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Zane Interactive Pub (CE)

Zane Interactive Pub (CE) (ZNAE)

Closed 03 March 8:00AM

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dijeetyet dijeetyet 5 years ago
Hey , I'm wondering about this one again with all the kids homeschooling these days.
startingboy startingboy 14 years ago
Google promotes education software in app store
San Francisco Business Times
Date: Tuesday, December 28, 2010, 7:07am PST

Google Inc. is making a push to get more educational software in its app store, Bloomberg reports.

Mountain View-based Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) is talking with software companies to ramp up its offerings of educational games and instructional tools -- part of an industry that could reach $5 billion this year.

Companies such as Grockit Inc. and Aviary Inc. already have educational products available through the site.

The project could mean new revenue streams for Google. The Google Apps Marketplace, which opened in March, currently lets most software makers collect all revenue generated, though Google will soon begin taking a 20 percent cut, the report says.
startingboy startingboy 14 years ago
Zane Publishings range of learning CD-ROM's have not been available to legally purchase since early 2000.
startingboy startingboy 14 years ago
old post from EdF
EdF Share Tuesday, January 30, 2007 10:32:29 AM
Re: None Post # of 78

Rec'd a response from the CEO:

Many thanks for your recent emails.

As you may know Zane has produced a considerable number of educational CD-ROM titles since 1995, and while we are considering a range of additional opportunities for Zane, we are at the present time focusing on 2 significant situations where 2 companies in the United States, appear to have taken content to which we have Copyright, and deliberately used that content extensively without any form of authorisation or Licensing Rights.

As a result we currently focusing on working with Forensic Software experts that we have employed, to provide us with the necessary evidence to prosecute and seek significant financial damages from the corporations involved. We will be in a position to make further decisions once we have been provided with the initial reports from those Forensic investigators.

It is because of our fiduciary responsibilities to Zane stockholders, that we are not making any reports or press releases until such time that we can provide accurate and meaningful information. Suffice to say that if we did not believe that this Breach of our Copyrights was both serious and significant, we would not be giving it the priority we believe that it deserves.

I welcome your emails and am happy to provide what information I can, however I must exercise caution and prudence.

Kind Regards,
startingboy startingboy 14 years ago
yes it was , nicolas tee is very active all over .
ZANE WARNS PIRATES first case goes to court!

After issuing it's first set of legal proceedings, Zane continues to investigate and prepare a list of businesses and corporations that are potentially involved in the illegal reproduction, distribution and/or sale of educational CD-ROM software titles published by Zane Publishing Inc., in recent years.

Zane has spent considerable amounts over a number of years developing a substantial number of educational software titles with a vision of providing children and students with the means to learn at their own speed and thereby reach their greatest potential. So if you see any of the software titles listed on our Software Titles Page, on sale at any outlet, that contains any or all of the following names:

Zane Publishing Inc.
Zane Interactive Publishing Inc.
Zane Publishing
American Concise Encyclopedia

MWM MWM 14 years ago
I think this was PDC's old play, nice to see some life!

Good Find!

startingboy startingboy 14 years ago

Zane Publishing Inc. has launched legal proceedings against Fogware Publishing in regards to a number of issues involving the replication and distribution of software titles to which Zane claims a number of Copywrite and Trademark Rights. A number of the issues relate to a period after which Licensing Rights that Zane had extended to Fogware had expired, while other issues include attempted concealment of Zane's Copywrite and Trademarks with Fogware's own markings.
startingboy startingboy 14 years ago
look at this !Nature of Suit: Intellectual Property - Copyrights
MWM MWM 17 years ago
startingboy startingboy 17 years ago
new link on the zane site
startingboy startingboy 17 years ago
now is updated and they are active on nevada too as of .06.24.08


Attention: Homeschoolers, Students, Parents & Homeschool Families

Not since early 2000 have Zane Publishing's range of CD_ROM titles been legally available for purchase. However due to the increasing number of enquiries being received especially from homeschooling families, Zane is now considering relaunching their entire range of educational software, either online or via CD-ROM.

Zane continues to be very supportive of homeschooling and homeschoolers, therefore if you are interested to receive news of the availability of legal Zane CD-ROM educational software, we would invite you to register with us by sending an email to the following email address:

Please be sure to include the following information:

* Your Name
* Your email and postal address
* Whether you are homeschooling or not
* The number of children you have
* Details of any specific titlles you are interested in

PLEASE NOTE that all enquiries received or information supplied will be treated with the strictest confidence and will not be supplied to any third parties.

trix trix 18 years ago
A jump in the PPS this morning to .08, on 100 shares. Huh?
EdF EdF 18 years ago
Well, we are overdue for an update so I'll fire off an email this weekend.
db7 db7 18 years ago
thanks to ALL who dd'd this one (especially PDC ;)
MWM MWM 18 years ago
Very, except evidently the website has been this way for a while, Ed was out and Pat and I thought it was updated... OOPs...
grizzums grizzums 18 years ago
Nice to see a little action....are we thin here? lol...

17.5k traded -- Up 77% and .07 X .10

GL Rollin!

MWM MWM 18 years ago
db7 db7 18 years ago
grabbed a starter today.. will be adding more in the future as some cash frees up
MWM MWM 18 years ago
Hey Ed is it Showtime?

Mephisto Berserk Mephisto Berserk 18 years ago
Back down to what seems like bottom.
EdF EdF 18 years ago
No, but it wouldn't hurt to send him an email asking any questions you might have. If you do and he responds, please post here. Thanks
trix trix 18 years ago
Have you gotten any email updates on ZNAE? I suppose not, but thought I'd ask anyway.
MWM MWM 18 years ago
Ed 2 trades so far today... It's getting exciting... hehe!

EdF EdF 18 years ago
NP, was glad to get an update.
grizzums grizzums 18 years ago
Just saw this...thanks for posting an update for us ED.

With this one, I will definitely be waiting for a nice payday. 400k float? Ha ha .....gotta love it...

Thanks again!
EdF EdF 18 years ago
This could get interesting once we hear the results of the investigation and the names of the parties involved:

we are at the present time focusing on 2 significant situations where 2 companies in the United States, appear to have taken content to which we have Copyright, and deliberately used that content extensively without any form of authorisation or Licensing Rights.

Might there be some type of settlement in the future? I sure hope so It would be a nice kick start as the unveil their future plans.
MWM MWM 18 years ago
With this low float, god only knows wht could happen...
EdF EdF 18 years ago
I'm really looking forward to when we get the first PR. It become a whole new ballgame at that point.
EdF EdF 18 years ago
I have a healthy position already
MWM MWM 18 years ago
Time to buy more, what you think?
Ogclip © Ogclip © 18 years ago
Nice... Thanks
EdF EdF 18 years ago
Rec'd a response from the CEO:

Many thanks for your recent emails.

As you may know Zane has produced a considerable number of educational CD-ROM titles since 1995, and while we are considering a range of additional opportunities for Zane, we are at the present time focusing on 2 significant situations where 2 companies in the United States, appear to have taken content to which we have Copyright, and deliberately used that content extensively without any form of authorisation or Licensing Rights.

As a result we currently focusing on working with Forensic Software experts that we have employed, to provide us with the necessary evidence to prosecute and seek significant financial damages from the corporations involved. We will be in a position to make further decisions once we have been provided with the initial reports from those Forensic investigators.

It is because of our fiduciary responsibilities to Zane stockholders, that we are not making any reports or press releases until such time that we can provide accurate and meaningful information. Suffice to say that if we did not believe that this Breach of our Copyrights was both serious and significant, we would not be giving it the priority we believe that it deserves.

I welcome your emails and am happy to provide what information I can, however I must exercise caution and prudence.

Kind Regards,

Nicholas Tee
xZx xZx 18 years ago
ZNAE daily chart:

nice accumulation, and how about that slow trix...

fringe_remnant fringe_remnant 18 years ago
Update ZNAE

On SC's dBase now.

Weekly Chart, 28Mos

MWM MWM 18 years ago
Fringe is is now.... Hold on...
EdF EdF 18 years ago
Nice, with any news/filings from the company, this thing should readily wake up.
MWM MWM 18 years ago
Just took out .06 with that 5k buy...
EdF EdF 18 years ago
Nice, this thing is soooo thin.
MWM MWM 18 years ago
added at .06 today...
xZx xZx 18 years ago
hard to imagine they'd be doing much over the holidays, but in the new year we may be getting some surprises. thanks for the update, ed. :)
EdF EdF 18 years ago
Yeah, that happens some times with these smaller/unknown plays. If you go here, they will add it.
CashFreeze CashFreeze 18 years ago
Weird...I cannot get a stockchart on this ticker...very strange.
EdF EdF 18 years ago
CashFreeze CashFreeze 18 years ago
what ticker does this trade under? Unable to find it for soem reason.

ZANE is Zanett Inc.
MWM MWM 18 years ago
I'm with ya Ed...
EdF EdF 18 years ago
No change on the company web page and I haven't heard anything from the CEO. Still holding and patiently waiting.
xZx xZx 18 years ago
lol... me too! by the time i saw it was down from the hod those ..03s were history! i had to grab the .06s..!
PDC ™ PDC ™ 18 years ago
omg cheapies !!!! wtf. didnt notice .03's. id have stolen those !!!!!
xZx xZx 18 years ago
ZNAE does look pretty nice today. quick recovery, all those cheapies got absorbed very fast, growing bid support... looking good for EOD, that's for sure.
PDC ™ PDC ™ 18 years ago
.08's sitting here. look nice IMO

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