RNS Number : 2822I


04 August 2023

The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to constitute inside information pursuant to Article 7 of EU Regulation 596/2014 as it forms part of UK domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 as amended. With the publication of this announcement, this information is now considered to be in the public domain.

4 August 2023

H C Slingsby plc

("Slingsby" or "the Company")

Report for the half year ended 30 June 2023

Statement by the Chairman


In my statement in the trading update of 15 June 2023, I reported that Group sales in the four months to 30 April 2023 were 3% higher than prior year at a higher gross margin. However overhead costs had increased, leading to an unaudited profit before tax of GBP0.1m compared to GBP0.19m in the four months ending 30 April 2022. We were cautious regarding the outlook for the business due to significant uncertainty remaining mainly caused by the continuing conflict in Ukraine, the risk of a recession in the Group's main UK market and the longer term impacts of Coronavirus and Brexit not yet being fully known.

Group sales in the six months to 30 June 2023 ("H1") are 4% higher than in the same period in 2022. The trends in gross margin and overheads have continued in the second quarter and as a result unaudited profit before tax was GBP0.20m in the six months ended 30 June 2023 compared to an unaudited profit before tax of GBP0.24m in the same period in 2022. The H1 profit is after GBP0.13m (2022: GBP0.07m) of finance costs which relate to interest charges on the pension scheme deficit.

In June 2023 we were notified that one of our main logistics partners had ceased trading, subsequently entering insolvency proceedings. This caused some disruption to operations and increased freight costs during that month because alternative transport options came at a higher cost. This had a modest impact upon gross margin in June and an effect on gross margin could persist during the remainder of the year, despite the Company implementing mitigating initiatives which are ongoing.

The market continues to be highly competitive, and it remains unclear what impact the aforementioned factors will have on demand going forward. Inflationary pressures remain, particularly in regards to overheads and this is considered by the Directors likely to persist for the remainder of the year. In the current economic environment, there is also heightened potential for credit related issues should customers become insolvent.

Balance sheet

The Group had net assets of GBP4.41m at 30 June 2023 (GBP4.68m at 30 June 2022) compared to net assets of GBP4.32m at 31 December 2022. The reduction in net assets from 30 June 2022 is due to an increase in the pension scheme deficit outweighing profits generated. The Company made deficit reduction contributions totalling GBP200,000 in the six months to 30 June 2023 in line with the agreement with the pension scheme's Trustee. The triennial review carried out by the scheme actuary is underway and a new schedule of contributions is required to be agreed between the Company and the scheme Trustee before 31 March 2024. This causes the potential for uncertainty regarding the Group's future cash flows.


The Group had net cash of GBP0.4m at 30 June 2023 (GBP0.5m at 30 June 2022) compared to GBP0.03m at 31 December 2022. The Group continues to operate within its existing banking facilities and the Directors continue to believe that the Group has additional funding options available should the need arise.

Board Composition

The Board continues to believe that it would benefit from the appointment of new Non-Executive Directors. The Board is continuing to explore solutions to the issue with the objective remaining to appoint new Non-Executive Directors and a Non-Executive Chairman.

Statement by the Chairman (continued)


Due to the uncertain outlook, the Board has decided not to declare an interim dividend.


We would like to thank our employees for their hard work and flexibility during continued challenging times.

Dominic Slingsby

Interim Executive Chairman and Operations Director

For further information please contact:

H C Slingsby plc

   Dominic Slingsby, Interim Executive Chairman                            01274 535 030 

Morgan Morris, Group Chief Executive

Allenby Capital Limited (Nominated Advisor and Broker)

   Alex Brearley/George Payne                                                      020 3328 5656 

Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Income Statement for the half year ended 30 June 2023

                                                   Half year          Half year           Year 
                                                       ended              ended          ended 
                                                    30/06/23           30/06/22       31/12/22 
                                                 (Unaudited)        (Unaudited)      (Audited) 
                                        Note         GBP'000            GBP'000        GBP'000 
 Revenue                                              11,458             10,977         21,564 
                                                   ---------          ---------      --------- 
 Operating profit before exceptional 
  items                                                  329                316            627 
 Exceptional items                                         -                  -              - 
 Finance costs                                         (132)               (72)          (142) 
                                                    --------           --------       -------- 
 Profit before taxation                                  197                244            485 
 Taxation                                2              (68)               (62)          (105) 
                                                    --------           --------       -------- 
 Profit for the period attributable to                   129                182            380 
  equity shareholders                               --------           --------       -------- 
 Basic and diluted weighted average 
  earnings per share                                   12.3p              17.3p          36.2p 
                                                    --------           --------       -------- 

The results set out above derive entirely from continuing operations.

The above unaudited condensed consolidated income statement should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income and Expense for the half year ended 30 June 2023

                                                    Half year       Half year          Year 
                                                        ended           ended         ended 
                                                     30/06/23        30/06/22      31/12/22 
                                                  (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                                                      GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Profit for the period                                    129             182           380 
                                                     --------        --------      -------- 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  to profit or loss 
 Remeasurements of post-employment 
  benefit obligations                                    (49)           2,985         2,235 
 Movement in deferred tax relating to 
  benefit obligation                                       12           (746)         (559) 
                                                     --------        --------      -------- 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income                    (37)           2,239         1,676 
                                                     --------        --------      -------- 
 Total comprehensive income recognised 
  for the period attributable to 
  equity shareholders                                      92           2,421         2,056 
                                                     --------        --------      -------- 

The above unaudited consolidated statement of comprehensive income and expense should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes.

Unaudited Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 30 June 2023

                                                 30/06/23        30/06/22      31/12/22 
                                              (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                                                  GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                      5,357           5,332         5,418 
 Intangible assets                                    315             319           249 
 Goodwill                                             700             700           700 
 Deferred tax asset                                 1,369           1,216         1,373 
                                                ---------       ---------      -------- 
                                                    7,741           7,567         7,740 
                                                ---------       ---------      -------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                        2,695           2,806         2,683 
 Trade and other receivables                        3,285           3,120         2,962 
 Cash and cash equivalents                          2,464           2,229         2,243 
  Derivative financial asset                            -               3             - 
                                                ---------       ---------     --------- 
                                                    8,444           8,158         7,888 
                                                ---------       ---------     --------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                         (3,307)         (3,579)     (2,687) 
  Bank borrowings                                 (2,031)         (1,764)     (2,217) 
  Lease obligations                                  (20)            (15)       (20) 
 Derivative Financial Liability                       (7)               -             - 
 Current tax liabilities                            (154)            (96)         (103) 
                                                ---------       ---------     --------- 
                                                  (5,519)         (5,454)       (5,027) 
                                                ---------       ---------     --------- 
 Net current assets                                 2,925           2,704         2,861 
                                                ---------       ---------     --------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Retirement benefit obligation                    (5,475)         (4,865)       (5,492) 
  Lease obligations                                 (103)               -         (113) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                           (677)           (722)         (677) 
                                                ---------       ---------     --------- 
 Net assets                                         4,411           4,684         4,319 
                                                ---------       ---------     --------- 
 Capital and reserves 
 Share capital                                        262             262           262 
 Share premium                                         24              24            24 
 Retained earnings                                  4,125           4,398         4,033 
                                                ---------       ---------     --------- 
 Total equity                                       4,411           4,684         4,319 
                                                ---------       ---------     --------- 

The above unaudited consolidated balance sheet should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes .

Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity

                                              Share       Share    Retained       Total 
                                            Capital     premium    earnings      equity 
                                            GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
 At 1 January 2022                              262          24       1,977       2,263 
 Total comprehensive income recognised 
  for the period                                  -           -       2,421       2,421 
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------   --------- 
 At 30 June 2022                                262          24       4,398       4,684 
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------   --------- 
 At 1 January 2023                              262          24       4,033       4,319 
 Total comprehensive income recognised 
  for the period                                  -           -          92          92 
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------   --------- 
 At 30 June 2023                                262          24       4,125       4,411 
                                          ---------   ---------   ---------   --------- 

The above unaudited consolidated statement of changes in shareholders' equity should be read in conjunction with the accompanying notes .

Unaudited Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the half year ended 30 June 2023

                                                          Half year       Half year          Year 
                                                              ended           ended         ended 
                                                           30/06/23        30/06/22      31/12/22 
                                                        (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                                               Note         GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Cash generated from/(used in) operations       3               611             228          (27) 
 UK corporation tax paid                                          -               -          (49) 
 Interest paid                                                  (3)               -             - 
                                                          ---------       ---------     --------- 
 Cash generated from operating activities                       608             228          (76) 
                                                          ---------       ---------     --------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Interest received                                                2               -             - 
 Purchase of property, plant and 
  equipment                                                    (74)           (101)         (211) 
 Purchase of intangible assets                                (125)               -          (22) 
 Proceeds from sales of property, plant 
  and equipment                                                   6               9            24 
                                                          ---------       ---------     --------- 
 Net cash outflow from investing 
  activities                                                  (191)            (92)         (209) 
                                                          ---------       ---------     --------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
   Capital element of lease payments                           (10)            (17)       (35) 
 (Decrease)/increase in overdraft                             (186)             111           564 
                                                          ---------       ---------     --------- 
 Net cash (used in)/generated from 
  financing activities                                        (196)              94           529 
                                                          ---------       ---------     --------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                      221             230           244 
 Opening cash and cash equivalents                            2,243           1,999         1,999 
                                                          ---------       ---------     --------- 
 Closing cash and cash equivalents                            2,464           2,229         2,243 
                                                          ---------       ---------     --------- 
 The above unaudited consolidated 
  statement of cash flows should be 
  read in conjunction with the accompanying 

Notes to the Interim Report for the half year ended 30 June 2023

 1.      Interim Financial Information 
         The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial information 
          does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of 
          Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The interim financial 
          statements, which are unaudited and have not been reviewed by 
          the Company's auditors, have been presented and prepared in accordance 
          with the policies set out in the 2022 Annual Report and Accounts. 
          The comparative figures for the year ended 31 December 2022 do 
          not constitute full financial statements and have been abridged 
          from the full accounts for the year ended on that date, on which 
          the auditors gave an unqualified report. They did not contain 
          any statement under Section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. The 
          2022 accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
          The Company has chosen not to adopt IAS 34 'Interim Financial 
 2.      Taxation                                       Half year       Half year          Year 
                                                            ended           ended         ended 
                                                         30/06/23        30/06/22      31/12/22 
                                                      (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                                                          GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
  Current tax                                                  52              40            96 
  Deferred tax                                                 16              22             9 
                                                        ---------       ---------     --------- 
                                                               68              62           105 
                                                        ---------       ---------     --------- 
         The effective tax rate is 25%. 
   3.      Cash generated from/(used in) operations 
                                                        Half year       Half year          Year 
                                                            ended           ended         ended 
                                                         30/06/23        30/06/22      31/12/22 
                                                      (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)     (Audited) 
                                                          GBP'000         GBP'000       GBP'000 
  Profit before tax                                           197             244           485 
  Net finance costs                                           135              72           142 
  Depreciation and amortisation                               194             215           464 
  Defined benefit pension scheme 
   contributions paid                                       (200)           (159)         (352) 
   Property impairment reversal                                 -               -             - 
  Profit on sale of property, plant 
   and equipment                                              (6)             (9)          (24) 
  Increase in inventories                                    (12)           (476)         (353) 
  Increase in trade and other receivables                   (323)           (352)         (192) 
  Increase/(decrease) in trade and 
   other payables                                             626             693         (197) 
                                                        ---------       ---------     --------- 
  Cash generated from/(used in) operating 
   activities                                                 611             228          (27) 
                                                        ---------       ---------     --------- 

4. Availability of Interim Report

The Interim Report will be available on the Company's website www.slingsby.com.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 04, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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