RNS Number : 6018D
  Ambrian Capital PLC
  17 September 2008


    Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 30 June 2008

    Ambrian Capital plc, the natural resources investment bank, today announced its interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2008.

                                 Six months ended    Six months ended
                                       30 June 2008     30 June 2007   Year ended
                                                                           31 Dec
                                                �m                 �m          �m
 Investment Banking Income                     5.39              5.35       10.63
 Investment Portfolio Income                 (1.65)              9.52        5.20
 Total Income                                  3.74             14.87       15.83
 (Loss)/Profit Before Tax                    (2.79)             10.02        5.79
 (Loss)/Earnings per Share:                  (1.94)              6.60        4.32
 Basic (pence)
 Dividend per Share (pence)                    0.75              0.75        1.75
 Shareholders' Equity                         42.10             51.91       45.04
 Shareholders' Equity per Share                42.1              47.8        45.1

    *     Investment Banking delivered solid results given the challenging market conditions with revenues maintained and a pre-tax profit
margin of 12.2%
    *     Retained by 50 corporate clients, an increase from 35 at 31 December 2007. The average market capitalisation of listed corporate
clients was �81 million at 30 June 2008
    *     Entered the physical metals business with the recruitment of an experienced team based in London and Shanghai and with agents in
Calcutta, New York and Santiago
    *     Continued strategy of realising the Investment Portfolio and re-investing the cash proceeds in operating businesses
    *     Investment Portfolio suffered loss in market value, particularly holdings in Golden Prospect Precious Metals Limited and Jubilee
Platinum plc
    *     Shareholders' equity per share decreased 6.7% to 42.1p since 31 December 2007
    *     Balance sheet remains strong, with net usable cash of �17.6 million at 30 June 2008
    *     Interim dividend maintained at 0.75p per ordinary share

    Commenting on the results, Tom Gaffney, Chief Executive of Ambrian Capital plc, said: "Despite the challenging market conditions during
the first half of 2008, the Investment Banking business delivered solid results due to our focus on the natural resources sector and
continued high volatility in commodity prices which benefited our LME futures broker-dealer operations.

    We took the opportunity to significantly increase our retained corporate client base by the acquisition of Nabarro Wells, which we have
rapidly integrated and has already led to a number of new mandates.

    We also expanded our commodities activities with the recruitment of a highly experienced team of physical metals dealers. This business
complements our existing LME futures business.

    Weak conditions in the equity markets negatively impacted the market value of our Investment Portfolio which under IFRS is reflected in
our income statement. We continued our strategy of reducing the size of the Investment Portfolio and re-investing in our operating
businesses. During the first half of 2008 we realised approximately �5.8 million of cash from sales of the Investment Portfolio and since 30
June we have realised an additional �4.25 million of cash.

    The outlook for the balance of 2008 is uncertain; however, we remain well positioned to continue our growth with our focused business
model and strong balance sheet."

 Tom Gaffney        Mark Connelly         Charlotte Kirkham
 Chief Executive          Collins         M: Communications
 Officer                  Stewart
 Ambrian Capital       Europe Ltd
 plc                               Tel: +44 (0)20 7153 1531
 Tel: +44 (0)20
 7634 4700               Tel: +44
                       (0)20 7523

    Notes to Editors:
 1.  Ambrian Capital is an AIM listed independent investment banking group.
     Ambrian Capital provides corporate finance, stockbroking, commodity broking
     and investment management services to institutional and corporate clients
     active in the natural resources and alternative energy sectors. Ambrian
     Capital is also a principal investor in the natural resources sector.
 2.  Ambrian Partners Limited, Ambrian Commodities Limited and Ambrian Asset
     Management are all authorised and regulated by the Financial Services
     Authority. Ambrian Partners Limited is a member of the London Stock
     Exchange and Ambrian Commodities Limited is an Associate Broker member of
     the London Metal Exchange.

    Further information on Ambrian Capital is available on the Company's website: www.ambrian.com


    Despite the challenging market conditions during the first half of 2008, the Investment Banking business delivered solid results due to
our focus on the natural resources sector and continued high volatility in commodity prices which benefited our LME futures broker-dealer

    Weak conditions in the equity markets negatively impacted the market value of our Investment Portfolio which under IFRS is reflected in
our income statement. We continued our strategy of reducing the size of our Investment Portfolio and re-investing in our operating business.
During the first half of 2008 we realised approximately �5.8 million in cash from sales of the Investment Portfolio and since 30 June we
have realised an additional �4.25 million of cash.

    Given the strength and liquidity of the balance sheet, the Board has decided to maintain the interim dividend at 0.75p per share.

    Financial Review

    Total income for the first half of 2008 was �3.74 million (2007: �14.87 million).

    Investment Banking income for the first half of 2007 was �5.39 million (2007: �5.35 million).  The Investment Portfolio incurred a loss
of �1.65 million compared with a profit of �9.52 million for the first half of 2007.

    Administrative expenses were �6.53 million (2007: �4.82 million) of which �5.05 million (2007 : �3.83 million) were represented by fixed
costs. Administrative expenses included one-off costs associated with the acquisition of Nabarro Wells & Co Limited, start-up costs
associated with the physical metals business and costs associated with the move to our new offices. Rigorous control of fixed costs is a
central feature of the Group and staff remuneration is geared towards performance. Total headcount as at 30 June 2008 stood at 75, up 27
during the first half of 2008.

    The loss before tax for the first half of 2008 was �2.79 million (2007: profit before tax �10.02 million).

    Investment Banking profit before tax for the first half of 2008 was �0.66 million (2007: �1.66 million). This represented a 12.2%
pre-tax profit margin (2007 : 31.0%).

    The loss before tax from the Investment Portfolio was �3.45 million compared with a pre-tax profit of �8.36 million for the first half
of 2007. All central costs are allocated to the Investment Portfolio.

    The net loss after tax for the first half of 2008 was �1.94 million (2007: net profit after tax �7.00 million).

    Basic loss per share was 1.94p (2007: basic earnings per share 6.60p).

    Balance Sheet

    The consolidated balance sheet remains strong, with a substantial excess over total regulatory capital requirements. Shareholders'
equity was �42.1 million at 30 June 2008 (31 December 2007: �45.0 million), or 42.1p per share (31 December 2007: 45.1p per share).

    The Group's cash resources, net of amounts due to clients, totalled �17.6 million at 30 June 2008 compared with �22.2 million at 31
December 2007. The cash utilised in operating activities during the period was �10.4 million largely due to an increase in the working
capital of Ambrian Partners Limited, the payment of 2007 annual bonuses, the acquisition of Nabarro Wells, the entry into the physical
metals business and the payment of the final 2007 dividend.

    Our Investment Portfolio was valued at �13.7 million at 30 June 2008 compared with �20.5 million at 31 December 2007. The reduction in
the size of the Investment Portfolio is due to a combination of the sale during the first half of 2008 of investments with an aggregate
value of approximately �5.8 million and reductions in the market value of our investments in line with the well-publicised negative market
conditions generally.

    Total assets were �110.4 million at 30 June 2008 compared with �58.9 million at 31 December 2007. The increase is largely attributable
to an increase in Trade and Other Receivables to �59.5 million (31 December 2007 : �6.0 million). Approximately half of the increase is
related to the new physical metals business which purchases metal on behalf of clients typically on a hedged and matched basis. The metals
purchases are funded under trade finance arrangements with a syndicate of major international banks and these are included in Trade and
Other Payables. In addition, Trade and Other Receivables increased during the period as a result of increased activity in agency broking and
market making. These are largely offset by market counterparties which are shown in Trade and Other Payables which totalled �54.7 million at
30 June 2008.


    The Board has declared a maintained interim dividend of 0.75p per share (2007: 0.75p). The dividend will be payable on 24 October 2008
to all shareholders on the register as at 3 October 2008.

    Investment Banking

    During the first half of 2008 we took two important steps to strengthen and broaden our Investment Banking business, specifically, the
acquisition of Nabarro Wells in April and entering into the physical metals business in June.

    Nabarro Wells has been rapidly integrated into Ambrian Partners. Nabarro Wells brought a high quality retained client base to which it
provides nominated adviser services. Clients include First Calgary Petroleum Limited, Platinum Australia Limited and Ithaca Energy Inc. Our
objective is to build on the nominated adviser relationships and offer to our new clients an expanded range of services. We have had a
number of early successes, for example, we have additionally been appointed as corporate broker to Altona Resources plc, Indago Petroleum
Limited, Renewable Energy Holdings plc and Toledo Mining Corporation plc.

    During the first half of 2008 we also significantly expanded our commodities business with the recruitment of an experienced
international physical metals team. The eight-strong team comprises salesmen, traders and logistics managers based in London and Shanghai.
In addition, there are agents based in Calcutta, New York and Santiago.

    Ambrian Partners Limited

    Ambrian Partners Limited, our corporate finance and stockbroking subsidiary, had 50 core retained corporate clients at 30 June 2008
compared with 35 at 31 December 2007. In addition to the new clients brought by Nabarro Wells, significant new client wins include our
appointment as nominated adviser and joint-broker to Avocet Mining plc and to Weatherly International plc. In a more challenging equity
market environment, our retained corporate client base provides a stream of recurring revenues and positions Ambrian Partners at the centre
of providing advisory and capital raising services to our clients.  

    Our capital raising business has not been immune to the slow-down in new issue activity on AIM, nevertheless, the strength of our
natural resources franchise is demonstrated by the transactions we completed in the difficult market conditions prevailing in the first half
of 2008, which included : 

    *     �14.4 million equity capital raising for Kalahari Minerals plc

    *     �10.3 million equity capital raising for Dwyka Resources Limited

    *     �7.6 million equity capital raising for Pangea Diamondfields plc

    *     �4.2 million equity capital raising for Block Shield Corporation plc

    Ambrian Partners has established a particularly strong presence in the AIM natural resources sector. According to the "Hemscott July
2008 Advisers Ranking Guide", Ambrian Partners was ranked first in terms of both (i) retained nominated adviser clients and (ii) number of
stockbroking clients in the Basic Materials Sector (which includes the metals and mining sector) on AIM. Ambrian Partners was also ranked
fourth in terms of number of nominated adviser clients in the Oil & Gas sector on AIM. 

    Given the prominence of natural resources companies on AIM, Ambrian Partners also ranked second in terms of number of clients and fifth
by client market capitalisation within the FTSE AIM 100 Index that comprises the largest companies on AIM.


    Ambrian Commodities Limited benefited from increased customer activity in the first half of 2008 resulting from high volatility in
metals prices, for example, the 3-month forward copper price ranged between $6,680/tonne to $8,880/tonne during the period. Trading volumes
on the LME were significantly higher in the first half of 2008 compared with the first half of 2007, for example, the volume of nickel
traded was up 31.6%, lead was up 31.0%, and grade A copper was up 16.4%. Ambrian Commodities' international client base of industrial users
of metals made active use of the LME to hedge either their raw material costs or output prices. Ambrian Commodities' LME traders also
profited from the increased order flow provided by the expanded sales team.

    The entry into the physicals metals business represents a major step forward and is expected to make a positive contribution in the
second half of 2008. We have recruited a first-class team with extensive experience of the metals markets. Ambrian Metals Limited, our newly
formed and wholly-owned Swiss registered subsidiary, globally sources non-ferrous metals, with a particular focus on copper, from producers
for distribution to an international client base. Ambrian Metals provides its clients with a consistently high quality product, logistics
services and price management. Ambrian Metals manages all facets of marketing and distribution including financing from producers to
consumers and has put in place committed trade finance facilities with a syndicate of major international banks including BNP Paribas, ING
and Standard Chartered Bank.

    Investment Portfolio

    The Investment Portfolio incurred a loss of �1.65 million in the first half of 2008 as a result of the deterioration in stock market
conditions . The most significant losses were attributable to losses in our investments in Golden Prospect Precious Metals Limited ("GPPM")
(loss of �1.4 million), Jubilee Platinum plc (loss of �0.4 million) and Minerva Resources plc (loss of �0.2 million). These were in part
offset by profits in certain of our other investments.

    The total value of the Investment Portfolio at 30 June 2008 was �13.73 million compared with �20.52 million at 31 December 2007. The
reduction in the size of the Investment Portfolio is due to a combination of �5.8 million of realisations and a reduction in market values.

    Our principal realisations during the first half of 2008 included the sale of our holdings in Nido Petroleum Limited (�3.4 million),
Jubilee Platinum plc (�1.0 million), Kairiki Energy Limited (�0.9 million) and European Gas Limited (�0.4 million).

    On 28 July 2008, Ambrian Capital sold its 49.96% stake in GPPM for total cash proceeds of approximately �4.24 million. Ambrian Capital
retained 2.9 million warrants in GPPM in order to be able to participate in any recovery in the performance of GPPM. Effective 15 September
2008 Ambrian Asset Management Limited novated the investment management agreement with GPPM to a new investment manager.

    The composition of our Investment Portfolio at 30 June 2008 was as follows : 

                                             Market Value

 GPPM shares & warrants (sold 28 July 2008)           4.3
 Anglesey Mining plc                                  2.2
 Minerva Resources plc                                1.8
 Samson Oil & Gas NL                                  1.5
 Jubilee Platinum plc                                 1.0
 Commodity Watch plc                                  0.5
 GPPM warrants (retained)                             0.4
 Uranium One Inc                                      0.2
 North Australian Diamond Mines Limited               0.2
 Other                                                0.7
 Total Quoted Investments                            12.8
 Unlisted Investments at Book Value                   0.9
 Total Investment Portfolio                          13.7

    Our remaining investments will continue to be realised as fair value is achieved and liquidity opportunities arise.


    Given the current market turmoil the outlook for the remainder of 2008 remains unclear. Our Investment Banking revenues are dependent
upon activity levels in the equity and commodity markets. Despite the major steps we have taken to reduce the size of the Investment
Portfolio, market movements in its value will continue to affect reported short-term Group profitability.

    Despite short term volatility the demand for natural resources will remain. We are confident that over the long-term we will be able to
build value based on our focus on the natural resources sector, our exposure to both equities and commodities and our strong and liquid
balance sheet.

    Tom Gaffney
    Chief Executive
    17 September 2008 

    Unaudited condensed consolidated interim income statement

                                  6 months to 30 June   6 months to 30 June  Year to 31 December 2007 
                                                 2008                 2007                           �
                                                    �                     �

 Total income
 Investment banking                         5,388,169             5,352,784                 10,635,226
 Investment portfolio                     (1,647,473)             9,514,801                  5,199,494
                                             ________              ________                  _________
                                            3,740,696            14,867,585                 15,834,720
 Administrative expenditure               (6,528,491)           (4,819,484)               (10,014,900)
 Finance costs                                      -              (28,652)                   (32,628)
                                             ________              ________                   ________
 (Loss) / profit before tax               (2,787,795)            10,019,449                  5,787,192
 Taxation                                     844,766           (3,011,130)                (1,273,636)
                                            _________              ________                   ________
 (Loss)/profit for the period             (1,943,029)             7,008,319                  4,513,556
 from continuing activities
                                            _________               _______                   ________
 (Loss)/profit for the period             (1,943,029)             7,008,319                  4,513,556
                                              =======                 =====                      =====
 Attributable to:
 Equity holders of the parent             (1,943,029)             7,008,319                  4,513,556
                                               ======                 =====                      =====
 Earnings per share:                            Pence                 Pence                      Pence

 Basic earnings per share:                     (1.94)                  6.60                       4.32
                                                 ====                   ===                        ===
 Diluted earnings per share                    (1.94)                  6.25                       4.18
                                                 ====                   ===                        ===

    Unaudited condensed consolidated interim balance sheet

                                       30 June       30 June   31 December 2007 
                                           2008         2007                   �

                                              �             �


 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment          466,538       173,054            126,852
 Intangible assets                    2,536,828     1,836,828          1,836,828
                                       ________      ________           ________
                                      3,003,366     2,009,882          1,963,680
                                       ________      ________           ________

 Current assets
 Financial assets                    19,044,311    32,810,513         23,888,023
 Trade and other receivables         59,526,155     3,976,535          5,989,445
 Cash at bank and in hand            28,815,027    26,796,044         27,080,761
                                       ________      ________           ________
                                    107,385,493    63,583,092         56,958,229
 Non-current assets classified as             -     1,557,500                  -
 held for sale
                                       ________      ________           ________
                                    107,385,493    65,140,592         56,958,229
                                       ________      ________           ________
 Total assets                       110,388,859    67,150,474         58,921,909
                                        =======        ======             ======

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables          (54,719,289)   (2,034,403)        (5,433,599)
 Amounts due to clients            (11,253,764)   (6,883,254)        (4,877,995)
 Current tax payable                (1,605,001)   (1,573,639)        (1,482,563)
                                       ________      ________           ________
                                   (67,578,054)  (10,491,296)       (11,794,157)
                                       ________      ________           ________

 Non-current liabilities
 Deferred tax liabilities             (715,657)   (4,752,717)        (2,090,110)
                                       ________      ________           ________
 Total non-current liabilities        (715,657)   (4,752,717)        (2,090,110)
                                       ________      ________           ________
 Total liabilities                 (68,293,711)  (15,244,013)       (13,884,267)
                                       ________      ________           ________
 Net assets                          42,095,148    51,906,461         45,037,642
                                        =======        ======             ======

                                        30 June      30 June   31 December 2007 
                                            2008        2007                   �

                                               �            �


 Called up share capital              11,136,121   10,856,121         11,136,121
 Share premium account                11,105,383   10,949,383         11,105,383
 Merger reserve                        1,245,256    1,245,256          1,245,256
 Treasury shares                       (163,217)    (163,217)          (163,217)
 Retained earnings                    24,015,082   30,242,673         26,957,576
 Employee benefit trust              (5,879,819)  (1,813,557)        (5,879,819)
 Reserve for share-based payments        636,342      589,802            636,342
                                        ________     ________           ________
 Total equity attributable to the     42,095,148   51,906,461         45,037,642
 holders of the parent
                                         =======      =======             ======

    Unaudited condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in equity

                                                    Share premium
                                     Share                account             Reserve  
                                    capital                                         for
                                                                                 share-                              Profit 
                                                                                 based                                  and 
                                                                               payments     Employee                    loss
                                                                               reserves      benefit                 account
                                                                      Merger                   trust   Treasury                             
Minority        Total 
                                                                     reserve                             shares                             
 interest       equity
                                          �                     �          �          �            �          �            �            �   
        �            �
 Balance at 31 December          10,806,121            10,849,383  1,245,256    543,262  (1,813,557)  (163,217)  24,278,739    45,745,987   
3,483,677   49,229,664

 Total recognised income 
 and expense for the period
 Profit for the period                    -                     -          -          -            -          -  7,008,319      7,008,319   
        -    7,008,319
                                          -                     -
 Changes in equity for first 
 half of 2007
 Share option charge                                                       -     46,540            -          -            -       46,540   
        -       46,540
 Elimination of minority                  -                     -          -          -            -          -            -            - 
(3,483,677)  (3,483,677)
 Dividends                                -                     -          -          -            -          -  (1,044,385)  (1,044,385)   
        -  (1,044,385)
 Issue of share capital              50,000               100,000          -          -            -          -            -      150,000   
        -      150,000

 Balance at 30 June 2007         10,856,121            10,949,383  1,245,256    589,802  (1,813,557)  (163,217)   30,242,673   51,906,461   
        -   51,906,461

                                    Share          Share premium             Reserve
                                   capital               account                 for
                                                                              based      Employee               Profit and 
                                                                             payment      benefit                     loss 
                                                                     Merger        s        trust   Treasury        account                 
                                                                    reserve                           shares                                
                                                                             reserve                                               Total    
          Total equity
                                         �                     �          �        �            �          �              �            �    
       �             �

 Balance at 31 December 2006    10,806,121            10,849,383  1,245,256  543,262  (1,813,557)  (163,217)     24,278,739   45,745,987   
3,483,677    49,229,664

 Total recognised income                 -                     -
 and expense for the period
 Profit for the period
                                                                          -        -            -          -      4,513,556    4,513,556    
       -     4,513,556

 Changes in equity for 2007
 Minority interest arising on            -                     -
 acquisition                                                              -        -            -          -              -            - 
(3,483,677)   (3,483,677)
 Purchase of shares                      -                     -          -        -  (4,066,262)          -              -  (4,066,262)    
       -   (4,066,262)
 Share option charge                     -                     -          -   93,080            -          -              -       93,080    
       -        93,080
 Dividends                               -                     -          -        -            -          -    (1,834,719)  (1,834,719)    
       -   (1,834,719)
 Issue of share capital            330,000               256,000          -        -            -          -              -      586,000    
       -       586,000

 Balance at 31 December 2007    11,136,121            11,105,383  1,245,256  636,342  (5,879,819)  (163,217)     26,957,576   45,037,642    
       -    45,037,642

                              Share capital         Share premium

                                                                                            Reserve for
                                                                                   share-based payments
                                                                                               reserves     Employee
                                                                   Merger reserve                              trust  Treasury shares      
Profit and loss
                Total equity
                                          �                     �               �                     �            �                �       
             �             �
 Balance at 31 December 2007     11,136,121            11,105,383       1,245,256               636,342  (5,879,819)        (163,217)       
    26,957,576    45,037,642

 Changes in equity for 2008

 Share option charge                      -                     -               -                     -            -                -       
             -             -
 Loss for the period                      -                     -               -                     -            -                -       
   (1,943,029)   (1,943,029)

 Total recognised income         11,136,121            11,105,383
 and expense for the period                                             1,245,256               636,342  (5,879,819)        (163,217)       
    25,014,547    43,094,613

 Dividends                                -                     -               -                     -            -                -       
     (999,465)     (999,465)

 Balance at 30 June 2008         11,136,121            11,105,383       1,245,256               636,342  (5,879,819)        (163,217)       
    24,015,082    42,095,148

    Unaudited condensed consolidated interim cash flow statement
                                      6 months      6 months              Year
                                    to 30 June   to 30 June     to 31 December
                                           2008        2007              2007 

                                              �            �
 Cash flows from operating
 (Loss)/profit after taxation       (1,943,029)    7,008,319         4,513,556
 Adjustments for:                             -            -                 -
   Depreciation                          65,442       43,132           104,954
   Foreign exchange (gain)             (25,011)    (331,825)         (357,915)
   Taxation expense recognised in
 income                               (844,766)    3,011,130         1,273,636
   (Increase) in trade and other   (53,536,710)    (119,904)       (2,132,815)
   Decrease in financial assets
 designated at fair                   4,843,712    1,928,778         4,009,590
   Realised gains on financial
 assets designated at                                              (9,209,084)
   fair value
   Net proceeds on disposals of
 financial assets                                             17,608,262
   designated at fair value
   Increase/(Decrease) in trade      49,285,690  (2,164,391)         1,234,805
   Increase/(Decrease) in amounts     6,375,769  (6,488,357)       (8,493,618)
 owed to clients
   Employee benefit trust                     -            -       (4,066,262)
   Share-based payment reserve                -       46,540            93,080
                                       ________     ________          ________
 Cash generated from operations       4,221,097    2,933,422         4,578,189
 Taxation                             (407,249)  (2,483,010)       (3,499,196)
                                       ________     ________          ________
 Net cash from operating              3,813,848      450,412         1,078,993
                                       ________     ________          ________
 Cash flows from investing
 Purchase of property, plant and      (405,128)     (16,420)          (32,040)
 Acquisition of subsidiary            (700,000)  (3,483,677)       (3,483,677)
                                       ________     ________          ________
 Net cash used in investing         (1,105,128)  (3,500,097)       (3,515,717)
                                       ________     ________          ________
 Cash flows from financing
 Proceeds from issue of share                 -      150,000           586,000
 Dividends paid                       (999,465)  (1,044,385)       (1,834,719)
                                       ________     ________          ________
 Net cash used in financing           (999,465)    (894,385)       (1,248,719)
                                       ________     ________          ________

 Net increase in cash and cash        1,709,255  (3,944,070)       (3,685,443)
 Cash and cash equivalents at the
 beginning of                        27,080,761   30,408,289        30,408,289
 Foreign exchange gains /                25,011      331,825           357,915
                                       ________     ________          ________
 Cash and cash equivalents at end    28,815,027   26,796,044        27,080,761
 of period
                                        =======       ======            ======

    Notes to the unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements

 1.  Basis of preparation

    The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting policies previously adopted for the year ended 31
December 2007 are based on the recognition and measurement principles of IFRS in issue as adopted by the European Union (EU) and are
effective at 31 December 2007.
    The interim financial statements are for the six months ended 30 June 2008. They do not include all of the information required for full
annual financial statements, and should be read in conjunction with the consolidated financial statements of the Group for the year ended 31
December 2007.
    The interim financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, except for revaluation of certain financial
    The accounting policies have been applied consistently throughout the Group for the purposes of preparation of the interim financial
    The financial information set out in these interim financial statements does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in Section 240
of the Companies Act 1985. The Group's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007, prepared under IFRS, have been
filed with the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's report on those financial statements was unqualified and did not contain a statement
under Section 237(2) of the Companies Act 1985.
    These interim financial statements have neither been audited nor reviewed by the Group's external auditors.
    The interim financial statements were approved by the Directors on 16 September 2008 and copies are available to the public free of
charge from the company at Old Change House, 128 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4BJ during normal office hours, Saturdays, Sundays and
Bank Holidays excepted, for 14 days from today.
 2.  Income

    The group's income is derived from investment banking and the performance of the Group's investment portfolio. 
    6 months to 30 June 2008 - unaudited
                     Investment banking       Investment portfolio                      Total
 Operating income             5,388,169                (1,647,473)                  3,740,696
                   ====================  =========================  =========================

    6 months to 30 June 2007 - unaudited
                     Investment banking       Investment portfolio                      Total
 Operating income             5,352,784                  9,514,801                 14,867,585
                   ====================  =========================  =========================

    Year to 31 December 2007 - audited
                     Investment banking       Investment portfolio                      Total
 Operating income            10,635,226                  5,199,494                 15,834,720
                   ====================  =========================  =========================

    Operating income includes investment and other income. The investment portfolio includes realised and unrealised gains on financial
 3.  Share Issue

    Shares issued and authorised for the period to 30 June 2008 may be summarised as follows:
    6 months to 30 June 2008 - unaudited
                                       Number                          �
 At 1 January 2008                111,361,208                 11,136,121
 Issue of shares                            -                          -
 At 30 June 2008                  111,361,208                 11,136,121
                    =========================  =========================

    6 months to 30 June 2007- unaudited
                                       Number                          �
 At 1 January 2007                108,061,208                 10,806,121
 Issue of shares                      500,000                     50,000
 At 30 June 2007                  108,561,208                 10,856,121
                    =========================  =========================

    Year to 31 December 2007 - audited
                                         Number                          �
 At 1 January 2007                  108,061,208                 10,806,121
 Issue of shares                      3,300,000                    330,000
 At 31 December 2007                111,361,208                 11,136,121
                      =========================  =========================

 4.  Earnings per Share

    The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted
average number of shares in issue during the year, excluding shares held in the Employee Benefit Trust and Treasury shares.
    The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per share, adjusted to allow for the issue of shares on the
assumed conversion of all dilutive options.
    Reconciliations of the earnings and weighted average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below.
    Continuing operations
 6 months to 30 June 2008 -
                                    Earnings  Weighted average number of shares  Per share amount



 Basic earnings per share        (1,943,029)                         99,944,165            (1.94)
                                      ======                             ======               ===

 Diluted earnings per share      (1,943,029)                         99,944,165            (1.94)
                                      ======                            =======               ===

 6 months to 30 June 2007 -
                                    Earnings  Weighted average number of shares  Per share amount



 Basic earnings per share          7,008,319                        106,150,905              6.60
 Dilutive effect of share                                             6,024,242
                                    ________                           ________              ____
 Diluted earnings per share        7,008,319                        112,175,147              6.25
                                      ======                            =======               ===

 Year to 31 December 2007 -
                                    Earnings  Weighted average number of shares  Per share amount



 Basic earnings per share          4,513,556                        104,406,818              4.32
 Dilutive effect of share                                             3,612,831
                                    ________                           ________              ____
 Diluted earnings per share        4,513,556                        108,019,649              4.18
                                      ======                            =======               ===

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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