February 25, 2010






Dori Media Group ("Dori Media", "DMG", the "Company" or the "Group"), the international media company active in the field of television, with a focus on production, distribution, broadcasting and merchandising of Telenovela and Drama, today announces its final results in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) for the year ended 31 December 2009.


Full Year 2009

    -- Group Revenue down 3% to US$48.7 million (2008: US$50.4 million) 
    -- Gross Profit of US$15.4 million (2008: US$22.6 million) 
    -- EBITDA of US$12.2 million (2008: US$14.3 million) 
    -- Operating Profit of US$1.6 million (2008: US$6.6 million) 
    -- Profit before tax of US$1 million (2008: US$5.8 million) 
    -- Operating Cash flow of US$5.6 million (2008: US$8.25 million) 
    -- Total Equity up 8.6% to US$46.4 million 

Second Half 2009

    -- Group Revenue up 2% to US$23.4 million (2008: US$22.9 million) 
    -- Gross Profit of US$7.2 million (2008: US$9.7 million) 
    -- EBITDA of US$5.8 million (2008: US$5.9 million) 
    -- Loss before tax of US$0.5 million (2008: Profit before tax US$1.7 



Operating Highlights

    -- 16% increase in revenues from TV channels to US$34.4 million (US$29.7 

million) due to Dori Media Spike's (DMS) movie and entertainment TV
channels with Israeli cable platform 'HOT', the success of Dori
Media's operations in Indonesia and the impact of the Viva and Viva
Platina TV channels in Israel;

    -- Lower revenues from Telenovela broadcasting and format rights, US$13.1 

million (US$18.4 million), and from video, music CD and ancillary
merchandizing business, US$0.7 million (US$1.9 million), due to
continued caution by programme buyers in an uncertain economic climate;

    -- Sales of new Telenovela and Drama content including the sale of cross 

platform Telenovela 'Amanda O' to 36 countries in just 12
months; sales of 'Split' to 35 countries in just 7 months;
sales of popular new cross platform 24/7 reality show 'uMan' to
7 countries including 6 territories in Western Europe following its
instant success in Israel;

    -- Novebox.com (www.novebox.com), 

the world's first commercial community website dedicated to Latin
content and Telenovela has reached 5.8 million unique visitors since
its debut in November 2008 out of total visits of 9 million that
contributed to 18.2 million page views. Dori Media's YouTube Channel
views have now reached over 160 million since their launch in August

    -- In July, DMG extended the carriage of its two dedicated Telenovela TV 

channels VIVA and VIVA Platina on Israel's leading DBS television
provider 'YES' until the end of 2013. DMG also has an agreement in
place with the leading Israeli cable network 'HOT' to carry both VIVA
channels until the end of 2011;

    -- In July, DMG raised total gross proceeds of GBP3.4 million 

(approximately US$5.4 million net of issuance expenses) through
Private and Open Placements totaling 4,246,345 shares and 959,526
5-year warrants placed privately with Catalyst Private Equity Partners
(Israel) II, L.P and Zabludowicz Trust, an affiliate of The Tamares
Group at a significant premium to DMG's stock market valuation.1


Recent Developments

    -- In January 2010, Dori Media announced the sale of its 50% stake in 

Dori Media Central Studios ("DMCS"), its TV production studios in
Argentina for US$850,000 to Mrs. Celina Amadeo, the owner of the
remaining 50% of DMCS and to Mr. Marcelo Octavio Amadeo. The sale has
been agreed between the parties and approved by the Labor Ministry of
Argentina. The sale does not affect DMG's current nor future
production plans in Latin America and Argentina and DMG is exploring
new ventures in Latin America and specifically in Argentina to
reinforce its strategic focus of producing high quality titles with
international appeal in the region.



    -- The global economic outlook for 2010 is improved but remains fairly 


    -- The Board expects DMG to remain profitable and soundly funded during 

2010. Dori Media generates revenues from a number of operational
streams and territories which position the Company well to pursue its

    -- Demand for Telenovela and Drama programming remains substantial both 

in new and existing markets around the world, as it presents
broadcasters and producers with cost effective yet highly popular
content. Demand for such content is expected to grow, particularly for
new media platforms, such as the internet and mobile phones. As a
result of this, DMG, together with Dori Media Darset, formed a new
subsidiary called Dori New Media during 2009. Dori New Media is
successfully closing deals with global cellular and internet
platforms, such as Cellcom, the biggest cellular operator in Israel,
for content from Dori Media's existing library and new productions.

    -- DMG expects shows including 'Lalola', and new shows, such as 'Amanda 

O', 'Champs 12', 'Cupido: El Negocio Del Amor', 'Date
Blind', 'La Maga', 'Split' and the new reality show 'uMan'
to contribute strong sales revenue during 2010.


1 Further information on the above mentioned transactions are available in DMG's 2009 Half Year Results statement or on separate press releases dated June 4, 2009 and June 30, 2009 and are available on www.dorimedia.com


Chief Executive Officer's comments


Nadav Palti, President and CEO of Dori Media Group, commented: "Although the last quarter of 2009 showed a significant increase in activity and interest in Dori Media's programming and content, 2009 was a challenging year. Continued caution by programme buyers in an uncertain economic climate meant that contract negotiations tended to be much more prolonged than they normally would have been. We expect to book some revenue during the first half of 2010 for deals we were expecting to close in 2009.


"Our revenue stream is diversified and our productions are attracting a great deal of interest across numerous territories. Substantial investments made in Dori New Media, on projects such as Novebox.com, cross platform Telenovelas such as 'Amanda O', 'Split' and 'uMan' are paying off. 'Amanda O' is more than meeting the growing demand for quality programming within the new media segment and 'uMan' has been an enormous success in Israel, to the extent that it boosted our mobile telephone partner Cellcom's video viewings by 20% while it was on-air. Furthermore, our TV Channel revenues remain very strong and continue to grow, thanks to multi-year agreements for the carriage of TV channels in Israel and Indonesia, with the latter proving to be a particularly strong growth market for the Company.


"Despite the investments mentioned above, our cost base did not grow during 2009, and like many other companies, we have introduced several cost cutting measures, including at senior management level, to ensure we protect our bottom line and maintain high margins. Members of Dori Media's Board and Management also continue to purchase Dori Media stock, signaling their confidence in the Company. This confidence has also been reciprocated by the equity capital markets through successful completion of two rounds of financing through the markets during 2009, in the form of two private placements, both of which were priced at a significant premium to the Company's market valuation.


"We are therefore confident that 2010 will be a strong year for the Company and Dori Media is fully focused on generating maximized returns for all our shareholders."


Chief Executive Officer's Review


Operating Update


Excluding the impact of the 'HOT' movie and general entertainment channels agreement on local revenues in Israel, international sales accounted for 48.1% of total sales in 2009, compared to the 72% contribution towards total revenues recorded during 2008. Although sales of TV series were lower than the previous period, there has been a continuing increase in sales to new territories in Africa and Asia and the breakdown of international sales for the period is as follows:

    -- 26.8% (38% in 2008) generated in Europe, representing 12.9% of global 

sales excluding 'HOT' movie and general entertainment channels;

    -- 26.6% (34% in 2008) generated in Central and South America, 

representing 12.8% of global sales excluding 'HOT' movie and general
entertainment channels;

    -- 46.6% generated in other territories mainly Asia (28% in 2008 - mainly 

from the Far East and North America) representing 22.4% of global
sales excluding 'HOT' movie and general entertainment channels;


A growing library of quality programming


Dori Media continued to invest in new TV series during 2009 and the Company now has a library of approximately 5,000 TV hours, 120 - 9 minute webisodes and around 230 1-5 minute cellular episodes of Telenovelas and daily series.


Dori Media's new show 'Amanda O', the first global cross platform Telenovela available for Internet, TV and mobile, has proven very successful. The unique show allows fans to view the series simultaneously across three different platforms. Figures released by Novebox.com, the world's first social community website dedicated to Telenovelas, indicate that the internet version of 'Amanda O' has been viewed over 800,000 times by users from Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay alone since its launch.


Since its launch at the end of 2008, 'Amanda O' has been sold to 36 countries from Latin America to the Far East, and the comedy show has also received an Accolade award and was nominated for two awards at the 2009 Martin Fierro Awards in Argentina.


The quality of Dori Media's programs was recognized at several events including the MipTV 2009 market convention in Cannes and the LA Screenings in May. DMG's major new hits featured at the industry conventions included teen-vampire daily drama 'Split', 'Champs 12', 'La Maga' and 'Cupid: The Business of Love' among many.


'Split', a teenage show that revolves around the lives of humans and vampires, has been sold to 35 countries in only 7 months. Recently, the show was sold to Turner Broadcasting System Latin America Inc. for its Boomerang channel in Latin America. Turner Broadcasting System, Inc. (TBS, Inc.), a Time Warner company, creates and programs branded news, entertainment, animation and young adult media on multiple platforms around the world.


'Split' was originally produced for Israeli cable platform HOT's VOD (Video on Demand) service. After only 3 months on-air, 'Split' episodes on HOT VOD generated a total of approximately 7,000,000 viewings. Approximately 90% of viewers watched all available episodes, reaching a record loyalty level. Furthermore, over 30% of households with VOD services watched 'Split'. Following 'Split's' success on HOT VOD, the first season of 45 episodes (30 minutes each) is now being aired on Israel's leading channel for children and teenage audiences, 'The Children Channel'. The Channel's young viewers also voted 'Split' as their favorite programme in the recently held 'Children Channel Awards 2009'. 'Split' was shown on www.ynet.co.il, Israel's leading internet portal and achieved an unprecedented number of viewings in Israel. Following the show's huge success on HOT VOD and on-line, both HOT and "The Children Channel" have decided to invest in producing a second season of 'Split', which will also contain 45 episodes, each 30 minutes in length. The 2nd season, produced by Dori Media Darset, will go on air during Q2 of 2010.


Following the successful Israeli launch of Dori Media and Cellcom's new cross platform 24/7 reality show 'uMan' in July 2009, the show has now been sold to a total of 8 countries and was nominated for a GSM Award. 'uMan' is a reality show where every move of 8 contestants is filmed 24 hours a day for 21 days and all decisions regarding the lives of the contestants are voted for by viewers. 'uMan' became an instant success in Israel, as it received more than 7 million votes in 21 days. During this period, out of Israel's total population of 7 million people (600,000 of whom are teenagers), the show had 700,000 unique users.


As well as a recent sale to 'Buongiorno' in Spain (the world's top mobile entertainment company) and to Greece, 'uMan' has also been sold to international production group 'Banijay Entertainment' for 6 territories in Europe: France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands and Denmark. The show also won 3 Accolade Awards in 2009: the Award of Excellence for reality programming, the Award of Merit for creativity / originality and the Award of Merit for viewer impact and entertainment value.


'La Maga', a colorful adaptation of 'The Wizard of Oz', has been sold to 3 countries since its launch while 'Champs 12', which was sold to Caracol Television S.A. in Colombia even before its debut on Canal America in Argentina, has been sold to 21 countries in total, including Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Turkey.


Dori Media's hit comedy show 'Lalola', continues to perform well and has now been sold to


83 countries since its debut and is also locally produced in India, Turkey, Greece, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Philippines, Chile, Vietnam, and Russia. 'Lalola' was also nominated for the first telenovela award at the prestigious 30th annual Banff World Television Awards in June 2009.


Strong long-term partnerships


Dori Media has entered into several strong long-term partnerships with leading global media companies over the past 12 months, which will continue to contribute to DMG's revenue in the future. A summary of the main partnership agreements is provided below.


In 2007, Israeli cable platform 'HOT', boasting subscriptions with the majority of Israeli households, granted Dori Media Spike (DMS) rights to produce and operate the existing 'HOT' premium movie and series channels and services for 3 years as of January 1st 2008. In January 2009, DMS gained responsibility for two extra channels and handed a channel back to HOT.


In parallel, DMG signed an extension agreement with 'HOT' to continue to carry its two dedicated Telenovela TV channels VIVA and VIVA Platina until the end of 2011. DMG also announced in July 2009 that it has extended its agreement with 'YES, the leading Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) television provider in Israel, to carry the two TV channels until the end of 2013. VIVA is DMG's main channel in Israel and VIVA Platina is DMG's premium pay channel broadcasting exclusively on weekends.


In May 2008, DMG struck a deal with Televisa for a 5-year output deal to sell various titles to Televisa. Televisa is the largest media company in the Spanish world and a major player in the international entertainment business. The deal was signed for a consideration of approximately US$7.2 million with contractual options of US$2.3 million expected to increase the value of the deal to approximately US$9.5 million. The deal included immediate licensing of broadcasting and format rights in Latin America and Europe for various Telenovelas worth US$3.45 million with contractual options expected to increase the value of the deal to US$5.75 million. In addition to this, both parties have committed to an output deal for 5 years worth US$3.75 million. As part of the 5-year output deal, Televisa will purchase five Dori Media titles, with a title being delivered to Televisa each year between 2009 and 2013.


Financial Performance




Dori Media recorded sales of US$48.7 million for the twelve months ended 31 December 2010, down 3% from US$50.4 million for the same period last year.


The Group's results were supported by the strong revenue coming from DMG's TV channel businesses which generated US$34.4 million for the full year of 2009, up 16% from US$29.7 million in the same period last year. This increase is attributable to the rise in the number of TV channels managed by Dori Media Spike to HOT from 9 to 10, success of Indonesian channels run by Dori Media International ("DMI"), and to the strength of Viva and Viva Platina TV channels in Israel.


As expected, Telenovela broadcasting and format rights sales for the full year of 2009 were down significantly to US$13.1 million, compared to US$18.4 million in the same period last year with revenues from broadcasting rights down to US$11.9 million from US$13.3 million in 2008. This is mainly due to increased caution by buyers in view of general economic conditions. Broadcasting and format rights sales represented 26% of total revenues in the period, compared with 36% in 2008, due to the continuous diversification of DMG's revenue streams and the impact of the TV channels revenue growth on total sales.


Revenues from the ancillary business (merchandising & publishing, music, DVDs, CDs, videos and Live shows) also decreased from US$1.9 million for the full year of 2008 to US$0.7 million in 2009. This decrease is in-line with expectations as some major localizations of Dori Media content no longer generate royalties after a decrease in the number of exhibition appearances for certain shows. Exhibitions of new formats have however begun and include exhibitions and Licensing of shows including 'Champs 12' in Europe and Split in Europe and Latin America.


Other income contributed 1% of total sales at US$0.5 million for the full year of 2009, which is broadly comparable to the same period of 2008.


Gross Margin


The Company recorded a gross profit of US$15.4 million for the full year of 2009, down from US$22.6 million in 2008, after an increase in amortization, expenses relating to Novebox.com and investments relating to the development and acquisition of more content.


Gross margin for the current reporting period was 32% decreasing from 45% in 2008 as anticipated as a result of lower revenues from broadcasting and format rights, increase in amortization and setting-up the operations of Novebox.com.


The cost of goods sold for the twelve months of 2009 increased to US$33.3 million compared to US$27.9 million in 2008. This increase can be mainly attributed to amortization charges relating to DMG's Library as well as charges relating to the set-up and operation of Novebox.com.


Operating Expenses


Total operating expenses amounted to US$13.7 million for the full year of 2009, down from US$16 million a year earlier. Total sales and marketing expenses were lower than expected having decreased 31% from US$4.8 million in 2008 to US$3.3 million for 2009 due to significantly lower sales and merchandising commissions and decreased advertising and marketing expenses. While the overall cost of advertising and marketing decreased, Dori Media did not decrease its overall advertising and marketing activity during the period, though there was a small increase in website marketing relating to the promotion of Novebox.com from US$0.08 million in 2008 to US$ 0.29 million for the full year of 2009.


Sales commissions together with salaries of sales personnel were reduced by 33% from US$1.8 million in 2008 to US$1.2 million in 2009. PR expenses remained stable year-on-year at around US$0.1 million to support further revenue generation.


Administration & general expenses and salaries were reduced by 7% from US$11.2 million for the full year of 2008 to US$10.4 million in 2009 as part of a general effort to closely control expenses relating to salaries and professional fees in particular. Salaries and management fees were down by 9% from US$6.6 million in 2008 to US$6.0 million in 2009, and professional expenses including lawyers, auditors and other consultants were reduced by 24% from US$1.7 million in 2008 to US$1.3 million in 2009.




For the full year of 2009, the Company recorded EBITDA of US$12.2 million, down from US$14.3 million in 2008, representing EBITDA margin of 25%, which is in line with expectations.


Income Tax


Total tax expenses of US$1.7 million is reported for the period. This represents a tax rate of 166% from DMG's Profit Before Tax (41% in 2008). This significant increase in tax rate is due to a unique situation that has caused DMG's tax expenses to be disproportionately high compared to the profit generated by the Group. This is because consolidated Group profit cannot be used as a base for calculating tax liabilities as tax charges for each of DMG's subsidiaries are calculated individually. Consequently, a loss result by one subsidiary cannot be offset by a profit from another for tax purposes. The Company is addressing this issue and does not expect the current tax rate level to continue to be charged. DMG will provide the market with an update on this issue at a later date. During 2009, as a result of decrease in sales of Telenovela broadcasting rights and formats, a large proportion of Dori Media's profits were derived from Israel, where the profitable companies accrued tax expenses at the rate of 26%. At the same time, DMG's worldwide sales operations suffered a loss for the period with a tax credit of only 10%.


Discontinuing Operation


As a result of the sale of Dori Media Central Studios (DMCS), DMG's TV production studios in Argentina for US$850,000, as announced in January, 2010, the net result generated by the operation has been stated in a new "discontinuing operation" line in Dori Media's 2009 Financial Statements and figures for previous periods are being reclassified to reflect this. In 2009, DMG recorded a net loss of US$0.8 million out of the operations of DMCS versus a net profit of US$0.45 million in 2008.


Cash Flow


In spite of the predicted slowdown in activity during 2009, Dori Media's cash flow remained positive, facilitating strong cash generation and the financing of new productions and ventures. Operating cash inflow was US$5.6 million in the reporting period compared to US$8.3 million in 2008. The operating cash flow is a result of DMG's healthy growth and is also due to cash profits earned on historical investments. This cash flow combined with bank facilities available to it enables the Group to continue to invest in new productions often with other partners and thus to grow its inventory of new content.


Report and Accounts


The Company's Financial Report and Accounts are available on the Company's website www.dorimedia.com.




For further information on Dori Media Group, please visit our website on www.dorimedia.com or contact:

Dori Media Group Ltd.          Shared Value Limited 
Nadav Palti, CEO & President   Nicolas Duperrier/Mark Walter 
Tel: +972 3 7684000            Investor & Media relations 
info@dorimedia.com             Tel. +44 (0) 20 7321 5010 
Daniel Stewart & Company 
Paul Shackleton/Oliver Rigby 
Tel. +44 (0) 20 7776 6550 

Dori Media Group is an international media group that produces, distributes and broadcasts telenovelas. The group owns approximately 5,000 television hours that it sells to a wide variety of audiences in more than 70 countries. In Israel, Dori Media is the owner of Dori Media Paran and Dori Media Darset, which produce daily series and telenovelas for the Israeli market. It also owns and operates two telenovela channels, Viva and Viva Platinum. In the Israeli market, Dori Media also packages, produces and operates all of the movie channels on HOT cable television and the series channel on HOT Extra. In Indonesia, the company operates the Televiva Vision 2 channel that is devoted to telenovelas and Baby TV Vision 3 for toddlers. The Dori Media Group in controlled by Mapal Communications Ltd. one of the largest media companies in the Israel. The group is traded on the London Stock Exchange where its symbol is DMG. For more information on Dori Media, visit our corporate website at http://www.dorimedia.com/.





                                       Year ended 31 December 
                                       2007        2008        2009 
                                 Note  US$ '000*)  US$ '000*)  US$ '000*) 
Revenues                         5a    29,941      50,427      48,716 
Cost of revenues                 5b    7,903       27,868      33,348 
Gross profit                           22,038      22,559      15,368 
Selling and marketing expenses   5c    6,154       4,826       3,323 
General and administrative       5d    7,606       11,163      10,401 
Total operating expenses               13,760      15,989      13,724 
Operating profit                       8,278       6,570       1,644 
Financial expenses, net          5e    230         822         638 
Other expenses (income), net     5f    (29)        (7)         - 
Profit before tax                      8,077       5,755       1,006 
Taxes on income                  3c    1,501       2,365       1,669 
Profit (loss) for the year             6,576       3,390       (663) 
from continuing operations 
Profit (loss) for                      47          449         (784) 
the year from 
discontinued operations 
Profit (loss) for the year             6,623       3,839       (1,447) 
Other comprehensive 
income (loss): 
Asset revaluation surplus              455         -           - 
Currency translation                   498         (87)        (466) 
of foreign operations 
Total comprehensive                    7,576       3,752       (1,913) 
income  (loss) 
Profit (loss) attributable to: 
Equity holders of the parent           6,573       3,203       (2,593) 
Non-controlling interests              50          636         1,146 
                                       6,623       3,839       (1,447) 
Total comprehensive income 
(loss) attributable to: 
Equity holders of the parent           7,526       3,116       (3,173) 
Non-controlling interests              50          636         1,260 
                                       7,576       3,752       (1,913) 
Basic profit (loss) per share    7     0.32        0.12        (0.07) 
from continuing operations 
attributable to equity 
holders of the parent 
Basic profit (loss) per share          0.00        0.02        (0.03) 
from discounted operations 
attributable to equity 
holders of the parent 
Diluted profit (loss)            7     0.31        0.12        (0.07) 
per share 
from continuing operations 
attributable to equity 
holders of the parent 
Diluted profit (loss)                  0.00        0.02        (0.03) 
per share 
from discounted operations 
attributable to equity 
holders of the parent 

*) Except per share amounts.

                                           As of 31 December 
                                           2007      2008      2009 
                                     Note  US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000 
Cash and cash equivalents                  2,307     2,382     635 
Trade receivables                          15,494    15,919    16,670 
Other accounts receivable                  3,409     3,394     2,826 
Broadcasting rights                        1,729     4,413     6,725 
                                           22,939    26,108    26,856 
Assets classified as held for sale   6     -         -         2,630 
                                           22,939    26,108    29,486 
Investments in rights                      20,255    28,877    35,079 
of TV series, net 
Intangible assets, net                     8,407     9,718     8,584 
Property and equipment, net                5,762     5,793     2,857 
Other long-term assets                     1,020     1,081     128 
Deferred tax assets                  3d    1,467     1,994     2,608 
                                           36,911    47,463    49,256 
Total assets                               59,850    73,571    78,742 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

                                      As of 31 December 
                                      2007      2008      2009 
                                Note  US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000 
Credit from banks and                 4,631     14,789    10,084 
current maturities 
of long-term loans 
Trade payables                        5,612     5,540     4,938 
Current tax liability                 1,023     441       305 
Other current liabilities             5,850     5,636     3,538 
                                      17,116    26,406    18,865 
Liabilities associated with     6     -         -         1,780 
assets held for sale 
                                      17,116    26,406    20,645 
Bank loans                            301       99        5,348 
Other long-term liabilities           3,366     1,773     2,297 
Deferred tax liabilities        3d    1,061     2,581     4,053 
                                      4,728     4,453     11,698 
EQUITY:                         4 
Equity attributable to equity 
holders of the parent: 
Issued capital                        535       539       648 
Share premium                         21,927    22,877    28,094 
Warrants                              -         -         427 
Foreign currency translation          360       273       (307) 
Asset revaluation surplus             695       695       695 
Retained earnings                     14,409    17,612    15,019 
                                      37,926    41,996    44,576 
Non-controlling interests             80        716       1,823 
Total equity                          38,006    42,712    46,399 
Total liabilities and equity          59,850    73,571    78,742 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

February 24, 2010 
Date of approval    Tamar Mozes-Borovitz   Nadav Palti      Moshe Pinto 
of the 
financial           Chairman of the Board  Director and     Chief Financial 
statements                                                  Officer 
                    of Directors           Chief Executive 




                Attributable to equity holders of the parent 
                                              currency     Asset                            Non- 
                Issued    Share               translation  revaluation  Retained            controlling  Total 
                capital   premium   Warrants  reserve      surplus      earnings  Total     interests    equity 
                US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000     US$ '000     US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000     US$ '000 
Balance         448       11,329    -         (138)        240          7,836     19,715    30           19,745 
of 31 
Total           -         -         -         498          455          6,573     7,526     50           7,576 
Issuance        85        10,166    -         -            -            -         10,251    -            10,251 
Exercise        2         82        -         -            -            -         84        -            84 
Cost            -         350       -         -            -            -         350       -            350 
Balance         535       21,927    -         360          695          14,409    37,926    80           38,006 
of 31 
Total           -         -         -         (87)         -            3,203     3,116     636          3,752 
Exercise        4         126       -         -            -            -         130       -            130 
Cost            -         796       -         -            -            -         796       -            796 
Tax             -         28        -         -            -            -         28        -            28 
Balance         539       22,877    -         273          695          17,612    41,996    716          42,712 
of 31 
Total           -         -         -         (580)        -            (2,593)   (3,173)   1,260        (1,913) 
Dividend        -         -         -         -            -            -         -         (153)        (153) 
Issuance        109       4,860     427       -            -            -         5,396     -            5,396 
Cost            -         357       -         -            -            -         357       -            357 
Balance         648       28,094    427       (307)        695          15,019    44,576    1,823        46,399 
of 31 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.



                                             Year ended 31 December 
                                             2007      2008      2009 
                                       Note  US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000 
Cash flows from operating 
Profit (loss) for the year                   6,623     3,839     (1,447) 
Adjustments to reconcile               (a)   (2,477)   4,410     7,026 
profit (loss) to net 
cash provided by  operating 
Net cash provided by                         4,146     8,249     5,579 
operating activities 
Cash flows from investing 
Additions to intangible assets               (673)     (1,985)   (28) 
Acquisition of newly consolidated      (c)   (801)     -         - 
and jointly  controlled 
entity and businesses 
Additional consideration for                 -         (1,350)   - 
acquisition of subsidiaries 
and jointly  controlled entity 
Investments in rights of TV series           (7,196)   (13,269)  (13,468) 
Proceeds from sale of                        108       19        - 
property, equipment 
and investment properties 
Purchase of property and equipment           (1,302)   (923)     (324) 
Repayment of loans to jointly                (1,020)   -         - 
controlled entity and other 
                                             -         -         956 
Net cash used in investing                   (10,884)  (17,508)  (12,864) 
Cash flows from financing 
Dividend paid to minority                    -         -         (153) 
Receipt of long-term loans                   -         -         4,977 
Proceeds from issuance of shares and         10,335    130       5,396 
warrants, net of issuance costs 
Repayment of loans from                      (331)     (552)     - 
banks and others 
Receipt of long-term                         932       -         - 
production financing 
Repayment of long-term                       (1,384)   (1,075)   (136) 
production financing 
Short-term bank credit, net                  (1,204)   10,809    (4,560) 
Net cash provided by                         8,348     9,312     5,524 
financing activities 
Effect of exchange rate changes              76        22        22 
on cash and cash equivalents 
Increase (decrease) in cash                  1,686     75        (1,739) 
and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents as                 621       2,307     2,382 
of the beginning of the year 
Cash and cash equivalents as                 2,307     2,382     643 
of the end of the year 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.



                                             Year ended 31 December 
                                             2007      2008      2009 
                                             US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000 
(a)  Adjustments to reconcile profit 
     to net cash provided 
     by (used  in) operating activities: 
     Income and expenses not 
     involving cash flows: 
     Cost of share-based payments            350       796       357 
     Depreciation and amortization           4,576     22,692    25,542 
     Increase in liability for               -         411       59 
     production financing 
     Deferred income taxes                   356       503       1,126 
     Gain on disposal of property            (31)      (7)       - 
     and equipment 
     Other                                   (4)       (44)      - 
     Severance pay, net                      127       (136)     97 
     Changes in operating assets 
     and liabilities: 
     Increase in trade receivables           (5,294)   (374)     (1,151) 
     Decrease (increase) in other            (1,786)   233       393 
     accounts receivable 
     Increase in broadcasting rights         (2,076)   (18,217)  (18,805) 
     Increase (decrease) in trade payables   1,249     (1,591)   373 
     Increase (decrease) in other            56        144       (965) 
     current liabilities 
                                             (2,477)   4,410     7,026 
(b)  Supplemental disclosure of cash flows: 
     Cash paid during the year for: 
     Interest                                304       684       548 
     Income taxes                            581       1,316     862 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.



                                            Year ended 31 December 
                                            2007      2008      2009 
                                            US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000 
(c)  Acquisition of newly consolidated 
     and jointly  controlled 
     entity and businesses: 
     The fair values of the 
     assets and liabilities 
     at the date of  acquisition 
     were as follows: 
     Working capital deficiency             2,819     -         - 
     (excluding cash) 
     Property and equipment                 (3,011)   -         - 
     Investments in rights of TV series     (335)     -         - 
     Goodwill arising on acquisition        (2,682)   -         - 
     Other intangible assets                (845)     -         - 
     Deferred tax liabilities               638       -         - 
     Long-term liabilities                  1,265     -         - 
     Total consideration                    (2,151)   -         - 
     Less: acquisition on credit            1,350     -         - 
     Net cash outflow                       (801)     -         - 
(d)  Significant non-cash transactions: 
     Acquisition of rights in               940       721       547 
     TV series on credit 
     Acquisition of broadcasting rights     -         1,624     512 
     Liability for acquisition of minority  397 
     interest in subsidiary 
     Liability for dividend distribution    723 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.








a. Company description:


The Company was incorporated on 14 February 1996 under the laws of Israel. The Company and its subsidiaries are engaged in the rights for purchase, production, license and distribution of Drama and Telenovela TV series ("Telenovelas"), broadcasting of dedicated TV channels for Drama and Telenovela, entertainment movie and series TV channels ("TV channels"), distribution of TV series sourced from third parties and operating Drama and Telenovela community website. In December 2009, the Company signed an agreement to sell its investment in Dori Media Central Studios S.A (see Note 6).


b. Definitions:


In these financial statements:

The Company                -  Dori Media Group Ltd. ("DMG") 
The Group                  -  Dori Media Group Ltd. and its investees. 
Subsidiary                 -  entity controlled by the Company. 
Jointly controlled entity  -  entity owned by various parties that 
                              have a contractual arrangement 
                              that establishes joint control over 
                              the activities of the entity. 
Investee                   -  Subsidiary or jointly controlled entity. 
Related parties            -  As defined in IAS 24. 



c. The following are investees of the Company as of 31 December 2009:

                           Country of incorporation  Ownership interest (%) 
Yair Dori International    Israel                    100 
2002 Ltd. ("YDI 2002") 
Dori Media International   Switzerland               100 
GmbH ("DMI GmbH") (1) 
Dori Media Distribution    Switzerland               100 
GmbH ("DMD") (2) 
Dori Media Web             Switzerland               100 
AG ("DMW") (2) 
Dori Media America         U.S.A                     100 
Inc. ("DMA") (2) 
Dori Media Contenidos      Argentina                 100 
S.A. ("DMC") (2) 
Dori Media Distribution    Argentina                 100 
S.A. ("DMDA") (7) 
Dori-Mapal Holdings        B.V.I. (6)                100 
Inc. ("Dori 
Mapal Holdings") (5) 
Dori-Mapal Inc.            B.V.I. (6)                100 
(3) (5) 
Yair Dori International    B.V.I. (6)                100 
("YDI Inc.") (4) (5) 
Yair Dori International    B.V.I. (6)                100 
B Inc. ("YDI B") (5) 
Dori Media Darset Ltd.     Israel                    87.5 
("Darset") (8) 
Dori New Media Ltd. (9)    Israel                    87.5 
Dori Media Spike           Israel                    75 
Ltd. ("DMS") 
Dori Media Paran           Israel                    75 
Ltd. ("Paran") 
Dori Media Ot              Israel                    51 
Ltd. ("DMO") 
Dori-Aram Productions      Israel                    50 
Ltd. ("Dori-Aram") 
Jointly controlled 
Dar Multimedia Ltd.        Israel                    50 
("Dar") (10) 
Dori Media Central         Argentina                 50 
S.A ("DMCS") (11) 

(1) Subsidiary of YDI 2002.


(2) Subsidiary of DMI GmbH.


(3) 90% held by Dori-Mapal Holdings and 10% held by the Company.


(4) Subsidiary of Dori-Mapal.


(5) Inactive.


(6) British Virgin Islands.


(7) 80% held by DMD and 20% held by DMI GmbH.


(8) 50% held by Paran.


(9) 100% held by Darset.


(10) 50% held by the Company.


(11) 50% held by DMI GmbH (see Note 6.)




Statement of compliance:


The consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").


Further details of the accounting policies are available in the full annual accounts on Dori Media's website at www.dorimedia.com.




a. Tax laws applicable to the Company:


In February 2008, the "Knesset" (Israeli parliament) passed an amendment to the Income Tax (Inflationary Adjustments) Law, 1985, which limits the scope of the law starting 2008 and thereafter. Starting 2008, the results for tax purposes will be measured in nominal values, excluding certain adjustments for changes in the Israeli CPI carried out in the period up to 31 December 2007. The amended law includes, inter alia, the elimination of the inflationary additions and deductions and the additional deduction for depreciation starting 2008.


b. As part of the Group's reorganization, and in light of the Amendment of the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance in 2002, the Company reached an agreement with the Israeli Tax Authorities, with respect to profits derived by YDI Inc. In principle, the agreement provided for reduced taxation on the assessed assets of YDI Inc. In accordance with this agreement (dated 17 August 2003), YDI Inc.'s business assets were valued at approximately US$ 15 million ("the Revaluated Assets"). Furthermore, it was agreed that the Company will pay tax at the rate of 7.5% of its share in the Revaluated Assets, amounting to approximately US$ 1 million which was charged to expenses in 2003. In addition, the agreement laid down the transfer price to be applied by the Company on payments abroad with respect to the merchandising and the distribution of television series.


With respect to the taxation of profits derived by DMI GmbH, DMI GmbH obtained a ruling from the cantonal tax authorities in Zurich. Based on this ruling, income generated from foreign sources is subject to a preferred tax rate of approximately 10.1% (overall tax burden including federal, cantonal and communal corporate income tax rate, calculated on net profit before taxes). Domestic income would be subject to ordinary and full taxation for cantonal and communal tax purposes, as well as for federal income tax purposes.


c. Taxes on income (tax benefit) included in the statements of comprehensive income:

                                     Year ended 31 December 
                                     2007       2008       2009 
                                     US$ '000   US$ '000   US$ '000 
Continuing operations: 
Current taxes                        1,104      1,264      543 
Deferred taxes                       419        1,254      930 
Taxes in respect of previous years   (22   )    (153  )    196 
                                     1,501      2,365      1,669 
Discontinued operations: 
Current taxes                        28         -          - 
Deferred taxes                       -          (199  )    (38   ) 
                                     28         (199  )    (38   ) 
Total                                1,529      2,166      1,631 







d. Deferred taxes:


Significant components of the Group's deferred tax assets (liabilities) are as follows:

                production   Tax loss  Intangible  Property and 
                of           carry 
                TV series    forward   assets      equipment     Others      Total 
                US$ '000     US$ '000  US$ '000    US$ '000      US$ '000    US$ '000 
Balance         907          458       -           -             165         1,530 
of 1 
Amounts         -            101       (350)       (550)         -           (799) 
Amounts         (121)        (22)      60          (116)         (220)       (419) 
Currency        -            27        8           20            39          94 
Balance         786          564       (282)       (646)         (16)        406 
of 31 
Amounts         -            -         -           -             28          28 
Amounts         (113)        1,283     42          16            *) (2,283)  (1,055) 
Currency        -            41        (9)         2             26          60 
Balance         673          1,888     (249)       (628)         (2,245)     (561) 
of 31 
Amounts         (26)         1,298     30          (13)          *) (2,219)  (930) 
Deferred        -            (363)     -           561           -           198 
Currency        -            8         10          (4)           (166)       (152) 
Balance         647          2,831     (209)       (84)          (4,630)     (1,445) 
of 31 

*) Mainly due to temporary differences arising on recognition of certain revenues and expenses for tax purposes on cash basis.


**) See Note 6.








e. A reconciliation of theoretical tax expense assuming all income is taxed at the statutory rate applicable to the income of companies in Israel, and the actual tax expense is as follows:

                                         Year ended 31 December 
                                         2007       2008       2009 
                                         US$ '000   US$ '000   US$ '000 
Profit before taxes on income            8,077      5,755      1,006 
Provision at statutory                   2,342      1,554      261 
rate - 29% (2007), 
27% (2008) and 26% (2009) 
Increase (decrease) in 
taxes resulting from: 
Losses and other items                   39         -          - 
for which deferred 
taxes were not provided,  net 
Decrease in taxes resulting              (19   )    (50   )    (195  ) 
from recording 
of deferred taxes in  respect of carry 
forward tax losses for 
which deferred taxes 
were  not recorded in prior years 
Non-deductible expenses                  131        244        252 
Different tax rates and                  (849  )    628        1,203 
changes in tax rates 
Taxes in respect of previous years       (28   )    (153  )    196 
Other                                    (115  )    142        (48   ) 
                                         1,501      2,365      1,669 

f. Carry forward losses for tax purposes:


The carry forward losses for tax purposes for the year ended 31 December 2009 amount to approximately US$ 18,530 thousand (year ended 31 December 2008 - US$ 7,514 thousand, 2007 - US$ 2,120 thousand) mainly in Switzerland and in Israel. A deferred tax asset in respect of these losses is included in the balance sheet.


g. Tax rates in Israel:


In July 2009, the Israeli Parliament (the Knesset) passed the Economic Efficiency Law (Amended Legislation for Implementing the Economic Plan for 2009 and 2010), 2009, which prescribes, among other things, an additional gradual reduction in the Israeli corporate tax rate starting from 2011 to the following tax rates: 2011 - 24%, 2012 - 23%, 2013 - 22%, 2014 - 21%, 2015 - 20%, 2016 and thereafter - 18%.




h. Tax assessments:


The Company and the investees have received final assessments or assessments considered as final as detailed below:

              the tax year 
The Company   2004 
Davka *)      2004 
Dar           2004 
Darset        2007 
Paran         2004 

The other investees have not yet been assessed since their inception.


*) In December 2005, the Company signed a merger agreement with Davka, pursuant to which Davka merged into the Company. In December 2006, an approval for the merger was received from the Israeli Tax Authorities. As part of the approval, certain limitations were imposed on utilizing the carry forward losses, ownership and operating Davka's assets.




a. The share capital is composed as follows:

                         As of 31 December 
                         2007        2008        2009 
                         Number of shares 
Ordinary shares of NIS   40,000,000  40,000,000  40,000,000 
0.1 par value each 

Issued and fully paid:

Ordinary shares of NIS   23,000,727  23,141,727  27,388,072 
0.1 par value each 

b. In March 2007, the Company issued 971,129 Ordinary shares to institutional investors in consideration of US$ 2,176 thousand (net of issuance expenses in the amount of US$ 157 thousand).


On 7 June 2007 and on 12 November 2007, the Company issued 10,000 and 15,000 Ordinary shares, respectively upon the exercise of options by a former employee in accordance with the Dori Media Group Ltd. 2004 Share Option Plan for a total consideration of US$ 27 thousand and US $ 43 thousand, respectively.


In November 2007, the Company issued 2,567,000 Ordinary shares to institutional investors in consideration of US$ 8,075 thousand (net of issuance expenses in the amount of US$ 485 thousand).


NOTE 4:-EQUITY (Cont.)


On 27 December 2007, the Company issued 15,000 Ordinary shares upon the exercise of options by a director in accordance with the Dori Media Group Ltd. 2004 Share Option Plan for a total consideration of US$ 12 thousand.


During 2008, the Company issued 141,000 Ordinary shares, upon the exercise of options by directors, in accordance with the Dori Media Group Ltd. 2004 Share Option Plan, for a total consideration of US$ 130 thousand.


On 6 June 2009, the Company issued to an institutional investor 670,323 Ordinary shares and warrants to purchase up to 479,763 Ordinary shares at an exercise price of NIS 7 ($ 1.85) per share in consideration of GBP 670 thousand (approximately US $ 1,100 thousand). The warrants are exercisable until June 2014.


On 9 July 2009, the Company issued 1,757,840 Ordinary shares at price of 0.52 pound per share through an open offer in consideration of GBP 914 thousand (approximately US $ 1,350 thousand) (net of issuance expenses in the amount of US $ 150 thousand).


On 27 July 2009, the Company issued to an institutional investor 1,818,182 Ordinary shares and warrants to purchase up to 479,763 Ordinary shares at an exercise price of NIS 7 ($ 1.85) per share in consideration of GBP 1,818 thousand (approximately US $ 3,000 thousand) (net of issuance expenses in the amount of US $ 33 thousand). The warrants are exercisable until June 2014.


c. Stock Option Plan:


In September 2004, the Company authorized a Stock Option Plan for the issuance of options to purchase up to 2,000,000 Ordinary shares of the Company. The options granted under this Plan to employees and directors vest over periods of four and three years, respectively. The options are granted with an exercise price denominated in NIS and GBP and expire 10 years after the date of grant. The options to employees and directors in Israel are granted under sections 102 and 3(i) of Israel's Income Tax Ordinance.


The weighted average fair value of options granted by the Company in September 2004 under the 2004's share option plan was US$ 1.46 per share and was estimated based on the following data and assumptions: share price - US$ 2; exercise price - US$ 0.65; expected volatility - 25.6%; risk-free interest rate 4.9%; expected dividends - 0%, and expected average life of options - 3 years.


In 2005, the Company agreed to grant to the former CEO of DMI GmbH options to purchase 50,000 Ordinary shares of the Company. The options were subject to the achievement of certain profit targets.


50% of the options were granted after the publication of the 2006 annual audited financial statements, and vested (see also b). The remaining options were forfeited in 2007 due to the termination of employment of the CEO.


On 15 March 2007, the Company granted share options for the purchase of 411,500 Ordinary shares to directors, officers and employees under the Company's 2004 Share Option Plan.


NOTE 4:-EQUITY (Cont.)


The weighted average fair value of options granted by the Company in March 2007 was US$ 1.74 per share and was estimated based on a pricing model ("Binomial Model") and on the following data and assumptions: share price - GBP 1.62 (US$3.3); exercise price - GBP 1.3933 (US$ 2.7); expected volatility - 47%; risk-free interest rate 4.9%; expected dividends - 0%, and expected average life of options - 4 years.


On 22 August 2007, the Company granted to the CEO of DMA Inc options to purchase 120,000 Ordinary shares of the Company. The options vest in three tranches, with each tranche (amounting to 40,000 shares) becoming exercisable provided that the sales targets for 2008, 2009 and 2010, as determined by the Company, are achieved. The options are exercisable for a period of 10 years from the grant date. The options were forfeited in 2009 due to the termination of the CEO of DMA.


The weighted average fair value of options granted by the Company in August 2007 was US$ 1.737 per share and was estimated based on a pricing model ("Binomial Model") and on the following data and assumptions: share price - GBP 1.6975 (US$ 3.38); exercise price - GBP 1.615 (US$ 3.216); expected volatility - 33%; risk-free interest rate 5.03%; expected dividends - 0%, and expected average life of options - 3 years.


Upon the acquisition of Paran in 2007, the Company granted share options for the purchase of 75,000 Ordinary shares to employees of Paran under the Company's 2004 Share Option Plan.


On 24 February 2008, the Company granted share options for the purchase of 447,375 Ordinary shares to directors, officers, employees and others under the Company's 2004 Share Option Plan.


The weighted average fair value of options granted by the Company in February 2008 was US$ 1.91 per share and was estimated based on a pricing model ("Binomial Model") and on the following data and assumptions: share price - GBP 1.755 (US$3.45); exercise price - GBP 1.755 (US$ 3.45); expected volatility - 43.48%; risk-free interest rate 4.7%; expected dividends - 0%, and expected average life of options - 3 years.


In August 2008, the Company authorized an increase in the option pool of 1,000,000 Ordinary shares of the Company. The Stock Option Plan was further amended to include Restricted Share Unit (RSUS).


On 21 August 2008, the Company granted to the CEO of DMW options to purchase 40,000 Ordinary shares of the Company in the exercise price of GBP 1.035 (US$ 1.92). The options granted vest in 4 tranches, with each tranche (amounting to 10,000 shares) under the Company's 2004 Share Option Plan. The weighted average fair value of the options granted was US$ 1.2 per share. The options are exercisable for a period of 10 years from the grant date.


NOTE 4:-EQUITY (Cont.)


The following table illustrates the number and weighted average exercise prices (WAEP) of, and movements in, share options during the year:

                   Year ended 31 December 
                   2007              2008              2009 
                              WAEP              WAEP              WAEP 
                   Number     (US$)  Number     (US$)  Number     (US$) 
Outstanding at     950,500    0.71   1,503,250  1.59   1,849,625  1.66 
of year 
Granted during     606,500    2.86   487,375    3.27   -          - 
the year 
Exercised during   (40,000)   2.07   (141,000)  0.84   -          - 
the year *) 
Forfeited during   (13,750)   2.83   -          -      (133,750)  2.6 
the year 
Outstanding at     1,503,250  1.59   1,849,625  1.66   1,715,875  1.75 
end of year 
Exercisable at     993,000    0.78   1,389,499  1.41   1,226,021  1.38 
end of year 

*) The weighted average share price at the date of exercise in 2007 and 2008 was GBP 1.641 and GBP 1.584, respectively.


d. Nature and purpose of other reserves:


1. Asset revaluation surplus -


The asset revaluation surplus reflects the increase in the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the Company's interests in entities prior to the acquisition of the controlling interest.


2. Foreign currency translation reserve -


The foreign currency translation reserve is used to record exchange rate differences arising from the translation to the U.S. dollar of the financial statements of those companies in the Group whose functional currency is not the U.S. dollar.



                              Year ended 31 December 
                              2007      2008        2009 
                              US$ '000  US$ '000    US$ '000 
a.  Revenues: 
    Rights in TV series *)    24,687    20,355      ***) 13,795 
    Broadcasting TV channels  4,800     **) 29,726  **) 34,402 
    Other                     454       346         519 
                              29,941    50,427      48,716 

*) Includes royalty revenues from licensing ancillary rights of TV series.


**) Mainly revenues from DMS's agreement with HOT.


***) Includes contracts revenues from TV series in the amount of US$ 6,155 thousand.



                                      Year ended 31 December 
                                      2007       2008       2009 
                                      US$ '000   US$ '000   US$ '000 
b.  Cost of revenues: 
    Rights in TV series               4,814      5,658      7,839 
    Broadcasting TV channels          2,750      21,411     23,078 
    Other                             339        799        2,431 
                                      7,903      27,868     33,348 
    *) Included in cost of revenues: 
    Amortization                      4,333      22,203     24,108 
c.  Selling and marketing expenses: 
    Advertising and marketing         2,280      3,765      2,693 
    Commissions                       3,874      1,061      630 
                                      6,154      4,826      3,323 
d.  General and administrative 
    Salaries and related benefits     2,796      4,492      4,061 
    Management fees                   1,432      2,100      1,925 
    Rental fees and maintenance       1,044      1,453      1,513 
    of offices 
    Professional fees                 1,347      1,692      1,291 
    Depreciation and amortization     243        399        508 
    Doubtful accounts and bad debts   22         -          203 
    Travel expenses                   466        457        339 
    Others                            256        570        561 
                                      7,606      11,163     10,401 
e.  Financial expenses, net: 
    Bank loans and overdrafts         329        682        673 
    Income from deposits              (57   )    (3     )   - 
    Other                             (42   )    143        (35    ) 
                                      230        822        638 
f.  Other expenses (income), net: 
    Loss (gain) on disposal of        (31   )    (7     )   - 
    property and equipment 
    Rental income                     (2    )    -          - 
    Other                             4          -          - 
                                      (29   )    (7     )   - 



On December 29, 2009, the Company signed an agreement to sell its 50% interest in DMCS, which operate TV production studios in Argentina, for US$ 850 thousand to the other 50% shareholder of DMCS and to another party. The sale was subject to approval by the Labor Ministry of Argentina, which approval was received in January 2010.


In accordance with IFRS 5, the assets and liabilities of DMCS are presented as assets and liabilities held for sale in the consolidated balance sheet.


The operating results of DMCS are presented as discontinued operations in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income. Comparative figures have been reclassified accordingly.


Composition of income and expenses related to discontinued operations:

                                      Year ended 31 December 
                                      2007      2008       2009 
                                      US$'000   US$'000    US$'000 
Revenues                              82        599        176 
Cost of revenues                      (4   )    (128 )     (17  ) 
Operating expenses                    (10  )    *) (211)   *) (123) 
Financial income (expenses), net      7         (10  )     - 
Profit before tax                     75        250        36 
Tax benefit (expense)                 (28  )    199        - 
Profit from discontinued operations   47        449        36 
Impairment of goodwill recognized     -         -          (836 ) 
on remeasurement to fair value 
Selling expenses                      -         -          (22  ) 
Tax benefit                           -         -          38 
Total profit (loss) from              47        449        (784 ) 
discontinued operations 

*) includes depreciation in the amount of US $ 90 thousand.


Composition of main groups of assets and liabilities held for sale as of 31 December 2009:

                                      December 31, 
Cash and cash equivalents             8 
Trade and other current receivables   230 
Property and equipment, net           2,392 
Total assets                          2,630 
Trade and other payables              1,048 
Other long-term liabilities           371 
Deferred tax                          361 
Total liabilities                     1,780 



Composition of the net cash flows related to discontinued operations:

                                   Year ended 31 December 
                                   2007      2008      2009 
                                   US$'000   US$'000   US$'000 
Net cash flows from operating      (306 )    (54  )    923 
Net cash flows from financing      257       39        (956 ) 
Net cash flows from discontinued   (49  )    (15  )    (33  ) 



The following reflects the income and share data used in the basic and diluted earnings per share computations:

                                  Year ended 31 December 
                                  2007        2008        2009 
                                  US$ '000    US$ '000    US$ '000 
Profit (loss) for the             6,526       2,754       (1,809     ) 
year from continuing 
operations attributable  to 
equity holders of the 
parent for basic 
and diluted earnings per  share 
Profit (loss) for the year        47          449         (784       ) 
from discontinuing 
operations  attributable to 
equity holders of the 
parent for basic 
and diluted  earnings per share 
Weighted average number           20,544,929  23,099,928  25,154,096 
of Ordinary shares 
for basic earnings per  share 
Effect of dilution: 
Share options                     785,439     467,201     117,379 
Adjusted weighted average         21,330,368  23,567,129  25,271,475 
number of Ordinary 
shares for diluted 
earnings per share 



a. General:


1. The Group companies operate in two principal business segments: production, sale and distribution of TV series and broadcasting of TV channels.


2. The segment's assets include all the operating assets which are used by the segment and are composed mainly of cash and cash equivalents, trade and other receivables, equipment and other assets. Most of the assets are attributed to a specific segment.


3. The segment's liabilities include all the operating liabilities that derive from the operating activities of the segment and are composed mainly of trade payables and other accounts payable. The segment's assets and liabilities do not include taxes on income.


4. As described in Note 6, in 2009 the Company signed an agreement to sell its 50% interest in DMCS. The results of DMCS for all periods presented, are included in the segment disclosures.



                Year ended 31 December 2007 
                Rights of  of TV                                Total 
                TV series  channels      Other     Adjustments  consolidated 
                US$ '000   US$ '000      US$ '000  US$ '000     US$ '000 
Sales to        24,687     4,800         536       (82)         29,941 
Inter-segment   27         -             2,322     (2,349)      - 
Total           24,714     4,800         2,858     (2,431)      29,941 
Segment         9,344      782           481       (1,137)      9,470 
Unallocated                                                     (1,192) 
Operating                                                       8,278 
Financial                                                       230 
Other                                                           (29) 
Taxes on                                                        1,501 
Profit                                                          6,576 
Segment         42,404     10,339        2,801                  55,544 
Unallocated                                                     4,306 
Total                                                           59,850 
Segment         10,200     1,925         1,049                  13,174 
Unallocated                                                     8,670 
Total                                                           21,844 
Tangible        3,157      720           345                    4,222 
Intangible      11,411     -             615                    12,026 
Depreciation    222        154           -                      376 
Amortization    3,571      629           -                      4,200 


                Year ended 31 December 2008 
                Rights of  of TV                                Total 
                TV series  channels      Other     Adjustments  consolidated 
                US$ '000   US$ '000      US$ '000  US$ '000     US$ '000 
Sales to        20,355     29,726        945       (599)        50,427 
Inter-segment   513        -             3,168     (3,681)      - 
Total           20,868     29,726        4,113     (4,280)      50,427 
Segment         5,354      4,583         198       (2,058)      8,077 
Unallocated                                                     (1,507) 
Operating                                                       6,570 
Financial                                                       822 
Other                                                           (7) 
Taxes on                                                        2,365 
Profit                                                          3,390 
Segment         44,886     16,827        6,659                  68,372 
Unallocated                                                     5,199 
Total                                                           73,571 
Segment         14,542     9,104         1,378                  25,024 
Unallocated                                                     5,835 
Total                                                           30,859 
Tangible        418        335           170                    923 
Intangible      13,051     20,485        1,340                  34,876 
Depreciation    321        305           168                    794 
Amortization    4,251      17,580        67                     21,898 


                Year ended 31 December 2009 
                Rights of  of TV                                Total 
                TV series  channels      Other     Adjustments  consolidated 
                US$ '000   US$ '000      US$ '000  US$ '000     US$ '000 
Sales to        13,795     34,402        695       (176)        48,716 
Inter-segment   94         -             3,036     (3,130)      - 
Total           13,889     34,402        3,731     (3,306)      48,716 
Segment         145        4,343         (1,942)   (58)         2,488 
Unallocated                                                     (844) 
Operating                                                       1,644 
Financial                                                       638 
Other                                                           - 
Taxes on                                                        1,669 
Profit                                                          (663) 
for the 
Segment         47,049     20,937        5,322                  73,308 
Unallocated                                                     5,434 
Total                                                           78,742 
Segment         8,235      12,151        3,297                  23,683 
Unallocated                                                     8,660 
Total                                                           32,343 
Tangible        147        118           59                     324 
Intangible      13,221     18,321        -                      31,542 
Depreciation    304        282           166                    752 
Amortization    7,368      16,186        1,236                  24,790 



c. Geographic information:


The following tables present revenues from external customers and non-current assets, based on geographical areas, for the years ended 31 December 2007, 2008 and 2009.

             Israel    Europe    Central   Asia      Other     2007 
                                 and                           Total 
Year ended   US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000 
Sales to     8,110     10,026    9,541     1,738     526       29,941 
                     Israel    Switzerland  Argentina  Other     2007 
                     US$ '000  US$ '000     US$ '000   US$ '000  US$ '000 
Non-current assets   12,218    17,413       5,793      20        35,444 
             Israel    Europe    Central   Asia      Other     2008 
                                 and                           Total 
Year ended   US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000 
Sales to     31,099    7,390     6,632     4,470     836       50,427 
                     Israel    Switzerland  Argentina  Other     2008 
                     US$ '000  US$ '000     US$ '000   US$ '000  US$ '000 
Non-current assets   13,993    23,818       7,400      258       45,469 
             Israel    Europe    Central   Asia      Other     2009 
                                 and                           Total 
Year ended   US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000  US$ '000 
Sales to     38,468    2,747     2,725     4,446     330       48,716 


                     Israel    Switzerland  Argentina  Other     2009 
                     US$ '000  US$ '000     US$ '000   US$ '000  US$ '000 
Non-current assets   16,767    29,109       541        231       46,648 

Non-current assets include net investments in rights of television series, intangible assets, property and equipment and other long-term assets


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