RNS Number:0508W
Innobox PLC
21 December 2005

Innobox Plc (the "Company")

Interim results for the six months ended 31 October 2005

21 December 2005

Chairman's statement

I am pleased to report the Company's results for the half year ended 31 October
2005.  The loss for the period after taxation and minority interests was
#265,971 (2004: loss of #147,680), which represents a loss per share of 1.24p
(2004: loss per share of 1.18p).

The Company currently owns and operates three pub / hotel / restaurant sites,
which are: The Moss Cottage in Ripley, Derbyshire; The Three Tuns in Pettistree,
Suffolk; and The Royal Oak in Leominster, Herefordshire. We also have a country
house hotel under development at Fishmore Hall near Ludlow, Shropshire.

Following my last annual statement, the difficult market conditions have not
fully abated. Our three sites remain popular with customers, but we rationalised
our 'A la Carte' menus to reflect a lower spend per head per customer. We have
also reduced our staffing levels, wherever possible, to accommodate this,
without compromising our standards.

We manage to achieve good hotel occupancy levels during the week, but have seen
a fall in week-end break bookings, which has impacted on revenues. Overall our
rationalisation and cost cutting measures will ensure that our sites are
positioned to return to profitability when market conditions improve. However,
our skills in hotel development and refurbishment will continue to enhance the
underlying value of the freehold properties.

The Moss Cottage and The Three Tuns remain for sale, with some interest being
shown in both sites. However, the difficult market conditions, together with a
glut of properties coming onto the market have meant that there have been no
acceptable offers. These properties will remain on the market going into the New
Year, but at the same time the directors will look for suitable joint venture
partners with a view to possibly retaining these as joint venture sites if a
sale is not attainable.

Following the resolution of all planning and local authority issues, work will
continue in the New Year on the development of Fishmore Hall, with the intention
that the site will open later in the year. The directors are confident that,
once opened, this site's capital value would significantly increase.

The board has been disappointed with the performance of the investment in
AeroBox Plc during the period.  Share value came under downward pressure
following lower than expected results and an additional cash call. As a result
we decided to dispose of most of our remaining shares in the interim period,
with the remaining holding disposed of after the interim period. This resulted
in a loss on disposal during the interim period of #16,642.

In order to assist the Company with its future activities, the directors have
resolved to subscribe for further equity, in conjunction with a placing,
following the issue of these results. Finally, I would like to take this
opportunity to thank my colleagues and our dedicated employees for their
continued hard work during these difficult trading times

A Baker


21 December 2005

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account for the six months ended 31 October 2005

                                              Notes           6 months      6 months          Year
                                                                 ended         ended         ended
                                                            31 October    31 October      30 April
                                                                  2005          2004          2005
                                                           (unaudited)   (unaudited)     (audited)
                                                                     #             #             #

Turnover - continuing                                          487,603       161,810       353,588
Turnover - acquisitions                                              -       142,444       451,271
                                                           -----------   -----------   -----------
Total turnover                                                               304,254       804,859

Cost of sales - continuing                                   (372,383)      (64,181)     (282,993)
Cost of sales - acquisitions                                         -      (40,366)     (359,216)
                                                           -----------   -----------   -----------
Total cost of sales                                          (372,383)     (104,547)     (642,209)

Gross profit - continuing                                      115,220        97,629        70,595
Gross profit - acquisitions                                          -       102,078        92,055
                                                           -----------   -----------   -----------
Total gross profit                                             115,220       199,707       162,650

Administrative expenses - continuing                         (318,711)     (202,033)     (288,312)
Administrative expenses - exceptional                          (5,816)             -     (120,000)
Administrative expenses - acquisitions                               -     (131,681)     (257,993)
                                                           -----------   -----------   -----------
Total administrative expenses                                (324,527)     (333,714)     (666,305)
                                                           -----------   -----------   -----------

Operating loss - continuing operations                       (209,307)     (104,404)     (337,717)
Operating loss - acquisitions                                        -      (29,603)     (165,938)
                                                           -----------   -----------   -----------
Total operating loss                                         (209,307)     (134,007)     (503,655)

Loss on sale of investments                                   (16,642)             -       (6,562)
Amounts written off investments                                      -             -     (379,600)
Interest receivable                                              3,038         1,585         3,420
Interest payable                                              (74,581)      (32,731)     (106,939)
                                                           -----------   -----------   -----------
Loss on ordinary activities before taxation                  (297,492)     (165,153)     (993,336)
Taxation                                        5                    -             -             -
                                                           -----------   -----------   -----------
Loss for period                                              (297,492)     (165,153)     (993,336)

Minority interests                                              31,521        17,473        83,396
                                                           -----------   -----------   -----------
Retained loss                                                (265,971)     (147,680)     (909,940)
                                                           -----------   -----------   -----------

Basic loss per share (pence)                    6               (1.24)        (1.18)        (7.11)
                                                           -----------   -----------   -----------

The Company has no recognised gains or losses other than the losses for the

Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 October 2005

                                          Note                     As at         As at        As at
                                                              31 October    31 October     30 April
                                                                    2005          2004         2005
                                                             (unaudited)   (unaudited)    (audited)
                                                                       #             #            #
Fixed assets
Tangible fixed assets                                          2,846,773    2,199,006     2,669,464
Intangible fixed assets                                          185,417      195,500       190,417
Investments                                                       34,112      700,000       270,400
                                                             -----------  -----------   -----------
                                                               3,066,302    3,094,506     3,130,281
Current assets
Stocks                                                            22,163       22,169        25,197
Debtors                                                          110,324       89,053       583,626
Cash at bank and in hand                                          63,454       41,255         3,586
                                                             -----------  -----------  ------------
                                                                 195,941      152,477       612,409
                                                             -----------  -----------  ------------
Amounts falling due within one year                          (1,341,603)    (481,870)   (1,512,311)
                                                             -----------  -----------  ------------
Net current liabilities                                      (1,145,662)    (329,393)     (899,902)
                                                             -----------  -----------  ------------

Total assets less current liabilities                          1,920,640    2,765,113     2,230,379

Amounts falling due after more than one
year                                                         (1,295,453)  (1,526,300)   (1,330,890)
                                                             -----------  -----------  ------------
Net assets                                                       625,187    1,238,813       899,489
                                                             -----------  -----------  ------------
Capital and reserves

Called up share capital                                          430,000      250,000       430,000
Share premium                                                  1,070,364      764,004     1,070,364
Profit and loss account                                        (777,184)      251,047     (511,213)
                                                             -----------  -----------  ------------
Equity shareholders' funds                    7                  723,180    1,265,051       989,151

Equity minority interests                                       (97,993)     (26,238)      (89,662)
                                                             -----------  -----------  ------------
Total capital employed                                           625,187    1,238,813       899,489
                                                             -----------  -----------  ------------

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the six months ended 31 October 2005

                                         Notes              6 months          6 months           Year
                                                               ended             ended          ended
                                                          31 October        31 October       30 April
                                                                2005              2004           2005
                                                         (unaudited)       (unaudited)      (audited)
                                                                   #                 #              #

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating    8                334,015            28,819      (302,022)

Return on investments and servicing of
Interest received                                              3,038             1,585          3,420
Interest paid                                               (73,005)          (32,731)      (104,289)
Interest element of finance lease                            (1,576)                 -        (2,650)
                                                         -----------       -----------   ------------
                                                            (71,543)          (31,146)      (103,519)
Acquisitions and disposals
Payments to acquire businesses                                     -       (1,373,925)    (1,368,790)

Capital expenditure and financial
Payments to acquire tangible fixed                         (230,039)         (337,084)      (954,080)
Proceeds from disposal of investments                        219,646                 -         43,438
                                                         -----------       -----------   ------------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before                             252,079       (1,713,336)    (2,684,973)

Issue of ordinary shares for cash                                  -                 -        486,360
New bank loans                                                     -         1,413,725      1,766,350
Repayment of bank loans                                    (262,500)                 -              -
(Reduction)/issues of minority interests                     (1,255)             2,255          4,754
Part disposal of minority interests                           24,445                 -              -
Capital element of finance lease rentals                     (4,655)                 -        (4,692)
                                                         -----------       -----------   ------------
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the          9                  8,114         (297,356)      (432,201)
                                                         -----------       -----------   ------------

Notes to the Interim Report for the six months ended 31 October 2005

1   Accounting policies

    The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting
    standards and under the historical cost convention.  The principal accounting policies of the
    Company have remained unchanged from those set out in the Company's 2005 annual report and
    financial statements.

2   Basis of consolidation

    The Consolidated Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement consolidate
    those of the Company and its subsidiary undertakings.  Intra-group transactions have been
    eliminated in full.

3   Basis of preparation

    The financial information set out in this report does not constitute statutory accounts as
    defined in Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The figures for the year ended 30 April
    2005 have been extracted from the statutory financial statements, which have been filed with
    the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' report on those financial statements was

4   Dividends

    No dividend is proposed for the six months ended 31 October 2005.

5   Taxation

    On the grounds that year to date losses have been made which are not expected to be relieved
    in the forthcoming period, there is no taxation charged or credited to the profit and loss
    account in this period.

6   Loss per share

    The calculation of the basic loss per share is based on the loss on ordinary activities
    after tax and minority interests and on the weighted average number of shares in issue
    during the period.  The impact of share options is anti dilutive.  The loss and weighted
    average number of shares used in the calculations are set out below:

                                                                          Weighted      Loss per
                                                                           average         share
                                                             Loss        number of       (pence)
                                                                #           shares
    Basic earnings per share:

    6 months ended 31 October 2005                      (265,971)       21,500,000        (1.24)
    6 months ended 31 October 2004                      (147,680)       12,500,000        (1.18)
    Year ended 30 April 2005                            (909,940)       12,795,890        (7.11)

7   Reconciliation of movements in equity
    shareholders' funds
                                                            6 months        6 months            Year
                                                               ended           ended           ended
                                                          31 October      31 October        30 April
                                                                2005            2004            2005
                                                         (unaudited)     (unaudited)       (audited)
                                                                   #               #               #

    Loss on ordinary activities after taxation             (265,971)       (147,680)       (909,940)
    Share subscription                                             -               -         504,000
    Share subscription costs                                       -               -        (17,640)
                                                         -----------     -----------    ------------
    Net reduction in shareholders' funds                   (265,971)       (147,680)       (423,580)

    Equity shareholders' funds brought forward               989,151       1,412,731       1,412,731
                                                         -----------     -----------    ------------
    Equity shareholders' funds at the end of the
                                                             723,180       1,265,051         989,151
                                                         -----------     -----------    ------------

8   Reconciliation of operating loss with net cash
    flow from operating activities
                                                            6 months        6 months            Year
                                                               ended           ended           ended
                                                          31 October      31 October        30 April
                                                                2005            2004            2005
                                                         (unaudited)     (unaudited)       (audited)
                                                                   #               #               #

    Operating loss                                         (209,307)       (134,007)       (503,655)
    Depreciation, amortisation and impairment                 57,730          35,295         210,549
    Decrease/(increase) in stocks                              3,034        (13,984)        (17,012)
    Decrease/(increase) in debtors                           473,302          13,898       (480,675)
    Increase in creditors                                      9,256         127,617         488,771
                                                         -----------     -----------    ------------
    Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating
    activities                                               334,015          28,819       (302,022)
                                                         -----------     -----------    ------------

9   Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in
    net funds
                                                            6 months        6 months            Year
                                                               ended           ended           ended
                                                          31 October      31 October        30 April
                                                                2005            2004            2005
                                                         (unaudited)     (unaudited)       (audited)
                                                                   #               #               #

    Decrease in cash for the period                            8,114       (297,356)       (432,201)
    New long term bank loan                                        -     (1,413,725)     (1,766,350)
    Repayment of long term bank loans                        262,500
    New finance leases and hire purchase contracts                 -               -        (28,768)
    Repayment of finance lease and hire purchase               4,655               -           4,692
                                                        ------------    ------------    ------------
    Movement in net funds for the year (note 9)              275,269     (1,711,081)     (2,222,627)

    Net funds at the beginning of the period             (2,294,263)        (71,636)        (71,636)
                                                        ------------    ------------    ------------
    Net funds at the end of the period                   (2,018,994)     (1,782,717)     (2,294,263)
                                                        ------------    ------------    ------------

10    Analysis of changes in net funds
                                                               As at       Cash flow           As at
                                                               1 May                      31 October
                                                                2005                            2005
                                                           (audited)                     (unaudited)
                                                                   #               #               #

      Cash at bank and in hand                                 3,586          59,868          63,454
      Bank overdraft                                       (132,348)        (51,754)       (184,102)

      Bank loans                                         (2,043,425)         262,500     (1,780,925)
      Loan notes                                            (98,000)               -        (98,000)
      Finance leases and hire purchase contracts            (24,076)           4,655        (19,421)
                                                        ------------    ------------    ------------
                                                         (2,294,263)         275,269     (2,018,994)
                                                        ------------    ------------    ------------

11   Copies of the Interim Results are available for download from the Company's website at
     www.innobox.co.uk or by request from the Company's registered office, Meriden House, 6 Great
     Cornbow, Halesowen, West Midlands B63 3AB.


Russell Stevens                                    07860 562621
Chief Executive, Innobox Plc                       russell@innobox.co.uk

Richard Morrison                                   020 7601 6115
Westhouse Securities LLP                           richard.morrison@westhousesecurities.com

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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