RNS Number : 7519N

Longboat Energy PLC

27 September 2023

Longboat Energy plc

("Longboat Energy", the "Company" or "Longboat")

Interim Results to 30 June 2023

London, 27 September 2023 - Longboat Energy, the emerging full-cycle E&P company, is pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the period to 30 June 2023.

Helge Hammer, Chief Executive Officer of Longboat Energy, commented:

"Earlier this year, Longboat announced a transaction with Japan Petroleum Exploration Co, Ltd ("JAPEX") to form a joint venture company in Norway which involved JAPEX making a substantial investment in our Norwegian subsidiary and providing a financing facility, thereby significantly strengthening the Company's financial position. The transaction completed in mid-July and the now jointly controlled company was renamed Longboat JAPEX Norge AS ("Longboat JAPEX").

Longboat JAPEX will pursue a growth-led strategy on the Norwegian Continental Shelf to create value predominantly through the acquisition of production and development projects and growing 2P reserves to reach a significant production level within three to five years. Furthermore, the joint venture will continue to pursue exploration and appraisal opportunities with the target of drilling one to three wells per year.

In early August the drilling of the OMV operated Velocette well commenced targeting a large gas-condensate prospect on the eastern flank of the Utgard High in the Norwegian Sea. In mid-September we announced a minor gas discovery where the well encountered hydrocarbons in the primary target in Cretaceous turbidite sands in the Nise formation. While the discovery is not considered to be a commercial prospect, the licence contains numerous other prospects which have been de-risked by the presence of gas in good quality reservoir in the Velocette well.

Earlier this month we announced an expansion of our operations in SE Asia through the acquisition of privately held Topaz Number One Limited, thereby increasing our interest in Malaysian 2A PSC to 52.5% which includes the giant Kertang target, with James Menzies and Pierre Eliet also joining the Company to lead our growth in the region."

Operational Highlights

       Formed a joint venture company in Norway with Japan Petroleum 
  --    Exploration Co, Ltd ("JAPEX"). JAPEX made a significant investment 
        with an initial $16 million subscription, with a further $4 
        million contingent payment, and providing a $100 million financing 
                        Entered into an agreement through the new Norwegian joint venture 
  --                     to acquire its first producing assets in Norway 
                         o 4.80% unitised interest in the Statfjord Øst Unit 
                         o 4.32% unitised interest in the Sygna Unit 
                         This acquisition, when completed, represents long-term cash 
                         flow with the fields expected to produce until late 2030s 
       Expanded our business in SE Asia with the entrance into Malaysia 
  --    through the award of a production sharing agreement for Block 
        2A. Later announced the acquisition of a further interest in 
        Block 2A and the employment of two senior executives, James 
        Menzies and Pierre Eliet 
       Announced a small non-commercial discovery in the Velocette 
  --    well which, through the presence of reservoir and hydrocarbons, 
        has de-risked the other prospects on the licence 
       Announced the award in the APA licensing round of a 30% licence 
  --    interest in a firm well on the Kjøttkake Lotus prospect, 
        building our position in the prolific Kveikje area 

Financial Summary

       Longboat Energy plc had gross cash at 30 June 2023 of GBP2.1 
  --    million (30 June 2022: GBP22.5 million), which excludes cash 
        of GBP2.2 million in Longboat Energy Norge AS (shown on the 
        balance sheet as "held for sale" pending completion of JAPEX 
        JV (completed post period end, 14 July 2023) 
       Longboat Energy Norge AS had exploration financing facility 
  --    ("EFF") drawings of GBP33.7 million (30 June 2022: GBP15.7 million) 
        resulting in a net debt position of GBP31.5 million. The majority 
        of EFF drawings (GBP32.0 million) will be repaid from the Norwegian 
        Government's tax rebate of GBP35.5 million, due in November 
       Longboat Energy plc's post-tax loss for the period was GBP6.2 
  --    million (30 June 2022: GBP1.6 million), total comprehensive 
        loss for the period of GBP7.9 million (30 June 2022: GBP1.7 
        million). Includes write off of Egyptian Vulture of GBP10.5 
   This announcement does not contain inside information 
  Longboat Energy                          via FTI 
   Helge Hammer, Chief Executive Officer 
    Jon Cooper, Chief Financial Officer 
    Nick Ingrassia, Corporate Development 
   Stifel (Nomad and Joint Broker)          Tel: +44 20 7710 7600 
   Callum Stewart 
    Jason Grossman 
    Ashton Clanfield 
   Cavendish Capital Markets Limited        Tel: +44 20 7397 8900 
    (Joint Broker) 
   Neil McDonald 
    Pete Lynch 
    Leif Powis 
   FTI Consulting (PR adviser)              Tel: +44 20 3727 1000 
   Ben Brewerton 
    Rosie Corbett 
    Catrin Trudgill                         longboatenergy@fticonsulting.com 


Estimates of reserves and resources have been prepared in accordance with the June 2018 Petroleum Resources Management System ("PRMS") as the standard for classification and reporting with an effective date of 31 December 2020.

Review by Qualified Person

The technical information in this release has been reviewed by Hilde Salthe, Managing Director Longboat JAPEX Norge AS, who is a qualified person for the purposes of the AIM Guidance Note for Mining, Oil and Gas Companies. Ms Salthe is a petroleum geologist with more than 20 years' experience in the oil and gas industry. Ms Salthe has a Masters Degree from Faculty of Applied Earth Sciences at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim


   Mmboe                Millions of barrels of oil equivalent 
   NCS                        Norwegian Continental Shelf 
   scf                          Standard cubic feet 
   stb                          Stock tank barrel 




CEO Introductory Statement

In early May we announced a transaction with Japan Petroleum Exploration Co, Ltd ("JAPEX") to form a joint venture company in Norway which involved JAPEX making a significant investment in our Norwegian subsidiary and providing a financing facility, thereby significantly strengthening the Company's financial position.

The transaction completed in mid-July, just after the period end, and the now jointly controlled company was renamed Longboat JAPEX Norge AS ("Longboat JAPEX"). As part of the arrangements, JAPEX committed to make an initial cash investment of US$16 million, which was paid on completion, with a further contingent consideration of US$4 million, payable on the successful completion of the acquisition of the Statfjord satellites. Following the results of the Velocette well, the further related contingent consideration has fallen away.

From the initial US$16 million, US$4.6 million was utilised by Longboat JAPEX to repay the intercompany loan owed to Longboat Energy plc.

In addition to these investments, JAPEX has also provided the joint venture with a five-year US$100 million Acquisition Bridge Facility to finance acquisitions and associated development costs in Norway. Longboat JAPEX will pursue a growth-led strategy on the Norwegian Continental Shelf to create value predominantly through the acquisition of development projects, growing 2P reserves and reaching a significant production level within three to five years. Furthermore, the joint venture will continue to pursue exploration and appraisal opportunities with the target of drilling one to three wells per year.

The Statfjord satellite acquisition was announced in early-July and is yet to complete. This is a significant acquisition as it represents not only Longboat's first production acquisition but also demonstrates the ability of the Longboat JAPEX joint venture to access and transact opportunities. The 4.80% unitised interest in the Statfjord Øst Unit and 4.32% unitised interest in the Sygna Unit represent long-term cash flow with the fields expected to produce until the late 2030s. Initial production of 300 boepd net to Longboat JAPEX is anticipated to approximately double in 2024 following a five well in-fill drilling programme, which is currently underway, and gas-lift installation which is complete. The cash consideration of $12.75 million is anticipated to be paid back in under two years and will be fully funded by JAPEX's initial investment in Longboat JAPEX and by drawing on the JAPEX facility.

Operationally, the first half of 2023 has been a quiet period without exploration drilling compared to 2021 and 2022 when the Company participated in one of the most active independent exploration drilling campaigns. In early-August the drilling of the OMV operated Velocette well commenced (Longboat JAPEX 20%) targeting a large gas-condensate prospect on the eastern flank of the Utgard High in the Norwegian Sea. On 20 September 2023 we announced a minor gas discovery where the well encountered hydrocarbons in the primary target in Cretaceous turbidity sands in the Nise formation. The Velocette volumes are at the lower end of pre-drill expectations and the discovery is not considered to be commercial in isolation. However, the licence contains numerous other prospects which have been de-risked by the presence of gas in good quality reservoir in the Velocette well. The remaining prospectivity has significant size potential in multiple structures and with slightly different trapping geometries. Further assessment of the

licence prospectivity together with other opportunities in the area could impact the commercial potential of the licence. High quality data and gas and fluid samples were collected in the exploration well and these will be integrated into the updated prospect evaluations.

Building our position in the prolific Kveikje area where multiple discoveries have been made this year, we announced early in the year the award in the APA licensing round of a 30% license interest in a firm well on the Lotus prospect, which lies 4km southeast of the Kveikje discovery and is expected to contain analogous injectite sands to the sand encountered in Kveikje. Based on company estimates Lotus has gross mean prospective resources of 27 mmboe with an upside of 44 mmboe. The estimated chance of success is 56%. At the end of May we announced that the Lotus prospect will be drilled using the semi-submersible Deepsea Yantai and is expected to be drilled during Q3 2024.

In February, we announced that Longboat had entered into Malaysia through the award of a production sharing agreement for Block 2A, a large exploration block covering an area of more than 12,000 km(2) offshore Sarawak with material exploration opportunities including the giant 'Kertang' prospect. Longboat is operator (36.75%) of the block which already has significant 2D and 3D seismic coverage and the partnership includes PETRONAS and Petroleum Sarawak Exploration & Production. This potentially significant opportunity has been acquired without a material initial cost obligation and with three years until a drilling commitment decision has to be made. We are very excited about the opportunity set in Malaysia which in many ways resembles the North Sea a decade ago. Establishing a presence in Malaysia and building an excellent relationship with PETRONAS provides Longboat with a significantly expanded opportunity set and improved growth potential.

In September we announced a transaction to expand our business in SE Asia through the acquisition of privately-held Topaz Number One Limited, increasing our working interest to 52.5% in Block 2A. This transaction will simplify the process towards making a positive well decision on the prospect and the potential introduction of an additional funding partner prior to drilling. Consideration for this acquisition will be in three tranches: an initial $100,000 through an issue of new ordinary shares in the Company; a further US$125,000 in cash or shares payable upon an exploration well being committed on Block 2A or a farm-out; and up to US$3,000,000 in cash or shares payable upon a discovery being made on Block 2A, depending on the resource size and the growth in the price of the Company's shares over a two year period. Furthermore, the Topaz team, which comprise James Menzies and Pierre Eliet, will join Longboat Energy bringing extensive regional expertise and an established SE Asia network, thereby strengthening Longboat's team and our ability to grow a full cycle E&P business in SE Asia.

Strategy and Outlook

Longboat is committed to building a full-cycle E&P business both in Norway and in SE Asia. The creation of the Longboat JAPEX joint venture in Norway has the potential to deliver significant value creation and growth and brings together two companies with strong complimentary qualities. The Longboat team has significant technical experience and expertise in the Norwegian E&P sector and strong local industry relationships, while JAPEX is a long-established E&P company with a strong balance sheet and significant worldwide technical competence including E&P in the North Sea. The two companies also share the ambition to have strong ESG credentials and play roles in the energy transition, where JAPEX already has experience with a Carbon Capture Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) pilot project. By joining forces, we will have greater access to opportunities and financing. We believe that this agreement has laid the foundations for exciting growth in Norway in the coming years.

In a situation where access to energy is becoming increasingly important and particularly gas in North West Europe, Norway plays a critical role as the country continues to offer attractive opportunities for E&P companies. Exploration results in Norway remain good and the country continues to offer high quality acreage in regular licensing rounds. According to the latest Resource Report by the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate, only half of the total estimated resources of 100 billion boe have so far been produced and sold. Longboat, with its highly skilled geological and geophysical team and extensive industry network, is uniquely positioned to find business opportunities and exploration prospects.

Norway also continues to offer an attractive regulatory framework. A new Norwegian Petroleum Tax System was introduced during 2022, which was generally positive for Longboat. The main elements of the updated tax system are an unchanged marginal rate at 78%, a move to immediate expensing of investments, 71.8% repayment of all losses in the following year (compared to previously 72% of exploration losses only) with corporate tax at 6.2% carried forward against future profits. In early 2023, Longboat JAPEX increased its exploration finance facility ("EFF") to NOK 800 million from NOK 600 million and extended the availability period for drawing by one year through to 31 December 2024. Longboat JAPEX will use these EFF credit facilities to assist with the working capital requirement for future exploration expenditure.

The North Sea M&A market for production and development remains highly competitive. We believe the establishment of the Longboat JAPEX joint venture will bring more access to financeable opportunities. To make use of our highly skilled team and to accelerate growth Longboat expanded its activities to include Southeast Asia. Longboat identified the Malaysian market as having many of the characteristics required to fast track the development of a full cycle E&P Company, including a large and active E&P industry, significant existing infrastructure, stable regulatory framework, supportive authorities and an active M&A market. Accordingly, in February 2023, Longboat announced its first licence award in Malaysia which has many similarities to what the Norwegian North Sea had 15-20 years ago, and Longboat is in a strong position to exploit this opportunity due to our subsurface and M&A expertise and industry relationships. In order to accelerate this ambition, James Menzies and Pierre Eliet will join Longboat Energy to help grow a full cycle E&P business in SE Asia.

Financial Results

On 14 July 2023, our Norwegian subsidiary became a joint venture with JAPEX. At 30 June 2023, the completion of this transaction was considered highly probable and as this would result in Longboat Energy plc sharing control of its subsidiary, it would be deemed a sale in the parent company accounts. Therefore, the results of our Norwegian subsidiary are classified as discontinued operations in the Income Statement, with comparatives restated to be consistent with this approach. The assets and liabilities of our Norwegian subsidiary are disclosed as held for sale in the Balance sheet. These calculations and disclosures are in line with IFRS 5 "Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations".

Longboat Energy plc had gross cash at 30 June 2023 of GBP2.1 million (30 June 2022: GBP22.5 million), which excludes cash of GBP2.2 million in Longboat Energy Norge AS, that was shown on the balance sheet as held for sale. Longboat Energy Norge AS had EFF drawings of GBP33.7 million (30 June 2022: GBP15.7million) resulting in a net debt position of GBP31.5 million. The EFF drawings disclosed in Note 21 are shown net of prepaid loan fees of GBP0.5 million, which are being amortised over the life of the facility. The majority of EFF drawings (GBP32.0 million) will be repaid from the Norwegian Government's tax rebate of GBP35.5 million, due in November 2023. Longboat Energy plc's post-tax loss for the period was GBP6.2 million (30 June 2022: GBP1.6 million), total comprehensive loss for the period of GBP7.9 million (30 June 2022: GBP1.7 million). During the period our Norwegian subsidiary had a much less active drilling campaign compared to the prior period with GBP0.4 million (30 June 2022: GBP14.6 million) of exploration drilling costs and GBP0.3 million (30 June 2022: GBP14.2 million) of exploration carry costs. In the period, Egyptian Vulture was relinquished and the intangible asset of GBP10.5 million pre-tax and GBP2.3 million post tax was written off. The post-tax write off is included in the loss from discontinued operations of GBP4.1 million.

On 20 September we announced Velocette (PL1016) as a small non-commercial gas discovery. The failure of the Velocette well to find commercial hydrocarbons means that the Velocette Tranche under the JAPEX investment agreement will not be payable. The results and follow up potential are being evaluated. As at the 30 June 2023 the intangible asset in relation to licence PL1016 was GBP1.6 million with anticipated net pre-tax drilling and carry cost estimates of GBP19.9 million (net post tax costs of GBP5.6), based on operator pre-drill estimates. The intangible carrying value will be updated as the operator's invoices are issued and the ability to carry these amounts will be assessed again at the year end.

Longboat Energy plc's continuing operations administrative expenses in the period were GBP2.0 million (30 June 2022: GBP1.3 million). Wages and salaries for continuing operations in the period were GBP0.7 million (30 June 2022: GBP0.8 million).

Going concern 
The Directors have completed the going concern assessment, including 
 considering cash flow forecasts up to the end of 2024, sensitivities, 
 and stress tests to assess whether the Group is a going concern. 
 Base case scenarios include completion of the Statfjord Satellites 
 acquisition. Having undertaken careful enquiry, the Directors 
 are of the view the Group will need to access additional funds 
 during 2024 in order to fund on-going operations and pursue growth 
 opportunities. This is in line with the Company's current activities 
 of exploring, maturing its discoveries and seeking acquisitions. 
 In the absence of such funding, the Group is forecasted to have 
 limited or no liquidity by early 2025 and, in some reasonably 
 possible downside scenarios during 2024. It is anticipated that 
 these funds will be sourced through asset disposals / farm downs, 
 issuing new equity or a combination of these actions. To the 
 extent that growth opportunities will support debt, this will 
 be considered where appropriate for example to support production 
 acquisitions. The financial statements for the period to 30 June 
 2023 have been prepared assuming the Group will continue as a 
 going concern. In support of this, the Directors believe the 
 liquid nature of asset market combined with historical shareholder 
 support, adequate funds can be accessed if and when required. 
 However, the ability to continue as a going concern is not guaranteed 
 at the date of signing these financial statements. As a consequence, 
 this funding requirement represents a material uncertainty that 
 may cast significant doubt on the Group's ability to continue 
 as a going concern. The financial statements do not include any 
 adjustments that would result from the basis of preparation being 

On behalf of the board


Helge Ansgar Hammer


26 September 2023




The directors are responsible for preparing the interim report in accordance with applicable law and regulations.

The directors have elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the United Kingdom. The directors must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group and of the profit or loss of the Group for that period. The directors are also required to prepare the financial statements in accordance with the rules of the London Stock Exchange for companies trading securities on AIM.

In preparing these financial statements, the directors are required to:

   --      select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
   --      make judgements and accounting estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 

-- state whether they have been prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the United Kingdom, subject to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and

-- prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the company will continue in business.

The directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the company's transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the company. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities.

Website publication

The directors are responsible for ensuring the annual and interim reports and financial statements are made available on a website. Financial statements are published on the company's website in accordance with legislation in the United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial statements, which may vary from legislation in other jurisdictions. The maintenance and integrity of the company's website is the responsibility of the directors. The directors' responsibility also extends to the ongoing integrity of the financial statements contained therein.





Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2023 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the London Stock Exchange AIM Rules for Companies.

We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2023 which comprises consolidated statement of comprehensive income, consolidated statement of financial position, consolidated statement of changes in equity, consolidated statement of cash flows and notes to the consolidated interim financial information.

Basis for conclusion

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" ("ISRE (UK) 2410"). A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the Group are prepared in accordance with UK adopted international accounting standards. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in a form consistent with that which will be adopted in the Company's annual accounts having regard to the accounting standards applicable to such annual accounts.

Material uncertainty related to going concern

We draw attention to note 1.2 to the condensed set of financial statements which indicates that the Group requires additional funding which is not secured. These events or conditions, along with other matters as set out in note 1.2, indicate that a material uncertainty exists which may cast significant doubt over the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. Our conclusion is not modified in respect of this matter.

Based on our review procedures, which are less extensive than those performed in an audit as described in the Basis for conclusion section of this report, nothing has come to our attention to suggest that the directors have inappropriately adopted the going concern basis of accounting.

This conclusion is based on the review procedures performed in accordance with ISRE (UK) 2410, however future events or conditions may cause the group to cease to continue as a going concern.

Directors' responsibility for the interim financial statements

The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the London Stock Exchange AIM Rules for Companies which require that the half-yearly report be presented and prepared in a form consistent with that which will be adopted in the Company's annual accounts having regard to the accounting standards applicable to such annual accounts.

In preparing the half-yearly financial report, the directors are responsible for assessing the company's ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the directors either intend to liquidate the company or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.

Auditor's responsibilities for the review of the financial information

In reviewing the half-yearly report, we are responsible for expressing to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statement in the half-yearly financial report. Our conclusion, including our Conclusions Relating to Going Concern, are based on procedures that are less extensive than audit procedures, as described in the Basis for Conclusion paragraph of this report.

Use of our report

Our report has been prepared in accordance with the terms of our engagement to assist the Company in meeting the requirements of the rules of the London Stock Exchange AIM Rules for Companies for no other purpose. No person is entitled to rely on this report unless such a person is a person entitled to rely upon this report by virtue of and for the purpose of our terms of engagement or has been expressly authorised to do so by our prior written consent. Save as above, we do not accept responsibility for this report to any other person or for any other purpose and we hereby expressly disclaim any and all such liability.


Chartered Accountants

London, UK

26 September 2023

BDO LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales (with registered number OC305127).




                                                      Restated      Restated 
                                         6 months     6 months          Year 
                                         ended 30     ended to         to 31 
                                             June      30 June      December 
                                             2023         2022          2022 
                                        unaudited    unaudited       audited 
                     Notes                    GBP          GBP           GBP 
 expenses                             (1,966,497)  (1,294,745)   (2,660,910) 
                               ------------------  ----------- 
Operating loss       6                 (1,966,497)  (1,294,745)   (2,660,910) 
Investment income    5                     51,492            -        42,374 
Net foreign 
 gain/(loss)                            (134,845)        8,858        26,063 
Loss before 
 taxation from 
 operations                           (2,049,850)  (1,285,887)   (2,592,473) 
Income tax credit     8 
Loss for the period 
 from continuing 
 operations                           (2,049,850)  (1,285,887)   (2,592,473) 
                               ------------------  -----------  ------------ 
Loss for the period 
 from discontinued 
 operations           9                (4,132,511)    (358,477)  (12,880,134) 
                               ------------------  ----------- 
Loss for the period                   (6,182,361)  (1,644,364)  (15,472,607) 
                               ------------------  -----------  ------------ 
Items that may be 
reclassified to profit 
or loss 
Currency translation 
 differences from 
 discontinued operations              (1,716,511)     (23,989)      (19,754) 
Total items that may be 
 to profit or loss                    (1,716,511)     (23,989)      (19,754) 
                               ------------------  -----------  ------------ 
Total comprehensive loss              (7,898,872)  (1,668,353)  (15,492,360) 
                               ------------------  -----------  ------------ 
Loss per share        10 
Basic and 
 diluted - 
 operations                                (3.62)       (2.27)        (4.57) 
Basic and 
 diluted - 
 operations                                (7.29)       (0.63)       (22.73) 
Loss per share is expressed in pence per share. 




                                                         30 June        30 June      31 Dec 
                                                            2023           2022        2022 
                                                       unaudited      unaudited     audited 
                                 Notes                       GBP            GBP         GBP 
Non-current assets 
Exploration and evaluation 
 assets                             11                         -     55,191,851  34,661,436 
Property, plant and equipment       11                    12,718         74,817      66,107 
Right of use assets                 11                         -        498,806     447,396 
Trade and other receivables         13                         -              -      98,368 
Non-current tax receivable          14                         -     20,960,554           - 
                                                          12,718     76,726,028  35,273,307 
Current assets 
Cash and cash equivalents                              2,100,622     22,492,722  12,059,561 
Inventories                         12                         -        104,502     123,432 
Trade and other receivables         13                   224,961        991,174     934,918 
Current tax recoverable             14                         -              -  40,755,157 
                                                       2,325,583     23,588,398  53,873,068 
Assets in disposal group 
 held for sale                          21            61,645,759              -           - 
Total assets                                          63,984,060    100,314,426  89,146,375 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables            15                   282,562      8,668,246   5,225,497 
Lease liabilities                   16                         -        119,219     122,612 
Exploration Finance Facility                                   -              -  36,761,340 
                                                         282,562      8,787,465  42,109,449 
Liabilities in disposal 
 group held for sale                    21            50,515,795              -           - 
Net current assets                                     2,043,021     14,800,933  11,763,619 
Non-current liabilities 
Lease liabilities                   16                         -        422,822     366,968 
Deferred tax liabilities            17                         -     41,146,691  25,736,898 
Bank loans and borrowings                                      -     15,328,609           - 
                                                               -        372,709  26,103,866 
Total liabilities                                     50,798,357     65,685,587  68,213,315 
Net assets                                            13,185,703     34,628,839  20,933,060 
Called up share capital                                         18      5,666,665    5,666,665     5,666,665 
Share premium account                                                  35,570,411   35,570,411    35,570,411 
Own shares                                                                450,000      450,000       450,000 
Currency translation 
 reserve                                                              (1,155,269)      557,007       561,242 
Share based payment reserve                                               811,964      532,220       660,449 
Retained earnings                                                    (28,158,068)  (8,147,464)  (21,975,707) 
Total equity                                                           13,185,703   34,628,839    20,933,060 
Total equity and liabilities                                           64,500,911  100,314,426    89,146,375 
The financial statements were approved by the board of directors 
 and authorised for issue on 26 September 2023 and are signed on its 
 behalf by: 
Helge Ansgar Hammer 
Company Registration No. 12020297 




                                  Share      Currency          Share 
                      Share     premium   translation  based payment       Own      Retained 
                    capital     account       reserve        reserve    shares      earnings         Total 
                        GBP         GBP           GBP            GBP       GBP           GBP           GBP 
Balance at 1 
 January 2022     5,666,665  35,570,411       580,996        353,550   450,000   (6,503,100)    36,118,522 
                -----------  ----------  ------------  -------------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
Period ended 
30 June 2022 
Loss for the 
 period                   -           -             -              -         -   (1,644,364)   (1,644,364) 
 loss for 
 the period               -           -      (23,989)              -         -             -      (23,989) 
Credit to 
 equity for 
 payments                 -           -             -        178,670         -             -       178,670 
Balance at 30 
 June 2022        5,666,665  35,570,411       557,007        532,220   450,000   (8,147,464)    34,628,839 
                -----------  ----------  ------------  -------------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
Period ended 
31 December 
Loss for the 
 period                   -           -             -              -         -  (13,828,243)  (13,828,243) 
 income for 
 the period               -           -         4,235              -         -             -         4,235 
Credit to 
 equity for 
 payments                 -           -             -        128,229         -             -       128,229 
                -----------  ----------  ------------  -------------  --------  ------------  ------------ 
Balance at 31 
 December 2022    5,666,665  35,570,411       561,242        660,449   450,000  (21,975,707)    20,933,060 
                ===========  ==========  ============  =============  ========  ============  ============ 
Period ended 30 June 
Loss for the period                -           -            -        -        -   (6,182,361)  (6,182,361) 
Other comprehensive 
 income for 
 the period                        -           -  (1,716,511)        -        -             -  (1,716,511) 
Credit to equity for 
 settled share-based 
 payments                          -           -            -  151,515        -             -      151,515 
                         -----------  ----------  -----------  -------  -------  ------------  ----------- 
Balance at 30 June 2023    5,666,665  35,570,411  (1,155,269)  811,964  450,000  (28,158,068)   13,185,703 
                         ===========  ==========  ===========  =======  =======  ============  =========== 




                                                                 Restated       Restated 
                                                        30             30    31 December 
                                                      June           June           2022 
                                                      2023           2022 
                                                 unaudited      unaudited        audited 
                                       Notes           GBP            GBP            GBP 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Cash absorbed by continuing 
  operations                            20     (1,990,241)    (1,430,178)    (2,616,492) 
 Cash absorbed by operating 
  activities from discontinued 
  operations                                   (1,300,256)    (1,559,951)    (4,957,680) 
 Net cash (outflow) from operating 
  activities                                   (3,290,497)    (2,990,129)    (7,574,172) 
                                              ------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant 
  and equipment                                    (3,500)        (2,800)        (4,998) 
 Interest received                                  51,492              -         42,486 
 Investing activities from 
  discontinued operations               22     (4,577,757)   (15,794,167)   (43,116,021) 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                                   (4,529,765)   (15,796,967)   (43,078,533) 
                                              ------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Financing activities 
 Interest paid                                           -              -          (112) 
 Financing activities from 
  discontinued operations               22         166,313     14,922,731     35,179,319 
 Net cash generated from financing 
  activities                                       166,313     14,922,731     35,179,207 
                                              ------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash 
  and cash equivalents                         (7,653,949)    (3,864,365)   (15,473,498) 
                                              ------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of period                        12,059,561     26,282,067     26,282,067 
 Effect of foreign exchange 
  rates                                           (88,051)         75,020      1,250,992 
                                              ------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of period                               4,317,561     22,492,722     12,059,561 
                                              ------------  -------------  ------------- 
 Cash held in continuing operations              2,100,622     22,492,722     12,059,561 
 Cash classified as held for                     2,216,939              -              - 
 Relating to: 
 Bank balances and short term 
  deposits                                       2,100,622     22,492,722     12,059,561 




1      Accounting policies 
       Company information 
       Longboat Energy plc is a public company limited by shares incorporated 
        in England and Wales. The registered office is 5th Floor One 
        New Change, London, EC4M 9AF. The Company's principal activities 
        and nature of its operations are disclosed in the directors' 
1.1    Accounting convention 
       The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with 
        UK adopted international accounting standards and with those 
        parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting 
        under IFRS, except as otherwise stated. 
        The same accounting policies, presentation and methods of computation 
        are followed in the interim consolidated financial information 
        as were applied in the Gr'up's latest annual audited financial 
        statements except for those that relate to new standards and 
        interpretations effective for the first time for periods beginning 
        on (or after) 1 January 2023 and will be adopted in the 2023 
        annual financial statements. 
        This interim financial information does not constitute statutory 
        accounts within the meaning of section 434 and of the Companies 
        Act 2006. The information for the year ended 31 December 2022 
        included in this report was derived from the statutory accounts 
        for that year, which were prepared in accordance with UK adopted 
        international accounting standards and with those parts of the 
        Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS, 
        a copy of which has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
        The report of the auditors on those accounts was unqualified 
        and did not contain statements under s498(2) or (3) Companies 
        Act 2006, but it did contain a material uncertainty in relation 
        to going concern. The ISRE 2410 review conclusion on the consolidated 
        interim financial statements as of and for the six-month period 
        ended 30 June 2022 included a material uncertainty in respect 
        of the going concern paragraph. 
       The financial statements are prepared in sterling, which is the 
        functional currency of the company. Monetary amounts in these 
        financial statements are rounded to the nearest GBP. 
       The financial statements have been prepared under the historical 
        cost convention. 
        The Group interim financial statements consolidate the financial 
        statements of the parent company and the held for sale subsidiary 
        undertaking drawn up to 30 June 2023. 
1.2     Going concern 
       The Directors have completed the going concern assessment, including 
        considering cash flow forecasts up to the end of 2024, sensitivities, 
        and stress tests to assess whether the Group is a going concern. 
        Base case scenarios include completion of the Statfjord Satellites 
        acquisition. Having undertaken careful enquiry, the Directors 
        are of the view the Group will need to access additional funds 
        during 2024 in order to fund on-going operations and pursue growth 
        opportunities. This is in line with the Company's current activities 
        of exploring, maturing its discoveries and seeking acquisitions. 
        In the absence of such funding, the Group is forecast to have 
        limited or no liquidity by early 2025 and, in some reasonably 
        possible downside scenarios during 2024. It is anticipated that 
        these funds will be sourced through asset disposals / farm downs, 
        issuing new equity or a combination of these actions. To the 
        extent that growth opportunities will support debt, this will 
        be considered where appropriate for example to support production 
        acquisitions. The financial statements for the period to 30 June 
        2023 have been prepared assuming the Group will continue as a 
        going concern. In support of this, the Directors believe the 
        liquid nature of asset market combined with historical shareholder 
        support, adequate funds can be accessed if and when required. 
        However, the ability to continue as a going concern is not guaranteed 
        at the date of signing these financial statements. As a consequence, 
        this funding requirement represents a material uncertainty that 
        may cast significant doubt on the Group's ability to continue 
        as a going concern. The financial statements do not include any 
        adjustments that would result from the basis of preparation being 
1.3    Discontinued operations and assets held for sale 
        In accordance with IFRS 5 "Non-current assets held for sale and 
        discontinued operations" the net results relating to the assets 
        held for sale are presented within discontinued operations in 
        the income statement, for which the comparatives have been restated. 
        The assets and liabilities of these operations are presented 
        separately on the balance sheet. Please refer to note 21 for 
        further details. 
2    Adoption of new and revised standards and changes in accounting 
     The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the consolidated 
      financial statements are consistent with those followed in the 
      preparation of the Group's annual consolidated financial statements 
      for the year ended 31 December 2022, except for the adoption of 
      new standards effective as of 1 January 2023. The Group has not 
      early adopted any standard, interpretation or amendment that has 
      been issued but is not yet effective. 
      Several amendments and interpretations apply for the first time 
      in 2023, but do not have an impact on the interim financial statements 
      of the Group. 
3  Critical accounting estimates and judgements 
   In the application of the Group's accounting policies, the directors 
    are required to make judgements, estimates and assumptions about 
    the carrying amount of assets and liabilities that are not readily 
    apparent from other sources. The estimates and associated assumptions 
    are based on historical experience and other factors that are 
    considered to be relevant. Actual results may differ from these 
    The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing 
    basis. Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the 
    period in which the estimate is revised, if the revision affects 
    only that period, or in the period of the revision and future 
    periods if the revision affects both current and future periods. 
    Exploration and evaluation assets 
    Judgement is required to determine whether impairment indicators 
    exist in respect of the Group's exploration assets recognised 
    in the statement of financial position. The Group has to take 
    into consideration whether the assets have suffered any impairment, 
    taking into consideration the results of the drilling to date, 
    and the likelihood of reserves being found. The Group relies upon 
    information from third parties to take these decisions and can 
    be subject to change if future information becomes available. 
    At 30 June 2023 all exploration and evaluation assets were classified 
    as held for sale. See notes 11 and 21 for more detail. 
   Share based payments 
    Estimation was required in determining inputs to the share-based 
    payment calculations including share price volatility as detailed 
    in the annual accounts for the year to 31 December 2022. 
    Under the Founder Incentive Plan, judgment was required in determining 
    the point at which the Company and recipients had a shared mutual 
    understanding of the terms of the awards. Whilst the awards were 
    legally granted in July 2020, the Board consider that the IPO 
    Admission Document provided such a shared mutual understanding 
    given the detailed disclosure of the terms of the scheme. 
    Under the Long-Term Incentive Plan, judgement was required in 
    determining the fair value of the shares awarded. The Board has 
    taken advice from external parties and has determined the fair 
    value per share. 
4   Employees 
    The average monthly number of persons (including directors) 
     employed by the Group during the period was: 
                                                                         Restated  Restated 
                                                         Six month      Six month      Year 
                                                      period ended   period ended     ended 
                                                           30 June        30 June    31 Dec 
                                                              2023           2022      2022 
                                                            Number         Number    Number 
 Executive Directors                                             3              3         3 
 Non-Executive Directors                                         4              4         4 
 Staff                                                           2              2         2 
 Total                                                           7              8         8 
           Their aggregate remuneration comprised: 
                                                          Restated                 Restated 
                                        Six month        Six month                     Year 
                                     period ended     period ended                    ended 
                                          30 June          30 June                   31 Dec 
                                             2023             2022                     2022 
                                              GBP              GBP                      GBP 
 Wages and salaries (including 
  remuneration)                           526,820          526,815                1,036,481 
 Social security costs                     66,250           83,134                  160,616 
 Pension costs                             28,750           27,500                   55,000 
 Share based payment charge                85,582          119,671                  157,756 
                                          707,402          757,120                1,409,853 
5          Investment Income 
                                                          Restated                 Restated 
                                        Six month        Six month                     Year 
                                     period ended     period ended                    ended 
                                          30 June          30 June                to 31 Dec 
                                             2023             2022                     2022 
                                              GBP              GBP                      GBP 
           Interest income 
 Bank deposits                             51,492                -                   42,374 
           Total interest income for financial assets that are not held at 
            fair value through profit or loss is GBPNIL (2022: GBPNIL). 
6          Operating Loss 
                                                                         Restated  Restated 
                                                         Six month      Six month      Year 
                                                      Period ended   period ended     ended 
                                                           30 June        30 June    31 Dec 
                                                              2023           2022      2022 
                                                               GBP            GBP       GBP 
           Operating loss for the 
           is stated after 
 Exchange losses/(gains)                                   134,845        (8,858)  (26,063) 
 Fees payable to the 
  auditor for the audit 
  of the company's 
  financial statements                                      47,750              -    65,000 
 Depreciation of 
  property, plant 
  and equipment                                              5,047          5,050    10,300 
 Share-based payments                                       85,582        119,671   157,756 
7           Auditor's remuneration 
                                                                         Restated     Restated 
                                                         Six month      Six month         Year 
                                                      period ended   period ended        ended 
                                                           30 June        30 June       31 Dec 
                                                              2023           2022         2022 
            Fees payable to the                                GBP            GBP          GBP 
            company's auditor 
            and associates: 
            For audit services 
            Audit of the financial 
             of the company and 
             financial statements                           47,750              -       65,000 
            Audit of the financial 
             of the company's 
             subsidiaries*                                  15,237              -       18,304 
                                                            62,987              -       83,304 
            *This fee is in relation to the audit of Longboat Energy Norge 
             AS, which was held for sale as at 30 June 2023. 
            For non-audit services 
            Interim review                                  26,250         23,000       23,000 
            Other services                                       -              -            - 
            Total non-audit fees                            26,250         23,000       23,000 
      During the period the auditor provided non-audit services of GBP26,250 
       (2022: GBP23,000) for their role in review of the interim accounts. 
8   Income tax credit 
                                                            Restated    Restated 
                                            Six month      Six month        Year 
                                         period ended   period ended       ended 
                                              30 June        30 June      31 Dec 
                                                 2023           2022        2022 
                                                  GBP            GBP         GBP 
 Current tax 
 UK corporation tax on profits for 
  the current period                                -              -           - 
 Deferred tax 
 UK deferred taxation                               -              -         - 
 Total tax                                          -              -         - 
                                No deferred tax asset has been recognised in the UK because there 
                                 is uncertainty of the timing of suitable future profits against 
                                 which they can be recovered. The Company has losses carried forward 
                                 of GBP6,457,841 (Dec 22: GBP4,783,533). A deferred tax liability 
                                 has been recognised relating to Norway, further details of which 
                                 can be found in Note 17 and Note 21. 
9                               Loss for period from discontinued operations 
                                On 28 April 2023 an Investment Agreement was entered into whereby 
                                 Japan Petroleum Exploration Co.Ltd agreed to made a significant 
                                 investment in Longboat Energy Norge AS to form a joint venture. 
                                 As this investment will result in sharing control of the subsidiary, 
                                 Longboat Energy Norge AS is considered as held for sale and the 
                                 results of the entity are disclosed under discontinued operations. 
                                 See Note 21 for more details. 
                                                      30 June                        30 June        31 Dec 
                                                         2023                           2022          2022 
                                                          GBP                            GBP           GBP 
 Expenses excluding exploration 
  offs                                            (3,061,498)                      (901,120)   (3,918,853) 
 Exploration write off                           (10,496,796)                      (309,338)  (42,877,022) 
 Loss before tax                                 (13,558,294)                    (1,210,458)  (46,795,875) 
 Current tax on discontinued 
  operations                                        1,775,778                     23,788,540    41,029,956 
 Deferred tax on discontinued 
  operations                                        7,650,005                   (22,936,559)   (7,114,215) 
 Loss after tax on discontinued 
  operations                                      (4,132,511)                      (358,477)  (12,880,134) 
 Loss per share impact from 
 Basic and diluted impact                              (7.29)                         (0.63)       (22.73) 
10   Loss per share                                            Restated      Restated 
                                                   30 June      30 June        31 Dec 
                                                      2023         2022          2022 
                                                       GBP          GBP           GBP 
 Weighted average number of ordinary 
  shares for basic loss per share               56,666,666   56,666,666    56,666,665 
     Continued operations 
 Loss for the period from continued 
  operations                                   (2,049,850)  (1,285,887)   (2,592,473) 
     Discontinued operations 
 Loss for the period from discontinued 
  operations                                   (4,132,511)    (358,477)  (12,880,134) 
     Basic and diluted loss per share (pence 
      per share) 
 From continuing operations                         (3.62)       (2.27)        (4.57) 
 From discontinued operations                       (7.29)       (0.63)       (22.73) 
                                               -----------  -----------  ------------ 
                                                   (10.91)       (2.90)       (27.30) 
11   Non-current assets 
                                               and      Right    Fixtures 
                                        evaluation     of Use         and 
                                            assets      Asset    Fittings  Computers         Total 
                                               GBP        GBP         GBP        GBP           GBP 
 At 1 January 2022                      23,988,754    580,044       3,340     37,033    24,609,171 
 Additions                              53,588,635          -      42,570     17,333    53,648,538 
 Foreign currency adjustments             (38,932)      3,516          21         55      (35,340) 
 Exploration write off                (42,877,021)          -           -          -  (42,877,021) 
                                      ------------  ---------  ----------             ------------ 
 At 31 December 2022                    34,661,436    583,560      45,931     54,421    35,345,348 
 Additions*                                      -          -           -      3,500         3,500 
 Additions**                               715,329          -           -          -       715,329 
 Foreign currency adjustments 
  **                                   (3,679,984)   (45,839)     (5,728)    (2,941)   (3,734,492) 
 Exploration write off 
  **                                  (10,496,796)          -           -             (10,496,796) 
 Assets held for sale                 (21,199,985)  (537,721)    (38,796)   (19,923)  (21,796,425) 
                                      ------------  ---------  ----------             ------------ 
 At 30 June 2023                                 -          -       1,407     35,057        36,464 
                                      ------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
     Accumulated depreciation 
      and impairment 
 At 1 January 2022                               -     19,335         167     10,606        30,108 
 Charge for the year                             -    117,099       7,772     16,787       141,658 
 Foreign currency adjustments                    -      (270)       (343)      (744)       (1,357) 
                                      ------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
 At 31 December 2022                             -    136,164       7,596     26,649       170,409 
 Charge for the six month 
  period *                                       -          -         235      4,813         5,048 
 Charge for the six month 
  period **                                            35,253       1,669      3,407        40,329 
 Foreign currency adjustments**                  -   (19,589)       (189)    (2,468)      (22,246) 
 Assets held for sale                            -  (151,828)     (8,607)    (9,359)     (169,794) 
                                                                           ---------  ------------ 
 At 30 June 2023                                 -          -         704     23,042        23,746 
     Carrying amount 
 At 30 June 2023 *                               -          -         703     12,015        12,718 
                                      ------------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ------------ 
 At 30 June 2023 **                     21,199,985    385,893      30,189     10,564    21,626,631 
                                      ============  =========  ==========  =========  ============ 
 At 30 June 2022                        55,191,851    498,806      42,447     32,370    55,765,474 
                                      ============  =========  ==========  =========  ============ 
 At 31 December 2022                    34,661,436    447,396      38,335     27,772    35,174,939 
                                      ============  =========  ==========  =========  ============ 
 *Relates to continuing operations 
  **Relates to discontinued operations and assets held for sale 
12   Inventories 
                                            30 June     30 June   31 Dec 
                                               2023        2022     2022 
                                                GBP         GBP      GBP 
 Materials and supplies                           -     104,502  123,432 
 Closing inventories are equal to their net realisable 
13   Trade and other receivables 
                                                              30 June          30 June             31 Dec 
                                                                 2023             2022               2022 
                                                                  GBP              GBP                GBP 
       Prepayments                                                  -                -             98,368 
 Trade receivables                                                  -          177,245             14,073 
 VAT recoverable                                              115,182          184,855            182,160 
 Prepayments and other receivables                            109,779          629,074            738,685 
                                                           ----------  ---------------  ----------------- 
                                                              224,961          991,174            934,918 
                                                              224,961          991,174          1,033,286 
                                                           ==========  ===============  ================= 
14   Current and non-current tax receivable 
     Tax receivables relate to Longboat Energy Norge AS, which is classified as held for sale as 
      at 30 June 2023. 
                                                              30 June          30 June           31 Dec 
                                                                 2023             2022             2022 
                                                                  GBP              GBP              GBP 
 Current tax receivable                                             -                -       40,755,157 
 Non-current tax receivable                                         -       20,960,554                - 
                                                           ----------  ---------------  --------------- 
                                                                    -       20,960,554       40,755,157 
                                                           ==========  ===============  =============== 
15     Trade and other payables 
                                                 30 June      30 June        31 Dec 
                                                    2023         2022          2022 
                                                     GBP          GBP           GBP 
  Trade payables                                   4,822    3,568,526     2,840,806 
  Accruals                                       165,848    4,757,033     1,373,031 
  Social security and other taxation              95,750      336,911       302,900 
  Other payables                                  16,142        5,776       708,760 
                                               ---------  -----------  ------------ 
  Trade and other payables                       282,562    8,668,246     5,225,497 
  Exploration Financing Facility                       -            -    36,761,340 
                                               ---------  -----------  ------------ 
16     Lease liabilities 
       The Group has lease contracts for buildings used in its operations, 
        which are held by Longboat Energy Norge AS, which is now classified 
        as held for sale. The Group's obligations under its leases are 
        secured by the lessor's title to the leased assets. 
        Set out below are the carrying amounts of right of use assets 
        recognised and the movements during the period: 
                                                 30 June   30 June     31 Dec 
                                                    2023      2022       2022 
                                                     GBP       GBP        GBP 
 Opening balance                                 489,580         -    582,802 
 Additions                                        25,163         -          - 
 Repayments                                     (66,939)  (43,694)  (103,812) 
 Interest                                       (13,898)     8,131     14,510 
 Foreign exchange                               (58,112)   (5,198)    (3,920) 
 Liabilities held for sale                       403,591         -          - 
 Closing balance                                       -   542,041    489,580 
 Lease liabilities: 
 Within 1 year                                         -   119,219    122,612 
 In two to five years                                  -   422,822    366,968 
                                                --------  --------  --------- 
                                                       -   542,041    489,580 
                                                ========  ========  ========= 
 Maturity analysis 
 Within one year                                       -   115,109    134,971 
 In two to five years                                  -   383,697    382,419 
 Total undiscounted liabilities                        -   498,806    517,390 
 Future finance charges and other adjustments          -    43,235   (27,810) 
                                                --------  --------  --------- 
 Lease liabilities in the financial 
  statements                                           -   542,041    489,580 
                                                --------  --------  --------- 
 Lease liabilities held for sale                 403,591         -          - 
                                                ========  ========  ========= 
Deferred taxation 
The following are the major deferred tax liabilities and assets 
 recognised by the company and movements thereon during the current 
 and prior reporting period. 
 All the deferred tax balance relates to Longboat Energy Norge 
 AS, which was held for sale as at 30 June 2023. 
                                                                               ACAs         Total 
                                                                                GBP           GBP 
Deferred tax balance at 1 January 2022                                   18,766,424    18,766,424 
Deferred tax movements 
Differences in tax basis for depreciation in 
 Norway                                                                  22,380,267    22,380,267 
                                                                       ------------  ------------ 
Deferred tax liability at 30 June 2022                                   41,146,691    41,146,691 
                                                                       ============  ============ 
Deferred tax movements 
Differences in tax basis for depreciation in 
 Norway                                                                (15,266,051)  (15,266,051) 
Foreign exchange                                                          (143,742)     (143,742) 
                                                                       ------------  ------------ 
Deferred tax liability at 31 December 2022                               25,736,898    25,736,898 
                                                                       ============  ============ 
Deferred tax movements 
Foreign exchange                                                        (2,859,585)   (2,859,585) 
Differences in tax basis for depreciation in 
 Norway                                                                 (7,663,789)   (7,663,789) 
Change in other temporary differences                                      (13,784)      (13,784) 
Deferred tax liability moved to held for sale                          (15,199,740)  (15,199,740) 
                                                                       ------------  ------------ 
Deferred tax liability at 30 June 2023                                            -             - 
                                                                       ============  ============ 
     Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset in the financial 
      statements only where the company has a legally enforceable right 
      to do so. In Norway, deferred tax assets and liabilities occur 
      mainly because of prepayment of Exploration spend. Exploration 
      spend is fully tax refundable when incurred. 
18   Share Capital 
 Balance at 1 January 2022                                                5,666,665 
 Balance at 30 June and 31 December 2022                                  5,666,665 
 Balance at 30 June 2023                                                  5,666,665 
19   Related party transactions 
     Remuneration of key management personnel 
     Members of the Board of Directors are deemed to be key management 
      personnel. Key management personnel compensation for the financial 
      period is the same as the Director remuneration which is disclosed 
      in the Annual Report and accounts. 
     Other information 
     Directors' and PDMR interests in the shares of the Company as 
      at 30 June 2023, including family interests, were as follows: 
                                                                   Ordinary shares 
 Helge Hammer                                                              837,023 
 Jonathan Cooper                                                           333,432 
 Graham Stewart                                                            350,000 
 Jorunn Saetre                                                              51,667 
 Nick Ingrassia                                                            179,023 
 Julian Riddick (PDMR)                                                     272,648 
 Hilde Sathe (PDMR)                                                         11,805 
       In addition, at 30 June 2023 the following conditional awards 
       have been made to the Executive Directors and Company Secretary 
       under the prior period FIP which are expressed as a percentage 
       of the total maximum potential award, being 10% of the Company's 
       issued share capital: 
     Founder                    Percentage  Maximum percentage 
                               entitlement      entitlement of  Maximum percentage 
                                of Initial     growth in value     of issued share 
                                Award pool            from IPO             capital 
                                         %                   %                   % 
 Helge Hammer                       23.50%               3.53%               1.48% 
 Graham Stewart                     19.75%               2.96%               0.62% 
 Jonathan Cooper                    19.13%               2.87%               0.59% 
 Julian Riddick                     18.50%               2.78%               0.48% 
 The Group does not have one controlling party. 
20    Cash used by continuing operations 
                                                                                   Restated     Restated 
                                                                       30 June      30 June       31 Dec 
                                                                          2023         2022         2022 
                                                                           GBP          GBP          GBP 
 Loss for the six month period after tax - continuing 
  operations                                                       (2,049,850)  (1,285,887)  (2,592,473) 
     Add back: 
 Depreciation                                                            5,047        5,050       10,300 
 Interest payable                                                            -            -          112 
 Interest receivable                                                  (51,492)                  (42,486) 
 Share based payments expense                                           85,582      119,671      157,757 
     Movements in working capital: 
 Trade payables                                                         15,391     (80,205)     (40,032) 
 VAT recoverable                                                       (5,709)     (11,161)     (74,121) 
 Prepayments and other receivables                                      21,267     (22,728)     (70,805) 
 Accruals                                                             (17,843)    (151,209)      (5,823) 
 Social security and other taxation                                        735      (5,603)       35,452 
 Other payables                                                          6,631        1,893        5,627 
 Cash flow from continuing operating activities                    (1,990,241)  (1,430,178)  (2,616,492) 
   21   Assets and liabilities classified as held for sale 
                                                                   30 June 
Intangible assets                                               21,199,985 
Tangible assets                                                    426,647 
Tax recoverable                                                 37,264,850 
Other current assets held for 
 sale                                                            2,754,277 
Total assets classified as 
 held for sale                                                  61,645,759 
Exploration finance facility - short term                       32,032,314 
Other current liabilities held 
 for sale                                                        1,835,332 
Exploration finance facility 
 - long term*                                                    1,157,131 
Deferred tax                                                    15,199,740 
Other long term liabilities 
 held for sale                                                     291,278 
Total liabilities classified 
 as held for sale                                               50,515,795 
*Disclosed net of GBP0.5 million prepaid loan fees, being 
 amortised over the life of the facility. 
  At the date of authorisation of the financial statements the deal 
  resulting in the sharing of control of Longboat Energy Norge AS 
  had completed. See Note 22 for more details. The short term EFF 
  liability will be settled by the tax receivable included in the 
  current assets held for sale of GBP37.2 million, due to be received 
  in November 2023. 
   22   Cash flow for discontinued operations 
                                               Restated      Restated 
                                  30 June       30 June        31 Dec 
                                     2023          2022          2022 
                                      GBP           GBP           GBP 
 Investing activities 
  from discontinued 
 Tax receipts                           -    10,538,406     7,120,899 
 E&E additions                (4,631,603)  (26,279,513)  (50,289,195) 
 PP&E additions                     (311)      (53,060)      (56,108) 
 Interest received                 54,157             -       108,382 
 Cash flow from investing 
  activities                  (4,577,757)  (15,794,167)  (43,116,021) 
 Finance activities 
  from discontinued 
 Receipt of loan                1,417,944    15,328,609    36,462,022 
 Interest paid                (1,088,344)     (180,898)     (938,121) 
 EFF commitment fee             (163,287)     (224,980)     (344,583) 
 Cash flows from financing 
  activities                      166,313    14,922,731    35,179,319 
   23   Events after the reporting date 

On 14 July 2023 Longboat Energy Norge AS issued 3,386,430 new shares, representing 49.9% of its total share capital to Japan Petroleum Exploration Co. In the newly formed partnership both the Company and Japan Petroleum Exploration Co hold equal voting rights and joint control over Longboat Energy Norge AS under the terms of the associated shareholder agreement. Therefore, despite the 50.1% shareholding, this new arrangement constitutes shared control of Longboat Energy Norge AS and establishes a new Joint Venture partnership with Longboat Energy Norge AS renamed Longboat JAPEX Norge AS.

As a result of the transaction, Longboat JAPEX Norge AS will be accounted for as an equity accounted joint venture prospectively and the Company with record an investment in equity accounted joint venture in the statement of financial position and its share of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and expense. In accordance with accounting requirements the retained interest will be revalued with reference to the fair value of consideration paid for the 49.9%. Consideration is in three tranches: the initial tranche consisted of a cash investment of US$16 million; the second tranche two of US$4 million is payable contingent on the successful completion of the Statfjord satellites; and the final tranche of up to US$30 million, payable contingent upon a successful discovery on the Velocette exploration well, has since fallen away. From the initial US$16 million, US$4.6 million was utilised by Longboat JAPEX to repay the intercompany loan owed to Longboat Energy plc.

The Company is currently finalising the accounting for the transaction but it is anticipated that the transaction will give rise to a gain of approximately GBP8.7 million based on net assets disposed at 14 July of GBP6.7 million, fair value of retained ownership based on the cash consideration of GBP12.6 million and the estimated contingent consideration of GBP2.7 million. The contingent consideration relates to the Statfjord satellites acquisition and is dependent on the estimated probability of completion. The failure of the Velocette well to find commercial hydrocarbons means that the Velocette Tranche under the JAPEX investment agreement will not be payable.

On 20 September 2023 the Company announced a minor gas discovery in the Velocette exploration well (Longboat JAPEX Norge AS 20%). The well encountered hydrocarbons in the primary target in Cretaceous turbidity sands in the Nise formation. The Velocette volumes are at the lower end of pre-drill expectations and the discovery is not considered to be commercial in isolation. However, the licence contains numerous other prospects which have been de-risked by the presence of gas in good quality reservoir in the Velocette well. The remaining prospectivity has significant size potential in multiple structures and with slightly different trapping geometries. Further assessment of the licence prospectivity together with other opportunities in the area could impact the commercial potential of the licence. As at the 30 June 2023 the intangible asset in relation to licence PL1016 was GBP1.8 million with anticipated net pre-tax drilling and carry cost estimates of GBP19.9 million (net post tax costs GBP5.6 million), based on operator pre-drill estimates. The intangible carrying value will be updated as the operator's invoices are issued and the ability to carry these amounts will be assessed again at the year end.

Post the period end Longboat announced the purchase of an interest in the Statfjord satellites, which is yet to complete. The Statfjord satellite acquisition is significant as it represents not only Longboat's first production acquisition but also evidences the ability of the Longboat JAPEX joint venture to assess and transact opportunities. The 4.80% unitised interest in the Statfjord Øst Unit and 4.32% unitised interest in the Sygna Unit represent long-term cash flow with the fields expected to produce until late 2030s. Initial production of 300 boepd net to Longboat JAPEX is anticipated to approximately double in 2024 following a five well in-fill drilling programme, which is currently underway, and gas-lift installation which is complete. The cash consideration of $12.75 million, contingent on completion, is anticipated to be paid back in under two years and will be fully funded by JAPEX's initial investment, and drawdown under the JAPEX acquisition bridge facility agreement.

Post the period end, Longboat Energy plc announced the acquisition of privately held Topaz Number One Limited ("Topaz"), increasing its working interest in the Production Sharing Contract over Block 2A offshore Sarawak, Malaysia ("Block 2A") to 52.5%. Topaz's sole asset is a 15.75% working interest in Block 2A Consideration for this purchase will be in three tranches: an initial $100,000 through an issue of new ordinary shares in the Company; a further US$125,000 in cash or shares payable upon an exploration well being committed on Block 2A or a farm-out; and up to US$3,000,000 in cash or shares payable upon a discovery being made on Block 2A, depending on the resource size and the growth in the price of the Company's shares over a two year period

     Other information 
     A copy of this interim report and financial statements is available 
      on the Company's website www.longboatenergy.com. 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 27, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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