   34.9 million
Umbach                            20.6 net horizontals plus                 
                                             infrastructure $  117.0 million
Grande Prairie              3.0 net horizontals at Grimshaw $    7.6 million
Total                                                       $  159.5 million
Proved Plus Probable Additional                                             
HRB                 5.0 net horizontals plus infrastructure $   83.8 million
Umbach                            36.0 net horizontals plus                 
                                             infrastructure $  197.9 million
Grande Prairie         5.0 net horizontals at Grimshaw; 5.0                 
                         net horizontals at GP Montney; and                 
                          1.0 net horizontal at GP Dunvegan   $ 37.2 million
Total                                                       $  318.9 million
                                                        Proved Plus Probable
                                                Proved            Additional
                                          Expenditures          Expenditures
2014                                  $         62,950 $              67,800
2015                                  $         13,107 $              75,888
2016                                  $         48,472 $              63,454
2017                                  $         34,946 $              78,572
2018                                  $              - $              33,155
2019                                  $              - $                   -
Total FDC - undiscounted              $        159,475 $             318,869
Total FDC - discounted at 10%         $        134,383 $             259,220

Note: InSite escalates capital costs at 2% per year after 2014.

NI 51-101 Finding and Development Costs

Total Proved Finding and Development      2013      2012      2011    3 Year
 Cost                                                                  Total
Capital expenditures excluding                                              
 acquisitions and dispositions                                              
 (000s)                              $  67,450 $  26,868 $  25,360 $ 119,768
Net change in FDC (000s)                77,282    30,863    25,541   133,686
Total capital including the net                                             
 change in future capital (000s)     $ 144,732 $  57,731 $  50,901 $ 253,364
Reserve additions excluding                                                 
 acquisitions, dispositions,                                                
 revisions and economic factors                                             
 (Mboe)                                 10,356     4,067     2,505    16,928
Total proved finding and development                                        
 costs (per Boe)                     $   13.98 $   14.20 $   20.32 $   14.97
Total Proved Plus Probable Finding                                    3 Year
 and Development Cost                     2013      2012      2011     Total
Capital expenditures excluding                                              
 acquisitions and dispositions                                              
 (000s)                              $  67,450 $  26,868 $  25,360 $ 119,678
Net change in FDC (000s)               134,903    40,341    51,725   226,969
Total capital including the net                                             
 change in future capital (000s)     $ 202,353 $  67,209 $  77,085 $ 346,647
Reserve additions excluding                                                 
 acquisitions, dispositions,                                                
 revisions and economic factors                                             
 (Mboe)                                 18,823     5,514     5,278    29,615
Total proved plus probable finding                                          
 and development costs (per Boe)     $   10.75 $   12.19 $   14.60 $   11.71

All-In Finding, Development and Acquisition Costs

Total Proved All-In Finding,                                                
 Development and Acquisition Cost                                           
 including FDC, Acquisitions,                                         3 Year
 Dispositions, Revisions                  2013      2012      2011     Total
Capital expenditures including                                              
 acquisitions and dispositions                                              
 (000s)                              $  52,444 $ 166,076 $  40,795 $ 259,315
Net change in FDC (000s)                56,600    72,655    25,541   154,796
Total capital including the net                                             
 change in future capital (000s)     $ 109,044 $ 238,731 $  66,336 $ 414,111
Reserve additions including                                                 
 acquisitions, dispositions                                                 
 revisions and economic factors                                             
 (Mboe)                                  8,270    10,927     3,178    22,375
All-in total proved finding and                                             
 development costs (per Boe)         $   13.19 $   21.85 $   20.87 $   18.51
Total Proved Plus Probable All-In                                           
 Finding, Development and                                                   
 Acquisition Cost including FDC,                                            
 Acquisitions, Dispositions,                                          3 Year
 Revisions                                2013      2012      2011     Total
Capital expenditures including                                              
 acquisitions and dispositions                                              
 (000s)                              $  52,444 $ 166,076 $  40,795 $ 259,315
Net change in FDC (000s)                89,829   156,258    51,725   297,812
Total capital including the net                                             
 change in future capital (000s)     $ 142,273 $ 322,334 $  92,520 $ 557,127
Reserve additions including                                                 
 acquisitions, dispositions                                                 
 revisions and economic factors                                             
 (Mboe)                                 14,538    19,828     6,012    40,378
All-In total proved plus probable                                           
 finding and development costs (per                                         
 Boe)                                $    9.79 $   16.26 $   15.39 $   13.80
Operating netback per Boe excluding                                         
 hedging                             $   20.43 $   21.22 $   22.81          
Recycle ratio based on operating                                            
 netback (excluding hedging gains or                                        
Proved plus probable                       2.1       1.3       1.5          

Net Present Value Summary (before tax) as at December 31, 2013

Benchmark oil and NGL prices used are adjusted for quality of oil or NGL
produced and for transportation costs. The calculated NPVs include a deduction
for estimated future well abandonment costs.

                                 Discounted Discounted Discounted Discounted
                    Undiscounted      at 5%     at 10%     at 15%     at 20%
                          (000s)     (000s)     (000s)     (000s)     (000s)
Proved producing    $    184,439 $  146,816 $  122,247 $  105,198 $   92,774
Proved non-                                                                 
 producing                    92         87         82         78         74
Total proved                                                                
 developed          $    184,531 $  146,903 $  122,329 $  105,276 $   92,848
Proved undeveloped       184,537    107,293     62,108     34,079     15,855
Total proved        $    369,068 $  254,196 $  184,438 $  139,355 $  108,704
Probable additional      364,989    197,446    113,383     67,039     39,544
Total proved plus                                                           
 probable           $    734,058 $  451,643 $  297,821 $  206,393 $  148,248

Numbers in this table may not add due to rounding.

Net Present Value Summary (after tax) as at December 31, 2013

Benchmark oil and NGL prices used are adjusted for quality of oil or NGL
produced and for transportation costs. The calculated NPVs each include a
deduction for estimated future well abandonment costs.

                                 Discounted Discounted Discounted Discounted
                    Undiscounted      at 5%     at 10%     at 15%     at 20%
                          (000s)     (000s)     (000s)     (000s)     (000s)
Proved producing         184,439    146,816    122,247    105,198     92,774
Proved non-                                                                 
 producing                    92         87         82         78         74
Total proved                                                                
 developed               184,531    146,903    122,329    105,276     92,848
Proved undeveloped       162,353     95,685     55,755     30,462     13,725
Total proved             346,884    242,588    178,084    135,738    106,574
Probable additional      274,236    146,917     82,937     47,569     26,517
Total proved plus                                                           
 probable                621,121    389,504    261,021    183,308    133,091

Numbers in this table may not add due to rounding.

InSite Escalating Price Forecast as at December 31, 2013

             WTI Light Crude    Henry Hub AECO Natural                      
       Crude Oil         Oil  Natural Gas          Gas    Propane     Butane
       (US$/Bbl)  (Cdn$/Bbl)  (US$/Mmbtu) (Cdn$/Mmbtu) (Cdn$/Bbl) (Cdn$/Bbl)
2014       96.00       96.05         4.25         3.99      48.03      76.84
2015       95.00       97.50         4.40         4.14      53.63      78.00
2016       95.00       97.45         4.75         4.50      53.60      77.96
2017       95.00       97.40         5.00         4.75      53.57      77.92
2018       96.00       98.40         5.25         5.01      54.12      78.72

Forward-Looking Information - This press release contains forward-looking
statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable
securities laws. The use of any of the words "will", "expect", "anticipate",
"intend", "believe", "plan", "potential", "outlook", "forecast", "estimate" and
similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements or
information. More particularly, and without limitation, this press release
contains forward-looking statements and information concerning: production;
drilling plans; reserve volumes; capital expenditures; royalties; financing;
commodity prices; and production, operating and general and administrative

The forward-looking statements and information in this press release are based
on certain key expectations and assumptions made by Storm, including: prevailing
commodity prices and exchange rates; applicable royalty rates and tax laws;
future well production rates; reserve and resource volumes; the performance of
existing wells; success to be expected in drilling new wells; the adequacy of
budgeted capital expenditures to carrying out planned activities; the
availability and cost of services; and the receipt, in a timely manner, of
regulatory and other required approvals. Although the Company believes that the
expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking statements and
information are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on
these forward-looking statements and information because of their inherent
uncertainty. In particular, there is no assurance that exploitation of the
Company's undeveloped lands and prospects will result in the emergence of
profitable operations.

Since forward-looking statements and information address future events and
conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties.
Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a
number of factors and risks. These include, but are not limited to the risks
associated with the oil and gas industry in general such as: operational risks
in development, exploration and production; delays or changes in plans with
respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures; the
uncertainty of reserve estimates; the uncertainty of estimates and projections
relating to reserves, production, costs and expenses; health, safety and
environmental risks; commodity price and exchange rate fluctuations; marketing
and transportation of petroleum and natural gas and loss of markets;
environmental risks; competition; ability to access sufficient capital from
internal and external sources; stock market volatility; and changes in
legislation, including but not limited to tax laws, royalty rates and
environmental regulations.

Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive.
Additional information on these and other factors that could affect the
operations or financial results of the Company are included or are incorporated
by reference in the company's MD&A for the three months and year ended December
31, 2013.

The forward-looking statements and information contained in this press release
are made as of the date hereof and the Company undertakes no obligation to
update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, whether
as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required
by applicable securities laws.


Storm Resources Ltd.
Brian Lavergne
President & Chief Executive Officer
(403) 817-6145

Storm Resources Ltd.
Donald McLean
Chief Financial Officer
(403) 817-6145

Storm Resources Ltd.
Carol Knudsen
Manager, Corporate Affairs
(403) 817-6145

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