Morgan Stanley & Co. Int'l plc Stabilisation Notice (5658K)
23 April 2020 - 4:00PM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number : 5658K
Morgan Stanley & Co. Int'l plc
22 April 2020
Not for di s t r ibut ion, d irec tly or ind irect l y, in or
into the Uni ted S tates or any juris d i c tion in w h ich such d
i s tribu t ion wou ld be un l a wf u l.
NETFLIX, INC. Stabilisation Notice
Date 23/04/2020
Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc (contact: Jane
Bradshaw; telephone:
+44 20 7677-6807) hereby gives notice that the Stabilising
Manager named below may stabilise the offer of the following
securities in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU)
2016/1052 of 8 March 2016 supplementing Regulation (EU) No
The securi ti e s:
I ssuer: NETFLIX, INC.
Guarantor (if any): N/A
A gg regate nom inal
amoun t: TBD
Descr ipt ion: Senior Unsecured Note due 2025 RegS/144A
O ffer pr ice: TBD
Stabi l i sat ion:
Stab i l is ing Manager: Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc
Stab i l is a ti on [23(nd) April 2020]
pe riod expect ed
to s tart on:
Stab i l is a ti on [22(nd) June 2020] - 60 da ys af t er the
pe riod expect ed proposed allotment da te of the secur i
to end no later than: t ies
E x i s tence, max The St abi li s ing Manager m ay over -all
i mum s ize ot the secu r i t ies to the
and cond i tions of extent pe r mi tt ed in accordance w ith
use of over -all o appl icab le law.
t ment fac i l it y:
Stabilisation trading Over the counter (OTC)
In connect ion w ith the offer of the above secur i t ies, the
Stab i l i s ing Manager m ay o ver -allot the secu r i ti es or
effect transact ions w ith a v iew to suppor t ing the m a r ket pr
ice of the secur i t ies at a level hi gher than that which m i ght
ot her w ise p revai l. However, t here is no a ss u rance that t
he Stab i l is ing Manager w ill take any stabi l is a ti on action
and any stabi l i sat ion ac tion, if begun, m ay be ended at any
ti me. A ny stabi l is a ti on act ion or over -allot ment sha ll
be conducted in acco rdance w ith a ll appl i cable laws and r u l
T h is announcement is for infor mat ion pu rpo ses only and
does not cons t i t u te an inv it a t ion or offer to unde r w rit
e, subscribe for or o the r w ise acqui re or di spose of any
securi t i es of the I ssuer in any j u ri sdi c t ion.
T h is announcement and t he offer of the securi ti es to which
it relat es a re on ly addres sed to and dir ected at per sons out
s ide the Uni ted K ingdom and persons in the U n it ed K ingdom
who ha ve profes s ional exper ience in matt e rs r e l a ted to
inves tments or who are h i gh net worth per sons w ithin ar t icle
12(5) of t he Financ i al Se r v ices and Mar kets Act 2000 ( F
inanc ial P romot ion) Or der 2005 and must not be acted on or rel
ied on by other per sons in the U n i ted Kingdom.
In addition, if and to the ex tent t hat this announcem ent is
communi cated i n, or the offer of the secu r i ti es to which it r
e l a t es is made i n, any EEA M e mber State that has i m p
lemented D i rect i ve 2003/71 /EC (toget her w i th any applicable
i m p lemen t ing measures in any Member S t a t e, the "Prospectus
D ir ect i ve") before t he pub li cat ion of a pr o spec tus in r
e l a tion to t he s ecur i t ies which has been approved by the
competent author i ty in t hat Member St a te in acco rdance w ith
t he Prospect us D i rec ti ve (or which has been approved by a
compe tent au thor ity in another Member State and not i f ied to
the compet ent aut hor i ty in that Mem ber S t a te in acco r
dance w ith the Prospect us D ir ect i ve), this announcement and t
he offer are only addressed to and di rected at pers ons in that
Member S tate who a re qua li f i ed investors w ithin the m eaning
of the P rospec tus D i rec ti ve (or who are o ther per sons to
whom the offer m ay lawful ly be addres sed) and must not be ac ted
on or r e li ed on by other pe rsons in that Mem ber Stat e.
T h is announcement is not an offer of secur i t ies for sale
into the U n it ed St a t es. The secu r i t ies have not been, and
w ill not be, reg is tered under the Uni ted S tates Secu r i t ies
Act of 1933 and m ay not be offered or s o ld in t he Uni ted St a
t es absent reg i s t rat ion or an exemption f rom reg is t r a
tion. The re w ill be no publ ic offer of secu r i ti es in the Uni
ted S t a te.
This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the
London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct
Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United
Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution
of this information may apply. For further information, please
contact or visit
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
April 23, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
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