1st Capital Bank (OTCBB: FISB), Monterey County's award winning community bank, reported continued growth in core deposits and loans for the second quarter of 2012. Overall, the Bank reported an increase in total assets of 32% to $304 million as of June 30, 2012, compared to $229 million for the same quarter one year ago.

Key Performance Highlights of the Second Quarter 2012:

  • Total assets of $304 million as of June 30, 2012 increased $74 million (32%) from June 30, 2011
  • Core deposit growth of $73 million, or 37%, to a total of $270 million compared to the second quarter of 2011
  • Loan growth of $38 million, or 20%, to a total of $228 million compared to the second quarter of 2011
  • 18% increase in net interest income compared to the same quarter a year ago
  • Continuing strong asset quality, with a ratio of nonperforming loans to total loans of just 0.33%
  • Strong capital position with a total risk based capital ratio of 15.65%
  • 2% Stock dividend paid to shareholders as of March 28, 2012

"1st Capital Bank has continued its strong growth in loans, deposits and total assets. The Bank's results for the first two quarters of 2012 continue to outperform most banks in the industry," stated President and CEO Fred Rowden. "We are pleased that the investment the Bank has made in key staff and facilities in the past year has contributed to increased growth in the Bank's deposits and earning assets. That additional growth will provide the basis for future strong earnings growth. The Bank's investment in personnel and infrastructure is a part of our long-term plan to take advantage of market opportunities and is aimed at enhancing shareholder value," concluded Mr. Rowden.

In conjunction with the Bank's strong loan and deposit growth, the Bank recorded a number of increases, including a $330,000 increase in the provision for loan losses for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 compared to the same quarter in 2011. It also recorded increased non-interest costs of $404,000 from the above discussed investment in staff and facilities compared to the same quarter in the prior year and a tax expense of $152,000 for quarter ended June 30, 2012 compared to a tax benefit of $1,313,000 recorded for the same period in the prior year as a result of the deferred tax valuation allowance reversal in the prior year. These increases were partially offset by a $441,000 increase in net interest income compared to the same quarter a year ago.

Overall, increases in these key income statement categories are consistent with the Bank's plans to grow. The positive results of this planned growth are seen not only in the growing totals but also in the composition of the loan and deposit portfolios as new, quality customers join the Bank. The percentage of checking and savings accounts compared to total deposits has increased to 86% compared to 76% one year ago and the overall cost of deposits has dropped from 0.56% to 0.34%. As the Bank continues to grow it is leveraging its excess capital, as can be seen by current Total Risk Based Capital of 15.7% compared to 17.5% one year ago. Likewise, book value per share has increased to $10.10 as of June 30, 2012 compared to $9.88 one year ago.

The Bank's Financial Summary for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 is described below. For more information regarding the Bank's growth and performance, please visit our website at www.1stcapitalbank.com, or call 831.264.4000.

Financial Summary

Net Income -- Income before taxes of $361,000 for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 compared to $660,000 for the same quarter in the prior year. This decrease is largely due to an increase in the provision for loan loss expense due to loan growth and an increase in noninterest expense, partially offset by an increase in net interest income. Net income of $209,000 for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 decreased $1,764,000 compared to net income of $1,973,000 for the same quarter in the prior year, and decreased $101,000 over the net income for the trailing quarter ended March 31, 2012. This decrease resulted from the factors outlined above, as well as increased provision for income tax as the Bank recorded a $152,000 tax expense for the second quarter 2012 compared to a tax benefit of $1,313,000 for the same period in 2011 due to the accounting applied to taxes by the Bank during its then start-up period.

Basic and fully diluted earnings per share of $0.06 and $0.06, respectively, for the three months ended June 30, 2012 continued to add to retained earnings. These per share earnings decreased from $0.62 and $0.62, basic and fully diluted, respectively, for the same quarter a year ago.

Balance Sheet -- Total assets of $304 million as of June 30, 2012 increased $74 million (32%) from June 30, 2011 and increased $12 million (4%) from March 31, 2012. Loans grew $38 million (20%) from June 30, 2011 to a total of $228 million as of June 30, 2012, with $26 million (13%) of that growth occurring in the three-month period ended June 30, 2012. Loan growth was funded largely by deposits, which grew $73 million (37%) from June 30, 2011 to a total of $270 million as of June 30, 2012, and increased by $12 million (5%) from the balances outstanding as of March 31, 2012. As of June 30, 2012 the ratio of loans to deposits increased to 84% compared to 78% as of March 31, 2012.

Interest Income and Expense -- Net interest income for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 was $2,898,000, an increase of $441,000 (18%) over the quarter ended June 30, 2011 and an increase of $182,000 (7%) over the trailing quarter ended March 31, 2012.

Interest income for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 was $3,122,000, an increase of $392,000 (14%) over the quarter ended June 30, 2011 and an increase of $198,000 (7%) over the trailing quarter ended March 31, 2012. Average earning assets for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 were $288 million, an increase of $67 million (30%) and $18 million (7%) compared to the quarters ended June 30, 2011, and March 31, 2012, respectively.

Interest expense for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 was $224,000, a reduction of $49,000 (18%) from the quarter ended June 30, 2011 and an increase of $16,000 (8%) from the trailing quarter ended March 31, 2012. Average interest bearing liabilities for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 were $167 million, an increase of $24 million (17%) and $15 million (10%) compared to the quarters ended June 30, 2011 and March 31, 2012, respectively. While the average balances of interest-bearing deposit liabilities for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 increased compared to June 30, 2011, interest expense decreased due to the repricing of interest-bearing deposits, reflecting the Bank's continued focus on managing its net interest margin. Average noninterest bearing deposits of $97 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 grew $42 million (77%) and $2 million (2%) compared to the quarters ended June 30, 2011 and March 31, 2012, respectively.

These changes in the composition and pricing of 1st Capital Bank's earning assets and deposit liabilities resulted in a net interest margin for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 of 4.1% compared to 4.5% for the quarter ended June 30, 2011 and 4.1% for the quarter ended March 31, 2012. This decrease from a year ago is consistent with a change in the composition of earning assets as strong growth in the deposit portfolio, which now has an overall cost of just 0.34%, was temporarily deployed into Fed funds sold. During these same measurement periods, the yield on the loan portfolio decreased 10 basis points to 5.6% while the Bank continued to reduce overall deposits costs from 0.56% for the three month period ended June 30, 2011 to 0.34% for the period ended June 30, 2012.

Provision for Loan Losses -- 1st Capital Bank recorded a provision for loan losses of $424,000 during the quarter ended June 30, 2012 compared to $94,000 in the quarter ended June 30, 2011 and $40,000 in the trailing quarter ended March 31, 2012 as growth in the loan portfolio and changes in the types of loans originated required the additional reserve and as the Bank continued to closely monitored the condition of its loan portfolio. The ratio of the allowance for loan losses to total loans outstanding was 1.66% at June 30, 2012 compared to 1.59% and 1.67% at June 30, 2011 and March 31, 2012, respectively. The Bank's asset quality remained high as compared with peers, with a ratio of impaired and nonperforming loans to total loans of just 0.33% as of June 30, 2012. The Bank has never had any real estate acquired through foreclosure.

Noninterest Income -- Noninterest income decreased $6,000 (14%) to $37,000 for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 compared to the quarter ended June 30, 2011 and decreased $1,000 (3%) compared to the trailing quarter ended March 31, 2012, largely due to changes in the volume of fees for services.

Noninterest Expense -- Noninterest expenses increased by $403,000 (23%) to $2.1 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2012 compared to the quarter ended June 30, 2011 and decreased $28,000 (1%) compared to the trailing quarter ended March 31, 2012. The majority of these increases were due to the overall growth of the Bank and the investment by the Bank in key personnel and enhanced facilities. Other expenses also increased, due largely to increased stock-based compensation and marketing costs.

Provision for Income Tax Expense -- A provision for income tax expense of $152,000 was recorded during the quarter ended June 30, 2012. This compares to the net income tax benefit of $1,313,000 that was recorded in the second quarter of 2011. Recognition of the tax benefit was a one-time event in the second quarter of 2011 resulting from removal of the valuation allowance previously recognized against the Bank's net deferred tax asset as the strength of actual and forecasted earnings eliminated the need for this valuation allowance.

About 1st Capital Bank

1st Capital Bank is focused on providing lending, deposit and highly efficient cash management services such as remote deposit and online banking to small-to-medium size businesses and their owners, and offers specialized banking services for the healthcare industry. The Bank is a full service financial institution with branches located in Monterey, Salinas and King City. The Bank's corporate offices are located at 5 Harris Court, Building N, Suite 3, Monterey, California 93940. Please visit our website at www.lstcapitalbank.com for more information. Member FDIC. Equal Opportunity Lender. An SBA Preferred Lender.

                              1ST CAPITAL BANK
                          CONDENSED FINANCIAL DATA
           (Dollars in thousands, except share and per share data)

                             3 Months Ended           Percent Change From:

Statement of Income  June 30,   March 31,  June 30,   March 31,   June 30,
 Data                  2012       2012       2011        2012       2011
                    ---------- ---------- ----------  ---------   --------
Interest income
 Loans (including
  fees)             $    2,966 $    2,779 $    2,599          7%        14%
  securities               106        103        107          3%        (1%)
 Other                      50         42         24         19%       108%
                    ---------- ---------- ----------
  Total interest
   income                3,122      2,924      2,730          7%        14%
                    ---------- ---------- ----------
Interest expense
 Interest on
  deposits                 224        208        273          8%       (18%)
 Other                       -          -          -
                    ---------- ---------- ----------
  Total interest
   expense                 224        208        273          8%       (18%)
                    ---------- ---------- ----------
Net interest income      2,898      2,716      2,457          7%        18%
Provision for loan
 losses                    424         40         94        960%       351%
                    ---------- ---------- ----------
Net interest income
 after provision
 for loan losses         2,474      2,676      2,363         (8%)        5%

Noninterest income
 Service charges on
  deposits                  21         22         16         (5%)       31%
 Other                      16         16         27          0%       (41%)
                    ---------- ---------- ----------
  Total noninterest
   income                   37         38         43         (3%)      (14%)

 Salaries and
  benefits               1,243      1,302      1,013         (5%)       23%
 Occupancy                 180        177        149          2%        21%
 Furniture and
  equipment                 82         95         84        (14%)       (2%)
 Other                     645        603        500          7%        29%
                    ---------- ---------- ----------
  Total noninterest
   expenses              2,150      2,177      1,746         (1%)       23%
                    ---------- ---------- ----------
Income before
 provision for
 income taxes              361        537        660        (33%)      (45%)
Provision for
 (benefit from)
 income taxes              152        227     (1,313)       (33%)     (112%)
                    ---------- ---------- ----------
  Net income        $      209 $      310 $    1,973        (33%)      (89%)
                    ========== ========== ==========

Common Share Data
Earnings per share
 Basic              $     0.06 $     0.10 $     0.61        (40%)      (90%)
 Diluted            $     0.06 $     0.09 $     0.61        (33%)      (90%)

Weighted average
 shares outstanding
 Basic               3,223,836  3,220,947  3,220,853          0%         0%
 Diluted             3,317,799  3,308,773  3,223,143          0%         3%
Book value per
Tangible book value

                             6 Months Ended
Statement of Income        June 30,        Percent
 Data                  2012       2011      Change
                    ---------- ----------  --------
Interest income
 Loans (including
  fees)             $    5,745 $    5,126        12%
  securities               209        213        (2%)
 Other                      92         43       114%
                    ---------- ----------
  Total interest
   income                6,046      5,382        12%
                    ---------- ----------
Interest expense
 Interest on
  deposits                 432        526       (18%)
 Other                       -          -
                    ---------- ----------
  Total interest
   expense                 432        526       (18%)
                    ---------- ----------
Net interest income      5,614      4,856        16%
Provision for loan
 losses                    464        367        26%
                    ---------- ----------
Net interest income
 after provision
 for loan losses         5,150      4,489        15%

Noninterest income
 Service charges on
  deposits                  43         29        48%
 Other                      32         41       (22%)
                    ---------- ----------
  Total noninterest
   income                   75         70         7%

 Salaries and
  benefits               2,545      1,922        32%
 Occupancy                 357        287        24%
 Furniture and
  equipment                177        161        10%
 Other                   1,248        933        34%
                    ---------- ----------
  Total noninterest
   expenses              4,327      3,303        31%
                    ---------- ----------
Income before
 provision for
 income taxes              898      1,256       (29%)
Provision for
 (benefit from)
 income taxes              379     (1,313)     (129%)
                    ---------- ----------
  Net income        $      519 $    2,569       (80%)
                    ========== ==========

Common Share Data
Earnings per share
 Basic              $     0.16 $     0.80       (80%)
 Diluted            $     0.16 $     0.80       (80%)

Weighted average
 shares outstanding
 Basic               3,222,982  3,220,853         0%
 Diluted             3,313,647  3,222,999         3%
Book value per
 share              $    10.10 $     9.88         2%
Tangible book value $    10.10 $     9.88         2%

                              1ST CAPITAL BANK
                          CONDENSED FINANCIAL DATA
                           (Dollars in thousands)

                                                     Percent Change From:
                       June    December    June    December 31,   June 30,
Balance Sheet Data     2012      2011      2011        2011         2011
                     --------  --------  --------  ------------   --------
  Cash and due from
   banks             $  6,324  $  8,910  $  6,025           (29%)        5%
  Federal funds sold
   and overnight
   deposits            42,060    60,062    16,033           (30%)      162%
   securities, at
   fair value, and
   interest bearing
   deposits            25,068    17,520    15,926            43%        57%
    Commercial         89,635    78,504    79,087            14%        13%
    Real estate-
     construction       4,167     4,126     3,743             1%        11%
    Real estate-
     other            132,261   115,902   105,212            14%        26%
    Consumer            1,254     1,580     1,017           (21%)       23%
    Deferred loan
     fees, net            517       470       426            10%        21%
                     --------  --------  --------
      Total loans     227,834   200,582   189,485            14%        20%
    Allowance for
     loan losses       (3,784)   (3,320)   (3,022)           14%        25%
                     --------  --------  --------
  Net loans           224,050   197,262   186,463            14%        20%
  Premises and
   equipment, net       1,314       615       658           114%       100%
  Accrued interest
   receivable and
   other assets         4,704     3,946     4,097            19%        15%
                     --------  --------  --------
Total assets         $303,520  $288,315  $229,202             5%        32%
                     ========  ========  ========

Liabilities and
     bearing         $ 99,883  $118,366  $ 59,647           (16%)       67%
    Demand, interest
     bearing           82,024    56,171    59,280            46%        38%
    Savings            51,620    38,558    31,116            34%        66%
    Time               36,649    42,488    47,093           (14%)      (22%)
                     --------  --------  --------
      Total deposits  270,176   255,583   197,136             6%        37%
Accrued interest
 payable and other
 liabilities              781       919       935           (15%)      (16%)
Shareholders' equity   32,563    31,813    31,131             2%         5%
                     --------  --------  --------
Total liabilities
 and shareholders'
 equity              $303,520  $288,315  $229,202             5%        32%
                     ========  ========  ========

Asset Quality
  Loans past due 90
   days or more and
   accruing interest $      -  $      -  $      -
  Restructured loans      226       240       447            (6%)      (49%)
  Other nonaccrual
   loans                  534         -         -
  Other real estate
   owned                    -         -         -
                     --------  --------  --------
     assets          $    760  $    240  $    447           217%        70%
                     ========  ========  ========

  Allowance for loan
   losses to total
   loans                 1.66%     1.66%     1.59%            0%         4%
  Allowance for loan
   losses to NPL's        498%     1383%      676%          (64%)      (26%)
  Allowance for loan
   losses to NPA's        498%     1383%      676%          (64%)      (26%)

Regulatory Capital
 and Ratios
  Tier 1 capital     $ 32,188  $ 31,490  $ 30,799             2%         5%
  Total capital      $ 34,994  $ 33,985  $ 33,181             3%         5%
  Tier 1 capital
   ratio                 14.4%     15.8%     16.2%           (9%)      (11%)
  Total risk based
   capital ratio         15.7%     17.1%     17.5%           (8%)      (10%)
  Tier 1 leverage
   ratio                 10.8%     12.6%     13.6%          (14%)      (21%)

                              1ST CAPITAL BANK
                          CONDENSED FINANCIAL DATA
                           (Dollars in thousands)

                               3 Months Ended         Percent Change From:
Selected Financial     June 30,  March 31,  June 30,  March 31,   June 30,
 Ratios                  2012       2012      2011       2012       2011
                       --------  ---------  --------  ---------   --------
 Return on average
  total assets             0.28%      0.44%     3.48%       (36%)      (92%)
 Return on average
  shareholders' equity     2.59%      3.87%    26.74%       (33%)      (90%)
 Net interest margin        4.1%       4.1%      4.5%        (0%)      (10%)
 Efficiency ratio         73.25%     79.05%    69.84%        (7%)        5%

Selected Average
 Loans                 $214,583  $ 199,939  $184,379          7%        16%
 Investment securities   17,790     15,732    13,535         13%        31%
 Federal funds sold
  and CD's               55,218     53,605    22,508          3%       145%
                       --------  ---------  --------
  Total earning assets $287,591  $ 269,276  $220,422          7%        30%
                       --------  ---------  --------
   Total assets        $297,159  $ 280,238  $227,666          6%        31%
                       --------  ---------  --------

 Demand deposits -
  interest bearing     $ 81,168  $  69,736  $ 62,750         16%        29%
 Savings                 48,242     41,557    32,109         16%        50%
 Time deposits           37,704     41,051    47,733         (8%)      (21%)
                       --------  ---------  --------
  Total interest
   bearing liabilities $167,114  $ 152,344  $142,592         10%        17%
                       --------  ---------  --------
 Demand deposits -
  noninterest bearing  $ 96,972  $  95,320  $ 54,660          2%        77%
                       --------  ---------  --------
 Shareholders' equity  $ 32,513  $  32,141  $ 29,591          1%        10%
                       --------  ---------  --------

                         6 Months Ended
                            June 30,
Selected Financial                         Percent
 Ratios                  2012      2011     Change
                       --------  --------  -------
 Return on average
  total assets             0.36%     2.32%     (84%)
 Return on average
  shareholders' equity     3.22%    17.74%     (82%)
 Net interest margin        4.0%      4.5%     (10%)
 Efficiency ratio         76.06%    67.05%      13%

Selected Average
 Loans                 $207,261  $182,905       13%
 Investment securities   16,761    13,861       21%
 Federal funds sold
  and CD's               54,412    19,147      184%
                       --------  --------
  Total earning assets $278,434  $215,912       29%
                       --------  --------
   Total assets        $288,698  $222,834       30%
                       --------  --------

 Demand deposits -
  interest bearing     $ 75,452  $ 59,795       26%
 Savings                 44,899    30,686       46%
 Time deposits           39,377    48,356      (19%)
                       --------  --------
  Total interest
   bearing liabilities $159,728  $138,837       15%
                       --------  --------
 Demand deposits -
  noninterest bearing  $ 96,146  $ 53,875       78%
                       --------  --------
 Shareholders' equity  $ 32,327  $ 29,202       11%
                       --------  --------

Contact Information Jayme Fields CFO (831) 264-4011

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