(Mark One)









For the fiscal year ended _________












Date of event requiring this shell company report: May 1, 2024


Commission File Number: 001-42038




Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd.

(Exact name of Registrant as specified in its charter)




Not applicable   State of Israel
(Translation of Registrant’s name into English)   (Jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)


94 Yigal Alon St.

Tel Aviv, Israel 6789155


(Address of principal executive offices)


Robert Powell

c/o Nuvo Group USA, Inc.

300 Witherspoon Street, Suite 201

Princeton, NJ 08542


(Name, Telephone, E-mail and/or Facsimile number and Address of Company Contact Person)




Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:


Title of each class  

Trading Symbol(s)


Name of each exchange on which registered

Ordinary Shares, no par value per share   NUVO   The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC
Warrants to purchase Ordinary Shares   NUVOW   The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC


Securities registered or to be registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None


Securities for which there is a reporting obligation pursuant to Section 15(d) of the Act: None







Indicate the number of outstanding shares of each of the issuer’s classes of capital or common stock as of the close of the period covered by the shell company report: 33,261,549 ordinary shares and 13,223,440 warrants to purchase ordinary shares.


Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes ☐   No ☒


If this report is an annual or transition report, indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Yes ☐   No ☐


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to file such reports), and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes ☐   No ☒


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has submitted electronically every Interactive Data File required to be submitted pursuant to Rule 405 of Regulation S-T (§232.405 of this chapter) during the preceding 12 months (or for such shorter period that the registrant was required to submit such files). Yes ☒   No ☐


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, a non-accelerated filer, or an emerging growth company. See definition of “large accelerated filer,” “accelerated filer,” and “emerging growth company” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.


Large accelerated filer Accelerated filer
Non-accelerated filer Emerging growth company


If an emerging growth company that prepares its financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP, indicate by check mark if the registrant has elected to use the extended transition period for complying with any new or revised financial accounting standards† provided pursuant to Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act. ☒


The term “new or revised financial accounting standard” refers to any update issued by the Financial Accounting Standards Board to its Accounting Standards Codification after April 5, 2012.


Indicate by check mark whether the registrant has filed a report on and attestation to its management’s assessment of the effectiveness of its internal control over financial reporting over Section 404(b) of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (15 U.S.C. 7262(b)) by the registered public accounting firm that prepared or issued its audit report. ☐


If securities are registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act, indicate by check mark whether the financial statements of the registrant included in the filing reflect the correction of an error to previously issued financial statements. ☐


Indicate by check mark whether any of those error corrections are restatements that required a recovery analysis of incentive-based compensation received by any of the registrant’s executive officers during the relevant recovery period pursuant to §240.10D-1(b). ☐


Indicate by check mark which basis of accounting the registrant has used to prepare the financial statements included in this filing:


US GAAP ☒ International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ☐ Other ☐


If “Other” has been checked in response to the previous question indicate by check mark which financial statement item the registrant has elected to follow. Item17 ☐   Item18 ☐


If this is an annual report, indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes ☐   No ☐









PART I   10
PART II   40







This Shell Company Report on Form 20-F (including information incorporated by reference herein, the “Report”) contains or may contain forward-looking statements as defined in Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “Securities Act”), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”), that involve significant risks and uncertainties. All statements other than statements of historical facts are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include information about our possible or assumed future results of operations or our performance. Words such as “expects,” “intends,” “plans,” “believes,” “anticipates,” “estimates,” and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify the forward-looking statements. Unless otherwise stated or unless the context otherwise requires, references to “we”, “us”, “our”, “Holdco” or the “Company” are to the registrant named “Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd.”, including, as applicable, its subsidiaries, references to “LAMF” are to “LAMF Global Ventures Corp. I”, a Cayman Islands exempted company, references to “Nuvo” are to Nuvo Group Ltd., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Israel, references to “Merger Sub” are to H.F.N Insight Merger Company Ltd., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Israel and a wholly owned subsidiary of LAMF, and references to “Assetco” are to Nuvo Assetco Corp., a Cayman Islands exempted company and a wholly owned subsidiary of Holdco. Forward-looking statements in this Report may include, for example, statements about:


the benefits of the Business Combination


the Company’s financial performance following the Business Combination;


the ability to maintain the listing of Holdco Ordinary Shares on the Nasdaq Global Market and the Holdco Warrants on the Nasdaq Capital Market following the Business Combination;


the projected financial information, anticipated growth rate, and market opportunity for Nuvo, and estimates of expenses and profitability;


the potential liquidity and trading of public securities of Holdco;


the ability to raise financing in the future by Holdco;


the effectiveness and profitability of Nuvo’s collaborations and partnerships, its ability to maintain current collaborations and partnerships and enter into new collaborations and partnerships;


estimates related to future revenue, expenses, capital requirements and need for additional financing;


the impact of natural disasters or health epidemics/pandemics, including a resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic;


the effects of increased competition as well as innovations by new and existing competitors in our industry;


geopolitical risk, including the impacts of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the war between Israel and Hamas;


Nuvo’s ability to demonstrate the feasibility of its INVU platform for commercial applications;


Nuvo’s ability to generate revenue in accordance with its business model;


Nuvo’s expectations regarding its ability to obtain and maintain intellectual property protection and not infringe on the rights of others;


Nuvo’s ability to develop, market and sell its INVU platform;


Nuvo’s ability to develop its sales and marketing organization;





changes in applicable laws or regulations;


the outcome of any known and unknown litigation and regulatory proceedings; and


regulatory developments in the United States and foreign countries.


By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future and are based on potentially inaccurate assumptions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. The risks outlined above and others described in the section entitled (Risk Factors) are not exhaustive. Other sections of this Report describe additional factors that could adversely affect the results of operations, financial condition, liquidity and the development of Nuvo and Holdco, the industry the Company operates in and risks relating to the Business Combination. New risks can emerge from time to time, and it is not possible to predict all such risks, nor can it be assessed the impact of all such risks on the Company’s business or to the extent which any such risks or combinations of risks and other factors may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Given these results and uncertainties, you should not rely on forward-looking statements as a prediction of actual results.


Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this Report. The Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly revise any forward-looking statement to reflect circumstances or events after the date of this Report or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. You should, however, review the factors and risks described in the reports filed by LAMF (prior to the SPAC Effective Time) or Holdco (after the Acquisition Effective Time) from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) after the date of this Report.


The risk factors and cautionary language referred to or incorporated by reference in this Report provide examples of risks, uncertainties and events that may cause actual results to differ materially from the expectations described in our forward-looking statements, including among other things, the items identified in the section entitled (Risk Factors) in the final proxy statement/prospectus (the “Prospectus”) which is part of (the Registration Statement on Form F-4) (File No. 333-274803) filed with the SEC and declared effective on March 1, 2024, which section is incorporated by reference into this Report.







On May 1, 2024, Holdco consummated the previously announced business combination pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement, dated as of August 17, 2023 (as amended, the “Business Combination Agreement”), by and among LAMF, Nuvo, Holdco, Assetco, and Merger Sub. Capitalized terms used in this section but not otherwise defined herein have the meanings given to them in the Business Combination Agreement. Pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement and the Ancillary Agreements:


After the SPAC Effective Time on April 30, 2024, LAMF merged with and into Assetco (the “SPAC Merger”) with Assetco continuing as the surviving corporation (Assetco, in its capacity as the surviving entity of the SPAC Merger, the “SPAC Surviving Company”).


Pursuant to the SPAC Merger, each Class A ordinary share of LAMF, par value $0.0001 per share (the “LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares”), issued and outstanding immediately prior to the SPAC Effective Time was automatically cancelled and converted into the right to receive outstanding ordinary shares of Holdco (“Holdco Ordinary Shares”).


On May 1, 2024, the date of the closing of the Business Combination (the “Closing”), Merger Sub merged with and into Nuvo (the “Acquisition Merger”) with Nuvo continuing as the surviving corporation (Nuvo, in its capacity as the surviving entity of the Acquisition Merger, the “Acquisition Surviving Sub”).


Pursuant to the Acquisition Merger, (i) each of the ordinary shares of Nuvo, par value NIS 0.01 per share (the “Nuvo Shares”), issued and outstanding immediately prior to Acquisition Effective Time were automatically cancelled and converted into the right to receive a number of Holdco Ordinary Shares determined pursuant to an equity exchange ratio of 96.139% (the “Equity Exchange Ratio”), which is equal to the equity value per share (determined by dividing an aggregate equity value of approximately $300 million upon achieving a commercial milestone (the “Equity Value”), by the fully diluted share capital of Nuvo), divided by $10.20 per share, (ii) each of the preferred shares of Nuvo, par value NIS 0.01 per share (the “Nuvo Crossover Preferred Shares”), issuable in connection with the securities purchase agreements Nuvo and Holdco entered into with certain investors prior to the execution of the Business Combination Agreement (the “Interim Financing”) issued and outstanding immediately prior to the effective time of the Acquisition Merger were automatically cancelled and converted into the right to receive a number of preferred shares of Holdco (the “Holdco Preferred Shares”) determined by the Equity Exchange Ratio, (iii) each warrant for the purchase of Nuvo Shares issued and outstanding immediately prior to the effective time of the Acquisition Merger were automatically cancelled and converted into the right to receive one warrant to purchase a number of Holdco Ordinary Shares determined by the Equity Exchange Ratio, and (iv) each outstanding and unexercised option to purchase Nuvo Shares, whether or not then vested or fully exercisable, were assumed by Holdco and converted into an option to purchase a number of Holdco Ordinary Shares as determined by the Equity Exchange Ratio, in each case subject to the adjustments described in the Business Combination Agreement.


After the SPAC Merger and the Acquisition Merger, the SPAC Surviving Company distributed any amounts remaining in LAMF’s trust account (the “Trust Account”) to Holdco and was then liquidated (the “Liquidation”).


The SPAC Merger, the Acquisition Merger, the Liquidation and the other transactions contemplated by the Business Combination Agreement are referred to as the “Business Combination”.


Prior to, upon and following the execution of the Business Combination Agreement, Nuvo and Holdco entered into securities purchase agreements (the “Interim Financing Agreements”) with certain investors (the “Interim Financing Investors”) pursuant to which (i) Nuvo has issued Nuvo Crossover Preferred Shares to the Interim Financing Investors and (ii) upon the Closing, Holdco issued an aggregate of 3,823,530 Holdco Ordinary Shares to the Interim Financing Investors, which shares are not registered under the Securities Act in connection with the Business Combination Agreement, and which provided Nuvo with an aggregate of approximately $13,000,000 of gross proceeds as a result of the Interim Financing. Certain of the Interim Financing Investors are affiliated with LAMF and the Sponsor and invested an aggregate of $2,000,000 in the Interim Financing (such investors the “Sponsor Investors”). These affiliates are: (i) Jeffrey Soros, LAMF’s Chairman, who invested $500,000, (ii) Tamim Mourad, a strategic investor of LAMF and an affiliate of a member of the Sponsor, who invested $500,000 and (iii) Gaingels 10X Capital Diversity Fund I, LP, a Delaware limited partnership and an affiliate of a member of the Sponsor, that invested $1,000,000.





Concurrently with the consummation of the Business Combination shareholders and warrantholders of LAMF (including through units previously issued by LAMF) became shareholders and warrantholders of Holdco, other than those holders of the LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares who elected to redeem their LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares. The other shareholders and equityholders of Holdco include management of Nuvo and investors in Nuvo immediately before the Closing.


Bridge Financing


Since November 2023 Nuvo has been engaged in a bridge financing (the “Bridge Financing”), which involves the issuance of secured convertible bridge notes (individually, a “Bridge Financing Note”; collectively, the “Bridge Financing Notes”) to investors (“Bridge Financing Holders”).


The Bridge Financing Notes carry a 15% annual interest rate and upon conversion on the applicable Maturity Date (as defined in the Bridge Financing Notes), (i) Nuvo will pay the Holders all accrued interest on the Bridge Financing Notes up to the date of payment or conversion, and (ii) the Holders in their sole discretion, may choose to either (a) receive the principal amount of the Bridge Financing Note in cash; or (b) convert the principal amount of the investment into Nuvo Shares at a price per share of $7.0265 (or, post-Closing, the resulting number of Holdco Ordinary Shares after applying the equity exchange ratio of 96.139%).


As of the date hereof, approximately $7.6385 million in principal amount of Bridge Financing Notes has been received by Nuvo, and the offering of the Bridge Financing Notes remains ongoing.


From March 24, 2024 through April 8, 2024, Nuvo entered into amendments to all of the existing Bridge Financing Notes representing $6.5732 million principal amount of the Bridge Financing Notes, to extend the maturity dates thereof (the “Bridge Financing Notes Amendments”). All new Bridge Financing Notes since April 8, 2024 include the amended maturity definition. Prior to the Bridge Financing Notes Amendments, the Bridge Financing Notes were scheduled to mature on the earlier of (i) twelve months from the issuance date thereof, (ii) the closing of the Business Combination, (iii) the closing of an initial public offering, or (iv) the closing of a bona fide financing by Nuvo for the principal purpose of raising capital, through the sale of Nuvo securities in whatever form or type (whether debt or equity) that raises in excess of $10,000,000 in gross proceeds. Pursuant to the Bridge Financing Notes Amendments, the maturity date of the amended Bridge Financing Notes was revised to be the earlier of (i) twelve months from the issuance date thereof, (ii) six (6) months following the closing of the Business Combination, (iii) six (6) months following the closing of an initial public offering, or (iv) the closing of a bona fide financing by Nuvo for the principal purpose of raising capital, through the sale of Nuvo securities in whatever form or type (whether debt or equity) that raises in excess of $25,000,000 in gross proceeds.


Each Bridge Financing Note is secured by all of Nuvo’s intellectual property, and Nuvo is in the process of filing collateral assignments/financing statements with Nuvo’s Registrar in Israel and with the United States Patent & Trademark Office. Gaingels 10x Capital Diversity Fund I, LP, a Bridge Financing Holder and an affiliate of a member of the Sponsor serves as collateral agent with respect to the collateral securing the Bridge Financing Notes. Upon the occurrence of any event of default described therein, the outstanding balance under the Bridge Financing Notes shall become immediately due and payable upon election of the Bridge Financing Holder and following a written demand notice sent to Nuvo.


In consideration for the services to be rendered under certain advisory services agreements between the Bridge Financing Holders and Nuvo, Nuvo issued a warrant to each Bridge Financing Holder, whereby the Bridge Financing Holder is given the right to purchase such number of Nuvo Shares (or, post-Closing, Holdco Ordinary Shares after applying the equity exchange ratio of 96.139%) equal to (2x) the principal amount of the Holder’s Bridge Financing Note divided by the same price per share noted above (i.e., $7.0265), at an exercise price of NIS 0.01.


This summary is qualified in its entirety by reference to the full text of the each of form of Bridge Financing Convertible Note, the form of Bridge Financing Warrant and the form of Bridge Financing Notes Amendment, which are filed as exhibits 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12, respectively, to this Report.


Certain amounts that appear in this Report may not sum due to rounding.







In this Report:


“2024 Plan” means the proposed equity incentive plan for employees, directors and service providers of Holdco and its subsidiaries.


“Acquisition Effective Time” means such time as the Acquisition Merger becomes effective.


“Acquisition Merger” means the merger of Merger Sub with and into Nuvo.


“Amended Articles” means the amended and restated articles of association of Holdco effective immediately prior to the closing of the Business Combination.


“Assetco” means Nuvo Assetco Corp., a Cayman Islands exempted company and a wholly owned subsidiary of Holdco.


“Bridge Financing” means the bridge financing (the “Bridge Financing”) undertaken by Nuvo by issuing to investors Bridge Financing Notes between November 2023 and May 1, 2024, which notes were amended in March and April 2024 to extend the maturity date thereof to no earlier than six months from the Closing.


“Bridge Financing Notes” means the secured convertible bridge notes issued in the Bridge Financing, as amended.


“Business Combination” means the Mergers and the other transactions contemplated by the Business Combination Agreement, collectively.


“Business Combination Agreement” means the Business Combination Agreement, dated as of August 17, 2023 by and among Nuvo, Holdco, Nuvo Assetco, LAMF, and Merger Sub.


“Business Day” means any day other than a Friday, a Saturday, a Sunday or other day on which commercial banks in New York, New York, Israel or the Cayman Islands are authorized or required by legal requirements to close.


“Cayman Companies Act” or “Companies Act” means Companies Act (As Revised) of the Cayman Islands.


“Closing” means the consummation of the Business Combination.


“Closing Date” means May 1, 2024, the date on which the Business Combination was consummated.


“Code” means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.


“Companies Law” means the Israeli Companies Law, 5759-1999, as amended from time to time, including the regulations promulgated thereunder, or any other law that may come in its stead, including all amendments made thereto.


“Eligible Nuvo Equityholder” means a holder of a Nuvo Share or a Nuvo Preferred Share, in each case outstanding immediately prior to the Acquisition Effective Time.


“Equity Exchange Ratio” means the quotient obtained by dividing (a) the Equity Value Per Share by (b) the Reference Price.


“Equity Value” means an amount equal to $299,999,993.


“Equity Value Per Share” means an amount equal to (a) the Equity Value divided by (b) the number of Fully Diluted Nuvo Equity Securities.


“Exchange Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.





“Existing Governing Documents” means the existing amended and restated memorandum and articles of association of LAMF, as amended.


“Founder Shares” means the LAMF Class B Ordinary Shares held by Sponsor, which were converted into LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares on May 11, 2023.


“Founder Share Conversion” means the conversion of the LAMF Class B Ordinary Shares held by Sponsor into LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares on May 11, 2023.


“Fully Diluted Nuvo Equity Securities” means (a) the Nuvo Shares and Nuvo Preferred Shares, in each case outstanding immediately prior to the Acquisition Effective Time and (b) the Nuvo Shares that, immediately prior to the Acquisition Effective Time are issuable upon the exercise of Nuvo Warrants and Nuvo Options (whether or not vested or currently exercisable), provided, however, that Fully Diluted Nuvo Equity Securities shall not include any (i) Earnout Shares (as defined in the Business Combination Agreement) or (ii) Nuvo Shares issuable upon the conversion of then outstanding Nuvo Preferred Shares.


“Holdco” means Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd., a limited liability company incorporated with limited liability under the laws of the State of Israel to serve as “Holdco” for all purposes under the Business Combination Agreement.


“Holdco Board” means the board of directors of Holdco.


“Holdco Ordinary Shares” means the ordinary shares of Holdco, no par value.


“Holdco Preferred Shares” means the preferred shares of Holdco, which shall be entitled to rights and preferences as is customary for the preferred stock of a company whose stock is traded on a national securities exchange, including those expressly set forth in the “Rights of Company Crossover Preferred Shares” attached as Exhibit E to the Business Combination Agreement and, upon conversion, they shall entitle the holder to receive Holdco Ordinary Shares.


“Holdco Securities” means collectively Holdco Ordinary Shares and Holdco Warrants.


“Holdco Shareholders” means the shareholders of Holdco.


“Holdco Warrant” means a warrant to purchase one Holdco Ordinary Share.


“IASB” means International Accounting Standards Board.


“Interim Financing” means the cross-over interim round of financing by Nuvo, whereby the Nuvo Crossover Preferred Shares were or shall be issued pursuant to the Interim Financing Agreements to the Interim Financing Investors and upon and subject to the Closing, Holdco will issue Holdco Ordinary Shares to the Interim Financing Investors, providing Nuvo with an aggregate of approximately $13,000,000 of gross proceeds.


“Interim Financing Agreements” means the securities purchase agreements entered into by and between Nuvo, Holdco and the Interim Financing Investors in connection with the Interim Financing.


“Interim Financing Investors” means those certain investors in the Interim Financing.


“Investment Company Act” means the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.


“IPO” means LAMF’s initial public offering of LAMF Units, which was consummated on November 16, 2021.


“IRS” means the U.S. Internal Revenue Service.


“JOBS Act” means Section 2(a) of the Securities Act, as modified by the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012, as amended.


“LAMF” means LAMF Global Ventures Corp. I, a Cayman Islands exempted company.





“LAMF Board” means the board of directors of LAMF.


“LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares” means LAMF’s Class A ordinary shares, par value $0.0001 per share.


“LAMF Class B Ordinary Shares” means LAMF’s Class B ordinary shares, par value $0.0001 per share.


“LAMF Exchange Ratio” means the exchange of LAMF Ordinary Shares for Holdco Ordinary Shares on a one-for-one basis.


“LAMF Insiders” means the Sponsor and certain officers and directors and advisors of LAMF.


“LAMF Ordinary Shares” means, collectively, the LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares and the LAMF Class B Ordinary Shares.


“LAMF Securities” means, collectively, the LAMF Ordinary Shares, the LAMF Warrants and the LAMF Units.


“LAMF Shareholders” means the holders of LAMF Ordinary Shares.


“LAMF Units” means the 25,300,000 LAMF units issued in connection with the IPO, each of which consists of one LAMF Class A Ordinary Share and one-half of one Public Warrant, outstanding as of the date of the registration statement to which this Report relates.


“LAMF Warrantholders” means holders of the LAMF Warrants.


“LAMF Warrants” means, collectively, the Public Warrants and the Private Placement Warrants.


“LAMF Warrant Agreement” means the Warrant Agreement, dated as of November 10, 2021, by and between LAMF and Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company, as warrant agent.


“Merger Sub” means H.F.N Insight Merger Company Ltd., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Israel and a wholly owned subsidiary of LAMF.


“Mergers” means the Acquisition Merger and the SPAC Merger.


“Nasdaq” means the Nasdaq Global Market.


“Nuvo” means Nuvo Group Ltd., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Israel.


“Nuvo 2015 Plan” means Nuvo’s 2015 Share Incentive Plan.


“Nuvo Crossover Preferred Shares” means the preferred shares of Nuvo, with par value NIS 0.01 per share, issuable in connection with the Interim Financing.


“Nuvo Convertible Loans” means the convertible loans made by certain investors pursuant to several loan agreements entered into from May 29, 2022 through June 30, 2023 (as amended in August 2023 in connection with the execution of the Business Combination Agreement), by and between Nuvo and each such investor, which loans represent an aggregate principal amount of approximately $7.9 million bear interest at a rate of 2% per month, mature on the later of (i) 24 months from the date of the applicable convertible loan agreement and (ii) the Closing Date, and if the Nuvo Convertible Loans mature on the Closing Date, the principal amount and accrued interest on such loans will be applied to the related Nuvo SAFEs issued to such investors in connection with provision of the Nuvo Convertible Loans.


“Nuvo Loan Amendment” means Nuvo’s obligation under the Business Combination Agreement to amend the Nuvo Convertible Loans to cause each Nuvo Convertible Loan to be automatically converted prior to the Acquisition Effective Time into Nuvo Shares pursuant to the terms of such Nuvo Convertible Loan and under the terms of the Nuvo SAFE Amendment.





“Nuvo Options” means each outstanding and unexercised option to purchase Nuvo Shares, whether or not then vested or fully exercisable, granted prior to the Acquisition Effective Time to any current or former employee, officer, director or other service provider of Nuvo or its direct and indirect subsidiaries.


“Nuvo Optionholders” means the holders of the Nuvo Options.


“Nuvo Preferred Shares” means the Nuvo Crossover Preferred Shares.


“Nuvo SAFEs” means the Simple Agreements for Future Equity of the Company entered into by and between Nuvo and certain investors, service providers and lenders, from June 2020 through April 2023 (as amended in August 2023 pursuant to the Nuvo SAFE Amendment).


“Nuvo SAFE Amendment” means Nuvo’s obligation under the Business Combination Agreement to cause each Nuvo SAFE to be automatically converted prior to the Acquisition Effective Time into Nuvo Shares pursuant to the terms of such Nuvo SAFEs.


“Nuvo Shares” means the ordinary shares of Nuvo, with par value NIS 0.01 per share.


“Nuvo Shareholders” means the shareholders of Nuvo.


“Nuvo Warrants” means the warrants issued on May 20, 2015 by Nuvo, exercisable to purchase up to 45,428 Nuvo Shares at an exercise price per share of NIS 0.01.


“Original Registration Rights Agreement” means that certain Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of November 10, 2021, by and among LAMF, Sponsor and certain other parties thereto.


“PFIC” means passive foreign investment company.


“Private Placement Units” means the 1,106,000 private placement units, purchased by the Sponsor at a price of $10.00 per Private Placement Unit in a private placement consummated concurrently with the closing of the IPO, each consisting of one LAMF Class A Ordinary Share and one-half of one Private Placement Warrant.


“Private Placement Warrants” means the warrants to purchase LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares purchased in a private placement in connection with the IPO, at an exercise price of $11.50 per share.


“Pro Rata Share” means, for each Eligible Nuvo Equityholder, a percentage determined by dividing (a) the sum of (i) the total number of Nuvo Shares issued and outstanding held by such Eligible Nuvo Equityholder immediately prior to the Acquisition Effective Time, plus (ii) the total number of Nuvo Preferred Shares issued and outstanding held by such Eligible Nuvo Equityholder immediately prior to the Acquisition Effective Time, by (b) the total number of Nuvo Shares and Nuvo Preferred Shares issued and outstanding as of immediately prior to the Acquisition Effective Time.


“Public Shareholders” means the holders of the Public Shares.


“Public Shares” means the LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares sold in the IPO (whether such shares were purchased in the IPO as part of the LAMF Units or thereafter in the open market).


“Public Warrants” means the warrants included in the LAMF Units sold in the IPO, each of which is exercisable for one LAMF Class A Ordinary Share, in accordance with its terms, at an exercise price of $11.50 per share.


“Redemption Right” means the right to redeem LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares in connection with the approval of the Business Combination.


“Reference Price” means $10.20.





“Registration Rights Agreement” means the registration rights agreement in the form attached to the Business Combination Agreement as Exhibit C to be entered into at Closing by Holdco, Nuvo, LAMF, Sponsor, certain affiliates and members of the Sponsor and certain Nuvo Shareholders, a copy of which is attached to this Report as Annex E.


“SEC” means the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


“Securities Act” means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


“Shareholder Support Agreement” means the Shareholder Support Agreement, dated as of August 17, 2023 by and among LAMF, the Nuvo Shareholders, Nuvo and Holdco, a copy of which is attached to this Report as Annex D.


“SPAC Effective Time” means such time as the SPAC Merger becomes effective.


“SPAC Exchange Ratio” means 1.00, provided, however, that if LAMF and Nuvo mutually agree, for Nasdaq or other applicable exchange listing purposes, then the SPAC Exchange Ratio may be some ratio other than 1.00, in which case any other ratios described in the Business Combination Agreement that would be impacted by such change shall be proportionately adjusted.


“SPAC Merger” means the merger of LAMF with and into Assetco upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Business Combination Agreement, the plan of merger relating to the SPAC Merger and in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Companies Act, whereupon the separate corporate existence of LAMF will cease and Assetco will continue its existence under the Companies Act as the surviving company.


“Sponsor” means LAMF SPAC Holdings I LLC, a Cayman Islands limited liability company.


“Sponsor Shares” means the LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares and LAMF Class B Ordinary Shares held by Sponsor.


“Sponsor Support Agreement” means the Sponsor Support Agreement, dated as of August 17, 2023 by and among LAMF, Nuvo, Holdco, Sponsor and the LAMF directors and executive officers signatories thereto, a copy of which is attached to this Report as Annex C.


“Trading Day” means any day on which Holdco Ordinary Shares are tradeable on Nasdaq (or the principal securities exchange or securities market on which Holdco Ordinary Shares are then traded).


“Transaction Documents” means, collectively, the Business Combination Agreement, the Sponsor Support Agreement, the Shareholder Support Agreement, Registration Rights Agreement, the Amended Articles, the Interim Financing Agreements, the Warrant Assignment, Assumption and Amendment Agreement and all the agreements, documents, instruments and certificates entered into in connection herewith or therewith and any and all exhibits and schedules thereto.


“Transaction Expenses” means to the extent not paid prior to Closing, all out-of-pocket fees, costs and expenses of counsel, accountants, investment bankers, experts and consultants to a party to the Business Combination Agreement incurred by such party or on its behalf in connection with the consummation of the Transactions or related to the authorization, preparation, negotiation, execution and performance of the Business Combination Agreement, including the preparation, printing and mailing of this Report.


“Transactions” means, collectively, the Mergers and each of the other transactions contemplated by the Business Combination Agreement or any of the other Transaction Documents.


“Trust Account” means the U.S.-based trust account at J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., with Continental acting as trustee, that holds a portion of the proceeds of the IPO and the concurrent sale of the Private Placement Warrants.


“U.S.” means the United States.


“U.S. GAAP” means generally accepted accounting principles in the United States as in effect from time to time.


“Warrant Assignment, Assumption and Amendment Agreement” means the warrant assignment, assumption and amendment agreement to be entered into by and among LAMF, Holdco and Continental at the SPAC Effective Time, pursuant to which as LAMF will, subject to the Closing, assign all its rights, title and interest in the LAMF Warrant Agreement to Holdco.


“Working Capital Loans” mean the $550,000 principal amount outstanding as of the Closing under the unsecured convertible promissory note issued by LAMF to the Sponsor on February 2, 2024, which converted pursuant to the terms of such note into 55,000 private placement units of LAMF, consisting of 55,000 LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares and 27,500 private LAMF Warrants immediately prior to the Closing.









A. Directors and Senior Management


The members of our senior management and of our Board of Directors (the “Holdco Board” or the “Board”) upon the consummation of the Business Combination are set forth in the Prospectus, in the section entitled (Holdco Management following the Business Combination,) which is incorporated herein by reference, with the exception of the disclosure contained therein relating to Amit Reches, who remains employed by the Company but is no longer considered by the Company to be an executive officer and a member of senior management as of the Closing. The sole shareholder elected by written resolution Robert Powell, Laurence Klein, Gerald Ostrov, Christina Spade, and Adriana Machado to the Board, effective as of the Acquisition Effective Time. The business address for each of Company’s directors and officers is 94 Yigal Alon St., Tel Aviv, Israel 6789155.


  B. Advisors


Greenberg Traurig, P.A. (“Greenberg”), 333 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 4400, Miami, Florida 33131 has acted as U.S. legal counsel and Meitar Law Offices (“Meitar”), 16 Abba Hillel Silver Rd.Ramat-Gan 52506, Israel has acted as local counsel in Israel to both Nuvo and Holdco and will act as counsel to Holdco following the Closing.


  C. Auditors


Kesselman & Kesselman, Certified Public Accountants (Isr.), a member of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, acted as Nuvo’s independent registered public accounting firm for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021.


Kesselman & Kesselman, Certified Public Accountants (Isr.), a member of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited has been appointed as the independent registered public accounting firm of the Company following the Business Combination.




Not applicable.




A. [Reserved]


  B. Capitalization and Indebtedness





The following table sets forth the capitalization of the Company on an unaudited pro forma combined basis as of December 31, 2023, after giving effect to the Business Combination and the Bridge Financing. This table should be read together with the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information of the Company, which is attached hereto as Exhibit 15.2.


   As of
December 31,
   (USD) in thousands 
Cash and cash equivalents   2,119 
Nuvo Convertible Loans   - 
Bridge Financing   6,037 
Total debt   6,037 
Holdco Ordinary shares   27,165 
Additional paid-in capital   71,054 
Accumulated deficit   (155,196)
Total shareholders’ equity   (56,978)
Total capitalization   (50,940)


  C. Reasons for the Offer and Use of Proceeds


Not applicable.


  D. Risk Factors


The risk factors associated with the Company are described in the Prospectus in the section entitled (Risk Factors) and are incorporated herein by reference.




  A. History and Development of the Company


The legal entity named Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd. was incorporated under the laws of the State of Israel on July 20, 2023 solely for the purpose of effectuating the Business Combination, which was consummated on May 1, 2024. See “Explanatory Note” above for further details about the Business Combination. See also a description of the material terms of the Business Combination as described in the Prospectus in the sections entitled, “The Business Combination Proposal” and “The Business Combination Agreement.” Prior to the Business Combination, Holdco owned no material assets and did not operate any businesses. Holdco is a limited liability company incorporated and existing under the laws of the State of Israel.


The principal place of business and mailing address of Holdco is 94 Yigal Alon St., Tel Aviv, Israel 6789155, and its telephone number is 734-717-2416. Holdco’s principal website address is www.nuvocares.com. The information contained on, or accessible through, Holdco’s website is not incorporated by reference into this Report, and you should not consider it a part of this Report.





Holdco is subject to certain of the informational filing requirements of the Exchange Act. Since Holdco is a “foreign private issuer”, it is exempt from the rules and regulations under the Exchange Act prescribing the furnishing and content of proxy statements, and the officers, directors and principal shareholders of Holdco are exempt from the reporting and “short-swing” profit recovery provisions contained in Section 16 of the Exchange Act with respect to their purchase and sale of Holdco Ordinary Shares. For further information see Item 6.C. “Board Practices” below regarding certain exemptions from Nasdaq listing rules upon which Holdco will rely as a foreign private issuer. In addition, Holdco is not required to file reports and financial statements with the SEC as frequently or as promptly as U.S. public companies whose securities are registered under the Exchange Act. Holdco is also an “emerging growth company,” as defined in Section 2(a) of the Securities Act, as modified by the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012, and it may take advantage of certain exemptions from various reporting requirements that are applicable to other public companies that are not emerging growth companies including, but not limited to, not being required to comply with the auditor attestation requirements of Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, reduced disclosure obligations regarding executive compensation in its periodic reports and proxy statements, and exemptions from the requirements of holding a nonbinding advisory vote on executive compensation and stockholder approval of any golden parachute payments not previously approved. However, Holdco is required to file with the SEC an Annual Report on Form 20-F containing financial statements audited by an independent registered public accounting firm. The SEC also maintains a website at http://www.sec.gov that contains reports and other information that Holdco files with or furnishes electronically to the SEC.


  B. Business Overview


Prior to the Business Combination, Holdco did not conduct any material activities other than those incidental to its formation and the matters contemplated by the Business Combination Agreement, such as the making of certain required securities law filings and the establishment of certain subsidiaries. Upon the Closing, Holdco became the direct parent of, and conducts its business through, Nuvo.


Information regarding the business of Nuvo is included in the Prospectus in the section entitled “Business of Nuvo,” which is incorporated herein by reference, and in Item 5 “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects” below.


  C. Organizational Structure


Upon consummation of the Business Combination, LAMF merged with and into Assetco, with Assetco as the surviving company of the SPAC Merger, Merger Sub merged with and into Nuvo, with Nuvo as the surviving company of the Acquisition Merger and wholly owned subsidiary of Holdco. After the SPAC Merger and the Acquisition Merger, the SPAC Surviving Company distributed any amounts remaining in LAMF’s trust account to Holdco and was then liquidated. The organizational structure of the Company after the Mergers is included on page 12 of the Prospectus and is incorporated herein by reference.


  D. Property, Plants and Equipment


Information regarding the facilities of Nuvo is included in the Prospectus in the section entitled “Business of Nuvo—Facilities,” and is incorporated herein by reference.




Not applicable.









Following and as a result of the Business Combination, the business of Holdco is conducted through Nuvo, its direct, wholly-owned subsidiary.


We believe Nuvo has the potential to become a leader in remote fetal monitoring for pregnancy care. We are leading the transformation from a world where pregnancy care is limited by outdated technology and barriers to accessing care to a world where data-driven, clinically relevant, actionable insights can be accessed both at home and in the clinic, during the INVU monitoring period, by an expectant mother and her clinician. Current poor fetal and maternal health outcomes, limited accessibility to care, and soaring costs all indicate the need for a change in the way that pregnancies are monitored and managed, and we believe Nuvo’s innovative solution, which we refer to as our INVU platform, is the only solution that is positioned to address complete accessibility to care while looking significantly deeper into the pregnancy than standard of care solutions do today. Recognizing that the tools used today to monitor and manage pregnancies may not be the same tools used a decade from now, Nuvo believes its solution is well positioned to be at the forefront of this market shift. Strategically, Nuvo’s platform is currently being commercialized by tapping into a key part of the pregnancy journey, fetal non-stress tests (“NSTs”), by enabling these tests to be conducted remotely with clinical accuracy that has been demonstrated to be equivalent to the standard of care based off of our clinical studies and consumer-grade ease of use. NSTs are medically necessary pregnancy screening procedures that measure fetal heart rate and reaction to movement to assess fetal well-being. NSTs are most commonly conducted with cardiotocography (“CTG”) machines, which were designed for intrapartum monitoring in clinics by experienced healthcare professionals. Through a combination of advanced wearable technology, AI & machine learning, and compelling user experiences (for expectant mothers and clinicians), INVU by NuvoTM (“INVU”) enables increased access to care, deeper insights into maternal-fetal health, reduced clinical staff burden, and improved patient satisfaction.


INVU is composed of a hardware component (wearable), with digital signal processing and cloud analytics, and interfaces for every participant involved in the pregnancy care. The hardware component of our INVU platform is a proprietary self-administered wireless sensor band that clinicians prescribe to expectant mothers who wear the sensor band during virtual visits to capture real-time data on key maternal and fetal health metrics. During these visits, a live reading allows the expectant mother to access simplified data and insights via the paired INVU application. Our wireless sensor band captures a unique set of in-depth physiological data from the expectant mother and unborn baby in a passive manner, without sending energy signals into the womb. Next, the data is digitized and sent wirelessly for analysis on our cloud-based servers by our sophisticated algorithms. Today, when obstetrics clinicians connect to our INVU platform, they have access to a digital dashboard that contains fetal and maternal heart rate and uterine activity tracings recorded during the session and data derived from these measurements for all expectant mothers and unborn babies in their care that use our INVU platform. This data is comparable to the fetal surveillance procedures that normally occur once or twice weekly in the last trimester of pregnancies that have some indication for risk. According to a study in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (“AJOG”) analyzing approximately ten million pregnancies, 38% were identified as low risk and 62% were identified as high risk for unexpected complications.


The following discussion and analysis summarizes the significant factors affecting the operating results, financial condition, liquidity and cash flows of Nuvo as of and for the periods presented below. The following discussion and analysis should be read in conjunction with our audited financial statements as of and for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021 and the related notes thereto included elsewhere in this Report. Unless otherwise noted, all references in this Item 5 to “we,” “us” or “our” refer to the business of Nuvo prior to the consummation of the Business Combination.


The following discussion and analysis contains forward-looking statements that involve risk and uncertainties, such as statements of our plans, objectives, expectations, and intentions. Our actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, including those set forth under Item 3.D. “Risk Factors” contained in this Report.





  A. Operating Results


Components of Our Results of Operations




During the year ended December 31, 2023, we started to generate revenues from product sales and services. While still minimal as of that date, we have also entered into a series of commercial contracts which we believe will generate increasing levels of revenue for our business in the future. For additional information, see “Business — Commercial Relationships section of the Prospectus.”


Costs of Revenue


Costs of revenue include primarily cost of raw materials, direct labor, contract manufacturing expenses, and in-bound and internal shipping and handling expenses.


Gross Profit (Loss) and Gross Margin


Gross margin reflects our gross profit divided by revenue.


Operating Expenses


Our operating expenses since inception have consisted of research and development expenses, sales and marketing expenses and general and administrative expenses.


Research and Development Expenses


The largest component of our total operating expenses has historically been our investment in research and development activities. We conduct our research and development primarily in-house, and we also contract with third-party vendors to conduct supplemental research, such as that related to the data generated by the INVU platform and certain of our strategic partners, and to assist with preparation of publications thereon. Research and development expenses consist mainly of costs incurred in connection with the research and development of our products and related clinical and regulatory activities. These expenses include:


employee-related expenses, including salaries, related benefits and share-based compensation expenses for employees engaged in research and development activities;





expenses incurred in connection with the development of our products, including payments made pursuant to agreements with third parties, such as outside consultants related to development process and manufacturing activities;


costs of components and materials;


costs of external testing facility;


facilities, depreciation and other expenses, including direct or allocated expenses for rent and maintenance of facilities, as well as insurance costs;


costs related to compliance with regulatory requirements; and


expenses related to clinical activities.


We recognize research and development expenses to the statement of operations as they are incurred. Research and development activities are central to our business. We expect that our research and development expenses will be consistent over the next several years as we continue developing various aspects of our INVU platform, including without limitation: hardware, algorithmic engines, machine learning and AI modules, cloud-based infrastructure and product user experience/user interface, or UX/UI design.


At this time, we cannot reasonably estimate or know the nature, timing and costs of the efforts that will be necessary to complete all the future development of our products. This uncertainty is due to the numerous risks and uncertainties associated with product development, including the uncertainty of:


the timing and progress of development activities;


our ability to maintain our current research and development programs and to establish new ones;


the receipt of regulatory approvals from applicable regulatory authorities;


the timing, receipt and terms of any marketing clearances and approvals from applicable regulatory authorities;


our ability to establish new licensing or collaboration arrangements;


the performance of our future collaborators, if any;


establishing and maintaining commercial manufacturing capabilities or making arrangements with third-party manufacturers;


obtaining, maintaining, defending and enforcing patent claims and other intellectual property rights;


the costs associated with compliance in the heavily regulated healthcare industry, changes to which could result in increased costs and/or reduced revenue, significantly and adversely affecting our business and future product development; and


maintaining a continued acceptable safety profile of the products following approval.


Any changes in the outcome of any of these variables with respect to the development of our products could result in a significant change in the costs and timing associated with the development of these products.





Sales and Marketing Expenses


Sales and marketing expenses consist primarily of salaries and related benefits and share-based compensation for employees engaged in sales and marketing activities, as well as public relations and marketing expenses, allocated expenses for rent and maintenance of facilities and insurance costs.


We expect that our sales and marketing expenses will increase as we expand our sales, marketing and sales support teams and increase sales and marketing activity in the United States, as we attempt to accelerate adoption and commercialization of our INVU platform. We expect that the staff growth will also increase share-based compensation expenses.


General and Administrative Expenses


General and administrative expenses consist primarily of salaries and related benefits and share-based compensation, as well as other expenses, direct or allocated, for rent, maintenance of facilities, utilities, insurance and professional fees for legal, IP, consulting, accounting and audit services.


We expect that our general and administrative expenses will increase as a result of our planned growth and while operating as a public company, including expenses related to SEC compliance and Nasdaq listing, additional insurance, investor relations activities and the need for additional administrative and professional services, such as accounting, legal, regulatory and tax.


We also expect our administrative expenses, including share-based compensation expenses, to increase as we increase our headcount, expand our facilities and enhance our information technology to support our operations as a public company.


During the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021, general and administrative expenses also included certain accrued expenses derived from our obligation to pay any taxes resulting from the exercise of certain options granted to our former Chief Innovation Officer and any taxes resulting from the sale from the shares underlying such options.


Financial Income (Expenses), Net


Financial income (expenses) consists primarily of the exchange rate difference between U.S. dollars and NIS, as well as commissions paid in connection with our financing activities during the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021.


For the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, financial expenses consisted primarily of fundraising costs and commissions paid in connection with SAFE investments.





Provision for Income Taxes


Since our inception, we have not recorded any tax benefits for the net losses we incurred in any year due to the uncertainty of realizing a benefit from those losses. As of December 31, 2023, we had a net operating loss carryforward of $(76,689) for which a full valuation allowance was provided.


We account for uncertain tax positions in accordance with ASC 740-10. ASC 740-10 contains a two-step approach to recognizing and measuring uncertain tax positions. The first step is to evaluate the tax position taken or expected to be taken in a tax return by determining if the weight of available evidence indicates that it is more likely than not that, on an evaluation of the technical merits, the tax position will be sustained on audit, including resolution of any related appeals or litigation processes. The second step is to measure the tax benefit as the largest amount that is more than 50% (cumulative probability) likely to be realized upon ultimate settlement.


We have recognized a full valuation allowance in respect of deferred income tax assets.


Recently Issued and Adopted Accounting Standards


See Note 2 to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Report for more information.


Emerging Growth Company Status


The JOBS Act contains provisions that, among other things, reduce certain reporting requirements for an “emerging growth company.” The JOBS Act permits an “emerging growth company” to take advantage of an extended transition period to comply with new or revised accounting standards applicable to public companies. Such companies may use this extended transition period under the JOBS Act until the earlier of the date it (i) is no longer an emerging growth company or (ii) affirmatively and irrevocably opts out of the extended transition period provided in the JOBS Act. As a result, the financial statements of an “emerging growth company” may not be comparable to companies who have adopted new or revised accounting pronouncements.


Following the Business Combination, Holdco will remain an emerging growth company until the earlier of (i) the last day of the fiscal year (a) following the fifth anniversary of the completion of the Closing, (b) in which Holdco has total annual gross revenue of at least $1.235 billion or (c) in which Holdco is deemed to be a “large accelerated filer” as defined in Rule 12b-2 under the Exchange Act, and (ii) the date on which Holdco has issued more than $1.00 billion in non-convertible debt during the prior three-year period.





Results of Operations


Results of Operations for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022


The following table summarizes our results of operations for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022.



Year Ended

December 31,

    2023     2022     $     %  
    (dollars in thousands)  
Revenues   $ 176     $ -     $ 176       NM  
Cost of revenues     191       -       191       NM  
GROSS LOSS     (15 )     -       (15 )     NM  
Operating expenses                                
Research and development, net     8,324       9,893       (1,569 )     (15.9 )%
Sales and marketing     3,221       4,752       (1,531 )     (32.2 )%
General and administrative     5,073       6,161       (1,088 )     (17.7 )%
Total operating expenses     16,618       20,806       (4,188 )     (20.1 )%
LOSS FROM OPERATIONS     (16,633 )     (20,806 )     4,173       (20.1 )%
Change in fair value of financial instruments     (18,017 )     971       (18,988 )     (1,955.5 )%
Other financial expenses, net     (44 )     (69 )     25       (36.2 )%
LOSS BEFORE TAX EXPENSE (BENEFIT)     (34,694 )     (19,904 )     (14,790 )     74.3 %
TAX EXPENSES (BENEFIT)     (1,039 )     775       (1,814 )     (234.1 )%
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE LOSS   $ (33,655 )   $ (20,679 )   $ (12,976 )     62.7 %


NM denotes percentages that are not meaningful.


Research and Development Expenses


The table below summarizes our research and development expenses incurred during the years presented:



Year Ended

December 31,

    2023     2022     $     %  
    (dollars in thousands)  
Research and Development Expenses:                                
Salaries and wages   $ 4,734     $ 5,557     $ (823 )     (14.8 )%
Share-based compensation     1,346       1,664       (318 )     (19.1 )%
Rent, office and utilities, software licenses and communication     1,740       1,834       (94 )     (5.1 )%
Professional services     486       556       (70 )     (12.6 )%
Other     18       359       (341 )     (95.0 )%
Research and development, gross   $ 8,324     $ 9,970     $ (1,646 )     (16.5 )%
Less - participation of R&D expenses     -       (77 )     77       (100.0 )%
Total research and development, net   $ 8,324     $ 9,893     $ (1,569 )     (15.9 )%


Research and development expenses decreased by $1.6 million, or 15.9%, during the year ended December 31, 2023 compared to the year ended December 31, 2022. The decrease was mainly attributable to a decrease in salaries and wages of $0.8 million, a decrease in share-based compensation of $0.3 million, and a decrease in other expenses of $0.3 million. The overall decrease in expenses was part of our cost cutting initiative deployed to adjust our operations to the challenging fundraising environment during 2023 and 2022.





Sales and Marketing Expenses


The table below summarizes our sales and marketing expenses incurred during the years presented:



Year Ended

December 31,

    2023     2022     $     %  
    (dollars in thousands)  
Sales and Marketing Expenses:                                
Salaries and wages   $ 2,130     $ 2,456     $ (326 )     (13.3 )%
Share-based compensation     508       1,787       (1,279 )     (71.6 )%
Marketing and business development     583       509       74       14.5 %
Total sales and marketing expenses   $ 3,221     $ 4,752     $ (1,531 )     (32.2 )%


Sales and marketing expenses decreased by $1.5 million, or 32.2%, during the year ended December 31, 2023 compared to the year ended December 31, 2022. The decrease was primarily attributable to a decrease of $1.3 million in share-based compensation expense and a decrease of $0.3 million in salaries and wages, due to cost cutting initiatives deployed to adjust our operations to the challenging fundraising environment during 2023 and 2022.


General and Administrative Expenses


The table below summarizes our general and administrative expenses incurred during the years presented:



Year Ended

December 31,

    2023     2022     $     %  
General and Administrative Expenses:                                
Salaries and wages   $ 1,039     $ 1,508     $ (469 )     (31.1 )%
Share-based compensation     1,241       4,323       (3,082 )     (71.3 )%
Change in fair value of commitment to shareholder     (1,036 )     (1,500 )     464       (30.9 )%
Rent, office and utilities, software license and communication     48       1,079       (1,031 )     (95.6 )%
Professional services     3,747       441       3,306       749.7 %
Other     34       310       (276 )     (89.0 )%
Total general and administrative expenses   $ 5,073     $ 6,161     $ (1,088 )     (17.7 )%


General and administrative expenses decreased by $1.1 million, or 17.7%, during the year ended December 31, 2023 compared to the year ended December 31, 2022. The decrease was primarily attributable to a decrease of $3.1 million in share-based compensation expense, a decrease of $0.5 million in salaries and wages, and $1.0 million in rent, office, utilities, software licenses, and communication, and a decrease of $0.3 million in other expenses due to cost cutting initiatives deployed to adjust our operations to the challenging fund-raising environment during 2023 and 2022. The decreases were partially offset by an increase of $3.3 million professional services during the year ended December 31, 2023 incurred in connection with the pending Business Combination as well as an increase of $0.5 million in change in fair value of commitment to shareholder calculated based on the decrease in the Company’s 409A valuation.


Operating Loss


For the year ended December 31, 2023, our operating loss decreased by $4.2 million, or 20.1%, from $20.1 million during the year ended December 31, 2022 to $16.6 million during the year ended December 31, 2023. This reduction is mainly driven by a reduction in work-force as well as other general cost cutting initiatives taken in light of a difficult funding environment during 2023 and 2022.





Change in Fair Value of Financial Instruments


The gain of $1.0 million from the change in fair value of financial instruments during the year ended December 31, 2022 decreased by $19.0 million to a loss of $18.0 million during the year ended December 31, 2023 due to the decline in the Company’s valuation applied to the Nuvo Crossover Preferred Shares and SAFE financial instruments recorded on the Company’s balance sheet.


Other Financial Expenses, Net


Other financial expenses, net decreased by $25 thousand, or 36.2% from $69 thousand during the year ended December 31, 2022 to $44 thousand during the year ended December 31, 2023.


Tax expenses (benefit)


Tax expenses (benefit) increased by $1.8 million, or 234.1%, from a tax expense of $0.8 million during the year ended December 31, 2022 to a tax benefit of $1.0 million during the year ended December 31, 2023, due to a reversal of a portion of the Company’s uncertain tax position liabilities.





Results of Operations


Results of Operations for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021


The following table summarizes our results of operations for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021.



Year Ended

December 31,

    2022     2021     $     %  
    (dollars in thousands)  
Operating expenses                                
Research and development, net   $ 9,893     $ 10,470     $ (577 )     (5.5 )%
Sales and marketing     4,752       2,369       2,383       100.6 %
General and administrative     6,161       14,727       (8,566 )     (58.2 )%
Total operating expenses     20,806       27,566       (6,760 )     (24.5 )%
LOSS FROM OPERATIONS     (20,806 )     (27,566 )     6,760       (24.5 )%
Change in fair value of financial instruments     971       (5,948 )     6,919       (116.3 )%
Other financial expenses, net     (69 )     (565 )     496       (87.8 )%
LOSS BEFORE TAX EXPENSE (BENEFIT)     (19,904 )     (34,079 )     14,175       (41.6 )%
TAX EXPENSES (BENEFIT)     775       433       342       79.0 %
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE LOSS   $ (20,679 )   $ (34,512 )   $ 13,833       (40.1 )%


Research and Development Expenses


The table below summarizes our research and development expenses incurred during the years presented:



Year Ended

December 31,

    2022     2021     $     %  
    (dollars in thousands)  
Research and Development Expenses:                                
Salaries and wages   $ 5,557     $ 5,293     $ 264       5.0 %
Share-based compensation     1,664       2,784       (1,120 )     (40.2 )%
Rent, office and utilities, software licenses and communication     1,834       1,924       (90 )     (4.7 )%
Professional services     556       215       341       158.6 %
Other     359       254       105       41.3 %
Research and development, gross   $ 9,970     $ 10,470     $ (500 )     (4.8 )%
Less - participation of R&D expenses     (77 )     -       (77 )     NM  
Total research and development, net   $ 9,893     $ 10,470     $ (577 )     (5.5 )%





Research and development expenses decreased by $0.6 million, or 5.5%, in 2022 compared to 2021. The decrease was mainly attributable to a decrease in share-based compensation in the amount of $1.1 million during the year ended December 31, 2022 and a decrease in rent, office and utilities, software licenses and communication expenses of $0.1 million during that year. Such decrease in research and development expense was partially offset by increased salaries and wages of $0.3 million in 2022 compared to the prior year mainly attributable to growth in our Clinical and Regulatory team as well as an increase of $0.3 million in professional services expenses. The overall decrease in expenses was part of our cost cutting initiative deployed to adjust our operations to the challenging fundraising environment during 2022.


Sales and Marketing Expenses


The table below summarizes our sales and marketing expenses incurred during the years presented:


    Year Ended
December 31,
    2022     2021     $     %  
    (dollars in thousands)  
Sales and Marketing Expenses:                                
Salaries and wages   $ 2,456     $ 1,638     $ 818       49.9 %
Share-based compensation     1,787       449       1,338       298.0 %
Marketing and business development     509       282       227       80.5 %
Total sales and marketing expenses   $ 4,752     $ 2,369     $ 2,383       100.6 %


Sales and marketing expenses increased by $2.4 million, or 100.6%, in 2022 compared to 2021. This increase was primarily attributable to an increase in share-based compensation in the amount of $1.3 million and increase in salaries and wages of $0.8 million, which resulted from an increase in headcount of employees to support the growth of our marketing activities.


General and Administrative Expenses


The table below summarizes our general and administrative expenses incurred during the years presented:



Year Ended

December 31,

    2022     2021     $     %  
General and Administrative Expenses:                                
Salaries and wages   $ 1,508     $ 1,300     $ 208       16.0 %
Share-based compensation     4,323       6,517       (2,194 )     (33.7 )%
Change in fair value of commitment to shareholder     (1,500 )     3,445       (4,945 )     (143.5 )%
Rent, office and utilities, software license and communication     1,079       597       482       80.7 %
Professional services     441       496       (55 )     (11.1 )%
Other     310       2,372       (2,062 )     (86.9 )%
Total general and administrative expenses   $ 6,161     $ 14,727     $ (8,566 )     (58.2 )%


General and administrative expenses decreased by $8.6 million, or 58.2%, in 2022 compared to 2021. The decrease was primarily attributable to a decrease of $4.9 million in a commitment to a shareholder of Nuvo resulting from an agreement with our founder and former Chief Executive Officer as well as a decrease of $2.2 million in share-based compensation. This agreement was entered into as part of the termination of the founder’s employment agreement with the Company. Additionally, there was a decrease of $2.1 million in other expenses related to one-time fees related to our public filings in 2021 in connection with a potential initial public offering. The reduction in general and administrative expenses was partially offset by an increase of $0.2 million in salaries and wages, which was mainly due to the salary to our then-new Chief Executive Officer as well as an increase of $0.5 million in rent, office and utilities, software license and communication.





Operating Loss


For the year ended December 31, 2022 our operating loss decreased to $20.8 million from $27.6 million in the prior year. This decrease of $6.8 million represents a 24.5% reduction in operating expenses for the year ended December 31, 2022 over the prior year. This reduction is mainly driven by one-off expenses associated with the Company’s public filings in 2021 in connection with a potential initial public offering, as well as cost cutting initiatives taken in light of a difficult funding environment during the 2022 calendar year.


Financial Expenses, Net


Financial expenses, net in 2022 were mainly derived from $0.2 million of bank commission related to exchanging funds from U.S. dollars to NIS. These expenses were partly offset by favorable movement in the exchange rate between the NIS and the U.S. dollar because most of our cash is denominated in U.S. dollars while most of our employees are paid in NIS.


  B. Liquidity and Capital Resources


Sources of Liquidity


Since our inception and through December 31, 2022, we had not generated any revenue from product sales or otherwise and have incurred significant operating losses and negative cash flows from operations. During the year ended December 31, 2023, we began to generate revenue. However, we continue to incur signification operating losses and negative cash flows from operations. During the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021, we incurred net losses of $33.7 million, $20.7 million and $34.5 million, respectively. As of December 31, 2023, we had an accumulated deficit of approximately $143.8 million and working capital, which is defined as current assets minus current liabilities, of approximately $(29.4) million. As of December 31, 2023, our primary sources of liquidity were cash and cash equivalents totaling $0.6 million. We expect to incur additional losses and operating expenses in future periods. As we hire incremental sales and marketing personnel and focus resources on building the commercial aspects of our business, we expect to continue to incur significant research and development expenses associated with moving our current product offering forward, including personnel related expenses and costs of conducting preclinical studies and clinical trials. We expect that general and administrative expenses will also increase as we expand our finance and administrative staff in connection with our transition to a public company. We have funded our operations to date primarily with proceeds from the sale of our ordinary shares, sale of our redeemable crossover preferred shares, SAFEs, Convertible Loans and Bridge Loans. Our future funding needs and related risks are discussed in further detail under “— Funding Requirements” below.


From June 2020 through the year ended December 31, 2023, we entered into certain Simple Agreements for Future Equity (the “Nuvo SAFEs”), which are characterized as liabilities, with several existing shareholders and new investors.


The Nuvo SAFEs were divided into three types:


1. SAFEs entered into prior to April 26, 2021, for approximately $15 million, which provided for conversion of the respective SAFE at a price per share representing the lower of (a) $200 million pre-money valuation cap; or (b) a 15% discount rate on the price per share paid by the investors at the future financing round (whichever calculation results in the issuance of the greater number of shares to the SAFE holder);


2. SAFEs entered into on or after April 26, 2021 and before July 4, 2022 for approximately $8 million, which originally provided conversion of the respective SAFE at a price per share representing the lower of (a) a $625 million pre-money valuation cap; or (b) a 25% discount rate on the price per share paid by the investors at the future financing round (whichever calculation results in the issuance of the greater number of shares to the SAFE holder). All of these SAFEs, except SAFEs representing investment of $0.2 million, have been amended to provide for a $400 million pre-money valuation cap (instead of $625 million); and


3. SAFEs entered into on or after May 29, 2022 in connection with the entry into the Nuvo Convertible Loans (as defined and described below), which provide conversion of the respective SAFE at a price per share representing the lower of (a) a $350 million pre-money valuation cap; or (b) a 25% discount rate on the price per share paid by the investors at the future financing round (whichever calculation results in the issuance of the greater number of shares to the SAFE holder).





The Nuvo SAFEs contain certain triggering events which provide for the conversion of the Nuvo SAFEs into shares as follows: (i) an equity financing in which the Company issues and sells shares for an aggregate consideration of at least $20 million or, with respect to the Nuvo SAFEs described in section 3 above, $15 million (“Equity Financing”) or (ii) either a change of control transaction or an initial public offering, whichever occurs sooner, which in each case is referred to as a “Liquidity Event.” Upon the occurrence of a Liquidity Event, the respective SAFE investor will, at its discretion, receive either a cash payment or shares of the then existing most senior series, which conversion into shares will be based on a conversion price per share based on the pre-money valuation cap of the respective Nuvo SAFE, or, in the case of the Nuvo SAFEs listed in section 3 above, the amount received by either the Company or its shareholders multiplied by 75%, divided by our outstanding capitalization in effect immediately prior to the Liquidity Event, calculated on an as-converted and fully diluted basis. In addition, given that a Liquidity Event, such as a change of control transaction, is not at our determination, such Nuvo SAFEs are characterized as liabilities. In connection with the entry into the Business Combination Agreement, the SAFEs were amended as described in further detail below.


From May 29, 2022 through the year ended December 31, 2022, Nuvo entered into several loan agreements (the “Nuvo Convertible Loans”) with certain investors, representing an aggregate principal amount of approximately $7.4 million, out of which an aggregate principal amount of $2.4 million was lent to Nuvo by related parties. The Nuvo Convertible Loans bear interest at a rate of 2% per month, payable at the maturity date (unless the holder elects to have any portion of the interest applied to the SAFEs as described below), and mature 12 months from the date of the applicable Nuvo Convertible Loan agreement, which maturity can be extended at Nuvo’s option by an additional 12 months. If Nuvo elects to extend the maturity date of a Nuvo Convertible Loan, the applicable lender shall receive a one-time extension fee equal to 20% of the loan principal amount, which shall be applied to the “purchase amount” of the SAFE issued to each Nuvo Convertible Loan lender (the “Extension Fee”). The Nuvo Convertible Loans may be prepaid by Nuvo in whole or in part at any time without prepayment penalty.


As an incentive to provide the Nuvo Convertible Loans, each Nuvo Convertible Loan investor received a SAFE in connection with entry into the Nuvo Convertible Loan agreement, representing a SAFE “purchase amount” equal to 20% of such respective investor’s Nuvo Convertible Loan’s principal loan amount, which purchase amount may be increased by (i) any amount of the Nuvo Convertible Loan’s principal and/or any accrued and unpaid interest thereon at the investor’s option and (ii) the Extension Fee.


Upon the occurrence of an equity investment in Nuvo in the aggregate amount of at least $15 million, Nuvo shall repay the outstanding principal and accrued but unpaid interest on the Nuvo Convertible Loans, unless an investor has exercised its option to convert the Nuvo Convertible Loan’s principal and/or interest into the related SAFE’s purchase amount.


From August through October 2023, the Company signed several agreements to issue Redeemable Crossover Preferred Shares at a per share issuance price of $7.0265 for total proceeds of $13.0 million. Upon the consummation of a de-SPAC transaction, the Redeemable Crossover Preferred Shares will be converted to Holdco preferred shares with the same rights associated to those shares of Holdco.


As a result of the Business Combination, Nuvo’s current shareholders might face substantial dilution through the conversion of currently outstanding Nuvo SAFEs and the Nuvo Convertible Loans, as well as the Crossover Preferred round. The SAFE holders and Nuvo Convertible Loan holders will be required to consent to different elements of the Business Combination. Without the required consent, it is possible that the contemplated transaction will not close.


In August and September 2023, Nuvo obtained the necessary corporate consents for the amendment of the Nuvo SAFEs (the “Nuvo SAFE Amendment”), which was intended, inter alia, (a) to equalize the economic conversion terms across the different types of the Nuvo SAFEs described above, such that: (1) the discount rate in all Nuvo SAFEs shall be 25% and (2) the pre-money valuation cap in all Nuvo SAFEs shall be $200 million; and (b) to set the conversion terms of the Nuvo SAFEs in connection with the consummation of the Business Combination (which shall not otherwise constitute a Liquidity Event pursuant to the terms of the Nuvo SAFE Amendment), such that, upon the consummation of the Business Combination, the Nuvo SAFEs will automatically convert into Nuvo Shares based on a price per share representing the lower of (1) a $150 million pre-money valuation cap, or (2) a 25% discount on the price per share imputed to the Nuvo Shares pursuant to the Business Combination Agreement (whichever results in the issuance to the Nuvo SAFE holder of a greater number of Nuvo Shares). Accordingly, at the Closing, Nuvo issued approximately 3.56 million Nuvo Shares in satisfaction and discharge of its obligations under the Nuvo SAFEs, in accordance with the provisions of the Nuvo SAFE Amendment.





In August and September 2023, Nuvo obtained the necessary corporate consents for the Nuvo Loan Amendment, such that, in exchange for the Extension Fee under the original loan terms, the maturity date of each Nuvo Convertible Loan was extended to the earlier of the second anniversary of the applicable loan or the Closing. In addition, pursuant to the Nuvo Loan Amendment, each lender has agreed to apply the principal amount of the Nuvo Convertible Loan, the accrued and unpaid interest thereon and the Extension Fee to the purchase amount of the related Nuvo SAFE described in section 3 above. As such, in connection with the Closing, Nuvo’s repayment obligations under the Nuvo Convertible Loans converted to an aggregate SAFE purchase amount of approximately $12.55 million, which then converted, pursuant to the terms of the Nuvo SAFE Amendment, into approximately 1.89 million Nuvo Shares which was exchanged for Holdco Shares pursuant to the terms of the Business Combination Agreement.


In November and December 2023, the Company entered into several Bridge Loan term sheets with respect to Bridge Financing Notes and received cash from certain investors, representing an aggregate principal amount received of $2.050 million, out of which $0.4 million was lent to Nuvo by related parties. The Nuvo Bridge Notes bear interest at a rate of 15% per annum with a maturity date of 12 months from issuance date, the closing of the de-SPAC or IPO, or the closing of a Qualified Financing. While interest will be payable in cash at the maturity date, investors may choose to receive the principal amount in cash or to convert the Principal Amount into ordinary shares of the Company at a price per share of $7.0265. Bridge Financing Notes executed by certain investors for the cash received by December 31, 2023 provide for a total of 1,112,930 warrants, of which 796,938 and 315,947 will expire on the 3-year anniversary and 4-year anniversary of the issuance date, respectively. Of the 1,112,930 total warrants, 113,855 were due to related parties.


As of the date hereof, approximately $7.6385 million in principal amount of Bridge Financing Notes has been received by Nuvo.


From March 24, 2024 through April 8, 2024, Nuvo entered into amendments to all of the existing Bridge Financing Notes representing $6.5732 million principal amount of the Bridge Financing Notes, to extend the maturity dates thereof (the “Bridge Financing Notes Amendments”). All new Bridge Financing Notes since April 8, 2024 include the amended maturity definition. Prior to the Bridge Financing Notes Amendments, the Bridge Financing Notes were scheduled to mature on the earlier of (i) twelve months from the issuance date thereof, (ii) the closing of the Business Combination, (iii) the closing of an initial public offering, or (iv) the closing of a bona fide financing by Nuvo for the principal purpose of raising capital, through the sale of Nuvo securities in whatever form or type (whether debt or equity) that raises in excess of $10,000,000 in gross proceeds. Pursuant to the Bridge Financing Notes Amendments, the maturity date of the amended Bridge Financing Notes was revised to be the earlier of (i) twelve months from the issuance date thereof, (ii) six (6) months following the closing of the Business Combination, (iii) six (6) months following the closing of an initial public offering, or (iv) the closing of a bona fide financing by Nuvo for the principal purpose of raising capital, through the sale of Nuvo securities in whatever form or type (whether debt or equity) that raises in excess of $25,000,000 in gross proceeds.


Each Bridge Financing Note is secured by all of Nuvo’s intellectual property, and Nuvo is in the process of filing collateral assignments/financing statements with Nuvo’s Registrar in Israel and with the United States Patent & Trademark Office. Gaingels 10x Capital Diversity Fund I, LP, a Bridge Financing Holder and an affiliate of a member of the Sponsor serves as collateral agent with respect to the collateral securing the Bridge Financing Notes. Upon the occurrence of any event of default described therein, the outstanding balance under the Bridge Financing Notes shall become immediately due and payable upon election of the Bridge Financing Holder and following a written demand notice sent to Nuvo.


In consideration for the services to be rendered under certain advisory services agreements between the Bridge Financing Holders and Nuvo, Nuvo issued a warrant to each Bridge Financing Holder, whereby the Bridge Financing Holder is given the right to purchase such number of Nuvo Shares (or, post-Closing, Holdco Ordinary Shares after applying the equity exchange ratio of 96.139%) equal to (2x) the principal amount of the Holder’s Bridge Financing Note divided by the same price per share noted above (i.e., $7.0265), at an exercise price of NIS 0.01.


The initial agreement with a certain investor to obtain bridge loan financing in the amount of $1.0 million required, as a condition of the funding, the Company to obtain $2.0 million of additional financing from third parties within 30 days of the issuance of the note. The Company met this condition in January 2024.


Cash Flows


The following table summarizes our cash flows for the periods indicated:



Year Ended

December 31,

    2023     2022  
    (dollars in thousands)  
Net cash provided by (used in):                
Operating activities   $ (14,956 )   $ (13,471 )
Investing activities     (38 )     (277 )
Financing activities     14,444       9,825  
Net decrease in cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash   $ (550 )   $ (3,923 )





Net Cash Used in Operating Activities


Net cash used in operating activities during the year ended December 31, 2023 was $15.0, and consisted primarily of our net loss of $33.7 million, partially offset by non-cash charges of $20.3 million. These non-cash charges consisted of $18.0 million resulting from remeasurement of financial instruments associated with the Company’s Crossover Preferred Shares and SAFEs, $3.1 million of share-based compensation expense, and $0.2 million of depreciation and amortization, partially offset by $1.0 million change in fair value of commitment to shareholder. Please see Notes 2 and 9 of our audited financial statements included elsewhere in this Report for more information on the accounting treatment of the SAFEs. The net cash outflows from changes in operating assets and liabilities were primarily the result of an increase of $0.6 million for other assets, a decrease of $0.3 million for convertible loans, and a decrease of $0.2 million for accrued severance pay, and a decrease of $0.4 million for other accounts payable.


Net cash used in operating activities during the year ended December 31, 2022 was $13.5 million, consisting primarily of our net loss of $20.7 million, partially offset by non-cash charges of $5.8 million. These non-cash charges consisted primarily of $7.8 million of share-based compensation, depreciation and amortization of $0.5 million, partially offset by a charge for the remeasurement of financial instruments of $1.0 million resulting from the SAFEs classification as a liability at fair value and adjustments made to their fair value at each reporting period, and by a $1.5 million change in fair value of commitment to shareholder. The net cash inflows from changes in operating assets and liabilities were primarily the result of an increase of $0.6 million for trade payables and $1.2 million of other accounts payable partially offset by an increase of $0.4 million of other current assets.


Net Cash Used in Investing Activities


Net cash used in investing activities for the year ended December 31, 2023 was $38 thousand, due to the purchase of computers and payments for production equipment.


Net cash used in investing activities for the year ended December 31, 2022 was $0.3 million, due to the purchase of computers and payments for production equipment.


Net Cash Used in Financing Activities


Net cash provided by financing activities for the year ended December 31, 2023 was $14.4 million, consisting primarily of $13.0 million proceeds from the issuance of redeemable crossover preferred shares, $2.0 million of proceeds from the issuance of bridge loan and warrants, and $0.5 million proceeds from the issuance of our Nuvo Convertible Loans. This was partially offset by $1.1 million repayment of convertible loans during the year ended December 31, 2023.


Net cash provided by financing activities during the year ended December 31, 2022 was $9.8 million, consisting primarily of $7.4 million of proceeds from the issuance of our Nuvo Convertible Loans and $2.4 million of proceeds from the issuance of SAFEs, net of issuance costs.


Funding Requirements


Because of the numerous risks and uncertainties associated with manufacture, research, development and commercialization of products, we are unable to estimate the exact amount of our capital requirements. Our future funding requirements will depend on, and could increase significantly as a result of, many factors, including:


the scope, progress, results and costs of researching and developing our INVU platform;


the costs, timing and outcome of regulatory approval for additional features of our INVU platform and any future products, or for marketing authorization for any new countries or markets;


the costs of future activities, including product sales, medical affairs, marketing, manufacturing and distribution, for our INVU platform;





commercial manufacturing, shipping, and distribution of our products and sufficient inventory to support commercial launch;


the scope, progress and costs of developing a sales and marketing network in the United States;


the cost and timing of hiring new employees to support our continued growth;


the costs of preparing, filing and prosecuting patent applications, maintaining and enforcing our intellectual property rights and defending intellectual property-related claims;


the ability to establish and maintain collaborations on favorable terms, if at all;


the timing, receipt and amount of sales of our INVU platform, if any;


our success in expanding and developing our operational, financial and management systems;


our success at and the cost of becoming a public company; and


the success and cost of our product acquisition activities, if any.


A change in any of these or other variables with respect to our business or our INVU platform or any other product could significantly change the costs and timing associated with the development of such product. We expect our expenses to increase in connection with our ongoing activities and operations as we begin to grow our business. In addition, upon the closing of the Business Combination, we expect to incur additional costs as a result of operating as a public company. Further, our operating plans may change in the future, and we may need additional funds to meet operational needs and capital requirements associated with such operating plans.


Our primary uses of cash are to fund our operations as we continue to grow our business. We expect to continue to incur operating losses in the near term as our operating expenses will be increased to support the commercial growth of our business and as we incur the costs of becoming and operating as a public company. We expect that our sales and general and administrative expenses will continue to increase, and our research and development expenses will continue steady as we seek additional regulatory clearances, increase our INVU manufacturing volume, expand our marketing efforts, continue our research and development efforts and further develop INVU.


We expect that our near- and longer-term liquidity requirements will continue to consist of working capital and general expenses associated with the growth of our business. Depending on any new business models we might develop to monetize our solution, it is possible that we will be required to invest substantial resources in capital expenditures and fixed assets in both the short and long term.


Based on our current planned operations, we expect that our existing cash, proceeds from the closing of the Business Combination and anticipated net proceeds from the Bridge Loan program will enable us to fund our operating expenses for at least the next three months from the date of closing the Business Combination. We expect to execute a financing during the next three months to generate proceeds to provide cash to fund our operations, the amount of which cannot be estimated as of the date of the closing of the Business Combination. There can be no assurance that the financing will be consummated prior to the expiration of such three-month period, if at all, or that we will receive any such net proceeds in connection with the financing. Even if such financing is available, there is no assurance that it is obtainable on terms acceptable to us. In the absence of the net proceeds from the transactions, we will need additional financial support through the private raise of equity or other capital sources, or we will have to significantly reduce our expenditures, delay clinical trials, or enter into collaborations and/or licensing arrangements, in order to sustain operations for the next 12 months. We have concluded that this circumstance raises substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern for at least one year from the date our financial statements were available for issuance. See Note 1 to our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this Report, for additional information. Similarly, our independent registered public accounting firm included an explanatory paragraph in its report on our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included in this Report, describing the existence of substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern.





We have based our estimates as to how long we expect we will be able to fund our operations on assumptions that may prove to be wrong, and we could use our available capital resources sooner than we currently expect, in which case we would be required to obtain additional financing sooner than currently projected, which may not be available to us on acceptable terms, or at all. Our failure to raise capital as and when needed would have a negative impact on our financial condition and our ability to pursue our business strategy. We may raise additional capital through equity offerings, or other capital sources, including potentially, collaborations, licenses and other similar arrangements. If we do raise additional capital through public or private equity offerings, the ownership interest of our existing shareholders will be diluted, and the terms of these securities may include liquidation or other preferences that adversely affect our existing shareholders’ rights. If we raise additional capital through debt financing, we may be subject to covenants limiting or restricting our ability to take specific actions, such as incurring additional debt, making capital expenditures or declaring dividends. If we raise funds through collaborations, strategic partnerships or marketing, distribution or licensing arrangements with third parties, we may have to relinquish valuable rights to our technologies, future revenue streams, research programs or products or grant licenses on terms that may not be favorable to us. If we are unable to raise additional funds when needed, we may be required to delay, reduce or eliminate our product development or future commercialization efforts, or grant rights to develop and market our INVU platform that we would otherwise prefer to develop and market ourselves.


Contractual Obligations and Other Commitments


The following table summarizes our contractual obligations and other commitments as of December 31, 2023 and the effects that such obligations are expected to have on our liquidity and cash flows in future periods:


    Payments Due by Period  
    Less than
1 Year
    1 to 3 Years     Total  
Operating lease obligations   $ 348     $ -     $ 348  
Total   $ 348     $ -     $ 348  


In December 2022, we entered into a new operating lease agreement in Tel Aviv. The monthly average rent expenses were approximately $32,000. The first lease period was for six months with an extension option for an additional six months with a monthly expense of approximately $30,000. In June 2023, we entered into a modified lease agreement exercising the above option ending on December 24, 2023 and adding an additional lease year ending on December 24, 2024, with a monthly expense of approximately $29,000, and a three-month termination option starting on March 30, 2024. To date, the Company has not exercised the termination option.


We have entered into contracts in the normal course of business with third parties. These contracts do not contain any minimum purchase commitments and are cancellable by us upon prior notice and, as a result, are not included in the table of contractual obligations and commitments above. Payments due upon cancellation consist only of payments for services provided and expenses incurred, including non-cancellable obligations of our service providers, up to the date of cancellation.


We are required to pay royalties to the State of Israel through the IIA, computed on the basis of proceeds from the sale or license of products, the development of which was supported by state grants. In accordance with the terms of the financial participation, the IIA is entitled to royalties on the sale or license of any product which development was supported with State of Israel participation. These royalties are generally 3% - 3.5% of sales until repayment of 100% of the grants (linked to the dollar) received by us plus annual interest at the SOFR rate.


The aggregate contingent obligation payable by us as of December 31, 2023 was approximately $1,164 million, which represents the gross amount of grants received by us from the IIA for two grant programs during the period from July 2014 to June 2016, including accrued interest as of December 31, 2023. As of December 31, 2023 we had not paid any royalties to the IIA.


Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements


We did not have during the periods presented, and we do not currently have, any off-balance sheet arrangements, as defined in the rules and regulations of the SEC.


C. Research and Development, Patents and Licenses, Etc.


For our research and development efforts, see Item 4.B. “Business Overview.” For information regarding our patents and proprietary rights, see “Business Overview––Intellectual Property” in the Prospectus, which is incorporated by reference into Item 4.B.





  D. Trend Information


We are a women’s health and connected pregnancy care company, which recently began commercialization of our product, the INVU platform, and it is not possible for us to predict with any degree of accuracy the outcome of our commercialization efforts. As such, it is not possible for us to predict with any degree of accuracy any known trends, uncertainties, demands, commitments or events that are reasonably likely to have a material effect on our financial condition, including our liquidity and capital resources, or that would cause reported financial information to not necessarily be indicative of future operating results or financial conditions. Our results of operations and financial condition may be affected by various trends and factors discussed in Item 3.D. “Risk Factors,” Item 4 “Information on The Company” and elsewhere in this Item 5 “Operating and Financial Review and Prospects.”


  E. Critical Accounting Estimates


Our management’s discussion and analysis of our financial condition and results of operations is based on our financial statements included elsewhere in this Report, that have been prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The preparation of these financial statements requires us to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, as well as the reported income generated, and expenses incurred during the reporting periods. Our estimates are based on our historical experience and on various other factors that we believe are reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis for making judgments about the carrying value of assets and liabilities that are not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these estimates under different assumptions or conditions and any such differences may be material.


While our significant accounting policies are more fully described in Note 2 to our unaudited financial statements included elsewhere in this Report, we believe that the accounting policies discussed below are critical to understanding our historical and future performance, as these policies relate to the more significant areas involving management’s judgments and estimates.


We evaluate on an ongoing basis our assumptions, including those related to contingencies, income tax uncertainties, share-based compensation cost, fair value measurement of warrants, accretion of redeemable shares, and the fair value and useful life of intangible assets.




Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Inventory write-off is provided to cover risks arising from slow-moving items, technological obsolescence, excess inventories and discontinued products.


Inventory items are valued using the “average price” method. The Company assesses the carrying value of its inventory for each reporting period to ensure inventory is reported at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Charges for obsolete and slow-moving inventories are recorded based upon an analysis of specific identification of obsolete inventory items and quantification of slow-moving inventory items. These assessments consider various factors, technological obsolescence, estimated current and future market values and new product introduction. In cases when there is evidence that the anticipated utility of goods, in their disposal in the ordinary course of business, will be less than the historical cost of the inventory, the Company recognizes the difference as a current period charge to earnings and carries the inventory at the reduced cost basis until it is sold or disposed of. As of December 31, 2023 and 2022 the inventory is comprised of raw material and components only.


Share-Based Compensation


The Company accounts for share-based compensation in accordance with ASC No. 718, “Compensation-Stock Compensation” (“ASC No. 718”). ASC No. 718 requires companies to estimate the fair value of equity-based payment awards on the grant date using the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model, which is the most appropriate fair value method for its options awards. The option-pricing model requires a number of assumptions, of which the most significant are the expected share price volatility and the expected option term. Expected volatility was calculated based upon similar companies in the market, until sufficient historical data will be available. The expected term of options granted is calculated based upon the simplified method until sufficient historical exercise data will support using expected life assumptions. The risk-free interest rate is based on the yield from U.S. treasury bonds with an equivalent term to the expected life of the options. The Company has historically not paid dividends and has no foreseeable plans to pay dividends.





The fair value of Ordinary Shares underlying the options has historically been determined by management and approved by the Company’s Board of Directors. Because there has been no public market for the Company’s Ordinary Shares, the management has determined fair value of an Ordinary Share at the time of grant of the option by considering a number of objective and subjective factors including financing investment rounds, operating and financial performance, the lack of liquidity of share capital and general and industry-specific economic outlook, amongst other factors. The fair value of the underlying Ordinary Shares will be determined by the management until such time as the Company’s Ordinary Shares are listed on an established stock exchange.


The estimated fair value of the Company’s Ordinary Shares is determined by management using the Hybrid Method for the years 2023, 2022 and 2021, with the assistance of a third-party valuation expert.


The Company recognizes compensation cost for options and share awards that have a graded vesting schedule and contain only a service condition on accelerated attribution method for the entire award. Forfeitures are accounted for as they occur. For options granted to non-employees, the expected life of the option used is the contractual term of each such option. All other assumptions used to calculate the grant date fair value are generally consistent with the assumptions used for options granted to employees.


For awards with performance condition vesting features, compensation cost is recorded if it is probable that the performance condition will be achieved. If the Company originally estimated that it was not probable that the performance condition would be satisfied, compensation cost would not have been recognized. If the Company later determines that it is probable that the performance condition will be satisfied, it will recognize a cumulative catch-up adjustment to reflect the portion of the employee’s requisite service that has been provided to date and will continue to recognize compensation cost over the remaining requisite service period. The Company determined that the performance conditions as described above are not probable, and therefore no compensation cost was recognized.


Determination of Fair Value of Financial Instruments


The Company accounts for financial instruments under Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification 820 (“ASC 820”), Fair Value Measurements. This statement defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value in generally accepted accounting principles, and expands disclosures about fair value measurements. To increase consistency and comparability in fair value measurements, ASC 820 establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value into three levels as follows:


Level 1 - quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.


Level 2 - observable inputs other than Level 1, quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets and liabilities in markets that are not active, and model-derived prices whose inputs are observable or whose significant value drivers are observable.


Level 3 - assets and liabilities whose significant value drivers are unobservable.


Observable inputs are based on market data obtained from independent sources, while unobservable inputs are based on the Company’s market assumptions.


Unobservable inputs require significant management judgment or estimation. In some cases, the inputs used to measure an asset or liability may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In those instances, the fair value measurement is required to be classified using the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement. Such determination requires significant management judgment.


During the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, Nuvo issued the Nuvo Convertible Loans, which were classified as liabilities and measured at fair value on the issuance date, with changes in fair value recognized in the statements of comprehensive loss and disclosed in our audited financial statements included elsewhere in this Report.





During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company signed several term sheets for the purchase of Nuvo Crossover Preferred Shares with both new and existing investors. The proceeds were received before the Crossover Preferred Shares were issued and the Company determined that, until issuance, the amounts received represented a contingent forward to issue redeemable crossover preferred shares. The contingent forward was accounted for as a liability measured at fair value at each balance sheet date. Upon issuance of the Crossover Preferred Shares, the contingent forward was reclassified to mezzanine equity in the Company’s consolidated balance sheet.


During the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, 2021 and 2020, Nuvo entered into certain SAFE agreements and classified the SAFE as a liability measured at cost on the issuance date, with changes in accordance with Accounting Standards Codification 480, “Financial Instruments”, Nuvo accounts for a SAFE as a liability at fair value and adjusts the instrument to fair value at each reporting period. This liability is subject to re-measurement at each balance sheet date until a triggering event, equity financing or a liquidity/dissolution occurs, and any change in fair value is recognized in Nuvo’s statements of comprehensive loss. The carrying amounts of Nuvo’s other financial assets and liabilities, such as accounts payable, approximate fair value due to the short-term nature of these instruments.




  A. Directors and Senior Management


The executive officers constituting our senior management and the members of our Board, upon the consummation of the Business Combination, are set forth in the Prospectus in the section entitled “Holdco Management Following the Business Combination,” which is incorporated herein by reference. Effective as of Acquisition Effective Time, the sole shareholder elected by written resolution Robert Powell, Laurence Klein, Gerald Ostrov, Christina Spade, and Adriana Machado to the Board. The biographies of the newly appointed and elected directors and of our executive officers are set forth in the section of the Prospectus entitled “Holdco Management Following the Business Combination,” which is incorporated herein by reference, with the exception of the disclosure contained therein relating to Amit Reches, who remains employed by the Company but is no longer considered by the Company to be an executive officer and a member of senior management as of the Closing.


  B. Compensation


The following table presents in the aggregate all compensation we paid to all of our directors and senior management as a group for the year ended December 31, 2023. The table does not include any amounts we paid to reimburse any of such persons for costs incurred in providing us with services during this period.


All amounts reported in the table below reflect our cost, in thousands of U.S. dollars. Amounts paid in NIS are translated into U.S. dollars at the rate of NIS 3.687 = U.S. $1.00, based on the average representative rate of exchange between the NIS and the U.S. dollar as reported by the Bank of Israel during such period of time.


bonuses and
Related Benefits
and Other
Similar Benefits
   Share Based
All directors and senior management as a group, consisting of three persons as of December 31, 2023.  $561,679   $0   $363,544 


Additional information pertaining to Holdco’s executive compensation disclosure requirements and Nuvo’s 2015 Share Incentive Plan is set forth in the Prospectus, in the section entitled “Executive Compensation,” which is incorporated herein by reference.





Post-Business Combination Share Incentive Plan


By way of written resolutions passed prior to the Business Combination, the Board approved the 2024 Share Incentive Plan (the “2024 Plan”), which provides for the grant of equity-based incentive awards to its employees, directors, office holders, service providers and consultants in order to incentivize them to increase their efforts on behalf of Holdco and to promote the success of the Holdco’s business. In addition to the 2024 Plan, Holdco adopted the 2024 Employee Share Purchase Plan (“ESPP”). The 2024 Plan and the ESPP became effective upon the closing of the Business Combination.


The purpose of the 2024 Plan and the ESPP is to attract and retain highly qualified personnel and to provide key employees with additional incentive to increase their efforts on behalf and in the best interest of Holdco and its subsidiaries by giving them the opportunity to acquire a proprietary interest in Holdco as an incentive for them to remain in the service of Holdco. The terms of the 2024 Plan are set forth in the Prospectus in the section titled “Executive Compensation—Post-Business Combination Share Incentive Plan” beginning on page 31 of the Prospectus, which is incorporated herein by reference. Such summary and the foregoing description are qualified in their entirety by reference to the text of the 2024 Plan and the ESPP, copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibits 4.5 and 4.13, respectively, to this Report.


  C. Board Practices


Information pertaining to the Board practices following the Closing is set forth in the Prospectus, in the sections entitled “Holdco Management Following the Business Combination” and “Description of Holdco Securities—Election of Directors,” which are incorporated herein by reference.


As a foreign private issuer and in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5615(a)(3), we may, and have elected to, comply with home country (Israel) governance requirements and certain exemptions thereunder rather than complying with certain of the corporate governance requirements of the Nasdaq.


In accordance with Israeli law and practice and subject to the exemption set forth in Rule 5615 of the Nasdaq Listing Rules, we have elected to follow the provisions of the Companies Law, rather than the Nasdaq Listing Rules, with respect to the following requirements:


Quorum. Under the corporate governance rules of Nasdaq, a quorum requires the presence, in person or by proxy, of holders of at least 33⅓% of the total issued outstanding voting power of our shares at each general meeting of shareholders, pursuant to the Amended Articles, and as permitted under the Companies Law, the quorum required for a general meeting of shareholders consists of at least two shareholders present in person or by proxy in accordance with the Companies Law, who hold or represent at least 33⅓% of the total outstanding voting power of our shares, except if (i) any such general meeting of shareholders was initiated by and convened pursuant to a resolution adopted by the board of directors and (ii) at the time of such general meeting, we qualify to use the forms and rules of a “foreign private issuer,” in which case the requisite quorum consists of two or more shareholders present in person or by proxy who hold or represent at least 25% of the total outstanding voting power of our shares (and if the meeting is adjourned for a lack of quorum, the quorum for such adjourned meeting will be, subject to certain exceptions, any number of shareholders).





Shareholder approval. We will seek shareholder approval for all corporate actions requiring such approval under the requirements of the Companies Law, rather than pursuant to Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635. In particular, under this Nasdaq rule, shareholder approval would otherwise generally be required for: (i) an acquisition of shares/assets of another company that involves the issuance of 20% or more of the acquirer’s shares or voting rights or if a director, officer or 5% shareholder has greater than a 5% interest in the target company or the consideration to be received; (ii) the issuance of shares leading to a change of control; (iii) adoption/amendment of equity compensation arrangements; and (iv) issuances of 20% or more of the shares or voting rights (including securities convertible into, or exercisable for, equity) of a listed company via a private placement (and/or via sales by directors/officers/5% shareholders) if such equity is issued (or sold) at below the greater of the book or market value of shares. Under the Israeli Companies Law, the adoption of, and material changes to, equity-based compensation plans generally require the approval of the board of directors. Details regarding the approvals required under the Israeli Companies Law and regulation promulgated thereunder for the approval of compensation of the chief executive officer, all other executive officers and directors, are set forth in the Prospectus, in the sections entitled “Holdco Management Following the Business Combination—Compensation Policy under the Companies Law” and “Holdco Management Following the Business Combination—Compensation of Directors and Executive Officers,” which are incorporated by reference herein. Details regarding the approvals required under the Israeli Companies Law for the approval of transactions with and compensation of controlling shareholders are set forth in the Prospectus, in the section entitled “Holdco Management Following the Business Combination — Approval of Related Party Transactions under Israeli Law,” which is incorporated by reference herein. Details regarding the approvals required under the Israeli Companies Law for certain acquisitions of our ordinary shares and mergers are set forth in the Prospectus, in the section entitled “Description of Holdco Securities — Acquisitions under Israeli Law,” which is incorporated by reference herein.


  D. Employees


Following and as a result of the Business Combination, the business of the Company is conducted through Nuvo, its direct, wholly-owned subsidiary.


As of December 31, 2023, we had 33 full-time and 3 part-time employees in Israel, 14 full-time contractors in Ukraine and 9 full-time employees in the United States. Our operations in Israel have not been materially affected by the war between Israel and Hamas, however, see the section of the Prospectus entitled “Risk Factors — Risks Related to Israeli Law and Our Operations in Israel — Conditions in Israel, including the recent attack by Hamas and other terrorist organizations from the Gaza Strip and Israel’s war against them, may adversely affect our business, our results of operations and our ability to raise additional funds.” Following the invasion of Ukraine by Russia in 2022, we closed our Ukraine office and all of our Ukrainian employees work remotely. We believe that the success of our business will depend, in part, on our ability to attract and retain qualified personnel. Our human capital strategy is closely aligned with our vision and focuses on attracting, retaining, developing and engaging top talent. We monitor our success with insights across human capital metrics such as hire per plan, professional growth and promotions, performance and employee development feedback, and turnover. None of our employees are represented by a labor union or are a party to a collective bargaining agreement, and we believe that we have good relations with our employees.


  F. Share Ownership


Information about the ownership of Holdco Ordinary Shares by our directors and members of senior management upon consummation of the Business Combination is set forth in Item 7.A of this Report. Information about arrangements for involving employees in the capital of the Company is set forth in Item 6.B of this Report.







  A. Major Shareholders


The following table sets forth information regarding the beneficial ownership of Holdco Ordinary Shares as of May 1, 2024 immediately following the consummation of the Business Combination by:


each person known by us to be the beneficial owner of more than 5% of the Holdco Ordinary Shares;


each of our directors and our executive officers; and


all our directors and executive officers.


Except as otherwise noted herein, the number and percentage of Holdco Ordinary Shares beneficially owned is determined in accordance with Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange Act, and the information is not necessarily indicative of beneficial ownership for any other purpose. Under such rule, beneficial ownership includes any Holdco Ordinary Shares as to which the holder has sole or shared voting power or investment power and also any Holdco Ordinary Shares which the holder has the right to acquire within 60 days of the Closing Date through the exercise of any option, warrant or any other right.


We have based percentage ownership on 33,261,549 Holdco Ordinary Shares outstanding as of the Closing Date, May 1, 2024.


   Number   Percentage 
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner          
Directors and Executive Officers of Holdco:**          
Robert Powell   28,566    *
Douglas Blankenship   385    *
Laurence Klein(2)(3)(4)   3,053,709    9.2%
Christina Spade   20,000    *
Gerald Ostrov(5)   485,847    1.5%
Adriana Machado   20,000    *
All directors and executive officers as a group (six individuals)   3,608,507    10.7%
5% or More Holders:***          
LAMF SPAC Holdings I LLC(1)   7,311,372(6)    21.9%
Axxion SA(acting on behalf of the German UCITS Funds “Frankfurter Aktienfonds für Stiftungen”)   2,337,328    7.0%
Laurence Klein   3,053,709    9.2%





* Less than one percent.
** Other than with respect to Christina Spade and Adriana Machado, the beneficial ownership information of the directors and executive officers of Holdco is based on Nuvo Shares beneficially owned by such persons, as of the date of closing, May 1, 2024.
*** Other than with respect to LAMF SPAC Holdings I LLC or as otherwise noted below, the beneficial ownership information of the 5% of more holders of Holdco is based on Nuvo Shares beneficially owned by such persons, as of the date of closing, May 1, 2024.


(1) LAMF SPAC Holdings I LLC is the record holder of the shares reported herein. LAMF SPAC I LLC is the managing member of LAMF SPAC Holdings I LLC. LAMF SPAC I LLC has voting and investment discretion with respect to the ordinary shares held of record by LAMF SPAC Holdings I LLC. There are three managing members of LAMF SPAC I LLC. Each managing member has one vote, and the approval of a majority is required to approve an action. Under the so-called “rule of three,” voting and dispositive decisions regarding an entity’s securities are made by three or more individuals, and voting or dispositive decisions require the approval of a majority of those individuals, then none of the individuals is deemed a beneficial owner of the entity’s securities. Based on the foregoing, no individual managing member of LAMF SPAC I LLC exercises voting or dispositive control over any of the shares held by the entity, even those in which he holds a pecuniary interest. Accordingly, none of them will be deemed to have or share beneficial ownership of such shares. Above reflects the ownership of LAMF SPAC Holdings I LLC prior to distribution of Holdco securities to certain of its members on or about May 1, 2024.
(2) Consists of (i) 424,503 Nuvo Shares held directly by Nuvo Investors LLC and indirectly by Laurence Klein as Managing Director of Nuvo Investors LLC and (ii) 514,606 Nuvo Shares Nuvo Investors LLC received upon conversion of certain Nuvo SAFEs upon the consummation of the Business Combination. Mr. Klein exercises sole voting and investment power with respect to the securities held by Nuvo Investors LLC. The address for Nuvo Investors LLC is 803 Wildwood Road, West Hempstead, NY 11552.
(3) Consists of 480,693 Nuvo Shares held directly by Nalay, Inc. and indirectly by Laurence Klein as President of Nalay, Inc. Mr. Klein exercises sole voting and investment power with respect to the securities held by Nalay, Inc. The address for Nalay, Inc. is 803 Wildwood Road, West Hempstead, NY 11552.
(4) Consists of 9,167 Nuvo Shares held directly by LCK Holdings LLC and indirectly by Laurence Klein as Managing Director of LCK Holdings LLC. Mr. Klein exercises sole voting and investment power with respect to the securities held by LCK Holdings LLC. The address for LCK Holdings LLC is 803 Wildwood Road, West Hempstead, NY 11552.
(5) Includes 16,566 Nuvo Shares issuable upon the exercise of options and 82,093 Nuvo Shares issuable upon the exercise of the Bridge Loan warrants within 60 days following May 1, 2024.
(6) In connection with the Extension, the Sponsor agreed to transfer to certain unaffiliated third party investors (i) for the Initial Extension, 606,480 LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares, and (ii) 101,080 Founder Shares for each Additional Monthly Extension, or up to an aggregate of 1,212,960 LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares if the Initial Extension and all Additional Monthly Extensions are implemented.





B. Related Party Transactions


Information pertaining to related party transactions is set forth in the Prospectus, in the section entitled “Certain Nuvo Relationships and Related Party Transactions,” which is incorporated herein by reference.


  C. Interests of Experts and Counsel


Not applicable.




  A. Consolidated Statements and Other Financial Information


Financial Statements


See Item 18 of this Report for consolidated financial statements and other financial information.


Legal Proceedings


Information regarding legal proceedings involving Nuvo is included in the Prospectus in the section entitled “Business of Nuvo—Legal Proceedings” and is incorporated herein by reference.


Dividend Policy


The Company’s policy on dividend distributions is included in the Prospectus under the heading “Description of Holdco Securities — Dividend and Liquidation Rights,” which is incorporated herein by reference.


  B. Significant Changes


Not Applicable.




  A. Offer and Listing Details


Nasdaq Listing of Ordinary Shares and Warrants


The Holdco Ordinary Shares are listed on The Nasdaq Global Market under the symbol “NUVO” and the Holdco Warrants are listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol “NUVOW”. Holders of Holdco Ordinary Shares and Holdco Warrants should obtain current market quotations for their securities.


Lock-Up Agreements


Information regarding the lock-up restrictions applicable to certain of the Holdco Ordinary Shares is included in the Prospectus in the sections entitled “Shares Eligible For Future Sale—Sponsor Support Agreement” and Shares Eligible For Future Sale—Nuvo Lock-up” and is incorporated herein by reference.





  B. Plan of Distribution


Not applicable.


  C. Markets


The Holdco Ordinary Shares are listed on The Nasdaq Global Market under the symbol “NUVO” and the Holdco Warrants are listed on The Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol “NUVOW”.


  D. Selling Shareholders


Not applicable.


  E. Dilution


Not applicable.


  F. Expenses of the Issue


Not applicable.


ITEM 10.



  A. Share Capital


The authorized share capital of Holdco is 510,000,000, of which 500,000,000 is designated as Holdco Ordinary Shares and 10,000,000 of which is designated as Holdco Preferred Shares.


As of May 2, 2024, subsequent to the consummation of the Business Combination, there were 33,261,549 Holdco Ordinary shares issued and outstanding and 1,778,684 Holdco Preferred Shares issued and outstanding.


Information regarding our share capital is included in the Prospectus under the section titled “Description of Holdco Securities” and is incorporated herein by reference.


  B. Articles of Association


The Amended Articles are included as Exhibit 1.1 to this Report. Information regarding the Amended Articles is included in the Prospectus under the section titled “Description of Holdco Securities” and is incorporated herein by reference.


  C. Material Contracts


Material Contracts Relating to Nuvo’s Operations


Information pertaining to Holdco’s material contracts is set forth in the Prospectus in the sections entitled “Business of Nuvo—Commercial Relationships, —Commercial Customers, —Validation Partners, —New Care Pathway Partners and —Strategic Partnerships” and in the Report under “Explanatory Note – Bridge Financing,” which is incorporated herein by reference


Material Contracts Relating to the Business Combination


Business Combination Agreement


The description of the Business Combination Agreement is included in the Prospectus in the section entitled “The Business Combination Agreement” which is incorporated herein by reference.





Other Agreements


The description of other material agreements relating to the Business Combination is included in the Prospectus in the section entitled “Certain Agreements Related to the Business Combination” which is incorporated herein by reference.


  D. Exchange Controls


There are currently no Israeli currency control restrictions on payments of dividends or other distributions with respect to the Holdco Ordinary Shares or the proceeds from the sale of the Holdco Ordinary Shares, except for the obligation of Israeli residents to file reports with the Bank of Israel regarding certain transactions. However, legislation remains in effect pursuant to which currency controls can be imposed by administrative action at any time.


Non-residents of Israel who purchase our securities with non-Israeli currency will be able to repatriate dividends (if any), liquidation distributions and the proceeds of any sale of such securities, into non-Israeli currencies at the rate of exchange prevailing at the time of repatriation, provided that any applicable Israeli taxes have been paid (or withheld) on such amounts.


Neither our Amended Articles nor the laws of the State of Israel restrict in any way the ownership or voting of our ordinary shares by non-residents of Israel, except with respect to citizens of countries that are in a state of war with Israel.


  E. Taxation


Information pertaining to tax considerations related to the Business Combination is set forth in the Prospectus, in the sections entitled “Material U.S Federal Income Tax Considerations to U.S. Holders” and “Material Israeli Tax Considerations,” which are incorporated herein by reference.


  F. Dividends and Paying Agents


The Company has never declared or paid any cash dividends and has no plan to declare or pay any dividends on Holdco Ordinary Shares in the foreseeable future. The Company currently intends to retain any earnings for future operations and expansion.


  G. Statement by Experts


The consolidated financial statements of LAMF Global Ventures Corp. I, as of December 31, 2023 and 2022 and for the years then ended, incorporated by reference herein have been audited by WithumSmith+Brown, PC, independent registered public accounting firm, as set forth in their report thereon, and are incorporated by reference herein in reliance upon such report given on the authority of such firm as expert in accounting and auditing.


The financial statements of Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd., as of December 31, 2023 and July 20, 2023, including the related notes thereto, incorporated by reference herein have been audited by Kesselman & Kesselman, Certified Public Accountants (Isr.), a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, independent registered public accounting firm, as set forth in their report thereon, and are incorporated by reference herein in reliance upon such report given on the authority of such firm as an expert in accounting and auditing.


The financial statements of Nuvo Group Ltd. as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, and for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2023 included herein have been audited by Kesselman & Kesselman, Certified Public Accountants (Isr.), a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, independent registered public accounting firm, as set forth in their report thereon, and are included herein in reliance upon such report given on the authority of such firm as an expert in accounting and auditing.


  H. Documents on Display


We are subject to certain of the informational filing requirements of the Exchange Act. Since we are a “foreign private issuer,” we are exempt from the rules and regulations under the Exchange Act prescribing the furnishing and content of proxy statements, and our officers, directors and principal shareholders are exempt from the reporting and “short-swing” profit recovery provisions contained in Section 16 of the Exchange Act, with respect to their purchase and sale of our equity securities. In addition, we are not required to file reports and financial statements with the SEC as frequently or as promptly as U.S. companies whose securities are registered under the Exchange Act. However, we are required to file with the SEC an Annual Report on Form 20-F containing financial statements audited by an independent accounting firm. We will also furnish to the SEC, on Form 6-K, unaudited financial information with respect to our interim results. Information filed with or furnished to the SEC by us will be available on our website. The SEC also maintains a website at http://www.sec.gov that contains reports and other information that we file with or furnish electronically with the SEC.





  I. Subsidiary Information


Not applicable.




Interest Rate Risk


We are exposed to market risks in the ordinary course of our business. These risks primarily relate to interest rates. As of December 31, 2023, we had cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash of $0. million, all of which was held in checking accounts. The $6.8 million of principal outstanding on our Nuvo Convertible Loans bears interest at a fixed rate of 2% per month and the $2.1 million of principal outstanding on our Nuvo Bridge Loans bears interest at a fixed rate of 15% per year as described above. We therefore do not believe we are exposed to, nor do we anticipate being in the near future exposed to, material risks due to changes in interest rates.


Inflation-Related Risks


We do not believe that the rate of inflation in Israel has had a material impact on our business to date. However, our costs in Israel will increase if the inflation rate in Israel exceeds the devaluation of the NIS against the U.S. dollar or if the timing of such devaluation lags behind inflation in Israel. In any such event, the dollar cost of our operations in Israel would increase and our dollar-denominated results of operations would be adversely affected. We cannot predict any future trends in the rate of inflation in Israel or the rate of devaluation (if any) of the NIS against the dollar. To the extent inflation increases our costs and expenses, we may have to consider price increases to offset those cost pressures.


Foreign Currency Exchange Risk


Our foreign currency exposures give rise to market risk associated with exchange rate movements of the NIS mainly against the U.S. dollar, and vice versa, because most of our expenses are denominated in NIS and the U.S. dollar. Our NIS and U.S. dollar expenses consist principally of payments made to employees, subcontractors and consultants for preclinical studies, clinical trials and other research and development activities. We anticipate that a sizable portion of our expenses will continue to be denominated in the NIS and U.S. dollar. Our financial position, results of operations and cash flows are, therefore, subject to fluctuations due to changes in foreign currency exchange rates and may be adversely affected in the future due to changes in foreign exchange rates.






Information regarding the Public Warrants is set forth in the Prospectus under the section titled “Description of Holdco’s Securities — Warrants” and is incorporated herein by reference. Upon the completion of the Business Combination, there were 12,642,940 Public Warrants outstanding. The Public Warrants, which entitle the holder to purchase one Holdco Ordinary Share at an exercise price of $11.50 per share, will become exercisable on May 31, 2024, which is 30 days after the completion of the Business Combination. The Public Warrants will expire on May 1, 2029, (i.e., five years after the completion of the Business Combination) or earlier upon redemption or liquidation in accordance with their terms. Upon the completion of the Business Combination, there were also 580,500 Private Warrants held by LAMF Insiders. The Private Warrants are identical to the Public Warrants in all material respects, except that they may not be transferred, assigned or sold until May 31, 2024, which is 30 days after the completion of the Business Combination.







Not applicable.









See Item 18.




The audited consolidated financial statements of LAMF as of December 31, 2023 and 2022 and for the years then ended, including the related notes thereto, included in the Prospectus are incorporated herein by reference.


The audited consolidated financial statements of Nuvo as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, and for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2023, including the related notes thereto, are attached as Exhibit 15.1 to this Report.


The audited consolidated financial statements of the Company as of December 31, 2023 and July 20, 2023, including the related notes thereto, included in the Prospectus are incorporated by reference herein.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information of the Company are attached as Exhibit 15.2 hereto.









Exhibit No.   Description
1.1**   Amended and Restated Articles of Association of Holdco.
2.1*   Specimen Warrant Certificate of LAMF (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.3 to LAMF’s Registration Statement on Form S-1 (File No. 333-259998) filed on October 28, 2021).
2.2*   Warrant Agreement, dated as of November 10, 2021, by and between LAMF and Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company, as warrant agent (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.1 to LAMF’s Current Report on Form 8-K filed on November 16, 2021).
2.3**   Warrant Assignment, Assumption and Amendment Agreement, dated as of May 30, 2024, by and among LAMF, Holdco, and Continental Stock & Trust Company, as warrant agent.
2.4*   Specimen Warrant Certificate of Holdco (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 4.6 to Holdco’s Registration Statement on Form F-4/A (File No. 333-274803) filed on February 9, 2024).
4.1*†   Business Combination Agreement, dated as of August 17, 2023, by and among Nuvo, Holdco, Assetco, LAMF and Merger Sub (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 2.1 to Holdco’s Registration Statement on Form F-4 (File No. 333-274803) filed on September 29, 2023).
4.2*†   Shareholder Support Agreement, dated as of August 17, 2023, by and among LAMF, the Nuvo Shareholders, Nuvo and Holdco (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.1 to Holdco’s Registration Statement on Form F-4 (File No. 333-274803) filed on September 29, 2023).
4.3*   Sponsor Support Agreement, dated as of August 17, 2023, by and among LAMF, Nuvo, Holdco, Sponsor and the directors and executive officers of LAMF (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.2 to Holdco’s Registration Statement on Form F-4 (File No. 333-274803) filed on September 29, 2023).
4.4**†   Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of May 1, 2024, by and among Holdco, Nuvo, LAMF, Sponsor, certain executive officers and directors of LAMF, LAMF SPAC I LLC, Nweis Investments LLC, Atoe LLC, 10X LAMF SPAC SPV LLC, Cohen Sponsor LLC – A16 RS and ASCJ Global LLC – Series 16 and certain shareholders of Holdco and the executive officers and directors of Nuvo.
4.5#**   Holdco 2024 Share Incentive Plan.
4.6*   Form of Interim Financing Agreement (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.15 to Holdco’s Registration Statement on Form F-4 (File No. 333-274803) filed on September 29, 2023).
4.7+*   Master Purchase Agreement, by and between Nuvo Group USA, Inc. and Philips Electronics Nederland B.V. dated August 21, 2023 (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.16 to Holdco’s Registration Statement on Form F-4 (File No. 333-274803) filed on September 29, 2023).
4.8*   Form of Holdco Compensation Policy for Executive Officers and Directors (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.17 to Holdco’s Registration Statement on Form F-4/A (File No. 333-274803) filed on February 28, 2024).
4.9*   Form of Holdco Indemnity Agreement (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.18 to Holdco’s Registration Statement on Form F-4/A (File No. 333-274803) filed on February 28, 2024).
4.10*   Form of Bridge Financing Convertible Note (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.19 to Holdco’s Registration Statement on Form F-4/A (File No. 333-274803) filed on January 16, 2024).
4.11*   Form of Bridge Financing Warrant (incorporated by reference to Exhibit 10.20 to Holdco’s Registration Statement on Form F-4/A (File No. 333-274803) filed on January 16, 2024).
4.12**   Bridge Financing Notes Amendment
4.13#**   Holdco 2024 Employee Share Purchase Plan.
8.1**   List of Subsidiaries of Holdco.
15.1**   Audited consolidated financial statements of Nuvo for year-end December 31, 2023.
15.2**   Unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information of the Company.
15.3**   Consent of WithumSmith+Brown, PC, independent registered accounting firm for LAMF.
15.4**   Consent of Kesselman & Kesselman, independent registered accounting firm for Holdco.
15.5**   Consent of Kesselman & Kesselman, independent registered account firm for Nuvo.


# Indicates management contract or compensatory plan or arrangement.
Certain of the exhibits and schedules to this Exhibit have been omitted in accordance with Regulation S-K Item 601(a)(5). The Registrant agrees to furnish a copy of all omitted exhibits and schedules to the SEC upon its request.
+ Pursuant to Item 601(b)(10)(iv) of Regulation S-K, portions of this exhibit have been omitted because the Company customarily and actually treats the omitted portions as private or confidential, and such portions are not material and would likely cause competitive harm to the Company if publicly disclosed. The Company will supplementally provide a copy of an unredacted copy of this exhibit to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission or its staff upon request.
* Previously filed.
** Filed herewith.







The registrant hereby certifies that it meets all of the requirements for filing on Form 20-F and that it has duly caused and authorized the undersigned to sign this report on its behalf.


  Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd.
May 7, 2024 By: /s/ Robert Powell
  Name: Robert Powell
  Title: Chief Executive Officer and Director




Exhibit 1.1











As Adopted on May 1, 2024




1. Definitions; Interpretation.


(a) In these Articles, the following terms (whether or not capitalized) shall bear the meanings set forth opposite them, respectively, unless the subject or context requires otherwise.



shall mean, as applied to any person, any other person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under direct or indirect common control with, such person. For purposes of this definition, “control” (including with correlative meanings, the terms “controlling,” “controlled by” and “under common control with”), as applied to any person, shall mean the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of such person, whether through the ownership of voting securities, by contract or otherwise.

“Articles”   shall mean these Articles of Association, as amended from time to time.
“Board of Directors”   shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.
“Business Combination Agreement”   shall mean that certain Business Combination Agreement, by and among Nuvo Group Ltd. (“Nuvo”), LAMF Global Ventures Corp. I (“LAMF”), Nuvo Assetco Corp., Holdco Nuvo Assetco Corp. and H.F.N Insight Merger Company Ltd. dated as of August 17, 2023.
“Business Day”   shall mean each calendar day other than Saturday, Sunday and any day on which commercial banks in New York, New York or Tel Aviv, Israel are authorized or required by applicable law to close.
“Chairperson”   shall mean the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, or the Chairperson of the General Meeting, as the context implies.
“Companies Law”    shall mean the Israeli Companies Law, 5759-1999 and the regulations promulgated thereunder. The Companies Law shall include reference to the Companies Ordinance (New Version), 5743-1983, of the State of Israel, to the extent in effect according to the provisions thereof.
“Company”   shall mean Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd.
“Conversion Effective Time”    shall mean with respect to any notice of voluntary conversion delivered in accordance with Article ‎6(d), the date on which the notice of voluntary conversion is received by the Company or its transfer agent (as applicable), provided, however, that if such date is not a Business Day or if the notice is received after normal working hours in Israel, the Conversion Effective Time shall be deemed the first Business Day thereafter.





“Deemed Liquidation”    unless all the holders of Preferred Shares unanimously determined that such event shall not be a Deemed Liquidation: (A) the merger or consolidation of the Company with or into any other entity; (B) a sale, transfer, issuance or other disposition, in a single transaction or series of related transactions, of all or of substantially all of the shares of the Company, or (C) a sale, transfer, exclusive and substantially worldwide license, or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company and its subsidiaries taken as a whole; except, in case of sub-articles (A) and (B), any such transaction or series of related transactions in which the Shareholders as of immediately prior to such transaction continue to hold, directly or indirectly (solely by virtue of the respective shares and in the same holding proportions each of them held in the Company as of immediately prior to such transaction) immediately following such transaction, at least a majority, by voting power, of the share capital of (1) the surviving, acquiring or resulting company or (2) if the surviving, acquiring or resulting company is a wholly owned subsidiary of another company immediately following such transaction, the parent company of such surviving, acquiring or resulting company.
“Director(s)”    shall mean the member(s) of the Board of Directors holding office at a given time.
“Distribution”    shall mean any distribution of dividends in cash or in kind and any Repurchase; except for any bonus shares or other share dividend distributed pro-rata to all Shareholders.
“Economic Competition Law”    shall mean the Israeli Economic Competition Law, 5758-1988 and the regulations promulgated thereunder.
“Effective Time”    shall mean the closing of the transactions contemplated by the Business Combination Agreement.
“External Director(s)”    shall have the meaning provided for such term in the Companies Law.
“Fair Market Value”    shall mean with respect to any specific date representing a Conversion Effective Time, the value of the Ordinary Share determined as follows: (i) if, on such date, the Ordinary Shares are listed on any national securities exchange, the volume-weighted average closing sales price per Ordinary Share on the securities exchange on which the Ordinary Shares are principally traded during the thirty (30) trading days immediately preceding such date; (ii) if, on such date, the Ordinary Shares are then quoted in an over-the-counter market, the average of the closing bid and ask prices for the Ordinary Shares in that market during the thirty (30) days immediately preceding such date, or if there are no bid and ask prices on such dates, the thirty (30) last days preceding such date on which there are bid and ask prices, as reported on a securities exchange or quoted in an over-the-counter market; or (iii) if, on such date, the Ordinary Shares are not then listed on a securities exchange or quoted in an over-the-counter market, or in case of any other securities, property or rights, such value as the Board, in its sole discretion, shall reasonably determine, with full authority to determine the method for making such determination and which determination shall be conclusive and binding on all parties, and shall be made after such consultations with outside legal, accounting and other experts as and to the extent the Board may deem. If the Ordinary Shares are listed or quoted on more than one established stock exchange or over-the-counter market, the Board shall determine the principal exchange or market and utilize the price of the Ordinary Shares on that principal exchange or market (determined as per the method described in clauses (i) or (ii) above, as applicable) for the purpose of determining Fair Market Value.


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“General Meeting”    shall mean an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting of the Shareholders (each as defined in Article ‎24 of these Articles), as the case may be.
“NIS”    shall mean New Israeli Shekels.
“Office”    shall mean the registered office of the Company at any given time.
“Office Holder” or “Officer”    shall have the meaning provided for such term in the Companies Law.
“Original Issue Price”   shall mean with respect to any Preferred Share US$7.3087, subject to appropriate adjustment upon the occurrence of any Recapitalization Event with respect to such series of Preferred Shares.
“Preferred Majority”    shall mean the holders of at least a majority of the voting power represented by the then issued and outstanding Preferred Shares, acting by way of a written notice or consent or by vote at a meeting, in each case, as a single class.
“Qualified Deemed Liquidation”    shall mean a Deemed Liquidation, in which the Distributable Assets (as defined below) payable with respect to each Preferred Share then outstanding represent a price per share equal to or greater than three (3) times (3X) the then Original Issue Price.
“Qualified Financing”    shall mean a bona fide equity financing of the Company in which shares are issued by the Company for a price per share equal to or greater than the three (3) times (3X) the Original Issue Price.
“Recapitalization Event”   any share split (share subdivision), reverse share split (share combination), distribution of bonus shares, or any other reclassification, recapitalization or similar events with respect to the applicable class or series of the Company’s shares.
“Repurchase”    shall mean the purchase or redemption, or the provision of financing for the purchase or redemption, directly or indirectly, by the Company or by a subsidiary of the Company or other corporate entity under the Company’s control, of shares of the Company or securities convertible into or exercisable for shares of the Company, other than any repurchase in accordance with any repurchase right granted to the Company under any equity incentive plan adopted by the Company.
“Securities Law”    shall mean the Israeli Securities Law 5728-1968 and the regulations promulgated thereunder.
“Shareholder(s)”    shall mean the shareholder(s) of the Company, at any given time.


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(b) Unless the context shall otherwise require: words in the singular shall also include the plural, and vice versa; any pronoun shall include the corresponding masculine, feminine and neuter forms; the words “include”, “includes” and “including” shall be deemed to be followed by the phrase “without limitation”; the words “herein”, “hereof” and “hereunder” and words of similar import refer to these Articles in their entirety and not to any part hereof; all references herein to Articles or clauses shall be deemed references to Articles or clauses of these Articles; any references to any agreement or other instrument or law, statute or regulation are to it as amended, supplemented or restated, from time to time (and, in the case of any law, to any successor provisions or re-enactment or modification thereof being in force at the time); any reference to “law” shall include any law (‘din’) as defined in the Interpretation Law, 5741-1981 and any applicable supranational, national, federal, state, local, or foreign statute or law and shall be deemed also to refer to all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder; any reference to a “day” or a number of “days” (without any explicit reference otherwise, such as to Business Days) shall be interpreted as a reference to a calendar day or number of calendar days; reference to a month or year means according to the Gregorian calendar; any reference to a “person” shall mean any individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, association, estate, any political, governmental, regulatory or similar agency or body, or other legal entity; and reference to “written” or “in writing” shall include written, printed, photocopied, typed, any electronic communication (including email, facsimile, signed electronically (in Adobe PDF, DocuSign or any other format)) or produced by any visible substitute for writing, or partly one and partly another, and signed shall be construed accordingly.


(c) The captions in these Articles are for convenience only and shall not be deemed a part hereof or affect the construction or interpretation of any provision hereof.


(d) The specific provisions of these Articles shall supersede the provisions of the Companies Law to the extent permitted thereunder.


Limited Liability


2. The Company is a limited liability company and each Shareholder’s liability for the Company’s debts is therefore limited (in addition to any liabilities under any contract) to the payment of the full amount (par value (if any) and premium) such Shareholder was required to pay the Company for such Shareholder’s Shares (as defined below) and which amount has not yet been paid by such Shareholder.


Companys Objectives


3. Objectives.


The Company’s objectives are to carry on any business, and do any act, which is not prohibited by law.


4. Donations.


The Company may donate a reasonable amount of money (in cash or in kind, including the Company’s securities) to worthy purposes such as the Board of Directors may determine in its discretion, even if such donations are not made on the basis or within the scope of business considerations of the Company.


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Share Capital


5. Authorized Share Capital.


The authorized share capital of the Company shall consist of 500,000,000 Ordinary Shares without par value (the “Ordinary Shares”) and 10,000,000 Preferred Shares without par value (the “Preferred Shares” and collectively with the Ordinary Shares the “Shares” or “shares”).


6. The Rights of Ordinary Shares and Preferred Shares


(a) Voting Rights: The holders of the Shares shall vote together as one class on all matters submitted to the vote of the Shareholders, subject to Article ‎8 below.


(b) Identical Rights: Except as otherwise expressly provided herein or required by applicable law, the Ordinary Shares and Preferred Shares shall have the same rights and privileges.


(c)Conversion Price. The applicable conversion price (the “Conversion Price”) of each Preferred Share shall be subject to adjustment upon the occurrence of any Recapitalization Event (with respect to either the Ordinary Shares and/or Preferred Shares), which is made without a comparable adjustment to, or distribution or issuance, as the case may be, on account of, all shares of any series of Preferred Shares and Ordinary Shares, and shall be initially equal to the Original Issue Price.


(d) Voluntary Conversion of the Preferred Shares: At the option of the holder thereof, at any time following May 1, 2027 upon delivery of a written notice to the Company and the Company’s transfer agent, each one (1) issued and outstanding Preferred Share held by the applicable holder and is so requested to be voluntary converted, shall be converted into a number of fully paid and non-assessable Ordinary Shares equal to the greater of:


(i) one (1) Ordinary Share; and


(ii) a number of Ordinary Shares equal to (A)(i) the Original Issue Price multiplied by (ii) three (3), divided by (B) the Fair Market Value.


(e) Procedures. The Company may, from time to time, establish such policies and procedures relating to the conversion of Preferred Shares to Ordinary Shares and the general administration of this dual class share structure, including the issuance of share certificates (or the establishment of book-entry positions) with respect thereto, as it may deem necessary or advisable.


(f) Immediate Effect of Conversion. In the event of a conversion of Preferred Shares to Ordinary Shares pursuant to this Article ‎6, such conversion(s) shall be deemed to have been made at the Conversion Effective Time. Upon any conversion of Preferred Shares to Ordinary Shares, all rights of the holder of such Preferred Shares shall cease and be replaced by the rights attaching to the Ordinary Shares issued upon conversion, and the person or persons in whose names or names the certificate or certificates (or book-entry position(s)) representing the Preferred Shares) are to be issued shall be treated for all purposes as having become the record holder or holders of such number of Ordinary Shares into which such Preferred Shares were convertible in accordance with this Article ‎6. Preferred Shares that are converted into Ordinary Shares as provided in this Article ‎6 shall not be reissued. Any proxy issued with respect to Preferred Shares shall, unless otherwise stated in such proxy, continue to apply with respect to the Ordinary Shares into which the Preferred Shares have been converted.


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(g) Dividends and Distributions. The Company shall not make or issue a dividend or other distribution payable in additional Ordinary Shares solely to the holders of the Ordinary Shares, without the prior written consent of the Preferred Majority.


(h)Adjustment for Merger or Reorganization, etc. Subject to the provisions of Article ‎68, if there shall occur any reorganization, recapitalization, reclassification, consolidation or merger involving the Company in which the Ordinary Shares (but not the Preferred Shares) are converted into or exchanged for securities, cash or other property (other than a transaction covered by Article ‎6 sub-Articles ‎(h) or ‎(i) or Article ‎68), then, following any such reorganization, recapitalization, reclassification, consolidation or merger, each Preferred Share shall thereafter be convertible in lieu of the Ordinary Shares into which it was convertible prior to such event into the kind and amount of securities, cash or other property which a holder of the number of Ordinary Shares issuable upon conversion of one such Preferred Share immediately prior to such reorganization, recapitalization, reclassification, consolidation or merger would have been entitled to receive pursuant to such transaction; and, in such case, appropriate adjustment (as determined in good faith by the Board) shall be made in the application of the provisions in this Article ‎6 with respect to the rights and interests thereafter of the holders of such Preferred Shares to the end that the provisions set forth in this Article (including provisions with respect to changes in and other adjustments of the Conversion Price of such Preferred Shares) shall thereafter be applicable, as nearly as reasonably may be, in relation to any securities or other property thereafter deliverable upon the conversion of such Preferred Shares.


(i) Fractional Shares. No fractional Ordinary Shares shall be issued upon conversion of the Preferred Shares, and the number of Ordinary Shares to be issued shall be rounded to the nearest whole share (with half a share rounded up to the nearest whole share). All Ordinary Shares (including fractions thereof) issuable upon conversion of more than one Preferred Share by a holder thereof shall be aggregated for purposes of determining the number of Ordinary Shares to be issued to such holder or whether the conversion would result in the issuance of any fractional share.


(j)Rounding of Calculations; Minimum Adjustment. Notwithstanding any provision of this Article ‎6 to the contrary, no adjustment of a Conversion Price and/or conversion ratio shall be made if the amount of such adjustment would be less than $0.01, but any such amount shall be carried forward and an adjustment with respect thereto shall be made at the time of and together with any such subsequent adjustment which, together with such amount and any other amount or amounts so carried forward, shall aggregate $0.01 or more.


(k) Adjustments Cumulative. Each of the adjustments pursuant to this Article ‎‎6 shall be applied individually and cumulatively upon the occurrence of any of the events specified therein, and shall apply from and after the date of these Articles to all authorized Preferred Shares.


(l) Reservation of Shares. The Company shall at all times reserve and keep available out of its authorized but unissued Ordinary Shares, solely for the purpose of effecting the conversion of the Preferred Shares as provided in this Article 6, such number of its Ordinary Shares as shall from time to time be sufficient to effect the conversion of all outstanding Preferred Shares into Ordinary Shares.


(m) Amendments. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, and subject to Article ‎8, this Article ‎6 may only be amended, replaced, waived or suspended by both (a) a resolution adopted at a General Meeting by a majority of the total voting power present and voting at such General Meeting, and (b) a resolution adopted at a separate class meeting of the Preferred Shares by a majority of the total voting power present and voting at such meeting or the written consent of the Preferred Majority.


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7. Increase of Authorized Share Capital.


(a) Subject to any special requirement set forth in these Articles, and any provision hereof conferring special rights as to voting or restricting the right to vote, including the provisions of Article ‎8, the Company may, from time to time, by a Shareholders’ resolution, whether or not all of the shares then authorized have been issued, and whether or not all of the shares theretofore issued have been called up for payment, increase its authorized share capital by increasing the number of shares it is authorized to issue by such amount, and such additional shares shall confer such rights and preferences, and shall be subject to such restrictions, as such resolution shall provide.


(b) Except to the extent otherwise provided in such resolution, any new shares included in the authorized share capital increase as aforesaid shall be subject to all of the provisions of these Articles that are applicable to shares that are included in the existing share capital.


8. Special or Class Rights; Modification of Rights.


(a) Subject to any special requirement set forth in these Articles, and any provision hereof conferring special rights as to voting or restricting the right to vote, including the provisions of Article ‎8(h), the Company may, from time to time, by a Shareholders’ resolution, provide for shares with such preferred or deferred rights or other special rights and/or such restrictions, whether in regard to dividends, voting, repayment of share capital or otherwise, as may be stipulated in such resolution.


(b) If at any time the share capital of the Company is divided into different classes of shares, the rights, preferences and privileges attached to any class, unless otherwise provided by these Articles (including Articles ‎6 and ‎8(h) hereof), may be modified, removed or cancelled by the Company by a resolution of the General Meeting of the holders of all shares as one class, without any required separate resolution of any class or series of shares.


(c) Anything in sub-article (b) above to the contrary notwithstanding, any amendment, waiver or termination that adversely changes the rights, preferences or privileges attached to one or more classes of shares without such amendment, waiver or termination being also applied to all other classes of shares, shall require either (1) the consent in writing of the holders of a majority of the issued shares of such affected classes, voting together as one class, (2) a resolution of a separate meeting of the holders of the shares of such one or more affected classes, voting together as one class, in which a majority of the issued and outstanding shares of such classes present and voting at the meeting voted in favor of such amendment or termination; or (3) the affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the issued shares of such affected classes in the General Meeting in which the matter is brought for approval, agreeing to or voting FOR the respective amendment, waiver or termination.


(d) With regard to the provisions of sub-article (c) above it is clarified that (1) an amendment or termination that by its terms is applied to all classes of shares but has a different or disproportionate economic effect on different classes of shares, or a different or disproportionate effect on different shareholders due to the number of shares held by them, shall, notwithstanding the different or disproportionate effect, be still considered for purposes of this provision as being applied to all classes of shares, and shall not require a separate class vote under sub-article (c) above; (2) an amendment pursuant to which the rights or preferences attached to specific classes of shares are improved or extended without such amendment being applied to other classes of shares shall be deemed to be an adverse change to the rights attached to the classes of shares to which such amendment was not applied and (3) subject to Article ‎‎8(h) below, the increase of the authorized number of the Ordinary Shares shall not, in and of itself, be deemed, for purposes of these Articles, to adversely change the rights, preferences or privileges attached to any then issued or authorized shares, and shall not require a separate class vote under sub-article (c) above.


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(e) No holder of shares of a certain class shall be banned or restricted, unless the law otherwise expressly prescribes, from participating and voting in a General Meeting or any class meeting or executing a written consent of the Shareholders or of such class by virtue of being a holder of shares of one or more other classes, irrespective of any conflicting interests that may exist between such different classes of shares, or the respective effect of the outcome of such vote on such attending classes of shares.


(f) The provisions of these Articles relating to General Meetings shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to any separate General Meeting of the holders of the shares of a particular class, it being clarified that the requisite quorum at any such separate General Meeting shall be two or more Shareholders present in person or by proxy and holding not less than thirty-three and one-third percent (33⅓%) of the issued shares of such class, provided, however, that if (i) such separate General Meeting of the holders of the particular class was initiated by and convened pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors and (ii) at the time of such meeting the Company is a “foreign private issuer” under US securities laws, then the requisite quorum at any such separate General Meeting shall be two or more Shareholders (not in default in payment of any sum referred to in Article ‎14 hereof) present in person or by proxy and holding not less than twenty-five percent (25%) of the issued shares of such class. For the purpose of determining the quorum present at such General Meeting, a proxy may be deemed to be two (2) or more Shareholders pursuant to the number of Shareholders represented by the proxy holder.


(g) Unless otherwise provided by these Articles, and subject to Article ‎8‎(h), an increase in the authorized share capital, the creation of a new class of shares, an increase in the authorized share capital of a class of shares, or the issuance of additional shares thereof out of the authorized and unissued share capital, shall not be deemed, for purposes of this Article ‎8, to modify or derogate or cancel the rights attached to previously issued shares of such class or of any other class.


(h) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, at any time that any Preferred Shares are outstanding and constitute at least 5% of the Company’s issued and outstanding share capital (provided that solely and specifically for the purpose of calculating said 5% threshold, each Preferred Share shall be counted as three (3) shares), the Company shall not, and shall exercise its control over its subsidiaries, if any, in order that such subsidiaries shall not, either directly or indirectly by amendment, merger, consolidation or otherwise, do any of the following without (in addition to any other vote or consent (if any) required by law or these Articles) the written consent or affirmative vote of the Preferred Majority, and any such act or transaction entered into without such consent or vote shall be null and void ab initio, and of no force or effect:


(i)any amendment of the provisions of this Article 8(h) (or any definitions which are fundamental to the provisions of this Article 8(h));


(ii)amend, waive or terminate any provision of these Articles in a manner that adversely affects the rights, preferences or privileges of the Preferred Shares, provided that the increase of the authorized number of shares (A) of an existing class of shares, and/or (B) the creation or authorization of a new class of shares or other equity securities of the Company having certain rights, preferences or privileges that are equal, or senior to, or more favorable than, those attached to the Preferred Shares (or any other shares of the Company) in a Qualified Financing shall not, in and of itself, be deemed, for purposes of these Articles, to adversely change the rights, preferences or privileges attached to the Preferred Shares; provided, further, that no amendment, waiver, modification or termination of the definition of Original Issue Price, the definition of Conversion Price, the definition of Preferred Majority, Article 6, Article 20, Article 68 and this proviso shall be effective against any holder of Preferred Shares without the consent of such holder;


(iii) liquidation, dissolution or winding-up the affairs of the Company, or any Deemed Liquidation Event, except a Qualified Deemed Liquidation;


(iv) any Repurchase or declaration, setting aside or payment of any dividend or Distribution on any capital stock which is not made in accordance with the provisions of Article ‎68 below; and


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(v) increasing the number of authorized Preferred Shares or creating, authorizing or issuing any shares of any existing or additional class or series of share capital that ranks senior or in parity with the Preferred Shares.


The above notwithstanding, any provisions in these Articles requiring individual consent to certain actions or resolutions relating to a Shareholder’s Preferred Shares, or requiring the unanimous consent all holders of Preferred Shares, shall supersede the requirement of this Article ‎8‎(h) for a Preferred Majority with respect to such action or resolution.


9. Consolidation, Division, Cancellation and Reduction of Share Capital.


(a) Subject to any special requirement set forth in these Articles and any provision hereof conferring special rights as to voting, or restricting the right to vote (including the provisions of Article ‎8‎), the Company may, from time to time, by or pursuant to an authorization of a Shareholders’ resolution, and subject to applicable law:


(i)consolidate all or any part of its issued or unissued authorized share capital;


(ii)divide or sub-divide its shares (issued or unissued) or any of them and the resolution whereby any share is divided may determine that, as among the holders of the shares resulting from such subdivision, one or more of the shares may, in contrast to others, have any such preferred or deferred rights or rights of redemption or other special rights, or be subject to any such restrictions, as the Company may attach to unissued or new shares;


(iii)cancel any authorized shares which, at the date of the adoption of such resolution, have not been issued to any person nor has the Company made any commitment, including a conditional commitment, to issue such shares, and reduce the amount of its share capital by the amount of the shares so canceled; or


(iv)reduce its share capital in any manner.


(b) With respect to any consolidation of issued shares and with respect to any other action which may result in fractional shares, the Board of Directors may settle any difficulty which may arise with regard thereto, as it deems fit, and, in connection with any such consolidation or other action which could result in fractional shares, may, without limiting its aforesaid power:


(i)determine, as to the holder of shares so consolidated, which issued shares shall be consolidated;


(ii)issue, in contemplation of or subsequent to such consolidation or other action, shares or fractional shares sufficient to preclude or remove fractional share holdings;


(iii)redeem, in the case of redeemable shares, such shares or fractional shares sufficient to preclude or remove fractional share holdings;


(iv)round up, round down or round to the nearest whole number, any fractional shares resulting from the consolidation or from any other action which may result in fractional shares; or


(v)cause the transfer of fractional shares by certain Shareholders of the Company to other Shareholders thereof so as to most expediently preclude or remove any fractional shareholdings, and cause the transferees of such fractional shares to pay the transferors thereof the fair value thereof, and the Board of Directors is hereby authorized to act in connection with such transfer, as agent for the transferors and transferees of any such fractional shares, with full power of substitution, for the purposes of implementing the provisions of this sub-Article ‎9‎(b)‎(v).


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10. Issuance of Share Certificates, Replacement of Lost Certificates.


(a) To the extent that the Board of Directors determines that all shares shall be certificated or, if the Board of Directors does not so determine, to the extent that any Shareholder requests a share certificate or the Company’s transfer agent so requires, share certificates shall be issued under the corporate seal of the Company or its written, typed or stamped name and shall bear the signature of one Director, the Company’s Chief Executive Officer, or any person or persons authorized therefor by the Board of Directors. Signatures may be affixed in any mechanical or electronic form, as the Board of Directors may prescribe.


(b) Subject to the provisions of Article ‎10‎(a), each Shareholder shall be entitled to one numbered certificate for all of the shares of any class registered in his, her or its name. Each certificate shall specify the serial numbers of the shares represented thereby and may also specify the amount paid up thereon. The Company (as determined by an officer of the Company to be designated by the Chief Executive Officer) shall not refuse a request by a Shareholder to obtain several certificates in place of one certificate, unless such request is, in the opinion of such officer, unreasonable. Where a Shareholder has sold or transferred a portion of such Shareholder’s shares, such Shareholder shall be entitled to receive a certificate in respect of such Shareholder’s remaining shares, provided that the previous certificate is delivered to the Company before the issuance of a new certificate.


(c) A share certificate registered in the names of two or more persons shall be delivered to the person first named in the Register of Shareholders in respect of such co-ownership.


(d) A share certificate which has been defaced, lost or destroyed, may be replaced, and the Company shall issue a new certificate to replace such defaced, lost or destroyed certificate upon payment of such fee, and upon the furnishing of such evidence of ownership and such indemnity, as the Board of Directors in its discretion deems fit.


11. Registered Holder.


Except as otherwise provided in these Articles or the Companies Law, the Company shall be entitled to treat the registered holder of each share as the absolute owner thereof, and accordingly, shall not, except as ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction, or as required by the Companies Law, be obligated to recognize any equitable or other claim to, or interest in, such share on the part of any other person.


12. Issuance and Repurchase of Shares.


(a) Subject to any special majority requirement set forth in these Articles and the provisions of Article ‎8(h), the unissued shares from time to time shall be under the control of the Board of Directors (and, to the extent permitted by law, any Committee thereof), which shall have the power to issue or otherwise dispose of shares and of securities convertible or exercisable into or other rights to acquire from the Company to such persons, on such terms and conditions (including, inter alia, price, with or without premium, discount or commission, and terms relating to calls set forth in Article ‎14(f) hereof), and at such times, as the Board of Directors (or the Committee, as the case may be) deems fit, and the power to give to any person the option to acquire from the Company any shares or securities convertible or exercisable into or other rights to acquire from the Company on such terms and conditions (including, inter alia, price, with or without premium, discount or commission), during such time as the Board of Directors (or the Committee, as the case may be) deems fit.


(b) The Company may at any time and from time to time, subject to the Companies Law, repurchase or finance the purchase of any shares or other securities issued by the Company, in such manner and under such terms as the Board of Directors shall determine, whether from any one or more Shareholders. Such purchase shall not be deemed as payment of dividends and as such, no Shareholder will have the right to require the Company to purchase his or her shares or offer to purchase shares from any other Shareholders.


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13. Payment in Installments.


If pursuant to the terms of issuance of any share, all or any portion of the price thereof shall be payable in installments, every such installment shall be paid to the Company on the due date thereof by the then registered holder(s) of the share or the person(s) then entitled thereto.


14. Calls on Shares.


(a) The Board of Directors may, from time to time, as it, in its discretion, deems fit, make calls for payment upon Shareholders in respect of any sum (including premium) which has not been paid up in respect of shares held by such Shareholders and which is not, pursuant to the terms of issuance of such shares or otherwise, payable at a fixed time, and each Shareholder shall pay the amount of every call so made upon him or her (and of each installment thereof if the same is payable in installments), to the person(s) and at the time(s) and place(s) designated by the Board of Directors, as any such times may be thereafter extended and/or such person(s) or place(s) changed. Unless otherwise stipulated in the resolution of the Board of Directors (and in the notice hereafter referred to), each payment in response to a call shall be deemed to constitute a pro rata payment on account of all the shares in respect of which such call was made.


(b) Notice of any call for payment by a shareholder shall be given in writing to such shareholder not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the time of payment fixed in such notice, and shall specify the time and place of payment, and the person to whom such payment is to be made. Prior to the time for any such payment fixed in a notice of a call given to a shareholder, the Board of Directors may in its absolute discretion, by notice in writing to such shareholder, revoke such call in whole or in part, extend the time fixed for payment thereof, or designate a different place of payment or person to whom payment is to be made. In the event of a call payable in installments, only one notice thereof need be given.


(c) If pursuant to the terms of issuance of a share or otherwise, an amount is made payable at a fixed time, such amount shall be payable at such time as if it were payable by virtue of a call made by the Board of Directors and for which notice was given in accordance with paragraphs ‎(a) and ‎(b) of this Article ‎14, and the provision of these Articles with regard to calls (and the non-payment thereof) shall be applicable to such amount or such installment (and the non-payment thereof).


(d) Joint holders of a share shall be jointly and severally liable to pay all calls for payment in respect of such share and all interest payable thereon.


(e) Any amount called for payment which is not paid when due shall bear interest from the date fixed for payment until actual payment thereof, at such rate (not exceeding the then prevailing debitory rate charged by leading commercial banks in Israel), and payable at such time(s) as the Board of Directors may prescribe.


(f) Upon the issuance of shares, the Board of Directors may provide for differences among the holders of such shares as to the amounts and times for payment of calls for payment in respect of such shares.


15. Prepayment.


With the approval of the Board of Directors, any Shareholder may pay to the Company any amount not yet payable in respect of his, her or its shares, and the Board of Directors may approve the payment by the Company of interest on any such amount until the same would be payable if it had not been paid in advance, at such rate and time(s) as may be approved by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors may at any time cause the Company to repay all or any part of the money so advanced, without premium or penalty. Nothing in this Article ‎15 shall derogate from the right of the Board of Directors to make any call for payment before or after receipt by the Company of any such advance.


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16. Forfeiture and Surrender.


(a) If any Shareholder fails to pay an amount payable by virtue of a call, installment or interest thereon as provided for in accordance herewith, on or before the day fixed for payment of the same, the Board of Directors may at any time after the day fixed for such payment, so long as such amount (or any portion thereof) or interest thereon (or any portion thereof) remains unpaid, forfeit all or any of the shares in respect of which such payment was called for. All expenses incurred by the Company in attempting to collect any such amount or interest thereon, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and costs of legal proceedings, shall be added to, and shall, for all purposes (including the accrual of interest thereon) constitute a part of, the amount payable to the Company in respect of such call.


(b) Upon the adoption of a resolution as to the forfeiture of a Shareholder’s share, the Board of Directors shall cause notice thereof to be given to such Shareholder, which notice shall state that, in the event of the failure to pay the entire amount so payable by a date specified in the notice (which date shall be not less than fourteen (14) days after the date such notice is given and which may be extended by the Board of Directors), such shares shall be ipso facto forfeited, provided, however, that, prior to such date, the Board of Directors may cancel such resolution of forfeiture, but no such cancellation shall stop the Board of Directors from adopting a further resolution of forfeiture in respect of the non-payment of the same amount.


(c) Without derogating from Articles ‎52 and ‎56 hereof, whenever shares are forfeited as herein provided, all dividends, if any, theretofore declared in respect thereof and not actually paid shall be deemed to have been forfeited at the same time.


(d) The Company, by resolution of the Board of Directors, may accept the voluntary surrender of any share.


(e) Any share forfeited or surrendered as provided herein, shall become the property of the Company as a dormant share, and the same, subject to the provisions of these Articles, may be sold, re-issued or otherwise disposed of as the Board of Directors deems fit.


(f) Any person whose shares have been forfeited or surrendered shall cease to be a shareholder in respect of the forfeited or surrendered shares, but shall, notwithstanding, be liable to pay, and shall forthwith pay, to the Company, all calls, interest and expenses owing upon or in respect of such shares at the time of forfeiture or surrender, together with interest thereon from the time of forfeiture or surrender until actual payment, at the rate prescribed in Article ‎14(e) above, and the Board of Directors, in its discretion, may, but shall not be obligated to, enforce or collect the payment of such amounts, or any part thereof, as it shall deem fit. In the event of such forfeiture or surrender, the Company, by resolution of the Board of Directors, may accelerate the date(s) of payment of any or all amounts then owing to the Company by the person in question (but not yet due) in respect of all shares owned by such Shareholder, solely or jointly with another.


(g) The Board of Directors may at any time, before any share so forfeited or surrendered shall have been sold, re-issued or otherwise disposed of, nullify the forfeiture or surrender on such conditions as it deems fit, but no such nullification shall stop the Board of Directors from re-exercising its powers of forfeiture pursuant to this Article ‎16.


17. Lien.


(a) Except to the extent the same may be waived or subordinated in writing, the Company shall have a first and paramount lien upon all the shares registered in the name of each Shareholder (without regard to any equitable or other claim or interest in such shares on the part of any other person), and upon the proceeds of the sale thereof, for his or her debts, liabilities and engagements to the Company arising from any amount payable by such Shareholder in respect of any unpaid or partly paid share, whether or not such debt, liability or engagement has matured. Such lien shall extend to all dividends from time to time declared or paid in respect of such share. Unless otherwise provided, the registration by the Company of a transfer of shares shall be deemed to be a waiver on the part of the Company of the lien (if any) existing on such shares immediately prior to such transfer.


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(b) The Board of Directors may cause the Company to sell a share subject to such a lien when the debt, liability or engagement giving rise to such lien has matured, in such manner as the Board of Directors deems fit, but no such sale shall be made unless such debt, liability or engagement has not been satisfied within fourteen (14) days after written notice of the intention to sell shall have been served on such Shareholder, his or her executors or administrators.


(c) The net proceeds of any such sale, after payment of the costs and expenses thereof or ancillary thereto, shall be applied in or toward satisfaction of the debts, liabilities or engagements of such Shareholder in respect of such share (whether or not the same have matured), and the remaining proceeds (if any) shall be paid to the shareholder, his or her executors, administrators or assigns.


18. Sale After Forfeiture or Surrender or For Enforcement of Lien.


Upon any sale of a share after forfeiture or surrender or for enforcing a lien, the Board of Directors may appoint any person to execute an instrument of transfer of the share so sold and cause the purchaser’s name to be entered in the Register of Shareholders in respect of such share. The purchaser shall be registered as the shareholder and shall not be bound to see to the regularity of the sale proceedings, or to the application of the proceeds of such sale, and after his or her name has been entered in the Register of Shareholders in respect of such share, the validity of the sale shall not be impeached by any person, and the remedy of any person aggrieved by the sale shall be in damages only and against the Company exclusively.


19. Redeemable Shares.


The Company may, subject to applicable law, issue redeemable shares or other securities and redeem the same upon terms and conditions to be set forth in a written agreement between the Company and the holder of such shares or in their terms of issuance.


Transfer of Shares


20. Registration of Transfer.


No transfer of shares shall be registered unless a proper writing or instrument of transfer (in any customary form or any other form satisfactory to the Board of Directors or an officer of the Company to be designated by the Chief Executive Officer) has been submitted to the Company (or its transfer agent), together with any share certificate(s) and such other evidence of title as the Board of Directors or an officer of the Company to be designated by the Chief Executive Officer may require. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, shares registered in the name of The Depository Trust Company or its nominee shall be transferrable in accordance with the policies and procedures of The Depository Trust Company. Until the transferee has been registered in the Register of Shareholders in respect of the shares so transferred (or, in the case of shares registered in book-entry form or “street name”, until the transferee has been registered in such form with the applicable brokerage firm or other nominee), the Company may continue to regard the transferor as the owner thereof. The Board of Directors, may, from time to time, prescribe a fee for the registration of a transfer, and may approve other methods of recognizing the transfer of shares in order to facilitate the trading of the Company’s shares on the Nasdaq Stock Market or on any other stock exchange on which the Company’s shares are then listed for trading.


21. Suspension of Registration.


The Board of Directors may, in its discretion to the extent it deems necessary, close the Register of Shareholders of registration of transfers of shares for a period determined by the Board of Directors, and no registrations of transfers of shares shall be made by the Company during any such period during which the Register of Shareholders is so closed. The above notwithstanding, any suspension of registration of transfers relating to shares registered for trade shall be made in compliance with the applicable rules of the Nasdaq Stock Market or other stock exchange on which the Company’s shares are then listed for trading, and after a request for a trading halt is filed with (and approved by) such stock exchange, to the extent necessary.


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Transmission of Shares


22. Decedents Shares.


Upon the death of a Shareholder, the Company shall recognize the custodian or administrator of the estate or executor of the will, and in the absence of such, the lawful heirs of the Shareholder, as the only holders of the right for the shares of the deceased Shareholder, after receipt of evidence to the entitlement thereto, as determined by the Board of Directors or an officer of the Company to be designated by the Chief Executive Officer.


23. Receivers and Liquidators.


(a) The Company may recognize any receiver, liquidator or similar official appointed to wind-up, dissolve or otherwise liquidate a corporate Shareholder, and a trustee, manager, receiver, liquidator or similar official appointed in bankruptcy or in connection with the reorganization of, or similar proceeding with respect to a Shareholder or its properties, as being entitled to the shares registered in the name of such Shareholder.


(b) Such receiver, liquidator or similar official appointed to wind-up, dissolve or otherwise liquidate a corporate Shareholder and such trustee, manager, receiver, liquidator or similar official appointed in bankruptcy or in connection with the reorganization of, or similar proceedings with respect to a Shareholder or its properties, upon producing such evidence as the Board of Directors (or an officer of the Company to be designated by the Chief Executive Officer) may deem sufficient as to his or her authority to act in such capacity or under this Article, shall with the consent of the Board of Directors or an officer of the Company to be designated by the Chief Executive Officer (which the Board of Directors or such officer may grant or refuse in its discretion), be registered as a Shareholder in respect of such shares, or may, subject to the regulations as to transfer herein contained, transfer such shares.


General Meetings


24. General Meetings.


(a) An annual General Meeting (“Annual General Meeting”) shall be held at such time and at such place, either within or outside of the State of Israel, as may be determined by the Board of Directors.


(b) All General Meetings other than Annual General Meetings shall be called “Special General Meetings”. The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, convene a Special General Meeting at such time and place, within or outside of the State of Israel, as may be determined by the Board of Directors.


(c) If so determined by the Board of Directors, an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting may be held through the use of any means of communication approved by the Board of Directors, provided all of the participating Shareholders can hear each other simultaneously. A resolution approved by use of means of communications as aforesaid, shall be deemed to be a resolution lawfully adopted at such general meeting and a Shareholder shall be deemed present in person at such general meeting if attending such meeting through the means of communication used at such meeting.


25. Record Date for General Meeting.


Notwithstanding any provision of these Articles to the contrary, and to allow the Company to determine the Shareholders entitled to notice of or to vote at any General Meeting or any adjournment thereof, or entitled to receive payment of any dividend or other distribution or grant of any rights, or entitled to exercise any rights in respect of or to take or be the subject of any other action, the Board of Directors may fix a record date for the General Meeting, which shall not be more than the maximum period and not less than the minimum period permitted by law. A determination of shareholders of record entitled to notice of or to vote at a General Meeting shall apply to any adjournment of the meeting; provided, however, that the Board of Directors may fix a new record date for the adjourned meeting.


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26. Shareholder Proposal Request.


(a) Any Shareholder or Shareholders of the Company holding at least the required percentage under the Companies Law of the voting rights of the Company which entitles such Shareholder(s) to require the Company to include a matter on the agenda of a General Meeting (the “Proposing Shareholder(s)”) may request, subject to the Companies Law, that the Board of Directors include a matter on the agenda of a General Meeting once it has been announced or preliminarily indicated, within the period following its announcement or preliminary indication as prescribed by the Companies Law, provided that the Board of Directors determines that the matter is appropriate to be considered at a General Meeting (a “Proposal Request”). In order for the Board of Directors to consider a Proposal Request and whether to include the matter stated therein in the agenda of a General Meeting, notice of the Proposal Request must be timely delivered in accordance with applicable law, and the Proposal Request must comply with the requirements of these Articles (including this Article ‎26) and any applicable law and stock exchange rules and regulations. The Proposal Request must be in writing, signed by all of the Proposing Shareholder(s) making such request, delivered, either in person or by registered mail, postage prepaid, and addressed to the Secretary (or, in the absence thereof, to the Chief Executive Officer of the Company). To be considered timely, a Proposal Request must be received within the time periods prescribed by applicable law. The announcement of an adjournment or postponement of a General Meeting shall not commence a new time period (or extend any time period) for the delivery of a Proposal Request as described above. In addition to any information required to be included in accordance with applicable law, a Proposal Request must include the following: (i) the name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address of the Proposing Shareholder (or each Proposing Shareholder, as the case may be) and, if an entity, the name(s) of the person(s) that controls or manages such entity; (ii) the number of Shares held by the Proposing Shareholder(s), directly or indirectly (and, if any of such Shares are held indirectly, an explanation of how they are held and by whom), which shall be in such number no less than as is required to qualify as a Proposing Shareholder, accompanied by evidence satisfactory to the Company of the record holding of such Shares by the Proposing Shareholder(s) as of the date of the Proposal Request; (iii) the matter requested to be included on the agenda of a General Meeting, all information related to such matter, the reason that such matter is proposed to be brought before the General Meeting, the complete text of the resolution that the Proposing Shareholder proposes to be voted upon at the General Meeting, and a representation that the Proposing Shareholder(s) intend to appear in person or by proxy at the meeting; (iv) a description of all arrangements or understandings between the Proposing Shareholders and any other Person(s) (naming such Person or Persons) in connection with the matter that is requested to be included on the agenda and a declaration signed by all Proposing Shareholder(s) of whether any of them has a personal interest in the matter and, if so, a description in reasonable detail of such personal interest; (v) a description of all Derivative Transactions (as defined below) by each Proposing Shareholder(s) during the previous twelve (12) month period, including the date of the transactions and the class, series and number of securities involved in, and the material economic terms of, such Derivative Transactions; and (vi) a declaration that all of the information that is required under the Companies Law and any other applicable law and stock exchange rules and regulations to be provided to the Company in connection with such matter, if any, has been provided to the Company. If the Proposal Request contains a proposition to present one or more director nominees to the Board, it will further include the required director nominee declarations in accordance with Section 224B of the Companies Law, as well as any declarations, information and disclosures required by U.S. securities laws and regulations and applicable stock exchange rules and regulations – as set out in more detail in Article ‎40(e) below. The Board of Directors, may, in its discretion, to the extent it deems necessary, request that the Proposing Shareholder(s) provide additional information necessary so as to include a matter in the agenda of a General Meeting, as the Board of Directors may reasonably require.


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A “Derivative Transaction” means any agreement, arrangement, interest or understanding entered into by, or on behalf or for the benefit of, any Proposing Shareholder or any of its Affiliates or associates, whether of record or beneficial: (1) the value of which is derived in whole or in part from the value of any class or series of shares or other securities of the Company, (2) which otherwise provides any direct or indirect opportunity to gain or share in any gain derived from a change in the value of securities of the Company, (3) the effect or intent of which is to mitigate loss, manage risk or benefit of security value or price changes, or (4) which provides the right to vote or increase or decrease the voting power of, such Proposing Shareholder, or any of its Affiliates or associates, with respect to any shares or other securities of the Company, which agreement, arrangement, interest or understanding may include, without limitation, any option, warrant, debt position, note, bond, convertible security, swap, stock appreciation right, short position, profit interest, hedge, right to dividends, voting agreement, performance-related fee or arrangement to borrow or lend shares (whether or not subject to payment, settlement, exercise or conversion in any such class or series), and any proportionate interest of such Proposing Shareholder in the securities of the Company held by any general or limited partnership, or any limited liability company, of which such Proposing Shareholder is, directly or indirectly, a general partner or managing member.


(b) The information required pursuant to this Article may be updated as of (i) the record date of the General Meeting, (ii) five Business Days before the General Meeting, and (iii) as of the General Meeting, and any adjournment or postponement thereof.


(c) The provisions of Articles ‎26(a) and ‎26(b) shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to any matter to be included on the agenda of a Special General Meeting which is convened pursuant to a request of a Shareholder duly delivered to the Company in accordance with the Companies Law.


(d) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this Article ‎26 may only be amended, replaced or suspended by a resolution adopted at a General Meeting by a supermajority of at least 65% of the total voting power of the Shareholders.


27. Notice of General Meetings; Omission to Give Notice.


(a) The Company is not required to serve notice of a General Meeting to any Shareholder in person, subject to any mandatory provision of the Companies Law.


(b) The accidental omission to serve notice of a General Meeting to any Shareholder (if required), or the non-receipt of notice sent to such Shareholder, shall not invalidate the proceedings at such meeting or any resolution adopted thereat.


(c) No Shareholder present, in person or by proxy, at any time during a General Meeting shall be entitled to seek the cancellation or invalidation of any proceedings or resolutions adopted at such General Meeting on account of any defect in the notice of such meeting relating to the time or the place thereof, or any item acted upon at such meeting.


(d) In addition to any places at which the Company may make available for review by Shareholders the full text of the proposed resolutions to be adopted at a General Meeting, as required by the Companies Law, the Company may add additional places for Shareholders to review such proposed resolutions, including an internet site.


Proceedings at General Meetings


28. Quorum.


(a) No business shall be transacted at a General Meeting, or at any adjournment thereof, unless the quorum required under these Articles for such General Meeting or such adjourned meeting, as the case may be, is present when the meeting proceeds to business.


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(b) In the absence of contrary provisions in these Articles, the requisite quorum for any General Meeting shall be two or more Shareholders (not in default in payment of any sum referred to in Article ‎14 hereof) present in person or by proxy and holding shares conferring in the aggregate at least thirty-three and one-third percent (33⅓%) of the voting power of the Company, provided, however, that if (i) such General Meeting was initiated by and convened pursuant to a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors and (ii) at the time of such General Meeting the Company is a “foreign private issuer” under US securities laws, then the requisite quorum shall be two or more Shareholders (not in default in payment of any sum referred to in Article ‎14 hereof) present in person or by proxy and holding shares conferring in the aggregate at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the voting power of the Company. For the purpose of determining the quorum present at a certain General Meeting, a proxy may be deemed to be two (2) or more Shareholders pursuant to the number of Shareholders represented by the proxy holder.


(c) If within half an hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not present, then without any further notice the meeting shall be adjourned either (i) to such day and at such time and place as indicated in the notice of such meeting, or (ii) if no such day, time and place were indicated in the notice – to such day and at such time and place as the Chairperson of the General Meeting shall determine, or (iii) if no such determination was made by the Chairperson – to the same day in the next week, at the same time and place. No business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting except business which might lawfully have been transacted at the meeting as originally called. At such adjourned meeting, if the original meeting was convened pursuant to a request under Section 63 or 64 of the Companies Law, one or more shareholders, present in person or by proxy, and holding the number of shares required for making such request, shall constitute a quorum, but in any other case any shareholder (not in default as aforesaid) present in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum.


29. Chairperson of General Meeting.


The Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall preside as Chairperson of every General Meeting of the Company. If at any meeting the Chairperson is not present within fifteen (15) minutes after the time fixed for holding the meeting or is unwilling or unable to act as Chairperson, any of the following may preside as Chairperson of the meeting (and in the following order): a Director designated by the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, the General Counsel, the Secretary or any person designated by any of the foregoing. If at any such meeting none of the foregoing persons is present or all are unwilling or unable to act as Chairperson, the Shareholders present (in person or by proxy) shall choose a Shareholder or its proxy present at the meeting to be Chairperson. The office of Chairperson shall not, by itself, entitle the holder thereof to vote at any General Meeting nor shall it entitle such holder to a second or casting vote (without derogating, however, from the rights of such Chairperson to vote as a Shareholder or proxy of a Shareholder if, in fact, the Chairperson is also a Shareholder or such proxy).


30. Adoption of Resolutions at General Meetings.


(a) Except as required by the Companies Law or these Articles, including, without limitation, Article ‎8 above or Article ‎40 below, a resolution of the Shareholders shall be adopted if approved by the holders of a simple majority of the voting power represented at the General Meeting in person or by proxy and voting thereon, as one class, and disregarding abstentions from the count of the voting power present and voting. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, a resolution with respect to a matter or action for which the Companies Law prescribes a higher majority or pursuant to which a provision requiring a higher majority would have been deemed to have been incorporated into these Articles, but for which the Companies Law allows these Articles to provide otherwise (including, Sections 327 and 24 of the Companies Law), shall be adopted by a simple majority of the voting power represented at the General Meeting in person or by proxy and voting thereon, as one class, and disregarding abstentions from the count of the voting power present and voting.


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(b) Every question submitted to a General Meeting shall be decided by a show of hands, but the Chairperson of the General Meeting may determine that a resolution shall be decided by a written ballot. A written ballot may be implemented before the proposed resolution is voted upon or immediately after the declaration by the Chairperson of the results of the vote by a show of hands. If a vote by written ballot is taken after such declaration, the results of the vote by a show of hands shall be of no effect, and the proposed resolution shall be decided by such written ballot.


(c) A defect in convening or conducting a General Meeting, including a defect resulting from the non-fulfillment of any provision or condition set forth in the Companies Law or these Articles, including with regard to the manner of convening or conducting the General Meeting, shall not disqualify any resolution passed at the General Meeting and shall not affect the discussions or decisions which took place thereat.


(d) A declaration by the Chairperson of the General Meeting that a resolution has been carried unanimously, or carried by a particular majority, or rejected, and an entry to that effect in the minute book of the Company, shall be prima facie evidence of the fact without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favor of or against such resolution.


31. Power to Adjourn.


A General Meeting, the consideration of any matter on its agenda, or the resolution on any matter on its agenda, may be postponed or adjourned, from time to time and from place to place: (i) by the Chairperson of a General Meeting at which a quorum is present (and he shall do so if directed by the General Meeting, with the consent of the holders of a majority of the voting power represented in person or by proxy and voting on the question of adjournment), but no business shall be transacted at any such adjourned meeting except business which might lawfully have been transacted at the meeting as originally called, or a matter on its agenda with respect to which no resolution was adopted at the meeting originally called; or (ii) by the Board of Directors (whether prior to or at a General Meeting).


32. Voting Power.


Subject to the provisions of Article ‎33(a) and to any provision hereof conferring special rights as to voting, or restricting the right to vote, every Shareholder shall have one vote for each share (whether Preferred Share or Ordinary Share) held by the Shareholder of record, on every resolution, without regard to whether the vote thereon is conducted by a show of hands, by written ballot, or by any other means.


33. Voting Rights.


(a) No Shareholder shall be entitled to vote at any General Meeting (or be counted as a part of the quorum thereat), unless all calls then payable by him, her or it in respect of his, her or its shares in the Company have been paid.


(b) A company or other corporate body being a Shareholder of the Company may duly authorize any person to be its representative at any meeting of the Company or to execute or deliver a proxy on its behalf. Any person so authorized shall be entitled to exercise on behalf of such Shareholder all the power, which the Shareholder could have exercised if it were an individual. Upon the request of the Chairperson of the General Meeting, written evidence of such authorization (in form acceptable to the Chairperson) shall be delivered to him or her.


(c) Any Shareholder entitled to vote may vote either in person or by proxy (who need not be a Shareholder of the Company), or, if the Shareholder is a company or other corporate body, by representative authorized pursuant to Article ‎(b) above.


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(d) If two or more persons are registered as joint holders of any share, the vote of the senior who tenders a vote, in person or by proxy, shall be accepted to the exclusion of the vote(s) of the other joint holder(s). For the purpose of this Article ‎33‎(d), seniority shall be determined by the order of registration of the joint holders in the Register of Shareholders.


(e) If a Shareholder is a minor, under protection, bankrupt or legally incompetent, or in the case of a corporation, is in receivership or liquidation, it may, subject to all other provisions of these Articles and any documents or records required to be provided under these Articles, vote through his, her or its trustees, receiver, liquidator, natural guardian or another legal guardian, as the case may be, and the persons listed above may vote in person or by proxy.




34. Instrument of Appointment.


(a) An instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing and shall be substantially in the following form:


  “I   of  
    (Name of Shareholder)   (Address of Shareholder)
  Being a shareholder of Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd. hereby appoints
    (Name of Proxy)   (Address of Proxy)
  as my proxy to vote for me and on my behalf at the General Meeting of the Company to be held on the ___ day of _______, _______ and at any adjournment(s) thereof.
  Signed this ____ day of ___________, ______.
  (Signature of Appointor)”


or in any usual or common form or in such other form as may be approved by the Board of Directors. Such proxy shall be duly signed by the appointor of such person’s duly authorized attorney, or, if such appointor is a company or other corporate body, in the manner in which it signs documents which binds it together with a certificate of an attorney with regard to the authority of the signatories.


(b) Subject to the Companies Law, the original instrument appointing a proxy or a copy thereof certified by an attorney (and the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which such instrument has been signed) shall be delivered to the Company (at its Office, at its principal place of business, or at the offices of its registrar or transfer agent, or at such place as notice of the meeting may specify) not less than forty eight (48) hours (or such shorter period as the notice shall specify) before the time fixed for such meeting. Notwithstanding the above, the Chairperson shall have the right to waive the time requirement provided above with respect to all instruments of proxies and to accept instruments of proxy until the beginning of a General Meeting, as long as such waiver is consistently applied. A document appointing a proxy shall be valid for every adjourned meeting of the General Meeting to which the document relates.


35. Effect of Death of Appointer of Transfer of Share and or Revocation of Appointment.


(a) A vote cast in accordance with an instrument appointing a proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the prior death or bankruptcy of the appointing Shareholder (or of his or her attorney-in-fact, if any, who signed such instrument), or the transfer of the share in respect of which the vote is cast, unless written notice of such matters shall have been received by the Company or by the Chairperson of such meeting prior to such vote being cast.


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(b) Subject to the Companies Law, an instrument appointing a proxy shall be deemed revoked (i) upon receipt by the Company or the Chairperson, subsequent to receipt by the Company of such instrument, of written notice signed by the person signing such instrument or by the Shareholder appointing such proxy canceling the appointment thereunder (or the authority pursuant to which such instrument was signed) or of an instrument appointing a different proxy (and such other documents, if any, required under Article ‎34(b) for such new appointment), provided such notice of cancellation or instrument appointing a different proxy were so received at the place and within the time for delivery of the instrument revoked thereby as referred to in Article ‎34(b) hereof, or (ii) if the appointing Shareholder is present in person at the meeting for which such instrument of proxy was delivered, upon receipt by the Chairperson of such meeting of written notice from such Shareholder of the revocation of such appointment, or if and when such Shareholder votes at such meeting. A vote cast in accordance with an instrument appointing a proxy shall be valid notwithstanding the revocation or purported cancellation of the appointment, or the presence in person or vote of the appointing Shareholder at a meeting for which it was rendered, unless such instrument of appointment was deemed revoked in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Article ‎35‎(b) at or prior to the time such vote was cast.


Board of Directors


36. Powers of the Board of Directors.


(a) The Board of Directors may exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things as the Board of Directors is authorized by law or as the Company is authorized to exercise and do and are not hereby or by law required to be exercised or done by the General Meeting or by a specific committee of the Board of Directors (where the establishment of such committee is mandatory under applicable law or stock exchange rules and regulations). The authority conferred on the Board of Directors by this Article ‎36 shall be subject to the provisions of the Companies Law, these Articles, applicable stock exchange rules and regulations or any resolution consistent with these Articles adopted from time to time at a General Meeting, provided, however, that no such regulation or resolution shall invalidate any prior act done by or pursuant to a decision of the Board of Directors which would have been valid if such regulation or resolution had not been adopted.


(b) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Board of Directors may, from time to time, set aside any amount(s) out of the profits of the Company as a reserve or reserves for any purpose(s) which the Board of Directors, in its discretion, shall deem fit, including without limitation, capitalization and distribution of bonus shares, and may invest any sum so set aside in any manner and from time to time deal with and vary such investments and dispose of all or any part thereof, and employ any such reserve or any part thereof in the business of the Company without being bound to keep the same separate from other assets of the Company, and may subdivide or re-designate any reserve or cancel the same or apply the funds therein for another purpose, all as the Board of Directors may from time to time think fit.


37. Exercise of Powers of the Board of Directors.


(a) A meeting of the Board of Directors at which a quorum is present in accordance with Article ‎46 shall be competent to exercise all the authorities, powers and discretion vested in or exercisable by the Board of Directors.


(b) A resolution proposed at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall be deemed adopted if approved by a majority of the Directors present, entitled to vote and voting thereon when such resolution is put to a vote.


(c) The Board of Directors may adopt resolutions, without convening a meeting of the Board of Directors, in writing or in any other manner permitted by the Companies Law.


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38. Delegation of Powers.


(a) The Board of Directors may, subject to the provisions of the Companies Law, delegate any or all of its powers to committees (in these Articles referred to as a “Committee of the Board of Directors”, or “Committee”), each consisting of one or more persons (who are Directors), and it may from time to time revoke such delegation or alter the composition of any such Committee. Any Committee so formed shall, in the exercise of the powers so delegated, conform to any regulations imposed on it by the Board of Directors, subject to applicable law or any stock exchange rules or regulations. No regulation imposed by the Board of Directors on any Committee and no resolution of the Board of Directors shall invalidate any prior act done or pursuant to a resolution by the Committee which would have been valid if such regulation or resolution of the Board of Directors had not been adopted. The meetings and proceedings of any such Committee of the Board of Directors shall, mutatis mutandis, be governed by the provisions herein contained for regulating the meetings of the Board of Directors, to the extent not superseded by any regulations adopted by the Board of Directors. Unless otherwise expressly prohibited by the Board of Directors, in delegating powers to a Committee of the Board of Directors, such Committee shall be empowered to further delegate such powers.


(b) The Board of Directors may from time to time appoint a Secretary to the Company, as well as Officers, agents, employees and independent contractors, as the Board of Directors deems fit, and may terminate the service of any such person. The Board of Directors may, subject to the provisions of the Companies Law, determine the powers and duties, as well as the salaries and compensation, of all such persons.


(c) The Board of Directors may from time to time, by power of attorney or otherwise, appoint any person, company, firm or body of persons to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company at law or in fact for such purposes(s) and with such powers, authorities and discretions, and for such period and subject to such conditions, as it deems fit, and any such power of attorney or other appointment may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Board of Directors deems fit, and may also authorize any such attorney to delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him, her or it.


39. Number of Directors.


(a) The Board of Directors shall consist of such number of Directors (not less than three (3) nor more than eleven (11), including the External Directors, if any are required to be elected), as may be fixed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors.


(b) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this Article ‎39 may only be amended or replaced by a resolution adopted at a General Meeting by a majority of at least 65% of the total voting power of the Company’s shareholders.


40. Election and Removal of Directors.


(a) The Directors (excluding the External Directors if any were elected), shall be classified, with respect to the term for which they each severally hold office, into three classes, as nearly equal in number as practicable, hereby designated as Class I, Class II and Class III. The Board of Directors may assign members of the Board of Directors already in office to such classes at the time such classification becomes effective.


(i)The term of office of the initial Class I directors shall expire at the first Annual General Meeting held following the Effective Time and when their successors are elected and qualified,


(ii)The term of office of the initial Class II directors shall expire at the first Annual General Meeting following the Annual General Meeting referred to in clause (i) above and when their successors are elected and qualified, and


(iii)The term of office of the initial Class III directors shall expire at the first Annual General Meeting following the Annual General Meeting referred to in clause (ii) above and when their successors are elected and qualified.


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(b) At each Annual General Meeting, commencing with the Annual General Meeting to be held following the Effective Time, each Nominee or Alternate Nominee (each as defined below) elected at such Annual General Meeting to serve as a Director in a Class whose term shall have expired at such Annual General Meeting shall be elected to hold office until the third Annual General Meeting next succeeding his or her election and until his or her respective successor shall have been elected and qualified. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, each Director shall serve until his or her successor is elected and qualified or until such earlier time as such Director’s office is vacated.


(c) If the number of Directors (excluding External Directors, if any were elected) that comprises the Board of Directors is hereafter changed by the Board of Directors, any newly created directorships or decrease in directorships shall be so apportioned by the Board of Directors among the classes as to make all classes as nearly equal in number as is practicable, provided that no decrease in the number of Directors constituting the Board of Directors shall shorten the term of any incumbent Director.


(d) Prior to every General Meeting of the Company at which Directors are to be elected, and subject to clauses ‎(a) and ‎(h) of this Article, the Board of Directors (or a Committee thereof) shall select, by a resolution adopted by a majority of the Board of Directors (or such Committee), a number of Persons to be proposed to the Shareholders for election as Directors at such General Meeting (the “Nominees”). If the Board does not adopt such resolution prior to any General Meeting, all Directors whose term ends at such General Meeting shall be deemed to have been proposed for re-election by the Board as its Nominees for the relevant Class.


(e) Any Proposing Shareholder requesting to include on the agenda of a General Meeting a nomination of a Person to be proposed to the Shareholders for election as Director (such person, an “Alternate Nominee”), may so request provided that it complies with this Article ‎40‎(e), Article ‎26 and applicable law. Unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors, a Proposal Request relating to an Alternate Nominee is deemed to be a matter that is appropriate to be considered only at an Annual General Meeting. In addition to any information required to be included in accordance with applicable law, such a Proposal Request shall include information required pursuant to Article ‎26, and shall also set forth: (i) the name, address, telephone number, fax number and email address of the Alternate Nominee and all citizenships and residencies of the Alternate Nominee; (ii) a description of all arrangements, relations or understandings during the past three (3) years, and any other material relationships, between the Proposing Shareholder(s) or any of its Affiliates and each Alternate Nominee; (iii) a declaration signed by the Alternate Nominee that he or she consents to be named in the Company’s notices and proxy materials and on the Company’s proxy card relating to the General Meeting, if provided or published, and that he or she, if elected, consents to serve on the Board of Directors and to be named in the Company’s disclosures and filings; (iv) a declaration signed by each Alternate Nominee as required under the Companies Law and any other applicable law and stock exchange rules and regulations for the appointment of such an Alternate Nominee and an undertaking that all of the information that is required under law and stock exchange rules and regulations to be provided to the Company in connection with such an appointment has been provided (including, information in respect of the Alternate Nominee as would be provided in response to the applicable disclosure requirements under Form 20-F (or Form 10-K, if applicable) or any other applicable form prescribed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”)); (v) a declaration made by the Alternate Nominee of whether he or she meets the criteria for an independent director and, if applicable, External Director of the Company under the Companies Law and/or under any applicable law, regulation or stock exchange rules, and if not, then an explanation of why not; and (vi) any other information required at the time of submission of the Proposal Request by applicable law, regulations or stock exchange rules. In addition, the Proposing Shareholder(s) and each Alternate Nominee shall promptly provide any other information reasonably requested by the Company, including a duly completed director and officer questionnaire, in such form as may be provided by the Company, with respect to each Alternate Nominee. The Board of Directors may refuse to acknowledge the nomination of any person not made in compliance with the foregoing. The Company shall be entitled to publish any information provided by a Proposing Shareholder or Alternate Nominee pursuant to this Article ‎40‎(e) and Article ‎26, and the Proposing Shareholder and Alternate Nominee shall be responsible for the accuracy and completeness thereof.


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(f) The Nominees or Alternate Nominees shall be elected by a resolution adopted at the General Meeting at which they are subject to election. Notwithstanding Articles 25(a) and 25(c), in the event of a Contested Election, the method of calculation of the votes and the manner in which the resolutions will be presented to the General Meeting shall be determined by the Board of Directors in its discretion. In the event that the Board of Directors does not or is unable to make a determination on such matter, then the method described in clause (ii) below shall apply. The Board of Directors may consider, among other things, the following methods: (i) election of competing slates of Director nominees (determined in a manner approved by the Board of Directors) by a majority of the voting power represented at the General Meeting in person or by proxy and voting on such competing slates, (ii) election of individual Directors by a plurality of the voting power represented at the General Meeting in person or by proxy and voting on the election of Directors (which shall mean that the nominees receiving the largest number of “for” votes will be elected in such Contested Election), (iii) election of each nominee by a majority of the voting power represented at the General Meeting in person or by proxy and voting on the election of Directors, provided that if the number of such nominees exceeds the number of Directors to be elected, then as among such nominees the election shall be by plurality of the voting power as described above, and (iv) such other method of voting as the Board of Directors deems appropriate, including use of a “universal proxy card” listing all Nominees and Alternate Nominees by the Company. For the purposes of these Articles, election of Directors at a General Meeting shall be considered a “Contested Election” if the aggregate number of Nominees and Alternate Nominees at such meeting exceeds the total number of Directors to be elected at such meeting, with the determination thereof being made by the Secretary (or, in the absence thereof, by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company) as of the close of the applicable notice of nomination period under Article ‎26 or under applicable law, based on whether one or more notice(s) of nomination were timely filed in accordance with Article ‎26, this Article ‎40 and applicable law; provided, however, that the determination that an election is a Contested Election shall not be determinative as to the validity of any such notice of nomination; and provided, further, that, if, prior to the time the Company first announces the convening of a General Meeting (if it is classified as a ‘foreign private issuer’) or mails its initial proxy statement (if it is classified as a ‘domestic filer’) in connection with such election of Directors, one or more notices of nomination of an Alternate Nominee are withdrawn such that the number of candidates for election as Director no longer exceeds the number of Directors to be elected, the election shall not be considered a Contested Election. At any General Meeting at which Directors are to be elected, each Shareholder shall be entitled to cast a number of votes with respect to nominees for election to the Board of Directors up to the total number of Directors to be elected at such meeting. Shareholders shall not be entitled to cumulative voting in the election of Directors.


(g) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this Article ‎40 and Article ‎43(e) may only be amended, replaced or suspended by a resolution adopted at a General Meeting by a majority of at least 65% of the total voting power of the Company’s Shareholders.


(h) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Articles, the nomination, election, qualification, removal or dismissal of External Directors, if so elected, shall comply with the applicable provisions set forth in the Companies Law.


41. Commencement of Directorship.


Without derogating from Article ‎40, the term of office of a Director shall commence as of the date of his or her appointment or election, or on a later date if so specified in his or her appointment or election.


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42. Continuing Directors in the Event of Vacancies.


The Board of Directors (and, if so determined by the Board of Directors, the General Meeting) may at any time and from time to time appoint any person as a Director to fill a vacancy (whether such vacancy is due to a Director no longer serving or due to the number of Directors serving being less than the maximum number stated in Article ‎39 hereof). The foregoing will not apply to the vacancy of office of an External Director, which may be filled only in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Law. In the event of one or more such vacancies in the Board of Directors, the continuing Directors may continue to act in every matter, provided, however, that if the number of Directors serving is less than the minimum number provided for pursuant to Article ‎39 hereof, they may only act in an emergency or to fill the office of a Director which has become vacant up to a number equal to the minimum number provided for pursuant to Article ‎39 hereof, or in order to call a General Meeting of the Company for the purpose of electing Directors to fill any or all vacancies. The office of a Director that was appointed by the Board of Directors to fill any vacancy shall only be for the remaining period of time during which the Director whose service has ended was filled would have held office, or in case of a vacancy due to the number of Directors serving being less than the maximum number determined in accordance with Article ‎39 hereof the Board of Directors shall determine at the time of appointment the class pursuant to Article ‎40 to which the additional Director shall be assigned. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this Article ‎42 may only be amended, replaced or suspended by a resolution adopted at a General Meeting by a majority of at least 65% of the total voting power of the Company’s shareholders.


43. Vacation of Office.


The office of a Director shall be vacated and he shall be dismissed or removed:


(a) ipso facto, upon his or her death;


(b) if he or she is prevented by applicable law or any stock exchange rules or regulations from serving as a Director;


(c) if the Board of Directors determines that due to his or her mental or physical state he or she is unable to serve as a director;


(d) if his or her directorship expires pursuant to these Articles and/or applicable law;


(e) by a resolution adopted at a General Meeting by a majority of at least 65% of the total voting power of the Company’s Shareholders (with such removal becoming effective on the date fixed in such resolution);


(f) by his or her written resignation, such resignation becoming effective on the date fixed therein, or upon the delivery thereof to the Company, whichever is later; or


(g) with respect to an External Director, if so elected, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, only pursuant to applicable law.


44. Conflict of Interests; Approval of Related Party Transactions.


(a) Subject to the provisions of the Companies Law and any other applicable law and these Articles, no Director shall be disqualified by virtue of his or her office from holding any office or place of profit in the Company or in any company in which the Company shall be a shareholder or otherwise interested, or from contracting with the Company as vendor, purchaser or otherwise, nor shall any such contract, or any contract or arrangement entered into by or on behalf of the Company in which any Director shall be in any way interested, be avoided, nor, other than as required under the Companies Law, shall any Director be liable to account to the Company for any profit arising from any such office or place of profit or realized by any such contract or arrangement by reason only of such Director’s holding that office or of the fiduciary relations thereby established, but the nature of his or her interest, as well as any material fact or document, must be disclosed by him or her at the meeting of the Board of Directors at which the contract or arrangement is first considered, if his or her interest then exists, or, in any other case, at no later than the first meeting of the Board of Directors after the acquisition of his or her interest.


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(b) Subject to the Companies Law and these Articles, a transaction between the Company and an Office Holder, and a transaction between the Company and another entity in which an Office Holder of the Company has a personal interest, in each case, which is not an Extraordinary Transaction (as defined by the Companies Law), shall require only approval by the Board of Directors or a Committee of the Board of Directors. Such authorization, as well as the actual approval, may be for a particular transaction or more generally for a specific type of transactions.


Proceedings of the Board of Directors


45. Meetings.


(a) The Board of Directors may meet and adjourn its meetings and otherwise regulate such meetings and proceedings as the Board of Directors thinks fit.


(b) A meeting of the Board of Directors shall be convened by the Secretary (or, in the absence thereof, by the Chief Executive Officer) upon instruction of the Chairperson or upon a request of at least two Directors which is submitted to the Chairperson or in any event that such meeting is required by the provisions of the Companies Law. In the event that the Chairperson does not instruct the Secretary (or, in the absence thereof, by the Chief Executive Officer) to convene a meeting upon a request of at least two (2) Directors within seven (7) days of such request, then such two Directors may convene a meeting of the Board of Directors. Any meeting of the Board of Directors shall be convened upon not less than two (2) days’ notice, unless such notice is waived in writing by all of the Directors as to a particular meeting or by their attendance at such meeting or unless the matters to be discussed at such meeting are of such urgency and importance that notice is reasonably determined by the Chairperson as ought to be waived or shortened under the circumstances.


(c) Notice of any such meeting shall be given orally, by telephone, in writing or by mail, facsimile, email or such other means of delivery of notices as the Company may apply, from time to time.


(d) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, failure to deliver notice to a Director of any such meeting in the manner required hereby may be waived by such Director, and a meeting shall be deemed to have been duly convened notwithstanding such defective notice if such failure or defect is waived prior to action being taken at such meeting, by all Directors entitled to participate at such meeting to whom notice was not duly given as aforesaid. Without derogating from the foregoing, no Director present at any time during a meeting of the Board of Directors shall be entitled to seek the cancellation or invalidation of any proceedings or resolutions adopted at such meeting on account of any defect in the notice of such meeting relating to the date, time or the place thereof or the convening of the meeting.


46. Quorum.


Until otherwise unanimously decided by the Board of Directors, a quorum at a meeting of the Board of Directors shall be constituted by the presence in person or by any means of communication of a majority of the Directors then in office who are lawfully entitled to participate and vote in the meeting. No business shall be transacted at a meeting of the Board of Directors unless the requisite quorum is present (in person or by any means of communication on the condition that all participating Directors can hear each other simultaneously) when the meeting proceeds to business. If within thirty (30) minutes from the time appointed for a meeting of the Board of Directors a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned at the same place and time 48 hours thereafter unless the Chairperson has determined that there is such urgency and importance that a shorter period is required under the circumstances. If an adjourned meeting is convened in accordance with the foregoing and a quorum is not present within 30 minutes of the announced time, the requisite quorum at such adjourned meeting shall be, any two (2) Directors, if the number of Directors then serving is up to five (5), and any three (3) Directors, if the number of Directors then serving is more than five (5), in each case who are lawfully entitled to participate in the meeting and who are present at such adjourned meeting. At an adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors the only matters to be considered shall be those matters which might have been lawfully considered at the meeting of the Board of Directors originally called if a requisite quorum had been present, and the only resolutions to be adopted are such types of resolutions which could have been adopted at the meeting of the Board of Directors originally called.


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47. Chairperson of the Board of Directors.


The Board of Directors shall, from time to time, elect one of its members to be the Chairperson of the Board of Directors, remove such Chairperson from office and appoint in his or her place. The Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall preside at every meeting of the Board of Directors, but if there is no such Chairperson, or if at any meeting he or she is not present within fifteen (15) minutes of the time fixed for the meeting or if he or she is unwilling to take the chair, the Directors present shall choose one of the Directors present at the meeting to be the Chairperson of such meeting. The office of Chairperson of the Board of Directors shall not, by itself, entitle the holder to a second or casting vote.


48. Validity of Acts Despite Defects.


All acts done or transacted at any meeting of the Board of Directors, or of a Committee of the Board of Directors, or by any person(s) acting as Director(s), shall, notwithstanding that it may afterwards be discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of the participants in such meeting or any of them or any person(s) acting as aforesaid, or that they or any of them were disqualified, be as valid as if there were no such defect or disqualification.


Chief Executive Officer


49. Chief Executive Officer.


The Board of Directors shall from time to time appoint one or more persons, whether or not Directors, as Chief Executive Officer of the Company who shall have the powers and authorities set forth in the Companies Law, and may confer upon such person(s), and from time to time modify or revoke, such titles and such duties and authorities of the Board of Directors as the Board of Directors may deem fit, subject to such limitations and restrictions as the Board of Directors may from time to time prescribe. Such appointment(s) may be either for a fixed term or without any limitation of time, and the Board of Directors may from time to time (subject to any additional approvals required under, and the provisions of, the Companies Law and of any contract between any such person and the Company) fix their salaries and compensation, remove or dismiss them from office and appoint another or others in his, her or their place or places.




50. Minutes.


Any minutes of the General Meeting or the Board of Directors or any Committee thereof, if purporting to be signed by the Chairperson of the General Meeting, the Board of Directors or a Committee thereof, as the case may be, or by the Chairperson of the next succeeding General Meeting, meeting of the Board of Directors or meeting of a Committee, as the case may be, shall constitute prima facie evidence of the matters recorded therein.




51. Declaration of Dividends.


The Board of Directors may, from time to time, declare, and cause the Company to pay dividends (or make Distributions) as permitted by the Companies Law. The Board of Directors shall determine the time for payment of such dividends and the record date for determining the shareholders entitled thereto.


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52. Amount Payable by Way of Dividends.


Subject to the provisions of these Articles and subject to the rights or conditions attached at that time to any share in the capital of the Company granting preferential, special or deferred rights or not granting any rights with respect to dividends, any dividend paid by the Company shall be allocated among the Shareholders (not in default in payment of any sum referred to in Article ‎14 hereof) entitled thereto on a pari passu basis in proportion to their respective holdings of the issued and outstanding Shares in respect of which such dividends are being paid.


53. Interest.


No dividend shall carry interest as against the Company.


54. Payment in Specie.


If so declared by the Board of Directors, a dividend declared in accordance with Article ‎51 may be paid, in whole or in part, by the distribution of specific assets of the Company or by distribution of paid up shares, debentures or other securities of the Company or of any other companies, or in any combination thereof, in each case, the fair value of which shall be determined by the Board of Directors in good faith.


55. Implementation of Powers.


The Board of Directors may settle, as it deems fit, any difficulty arising with regard to the distribution of dividends, bonus shares or otherwise, and in particular, to issue certificates for fractions of shares and sell such fractions of shares in order to pay their consideration to those entitled thereto, or to set the value for the distribution of certain assets and to determine that cash payments shall be paid to the Shareholders on the basis of such value, or that fractions whose value is less than NIS 0.01 shall not be taken into account. The Board of Directors may instruct to pay cash or convey these certain assets to a trustee in favor of those people who are entitled to a dividend, as the Board of Directors shall deem appropriate.


56. Deductions from Dividends.


The Board of Directors may deduct from any dividend or other moneys payable to any Shareholder in respect of a share any and all sums of money then payable by him, her or it to the Company on account of calls or otherwise in respect of shares of the Company and/or on account of any other matter of transaction whatsoever.


57. Retention of Dividends.


(a) The Board of Directors may retain any dividend or other moneys payable or property distributable in respect of a share on which the Company has a lien, and may apply the same in or toward satisfaction of the debts, liabilities, or engagements in respect of which the lien exists.


(b) The Board of Directors may retain any dividend or other moneys payable or property distributable in respect of a share in respect of which any person is, under Articles ‎22 or ‎23, entitled to become a Shareholder, or which any person is, under said Articles, entitled to transfer, until such person shall become a Shareholder in respect of such share or shall transfer the same.


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58. Unclaimed Dividends.


All unclaimed dividends or other moneys payable in respect of a share may be invested or otherwise made use of by the Board of Directors for the benefit of the Company until claimed. The payment of any unclaimed dividend or such other moneys into a separate account shall not constitute the Company a trustee in respect thereof, and any dividend unclaimed after a period of one (1) year (or such other period determined by the Board of Directors) from the date of declaration of such dividend, and any such other moneys unclaimed after a like period from the date the same were payable, shall be forfeited and shall revert to the Company, provided, however, that the Board of Directors may, at its discretion, cause the Company to pay any such dividend or such other moneys, or any part thereof, to a person who would have been entitled thereto had the same not reverted to the Company. The principal (and only the principal) of any unclaimed dividend of such other moneys shall be if claimed, paid to a person entitled thereto.


59. Mechanics of Payment.


Any dividend or other moneys payable in cash in respect of a share, less the tax required to be withheld pursuant to applicable law, may, as determined by the Board of Directors in its sole discretion, be paid by check sent through the post to, or left at, the registered address of the person entitled thereto or by transfer to a bank account specified by such person (or, if two or more persons are registered as joint holders of such share or are entitled jointly thereto in consequence of the death or bankruptcy of the holder or otherwise, to any one of such Persons or his or her bank account or the person who the Company may then recognize as the owner thereof or entitled thereto under Article ‎22 or ‎23 hereof, as applicable, or such person’s bank account), or to such person and at such other address as the person entitled thereto may by writing direct, or in any other manner the Board of Directors deems appropriate. Every such check or other method of payment shall be made payable to the order of the person to whom it is sent, or to such person as the person entitled thereto as aforesaid may direct, and payment of the check by the banker upon whom it is drawn shall be a good discharge to the Company. Every such check shall be sent at the risk of the Person entitled to the money represented thereby.




60. Books of Account.


The Company’s books of account shall be kept at the Office of the Company, or at such other place or places as the Board of Directors may think fit, and they shall always be open to inspection by all Directors. No shareholder, not being a Director, shall have any right to inspect any account or book or other similar document of the Company, except as explicitly conferred by law or authorized by the Board of Directors. The Company shall make copies of its annual financial statements available for inspection by the Shareholders at the principal offices of the Company. The Company shall not be required to send copies of its annual financial statements to the Shareholders.


61. Auditors.


The appointment, authorities, rights and duties of the auditor(s) of the Company, shall be regulated by applicable law, provided, however, that in exercising its authority to fix the remuneration of the auditor(s), the Shareholders in General Meeting may act (and in the absence of any action in connection therewith shall be deemed to have so acted) to authorize the Board of Directors (with right of delegation to a Committee thereof or to management) to fix such remuneration subject to such criteria or standards, and if no such criteria or standards are so provided, such remuneration shall be fixed in an amount commensurate with the volume and nature of the services rendered by such auditor(s). The General Meeting may, if so recommended by the Board of Directors, appoint the auditors for a period that may extend until the third Annual General Meeting after the Annual General Meeting in which the auditors were appointed.


62. Fiscal Year.


The fiscal year of the Company shall be the 12 months period ending on December 31 of each calendar year.


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Supplementary Registers


63. Supplementary Registers.


Subject to and in accordance with the provisions of Sections 138 and 139 of the Companies Law, the Company may cause supplementary registers to be kept in any place outside Israel as the Board of Directors may think fit, and, subject to all applicable requirements of law, the Board of Directors may from time to time adopt such rules and procedures as it may think fit in connection with the keeping of such branch registers.


Exemption, Indemnity and Insurance


64. Insurance.


Subject to the provisions of the Companies Law with regard to such matters, the Company may enter into a contract for the insurance of the liability, in whole or in part, of any of its Office Holders imposed on such Office Holder due to an act performed by or an omission of the Office Holder in the Office Holder’s capacity as an Office Holder of the Company arising from any matter permitted by law, including the following:


(a) a breach of duty of care to the Company or to any other person;


(b) a breach of his or her duty of loyalty to the Company, provided that the Office Holder acted in good faith and had reasonable grounds to assume that act that resulted in such breach would not prejudice the interests of the Company;


(c) a financial liability imposed on such Office Holder in favor of any other person; and


(d) any other event, occurrence, matters or circumstances under any law with respect to which the Company may, or will be able to, insure an Office Holder, and to the extent such law requires the inclusion of a provision permitting such insurance in these Articles, then such provision is deemed to be included and incorporated herein by reference (including, without limitation, in accordance with Section 56h(b)(1) of the Securities Law, if and to the extent applicable, and Section 50P of the Economic Competition Law).


65. Indemnity.


(a) Subject to the provisions of the Companies Law and any other applicable law, the Company may retroactively indemnify an Office Holder of the Company to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, including with respect to the following liabilities and expenses, provided in any case that the applicable liabilities or expenses were imposed on such Office Holder or incurred by such Office Holder due to an act performed by or an omission of the Office Holder in such Office Holder’s capacity as an Office Holder of the Company:


(i)a financial liability imposed on an Office Holder in favor of another person by any court judgment, including a judgment given as a result of a settlement or an arbitrator’s award which has been confirmed by a court;


(ii)reasonable litigation expenses, including legal fees, expended by the Office Holder as a result of an investigation or proceeding instituted against him or her by an authority authorized to conduct such investigation or proceeding, or in connection with a financial sanction, provided that (1) no indictment (as defined in the Companies Law) was filed against such Office Holder as a result of such investigation or proceeding; and (2) no financial liability in lieu of a criminal proceeding (as defined in the Companies Law) was imposed upon him or her as a result of such investigation or proceeding or if such financial liability was imposed, it was imposed with respect to an offense that does not require proof of criminal intent;


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(iii)reasonable litigation costs, including legal fees, expended by an Office Holder or which were imposed on an Office Holder by a court in proceedings filed against the Office Holder by the Company or in its name or by any other person or in a criminal charge in respect of which the Office Holder was acquitted or in a criminal charge in respect of which the Office Holder was convicted for an offence which did not require proof of criminal intent; and


(iv)any other event, occurrence, matter or circumstance under any law with respect to which the Company may, or will be able to, indemnify an Office Holder, and to the extent such law requires the inclusion of a provision permitting such indemnity in these Articles, then such provision is deemed to be included and incorporated herein by reference (including, without limitation, in accordance with Section 56h(b)(1) of the Israeli Securities Law, if and to the extent applicable, and Section 50P(b)(2) of the Economic Competition Law).


(b) Subject to the provisions of the Companies Law, the Company may undertake to indemnify an Office Holder, in advance, to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, with respect to those liabilities and expenses described in the following Articles:


(i)Sub-Article ‎65‎(a)(ii) to ‎65‎(a)(iv); and


(ii)Sub-Article ‎65‎(a)(i), provided that:


(1) the undertaking to indemnify is limited to such events which the Directors shall deem to be foreseeable in light of the operations of the Company at the time that the undertaking to indemnify is made and for such amounts or criterion which the Directors may, at the time of the giving of such undertaking to indemnify, deem to be reasonable under the circumstances; and


(2) the undertaking to indemnify shall set forth such events which the Directors shall deem to be foreseeable in light of the operations of the Company at the time that the undertaking to indemnify is made, and the amounts and/or criterion which the Directors may, at the time of the giving of such undertaking to indemnify, deem to be reasonable under the circumstances.


66. Exemption.


Subject to the provisions of the Companies Law, the Company may, to the maximum extent permitted by law, exempt and release, in advance, any Office Holder from any liability for damages arising out of a breach of a duty of care.


67. General.


(a) Any amendment to the Companies Law or any other applicable law adversely affecting the right of any Office Holder to be indemnified, insured or exempt pursuant to Articles ‎64 to ‎66 and any amendments to Articles ‎64 to ‎66 shall be prospective in effect, and shall not affect the Company’s obligation or ability to indemnify, insure or exempt an Office Holder for any act or omission occurring prior to such amendment, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.


(b) The provisions of Articles ‎64 to ‎66 (i) shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by law (including, the Companies Law, the Securities Law and the Economic Competition Law); and (ii) are not intended, and shall not be interpreted so as to restrict the Company, in any manner, in respect of the procurement of insurance and/or in respect of indemnification (whether in advance or retroactively) and/or exemption, in favor of any person who is not an Office Holder, including, without limitation, any employee, agent, consultant or contractor of the Company who is not an Office Holder; and/or any Office Holder to the extent that such insurance and/or indemnification is not specifically prohibited under law.


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68. Liquidation Preference & Dividend Provisions


(a) In the event of (A) the voluntary or involuntary winding up, liquidation or dissolution of the Company (each, a “Liquidation”), or (B) a Deemed Liquidation, or (C) a Distribution, then, in each such event, the assets or proceeds available for distribution or payment to the Shareholders, or the dividends so distributed, as the case may be (the “Distributable Assets”), shall be distributed and paid in the following order and preference:


(i) First, the holders of Preferred Shares then outstanding shall be entitled to receive, from the Distributable Assets, prior and in preference to any distribution in respect of the Ordinary Shares, an amount for each Preferred Share held by them (the “Preferred Preference Amount”) equal to the greater of (i) the sum of three (3) times the Original Issue Price, or (ii) the amount such holder would actually receive if such Preferred Share had been converted into Ordinary Shares immediately prior to such distribution event; in each case, plus any dividends declared but unpaid on such share. For purpose of clause (ii) above, the computation will assume that all Preferred Shares whose conversion or assumed conversion into Ordinary Shares would result in a greater distribution amount, shall be considered as if they have been so converted (without being required to actually convert).


In the event that the Distributable Assets are insufficient to pay in full the Preferred Preference Amount in respect of each Preferred Share then outstanding, then all of such Distributable Assets shall be distributed on a pari passu basis among the holders of the Preferred Shares in proportion to the respective full Preferred Preference Amount otherwise payable to such holders at that time under this Article ‎68(a)(i).


(ii) Second, after payment in full of the Preferred Preference Amount in respect of all Preferred Shares then outstanding, in accordance with Article ‎68(a)(i) above, the remaining Distributable Assets, if any, shall be distributed on a pari passu basis among the holders of Ordinary Shares only (i.e., excluding any Ordinary Shares deemed issued upon the conversion of any Preferred Shares that participated in the distribution pursuant to sub-Article ‎68(a)(i) above) then outstanding, pro rata, based on the number of Ordinary Shares held by each such holder.


(b) Calculation in Case of Bonus Shares. For purpose of the above calculation in Article 6 and this Article 68, in the case of any Preferred Shares that have been issued as bonus shares on any outstanding Preferred Shares, the date of issuance of such share shall be the date of issuance of the Preferred Shares in respect of which such bonus shares were issued by the Company, and not the date of issuance of the bonus shares themselves.


(c) Deemed Liquidation.


(i) Unless the holders of all the Preferred Shares unanimously determined that such event shall not be a Deemed Liquidation, neither the Company nor any of the Shareholders shall have the right or power to effect a Deemed Liquidation per subsection (A) or (B) in the definition of Deemed Liquidation unless the Distributable Assets resulting therefrom shall be allocated among the Shareholders in accordance with this Article ‎68.


(ii) Unless the holders of all Preferred Shares unanimously determined that such event shall not be a Deemed Liquidation, in the event of a Deemed Liquidation as defined in subsection C of the definition of Deemed Liquidation, then, as soon as practicable after such Deemed Liquidation, the Company shall effect a Distribution in accordance with the provisions of Article ‎68 of the consideration received by the Company for such Deemed Liquidation together with any other assets of the Company available for distribution to its Shareholders (net of any retained liabilities and obligations associated with the assets sold or technology licensed, or associated with the winding-down of the operations of the Company either through a liquidation or otherwise, as determined in good faith by the Board), all to the maximum extent possible under applicable law.


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(d) Allocation of Contingent Payments. In the event of a Deemed Liquidation, Liquidation or Distribution, if any portion of the consideration payable or distributable to the Shareholders is payable only upon satisfaction of contingencies (the “Additional Consideration”), then (a) the portion of such consideration that is not Additional Consideration (such portion, the “Initial Consideration”) shall be allocated among the Shareholders in accordance with Article ‎68(a) above as if the Initial Consideration was the only consideration payable or distributable in connection with such Deemed Liquidation, Liquidation or Distribution, and (b) any Additional Consideration which becomes payable or distributable to the Shareholders upon satisfaction of such contingencies shall be allocated among the Shareholders in accordance with Article ‎68(a) above after taking into account the previous allocation of the Initial Consideration (and the previous allocation of any Additional Consideration, if any) as part of the same transaction. For the purposes of this Article ‎68(d), consideration placed into escrow or retained as holdback to be available for satisfaction of indemnification, adjustments or expenses in connection with such Deemed Liquidation, Liquidation or Distribution shall be deemed to be Additional Consideration.


(e) Multiple Distributions; Reallocation. Any Distributable Assets (including Distributions and other amounts distributed in accordance with this Article ‎68) that become payable to the Shareholders at any time, or from time to time, after previous payment(s) of other Distributable Assets or any other amounts distributed in accordance with this Article ‎68), such as pursuant to multiple Distributions, payments of Additional Consideration or otherwise (regardless of whether such multiple payments are made pursuant to the same transaction or pursuant to certain unrelated transactions), shall be allocated in such manner that (i) recalculates the allocation of the aggregate Distributable Assets and said amounts distributed in accordance with Article ‎68 (i.e., such newly payable Distributable Assets (including Distributions combined with all Distributable Assets and said amounts distributed in accordance with Article ‎68) previously paid as aforesaid – the “Aggregate Distributable Assets”) in accordance with the provisions of this Article ‎68, and (ii) allocates such newly payable Distributable Assets (including Distributions and other amounts distributed in accordance with this Article ‎68) after crediting any portions of the Aggregate Distributable Assets previously paid in respect of each Share against the respective portion of the Aggregate Distributable Assets that is deemed payable in respect of such share.


(f) Dividend Provisions. The Company shall not declare, pay or set aside any dividends in respect of, or make any other Distribution on, any class or series of shares of the Company unless (in addition to obtaining any vote or consent (if any) required by law or these Articles) such dividends are paid or such Distribution is made in accordance with the provisions of this Article ‎68.




69. Notices.


(a) Any written notice or other document may be served by the Company upon any Shareholder either personally, by facsimile, email or other electronic transmission, or by sending it by prepaid mail (airmail if sent internationally) addressed to such Shareholder at his or her address as described in the Register of Shareholders or such other address as the Shareholder may have designated in writing for the receipt of notices and other documents.


(b) Any written notice or other document may be served by any Shareholder upon the Company by tendering the same in person to the Secretary or the Chief Executive Officer of the Company at the principal office of the Company, by email or other electronic transmission, or by sending it by prepaid registered mail (airmail if posted outside Israel) to the Company at its Office.


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(c) Any such notice or other document shall be deemed to have been served:


(i)in the case of mailing, forty-eight (48) hours after it has been posted, or when actually received by the addressee if sooner than forty-eight hours after it has been posted, or


(ii)in the case of overnight air courier, on the next Business Day following the day sent, with receipt confirmed by the courier, or when actually received by the addressee if sooner than three Business Days after it has been sent;


(iii)in the case of personal delivery, when actually tendered in person, to such addressee;


(iv)in the case of email or other electronic transmission – when actually sent, or if sent on a day which is not a Business Day or after normal business hours in place of addressee – on the first Business Day thereafter, provided that sender did not receive an automatic notice of failed delivery or similar notification indicating the email transmission was not properly completed.


(d) If a notice is, in fact, received by the addressee, it shall be deemed to have been duly served, when received, notwithstanding that it was defectively addressed or failed, in some other respect, to comply with the provisions of this Article ‎69.


(e) All notices to be given to the Shareholders shall, with respect to any share to which persons are jointly entitled, be given to whichever of such persons is named first in the Register of Shareholders, and any notice so given shall be sufficient notice to the holders of such share.


(f) Any Shareholder whose address is not described in the Register of Shareholders, and who shall not have designated in writing an address for the receipt of notices, shall not be entitled to receive any notice from the Company.


(g) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, notice by the Company of a General Meeting, containing the information required by applicable law and these Articles to be set forth therein, which is published, within the time otherwise required for giving notice of such meeting, in either or several of the following manners (as applicable) shall be deemed to be notice of such meeting duly given, for the purposes of these Articles, to any Shareholder whose address as registered in the Register of Shareholders (or as designated in writing for the receipt of notices and other documents) is located either inside or outside the State of Israel:


(i)if the Company’s shares are then listed for trading on a national securities exchange in the United States or quoted in an over-the-counter market in the United States, publication of notice of a General Meeting pursuant to a report or a schedule filed with, or furnished to, the SEC pursuant to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the “Exchange Act”); and/or


(ii)on the Company’s internet site.


(h) The mailing or publication date and the record date and/or date of the meeting (as applicable) shall be counted among the days comprising any notice period under the Companies Law and the regulations thereunder.




70. Amendment.


Any amendment of these Articles shall require, in addition to the approval of the General Meeting of shareholders in accordance with these Articles, also the approval of the Board of Directors with the affirmative vote of a majority of the then serving Directors.


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Forum for Adjudication of Disputes


71. Forum for Adjudication of Disputes.


(a) Unless the Company consents in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, with respect to any causes of action arising under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 as amended, against any person or entity, including such claims brought against the Company, its directors, officers, employees, advisors, attorneys, accountants or underwriters, the federal district courts of the United States of America shall be the exclusive forum for the resolution of any complaint asserting a cause of action arising under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended; and (b) unless the Company consents in writing to the selection of an alternative forum, the competent courts in Tel Aviv, Israel shall be the exclusive forum for (i) any derivative action or proceeding brought on behalf of the Company, (ii) any action asserting a claim of breach of a fiduciary duty owed by any director, officer or other employee of the Company to the Company or the Company’s shareholders, or (iii) any action asserting a claim arising pursuant to any provision of these Articles, the Companies Law or the Securities Law. Any person or entity purchasing or otherwise acquiring or holding any interest in shares of the Company shall be deemed to have notice of and consented to these provisions.


72. Lock-up


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, and subject only to the exceptions set forth in Article 73, other than (1) with the written consent of the Company and the SPAC Sponsor (as defined in the Business Combination Agreement) or (2) with respect to Locked-Up Shares (as defined below) held by any Shareholder who holds with its Affiliates less than 1% of the outstanding Ordinary Shares, each Share (such shares, the “Nuvo Consideration Shares”) issued (A) at the closing (the “Closing”) of, and pursuant to the terms of, the Business Combination Agreement (such time, the “Lock-Up Effective Time) in exchange for shares of Nuvo outstanding immediately prior to the closing of the Business Combination Agreement (other than in respect of each of the preferred shares of Nuvo, par value NIS 0.01 per share, issuable in connection with the securities purchase agreements Nuvo and the Company entered into with certain investors prior to the execution of the Business Combination Agreement) and (B) any Ordinary Shares issuable upon conversion or exercise of warrants, options or any other instrument issued by Nuvo (other than shares issuable under those certain convertible notes and warrants issued by Nuvo on or about January 2024 or Shares issued under the Business Combination Agreement in consideration or exchange of securities of LAMF or upon the exercise of such securities) as of immediately prior to the Effective Time (collectively, the “Locked-Up Shares”) or any instruments exercisable or exchangeable for, or convertible into, such Locked-Up Shares, shall not be permitted to be Transferred, in each case, until a date that is one hundred and eighty (180) days following the Lock-Up Effective Time (the “Lock-Up Period”). “Transfer” shall mean to (i) sell, offer to sell, contract or agree to sell, hypothecate, pledge, assign, grant any option to purchase or otherwise dispose of or agree to dispose of, directly or indirectly, or establish or increase a put equivalent position or liquidate or decrease a call equivalent position within the meaning of Section 16 of the Exchange Act, with respect to any Locked-Up Shares, (ii) enter into any swap or other arrangement that transfers to another, in whole or in part, any of the economic consequences of ownership of, or any other derivative transaction with respect to, any Locked-Up Shares, whether any such transaction is to be settled by delivery of such securities, in cash or otherwise or (iii) publicly announce any intention to effect any transaction specified in clause (i) or (ii).


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73. Permitted Transfers


Each holder of Locked-Up Shares and its Permitted Transferees (as defined below) may Transfer any Locked-up Shares during the Lock-up Period (A) (1) to the Company’s, Nuvo’s, LAMF’s or SPAC Sponsor’s officers or directors, (2) to any Affiliates or family members of the Company’s, Nuvo’s, LAMF’s or SPAC Sponsor’s officers or directors, or (3) to any direct or indirect partners, members or equityholders of any such Shareholder, any Affiliates of any such Shareholder or any related investment funds or vehicles controlled or managed by any such Shareholder or their respective Affiliates (including, for the avoidance of doubt, where such Shareholder is a partnership, to its general partner or a successor partnership or fund, or any other funds managed by such partnership); (B) in the case of a Shareholder that is an individual, by gift to a member of the individual’s immediate family or to a trust, the beneficiary of which is a member of the individual’s immediate family or an Affiliate of such person, or to a charitable organization; (C) in the case of a Shareholder that is an individual, by virtue of laws of descent and distribution upon death of the individual; (D) in the case of a Shareholder that is an individual, pursuant to a qualified domestic relations order, divorce settlement, divorce decree or separation agreement; (E) to a nominee or custodian of a person to whom a Transfer would be permitted under clauses (A) through (D) above; (F) to the Company or SPAC Sponsor; (G) to satisfy tax withholding obligations in connection with the exercise of options to purchase shares of the Company or the vesting of Company share-based awards; (H) in payment on a “net exercise” or “cashless” basis of the exercise or purchase price with respect to the exercise of options to purchase shares of the Company; (I) in connection with any order; or (J) to the Company in connection with the repurchase of such Shareholder’s shares in connection with the termination of such Shareholder’s employment with the Company or any of its subsidiaries pursuant to contractual agreements with the Company or any of its subsidiaries (collectively, the “Permitted Transferees”); provided, however, that in the case of the foregoing clauses (A) through (E) the transferee must enter into a written agreement with the Company and LAMF prior to the effectiveness of such Transfer.



*          *          *


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Exhibit 2.3




This WARRANT ASSIGNMENT, ASSUMPTION AND AMENDMENT AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) is made as of April 30, 2024, by and among LAMF Global Ventures Corp. I, a Cayman Islands exempted company (the “Company” or “LAMF”), Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Israel (“Holdco”), and Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company, a New York limited purpose trust company (the “Warrant Agent”).




WHEREAS, the Company and the Warrant Agent are parties to that certain Warrant Agreement, dated as of November 10, 2021, and filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission as part of a registration statement on Form S-1 on October 4, 2021 (as amended, including all exhibits thereto, the “Existing Warrant Agreement”);


WHEREAS, the Company has issued and sold 12,650,000 redeemable warrants as part of units to public investors in a public offering (the “Public Warrants”) to purchase Class A ordinary shares of the Company, par value $0.0001 per share (“Class A Ordinary Shares”), with each whole Public Warrant being exercisable for one Class A Ordinary Share and with an exercise price of $11.50 per share;


WHEREAS, the Company has issued and sold 553,000 redeemable warrants as part of units to investors in a private placement transaction (the “Private Placement Warrants”) to purchase Class A Ordinary Shares, with each whole warrant being exercisable for one Class A Ordinary Share and with an exercise price of $11.50 per share;


WHEREAS, in order to finance the Company’s transaction costs in connection with the Business Combination (as defined below), LAMF SPAC Holdings I LLC or certain of the Company’s officers, directors and advisors may, but are not obligated to, from time-to-time loan to the Company funds as the Company may require (the “Working Capital Loans”);


WHEREAS, up to $1,200,000 of the Working Capital Loans are convertible (at a price of $10.00 per unit at the option of the lender) into units for the purchase of one Class A Ordinary Share and one-half of a warrant per unit, which warrants will be identical to the Private Placement Warrants (the “Working Capital Warrants”, together with the Private Placement Warrants, the “Private Warrants” and, together with the Public Warrants, the “Warrants”);


WHEREAS, all of the Warrants are governed by the Existing Warrant Agreement;


WHEREAS, the Company, Holdco, Nuvo Group Ltd., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Israel (“Nuvo”), Nuvo Assetco Corp., a Cayman Islands exempted company and a wholly owned subsidiary of Holdco (“Assetco”), and H.F.N Insight Merger Company Ltd., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Israel and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company (“Merger Sub”), entered into that certain Business Combination Agreement, dated as of August 17, 2023 (as may be amended and/or restated from time to time, the “Business Combination Agreement”);


WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Company has determined that the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Business Combination Agreement constitutes a “Business Combination” (as such term is defined in the Existing Warrant Agreement);


WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Business Combination Agreement, among other things, one day prior to the closing of the Business Combination (the “Closing”), the Company will merge with and into Assetco (the “SPAC Merger”) with Assetco as the surviving entity of such merger;


WHEREAS, pursuant to the SPAC Merger, each Class A Ordinary Share issued and outstanding immediately prior to the effective time of the SPAC Merger will be automatically cancelled and converted into the right to receive one ordinary share of Holdco, no par value (the “Holdco Shares”), and, on the date of the Closing, Merger Sub will be merged with and into Nuvo (the “Acquisition Merger”) and Nuvo will continue as the surviving entity as a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of Holdco, which will be the new public company following the consummation of the Acquisition Merger;





WHEREAS, as provided in Section 4.4 of the Existing Warrant Agreement, the Warrants are no longer exercisable for Class A Ordinary Shares but instead are exercisable (subject to the terms and conditions of the Existing Warrant Agreement, as amended hereby) for Holdco Shares;


WHEREAS, each of the Company and Holdco has obtained all necessary corporate approvals to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated herein (including the assignment and assumption of the Existing Warrant Agreement and the related issuance of each Warrant, and exchange and continuance thereof for a Warrant to subscribe for Holdco Shares on the conditions set out herein, and the exclusion of any pre-emptive rights in that respect) and by the Existing Warrant Agreement;


WHEREAS, the Company desires to assign all of its right, title and interest in the Existing Warrant Agreement to Holdco, which right, title and interest in the Existing Warrant Agreement will continue to be held by Holdco, and Holdco wishes to accept such assignment; and


WHEREAS, Section 9.8 of the Existing Warrant Agreement provides that the Company and the Warrant Agent may amend the Existing Warrant Agreement without the consent of any registered holders for the purpose of curing any ambiguity, or curing, correcting or supplementing any defective provision contained therein or adding or changing any other provisions with respect to matters or questions arising under the Existing Warrant Agreement as the Company and the Warrant Agent may deem necessary or desirable and that the Company and the Warrant Agent deem shall not adversely affect the interest of the registered holders of the Warrants.


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements contained herein and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows.





Section 1.1 Assignment and Assumption. The Company hereby assigns to Holdco all of the Company’s right, title and interest in and to the Existing Warrant Agreement (as amended hereby) and Holdco hereby assumes, and agrees to pay, perform, satisfy and discharge in full, as the same become due, all of the Company’s liabilities and obligations under the Existing Warrant Agreement (as amended hereby) arising from and after the execution of this Agreement, in each case, effective as of the Acquisition Merger. As a result of the preceding sentence, effective as of the Acquisition Merger, each Warrant will be exchanged for a Warrant to subscribe for Holdco Shares pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Existing Warrant Agreement (as amended hereby).


Section 1.2 Consent. The Warrant Agent hereby consents to the assignment of the Existing Warrant Agreement by the Company to Holdco and the continuance of Holdco’s rights and obligations under the Existing Warrant Agreement pursuant to Section 1.1 hereof effective as of the Acquisition Merger, and the assumption of the Existing Warrant Agreement by Holdco from the Company pursuant to Section 1.1 hereof effective as of the Acquisition Merger, and to the continuation of the Existing Warrant Agreement in full force and effect from and after the Acquisition Merger, subject at all times to the Existing Warrant Agreement (as amended hereby) and to all of the provisions, covenants, agreements, terms and conditions of the Existing Warrant Agreement and this Agreement.





The Company and the Warrant Agent hereby amend the Existing Warrant Agreement as provided in this Article II, effective as of the Acquisition Merger, and acknowledge and agree that the amendments to the Existing Warrant Agreement set forth in this Article II are necessary or desirable and that such amendments do not adversely affect the interests of the registered holders.





Section 2.1 Preamble. All references to “LAMF Global Ventures Corp. I, a Cayman Islands exempted company” in the Existing Warrant Agreement shall refer instead to “Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Israel”. As a result thereof, all references to the “Company” in the Existing Warrant Agreement shall be references to Holdco rather than to LAMF.


Section 2.2 Reference to LAMF Shares. All references to “Ordinary Shares” in the Existing Warrant Agreement shall be references to Holdco Shares rather than to Class A Ordinary Shares of LAMF.


Section 2.3 Notices. Section 9.2 of the Existing Warrant Agreement is hereby amended in part to change the delivery of notices to the Company to the following:


Nuvo Group Ltd.

Yigal Alon 94

Building 1

Tel Aviv, Israel 6789155

Attention: Kelly Londy

Email: kelly.londy@nuvocares.com


in each case, with copies to:


Greenberg Traurig, P.A.

333 S.E. Second Avenue, Suite 4400

Miami, FL 33131

Attn: Bob Grossman, Esq.

Email: GrossmanB@gtlaw.com





Section 3.1 Effectiveness of Agreement. Each of the parties hereto acknowledges and agrees that the effectiveness of the terms of this Agreement shall be as set forth herein.


Section 3.2 Examination of the Existing Warrant Agreement. A copy of this Agreement shall be available at all reasonable times at the office of the Warrant Agent in the United States of America, for inspection by the Registered Holder (as such term is defined in the Existing Warrant Agreement) of any Warrant. The Warrant Agent may require any such holder to submit such holder’s Warrant for inspection by the Warrant Agent.


Section 3.3 Governing Law. This Agreement, the entire relationship of the parties hereto, and any dispute between the parties (whether grounded in contract, tort, statute, law or equity) shall be governed by, construed in accordance with, and interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of New York, without giving effect to its choice of laws principles.


Section 3.4 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which will be deemed an original but all of which together will constitute one and the same instrument.


Section 3.5 Entire Agreement. Except to the extent specifically amended or superseded by the terms of this Agreement, all of the provisions of the Existing Warrant Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, as assigned and assumed by the parties hereto, to the extent in effect on the date hereof, and shall apply to this Agreement, mutatis mutandis. This Agreement and the Existing Warrant Agreement, as assigned and modified by this Agreement, constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior written or oral agreements, writings, communications or understandings with respect to the subject matter hereof.



[Remainder of the page intentionally left blank.
Signature page follows.





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Holdco, the Company and the Warrant Agent have duly executed this Agreement, all as of the date first written above.


By: /s/ Rice Powell
Name: Rice Powell
Title: Chief Executive Officer
  By: /s/ Simon Horsman
  Name: Simon Horsman
  Title: Chief Executive Officer
By: /s/ Keri-Ann Cuadros
Name: Keri-Ann Cuadros
Title: Vice President and Account Manager



[Signature Page to the Warrant Assignment, Assumption and Amendment Agreement]




Exhibit 4.4




This Registration Rights Agreement (this “Agreement”), dated as of May 1, 2024, is made and entered into by and among Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Israel (the “Company”), Nuvo Group Ltd., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Israel (“Nuvo”), LAMF Global Ventures Corp. I, a Cayman Islands exempted company (“SPAC”), LAMF SPAC Holdings I LLC, a Cayman Islands limited liability company (“SPAC Sponsor”), the executive officers and directors of SPAC as of immediately prior to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Business Combination Agreement (as defined below), LAMF SPAC I LLC, Nweis Investments LLC, Atoe LLC, 10X LLC, 10X LAMF SPAC SPV LLC, Cohen Sponsor LLC – A16 RS and ASCJ Global LLC – Series 16 (collectively, the “SPAC Sponsor Members”) (such executive officers and directors, together with the SPAC Sponsor Members and SPAC Sponsor, the “Sponsor Parties”), and certain shareholders of the Company set forth on Exhibit A hereto and the executive officers and directors of Nuvo as of immediately prior to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by the Business Combination Agreement (such Company shareholders and Nuvo executive officers and directors, collectively, the “Company Holders”) (each such Sponsor Party or Company Holder and any other Person (as defined below) who hereafter becomes a party to this Agreement, each a “Holder”, and, collectively, the “Holders”).




WHEREAS, the Company is party to that certain Business Combination Agreement, dated as of August 17, 2023 (the “Business Combination Agreement”), by and among the Company, Nuvo, Nuvo Assetco Corp, a Cayman Islands exempted company and a wholly owned subsidiary of Holdco (“Assetco”), H.F.N Insight Merger Company Ltd., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Israel and a wholly owned subsidiary of SPAC (“Merger Sub”), and SPAC, pursuant to which, among other things, SPAC was merged with and into Assetco, with Assetco as the surviving entity of such merger, and Merger Sub was merged with and into Nuvo, with Nuvo as the surviving entity (the “Business Combination”);


WHEREAS, as a result of the Business Combination, each issued and outstanding security of SPAC immediately prior to the SPAC Effective Time (as defined in the Business Combination Agreement) will no longer be outstanding and will automatically be cancelled in exchange for a substantially equivalent security of the Company, all on the terms and conditions set forth in the Business Combination Agreement;


WHEREAS, the Sponsor Parties and SPAC are parties to that certain Registration Rights Agreement, dated as of November 10, 2021 (the “Prior Agreement”), by and among SPAC, SPAC Sponsor, and the other Sponsor Parties party thereto;


WHEREAS, in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Business Combination Agreement, the parties to the Prior Agreement desire to terminate the Prior Agreement and all rights and obligations created pursuant thereto will be terminated;


WHEREAS, in connection with the transactions contemplated by the Business Combination Agreement, the Company and the Holders desire to enter into this Agreement, pursuant to which the Company shall grant the Holders certain registration rights with respect to certain securities of the Company, as set forth in this Agreement.


NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the representations, covenants and agreements contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, hereby agree as follows:





Section 1.1 Definitions. The terms defined in this Article I shall, for all purposes of this Agreement, have the respective meanings set forth below:





Adverse Disclosure” shall mean any public disclosure of material non-public information, which, in the good faith judgment of the Chief Executive Officer, the President, such other principal executive officer, the Chief Financial Officer, or the principal financial officer of the Company, after consultation with counsel to the Company, (a) would be required to be made in any Registration Statement (as defined below) or Prospectus (as defined below) in order for the applicable Registration Statement or Prospectus not to contain any Misstatement (as defined below), (b) would not be required to be made at such time but for the filing, effectiveness or continued use of such Registration Statement or Prospectus, as the case may be, and (c) the Company has (x) a bona fide business purpose for not making such information public or (y) determined the premature disclosure of such information would materially adversely affect the Company.


Agreement” shall have the meaning given in the Preamble.


Board” shall mean the board of directors of the Company.


Business Combination Agreement” shall have the meaning given in the Recitals hereto.


Claims” shall have the meaning given in subsection 4.1.1.


Closing Date” shall mean the date of this Agreement.


Commission” shall mean the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Company” shall have the meaning given in the Preamble.


Exchange Act” shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and the rules and regulations of the Commission promulgated thereunder.


Form F-1 Shelf” shall have the meaning given in subsection 2.1.1.


Form F-3 Shelf” shall have the meaning given in subsection 2.1.2.


Holders” shall have the meaning given in the Preamble hereto.


Lock-Up Period” means (i) with respect to the Registrable Securities owned by the Sponsor Parties, the “Lock-Up Period” as defined in the Sponsor Support Agreement and (ii) with respect to any other Holder, the “Lock-Up Period” as defined in the lock-up agreement with the Company to which such Holder is a party.


Maximum Number of Securities” shall have the meaning given in subsection 2.1.4.


Minimum Amount” shall have the meaning given in subsection 2.1.3.


Misstatement” shall mean an untrue statement of a material fact or an omission to state a material fact required to be stated therein, or necessary to make the statements therein (in the case of any Prospectus and any preliminary Prospectus, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made) not misleading.


Ordinary Shares” shall mean the ordinary shares, no par value per share, of the Company.


Permitted Transferees” shall mean a Person to whom the Holders are permitted to transfer Registrable Securities prior to the expiration of the Lock-Up Period with respect to the Registrable Securities owned by such Holder.


Person” shall mean any individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, association, joint venture, an association, a joint stock company, trust, unincorporated organization, governmental or political subdivision or agency, or any other entity of whatever nature.


Piggyback Registration” shall have the meaning given in subsection 2.2.1.





Prior Agreement” shall have the meaning given in the Recitals hereto.


Prospectus” shall mean the prospectus included in any Registration Statement, as supplemented by any and all prospectus supplements and as amended by any and all post-effective amendments and including all material incorporated by reference in such prospectus.


Registrable Security” shall mean (a) any outstanding Ordinary Shares or other equity securities of the Company held by a Holder immediately following the Closing Date, (b) any Ordinary Shares issued to a Holder pursuant to the terms of the Business Combination Agreement (including the Ordinary Shares issued or issuable upon the exercise of any other equity security issued to a Holder pursuant to the terms of the Business Combination Agreement), (c) the SPAC Warrants (including any Ordinary Shares issued or issuable upon the exercise of any SPAC Warrants) and (d) any other equity security of the Company issued or issuable with respect to the securities referred to in the foregoing clauses (a) through (c) by way of a share dividend or share split or in connection with a combination of shares, recapitalization, merger, consolidation or other reorganization or otherwise; provided, however, that, as to any particular Registrable Security, such securities shall cease to be Registrable Securities upon the earliest to occur of: (i) a Registration Statement with respect to the sale of such securities shall have become effective under the Securities Act and such securities shall have been sold, transferred, disposed of or exchanged in accordance with such Registration Statement by the applicable Holder; (ii) (x) such securities shall have been otherwise transferred, (y) new certificates for such securities not bearing (or book entry positions not subject to) a legend restricting further transfer shall have been delivered by the Company to the Holder and (z) subsequent public distribution of such securities shall not require registration under the Securities Act; (iii) such securities shall have ceased to be outstanding; (iv) such securities may be sold, transferred, disposed of or exchanged without registration pursuant to Rule 144 promulgated under the Securities Act (or any successor rule promulgated thereafter by the Commission) (but with no volume or other restrictions or limitations); or (v) such securities have been sold to, or through, a broker, dealer or underwriter in a public distribution or other public securities transaction.


Registration” shall mean a registration effected by preparing and filing a registration statement or similar document in compliance with the requirements of the Securities Act, and the applicable rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and such registration statement becoming effective.


Registration Expenses” shall mean the documented, out-of-pocket expenses of a Registration, including, without limitation, the following:


(a)all registration and filing fees (including fees with respect to filings required to be made with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc.) and any securities exchange on which the Registrable Securities are then listed;


(b)fees and expenses of compliance with securities or blue-sky laws (including reasonable fees and disbursements of outside counsel for the Underwriters (as defined below) in connection with blue sky qualifications of Registrable Securities);


(c)printing, messenger, telephone, delivery and road show or other marketing expenses;


(d)reasonable and documented fees and disbursements of counsel for the Company;


(e)reasonable and documented fees and disbursements of all independent registered public accountants of the Company incurred specifically in connection with such Registration;


(f)reasonable and documented fees and expenses of one (1) legal counsel selected by the Company to render any local counsel opinions in connection with the applicable Registration; and





(g)reasonable and documented fees and expenses of one (1) legal counsel (not to exceed $75,000 in the aggregate for each Registration without the prior written approval of the Company) selected by (i) the majority-in-interest of the SUO Demanding Holders (as defined below) initiating a Shelf Underwritten Offering (as defined below), or (ii) the majority-in-interest of participating Holders under Section 2.3 if the Registration was initiated by the Company for its own account or that of a Company shareholder other than pursuant to rights under this Agreement, in each case to be registered for offer and sale in the applicable Registration.


Registration Statement” shall mean any registration statement that covers the Registrable Securities pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, including the Prospectus included in such registration statement, amendments (including post-effective amendments) and supplements to such registration statement, and all exhibits to and all material incorporated by reference in such registration statement.


Securities Act” shall mean the Securities Act of 1933, as amended from time to time, and the rules and regulations of the Commission promulgated thereunder.


Shelf Takedown Notice” shall have the meaning given in subsection 2.1.3.


Shelf Underwritten Offering” shall have the meaning given in subsection 2.1.3.


SPAC” shall have the meaning given in the Preamble.


SPAC Sponsor” shall have the meaning given in the Recitals.


SPAC Warrants” shall mean the warrants issued by SPAC in connection with SPAC’s initial public offering and subject to the Warrant Agreement.


Sponsor Parties” shall have the meaning given in the Preamble.


Sponsor Support Agreement” shall mean that certain Sponsor Support Agreement, dated as of August 17, 2023 (as amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified in accordance with the terms thereto), by and among SPAC Sponsor, SPAC, Nuvo, the Company and the other parties thereto.


SUO Demanding Holders” shall mean the applicable Holders having the right to make, and actually making, a written demand for a Shelf Underwritten Offering of Registrable Securities pursuant to subsection 2.1.3.


SUO Requesting Holder” shall have the meaning given in subsection 2.1.3.


Underwriter” shall mean a securities dealer who purchases any Registrable Securities as principal in an Underwritten Offering and not as part of such dealer’s market-making activities.


Underwritten Offering” shall mean a Registration in which securities of the Company are sold to an Underwriter in a firm commitment underwriting for distribution to the public.


Warrant Agreement” shall mean that certain Warrant Agreement, dated as of November 10, 2021, by and between SPAC and Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company, as warrant agent, assumed by the Company in connection with the Business Combination.








Section 2.1 Shelf Registration.


2.1.1 Following the Closing Date, the Company shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to (i) file a Registration Statement under the Securities Act within sixty (60) days after the Closing Date to permit the public resale of all the Registrable Securities held by the Holders from time to time as permitted by Rule 415 under the Securities Act (or any successor or similar provision adopted by the Commission then in effect) on the terms and conditions specified in this subsection 2.1.1 and (ii) cause such Registration Statement to be declared effective as soon as practicable after the filing thereof. The Registration Statement filed with the Commission pursuant to this subsection 2.1.1 shall be a shelf registration statement on Form F-1 (a “Form F-1 Shelf”) or such other form of registration statement as is then available to effect a registration for resale of such Registrable Securities, covering such Registrable Securities, and shall contain a Prospectus in such form as to permit any Holder to sell such Registrable Securities pursuant to Rule 415 under the Securities Act (or any successor or similar provision adopted by the Commission then in effect) at any time beginning on the effective date for such Registration Statement. A Registration Statement filed pursuant to this subsection 2.1.1 shall provide for the resale pursuant to any method or combination of methods legally available to, and requested by, the Holders. The Company shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to cause a Registration Statement filed pursuant to this subsection 2.1.1 to remain effective, and to be supplemented and amended to the extent necessary to ensure that such Registration Statement is available (including to use its commercially reasonable efforts to add Registrable Securities held by Permitted Transferees) or, if not available, that another Registration Statement is available, for the resale of all the Registrable Securities held by the Holders until all such Registrable Securities have ceased to be Registrable Securities.


2.1.2 The Company shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to convert the Form F-1 Shelf filed pursuant to subsection 2.1.1 to a shelf registration statement on Form F-3 (a “Form F-3 Shelf”) as promptly as practicable after the Company is eligible to use a Form F-3 Shelf and have the Form F-3 Shelf declared effective as promptly as practicable and to cause such Form F-3 Shelf to remain effective, and to be supplemented and amended to the extent necessary to ensure that such Registration Statement is available or, if not available, that another Registration Statement is available, for the resale of all the Registrable Securities held by the Holders until all such Registrable Securities have ceased to be Registrable Securities.


2.1.3 At any time and from time to time following the effectiveness of the shelf registration statement required by subsection 2.1.1 or subsection 2.1.2, any Holder (an “SUO Requesting Holder”) may request to sell all or a portion of their Registrable Securities in an underwritten offering that is registered pursuant to such shelf registration statement (a “Shelf Underwritten Offering”); provided that the Company shall only be obligated to effect a Shelf Underwritten Offering if such offering shall (i) include Registrable Securities proposed to be sold by the SUO Requesting Holder, either individually or together with other SUO Requesting Holders, with a gross offering price reasonably expected to exceed, in the aggregate, $25.0 million or (ii) cover all of the remaining Registrable Securities held by the SUO Demanding Holder, provided that the total offering price is reasonably expected to exceed $15.0 million in the aggregate (each of the thresholds described in (i) and (ii), the “Minimum Amount”). All requests for a Shelf Underwritten Offering shall be made by giving written notice to the Company (the “Shelf Takedown Notice”). Each Shelf Takedown Notice shall specify the approximate number of Registrable Securities proposed to be sold in the Shelf Underwritten Offering and the expected price range (net of underwriting discounts and commissions) of such Shelf Underwritten Offering, as well as the intended method of distribution. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company is not obligated to take any action upon receipt of a Shelf Takedown Notice delivered within ninety (90) days of a prior Shelf Takedown Notice. Upon receipt by the Company of any such written notification from a SUO Requesting Holder(s) to the Company, subject to the provisions of subsection 2.2.4, the Company shall include in such Shelf Underwritten Offering all Registrable Securities of such SUO Requesting Holder(s) described in the Shelf Takedown Notice. The Company shall, together with all participating Holders of Registrable Securities of the Company proposing (and permitted) to distribute their securities through such Shelf Underwritten Offering, enter into an underwriting agreement in customary form for such Shelf Underwritten Offering with the managing Underwriter or Underwriters selected by the Company with the approval of the original SUO Requesting Holder (which shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed). The Company shall not be obligated to effect more than an aggregate of three (3) Shelf Underwritten Offerings initiated by the Sponsor Parties and an aggregate of three (3) Shelf Underwritten Offerings initiated by the Company Holders. The SUO Demanding Holders may demand not more than two (2) Shelf Underwritten Offerings pursuant to this Section 2.1.3 in any twelve (12) month period.





2.1.4 If the managing Underwriter or Underwriters, in good faith, advises the Company, the SUO Demanding Holders and the SUO Requesting Holders, in writing that, in its opinion, the dollar amount or number of Registrable Securities that the SUO Demanding Holders and the SUO Requesting Holders desire to sell, taken together with all other Ordinary Shares or other equity securities that the Company desires to sell for its own account and the Ordinary Shares or other equity securities, if any, as to which a Registration has been requested pursuant to separate written contractual piggy-back registration rights held by any other shareholders of the Company who desire to sell, exceeds the maximum dollar amount or maximum number of equity securities that can be sold in such Underwritten Offering without adversely affecting the proposed offering price, the timing, the distribution method, or the probability of success of such offering (such maximum dollar amount or maximum number of such securities, as applicable, the “Maximum Number of Securities”), then the Company shall include in such Underwritten Offering, as follows: (a) first, the Registrable Securities of the SUO Demanding Holders and the SUO Requesting Holders pro rata based on the number of securities requested to be sold that can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities; (b) second, to the extent that the Maximum Number of Securities has not been reached under the foregoing clause (a), the Ordinary Shares or other equity securities that the Company desires to sell for its own account, which can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities; and (c) third, to the extent that the Maximum Number of Securities has not been reached under the foregoing clauses (a) and (b), the Ordinary Shares or other equity securities of other Persons that the Company is obligated to register in a Registration pursuant to separate written contractual arrangements with such Persons and that can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities.


2.1.5 Withdrawal. A majority in interest of the SUO Demanding Holders or SUO Requesting Holders initiating a Shelf Underwritten Offering shall have the right to withdraw its Registrable Securities included in a Shelf Underwritten Offering pursuant to subsection 2.1.3 for any or no reason whatsoever upon written notification to the Company and the Underwriter or Underwriters (if any) of its intention to so withdraw at any time up to one business (1) day prior to the filing of the applicable “red herring” prospectus or prospectus supplement used for marketing such Shelf Underwritten Offering; provided, however, that upon withdrawal of an amount of Registrable Securities included by the Holders in such Shelf Underwritten Offering, in their capacity as SUO Demanding Holders, resulting in the total offering price of such Shelf Underwritten Offering being less than the Minimum Amount, the Company shall cease all efforts to secure effectiveness of the applicable Registration Statement; provided, further, that a Sponsor Party or a Company Holder may elect to have the Company continue a Shelf Underwritten Offering if the Minimum Amount would still be satisfied by the Registrable Securities proposed to be sold in the Shelf Underwritten Offering by such Sponsor Party, Company Holder or any of their respective Permitted Transferees, as applicable. If withdrawn, a demand for a Shelf Underwritten Offering shall constitute a demand for a Shelf Underwritten Offering by the withdrawing SUO Demanding Holder for purposes of Section 2.1.3, unless such SUO Demanding Holder reimburses the Company for all Registration Expenses with respect to such Shelf Underwritten Offering (or, if there is more than one SUO Demanding Holder, each SUO Demanding Holder reimburses the Company for a pro rata portion of such Registration Expenses based on the respective number of Registrable Securities that each SUO Demanding Holder has requested be included in such Shelf Underwritten Offering); provided that, if an SUO Demanding Holder elects to continue a Shelf Underwritten Offering pursuant to the proviso in the immediately preceding sentence, such Shelf Underwritten Offering shall instead count as a Shelf Underwritten Offering demanded by such Sponsor Party or such Company Holder, as applicable, for purposes of Section 2.1.3. Following the receipt of any withdrawal notice, the Company shall promptly forward such withdrawal notice to any other Holders that had elected to participate in such Shelf Underwritten Offering. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, the Company shall be responsible for the Registration Expenses incurred in connection with a Shelf Underwritten Offering prior to its withdrawal under this Section 2.1.5, other than if an SUO Demanding Holder elects to pay such Registration Expenses pursuant to the immediately preceding sentence.


Section 2.2 Piggyback Registration.


2.2.1 Piggyback Rights. If the Company proposes to file a Registration Statement under the Securities Act with respect to an offering of Ordinary Shares (including equity securities exercisable or exchangeable for, or convertible into, Ordinary Shares), for its own account or for the account of shareholders of the Company, other than a Registration Statement (a) filed in connection with any employee share option or other benefit plan, (b) a Registration Statement on Form F-4 or Form S-8 (or any successor forms), (c) for an exchange offer or offering of securities solely to the Company’s existing shareholders, (d) for an offering of debt that is convertible into equity securities of the Company, (e) for a dividend reinvestment plan or similar plans, (f) filed pursuant to Section 2.1 or (g) filed in connection with any business combination or acquisition involving the Company, then the Company shall give written notice of such proposed filing to all of the Holders of Registrable Securities as soon as practicable (but not less than ten (10) days prior to the anticipated filing by the Company with the Commission of any Registration Statement with respect thereto), which notice shall (A) describe the amount and type of securities to be included in such offering,





the intended method(s) of distribution (including whether such registration will be pursuant to a shelf registration statement), the proposed date of filing of such Registration Statement with the Commission and the name of the proposed managing Underwriter or Underwriters, if any, in such offering, in each case to the extent then known, (B) describe such Holders’ rights under this Section 2.2 and (C) offer to all of the Holders of Registrable Securities the opportunity to register the sale of such number of Registrable Securities as such Holders may request in writing within five (5) days after receipt of such written notice (such Registration a “Piggyback Registration”). The Company shall, in good faith, cause such Registrable Securities identified in a Holder’s response notice described in the foregoing sentence to be included in such Piggyback Registration and shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to cause the managing Underwriter or Underwriters, if any, to permit the Registrable Securities requested by the Holders pursuant to this subsection 2.2.1 to be included in a Piggyback Registration on the same terms and conditions as any similar securities of the Company or Company shareholder(s) for whose account the Registration Statement is to be filed included in such Registration and to permit the sale or other disposition of such Registrable Securities in accordance with the intended method(s) of distribution thereof. All such Holders proposing to distribute their Registrable Securities through an Underwritten Offering under this subsection 2.2.1, subject to Section 3.3 and Article IV, shall enter into an underwriting agreement in customary form with the Underwriter(s) selected for such Underwritten Offering by the Company or Company shareholder(s) for whose account the Registration Statement is to be filed. For purposes of this Section 2.2, the filing by the Company of an automatic shelf registration statement for offerings pursuant to Rule 415(a) that omits information with respect to any specific offering pursuant to Rule 430B shall not trigger any notification or participation rights hereunder until such time as the Company amends or supplements such Registration Statement to include information with respect to a specific offering of Registrable Securities (and such amendment or supplement shall trigger the notice and participation rights provided for in this Section 2.2).


2.2.2 Reduction of Piggyback Registration. If a Piggyback Registration is to be an Underwritten Offering and the managing Underwriter or Underwriters, in good faith, advises the Company and the Holders of Registrable Securities participating in the Piggyback Registration in writing that, in its opinion, the dollar amount or number of the Ordinary Shares or other equity securities that the Company desires to sell, taken together with (a) the Ordinary Shares or other equity securities, if any, as to which Registration has been demanded pursuant to separate written contractual arrangements with Persons other than the Holders of Registrable Securities hereunder, (b) the Registrable Securities as to which registration has been requested pursuant to Section 2.2 hereof, and (c) the Ordinary Shares or other equity securities, if any, as to which Registration has been requested pursuant to separate written contractual piggy-back registration rights of other shareholders of the Company, exceeds the Maximum Number of Securities, then: if the Registration is undertaken for the Company’s account, the Company shall include in any such Registration (a) first, the Ordinary Shares or other equity securities that the Company desires to sell for its own account, which can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities; (b) second, to the extent that the Maximum Number of Securities has not been reached under the foregoing clause (a), the Registrable Securities of Holders exercising their rights to register their Registrable Securities pursuant to subsection 2.2.1 hereof, pro rata based on the number of securities requested to be included, which can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities; and (c) third, to the extent that the Maximum Number of Securities has not been reached under the foregoing clauses (a), and (b), the Ordinary Shares or other equity securities, if any, as to which Registration has been requested pursuant to written contractual piggy-back registration rights of other shareholders of the Company, which can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities; and if the Registration is pursuant to a request by Persons other than the Holders of Registrable Securities, then the Company shall include in any such Registration (a) first, the Ordinary Shares or other equity securities, if any, of such requesting Persons, other than the Holders of Registrable Securities, which can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities; (b) second, to the extent that the Maximum Number of Securities has not been reached under the foregoing clause (a), the Registrable Securities of Holders exercising their rights to register their Registrable Securities pursuant to subsection 2.2.1 hereof, pro rata based on the number of securities requested to be included, which can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities; (c) third, to the extent that the Maximum Number of Securities has not been reached under the foregoing clauses (a) and (b), the Ordinary Shares or other equity securities that the Company desires to sell for its own account, which can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities; and (d) fourth, to the extent that the Maximum Number of Securities has not been reached under the foregoing clauses (a), (b) and (c), the Ordinary Shares or other equity securities of other Persons that the Company is obligated to register pursuant to separate written contractual arrangements with such Persons, which can be sold without exceeding the Maximum Number of Securities.





2.2.3 Piggyback Registration Withdrawal. Any Holder of Registrable Securities shall have the right to withdraw all or any portion of its Registrable Securities in a Piggyback Registration for any or no reason whatsoever upon written notification to the Company and the Underwriter or Underwriters (if any) of his, her or its intention to withdraw such Registrable Securities from such Piggyback Registration up to (a) in the case of a Piggyback Registration not involving an Underwritten Offering or Shelf Underwritten Offering, one (1) day prior to the effective date of the applicable Registration Statement or (b), in the case of any Piggyback Registration involving an Underwritten Offering or any Shelf Underwritten Offering, one (1) business day prior to the filing of the applicable “red herring” prospectus or prospectus supplement with respect to such Piggyback Registration used for marketing such transaction. The Company (whether on its own good faith determination or as the result of a request for withdrawal by Persons pursuant to separate written contractual obligations) may withdraw a Registration Statement filed with the Commission in connection with a Piggyback Registration at any time prior to the effectiveness of such Registration Statement. The Company shall be responsible for the Registration Expenses incurred in connection with the Piggyback Registration prior to and including its withdrawal under this subsection 2.2.3.


2.2.4 Unlimited Piggyback Registration Rights. For purposes of clarity, any Registration effected pursuant to Section 2.2 hereof shall not be counted as a Registration pursuant to a Shelf Underwritten Offering effected under subsection 2.1.3.


Section 2.3 Restrictions on Registration Rights. If (a) during the period starting with the date sixty (60) days prior to the Company’s good faith estimate of the date of the filing of, and ending on a date one hundred and twenty (120) days after the effective date of, a Company-initiated Registration and provided that the Company continues to actively employ, in good faith, all reasonable efforts to cause the applicable Registration Statement to become effective; (b) the Holders have requested a Shelf Underwritten Offering and the Company and the Holders are unable to obtain the commitment of underwriters to firmly underwrite the offer; or (c) in the good faith judgment of the Board a Registration pursuant to the terms of this Agreement would be seriously detrimental to the Company and the Board concludes as a result that it is essential to delay the filing of the applicable Registration Statement at such time, the Company shall have the right, upon giving prompt written notice of such action to the affected Holders (which notice shall not specify the nature of the event giving rise to such delay or suspension), delay the filing or initial effectiveness of, or suspend use of, such Registration Statement for the shortest period of time determined in good faith by the Company to be necessary for such purpose. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Agreement, no Registration shall be required to be effected and no Registration Statement shall be required to become effective, with respect to any Registrable Securities held by any Holder, until after the expiration of the Lock-Up Period with respect to such Registrable Securities.





Section 3.1 General Procedures. If the Company is required to effect the Registration of Registrable Securities, the Company shall use its commercially reasonable efforts to effect such Registration to permit the sale of such Registrable Securities in accordance with the intended plan of distribution thereof, and pursuant thereto the Company shall, as expeditiously as reasonably possible:


3.1.1 prepare and file with the Commission a Registration Statement with respect to such Registrable Securities and use its commercially reasonable efforts to cause such Registration Statement to become effective and remain effective until all Registrable Securities covered by such Registration Statement are sold in accordance with the intended plan of distribution set forth in such Registration Statement or have ceased to be Registrable Securities;


3.1.2 prepare and file with the Commission such amendments and post-effective amendments to the Registration Statement, and such supplements to the Prospectus, as may be reasonably requested by any Holder that holds at least five percent of the Registrable Securities registered on such Registration Statement or any Underwriter of Registrable Securities or as may be required by the rules, regulations or instructions applicable to the registration form used by the Company or by the Securities Act or rules and regulations thereunder to keep the Registration Statement effective until all Registrable Securities covered by such Registration Statement are sold in accordance with the intended plan of distribution set forth in such Registration Statement or supplement to the Prospectus or have ceased to be Registrable Securities;





3.1.3 prior to filing a Registration Statement or Prospectus, or any amendment or supplement thereto, furnish to the Underwriters, if any, and the Holders of Registrable Securities included in such Registration, and such Holders’ legal counsel, copies of such Registration Statement as proposed to be filed, each amendment and supplement to such Registration Statement (in each case including all exhibits thereto and documents incorporated by reference therein), the Prospectus included in such Registration Statement (including each preliminary Prospectus), and such other documents as the Underwriters and the Holders of Registrable Securities included in such Registration or the legal counsel for any such Holders may reasonably request in order to facilitate the disposition of the Registrable Securities owned by such Holders (provided that the Company shall have no obligation to furnish any documents publicly filed or furnished with the Commission pursuant to the Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval System (“EDGAR”));


3.1.4 prior to any public offering of Registrable Securities, but in any case no later than the effective date of the applicable Registration Statement, use its commercially reasonable efforts to (a) register or qualify the Registrable Securities covered by the Registration Statement under such securities or “blue sky” laws of such jurisdictions in the United States as the Holders of Registrable Securities included in such Registration Statement (in light of their intended plan of distribution) may request (or provide evidence satisfactory to such Holders that the Registrable Securities are exempt from such registration or qualification) and (b) take such action necessary to cause such Registrable Securities covered by the Registration Statement to be registered with or approved by such other governmental authorities as may be necessary by virtue of the business and operations of the Company or otherwise and do any and all other acts and things that may be necessary or advisable, in each case, to enable the Holders of Registrable Securities included in such Registration Statement to consummate the disposition of such Registrable Securities in such jurisdictions; provided, however, that the Company shall not be required to qualify generally to do business in any jurisdiction where it would not otherwise be required to qualify or take any action to which it would be subject to general service of process or taxation in any such jurisdiction where it is not then otherwise so subject;


3.1.5 use its commercially reasonable efforts to cause all such Registrable Securities to be listed on each securities exchange or automated quotation system on which similar securities issued by the Company are then listed;


3.1.6 provide a transfer agent or warrant agent, as applicable, and registrar for all such Registrable Securities no later than the effective date of such Registration Statement;


3.1.7 advise each seller of such Registrable Securities, promptly after it shall receive notice or obtain knowledge thereof, of the issuance of any stop order by the Commission suspending the effectiveness of such Registration Statement or Prospectus the initiation or threatening of any proceeding for such purpose and promptly use its commercially reasonable efforts to prevent the issuance of any stop order or to obtain its withdrawal if such stop order should be issued, as applicable;


3.1.8 notify the Holders at any time when a Prospectus relating to such Registration Statement is required to be delivered under the Securities Act, of the happening of any event or the existence of any condition as a result of which the Prospectus included in such Registration Statement, as then in effect, includes a Misstatement, or in the opinion of counsel for the Company it is necessary to supplement or amend such Prospectus to comply with law, and then to correct such Misstatement or include such information as is necessary to comply with law, in each case as set forth in Section 3.4 hereof, at the request of any such Holder promptly prepare and furnish to such Holder a reasonable number of copies of a supplement to or an amendment of such Prospectus as may be necessary so that, as thereafter delivered to the purchasers of such securities, such Prospectus shall not include a Misstatement or such Prospectus, as supplemented or amended, shall comply with law;


3.1.9 permit a representative of the Holders, the Underwriters, if any, and any attorney or accountant retained by such Holders or Underwriter to participate, at each such Person’s own expense, in the preparation of any Registration Statement, and will cause the Company’s officers, directors and employees to supply all information reasonably requested by any such representative, Underwriter, attorney or accountant in connection with the Registration; provided, however, that such representatives or Underwriters enter into a confidentiality agreement, in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Company, prior to the release or disclosure of any such information;





3.1.10 use its commercially reasonable efforts to obtain a “cold comfort” letter (including a bring-down letter dated as of the date the Registrable Securities are delivered for sale pursuant to such Registration) from the Company’s independent registered public accountants in the event of an Underwritten Offering, in customary form and covering such matters of the type customarily covered by “cold comfort” letters as the managing Underwriter may reasonably request, and reasonably satisfactory to a majority-in-interest of the participating Holders and any Underwriter;


3.1.11 in connection with an Underwritten Offering, use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain for the underwriter(s) opinions of counsel for the Company, covering the matters customarily covered in opinions requested in underwritten offerings and such other matters as may be reasonably requested by such underwriters;


3.1.12 in the event of any Underwritten Offering, enter into and perform its obligations under an underwriting agreement, in usual and customary form, with the managing Underwriter of such offering;


3.1.13 otherwise use its commercially reasonable efforts to make available to its security holders, as soon as reasonably practicable, an earnings statement that satisfies the provisions of Section 11(a) of the Securities Act and the rules and regulations thereunder, including Rule 158 thereunder (or any successor rule promulgated thereafter by the Commission);


3.1.14 with respect to a Shelf Underwritten Offering, if the Registration involves the Registration of Registrable Securities involving gross proceeds in excess of $25.0 million, use its commercially reasonable efforts to make available senior executives of the Company to participate in customary “road show” presentations that may be reasonably requested by the Underwriter in such Underwritten Offering; and


3.1.15 otherwise, in good faith, cooperate reasonably with, and take such customary actions as may reasonably be requested by the participating Holders consistent with the terms of this Agreement in connection with such Registration.


Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Company shall not be required to provide any documents or information to an Underwriter, broker, sales agent or placement agent if such Underwriter, broker, sales agent or placement agent has not then been named with respect to the applicable Shelf Underwritten Offering or other offering involving a registration as an Underwriter, broker, sales agent or placement agent, as applicable.


Section 3.2 Registration Expenses. The Registration Expenses of all Registrations shall be borne by the Company. It is acknowledged by the Holders that the Holders shall bear all incremental selling expenses relating to the sale of Registrable Securities, such as Underwriters’ commissions and discounts, brokerage fees, Underwriter marketing costs, stock transfer taxes and, other than as set forth in the definition of “Registration Expenses,” all reasonable fees and expenses of any legal counsel representing the Holders.


Section 3.3 Participation in Underwritten Offerings.


3.3.1 In connection with any Registration Statement in which a Holder of Registrable Securities is participating, such Holder shall furnish (or cause to be furnished) to the Company in writing such information and affidavits as the Company reasonably requests for use in connection with any such Registration Statement or Prospectus (the “Holder Information”). Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, if any Holder does not provide the Company with its requested Holder Information, the Company may exclude such Holder’s Registrable Securities from the applicable Registration Statement or Prospectus if the Company determines, based on the advice of counsel, that it is necessary or advisable to include such information in the applicable Registration Statement or Prospectus and such Holder continues thereafter to withhold such information. No Person may participate in any Underwritten Offering for equity securities of the Company pursuant to a Registration initiated pursuant to the terms of this Agreement unless such Person (a) agrees to sell such Person’s securities on the basis provided in any underwriting, sales, distribution or placement arrangements approved by the Company and (b) completes and executes all customary questionnaires, powers of attorney, indemnities, lock-up agreements, underwriting or other agreements and other customary documents as may be reasonably required under the terms of such underwriting, sales or distribution arrangements. For the avoidance of doubt, the exclusion of a Holder’s Registrable Securities as a result of this Section 3.3.1 shall not affect the Registration of other Registrable Securities to be included in such Registration.





3.3.2 The Company will use its commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that no Underwriter shall require any Holder to make any representations or warranties to or agreements with the Company or the Underwriters other than representations, warranties or agreements regarding such Holder and such Holder’s intended method of distribution and any other representation required by law, and if, despite the Company’s commercially reasonable efforts, an Underwriter requires any Holder to make additional representation or warranties to or agreements with such Underwriter, such Holder may elect not to participate in such Underwritten Offering (but shall not have any claims against the Company as a result of such election). Any liability of such Holder to any Underwriter or other Person under such underwriting agreement shall be limited to an amount equal to the proceeds (net of expenses and underwriting discounts and commissions) that it derives from such registration.


Section 3.4 Suspension of Sales; Adverse Disclosure. Upon receipt of written notice from the Company that a Registration Statement or Prospectus contains a Misstatement, or in the opinion of counsel for the Company it is necessary to supplement or amend such Prospectus to comply with law, each of the Holders shall forthwith discontinue disposition of Registrable Securities until it has received copies of a supplemented or amended Prospectus correcting the Misstatement or including the information counsel for the Company believes to be necessary to comply with law (it being understood that the Company hereby covenants to prepare and file such supplement or amendment as soon as practicable after the time of such notice such that the Registration Statement or Prospectus, as so amended or supplemented, as applicable, will not include a Misstatement and complies with law), or until it is advised in writing by the Company that the use of the Prospectus may be resumed. If the filing, initial effectiveness or continued use of a Registration Statement in respect of any Registration at any time would require the Company to make an Adverse Disclosure or would require the inclusion in such Registration Statement of financial statements that are unavailable to the Company for reasons beyond the Company’s control, the Company may, upon giving prompt written notice of such action to the Holders (which notice shall not specify the nature of the event giving rise to such delay or suspension), delay the filing or initial effectiveness of, or suspend use of, such Registration Statement for the shortest period of time, but in no event more than sixty (60) days, determined in good faith by the Board to be necessary for such purpose. In the event the Company exercises its rights under the preceding sentence, the Holders agree to suspend, immediately upon their receipt of the notice referred to above, their use of the Prospectus relating to any Registration in connection with any sale or offer to sell Registrable Securities until such Holder receives written notice from the Company. The Company shall promptly notify the Holders of the expiration of any period during which the Company exercised its rights under this Section 3.4. The Holders shall maintain the confidentiality of such notice and its contents.


Section 3.5 Covenants of the Company. As long as any Holder shall own Registrable Securities, the Company hereby covenants and agrees at all times while it shall be a reporting company under the Exchange Act, to file timely (or obtain extensions in respect thereof and file within the applicable grace period) all reports required to be filed by the Company after the date hereof pursuant to Sections 13(a) or 15(d) of the Exchange Act and to promptly furnish the Holders with true and complete copies of all such filings; provided that any documents publicly filed or furnished with the Commission pursuant to EDGAR shall be deemed to have been furnished or delivered to the Holders pursuant to this Section 3.5. The Company further covenants that it shall take such further action as any Holder may reasonably request, all to the extent required from time to time to enable such Holder to sell Registrable Securities held by such Holder without registration under the Securities Act within the limitation of the exemptions provided by Rule 144 promulgated under the Securities Act (or any successor rule promulgated thereafter by the Commission). Upon the request of any Holder, the Company shall deliver to such Holder a written certification of a duly authorized officer as to whether it has complied with such requirements.








Section 4.1 Indemnification.


4.1.1 The Company agrees to indemnify, to the extent permitted by law, each Holder of Registrable Securities, its officers, directors and agents and each Person who controls such Holder (within the meaning of Section 15 of the Securities Act or Section 20 of the Exchange Act) from and against all losses, claims, damages, liabilities and out-of-pocket expenses (including reasonable and documented attorneys’ fees), joint or several (or actions or proceedings, whether commenced or threatened, in respect thereof) (collectively, “Claims”), to which any such Holder or other Persons may become subject, insofar as such Claims arise out of or are based on any untrue or alleged untrue statement of any material fact contained in any Registration Statement, Prospectus or preliminary Prospectus or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto or any omission or alleged omission of a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading; except insofar as the Claim or expense arises out of or is based upon an untrue statement or alleged untrue statement or omission or alleged omission made in such filing in reliance upon and in conformity with information or affidavit furnished in writing to the Company by such Holder expressly for use therein.


4.1.2 In connection with any Registration Statement in which a Holder of Registrable Securities is participating pursuant to this Agreement, such Holder shall furnish (or cause to be furnished) to the Company an undertaking reasonably satisfactory to the Company, to indemnify the Company, its officers, directors, partners, managers, shareholders, members, employees and agents and each Person who controls the Company (within the meaning of Section 15 of the Securities Act or Section 20 of the Exchange Act) from and against any Claims, to which any the Company or such other Persons may become subject, insofar as such Claims arise out of or are based on any untrue statement of any material fact contained in the Registration Statement, Prospectus or preliminary Prospectus or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto or any omission of a material fact required to be stated therein or necessary to make the statements therein not misleading, but only to the extent that such untrue statement or omission is contained in any information furnished in writing by such Holder expressly for use therein; provided, however, that the obligation to indemnify shall be several, not joint and several, among such Holders of Registrable Securities, and the liability of each such Holder of Registrable Securities shall be in proportion to and limited to the net proceeds received by such Holder from the sale of Registrable Securities pursuant to such Registration Statement. The Holders of Registrable Securities shall indemnify the Underwriters, their officers, directors and each Person who controls such Underwriters (within the meaning of Section 15 of the Securities Act or Section 20 of the Exchange Act) to the same extent as provided in the foregoing with respect to indemnification of the Company.


4.1.3 Any Person entitled to indemnification herein shall (a) give prompt written notice to the indemnifying party of any Claim with respect to which it seeks indemnification (provided that the failure to give prompt notice shall not impair any Person’s right to indemnification hereunder to the extent such failure has not materially prejudiced the indemnifying party) and (b) unless in such indemnified party’s reasonable judgment a conflict of interest between such indemnified and indemnifying parties may exist with respect to such Claim, permit such indemnifying party to assume the defense of such Claim with counsel reasonably satisfactory to the indemnified party. If such defense is assumed, the indemnifying party shall not be subject to any liability for any settlement made by the indemnified party without its consent (but such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld). An indemnifying party who is not entitled to, or elects not to, assume the defense of a claim shall not be obligated to pay the fees and expenses of more than one (1) counsel for all parties indemnified by such indemnifying party with respect to such claim, unless in the reasonable judgment of any indemnified party a conflict of interest may exist between such indemnified party and any other of such indemnified parties with respect to such claim. No indemnifying party shall, without the consent of the indemnified party, consent to the entry of any judgment or enter into any settlement which cannot be settled in all respects by the payment of money (and such money is so paid by the indemnifying party pursuant to the terms of such settlement) and which settlement includes a statement or admission of fault or culpability on the part of such indemnified party or does not include as an unconditional term thereof the giving by the claimant or plaintiff to such indemnified party of a release from all liability in respect to such claim or litigation.


4.1.4 The indemnification and contribution provided for under this Agreement (a) shall remain in full force and effect regardless of any investigation made by or on behalf of the indemnified party or any officer, director or controlling Person of such indemnified party and shall survive the transfer of Registrable Securities and (b) are not exclusive and shall not limit any rights or remedies which may be available to any indemnified party at law or in equity or pursuant to any other agreement.





4.1.5 If the indemnification provided under Section 4.1 hereof from the indemnifying party is unavailable or insufficient to hold harmless an indemnified party in respect of any Claims, then the indemnifying party, in lieu of indemnifying the indemnified party, shall contribute to the amount paid or payable by the indemnified party as a result of such Claims in such proportion as is appropriate to reflect the relative fault of the indemnifying party or parties on the other hand in connection with the statements or omissions that resulted in such Claims, as well as any other relevant equitable considerations; provided, however, that the liability of any Holder under this subsection 4.1.5 shall be limited to the amount of the net proceeds received by such Holder in such offering giving rise to such liability. In connection with any Registration Statement, Prospectus or preliminary Prospectus or any amendment thereof or supplement thereto filed by the Company, the relative fault of the indemnifying party or parties, on the one hand, and the indemnified party or parties, on the other hand, shall be determined by reference to, among other things, whether any untrue or alleged untrue statement of a material fact or the omission or alleged omission to state a material fact relates to information supplied by the indemnifying party or by the indemnified party, and the parties’ relative intent, knowledge, access to information and opportunity to correct or prevent such statement or omission. The amount paid or payable by a party as a result of the losses or other liabilities referred to above shall be deemed to include, subject to the limitations set forth in subsections 4.1.1, 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 above, any legal or other fees, charges or out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred by such party in connection with any investigation or proceeding. The parties hereto agree that it would not be just and equitable if contribution pursuant to this subsection 4.1.5 were determined by pro rata allocation or by any other method of allocation, which does not take account of the equitable considerations referred to in this subsection 4.1.5. No Person guilty of fraudulent misrepresentation (within the meaning of Section 11(f) of the Securities Act) shall be entitled to contribution pursuant to this subsection 4.1.5 from any Person who was not guilty of such fraudulent misrepresentation.





Section 5.1 Notices. Any notice or communication under this Agreement must be in writing and given by (a) deposit in the United States mail, addressed to the party to be notified, postage prepaid and registered or certified with return receipt requested, (b) delivery in person or by courier service providing evidence of delivery, or (c) transmission by hand delivery, electronic mail, telecopy, telegram or facsimile. Each notice or communication that is mailed, delivered, or transmitted in the manner described above shall be deemed sufficiently given, served, sent, and received, in the case of mailed notices, on the third business day following the date on which it is mailed and, in the case of notices delivered by courier service, hand delivery, electronic mail, telecopy, telegram or facsimile, at such time as it is delivered to the addressee (with the delivery receipt or the affidavit of messenger) or at such time as delivery is refused by the addressee upon presentation. Any notice or communication under this Agreement must be addressed, if to the Company, to: Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd., Yigal Alon 94. Building 1, Tel Aviv, Israel 6789155, Attention: Kelly Londy, Chief Executive Officer, with a required copy (which copy shall not constitute notice) to Greenberg Traurig, P.A., 333 SE 2nd Avenue, Suite 4400, Miami, Florida 33131, Attn: Robert L. Grossman, Esq. and Win Rutherfurd, Esq., and, if to any Holder, at such Holder’s address or facsimile number as set forth in the Company’s books and records. Any party may change its address for notice at any time and from time to time by written notice to the other parties hereto, and such change of address shall become effective thirty (30) days after delivery of such notice as provided in this Section 5.1.


Section 5.2 Assignment; No Third Party Beneficiaries.


5.2.1 This Agreement and the rights, duties and obligations of the Company hereunder may not be assigned or delegated by the Company in whole or in part.


5.2.2 Prior to the expiration of the Lock-up Period with respect to the Registrable Securities owned by such Holder, no Holder may assign or delegate such Holder’s rights, duties or obligations under this Agreement, in whole or in part, except to such Holder’s applicable Permitted Transferees.


5.2.3 This Agreement and the provisions hereof shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of each of the parties and its successors and the permitted assigns of the applicable Holders, which shall include Permitted Transferees.





5.2.4 This Agreement shall not confer any rights or benefits on any Persons that are not parties hereto, other than as expressly set forth in this Agreement and Section 5.2 hereof.


5.2.5 No assignment by any party hereto of such party’s rights, duties and obligations hereunder shall be binding upon or obligate the Company unless and until the Company shall have received (a) written notice of such assignment as provided in Section 5.1 hereof and (b) the written agreement of the assignee, in a form reasonably satisfactory to the Company, to be bound by the terms and provisions of this Agreement (which may be accomplished by an addendum or certificate of joinder to this Agreement). Any transfer or assignment made other than as provided in this Section 5.2 shall be null and void.


Section 5.3 Severability. If any portion of this Agreement shall be declared void or unenforceable by any court or administrative body of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severable from the remainder of this Agreement, which shall continue in all respects to be valid and enforceable.


Section 5.4 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts (including facsimile or PDF counterparts), each of which shall be deemed an original, and all of which together shall constitute the same instrument, but only one of which need be produced. The words “execution,” “signed,” “signature,” “delivery” and words of like import in or relating to this Agreement or any document to be signed in connection with this Agreement shall be deemed to include electronic signatures, deliveries or the keeping of records in electronic form, each of which shall be of the same legal effect, validity or enforceability as a manually executed signature, physical delivery thereof or the use of a paper-based recordkeeping system, as the case may be, and the parties hereto consent to conduct the transactions contemplated hereunder by electronic means.


Section 5.5 Governing Law; Venue; Waiver of Jury Trial. This Agreement, and all claims or causes of action based upon, arising out of, or related to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the internal laws of the State of New York. Any action based upon, arising out of or related to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby may only be brought in the federal courts of the United States of America located in the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan or the courts of the State of New York, in each case located in the City of New York, Borough of Manhattan, and each of the parties hereto irrevocably submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of such courts in any such action, waives any objection it may now or hereafter have to personal jurisdiction, venue or to convenience of forum, agrees that all claims in respect of the action shall be heard and determined only in any such court, and agrees not to bring any action arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the transactions contemplated hereby in any other court. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to affect the right of any party to serve process in any manner permitted by law or to commence legal proceedings or otherwise proceed against any other party in any other jurisdiction, in each case, to enforce judgments obtained in any action brought pursuant to this Section 5.5. EACH OF THE PARTIES HERETO HEREBY KNOWINGLY, INTENTIONALLY, VOLUNTARILY AND IRREVOCABLY WAIVES ANY AND ALL RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY ACTION BASED UPON, ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT OR THE TRANSACTIONS CONTEMPLATED HEREBY.


Section 5.6 Amendments and Modifications. Upon the written consent of the Company and the Holders of at least a majority-in-interest of the then outstanding number of Registrable Securities at the time in question, compliance with any of the provisions, covenants and conditions set forth in this Agreement may be waived, or any of such provisions, covenants or conditions may be amended or modified. No course of dealing between any Holder or the Company and any other party hereto or any failure or delay on the part of a Holder or the Company in exercising any rights or remedies under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver of any rights or remedies of any Holder or the Company. No single or partial exercise of any rights or remedies under this Agreement by a party shall operate as a waiver or preclude the exercise of any other rights or remedies hereunder or thereunder by such party. No waiver by a party hereto shall be effective unless made in a written instrument duly executed by the party against whom such waiver is sought to be enforced, and only to the extent set forth in such instrument.


Section 5.7 Other Registration Rights. Other than pursuant to the terms of the Warrant Agreement, the Company represents and warrants that no Person, other than a Holder of Registrable Securities, has any right to require the Company to register any securities of the Company for sale or to include such securities of the Company in any Registration Statement filed by the Company for the sale of securities for its own account or for the account of any other Person. Further, the Company represents and warrants that this Agreement supersedes any other registration rights agreement or agreement with similar terms and conditions among the parties thereto and in the event of a conflict between any such agreement or agreements and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail.





Section 5.8 Prior Agreement. The Sponsor Parties and SPAC, as parties to the Prior Agreement, hereby agree that the Prior Agreement is terminated as of the Closing Date and is replaced in its entirety by this Agreement.


Section 5.9 Entire Agreement. This Agreement (including the documents and the instruments referred to in this Agreement), together with the Business Combination Agreement and the Sponsor Support Agreement, constitutes the entire agreement and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings, both written and oral, between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.


Section 5.10 Term. This Agreement shall terminate and be void and of no further force and effect on the earlier of (a) the fifth anniversary of the date of this Agreement and (b) with respect to any Holder, on the date on which such Holder ceases to hold Registrable Securities (but in each case in no event prior to the applicable period referred to in Section 4(a)(3) of the Securities Act and Rule 174 thereunder (or any successor rule promulgated thereafter by the Commission)). Further, this Agreement shall terminate and be void and of no further force and effect upon the mutual written agreement of each of the parties hereto to terminate this Agreement. The provisions of Article IV shall survive any termination.


Section 5.11 Holder Information. Each Holder agrees, if requested in writing, to represent to the Company the total number of Registrable Securities held by such Holder in order for the Company to make determinations hereunder.


Section 5.12 Additional Holders; Joinder. In addition to Persons who may become Holders pursuant to Section 5.2 hereof, subject to the prior written consent of each of the Sponsor Parties and each of the Company Holders (in each case, so long as such Holder and its affiliates hold at least three percent of the outstanding Ordinary Shares), the Company may make any Person who acquires Ordinary Shares or rights to acquire Ordinary Shares after the date hereof a party to this Agreement (each such Person or entity, an “Additional Holder”) by obtaining an executed joinder to this Agreement from such Additional Holder (a “Joinder”). Such Joinder shall specify the rights and obligations of the applicable Additional Holder under this Agreement. Upon the execution and delivery and subject to the terms of a Joinder by such Additional Holder, the Ordinary Shares then owned, or underlying any rights then owned, by such Additional Holder (the “Additional Holder Ordinary Shares”) shall be Registrable Securities to the extent provided herein and therein and such Additional Holder shall be a Holder under this Agreement with respect to such Additional Holder Ordinary Shares.


Section 5.13 Further Assurances. From time to time, at another party’s request and without further consideration, each party hereto shall execute and deliver such additional documents and take all such further action as may be reasonably necessary to consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.



[Signature Pages Follow]





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first written above.


  By: /s/ Rice Powell
    Name: Rice Powell
    Title: Chief Executive Officer



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: /s/ Rice Powell
    Name: Rice Powell
    Title: Chief Executive Officer and Director


  By: /s/ Douglas Blankenship
    Name: Douglas Blankenship
    Title: Chief Financial Officer


  By: /s/ Amit Reches
    Name: Amit Reches
    Title: Chief Technology Officer


  By: /s/ Laurence Klein
    Name: Laurence Klein
    Title: Director


  By: /s/ Gerald M. Ostrov
    Name: Gerald M. Ostrov
    Title: Director



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: /s/ Simon Horsman
    Name: Simon Horsman
    Title: Chief Executive Officer



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: /s/ Aharon Nagar
    Name: Aharon Nagar



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: /s/ Amit Reches
    Name: Amit Reches



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: /s/ David Amsalem
    Name: David Amsalem



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: /s/ Dennis Berman
    Name: Dennis Berman
    Title: Trustee



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: /s/ Douglas Blankenship
    Name: Douglas Blankenship



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: /s/ Frank Fischer
    Name: Frank Fischer
    Title: Chief Executive Office & Chief Information Officer



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: /s/ Frank Fischer
    Name: Frank Fischer
    Title: Chief Executive Office & Chief Information Officer



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





By: /s/ Gerald Ostrov
  Name:Gerald Ostrov



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





By: /s/ Haim Blecher
  Name:Haim Blecher



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





By: /s/ Laurence Klein
  Name:Laurence Klein



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





By: /s/ Laurence Klein
  Name:Laurence Klein
   Title:Managing Director



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





By: /s/ Laurence Klein
  Name:Laurence Klein
   Title:Managing Director



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





By: /s/ Laurence Klein
  Name:Laurence Klein



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





By: /s/ Laurence Klein
  Name:Laurence Klein
   Title:Managing Director



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





By: /s/ Laurence Klein
  Name:Laurence Klein
   Title:Managing Director



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





By: /s/ Michael Vaknin
  Name:Michael Vaknin



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





By: /s/ Michael Vermut
  Name:Michael Vermut



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





By: /s/ Oren Oz
  Name:Oren Oz



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





By: /s/ Zion Vaknin
  Name:Zion Vaknin



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





By: /s/ Zion Vaknin
  Name:Zion Vaknin



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By:  /s/ Simon Horsman
    Name: Simon Horsman
    Title: Manager


  By:  /s/ Jeffery Soros
    Name: Jeffery Soros


  By:  /s/ Morgan Earnest
    Name: Morgan Earnest


  By:  /s/ Christina Spade
    Name: Christina Spade


  By:  /s/ Mike Brown
    Name: Mike Brown


  By:  /s/ Adriana Machado
    Name: Adriana Machado


  By:  /s/ Keith Harris
    Name: Keith Harris



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By:  /s/ Morgan Earnest
    Name: Morgan Earnest
    Title: CFO



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: /s/ Annama Thomas
  Signatory:  Annama Thomas



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: /s/ Natan Weisburd
  Signatory:  Natan Weisburd



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  10X LLC
  By: /s/ Hans Thomas
  Signatory:  Hans Thomas



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  10X Capital SPAC Fund II,
a series of SAX Capital MM Fund, L.P.
  By: /s/ Hans Thomas
  Signatory:  Hans Thomas



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: /s/ Hans Thomas
  Signatory:  Hans Thomas



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  Park End LLC
  By: /s/ Guhan Kandasamy
  Signatory:  Guhan Kandasamy



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  Alexander Monje
  By: /s/ Alexander Monje
  Signatory:  Alexander Monje



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  Caleb Joshua Goding
  By: /s/ Caleb Joshua Goding
  Signatory:  Caleb Joshua Goding



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  Curtis Pierce
  By: /s/ Curtis Pierce
  Signatory:  Curtis Pierce



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  Mark Acchione
  By:/s/ Mark Acchione
  Signatory: Mark Acchione



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  Maximilian Alexander Staedtler
  By:/s/ Maximilian Alexander Staedtler
  Signatory: Maximilian Alexander Staedtler



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  Nolan Berkenfeld
  By:/s/ Nolan Berkenfeld
  Signatory: Nolan Berkenfeld



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  Osman Hassan Ahmed
  By:/s/ Osman Hassan Ahmed
  Signatory: Osman Hassan Ahmed



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  Russell Read
  By:/s/ Russell Read
  Signatory: Russell Read



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  Simon Watson
  By:/s/ Simon Watson
  Signatory: Simon Watson



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  Yunfan Song
  By:/s/ Yunfan Song
  Signatory: Yunfan Song



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  Zoe Wang
  By:/s/ Zoe Wang
  Signatory: Zoe Wang



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: Cohen & Company Financial Management, LLC its investment manager
  By:/s/ Andrew Davilman
  Signatory: Andrew Davilman
  Title:Chief Operating Officer



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]





  By: Cohen & Company, LLC, its manager
  By:/s/ Lester R. Brafman
  Signatory: Lester R. Brafman
  Title:Chief Executive Officer



[Signature Page to Registration Rights Agreement]







Company Holders


1.Aharon Nagar
2.Amit Reches
3.David Amsalem
4.Dennis Berman (on behalf of Dennis Berman Revocable Trust)
5.Douglas Blankenship
6.Frank Fischer (on behalf of Shareholder Value Management AG and Value Focus Beteiligungs GmbH)
7.Gerald Ostrov
8.Haim Blecher
9.Laurence Klein (on behalf of Laurence Klein, Nuvo Investors LLC, CTK Holdings Ltd., Nalay Inc., LCK Holdings LLC and CTSK Holdings LLC)
10.Michael Vaknin
11.Michael Vermut
12.Oren Oz
13.Zion Vaknin (on behalf of Zion Vaknin and Zion Vaknin RDC Ltd)




Exhibit 4.5


Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd.

2024 Share Incentive Plan


Unless otherwise defined, terms used herein shall have the meaning ascribed to them in Section 2 hereof.




1.1. Purpose. The purpose of this 2024 Share Incentive Plan (as amended, this “Plan”) is to afford an incentive to Service Providers of Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd., an Israeli company (together with any successor corporation thereto, the “Company”), or any Affiliate of the Company, which now exists or hereafter is organized or acquired by the Company or its Affiliates, to continue as Service Providers, to increase their efforts on behalf of the Company or its Affiliates and to promote the success of the Company’s business, by providing such Service Providers with opportunities to acquire a proprietary interest in the Company by the issuance of Shares or restricted Shares (“Restricted Shares”) of the Company, Options, Restricted Share Units (“RSUs”), share appreciation rights and other Share-based Awards pursuant to Sections 11 through 13 of this Plan.


1.2. Types of Awards. This Plan is intended to enable the Company to issue Awards under various tax regimes, including:


(i) pursuant and subject to the provisions of Section 102 of the Ordinance (or the corresponding provision of any subsequently enacted statute, as amended from time to time), and all regulations and interpretations adopted by any competent authority, including the Israel Tax Authority (the “ITA”), including the Income Tax Rules (Tax Benefits in Stock Issuance to Employees) 5763-2003 or such other rules so adopted from time to time (the “Rules”) (such Awards that are intended to be (as set forth in the Award Agreement) and which qualify as such under Section 102 of the Ordinance and the Rules, “102 Awards”);


(ii) pursuant to Section 3(i) of the Ordinance or the corresponding provision of any subsequently enacted statute, as amended from time to time (such Awards, “3(i) Awards”);


(iii) Incentive Stock Options within the meaning of Section 422 of the Code, or the corresponding provision of any subsequently enacted United States federal tax statute, as amended from time to time, to be granted to Employees who are deemed to be residents of the United States, for purposes of taxation, or are otherwise subject to U.S. Federal income tax (such Awards that are intended to be (as set forth in the Award Agreement) and which qualify as an incentive stock option within the meaning of Section 422(b) of the Code, “Incentive Stock Options”);


(iv) Options not intended to be (as set forth in the Award Agreement) or which do not qualify as Incentive Stock Options (“Nonqualified Stock Options”)


(v) Share appreciation rights; and


(vi) Restricted Shares, RSUs and other forms of Share-based Awards.


In addition to the issuance of Awards under the relevant tax regimes in the United States of America and the State of Israel, and without derogating from the generality of Section 24, this Plan contemplates issuances to Grantees in other jurisdictions or under other tax regimes with respect to which the Committee is empowered, but is not required, to make the requisite adjustments in this Plan, to adopt sub-plans under this Plan and/or to set forth the relevant conditions in an appendix to this Plan or in the Company’s agreement with the Grantee in order to comply with Applicable Law of such other jurisdictions or the requirements of such other tax regimes.





1.3. Construction. To the extent any provision herein conflicts with the conditions of any relevant tax law, rule or regulation which are relied upon for tax relief in respect of a particular Award to a Grantee, the Committee is empowered, but is not required, hereunder to determine that the provisions of such law, rule or regulation shall prevail over those of this Plan and to interpret and enforce such prevailing provisions. With respect to 102 Awards, if and to the extent any action or the exercise or application of any provision hereof or authority granted hereby is conditioned or subject to obtaining a ruling or tax determination from the ITA, to the extent required by Applicable Law, then the taking of any such action or the exercise or application of such section or authority with respect to 102 Awards shall be conditioned upon obtaining such ruling or tax determination, and, if obtained, shall be subject to any condition set forth therein; it being clarified that there is no obligation to apply for any such ruling or tax determination (which shall be in the sole discretion of the Committee) and no assurance is made that if applied any such ruling or tax determination will be obtained (or the conditions thereof).




2.1. Terms Generally. Except when otherwise indicated by the context, (i) the singular shall include the plural and the plural shall include the singular; (ii) any pronoun shall include the corresponding masculine, feminine and neuter forms; (iii) any definition of or reference to any agreement, instrument or other document herein shall be construed as referring to such agreement, instrument or other document as from time to time amended, restated, supplemented or otherwise modified (subject to any restrictions on such amendments, restatements, supplements or modifications set forth therein or herein), (iv) references to any law, constitution, statute, treaty, regulation, rule or ordinance, including any section or other part thereof shall refer to it as amended from time to time and shall include any successor thereof, (v) reference to a “company” or “entity” shall include a, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, association, trust, unincorporated organization, or a government or agency or political subdivision thereof, and reference to a “person” shall mean any of the foregoing or an individual, (vi) the words “herein”, “hereof” and “hereunder”, and words of similar import, shall be construed to refer to this Plan in its entirety, and not to any particular provision hereof, (vii) all references herein to Sections shall be construed to refer to Sections to this Plan; (viii) the words “include”, “includes” and “including” shall be deemed to be followed by the phrase “without limitation”; and (ix) use of the term “or” is not intended to be exclusive.


2.2. Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this Section 2:


2.3. “Affiliate” shall mean, (i) with respect to any person, any other person that, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such person (with the term “control” or “controlled by” within the meaning of Rule 405 of Regulation C under the Securities Act), including, without limitation, any Parent or Subsidiary, or (ii) Employer.


2.4. “Applicable Law” shall mean any applicable law, rule, regulation, statute, pronouncement, policy, interpretation, judgment, order or decree of any federal, provincial, state or local governmental, regulatory or adjudicative authority or agency, of any jurisdiction, and the rules and regulations of any stock exchange, over-the-counter market or trading system on which the Company’s shares are then traded or listed.


2.5. “Award” shall mean any issuance of Shares or Restricted Shares, Options, RSUs, share appreciation rights and other Share-based Awards granted under this Plan.


2.6. “Board” shall mean the Board of Directors of the Company.


2.7. “Change in Board Event” shall mean any time at which individuals who, as of the Effective Date, constitute the Board (the “Incumbent Board”) cease for any reason to constitute at least a majority of the Board; provided, however, that any individual becoming a director subsequent to the Effective Date whose election, or nomination for election by the Company’s shareholders, was approved by a vote of at least a majority of the directors then comprising the Incumbent Board shall be considered as though such individual were a member of the Incumbent Board, but excluding, for this purpose, any such individual whose initial assumption of office occurs as a result of an actual or threatened election contest with respect to the election or removal of directors or other actual or threatened solicitation of proxies or consents by or on behalf of a Person other than the Board.





2.8. “Change in Control” Unless otherwise specified in any employment or other agreement for services between the Grantee and the Company or any Affiliate, a “Change in Control” means the occurrence of any of the following:


(i) The acquisition (whether by purchase, merger, consolidation, combination, or other similar transaction) by any person (individual, entity, trust etc.) of Beneficial Ownership (within the meaning of Rule 13d-3 promulgated under the Exchange Act) of more than 50% of (A) the then outstanding shares of common stock of the Company, or (B) the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities of the Company entitled to vote generally in the election of directors (the “Outstanding Company Voting Securities”) (the foregoing Beneficial Ownership hereinafter being referred to as a “Controlling Interest”); provided, however, that for purposes of this Plan, the following acquisitions shall not constitute or result in a Change in Control: (w) any acquisition by the Company or any Affiliate; (x) any acquisition by any person (individual, entity, trust etc.) that as of the Effective Date owns Beneficial Ownership of a Controlling Interest; (y) any acquisition by any employee benefit plan (or related trust) sponsored or maintained by the Company or any Related Entity; or (z) any acquisition by any entity pursuant to a transaction which complies with the following: (1) all or substantially all of the individuals and entities who were the Beneficial Owners, respectively, of the Outstanding Company Voting Securities immediately prior to such transaction beneficially own, directly or indirectly, more than 50% of the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities entitled to vote generally in the election of members of the board of directors (or comparable governing body of an entity that does not have such a board), as the case may be, of the entity resulting from such transaction (including, without limitation, an entity which as a result of such transaction owns the Company or all or substantially all of the Company’s assets either directly or through one or more subsidiaries) (the “Continuing Entity”) immediately prior to such transaction, of the Outstanding Company Voting Securities, (excluding any outstanding voting securities of the Continuing Entity that such Beneficial Owners hold immediately following the consummation of the transaction as a result of their ownership, prior to such consummation, of voting securities of any company or other entity involved in or forming part of such transaction other than the Company), and (2) no person (individual, entity, trust etc.) (excluding any employee benefit plan (or related trust) of the Company or any Continuing Entity or any entity controlled by the Continuing Entity or any person that as of the Effective Date owns Beneficial Ownership of a Controlling Interest) beneficially owns, directly or indirectly, more than 50% of the combined voting power of the then outstanding voting securities of the Continuing Entity except to the extent that such ownership existed prior to the transaction;


(ii) A Change in Board Event; or


(iii) Consummation of a sale or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company and its Affiliates (taken as a whole) to any person (individual, entity, trust etc.) who is not an Affiliate.


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the term “Change in Control” shall not include any sale of assets, a merger or other transaction effected exclusively for the purpose of changing the domicile of the Company, or an initial public offering of the securities of the Company (or any transaction taken by the Company or any Affiliate in connection with, or in contemplation of, an initial public offering). If required for compliance with Section 409A of the Code, in no event will a Change in Control be deemed to have occurred if such transaction is not also a “change in the ownership or effective control of” the Company or “a change in the ownership of a substantial portion of the assets of” the Company as determined under the U.S. Treasury Regulation Section 1.409A-3(i)(5) (without regard to any alternative definition thereunder).


2.9. “Code” shall mean the United States Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and any applicable regulations promulgated thereunder, all as amended.


2.10. “Committee” shall mean a committee established or appointed by the Board to administer this Plan, subject to Section 3.1.


2.11. “Companies Law” shall mean the Israel Companies Law, 5759-1999, and the regulations promulgated thereunder, all as amended from time to time.





2.12. “Controlling Shareholder” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 32(9) of the Ordinance.


2.13. “Disability” shall mean (i) the inability of a Grantee to engage in any substantial gainful activity or to perform the major duties of the Grantee’s position with the Company or its Affiliates by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which has lasted or can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months (or such other period as determined by the Committee), as determined by a qualified doctor acceptable to the Company, (ii) if applicable, a “permanent and total disability” as defined in Section 22(e)(3) of the Code or Section 409A(a)(2)(c)(i) of the Code, as amended from time to time, or (iii) as defined in a policy of the Company that the Committee deems applicable to this Plan, or that makes reference to this Plan, for purposes of this definition.


2.14. “Employee” shall mean any person treated as an employee (including an officer or a director who is also treated as an employee) in the records of the Company or any of its Affiliates (and in the case of 102 Awards, subject to Section 9.3 or in the case of Incentive Stock Options, who is an employee for purposes of Section 422 of the Code); provided, however, that neither service as a director nor payment of a director’s fee shall be sufficient to constitute employment for purposes of this Plan. The Company shall determine in good faith and in the exercise of its discretion whether an individual has become or has ceased to be an Employee and the effective date of such individual’s employment or termination of employment, as the case may be. For purposes of a person’s rights, if any, under this Plan as of the time of the Company’s determination, all such determinations by the Company shall be final, binding and conclusive, notwithstanding that the Company or any court of law or governmental agency subsequently makes a contrary determination.


2.15. “Employer” means, for purpose of a 102 Trustee Award, the Company or an Affiliate, Subsidiary or Parent thereof, which is an “employing company” within the meaning and subject to the conditions of Section 102(a) of the Ordinance.


2.16. “employment”, “employed” and words of similar import shall be deemed to refer to the employment of Employees or to the services of any other Service Provider, as the case may be.


2.17. “Exchange Act” shall mean the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and all regulations, guidance and other interpretative authority issued thereunder.


2.18. “exercise,” “exercised” and words of similar import, when referring to an Award that does not require exercise or that is settled upon vesting (such as may be the case with RSUs or Restricted Shares, if so determined in their terms), shall be deemed to refer to the vesting of such an Award (regardless of whether or not the wording included reference to vesting of such an Awards explicitly).


2.19. “Exercise Period” shall mean the period, commencing on the date of grant of an Award, during which an Award shall be exercisable, subject to any vesting provisions thereof (including any acceleration thereof, if any) and subject to the termination provisions hereof.


2.20. “Exercise Price” shall mean the exercise price for each Share covered by an Option or the purchase price for each Share covered by any other Award.


2.21. “Fair Market Value” shall mean, as of any date, the value of a Share or other securities, property or rights as determined by the Board, in its discretion, subject to the following: (i) if, on such date, the Shares are listed on any securities exchange, the closing sales price per Share on the securities exchange on which the Shares are principally traded on such date, or if no sale occurred on such date, the last day preceding such date on which a sale occurred, as reported in The Wall Street Journal or such other source as the Company deems reliable; (ii) if, on such date, the Shares are then quoted in an over-the-counter market, the average of the closing bid and asked prices for the Shares in that market on such date, or if there are no bid and asked prices on such date, the last day preceding such date on which there are bid and asked prices, as reported in The Wall Street Journal or such other source as the Company deems reliable; or (iii) if, on such date, the Shares are not then listed on a securities exchange or quoted in an over-the-counter market, or in case of any other securities, property or rights, such value as





the Committee, in its sole discretion, shall determine, with full authority to determine the method for making such determination and which determination shall be conclusive and binding on all parties, and shall be made after such consultations with outside legal, accounting and other experts as the Committee may deem advisable; provided, however, that, if applicable, the Fair Market Value of the Shares shall be determined in a manner that is intended to satisfy the applicable requirements of and subject to Section 409A of the Code, and with respect to Incentive Stock Options, in a manner that is intended to satisfy the applicable requirements of and subject to Section 422 of the Code, subject to Section 422(c)(7) of the Code. The Committee shall maintain a written record of its method of determining such value. If the Shares are listed or quoted on more than one established stock exchange or over-the-counter market, the Committee shall determine the principal such exchange or market and utilize the price of the Shares on that exchange or market (determined as per the method described in clauses (i) or (ii) above, as applicable) for the purpose of determining Fair Market Value.


2.22. “Grantee” shall mean a person who has been granted an Award(s) under this Plan.


2.23. “Option” shall mean a grant of options to purchase Shares, including, for the avoidance of doubt, Incentive Stock Options and Nonqualified Stock Options.


2.24. “Ordinance” shall mean the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance (New Version) 5271-1961, and the regulations and rules (including the Rules) promulgated thereunder, all as amended from time to time.


2.25. “Parent” shall mean any company (other than the Company), which now exists or is hereafter organized, (i) in an unbroken chain of companies ending with the Company if, at the time of granting an Award, each of the companies (other than the Company) owns stock possessing fifty percent (50%) or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock in one of the other companies in such chain, or (ii) if applicable and for purposes of Incentive Stock Options, that is a “parent corporation” of the Company, as defined in Section 424(e) of the Code.


2.26. “Retirement” shall mean a Grantee’s retirement pursuant to Applicable Law or in accordance with the terms of any tax-qualified retirement plan maintained by the Company or any of its Affiliates in which the Grantee participates or is subject to.


2.27. “Securities Act” shall mean the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, all as amended from time to time.


2.28. “Service Provider” shall mean an Employee, director, officer, consultant, advisor and any other person, who provides services to the Company or any Parent, Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof. Service Providers shall include prospective Service Providers to whom Awards are granted in connection with written offers of an employment or other service relationship with the Company or any Parent, Subsidiary or any other Affiliates thereof, provided, however, that such employment or service shall have actually commenced. Notwithstanding the foregoing, unless otherwise determined by the Committee, each Service Provider shall be an “employee” as defined in the General Instructions to Form S-8 Registration Statement under the Securities Act (or any successor form thereto) at the time the Award is granted to the Service Provider.


2.29. “Share(s)” shall mean ordinary share(s), of no par value, of the Company (including ordinary shares resulting or issued as a result of share split, reverse share split, bonus shares, combination or other recapitalization events), or shares of such other class of shares of the Company as shall be designated by the Board in respect of the relevant Award(s). “Shares” include any securities or property issued or distributed with respect thereto.


2.30. “Subsidiary” shall mean any company (other than the Company), which now exists or is hereafter organized or acquired by the Company, (i) in an unbroken chain of companies beginning with the Company if, at the time of granting an Award, each of the companies other than the last company in the unbroken chain owns stock possessing fifty percent (50%) or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock in one of the other companies in such chain, or (ii) if applicable and for purposes of Incentive Stock Options, that is a “subsidiary corporation” of the Company, as defined in Section 424(f) of the Code.





2.31. “tax(es)” shall mean (a) all federal, state, local or foreign taxes, charges, fees, imposts, levies or other assessments, including all income, capital gains, alternative or add-on minimum, transfer, value added tax, real and personal property, withholding, payroll, employment, escheat, social security, disability, national security, health tax, wealth surtax, stamp, registration and estimated taxes, customs duties, fees, assessments and charges of any similar kind whatsoever (including under Section 280G of the Code) or other tax of any kind whatsoever, (b) all interest, indexation differentials, penalties, fines, additions to tax or additional amounts imposed by any taxing authority in connection with any item described in clause (a), (c) any transferee or successor liability in respect of any items described in clauses (a) or (b) payable by reason of contract, assumption, transferee liability, successor liability, operation of Applicable Law, or as a result of any express or implied obligation to assume Taxes or to indemnify any other person, and (d) any liability for the payment of any amounts of the type described in clause (a) or (b) payable as a result of being a member of an affiliated, consolidated, combined, unitary or aggregate or other group for any taxable period, including under U.S. Treasury Regulations Section 1.1502-6(a) (or any predecessor or successor thereof of any analogous or similar provision under Applicable Law) or otherwise.


2.32. “Ten Percent Shareholder” shall mean a Grantee who, at the time an Award is granted to the Grantee, owns shares possessing more than ten percent (10%) of the total combined voting power of all classes of shares of the Company or any Parent or Subsidiary, within the meaning of Section 422(b)(6) of the Code.


2.33. “Trustee” shall mean the trustee appointed by the Committee to hold the Awards (and, in relation with 102 Trustee Awards, approved by the ITA), if so appointed.


2.34. Other Defined Terms. The following terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Sections set forth below:


Term   Section
102 Awards   1.2(i)
102 Capital Gains Track Awards   9.1
102 Non-Trustee Awards   9.2
102 Ordinary Income Track Awards   9.1
102 Trustee Awards   9.1
3(i) Awards   1.2(ii)
Award Agreement   6
Company   1.1
Effective Date   24.1
Election   9.2
Eligible 102 Grantees   9.3.1
Incentive Stock Options   1.2(iii)
Information   16.4
ITA   1.1(i)
Merger/Sale   14.2
Nonqualified Stock Options   1.2(iv)
Plan   1.1
Pool   5.1
Recapitalization   14.1
Required Holding Period   9.5
Restricted Period   11.2
Restricted Share Agreement   11
Restricted Share Unit Agreement   12
Restricted Share   1.1
RSUs   1.1
Rules   1.1(i)
Successor Corporation   14.2.1
Withholding Obligations   17.5







3.1. To the extent permitted under Applicable Law, the Company’s Amended and Restated Articles of Association (as may be amended and supplemented from time to time, the “Articles of Association”) and any other governing document of the Company, this Plan shall be administered by the Committee. In the event that the Board does not appoint or establish a committee to administer this Plan, this Plan shall be administered by the Board and, accordingly, any and all references herein to the Committee shall be construed as references to the Board. In the event that an action necessary for the administration of this Plan is required under Applicable Law to be taken by the Board without the right of delegation, or if such action or power was explicitly reserved by the Board in appointing, establishing and empowering the Committee, then such action shall be so taken by the Board. In any such event, all references herein to the Committee shall be construed as references to the Board. Even if such a Committee was appointed or established, the Board may take any actions that are stated to be vested in the Committee, and shall not be restricted or limited from exercising all rights, powers and authorities under this Plan or Applicable Law. The Board shall appoint the members of the Committee, may from time to time remove members from, or add members to, the Committee, and shall fill vacancies in the Committee, however caused, provided that the composition of the Committee shall at all times be in compliance with any mandatory requirements of Applicable Law, the Articles of Association and any other governing document of the Company. The Committee may select one of its members as its Chairman and shall hold its meetings at such times and places as it shall determine. The Committee may appoint a Secretary, who shall keep records of its meetings, and shall make such rules and regulations for the conduct of its business as it shall deem advisable and subject to mandatory requirements of Applicable Law.


3.2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Plan, any mandatory provisions of Applicable Law and any provisions of any Company policy required under mandatory provisions of Applicable Law, and in addition to the Committee’s powers contained elsewhere in this Plan, the Committee shall have full authority, in its discretion, from time to time and at any time, to determine any of the following, or to recommend to the Board any of the following if it is not authorized to take such action according to Applicable Law:


(i) eligible Grantees,


(ii) grants of Awards and setting the terms and provisions of Award Agreements (which need not be identical) and any other agreements or instruments under which Awards are made, including, the number of Shares underlying each Award and the class of Shares underlying each Award (if more than one class was designated by the Board),


(iii) the time or times at which Awards shall be granted,


(iv) the terms, conditions and restrictions applicable to each Award (which need not be identical) and any Shares acquired upon the exercise or (if applicable) vesting thereof, including, (1) designating Awards under Section 1.2; (2) the vesting schedule, the acceleration thereof and terms and conditions upon which Awards may be exercised or become vested, (3) the Exercise Price, (4) the method of payment for Shares purchased upon the exercise or (if applicable) vesting of the Awards, (5) the method for satisfaction of any tax withholding obligation arising in connection with the Awards or such Shares, including by the withholding or delivery of Shares, (6) the time of the expiration of the Awards, (7) the effect of the Grantee’s termination of employment with the Company or any of its Affiliates, and (8) all other terms, conditions and restrictions applicable to the Award or the Shares not inconsistent with the terms of this Plan,


(v) to accelerate, continue, extend or defer the exercisability of any Award or the vesting thereof, including with respect to the period following a Grantee’s termination of employment or other service,


(vi) the interpretation of this Plan and any Award Agreement and the meaning, interpretation and applicability of terms referred to in Applicable Law,





(vii) policies, guidelines, rules and regulations relating to and for carrying out this Plan, and any amendment, supplement or rescission thereof, as it may deem appropriate,


(viii) to adopt supplements to, or alternative versions of, this Plan, including, without limitation, as it deems necessary or desirable to comply with the laws of, or to accommodate the tax regime or custom of, foreign jurisdictions whose citizens or residents may be granted Awards,


(ix) the Fair Market Value of the Shares or other securities, property or rights,


(x) the tax track (capital gains, ordinary income track or any other track available under the Section 102 of the Ordinance) for the purpose of 102 Awards,


(xi) the authorization and approval of conversion, substitution, cancellation or suspension under and in accordance with this Plan of any or all Awards or Shares,


(xii) unless otherwise provided under the terms of this Plan, the amendment, modification, waiver or supplement of the terms of any outstanding Award (including reducing the Exercise Price of an Award), provided, however, that if such amendments increase the Exercise Price of an Award or reduce the number of Shares underlying an Award, then such amendments shall require the consent of the applicable Grantee, unless such amendment is made pursuant to the exercise of rights or authorities in accordance with Sections 14 or 24,


(xiii) without limiting the generality of the foregoing, and subject to the provisions of Applicable Law, to grant to a Grantee, who is the holder of an outstanding Award, in exchange for the cancellation of such Award, a new Award having an Exercise Price lower than that provided in the Award so canceled and containing such other terms and conditions as the Committee may prescribe in accordance with the provisions of this Plan or to set a new Exercise Price for the same Award lower than that previously provided in the Award, in each case, without the consent of the Company’s shareholders,


(xiv) to correct any defect, supply any omission or reconcile any inconsistency in this Plan or any Award Agreement and all other determinations and take such other actions with respect to this Plan or any Award as it may deem advisable to the extent not inconsistent with the provisions of this Plan or Applicable Law, and


(xv) any other matter which is necessary or desirable for, or incidental to, the administration of this Plan and any Award thereunder.


3.3. The authority granted hereunder includes the authority to modify Awards to eligible individuals who are foreign nationals or are individuals who are employed outside the State of Israel or the United States of America, to recognize differences in local law, tax policy or custom, in order to effectuate the purposes of this Plan but without amending this Plan.


3.4. The Board and the Committee shall be free at all times to make such determinations and take such actions as they deem fit. The Board and the Committee need not take the same action or determination with respect to all Awards, with respect to certain types of Awards, with respect to all Service Providers or any certain type of Service Providers and actions and determinations may differ as among the Grantees, and as between the Grantees and any other holders of securities of the Company.


3.5. All decisions, determinations, and interpretations of the Committee, the Board and the Company under this Plan shall be final and binding on all Grantees (whether before or after the issuance of Shares pursuant to Awards), unless otherwise determined by the Committee, the Board or the Company, respectively. The Committee shall have the authority (but not the obligation) to determine the interpretation and applicability of Applicable Law to any Grantee or any Awards. No member of the Committee or the Board shall be liable to any Grantee for any action taken or determination made in good faith with respect to this Plan or any Award granted hereunder.





3.6. Any officer or authorized signatory of the Company shall have the authority to act on behalf of the Company with respect to any matter, right, obligation, determination or election which is the responsibility of or which is allocated to the Company herein, provided such person has apparent authority with respect to such matter, right, obligation, determination or election. Such person or authorized signatory shall not be liable to any Grantee for any action taken or determination made in good faith with respect to this Plan or any Award granted hereunder.




Awards may be granted to Service Providers of the Company or any Affiliate thereof, taking into account, at the Committee’s discretion and without an obligation to do so, the qualification under each tax regime pursuant to which such Awards are granted, subject to the limitation on the granting of Incentive Stock Options set forth in Section 8.1. A person who has been granted an Award hereunder may be granted additional Awards, if the Committee shall so determine, subject to the limitations herein. However, eligibility in accordance with this Section 4 shall not entitle any person to be granted an Award, or, having been granted an Award, to be granted an additional Award.


Awards may differ in number of Shares covered thereby, the terms and conditions applying to them or on the Grantees or in any other respect (including, that there should not be any expectation (and it is hereby disclaimed) that a certain treatment, interpretation or position granted to one shall be applied to the other, regardless of whether or not the facts or circumstances are the same or similar).




5.1. The maximum aggregate number of Shares that may be issued pursuant to Awards under this Plan (the “Pool”) shall be the sum of (a) 4,939,811 Shares plus (and without the need to further amend the Plan) plus (b) on January 1st, 2025 and on January 1st of each calendar year thereafter through and including January 1, 2034, a number of Shares equal to the lesser of: (i) 2% of the total number of Shares outstanding as of the end of the last day of the immediately preceding calendar year, and (ii) such smaller amount of Shares as is determined by the Board, if so determined prior to the January 1st of the calendar year in which the increase will occur (in each case, without the need to amend the Plan in case of such determination). Notwithstanding the foregoing, the total number of Shares that may be issued pursuant to Incentive Stock Options granted under this Plan shall be 5,360,852, subject to adjustment as provided in Section 14.1. The Board may, at its discretion, reduce the number of Shares that may be issued pursuant to Awards under this Plan, at any time (provided that such reduction does not derogate from any issuance of Shares in respect of Awards then outstanding).


5.2. Any Shares (a) underlying an Award granted hereunder that has expired, or was cancelled, terminated, forfeited, or settled in cash in lieu of issuance of Shares, for any reason, without having been exercised; (b) if permitted by the Company, tendered to pay the Exercise Price of an Award, or withholding tax obligations with respect to an Award; or (c) if permitted by the Company, subject to an Award that are not delivered to a Grantee because such Shares are withheld to pay the Exercise Price of such Award, or withholding tax obligations with respect to such Award (or such award); shall automatically, and without any further action on the part of the Company or any Grantee, again be available for grant of Awards and for issuance upon exercise or (if applicable) vesting thereof for the purposes of this Plan (unless this Plan shall have been terminated), unless the Board determines otherwise. Such Shares may be, in whole or in part, authorized but unissued Shares, (and, subject to obtaining a ruling as it applies to 102 Awards) treasury shares (dormant shares) or otherwise Shares that shall have been or may be repurchased by the Company (to the extent permitted pursuant to the Companies Law).


5.3. Subject to adjustment as provided in Section 14 hereof, in any fiscal year of the Company during any part of which this Plan is in effect, no Grantee who is a director of the Company or any Affiliate but is not also an Employee nor independent contractor may be granted any Awards that have a “fair value” as of the date of grant, as determined in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718 (or any other applicable accounting guidance), that exceeds $3,000,000 in the aggregate.


5.4. Unless determined otherwise by the Board or Committee, any Shares under the Pool that are not subject to outstanding or exercised Awards at the termination of this Plan shall cease to be reserved for the purpose of this Plan.





5.5. From and after the Effective Date, no further grants or awards shall be made under the Company’s 2015 Share Incentive Plan; however, Awards made under such plan before the Effective Date shall continue in effect in accordance with their terms.




Each Award granted pursuant to this Plan shall be evidenced by a written or electronic agreement between the Company and the Grantee or a written or electronic notice delivered by the Company (the “Award Agreement”), in substantially such form or forms and containing such terms and conditions, as the Committee shall from time to time approve. The Award Agreement shall comply with and be subject to the following general terms and conditions and the provisions of this Plan (except for any provisions applying to Awards under different tax regimes), unless otherwise specifically provided in such Award Agreement, or the terms referred to in other Sections of this Plan applying to Awards under such applicable tax regimes, or terms prescribed by Applicable Law. Award Agreements need not be in the same form and may differ in the terms and conditions included therein.


6.1. Number of Shares. Each Award Agreement shall state the number of Shares covered by the Award.


6.2. Type of Award. Each Award Agreement may state the type of Award granted thereunder, provided that the tax treatment of any Award, whether or not stated in the Award Agreement, shall be as determined in accordance with Applicable Law.


6.3. Exercise Price. With respect to each Award that is an Option or Share appreciation right, each Award Agreement shall state the Exercise Price, if applicable. Unless otherwise set forth in this Plan, an Exercise Price of an Award of less than the par value of the Shares (if shares bear a par value) shall comply with Section 304 of the Companies Law.. The Exercise Price shall also be subject to adjustment as provided in Section 14 hereof. The Exercise Price of any Award granted to a Grantee who is subject to U.S. federal income tax shall no less than Fair Market Value of a Share on the Date of Grant and shall be determined in accordance with Section 409A of the Code.


6.4. Manner of Exercise. The following shall apply to each Award that is an Option or Share appreciation right:


6.4.1 An Award may be exercised, as to any or all Shares as to which the Award has become exercisable, (a) by written notice delivered in person or by mail (or such other methods of delivery prescribed by the Company) to the Stock Administrator/Manager of the Company or, if no such role is then incumbent, to the Chief Financial Officer of the Company or to such other person as determined by the Committee, (b) by way of an exercise order submitted via the online service operated and maintained by the Company or any of its service providers, or (c) or in any other manner as the Committee shall prescribe from time to time, specifying the number of Shares with respect to which the Award is being exercised (which may be equal to or lower than the aggregate number of Shares that have become exercisable at such time, subject to the last sentence of this Section), accompanied by payment of the aggregate Exercise Price for such Shares in the manner specified in the following sentence. The Exercise Price (if any) shall be paid in full with respect to each Share, at the time of exercise and as a condition therefor, either (i) in cash, (ii) if the Company’s shares are listed for trading on any securities exchange or over-the-counter market, and if the Committee so determines, all or part of the Exercise Price and any withholding taxes may be paid by the delivery (on a form prescribed by the Company) of an irrevocable direction to a securities broker approved by the Company to sell Shares and to deliver all or part of the sales proceeds to the Company or the Trustee, (iii) if the Company’s shares are listed for trading on any securities exchange or over-the-counter market, and if the Committee so determines, all or part of the Exercise Price and any withholding taxes may be paid by the delivery (on a form prescribed by the Company) of an irrevocable direction to pledge Shares to a securities broker or lender approved by the Company, as security for a loan, and to deliver all or part of the loan proceeds to the Company or the Trustee, (iv) by applying the Cashless Exercise Mechanism set forth in Section 6.4.3 below, or (v) in such other manner as the Committee shall determine, which may include procedures for cashless exercise.


6.4.2 The application of Cashless Exercise Mechanism with respect to any 102 Awards shall be subject to obtaining a ruling from the ITA, to the extent required by Applicable Law.





6.4.3 Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, any and all Options (other than Incentive Stock Options) may be exercised using a cashless exercise mechanism, in which case the number of the Shares to be issued by the Company upon such exercise shall be calculated pursuant to the following formula (the “Cashless Exercise Mechanism”):


X = 

Y * (A – B)  


Where: X =the number of Shares to be issued to the Grantee.


Y = the number of Shares, as adjusted to the date of such calculation, underlying the number of Options being exercised.


A = the fair market value, as determined in the tax ruling mentioned in Section 6.4.2 above, of one Share at the exercise date.


B =the Exercise Price of the Options being exercised.


Upon the completion of the calculation, if X is a negative number, then X shall be deemed to equal 0 (zero).


6.5. Term and Vesting of Awards.


6.5.1 Each Award Agreement shall provide the vesting schedule for the Award as determined by the Committee. The Committee shall have the authority to determine the vesting schedule and accelerate the vesting of any outstanding Award at such time and under such circumstances as it, in its sole discretion, deems appropriate. Unless otherwise resolved by the Committee and stated in the Award Agreement, and subject to Sections 6.6 and 6.7 hereof, Awards shall vest and become exercisable under the following schedule: twenty-five percent (25%) of the Shares covered by the Award, on the first anniversary of the vesting commencement date determined by the Committee (and in the absence of such determination, of date on which such Award was granted), and six and one-quarter percent (6.25%) of the Shares covered by the Award at the end of each subsequent three-month period thereafter over the course of the following three (3) years; provided that the Grantee remains continuously as a Service Provider of the Company or its Affiliates throughout such vesting dates.


6.5.2 The Award Agreement may contain performance goals and measurements (which, in case of 102 Trustee Awards, may, if then required, be subject to obtaining a specific tax ruling or determination from the ITA), and the provisions with respect to any Award need not be the same as the provisions with respect to any other Award. Such performance goals may include, but are not limited to, revenues, sales, operating income, earnings before interest and taxes, return on investment, earnings per share, share trading price and performance hurdles, any combination of the foregoing or rate of growth of any of the foregoing, as determined by the Committee. The Committee may adjust performance goals pursuant to Awards previously granted to take into account changes in law and accounting and tax rules and to make such adjustments as the Committee deems necessary or appropriate to reflect the inclusion or the exclusion of the impact of extraordinary or unusual items, events or circumstances.


6.5.3 The Exercise Period of an Option or Share appreciation right will be ten (10) years from the date of grant of the Award, unless otherwise determined by the Committee and stated in the Award Agreement, but subject to the vesting provisions described above and the early termination provisions set forth in Sections 6.6 and 6.7 hereof. At the expiration of the Exercise Period, any Option or Share appreciation right, or any part thereof, that has not been exercised within the term of such Option or Share appreciation right and the Shares covered thereby not paid for in accordance with this Plan and the Award Agreement shall terminate and become null and void, and all interests and rights of the Grantee in and to the same shall expire.





6.6. Termination. The following shall apply to each Award that is an Option or Share appreciation right:


6.6.1 Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, and subject to this Section 6.6 and Section 6.7 hereof, an Award may not be exercised unless the Grantee was, since the date of grant of the Award throughout the vesting dates, and is then (at the time of exercise), a Service Provider.


6.6.2 In the event that the employment or service of a Grantee shall terminate (other than by reason of death, Disability or Retirement), such that Grantee is no longer a Service Provider, all Awards of such Grantee that are unvested at the time of such termination shall terminate on the date of such termination, and all Awards of such Grantee that are vested and exercisable at the time of such termination may be exercised within up to three (3) months after the date of such termination (or such different period as the Committee shall prescribe, in general or on a case-by-case basis), but in any event no later than the date of expiration of the Award’s term as set forth in the Award Agreement or pursuant to this Plan; provided, however, that if the Company (or its Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof, as applicable) shall have terminated the Grantee’s employment or service for Cause (as defined below) (whether the facts or circumstances that constitute such Cause occur prior to or after termination of employment or service), or if facts or circumstances arise or are discovered with respect to the Grantee that would have constituted Cause, then all Awards theretofore granted to such Grantee (whether vested or not) shall terminate and be subject to recoupment by the Company on the date of such termination (or on such subsequent date on which such facts or circumstances arise or are discovered, as the case may be) unless otherwise determined by the Committee, and any Shares issued upon exercise or (if applicable) vesting of Awards (including other Shares or securities issued or distributed with respect thereto, and including the gross amount of any proceeds, gains or other economic benefit the Grantee actually or constructively receives upon receipt or exercise of any Award or the receipt or resale of any Shares underlying the Award), whether held by the Grantee or by the Trustee for the Grantee’s benefit, shall be deemed to be irrevocably offered for sale to the Company, any of its Affiliates or any person designated by the Company to purchase, at the Company’s election and subject to Applicable Law, either for no consideration, for the par value of such Shares (if such Shares bear a par value) or against payment of the Exercise Price previously received by the Company for such Shares upon their issuance, as the Committee deems fit, upon written notice to the Grantee at any time prior to, at or after the Grantee’s termination of employment or service. Such Shares or other securities shall be sold and transferred within 30 days from the date of the Company’s notice of its election to exercise its right. If the Grantee fails to transfer such Shares or other securities to the Company, the Company, at the decision of the Committee, shall be entitled to forfeit or repurchase such Shares and to authorize any person to execute on behalf of the Grantee any document necessary to effect such transfer, whether or not the share certificates (if any) are surrendered. The Company shall have the right and authority to effect the above either by: (i) repurchasing all of such Shares or other securities held by the Grantee or by the Trustee for the benefit of the Grantee, or designate the purchaser of all or any part of such Shares or other securities, for the Exercise Price paid for such Shares, the par value of such Shares (if such Shares bear a par value) or for no payment or consideration whatsoever, as the Committee deems fit; (ii) forfeiting all or any part of such Shares or other securities; (iii) redeeming all or any part of such Shares or other securities, for the Exercise Price paid for such Shares, the par value of such Shares (if such Shares bear a par value) or for no payment or consideration whatsoever, as the Committee deems fit; (iv) taking action in order to have all or any part of such Shares or other securities converted into deferred shares entitling their holder only to their par value (if such Shares bear a par value) upon liquidation of the Company; or (v) taking any other action which may be required in order to achieve similar results; all as shall be determined by the Committee, at its sole and absolute discretion, and the Grantee is deemed to irrevocably empower the Company or any person which may be designated by it to take any action by, in the name of or on behalf of the Grantee to comply with and give effect to such actions (including, voting such shares, filling in, signing and delivering share transfer deeds, etc.).





6.6.3 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Committee, in its absolute discretion, may, on such terms and conditions as it may determine appropriate, extend the periods for which Awards held by any Grantee may continue to vest and be exercisable; it being clarified that such Awards may lose their entitlement to certain tax benefits under Applicable Law (including, without limitation, qualification of an Award as an Incentive Stock Option) as a result of the modification of such Awards and/or in the event that the Award is exercised beyond the later of: (i) three (3) months after the date of termination of the employment or service relationship; or (ii) the applicable period under Section 6.7 below with respect to a termination of the employment or service relationship because of the death, Disability or Retirement of Grantee.


6.6.4 For purposes of this Plan: A termination of employment or service relationship of a Grantee shall not be deemed to occur (except to the extent required by the Code with respect to the Incentive Stock Option status of an Option) in case of (i) a transition or transfer of a Grantee among the Company and its Affiliates, (ii) a change in the capacity in which the Grantee is employed or renders service to the Company or any of its Affiliates or a change in the identity of the employing or engagement entity among the Company and its Affiliates, provided, in case of the foregoing clauses (i) and (ii) above, that the Grantee has remained continuously employed by and/or in the service of the Company and its Affiliates since the date of grant of the Award and throughout the vesting period; or (iii) if the Grantee takes any unpaid leave as set forth in Section 6.8 below. An entity or an Affiliate thereof assuming an Award or issuing in substitution thereof in a transaction to which Section 424(a) of the Code applies or in a Change in Control in accordance with Section 14 shall be deemed as an Affiliate of the Company for purposes of this Section 6.6, unless the Committee determines otherwise. In the case of a Grantee whose principal employer or service recipient is a Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof, the Grantee’s employment or service relationship shall also be deemed terminated for purposes of this Section 6.6 as of the date on which such principal employer or service recipient ceases to be a Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof. The term “Cause” shall mean (irrespective of, and in addition to, any definition included in any other agreement or instrument applicable to the Grantee, and unless otherwise determined by the Committee) any of the following: (i) any theft, fraud, embezzlement, dishonesty, willful misconduct, breach of fiduciary duty for personal profit, falsification of any documents or records of the Company or any of its Affiliates, felony or similar act by the Grantee (whether or not related to the Grantee’s relationship with the Company); (ii) an act of moral turpitude by the Grantee, or any act that causes significant injury to, or is otherwise adversely affecting, the reputation, business, assets, operations or business relationship of the Company (or a Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof, when applicable); (iii) any breach by the Grantee of any material agreement with or of any material duty of the Grantee to the Company or any Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof (including breach of confidentiality, non-disclosure, non-use non- competition or non-solicitation covenants towards the Company or any of its Affiliates) or failure to abide by code of conduct or other policies (including, without limitation, policies relating to confidentiality and reasonable workplace conduct); (iv) any act which constitutes a breach of a Grantee’s fiduciary duty towards the Company or a Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof, including disclosure of confidential or proprietary information thereof or acceptance or solicitation to receive unauthorized or undisclosed benefits, irrespective of their nature, or funds, or promises to receive either, from individuals, consultants or corporate entities with whom the Company or a Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof conducts business; (v) the Grantee’s unauthorized use, misappropriation, destruction, or diversion of any tangible or intangible asset or corporate opportunity of the Company or any of its Affiliates (including, without limitation, the improper use or disclosure of confidential or proprietary information); or (vi) any circumstances that constitute grounds for termination for cause under the Grantee’s employment or service agreement with the Company or Affiliate, to the extent applicable. For the avoidance of doubt, the determination as to whether a termination is for Cause for purposes of this Plan, shall be made in good faith by the Committee and shall be final and binding on the Grantee.





6.7. Death, Disability or Retirement of Grantee. The following shall apply to each Award that is an Option or Share appreciation right:


6.7.1 If a Grantee shall die while employed by, or performing service for, the Company or any of its Affiliates, or within the three (3) month period (or such longer period of time as determined by the Board, in its discretion) after the date of termination of such Grantee’s employment or service (or within such different period as the Committee may have provided pursuant to Section 6.6 hereof), or if the Grantee’s employment or service with the Company or any of its Affiliates shall terminate by reason of Disability, all Awards theretofore granted to such Grantee may (to the extent otherwise vested and exercisable and unless earlier terminated in accordance with their terms) be exercised by the Grantee or by the Grantee’s estate or by a person who acquired the legal right to exercise such Awards by bequest or inheritance, or by a person who acquired the legal right to exercise such Awards in accordance with applicable law in the case of Disability of the Grantee, as the case may be, at any time within one (1) year (or such longer period of time as determined by the Committee, in its discretion) after the death or Disability of the Grantee (or such different period as the Committee shall prescribe), but in any event no later than the date of expiration of the Award’s term as set forth in the Award Agreement or pursuant to this Plan. In the event that an Award granted hereunder shall be exercised as set forth above by any person other than the Grantee, written notice of such exercise shall be accompanied by a certified copy of letters testamentary or proof satisfactory to the Committee of the right of such person to exercise such Award.


6.7.2 In the event that the employment or service of a Grantee shall terminate on account of such Grantee’s Retirement, all Awards of such Grantee that are exercisable at the time of such Retirement may, unless earlier terminated in accordance with their terms, be exercised at any time within the three (3) month period after the date of such Retirement (or such different period as the Committee shall prescribe).


6.8. Suspension of Vesting. Unless the Committee provides otherwise, vesting of Awards granted hereunder shall be suspended during any unpaid leave of absence, other than in the case of any (i) leave of absence which was pre-approved by the Company explicitly for purposes of continuing the vesting of Awards, or (ii) transfers between locations of the Company or any of its Affiliates, or between the Company and any of its Affiliates, or any respective successor thereof. For clarity, for purposes of this Plan, military leave, statutory maternity or paternity leave or sick leave are not deemed unpaid leave of absence, unless otherwise determined by the Committee.


6.9. Securities Law Restrictions. Except as otherwise provided in the applicable Award Agreement or other agreement between the Service Provider and the Company, if the exercise of an Award following the termination of the Service Provider’s employment or service (other than for Cause) would be prohibited at any time solely because the issuance of Shares would violate the registration requirements under the Securities Act or equivalent requirements under equivalent laws of other applicable jurisdictions, then the Award shall remain exercisable and terminate on the earlier of (i) the expiration of a period of three (3) months (or such longer period of time as determined by the Committee, in its discretion) after the termination of the Service Provider’s employment or service during which the exercise of the Award would not be in such violation, or (ii) the expiration of the term of the Award as set forth in the Award Agreement or pursuant to this Plan. In addition, unless otherwise provided in a Grantee’s Award Agreement, if the sale of any Shares received upon exercise or (if applicable) vesting of an Award following the termination of the Grantee’s employment or service (other than for Cause) would violate the Company’s insider trading policy, then the Award shall terminate on the earlier of (i) the expiration of a period equal to the applicable post-termination exercise period after the termination of the Grantee’s employment or service during which the exercise of the Award would not be in violation of the Company’s insider trading policy, or (ii) the expiration of the term of the Award as set forth in the applicable Award Agreement or pursuant to this Plan.


6.10. Repricing. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Plan, the Committee shall not be permitted to (i) lower the exercise price per Share of an Option or Share appreciation right after it is granted, (ii) cancel an Option or Share appreciation right when the exercise price per Share exceeds the Fair Market Value of the underlying Shares in exchange for cash or another Award (other than in connection with Substitute Awards), (iii) cancel an outstanding Option or Share appreciation right in exchange for an Option or Share appreciation right with an exercise price that is less than the exercise price of the original Options or Share appreciation rights, or (iv) take any other action with respect to an Option or Share appreciation right that may be treated as a repricing pursuant to the applicable rules of the national or international securities exchange on which the Shares are listed, without approval of the Company’s shareholders.





6.11. Other Provisions. The Award Agreement evidencing Awards under this Plan shall contain such other terms and conditions not inconsistent with this Plan as the Committee may determine, at or after the date of grant, including provisions in connection with the restrictions on transferring the Awards or Shares covered by such Awards, which shall be binding upon the Grantees and any purchaser, assignee or transferee of any Awards, and other terms and conditions as the Committee shall deem appropriate.




Awards granted pursuant to this Section 7 are intended to constitute Nonqualified Stock Options and shall be subject to the general terms and conditions specified in Section 6 hereof and other provisions of this Plan, except for any provisions of this Plan applying to Awards under different tax laws or regulations. In the event of any inconsistency or contradictions between the provisions of this Section 7 and the other terms of this Plan, this Section 7 shall prevail.


7.1. Certain Limitations on Eligibility for Nonqualified Stock Options. Nonqualified Stock Options may not be granted to a Service Provider who is deemed to be a resident of the United States for purposes of taxation or who is otherwise subject to United States federal income tax unless the Shares underlying such Options constitute “service recipient stock” under Section 409A of the Code or unless such Options comply with the payment requirements of Section 409A of the Code.


7.2. Exercise Price. The Exercise Price of a Nonqualified Stock Option shall not be less than 100% of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of grant of such Option unless the Committee specifically indicates that the Awards will have a lower Exercise Price and the Award complies with Section 409A of the Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Nonqualified Stock Option may be granted with an exercise price lower than the minimum exercise price set forth above if such Award is granted pursuant to an assumption or substitution for another option in a manner qualifying under the provisions of that complies with Section 424(a) of the Code 1.409A-1(b)(5)(v)(D) of the U.S. Treasury Regulations or any successor guidance.




Awards granted pursuant to this Section 8 are intended to constitute Incentive Stock Options and shall be granted subject to the following special terms and conditions, the general terms and conditions specified in Section 6 hereof and other provisions of this Plan, except for any provisions of this Plan applying to Awards under different tax laws or regulations. In the event of any inconsistency or contradictions between the provisions of this Section 8 and the other terms of this Plan, this Section 8 shall prevail. However, if for any reason any Award granted pursuant to this Section 8 (or portion thereof) does not qualify as an Incentive Stock Option, then, to the extent of such non-qualification, such Option (or portion thereof) shall be regarded as a Nonqualified Stock Option granted under this Plan. In no event will the Board, the Company or any Parent or Subsidiary or any of their respective employees or directors have any liability to Grantee (or any other person) due to the failure of the Option to qualify for any reason as an Incentive Stock Option.


8.1. Eligibility for Incentive Stock Options. Incentive Stock Options may be granted only to Employees of the Company, or to Employees of a Parent or Subsidiary, determined as of the date of grant of such Options. An Incentive Stock Option granted to a prospective Employee upon the condition that such person become an Employee shall be deemed granted effective on the date such person commences employment, with an exercise price determined as of such date in accordance with Section 8.2.


8.2. Exercise Price. Except as set forth in Section 8.6 below, the Exercise Price of an Incentive Stock Option shall not be less than one hundred percent (100%) of the Fair Market Value of the Shares covered by the Awards on the date of grant of such Option or such other price as may be determined pursuant to the Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Incentive Stock Option may be granted with an exercise price lower than the minimum exercise price set forth above if such Award is granted pursuant to an assumption or substitution for another option in a manner that complies with the provisions of Section 424(a) of the Code.





8.3. Date of Grant. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Plan to the contrary, no Incentive Stock Option may be granted under this Plan after 10 years from the date this Plan is adopted, or the date this Plan is approved by the shareholders, whichever is earlier.


8.4. Exercise Period. Subject to Section 8.6 below, no Incentive Stock Option shall be exercisable after the expiration of ten (10) years after the effective date of grant of such Award, subject to Section 8.6. No Incentive Stock Option granted to a prospective Employee may become exercisable prior to the date on which such person commences employment.


8.5. $100,000 Per Year Limitation. The aggregate Fair Market Value (determined as of the date the Incentive Stock Option is granted) of the Shares with respect to which all Incentive Stock Options granted under this Plan and all other “incentive stock option” plans of the Company, or of any Parent or Subsidiary, become exercisable for the first time by each Grantee during any calendar year shall not exceed one hundred thousand United States dollars ($100,000) with respect to such Grantee. To the extent that the aggregate Fair Market Value of Shares with respect to which such Incentive Stock Options and any other such incentive stock options are exercisable for the first time by any Grantee during any calendar year exceeds one hundred thousand United States dollars ($100,000), such options shall be treated as Nonqualified Stock Options. The foregoing shall be applied by taking options into account in the order in which they were granted. If the Code is amended to provide for a different limitation from that set forth in this Section 8.5, such different limitation shall be deemed incorporated herein effective as of the date and with respect to such Awards as required or permitted by such amendment to the Code. If an Option is treated as an Incentive Stock Option in part and as a Nonqualified Stock Option in part by reason of the limitation set forth in this Section 8.5, the Grantee may designate which portion of such Option the Grantee is exercising. In the absence of such designation, the Grantee shall be deemed to have exercised the Incentive Stock Option portion of the Option first. Separate certificates representing each such portion may be issued upon the exercise of the Option.


8.6. Ten Percent Shareholder. In the case of an Incentive Stock Option granted to a Ten Percent Shareholder, notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 8, (i) the Exercise Price shall not be less than one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the date of grant of such Incentive Stock Option, and (ii) the Exercise Period shall not exceed five (5) years from the effective date of grant of such Incentive Stock Option.


8.7. Payment of Exercise Price. Each Award Agreement evidencing an Incentive Stock Option shall state each alternative method by which the Exercise Price thereof may be paid.


8.8. Leave of Absence. Notwithstanding Section 6.8, a Grantee’s employment shall not be deemed to have terminated if the Grantee takes any leave as set forth in Section 6.8(i) or as otherwise permitted by the Administrator.


8.9. Exercise Following Termination. Notwithstanding anything else in this Plan to the contrary, Incentive Stock Options that are not exercised within three (3) months following termination of the Grantee’s employment with the Company or its Parent or Subsidiary or with a corporation (or a parent or subsidiary of such corporation) issuing or assuming an Option of such Grantee in a transaction to which Section 424(a) of the Code applies, or within one (1) year in case of termination of the Grantee’s employment with the Company or its Parent or Subsidiary due to a Disability (within the meaning of Section 22(e)(3) of the Code), shall be deemed to be Nonqualified Stock Options.


8.10. Notice to Company of Disqualifying Disposition. Each Grantee who receives an Incentive Stock Option must agree to notify the Company in writing immediately after the Grantee makes a Disqualifying Disposition of any Shares received pursuant to the exercise of Incentive Stock Options. A “Disqualifying Disposition” is any disposition (including any sale) of such Shares before the later of (i) two years after the date the Grantee was granted the Incentive Stock Option, or (ii) one year after the date the Grantee acquired Shares by exercising the Incentive Stock Option. If the Grantee dies before such Shares are sold, these holding period requirements do not apply and no disposition of the Shares will be deemed a Disqualifying Disposition.





9. 102 AWARDS.


Awards granted pursuant to this Section 9 are intended to constitute 102 Awards and shall be granted subject to the following special terms and conditions, the general terms and conditions specified in Section 6 hereof and other provisions of this Plan, except for any provisions of this Plan applying to Awards under different tax laws or regulations. In the event of any inconsistency or contradictions between the provisions of this Section 9 and the other terms of this Plan, this Section 9 shall prevail.


9.1. Tracks. Awards granted pursuant to this Section 9 are intended to be granted pursuant to Section 102 of the Ordinance pursuant to either (i) Section 102(b)(2) or (3) thereof (as applicable), under the capital gain track (“102 Capital Gain Track Awards”), or (ii) Section 102(b)(1) thereof under the ordinary income track (“102 Ordinary Income Track Awards”, and together with 102 Capital Gain Track Awards, “102 Trustee Awards”). 102 Trustee Awards shall be granted subject to the special terms and conditions contained in this Section 9, the general terms and conditions specified in Section 6 hereof and other provisions of this Plan, except for any provisions of this Plan applying to Options under different tax laws or regulations.


9.2. Election of Track. Subject to Applicable Law, the Company may grant only one type of 102 Trustee Awards at any given time to all Grantees who are to be granted 102 Trustee Awards pursuant to this Plan, and shall file an election with the ITA regarding the type of 102 Trustee Awards it elects to grant before the date of grant of any 102 Trustee Awards (the “Election”). Such Election shall also apply to any other securities, including bonus shares, received by any Grantee as a result of holding the 102 Trustee Awards. The Company may change the type of 102 Trustee Awards that it elects to grant only after the expiration of at least 12 months from the end of the year in which the first grant was made in accordance with the previous Election, or as otherwise provided by Applicable Law. Any Election shall not prevent the Company from granting Awards, pursuant to Section 102(c) of the Ordinance without a Trustee (“102 Non- Trustee Awards”).


9.3. Eligibility for Awards.


9.3.1 Subject to Applicable Law, 102 Awards may only be granted to an “employee” within the meaning of Section 102(a) of the Ordinance (which as of the date of the adoption of this Plan means (i) individuals employed by an Israeli company being the Company or any of its Affiliates, and (ii) individuals who are serving and are engaged personally (and not through an entity) as “office holders” by such an Israeli company), but may not be granted to a Controlling Shareholder (“Eligible 102 Grantees”). Eligible 102 Grantees may receive only 102 Awards, which may either be granted to a Trustee or granted under Section 102 of the Ordinance without a Trustee.


9.4. 102 Award Grant Date.


9.4.1 Each 102 Award will be deemed granted on the date determined by the Committee, subject to Section 9.4.2, provided that (i) the Grantee has signed all documents required by the Company or pursuant to Applicable Law, and (ii) with respect to 102 Trustee Award, the Company has provided all applicable documents to the Trustee in accordance with the guidelines published by the ITA, and if an agreement is not signed and delivered by the Grantee within 90 days from the date determined by the Committee (subject to Section 9.4.2), then such 102 Trustee Award shall be deemed granted on such later date as such agreement is signed and delivered and on which the Company has provided all applicable documents to the Trustee in accordance with the guidelines published by the ITA. In the case of any contradiction, this provision and the date of grant determined pursuant hereto shall supersede and be deemed to amend any date of grant indicated in any corporate resolution or Award Agreement.





9.4.2 Unless otherwise permitted by the Ordinance, any grants of 102 Trustee Awards that are made on or after the date of the adoption of this Plan or an amendment to this Plan, as the case may be, that may become effective only at the expiration of thirty (30) days after the filing of this Plan or any amendment thereof (as the case may be) with the ITA in accordance with the Ordinance shall be conditional upon the expiration of such 30-day period, such condition shall be read and is incorporated by reference into any corporate resolutions approving such grants and into any Award Agreement evidencing such grants (whether or not explicitly referring to such condition), and the date of grant shall be at the expiration of such 30-day period, whether or not the date of grant indicated therein corresponds with this Section. In the case of any contradiction, this provision and the date of grant determined pursuant hereto shall supersede and be deemed to amend any date of grant indicated in any corporate resolution or Award Agreement.


9.5. 102 Trustee Awards.


9.5.1 Each 102 Trustee Award, each Share issued pursuant to the exercise of any 102 Trustee Award, and any rights granted thereunder, including bonus shares, shall be issued to and registered in the name of the Trustee and shall be held in trust for the benefit of the Grantee for the requisite period prescribed by the Ordinance (the “Required Holding Period”). In the event that the requirements under Section 102 of the Ordinance to qualify an Award as a 102 Trustee Award are not met, then the Award may be treated as a 102 Non-Trustee Award or 3(9) Award, all in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance. After expiration of the Required Holding Period, the Trustee may release such 102 Trustee Awards and any such Shares, provided that (i) the Trustee has received an acknowledgment from the ITA that the Grantee has paid any applicable taxes due pursuant to the Ordinance, or (ii) the Trustee and/or the Company and/or the Employer withholds all applicable taxes and compulsory payments due pursuant to the Ordinance arising from the 102 Trustee Awards and/or any Shares issued upon exercise or (if applicable) vesting of such 102 Trustee Awards. The Trustee shall not release any 102 Trustee Awards or Shares issued upon exercise or (if applicable) vesting thereof prior to the payment in full of the Grantee’s tax and compulsory payments arising from such 102 Trustee Awards and/or Shares or the withholding referred to in (ii) above.


9.5.2 Each 102 Trustee Award shall be subject to the relevant terms of the Ordinance, the Rules and any determinations, rulings or approvals issued by the ITA, which shall be deemed an integral part of the 102 Trustee Awards and shall prevail over any term contained in this Plan or Award Agreement that is not consistent therewith. Any provision of the Ordinance, the Rules and any determinations, rulings or approvals by the ITA not expressly specified in this Plan or Award Agreement that are necessary to receive or maintain any tax benefit pursuant to Section 102 of the Ordinance shall be binding on the Grantee. Any Grantee granted a 102 Trustee Awards shall comply with the Ordinance and the terms and conditions of the trust agreement entered into between the Company and the Trustee. The Grantee shall execute any and all documents that the Company and/or its Affiliates and/or the Trustee determine from time to time to be necessary in order to comply with the Ordinance and the Rules.


9.5.3 During the Required Holding Period, the Grantee shall not release from trust or sell, assign, transfer or give as collateral, the Shares issuable upon the exercise or (if applicable) vesting of a 102 Trustee Awards and/or any securities issued or distributed with respect thereto, until the expiration of the Required Holding Period. Notwithstanding the above, if any such sale, release or other action occurs during the Required Holding Period it may result in adverse tax consequences to the Grantee under Section 102 of the Ordinance and the Rules, which shall apply to and shall be borne solely by such Grantee. Subject to the foregoing, the Trustee may, pursuant to a written request from the Grantee, but subject to the terms of this Plan, release and transfer such Shares to a designated third party, provided that both of the following conditions have been fulfilled prior to such release or transfer: (i) payment has been made to the ITA of all taxes and compulsory payments required to be paid upon the release and transfer of the Shares, and confirmation of such payment has been received by the Trustee and the Company, and (ii) the Trustee has received written confirmation from the Company that all requirements for such release and transfer have been fulfilled according to the terms of the Company’s corporate documents, any agreement governing the Shares, this Plan, the Award Agreement and any Applicable Law.





9.5.4 If a 102 Trustee Award is exercised or (if applicable) vested, the Shares issued upon such exercise or (if applicable) vesting shall be issued in the name of the Trustee for the benefit of the Grantee.


9.5.5 Upon or after receipt of a 102 Trustee Award, if required, the Grantee may be required to sign an undertaking to release the Trustee from any liability with respect to any action or decision duly taken and executed in good faith by the Trustee in relation to this Plan, or any 102 Trustee Awards or Share granted to such Grantee thereunder.


9.6. 102 Non-Trustee Awards. The foregoing provisions of this Section 9 relating to 102 Trustee Awards shall not apply with respect to 102 Non-Trustee Awards, which shall, however, be subject to the relevant provisions of Section 102 of the Ordinance and the applicable Rules. The Committee may determine that 102 Non-Trustee Awards, the Shares issuable upon the exercise or (if applicable) vesting of a 102 Non-Trustee Awards and/or any securities issued or distributed with respect thereto, shall be allocated or issued to the Trustee, who shall hold such 102 Non-Trustee Awards and all accrued rights thereon (if any), in trust for the benefit of the Grantee and/or the Company, as the case may be, until the full payment of tax arising from the 102 Non-Trustee Awards, the Shares issuable upon the exercise or (if applicable) vesting of a 102 Non-Trustee Awards and/or any securities issued or distributed with respect thereto. The Company may choose, alternatively, to force the Grantee to provide it with a guarantee or other security, to the satisfaction of each of the Trustee and the Company, until the full payment of the applicable taxes.


9.7. Written Grantee Undertaking. To the extent and with respect to any 102 Trustee Award, and as required by Section 102 of the Ordinance and the Rules, by virtue of the receipt of such Award, the Grantee is deemed to have provided, undertaken and confirmed the following written undertaking (and such undertaking is deemed incorporated into any documents signed by the Grantee in connection with the employment or service of the Grantee and/or the grant of such Award), which undertaking shall be deemed to apply and relate to all 102 Trustee Awards granted to the Grantee, whether under this Plan or other plans maintained by the Company, and whether prior to or after the date hereof.


9.7.1 The Grantee shall comply with all terms and conditions set forth in Section 102 of the Ordinance with regard to the “Capital Gain Track” or the “Ordinary Income Track”, as applicable, and the applicable rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, as amended from time to time;


9.7.2 The Grantee is familiar with, and understands the provisions of, Section 102 of the Ordinance in general, and the tax arrangement under the “Capital Gain Track” or the “Ordinary Income Track” in particular, and its tax consequences; the Grantee agrees that the 102 Trustee Awards and Shares that may be issued upon exercise or (if applicable) vesting of the 102 Trustee Awards (or otherwise in relation to the 102 Trustee Awards), will be held by the Trustee appointed pursuant to Section 102 of the Ordinance for at least the duration of the “Holding Period” (as such term is defined in Section 102) under the “Capital Gain Track” or the “Ordinary Income Track”, as applicable. The Grantee understands that any release of such 102 Trustee Awards or Shares from trust, or any sale of the Share prior to the termination of the Holding Period, as defined above, will result in taxation at marginal tax rate, in addition to deductions of appropriate social security, health tax contributions or other compulsory payments; and


9.7.3 The Grantee agrees to the trust agreement signed between the Company, the Employer and the Trustee appointed pursuant to Section 102 of the Ordinance.


10. 3(I) AWARDS.


Awards granted pursuant to this Section 10 are intended to constitute 3(i) Awards and shall be granted subject to the general terms and conditions specified in Section 6 hereof and other provisions of this Plan, except for any provisions of this Plan applying to Awards under different tax laws or regulations. In the event of any inconsistency or contradictions between the provisions of this Section 10 and the other terms of this Plan, this Section 10 shall prevail.





10.1. To the extent required by the Ordinance or the ITA or otherwise deemed by the Committee to be advisable, the 3(i) Awards and/or any shares or other securities issued or distributed with respect thereto granted pursuant to this Plan shall be issued to the Grantee and shall be supervised by a Trustee nominated by the Committee in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance or the terms of a trust agreement, as applicable. In such event, the Trustee shall hold such Awards and or other securities issued or distributed with respect thereto in trust, until exercised or (if applicable) vested by the Grantee and the full payment of tax arising therefrom, pursuant to the Company’s instructions from time to time as set forth in a trust agreement, which will have been entered into between the Company and the Trustee. If determined by the Board or the Committee, and subject to such trust agreement, the Trustee shall be responsible for withholding any taxes to which a Grantee may become liable upon issuance of Shares, whether due to the exercise or (if applicable) vesting of Awards.


10.2. Shares pursuant to a 3(I) Award shall not be issued, unless the Grantee delivers to the Company payment in cash or by bank check or such other form acceptable to the Committee of all withholding taxes due, if any, on account of the Grantee acquired Shares under the Award or gives other assurance satisfactory to the Committee of the payment of those withholding taxes.




The Committee may award Restricted Shares to any eligible Grantee, including under Section 102 of the Ordinance. Each Award of Restricted Shares under this Plan shall be evidenced by a written agreement between the Company and the Grantee (the “Restricted Share Agreement”), in such form as the Committee shall from time to time approve. The Restricted Shares shall be subject to all applicable terms of this Plan, which in the case of Restricted Shares granted under Section 102 of the Ordinance shall include Section 9 hereof, and may be subject to any other terms that are not inconsistent with this Plan. The provisions of the various Restricted Shares Agreements entered into under this Plan need not be identical with respect to any two Awards or Grantees. The Restricted Share Agreement shall comply with and be subject to Section 6 and the following terms and conditions, unless otherwise specifically provided in such Agreement and not inconsistent with this Plan or Applicable Law:


11.1. Purchase Price. Section 6.4 shall not apply. Each Restricted Share Agreement shall state an amount of Exercise Price to be paid by the Grantee, if any, in consideration for the issuance of the Restricted Shares and the terms of payment thereof, which may include payment in cash or, subject to the Committee’s approval, by issuance of promissory notes or other evidence of indebtedness on such terms and conditions as determined by the Committee.


11.2. Restrictions. Restricted Shares may not be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged, hypothecated or otherwise disposed of, except by will or the laws of descent and distribution (in which case they shall be transferred subject to all restrictions then or thereafter applicable thereto), until such Restricted Shares shall have vested (the period from the date on which the Award is granted until the date of vesting of the Restricted Shares thereunder being referred to herein as the “Restricted Period”). The Committee may also impose such additional or alternative restrictions and conditions on the Restricted Shares, as it deems appropriate, including the satisfaction of performance criteria (which, in case of 102 Trustee Awards, may be subject to obtaining a specific tax ruling or determination from the ITA). Such performance criteria may include, but are not limited to, sales, earnings before interest and taxes, return on investment, earnings per share, share trading price and performance hurdles, any combination of the foregoing or rate of growth of any of the foregoing, as determined by the Committee or pursuant to the provisions of any Company policy required under mandatory provisions of Applicable Law. Certificates for shares issued pursuant to Restricted Share Awards, if issued, shall bear an appropriate legend referring to such restrictions, and any attempt to dispose of any such shares in contravention of such restrictions shall be null and void and without effect. Such certificates may, if so determined by the Committee, be held in escrow by an escrow agent appointed by the Committee, or, if a Restricted Share Award is made pursuant to Section 102 of the Ordinance, by the Trustee. In determining the Restricted Period of an Award the Committee may provide that the foregoing restrictions shall lapse with respect to specified percentages of the awarded Restricted Shares on successive anniversaries of the date of such Award. To the extent required by the Ordinance or the ITA, the Restricted Shares issued pursuant to Section 102 of the Ordinance shall be issued to the Trustee in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance and the Restricted Shares shall be held for the benefit of the Grantee for at least the Required Holding Period.





11.3. Forfeiture; Repurchase. Subject to such exceptions as may be determined by the Committee, if the Grantee’s continuous employment with or service to the Company or any Affiliate thereof shall terminate (such that Grantee is no longer a Service Provider of either the Company or any Affiliate thereof) for any reason prior to the expiration of the Restricted Period of an Award or prior to the timely payment in full of the Exercise Price of any Restricted Shares, any Restricted Shares remaining subject to vesting or with respect to which the purchase price has not been paid in full, shall thereupon be forfeited, transferred to, and redeemed, repurchased or cancelled by, as the case may be, in any manner as set forth in Section 6.6.2(i) through (v), subject to Applicable Law and the Grantee shall have no further rights with respect to such Restricted Shares.


11.4. Ownership. During the Restricted Period the Grantee shall possess all incidents of ownership of such Restricted Shares, subject to Section 6.10 and Section 11.2, including the right to vote and receive dividends with respect to such Shares. All securities, if any, received by a Grantee with respect to Restricted Shares as a result of any stock split, stock dividend, combination of shares, or other similar transaction shall be subject to the restrictions applicable to the original Award. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, dividends which are paid to the Company’s shareholders prior to the vesting date of any Restricted Shares shall only be paid to the Grantee of such Restricted Shares to the extent the vesting conditions applicable to such Restricted Shares are subsequently satisfied (and any such dividends will be paid no later than March 15 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which the right to the dividend payment becomes nonforfeitable)).




An RSU is an Award covering a number of Shares that is settled, if vested and (if applicable) exercised, by issuance of those Shares or, in the discretion of the Committee, an amount of cash equal to the aggregate Fair Market Value of the Shares underlying the Award (other than with respect to 102 Trustee Awards). An RSU may be awarded to any eligible Grantee, including under Section 102 of the Ordinance. The Award Agreement relating to the grant of RSUs under this Plan (the “Restricted Share Unit Agreement”), shall be in such form as the Committee shall from time to time approve. The RSUs shall be subject to all applicable terms of this Plan, which in the case of RSUs granted under Section 102 of the Ordinance shall include Section 9 hereof, and may be subject to any other terms that are not inconsistent with this Plan. The provisions of the various Restricted Share Unit Agreements entered into under this Plan need not be identical. RSUs may be granted in consideration of a reduction in the recipient’s other compensation.


12.1. Exercise Price. No payment of Exercise Price shall be required as consideration for RSUs, unless included in the Award Agreement or as required by Applicable Law (including, Section 304 of the Companies Law), and Section 6.4 shall apply, if applicable.


12.2. Shareholders’ Rights. The Grantee shall not possess or own any ownership rights in the Shares underlying the RSUs and no rights as a shareholder shall exist prior to the actual issuance of Shares in the name of the Grantee.


12.3. Settlements of Awards. Settlement of vested RSUs shall be made in the form of Shares or, in the discretion of the Committee, cash (other than with respect 102 Trustee Awards). Distribution to a Grantee of an amount (or amounts) from settlement of vested RSUs can be deferred to a date after vesting as determined by the Committee. The amount of a deferred distribution may be increased by an interest factor or by dividend equivalents. Until the grant of RSUs is settled, the number of Shares underlying such RSUs shall be subject to adjustment pursuant hereto.


12.4. Section 409A Restrictions. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth herein, any RSUs granted under this Plan that are not exempt from the requirements of Section 409A of the Code shall contain such restrictions or other provisions so that such RSUs will comply with the requirements of Section 409A of the Code, if applicable to the Grantee. Such restrictions, if any, shall be determined by the Committee and contained in the Restricted Share Unit Agreement evidencing such RSU. For example, such restrictions may include a requirement that any Shares that are to be issued in a year following the year in which the RSU vests must be issued in accordance with a fixed, pre-determined schedule.







13.1. The Committee may grant other Awards under this Plan pursuant to which Shares (which may, but need not, be Restricted Shares pursuant to Section 11 hereof), cash (in settlement of Share-based Awards) or a combination thereof, are or may in the future be acquired or received, or Awards denominated in stock units, including units valued on the basis of measures other than market value.


13.2. The Committee may also grant stock appreciation rights without the grant of an accompanying option, which rights shall permit the Grantees to receive, at the time of any exercise of such rights, cash equal to the amount by which the Fair Market Value of the Shares in respect to which the right was granted is so exercised exceeds the exercise price thereof. The exercise price of any such stock appreciation right granted to a Grantee who is subject to U.S. federal income tax shall be determined in compliance with Section 7.2.


13.3. Such other Share-based Awards as set forth above may be granted alone, in addition to, or in tandem with any Award of any type granted under this Plan (without any obligation or assurance that that such Share-based Awards will be entitled to tax benefits under Applicable Law or to the same tax treatment as other Awards under this Plan).




14.1. General. In the event of a division or subdivision of the outstanding share capital of the Company, any distribution of bonus shares (stock split), consolidation or combination of share capital of the Company (reverse stock split), reclassification with respect to the Shares or any similar recapitalization events (each, a “Recapitalization”), a merger (including, a reverse merger and a reverse triangular merger), consolidation, amalgamation or like transaction of the Company with or into another corporation, a reorganization (which may include a combination or exchange of shares, spin-off or other corporate divestiture or division, or other similar occurrences, the Committee shall make, without the need for a consent of any holder of an Award, such adjustments as determined by the Committee to be appropriate, in its discretion, in order to adjust (i) the number and class of shares reserved and available for grants of Awards, (ii) the number and class of shares covered by outstanding Awards, (iii) the Exercise Price per share covered by any Award, (iv) the terms and conditions concerning vesting and exercisability and the term and duration of the outstanding Awards, (v) the type or class of security, asset or right underlying the Award (which need not be only that of the Company, and may be that of the surviving corporation or any affiliate thereof or such other entity party to any of the above transactions), and (vi) any other terms of the Award that in the opinion of the Committee should be adjusted. Subject to Applicable Law, any fractional shares resulting from such adjustment shall be treated as determined by the Committee, and in the absence of such determination shall be rounded to the nearest whole share, and the Company shall have no obligation to make any cash or other payment with respect to such fractional shares. No adjustment shall be made by reason of the distribution of subscription rights or rights offering to outstanding shares or other issuance of shares by the Company, unless the Committee determines otherwise. The adjustments determined pursuant to this Section 14.1 (including a determination that no adjustment is to be made) shall be final, binding and conclusive.


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary included herein, and subject to Applicable Law and the applicable accounting standards, in the event of a distribution of cash dividend by the Company to all holders of Shares, the Committee shall have the authority to determine, without the need for a consent of any holder of an Award, that the Exercise Price of any Award, which is outstanding and unexercised on the record date of such distribution, shall be reduced by an amount equal to the per Share gross dividend amount distributed by the Company, and the Committee may determine that the Exercise Price following such reduction shall be not less than the par value of a Share (if such Shares bear a par value). The application of this Section with respect to any 102 Awards shall be subject to obtaining a ruling from the ITA, to the extent required by applicable law and subject to the terms and conditions of any such ruling.





14.2. Change of Control. In the event of a Change in Control of the Company, then, without derogating from the general authority and power of the Board or the Committee under this Plan, without the Grantee’s consent and action and without any prior notice requirement, the Committee may make, in its sole and absolute discretion, any determination as to the treatment of Awards including, without limitation, as provided herein:


14.2.1 Unless otherwise determined by the Committee, any Award then outstanding shall be assumed or be substituted by the Company, or by the successor corporation in such Change in Control or by any parent or Affiliate thereof, as determined by the Committee in its discretion (the “Successor Corporation”), under terms as determined by the Committee or the terms of this Plan applied by the Successor Corporation to such assumed or substituted Awards.


For the purposes of this Section 14.2.1, the Award shall be considered assumed or substituted if, following a Change in Control, the Award confers on the holder thereof the right to purchase or receive, for each Share underlying an Award immediately prior to the Change in Control, either (i) the consideration (whether shares or other securities, cash or other property, or rights, or any combination thereof) distributed to or received by holders of Shares in the Change in Control for each Share held on the effective date of the Change in Control (and if holders were offered a choice or several types of consideration, the type of consideration as determined by the Committee, which need not be the same type for all Grantees), or (ii) regardless of the consideration received by the holders of Shares in the Change in Control, solely shares or any type of Awards (or their equivalent) of the Successor Corporation at a value to be determined by the Committee in its discretion, or a certain type of consideration (whether shares or other securities, cash or other property, or rights, or any combination thereof) as determined by the Committee. Any of the consideration referred to in the foregoing clauses (i) and (ii) shall be subject to the same vesting and expiration terms of the Awards applying immediately prior to the Change in Control, unless determined by the Committee in its discretion that the consideration shall be subject to different vesting and expiration terms, or other terms, and the Committee may determine that it be subject to other or additional terms. The foregoing shall not limit the Committee’s authority to determine, that in lieu of such assumption or substitution of Awards for Awards of the Successor Corporation, such Award will be substituted for shares or other securities, cash or other property, or rights, or any combination thereof, including as set forth in Section 14.2.2 hereof.


14.2.2 Regardless of whether or not Awards are assumed or substituted, the Committee may (but shall not be obligated to): provide for the Grantee to have the right to exercise the Award in respect of Shares covered by the Award which would otherwise be exercisable or vested, under such terms and conditions as the Committee shall determine, and the cancellation of all unexercised Awards (whether vested or unvested) upon or immediately prior to the closing of the Change in Control, unless the Committee provides for the Grantee to have the right to exercise the Award, or otherwise for the acceleration of vesting of such Award, as to all or part of the Shares covered by the Award which would not otherwise be exercisable or vested, under such terms and conditions as the Committee shall determine; provide for the cancellation of each outstanding Award at or immediately prior to the closing of such Change in Control, and if and to what extent payment shall be made to the Grantee of an amount in, shares or other securities of the Company, the acquirer or of a corporation or other business entity which is a party to the Change in Control, in cash or other property, in rights, or in any combination thereof, as determined by the Committee to be fair in the circumstances, and subject to such terms and conditions as determined by the Committee. Subject to Applicable Law, the Committee shall have full authority to select the method for determining the payment (being the intrinsic (“spread”) value of the option, Black-Scholes model or any other method). Inter alia, and without limitation of the following determination being made in other circumstances, the Committee’s determination may provide that payment shall be set to zero if the value of the Shares is determined to be less than the Exercise Price or in respect of Shares covered by the Award which would not otherwise be exercisable or vested, or that payment may be made only in excess of the Exercise Price; and/or


23 provide that the terms of any Award shall be otherwise amended, modified or terminated, as determined by the Committee to be fair in the circumstances.


14.2.3 Subject to Applicable Law, the Committee may, determine: (i) that any payments made in respect of Awards shall be made or delayed to the same extent that payment of consideration to the holders of the Shares in connection with the Change in Control is made or delayed as a result of escrows, indemnification, earn outs, holdbacks or any other contingencies or conditions; (ii) the terms and conditions applying to the payment made or payable to the Grantees, including participation in escrow, indemnification, releases, earn-outs, holdbacks or any other contingencies; and (iii) that any terms and conditions applying under the applicable definitive transaction agreements shall apply to the Grantees (including, appointment and engagement of a shareholders or sellers representative, payment of fees or other costs and expenses associated with such services, indemnifying such representative, and authorization to such representative within the scope of such representative’s authority in the applicable definitive transaction agreements).


14.2.4 The Committee may, determine to suspend the Grantee’s rights to exercise any vested portion of an Award for a period of time prior to the signing or consummation of a Change in Control transaction.


14.2.5 Without limiting the generality of this Section 14, if the consideration in exchange for Awards in a Change in Control includes any securities and due receipt thereof by any Grantee (or by the Trustee for the benefit of such Grantee) may require under applicable law (i) the registration or qualification of such securities or of any person as a broker or dealer or agent with respect to such securities; or (ii) the provision to any Grantee of any information under the Securities Act or any other securities laws, then the Committee may determine that the Grantee shall be paid in lieu thereof, against surrender of the Shares or cancellation of any other Awards, an amount in cash or other property, or rights, or any combination thereof, as determined by the Committee to be fair in the circumstances, and subject to such terms and conditions as determined by the Committee. Nothing herein shall entitle any Grantee to receive any form of consideration that such Grantee would be ineligible to receive as a result of such Grantee’s failure to satisfy (in the Committee’s sole determination) any condition, requirement or limitation that is generally applicable to the Company’s shareholders, or that is otherwise applicable under the terms of the Change in Control, and in such case, the Committee shall determine the type of consideration and the terms applying to such Grantees.


14.2.6 Neither the authorities and powers of the Committee under this Section 14.2, nor the exercise or implementation thereof, shall (i) be restricted or limited in any way by any adverse consequences (tax or otherwise) that may result to any holder of an Award, and (ii) as, inter alia, being a feature of the Award upon its grant, be deemed to constitute a change or an amendment of the rights of such holder under this Plan, nor shall any such adverse consequences (as well as any adverse tax consequences that may result from any tax ruling or other approval or determination of any relevant tax authority) be deemed to constitute a change or an amendment of the rights of such holder under this Plan, and may be effected without consent of any Grantee and without any liability to the Company or its Affiliates or to its or their respective officers, directors, employees and representatives and the respective successors and assigns of any of the foregoing. The Committee need not take the same action with respect to all Awards or with respect to all Service Providers.


The Committee may take different actions with respect to the vested and unvested portions of an Award. The Committee may determine an amount or type of consideration to be received or distributed in a Change in Control which may differ as among the Grantees, and as between the Grantees and any other holders of shares of the Company.


14.2.7 The Committee may determine that upon a Change in Control any Shares held by Grantees (or for Grantee’s benefit) are sold in accordance with instructions issued by the Committee in connection with such Change in Control, which shall be final, conclusive and binding on all Grantees.





14.2.8 All of the Committee’s determinations pursuant to this Section 14 shall be at its sole and absolute discretion, and shall be final, conclusive and binding on all Grantees (including, for clarity, as it relates to Shares issued upon exercise or vesting of any Awards or that are Awards, unless otherwise determined by the Committee) and without any liability to the Company or its Affiliates, or to their respective officers, directors, employees, shareholders and representatives, and the respective successors and assigns of any of the foregoing, in connection with the method of treatment, chosen course of action or determinations made hereunder.


14.2.9 If determined by the Committee, the Grantees shall be subject to the definitive agreement(s) in connection with the Change in Control as applying to holders of Shares including, such terms, conditions, representations, undertakings, liabilities, limitations, releases, indemnities, appointing and indemnifying shareholders/sellers representative, participating in transaction expenses, shareholders/sellers representative expense fund and escrow arrangement, in each case as determined by the Committee. Each Grantee shall execute (and authorizes any person designated by the Company to so execute, as well as (if applicable) the Trustee holding any Shares for the Grantee’s behalf) such separate agreement(s) or instruments as may be requested by the Company, the Successor Corporation or the acquirer in connection with such in such Change in Control e or otherwise under or for the purpose of implementing this Section 14.2, and in the form required by them. The execution of such separate agreement(s) may be a condition to the receipt of assumed or substituted Awards, payment in lieu of the Award, the exercise of any Award or otherwise to be entitled to benefit from shares or other securities, cash or other property, or rights, or any combination thereof, pursuant to this Section 14.2 (and the Company (and, if applicable, the Trustee) may exercise its authorization above and sign such agreement on behalf of the Grantee or subject the Grantee to the provisions of such agreements).


14.3. Reservation of Rights. Except as expressly provided in this Section 14 (if any), the Grantee of an Award hereunder shall have no rights by reason of any transaction or event referred to in this Section 14 (including, Recapitalization of shares of any class, any increase or decrease in the number of shares of any class, or any dissolution, liquidation, reorganization, business combination, exchange of shares, spin-off or other corporate divestiture or division, or other similar occurrences, or Change in Control). Any issue by the Company of shares of any class, or securities convertible into shares of stock of any class, shall not affect, and no adjustment by reason thereof shall be made with respect to, the number, type or price of shares subject to an Award. The grant of an Award pursuant to this Plan shall not affect in any way the right or power of the Company to make adjustments, reclassifications, reorganizations or changes of its capital or business structures or to merge or to consolidate or to dissolve, liquidate or sell, or transfer all or part of its business or assets or engage in any similar transactions.




15.1. All Awards granted under this Plan by their terms shall not be transferable other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution, unless otherwise determined by the Committee or under this Plan, provided that with respect to Shares issued upon exercise of Awards, Shares issued upon the vesting of Awards or Awards that are Shares, the restrictions on transfer shall be the restrictions referred to in Section 16 (Conditions upon Issuance of Shares) hereof. Subject to the above provisions, the terms of such Award, this Plan and any applicable Award Agreement shall be binding upon the beneficiaries, executors, administrators, heirs and successors of such Grantee. Awards may be exercised or otherwise realized, during the lifetime of the Grantee, only by the Grantee or by his guardian or legal representative, to the extent provided for herein. Any transfer of an Award not permitted hereunder (including transfers pursuant to any decree of divorce, dissolution or separate maintenance, any property settlement, any separation agreement or any other agreement with a spouse) and any grant of any interest in any Award to, or creation in any way of any direct or indirect interest in any Award by, any party other than the Grantee shall be null and void and shall not confer upon any party or person, other than the Grantee, any rights. A Grantee may file with the Committee a written designation of a beneficiary, who shall be permitted to exercise such Grantee’s Award or to whom any benefit under this Plan is to be paid, in each case, in the event of the Grantee’s death before he or she fully exercises his or her Award or receives any or all of such benefit, on such form as may be prescribed by the Committee and may, from time to time, amend or revoke such designation. If no designated beneficiary survives the Grantee, the executor or administrator of the Grantee’s estate shall be deemed to be the Grantee’s beneficiary. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon the request of the Grantee and subject to Applicable Law, the Committee, at its sole discretion, may permit the Grantee to transfer the Award to a trust whose beneficiaries are the Grantee and/or the Grantee’s immediate family members (all or several of them).





15.2. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan to the contrary, no Incentive Stock Option may be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned or otherwise alienated or hypothecated, other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution or in accordance with a beneficiary designation pursuant to Section 15.1. Further, all Incentive Stock Options granted to a Grantee shall be exercisable during his or her lifetime only by such Grantee.


15.3. As long as the Shares are held by the Trustee in favor of the Grantee, all rights possessed by the Grantee over the Shares are personal, and may not be transferred, assigned, pledged or mortgaged, other than by will or laws of descent and distribution.


15.4. If and to the extent a Grantee is entitled to transfer an Award and/or Shares underlying an Award in accordance with the terms of the Plan and any other applicable agreements, such transfer shall be subject (in addition, to any other conditions or terms applying thereto) to receipt by the Company from such proposed transferee of a written instrument, on a form reasonably acceptable to the Company, pursuant to which such proposed transferee agrees to be bound by all provisions of the Plan and any other applicable agreements, including without limitation, any restrictions on transfer of the Award and/or Shares set forth herein (however, failure to so deliver such instrument to the Company as set forth above shall not derogate from all such provisions applying on any transferee).


15.5. The provisions of this Section 15 shall apply to the Grantee and to any purchaser, assignee or transferee of any Shares.




16.1. Legal Compliance. The grant of Awards and the issuance of Shares upon exercise or settlement of Awards shall be subject to compliance with all Applicable Law as determined by the Company, including, applicable requirements of federal, state and foreign law with respect to such securities. The Company shall have no obligations to issue Shares pursuant to the exercise or settlement of an Award and Awards may not be exercised or settled, if the issuance of Shares upon exercise or settlement would constitute a violation of any Applicable Law as determined by the Company, including, applicable federal, state or foreign securities laws or other law or regulations or the requirements of any stock exchange or market system upon which the Shares may then be listed. In addition, no Award may be exercised unless (i) a registration statement under the Securities Act or equivalent law in another jurisdiction shall at the time of exercise or settlement of the Award be in effect with respect to the shares issuable upon exercise of the Award, or (ii) in the opinion of legal counsel to the Company, the shares issuable upon exercise of the Award may be issued in accordance with the terms of an applicable exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act or equivalent law in another jurisdiction. The inability of the Company to obtain authority from any regulatory body having jurisdiction, if any, deemed by the Company to be necessary to the lawful issuance and sale of any Shares hereunder, and the inability to issue Shares hereunder due to non-compliance with any Company policies with respect to the sale of Shares, shall relieve the Company of any liability in respect of the failure to issue or sell such Shares as to which such requisite authority or compliance shall not have been obtained or achieved. As a condition to the exercise of an Award, the Company may require the person exercising such Award to satisfy any qualifications that may be necessary or appropriate, to evidence compliance with any Applicable Law or regulation and to make any representation or warranty with respect thereto as may be requested by the Company, including to represent and warrant at the time of any such exercise that the Shares are being purchased only for investment and without any present intention to sell or distribute such Shares, all in form and content specified by the Company.


16.2. Provisions Governing Shares. Shares issued pursuant to an Award shall be subject to this Plan and shall be subject to the Articles of Association of the Company, and any other governing documents of the Company and all policies, manuals and internal regulations of the Company, as in effect from time to time.





16.3. Share Purchase Transactions; Forced Sale. In the event that the Board approves a Change in Control effected by way of a forced or compulsory sale (whether pursuant to the Company’s Articles of Association or pursuant to Section 341 of the Companies Law or otherwise) or in the event of a transaction for the sale of all shares of the Company, then, without derogating from such provisions and in addition thereto, the Grantee shall be obligated, and shall be deemed to have agreed to the offer to effect the Change in Control (and the Shares held by or for the benefit of the Grantee shall be included in the shares of the Company approving the terms of such Change in Control for the purpose of satisfying the required majority), and shall sell all of the Shares held by or for the benefit of the Grantee on the terms and conditions applying to the holders of Shares, in accordance with the instructions then issued by the Board, whose determination shall be final. No Grantee shall contest, bring any claims or demands, or exercise any appraisal or dissenters’ rights related to any of the foregoing. Each Grantee shall execute (and authorizes any person designated by the Company to so execute, as well as (if applicable) the Trustee holding any Shares for the Grantee’s behalf) such documents and agreements, as may be requested by the Company relating to matters set forth in or otherwise for the purpose of implementing this Section16.3. The execution of such separate agreement(s) may be a condition by the Company to the exercise of any Award and the Company (and, if applicable, the Trustee) may exercise its authorization above and sign such agreement on behalf of the Grantee or subject the Grantee to the provisions of such agreements.


16.4. Data Privacy; Data Transfer. Information related to Grantees and Awards hereunder, as shall be received from Grantee or others, and/or held by, the Company or its Affiliates from time to time, and which information may include sensitive and personal information related to Grantees (“Information”), will be used by the Company or its Affiliates (or third parties appointed by any of them, including the Trustee) to comply with any applicable legal requirement, or for administration of the Plan as they deems necessary or advisable, or for the respective business purposes of the Company or its Affiliates (including in connection with transactions related to any of them). The Company and its Affiliates shall be entitled to transfer the Information among the Company or its Affiliates, and to third parties for the purposes set forth above, which may include persons located abroad (including, any person administering the Plan or providing services in respect of the Plan or in order to comply with legal requirements, or the Trustee, their respective officers, directors, employees and representatives, and the respective successors and assigns of any of the foregoing), and any person so receiving Information shall be entitled to transfer it for the purposes set forth above. The Company shall use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the transfer of such Information shall be limited to the reasonable and necessary scope. By receiving an Award hereunder, Grantee acknowledges and agrees that the Information is provided at Grantee’s free will and Grantee consents to the storage and transfer of the Information as set forth above.


16.5. Prohibition on Executive Officer Loans. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Plan to the contrary, no Grantee who is a member of the Board or an “executive officer” of the Company within the meaning of Section 13(k) of the Exchange Act shall be permitted to make payment with respect to any Awards granted under the Plan, or continue any extension of credit with respect to such payment, with a loan from the Company or a loan arranged by the Company in violation of Section 13(k) of the Exchange Act.


16.6. Clawback Provisions. All Awards (including the gross amount of any proceeds, gains or other economic benefit the Grantee actually or constructively receives upon receipt or exercise of any Award or the receipt or resale of any Shares underlying the Award) will be subject to recoupment by the Company to the extent required to comply with Applicable Law or any policy of the Company (subject to Applicable Law) providing for the reimbursement of incentive compensation, whether or not such policy was in place at the time of grant of an Award, including a clawback policy (as contemplated pursuant to Rule 10D-1 under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which directs national securities exchanges to establish listing standards for purposes of complying with Rule 10D-1.




17.1. If the Company shall so require, as a condition of exercise or (if applicable) vesting of an Award, the release of Shares by the Trustee or the vesting or settlement of an Award, a Grantee shall agree that, no later than the date of such occurrence, the Grantee will pay to the Company (or the Trustee, as applicable) or make arrangements satisfactory to the Company and the Trustee (if applicable) regarding payment of any applicable taxes and compulsory payments of any kind required by Applicable Law to be withheld or paid.














17.4. The Company or any Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof (including the Employer) may take such action as it may deem necessary or appropriate, in its discretion, for the purpose of or in connection with withholding of any taxes and compulsory payments which the Trustee, the Company or any Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof (including the Employer) (or any applicable agent thereof) is required by any Applicable Law to withhold in connection with any Awards, including, without limitations, any income tax, social benefits, social insurance, health tax, pension, payroll tax, fringe benefits, excise tax, payment on account or other tax-related items related to the Grantee’s participation in the Plan and applicable by law to the Grantee (collectively, “Withholding Obligations”). Such actions may include (i) requiring a Grantees to remit to the Company or the Employer in cash an amount sufficient to satisfy such Withholding Obligations and any other taxes and compulsory payments, payable by the Company or the Employer in connection with the Award or the exercise or (if applicable) the vesting thereof; (ii) subject to Applicable Law, allowing the Grantees to surrender Shares to the Company, in an amount that at such time, reflects a value that the Committee determines to be sufficient to satisfy such Withholding Obligations; (iii) withholding Shares otherwise issuable upon the exercise of an Award at a value which is determined by the Company to be sufficient to satisfy such Withholding Obligations; (iv) allowing Grantees to satisfy all or part of the Withholding Obligations by the delivery (on a form prescribed by the Company) of an irrevocable direction to a securities broker approved by the Company to sell Shares and to deliver all or part of the sales proceeds to the Company or the Trustee; or (iv) any combination of the foregoing. The Company shall not be obligated to allow the exercise or vesting of any Award by or on behalf of a Grantee until all tax consequences arising therefrom are resolved in a manner acceptable to the Company.


17.5. Each Grantee shall notify the Company in writing promptly and in any event within ten (10) days after the date on which such Grantee first obtains knowledge of any tax authority inquiry, audit, assertion, determination, investigation, or question relating in any manner to the Awards granted or received hereunder or Shares issued thereunder and shall continuously inform the Company of any developments, proceedings, discussions and negotiations relating to such matter, and shall allow the Company and its representatives to participate in any proceedings and discussions concerning such matters. Upon request, a Grantee shall provide to the Company any information or document relating to any matter described in the preceding sentence, which the Company, in its discretion, requires.


17.6. With respect to 102 Non-Trustee Options, if the Grantee ceases to be employed by the Company, Parent, Subsidiary or any Affiliate (including the Employer), the Grantee shall extend to the Company and/or the Employer a security or guarantee for the payment of taxes due at the time of sale of Shares, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 102 of the Ordinance and the Rules.


17.7. If a Grantee makes an election under Section 83(b) of the Code to be taxed with respect to an Award as of the date of transfer of Shares rather than as of the date or dates upon which the Grantee would otherwise be taxable under Section 83(a) of the Code, such Grantee shall deliver a copy of such election to the Company upon or prior to the filing such election with the U.S. Internal Revenue Service. Neither the Company nor any Affiliate (including the Employer) shall have any liability or responsibility relating to or arising out of the filing or not filing of any such election or any defects in its construction.







18.1. Subject to Section 11.4, a Grantee shall have no rights as a shareholder of the Company with respect to any Shares covered by an Award until the Grantee shall have exercised or (as applicable) vests in the Award, paid any Exercise Price therefor and becomes the record holder of the subject Shares. In the case of 102 Awards, the Trustee shall have no rights as a shareholder of the Company with respect to the Shares covered by such Award until the Trustee becomes the record holder for such Shares for the Grantee’s benefit, and the Grantee shall not be deemed to be a shareholder and shall have no rights as a shareholder of the Company with respect to the Shares covered by the Award until the date of the release of such Shares from the Trustee to the Grantee and the transfer of record ownership of such Shares to the Grantee (provided, however, that the Grantee shall be entitled to receive from the Trustee any cash dividend or distribution made on account of the Shares held by the Trustee for such Grantee’s benefit, subject to any tax withholding and compulsory payment). No adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary or extraordinary, whether in shares or other securities, cash or other property, or rights, or any combination thereof) or distribution of other rights for which the record date is prior to the date on which the Grantee or Trustee (as applicable) becomes the record holder of the Shares covered by an Award, except as provided in Section 14 hereof.


18.2. With respect to all Awards issued in the form of Shares hereunder or upon the exercise or (if applicable) the vesting of Awards hereunder, any and all voting rights attached to such Shares shall be subject to Section 18.1, and the Grantee shall be entitled to receive dividends distributed with respect to such Shares, subject to the provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association, as amended from time to time, and subject to any Applicable Law.


18.3. The Company may, but shall not be obligated to, register or qualify the sale of Shares under any applicable securities law or any other Applicable Law.




By granting the Awards, the Company is not, and shall not be deemed as, making any representation or warranties to the Grantee regarding the Company, its business affairs, its prospects or the future value of its Shares and such representations and warranties are hereby disclaimed. The Company shall not be required to provide to any Grantee any information, documents or material in connection with the Grantee’s considering an exercise of an Award. To the extent that any information, documents or materials are provided, the Company shall have no liability with respect thereto. Any decision by a Grantee to exercise an Award shall solely be at the risk of the Grantee.




Nothing in this Plan, any Award Agreement or in any Award granted or agreement entered into pursuant hereto shall confer upon any Grantee the right to continue in the employ of, or be in the service of the Company or any Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof as a Service Provider or to be entitled to any remuneration or benefits not set forth in this Plan or such agreement, or to interfere with or limit in any way the right of the Company or any such Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof to terminate such Grantee’s employment or service (including, any right of the Company or any of its Affiliates to immediately cease the Grantee’s employment or service or to shorten all or part of the notice period, regardless of whether notice of termination was given by the Company or its Affiliates or by the Grantee). Awards granted under this Plan shall not be affected by any change in duties or position of a Grantee, subject to Sections 6.6 through 6.8. No Grantee shall be entitled to claim and the Grantee hereby waives any claim against the Company or any Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof that he or she was prevented from continuing to vest Awards as of the date of termination of his or her employment with, or services to, the Company or any Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof. No Grantee shall be entitled to any compensation in respect of the Awards which would have vested had such Grantee’s employment or engagement with the Company (or any Subsidiary or other Affiliate thereof) not been terminated.




Awards may be granted pursuant to this Plan from time to time from the Effective Date and until this Plan is terminated by the Board, except that Incentive Stock Options shall not be granted following the ten (10) year anniversary of the earlier of the date this Plan was approved by (x) the Board or (y) the shareholders of the Company. From and after the date the Board terminates this Plan, no grants of Awards may be made and this Plan shall continue to be in full force and effect with respect to Awards or Shares issued thereunder that remain outstanding.







22.1. The Board at any time and from time to time may suspend, terminate, modify or amend this Plan, whether retroactively or prospectively. Any amendment effected in accordance with this Section shall be binding upon all Grantees and all Awards, whether granted prior to or after the date of such amendment, and without the need to obtain the consent of any Grantee. No termination or amendment of this Plan shall affect any then outstanding Award unless expressly provided by the Board.


22.2. Subject to changes in Applicable Law that would permit otherwise, without the approval of the Company’s shareholders, there shall be (i) no increase in the maximum aggregate number of Shares that may be issued under this Plan as Incentive Stock Options (except by operation of the provisions of Section 14.1), (ii) no change in the class of persons eligible to receive Incentive Stock Options, and (iii) no other amendment of this Plan that would require approval of the Company’s shareholders under any Applicable Law or the rules of the applicable stock market or exchange, if any, on which the Shares are principally quoted or traded. Unless not permitted by Applicable Law, if the grant of an Award is subject to approval by shareholders, the date of grant of the Award shall be determined as if the Award had not been subject to such approval. Failure to obtain approval by the shareholders shall not in any way derogate from the valid and binding effect of any grant of an Award that is not an Incentive Stock Option.


22.3. The Board or the Committee at any time and from time to time may modify or amend any Award theretofore granted, including any Award Agreement, whether retroactively or prospectively.




23.1. This Plan shall take effect upon its adoption by the Board and approval by the shareholders within twelve (12) months before or after adoption by the Board (the “Effective Date”).


23.2. 102 Awards are conditional upon the filing with or approval by the ITA, if required, as set forth in Section 9.4. Failure to so file or obtain such approval shall not in any way derogate from the valid and binding effect of any grant of an Award, which is not a 102 Award.




24.1. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the terms and conditions of this Plan may be supplemented or amended with respect to a particular country or tax regime by means of a sub-plan or an appendix to this Plan, and to the extent that the terms and conditions set forth in any sub-plan or appendix conflict with any provisions of this Plan, the provisions of such sub-plan or appendix shall govern with respect to Awards made pursuant thereto. Terms and conditions set forth in such sub-plan or appendix shall apply only to Awards granted to Grantees under the jurisdiction of the specific country or such other tax regime that is the subject of such sub-plan or appendix and shall not apply to Awards issued to a Grantee not under the jurisdiction of such country or such other tax regime. The adoption of any such sub-plan or appendix shall be subject to the approval of the Board or the Committee, and if and to the extent determined by the Committee to be required by Applicable Law in connection with the application of certain tax treatment, pursuant to applicable stock exchange rules or regulations or otherwise, then also the approval of the shareholders of the Company at the required majority.


24.2. This Section 24.2 shall only apply to Awards granted to Grantees who are subject to United States Federal income tax.


24.2.1 It is the intention of the Company that no Award shall be deferred compensation subject to Section 409A of the Code unless and to the extent that the Committee specifically determines otherwise as provided in Section 24.2.2, and the Plan and the terms and conditions of all Awards shall be interpreted and administered accordingly.


24.2.2 The terms and conditions governing any Awards that the Committee determines will be subject to Section 409A of the Code, including any rules for payment or elective or mandatory deferral of the payment or delivery of Shares or cash pursuant thereto, and any rules regarding treatment of such Awards in the event of a Change in Control, shall be set forth in the applicable Award Agreement and shall be intended to comply in all respects with Section 409A of the Code, and the Plan and the terms and conditions of such Awards shall be interpreted and administered accordingly.





24.2.3 The Company shall have complete discretion to interpret and construe the Plan and any Award Agreement in any manner that establishes an exemption from (or compliance with) the requirements of Section 409A of the Code. If for any reason, such as imprecision in drafting, any provision of the Plan and/or any Award Agreement does not accurately reflect its intended establishment of an exemption from (or compliance with) Section 409A of the Code, as demonstrated by consistent interpretations or other evidence of intent, such provision shall be considered ambiguous as to its exemption from (or compliance with) Section 409A of the Code and shall be interpreted by the Company in a manner consistent with such intent, as determined in the discretion of the Company. If, notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 24.2.3, any provision of the Plan or any such agreement would cause a Grantee to incur any additional tax or interest under Section 409A of the Code, the Company may reform such provision in a manner intended to avoid the incurrence by such Grantee of any such additional tax or interest; provided that the Company shall maintain, to the extent reasonably practicable, the original intent and economic benefit to the Grantee of the applicable provision without violating the provisions of Section 409A of the Code. For the avoidance of doubt, no provision of this Plan shall be interpreted or construed to transfer any liability for failure to comply with the requirements of Section 409A from any Grantee or any other individual to the Company or any of its affiliates, employees or agents.


24.2.4 Notwithstanding any other provision in the Plan, any Award Agreement, or any other written document establishing the terms and conditions of an Award, if any Grantee is a “specified employee,” within the meaning of Section 409A of the Code, as of the date of his or her “separation from service” (as defined under Section 409A of the Code), then, to the extent required by Treasury Regulation Section 1.409A-3(i)(2) (or any successor provision), any payment made to such Grantee on account of his or her separation from service shall not be made before a date that is six months after the date of his or her separation from service. The Committee may elect any of the methods of applying this rule that are permitted under Treasury Regulation Section 1.409A- 3(i)(2)(ii) (or any successor provision).


24.2.5 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 24.2 to the contrary, although the Company intends to administer the Plan so that Awards will be exempt from, or will comply with, the requirements of Section 409A of the Code, the Company does not warrant that any Award under the Plan will qualify for favorable tax treatment under Section 409A of the Code or any other provision of federal, state, local, or non-United States law. The Company shall not be liable to any Grantee for any tax, interest, or penalties the Grantee might owe as a result of the grant, holding, vesting, exercise, or payment of any Award under the Plan.




This Plan and all determinations made and actions taken pursuant hereto shall be governed by the laws of the State of Israel, except with respect to matters that are subject to tax laws, regulations and rules of any specific jurisdiction, which shall be governed by the respective laws, regulations and rules of such jurisdiction. Certain definitions, which refer to laws other than the laws of such jurisdiction, shall be construed in accordance with such other laws. The competent courts located in Tel-Aviv-Jaffa, Israel shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Plan and any Award granted hereunder. By signing any Award Agreement or any other agreement relating to an Award, each Grantee irrevocably submits to such exclusive jurisdiction.




The adoption of this Plan shall not be construed as creating any limitations on the power or authority of the Company to adopt such other or additional incentive or other compensation arrangements of whatever nature as the Company may deem necessary or desirable or preclude or limit the continuation of any other plan, practice or arrangement for the payment of compensation or fringe benefits to employees generally, or to any class or group of employees, which the Company or any Affiliate now has or will lawfully put into effect, including any retirement, pension, savings and stock purchase plan, insurance, death and disability benefits and executive short-term or long-term incentive plans.







27.1. Survival. The Grantee shall be bound by and the Shares issued upon exercise or (if applicable) the vesting of any Awards granted hereunder shall remain subject to this Plan after the exercise or (if applicable) the vesting of Awards, in accordance with the terms of this Plan, whether or not the Grantee is then or at any time thereafter employed or engaged by the Company or any of its Affiliates.


27.2. Additional Terms. Each Award awarded under this Plan may contain such other terms and conditions not inconsistent with this Plan as may be determined by the Committee, in its sole discretion.


27.3. Fractional Shares. No fractional Share shall be issuable upon exercise or vesting of any Award and the number of Shares to be issued shall be rounded down to the nearest whole Share (and the Company shall have liability to compensate for such fractional shares at any time), with in any Share remaining at the last vesting date due to such rounding to be issued upon exercise at such last vesting date.


27.4. Severability. If any provision of this Plan, any Award Agreement or any other agreement entered into in connection with an Award shall be determined to be illegal or unenforceable by any court of law in any jurisdiction, the remaining provisions hereof and thereof shall be severable and enforceable in accordance with their terms, and all provisions shall remain enforceable in any other jurisdiction. In addition, if any particular provision contained in this Plan, any Award Agreement or any other agreement entered into in connection with an Award shall for any reason be held to be excessively broad as to duration, geographic scope, activity or subject, it shall be construed by limiting and reducing such provision as to such characteristic so that the provision is enforceable to fullest extent compatible with Applicable Law as it shall then appear.


27.5. Captions and Titles. The use of captions and titles in this Plan or any Award Agreement or any other agreement entered into in connection with an Award is for the convenience of reference only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provision of this Plan or such agreement.



*          *          *




Exhibit 4.12




This AMENDMENT NO. 1 (the “Amendment”), dated as of [●] (the “Amendment Effective Date”), hereby amends that certain convertible note, dated [●] (the “Convertible Note”), which was delivered by Nuvo Group Ltd. (“Nuvo”) to the order of [●] (“Holder”). Any capitalized terms that are not defined in this Amendment shall have the meanings attributed to them under the Convertible Note.


NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereby agree as follows:


1. The definition of “Maturity Date” under the Convertible Note is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows:


Maturity Date” means the earlier of (i) twelve months from the Issuance Date, (ii) six (6) months following the closing of the De-SPAC Transaction, (iii) six (6) months following the closing of an IPO, or (iv) the closing of a Qualified Financing.


2. The definition of “Qualified Financing” under the Convertible Note is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows:


Qualified Financing” means a bona fide financing of the Company for the principal purpose of raising capital, through the sale of Company securities in whatever form or type (whether debt or equity) that raises in excess of $25,000,000 in gross proceeds not including the total amount raised under the Convertible Notes and any accrued interest or any other amounts owing on all Convertible Notes).


3. Section 17 of the Convertible Note is hereby amended and restated in its entirety as follows:


Most Favored Nation. The Company shall not negotiate or issue more favorable terms to any Additional Holder for any Convertible Note or other convertible securities than those expressly provided to the Holder in this Note. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, if the Company and any Additional Holder agree on a Maturity Date that is more favorable towards such Additional Holder (i.e., shorter maturity date) than the Maturity Date set forth in this Note, Holder shall be entitled to the same Maturity Date.


4. This Amendment shall only become binding upon the Company and the Holder at such time and upon the occurrence that the Additional Holders representing at least fifty-one (51%) percent of the proceeds loaned to the Company under the Convertible Notes (including, without limitation, the Holder’s Note) have entered into the same or similar amendments with the Company in connection with each of their respective Convertible Notes which expressly provide for a deferral of the applicable maturity date.


5. Section 11 of the Convertible Note is hereby incorporated herein by reference.


6. Except as specifically modified by the provisions of this Amendment, all of the terms of the Note shall remain in full force and effect and unmodified. Any inconsistencies between the provisions of this Amendment and the Note shall be governed by this Amendment.


7. This Amendment may be signed in two or more counterparts by digital signature, which shall be deemed valid as if original signatures for all purposes.





IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as of the Amendment Effective Date set forth above.


By: [●]  




Name: [●]  
Title: [●]  




Exhibit 4.13




Article I.


The purpose of this Plan is to assist Eligible Employees of the Company and its Designated Subsidiaries in acquiring a share ownership interest in the Company.


The Plan consists of two components: (i) the Section 423 Component and (ii) the Non-Section 423 Component. The Section 423 Component is intended to qualify as an “employee stock purchase plan” under Section 423 of the Code and shall be administered, interpreted and construed in a manner consistent with the requirements of Section 423 of the Code. The Non-Section 423 Component authorizes the grant of rights which need not qualify as rights granted pursuant to an “employee stock purchase plan” under Section 423 of the Code. Rights granted under the Non-Section 423 Component shall be granted pursuant to separate Offerings containing such sub-plans, appendices, rules or procedures as may be adopted by the Administrator and designed to achieve tax, securities laws or other objectives for Eligible Employees and Designated Subsidiaries but shall not be intended to qualify as an “employee stock purchase plan” under Section 423 of the Code. Except as otherwise determined by the Administrator or provided herein, the Non-Section 423 Component will operate and be administered in the same manner as the Section 423 Component. Offerings intended to be made under the Non-Section 423 Component will be designated as such by the Administrator at or prior to the time of such Offering.


For purposes of this Plan, the Administrator may designate separate Offerings under the Plan in which Eligible Employees will participate. The terms of these Offerings need not be identical, even if the dates of the applicable Offering Period(s) in each such Offering are identical, provided that the terms of participation are the same within each separate Offering under the Section 423 Component (as determined under Section 423 of the Code). Solely by way of example and without limiting the foregoing, the Company could, but shall not be required to, provide for simultaneous Offerings under the Section 423 Component and the Non-Section 423 Component of the Plan.


Article II.


Wherever the following terms are used in the Plan they shall have the meanings specified below, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.


2.1 “Administrator” means the entity, including any committee specifically designated by the Board, that conducts the general administration of the Plan as provided in Article XI.


2.2 “Affiliate” means any entity in which the Company has an equity or other ownership interests.


2.3 “Agent” means the brokerage firm, bank or other financial institution, entity or person(s), if any, engaged, retained, appointed or authorized to act as the agent of the Company or an Employee with regard to the Plan.


2.4 “Applicable Law” means the requirements relating to the administration of equity incentive plans under U.S. federal and state securities, tax and other applicable laws, rules and regulations, the applicable rules of any stock exchange or quotation system on which Shares are listed or quoted and the applicable laws and rules of any non-U.S. country or other jurisdiction where rights under this Plan are granted.





2.5 “Board” means the Board of Directors of the Company.


2.6 “Code” means the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the regulations issued thereunder.


2.7 “Company” means Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd., an Israeli company, or any successor.


2.8 “Compensation” of an Eligible Employee means, unless otherwise determined by the Administrator, the gross base compensation received by such Eligible Employee as compensation for services to the Company or any Designated Subsidiary, including overtime payments and excluding sales commissions, incentive compensation, bonuses, expense reimbursements, fringe benefits, any amounts realized from the exercise of any stock options or incentive awards and other special payments.


2.9 “Designated Subsidiary” means any Subsidiary designated by the Administrator in accordance with Section 11.2(b), such designation to specify whether such participation is in the Section 423 Component or Non-Section 423 Component. A Designated Subsidiary may participate in either the Section 423 Component or Non-Section 423 Component, but not both; provided that a Subsidiary that, for U.S. tax purposes, is disregarded from the Company or any Subsidiary that participates in the Section 423 Component shall automatically constitute a Designated Subsidiary that participates in the Section 423 Component. The designation by the Administrator of Designated Subsidiaries and changes in such designations by the Administrator shall not require shareholder approval. Only entities that are subsidiary corporations of the Company within the meaning of Section 424 of the Code may be designated as Designated Subsidiaries for purposes of the Section 423 Component, and if an entity does not so qualify, it shall automatically be deemed to be a Designated Subsidiary in the Non-Section 423 Component.


2.10 “Effective Date” means the date upon which the Plan is approved by the shareholders of the Company, provided that the Board has adopted the Plan on, or within 12 months prior to, such date.


2.11 “Eligible Employee” means:


(a) With respect to the Section 423 Component of the Plan, an Employee who does not, immediately after any rights under this Plan are granted, own (directly or through attribution) share possessing 5% or more of the total combined voting power or value of all classes of Shares and other securities of the Company, a Parent or a Subsidiary (as determined under Section 423(b)(3) of the Code). For purposes of the foregoing, the rules of Section 424(d) of the Code with regard to the attribution of share ownership shall apply in determining the share ownership of an individual, and a share that an Employee may purchase under outstanding options shall be treated as a share owned by the Employee. With respect to an Employee participating in the Non-Section 423 Component, such qualification shall not apply, unless otherwise required by Applicable Law.


(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Administrator may provide in an Offering Document that an Employee shall not be eligible to participate in an Offering Period under the Section 423 Component if: (i) such Employee is a highly compensated employee within the meaning of Section 423(b)(4)(D) of the Code; (ii) such Employee has not met a service requirement designated by the Administrator pursuant to Section 423(b)(4)(A) of the Code (which service requirement may not exceed two years); (iii) such Employee’s customary employment is for twenty hours per week or less; (iv) such Employee’s customary employment is for less than five months in any calendar year; and/or (v) such Employee is a citizen or resident of a non-U.S. jurisdiction and the grant of a right to purchase Shares under the Plan to such Employee would be prohibited under the laws of such non-U.S. jurisdiction or the grant of a right to purchase Shares under the Plan to such Employee in compliance with the laws of such non-U.S. jurisdiction would cause the Plan to violate the requirements of Section 423 of the Code, as determined by the Administrator in its sole discretion; provided, further, that any exclusion in clauses (i), (ii), (iii), (iv) or (v) shall be applied in an identical manner under each Offering Period to all Employees, in accordance with Treasury Regulation Section 1.423-2(e).





(c) With respect to the Non-Section 423 Component, the foregoing rules shall apply in determining who is an “Eligible Employee,” except (i) the Administrator may limit eligibility further within the Company or a Designated Subsidiary so as to only designate some Employees of the Company or a Designated Subsidiary as Eligible Employees, and (ii) to the extent the foregoing eligibility rules are not consistent with applicable local laws, the applicable local laws shall control.


2.12 “Employee” means any individual, to the extent permitted by Applicable Law, who renders services to the Company or any Designated Subsidiary as an employee, officer, consultant or advisor under the applicable rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission for registration of shares on a Form S-8 Registration Statement, and, with respect to the Section 423 Component, “Employee” shall mean a person who is an employee within the meaning of Section 3401(c) of the Code. For purposes of an individual’s participation in, or other rights under the Plan, all determinations by the Company shall be final, binding and conclusive, notwithstanding that any court of law or governmental agency subsequently makes a contrary determination. For purposes of the Plan, the service relationship shall be treated as continuing intact while the individual is on sick leave or other leave of absence approved by the Company or Designated Subsidiary and meeting the requirements of Treasury Regulation Section 1.421-1(h)(2). Where the period of leave exceeds three (3) months and the individual’s right to reemployment is not guaranteed either by statute or by contract, the employment relationship shall be deemed to have terminated on the first day immediately following such three (3)-month period.


2.13 “Enrollment Date” means the first Trading Day of each Offering Period.


2.14 “Fair Market Value” means, as of any date, the value of Shares determined as follows: (i) if the Shares are listed on any established stock exchange, its Fair Market Value will be the closing sales price for such Shares as quoted on such exchange for such date, or if no sale occurred on such date, the last day preceding such date during which a sale occurred, as reported in The Wall Street Journal or another source the Administrator deems reliable; (ii) if the Shares are not traded on a stock exchange but are quoted on a national market or other quotation system, the closing sales price on such date, or if no sales occurred on such date, then on the last date preceding such date during which a sale occurred, as reported in The Wall Street Journal or another source the Administrator deems reliable; or (iii) without an established market for the Shares, the Administrator will determine the Fair Market Value in its discretion.


2.15 “Non-Section 423 Component” means those Offerings under the Plan, together with the sub-plans, appendices, rules or procedures, if any, adopted by the Administrator as a part of this Plan, in each case, pursuant to which rights to purchase Shares during an Offering Period may be granted to Eligible Employees that need not satisfy the requirements for rights to purchase Shares granted pursuant to an “employee stock purchase plan” that are set forth under Section 423 of the Code.


2.16 “Offering” means an offer under the Plan of a right to purchase Shares that may be exercised during an Offering Period as further described in Article IV hereof. Unless otherwise specified by the Administrator, each Offering to the Eligible Employees of the Company or a Designated Subsidiary shall be deemed a separate Offering, even if the dates and other terms of the applicable Offering Periods of each such Offering are identical, and the provisions of the Plan will separately apply to each Offering. To the extent permitted by Treas. Reg. § 1.423-2(a)(1), the terms of each separate Offering under the Section 423 Component need not be identical, provided that the terms of the Section 423 Component and an Offering thereunder together satisfy Treas. Reg. § 1.423-2(a)(2) and (a)(3).





2.17 “Offering Document” has the meaning given to such term in Section 4.1.


2.18 “Offering Period” has the meaning given to such term in Section 4.1.


2.19 “Ordinary Shares” means Ordinary Shares, no par value, of the Company and such other securities of the Company that may be substituted therefore.


2.20 “Parent” means any corporation, other than the Company, in an unbroken chain of corporations ending with the Company if, at the time of the determination, each of the corporations other than the Company owns shares possessing 50% or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of shares in one of the other corporations in such chain.


2.21 “Participant” means any Eligible Employee who has executed a subscription agreement and been granted rights to purchase Shares pursuant to this Plan.


2.22 “Payday” means the regular and recurring established day for payment of Compensation to an Employee of the Company or any Designated Subsidiary.


2.23 Plan” means this 2024 Employee Share Purchase Plan, including both the Section 423 Component and Non-Section 423 Component and any other sub-plans or appendices hereto, as amended from time to time.


2.24 “Purchase Date” means the last Trading Day of each Offering Period or such other date as determined by the Administrator and set forth in the Offering Document.


2.25 “Purchase Price” means the purchase price designated by the Administrator in the applicable Offering Document (which purchase price, for purposes of the Section 423 Component, shall not be less than 85% of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Enrollment Date or on the Purchase Date, whichever is lower); provided, however, that, in the event no purchase price is designated by the Administrator in the applicable Offering Document, the purchase price for the Offering Periods covered by such Offering Document shall be 85% of the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Enrollment Date or on the Purchase Date, whichever is lower; provided, further, that the Purchase Price may be adjusted by the Administrator pursuant to Article VIII and shall not be less than the par value of a Share.


2.26 “Section 423 Component” means those Offerings under the Plan, together with the sub-plans, appendices, rules or procedures, if any, adopted by the Administrator as a part of this Plan, in each case, pursuant to which rights to purchase Shares during an Offering Period may be granted to Eligible Employees that are intended to satisfy the requirements for rights to purchase Shares granted pursuant to an “employee stock purchase plan” that are set forth under Section 423 of the Code.


2.27 “Securities Act” means the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended.


2.28 “Share” means an Ordinary Share.





2.29 “Subsidiary” means any corporation, other than the Company, in an unbroken chain of corporations beginning with the Company if, at the time of the determination, each of the corporations other than the last corporation in an unbroken chain owns shares possessing 50% or more of the total combined voting power of all classes of shares in one of the other corporations in such chain; provided, however, that a limited liability company or partnership may be treated as a Subsidiary to the extent either (a) such entity is treated as a disregarded entity under Treasury Regulation Section 301.7701-3(a) by reason of the Company or any other Subsidiary that is a corporation being the sole owner of such entity, or (b) such entity elects to be classified as a corporation under Treasury Regulation Section 301.7701-3(a) and such entity would otherwise qualify as a Subsidiary. In addition, with respect to the Non-Section 423 Component, Subsidiary shall include any corporate or non-corporate entity in which the Company has a direct or indirect equity interest or significant business relationship.


2.30 “Trading Day” means a day on which national stock exchanges in the United States are open for trading.


2.31 “Treas. Reg.” means U.S. Department of the Treasury regulations.


Article III.


3.1 Number of Shares. Subject to Article VIII, the aggregate number of Shares that may be issued pursuant to rights granted under the Plan shall be 1,646,604 Shares. In addition to the foregoing, subject to Article VIII, on the first day of each calendar year beginning on January 1, 2025 and ending on and including January 1, 2032, the number of Shares available for issuance under the Plan shall be increased by that number of Shares equal to the lesser of (a) 0.5% of the Shares outstanding on the last day of the immediately preceding calendar year, as determined on a fully diluted basis, and (b) such smaller number of Shares as may be determined by the Board, if so determined prior to the January 1st of the calendar year in which the increase will occur, in each case as may be adjusted pursuant to this Section 3.1, and as adjusted pursuant to Article VIII. If any right granted under the Plan shall for any reason terminate without having been exercised, the Shares not purchased under such right shall again become available for issuance under the Plan. Notwithstanding anything in this Section 3.1 to the contrary, the number of Shares that may be issued or transferred pursuant to the rights granted under the Section 423 Component of the Plan shall not exceed an aggregate of 1,646,604 Shares, subject to Article VIII.


3.2 Shares Distributed. Any Shares distributed pursuant to the Plan may consist, in whole or in part, of authorized and unissued Shares, treasury shares or Shares purchased on the open market.


Article IV.
Offering Periods; Offering Documents; Purchase Dates


4.1 Offering Periods. The Administrator may from time to time grant or provide for the grant of rights to purchase Shares under the Plan to Eligible Employees during one or more periods (each, an “Offering Period”) selected by the Administrator. The terms and conditions applicable to each Offering Period shall be set forth in an “Offering Document” adopted by the Administrator, which Offering Document shall be in such form and shall contain such terms and conditions as the Administrator shall deem appropriate and shall be incorporated by reference into and made part of the Plan and shall be attached hereto as part of the Plan. The provisions of separate Offerings or Offering Periods under the Plan need not be identical.


4.2 Offering Documents. Each Offering Document with respect to an Offering Period shall specify (through incorporation of the provisions of this Plan by reference or otherwise):


(a) the length of the Offering Period, which period shall not exceed twenty-seven months;





(b) the maximum number of Shares that may be purchased by any Eligible Employee during such Offering Period, which, in the absence of a contrary designation by the Administrator, shall be 1,000 Shares or, if lesser and with respect to the Section 423 Component only, the number of Shares equal to $25,000 divided by the Fair Market Value of a Share on the Enrollment Date, which price shall be adjusted if the price per Share is adjusted pursuant to Article VIII; and


(c) such other provisions as the Administrator determines are appropriate, subject to the Plan.


Article V.


5.1 Eligibility. Any Eligible Employee who shall be employed by the Company or a Designated Subsidiary on a given Enrollment Date for an Offering Period shall be eligible to participate in the Plan during such Offering Period, subject to the requirements of this Article V and, for the Section 423 Component, the limitations imposed by Section 423(b) of the Code.


5.2 Enrollment in Plan.


(a) Except as otherwise set forth in an Offering Document or determined by the Administrator, an Eligible Employee may become a Participant in the Plan for an Offering Period by delivering a subscription agreement to the Company by such time prior to the Enrollment Date for such Offering Period (or such other date specified in the Offering Document) designated by the Administrator and in such form as the Company provides.


(b) Each subscription agreement shall designate a whole percentage of such Eligible Employee’s Compensation to be withheld by the Company or the Designated Subsidiary employing such Eligible Employee on each Payday during the Offering Period as payroll deductions under the Plan. The percentage of Compensation designated by an Eligible Employee may not be less than 1% and may not be more than the maximum percentage specified by the Administrator in the applicable Offering Document (which percentage shall be 20% in the absence of any such designation) as payroll deductions. The payroll deductions made for each Participant shall be credited to an account for such Participant under the Plan and shall be deposited with the general funds of the Company. Unless determined otherwise by the Administrator, all payroll deductions in respect of the Non-Section 423 Component for Employees shall be made only by after-tax payroll deductions by the Company or Designated Subsidiary.


(c) A Participant may increase or decrease the percentage of Compensation designated in his or her subscription agreement, subject to the limits of this Section 5.2, or may suspend his or her payroll deductions, at any time during an Offering Period; provided, however, that the Administrator may limit the number of changes a Participant may make to his or her payroll deduction elections during each Offering Period in the applicable Offering Document (and in the absence of any specific designation by the Administrator, a Participant shall be allowed to decrease (but not increase) his or her payroll deduction elections one time during each Offering Period). Any such change or suspension of payroll deductions shall be effective with the first full payroll period following five business days after the Company’s receipt of the new subscription agreement (or such shorter or longer period as may be specified by the Administrator in the applicable Offering Document). In the event a Participant suspends his or her payroll deductions, such Participant’s cumulative payroll deductions prior to the suspension shall remain in his or her account and shall be applied to the purchase of Shares on the next occurring Purchase Date and shall not be paid to such Participant unless he or she withdraws from participation in the Plan pursuant to Article VII.





(d) Except as otherwise set forth in an Offering Document or determined by the Administrator, a Participant may participate in the Plan only by means of payroll deduction and may not make contributions by lump sum payment for any Offering Period.


5.3 Payroll Deductions. Except as otherwise provided in the applicable Offering Document, payroll deductions for a Participant shall commence on the first Payday following the Enrollment Date and shall end on the last Payday in the Offering Period to which the Participant’s authorization is applicable, unless sooner terminated by the Participant as provided in Article VII or suspended by the Participant or the Administrator as provided in Section 5.2 and Section 5.6, respectively. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Plan to the contrary, in non-U.S. jurisdictions where participation in the Plan through payroll deductions is prohibited, the Administrator may provide that an Eligible Employee may elect to participate through contributions to the Participant’s account under the Plan in a form acceptable to the Administrator in lieu of or in addition to payroll deductions; provided, however, that, for any Offering under the Section 423 Component, the Administrator shall take into consideration any limitations under Section 423 of the Code when applying an alternative method of contribution.


5.4 Effect of Enrollment. A Participant’s completion of a subscription agreement will enroll such Participant in the Plan for each subsequent Offering Period on the terms contained therein until the Participant either submits a new subscription agreement, withdraws from participation under the Plan as provided in Article VII or otherwise becomes ineligible to participate in the Plan.


5.5 Limitation on Purchase of Shares. An Eligible Employee may be granted rights under the Section 423 Component only if such rights, together with any other rights granted to such Eligible Employee under “employee stock purchase plans” of the Company, any Parent or any Subsidiary, as specified by Section 423(b)(8) of the Code, do not permit such employee’s rights to purchase shares of the Company or any Parent or Subsidiary to accrue at a rate that exceeds $25,000 of the fair market value of such shares (determined as of the first day of the Offering Period during which such rights are granted) for each calendar year in which such rights are outstanding at any time. This limitation shall be applied in accordance with Section 423(b)(8) of the Code.


5.6 Suspension of Payroll Deductions. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the extent necessary to comply with Section 423(b)(8) of the Code and Section 5.5 (with respect to the Section 423 Component) or the other limitations set forth in this Plan, a Participant’s payroll deductions may be suspended by the Administrator at any time during an Offering Period. The balance of the amount credited to the account of each Participant that has not been applied to the purchase of Shares by reason of Section 423(b)(8) of the Code, Section 5.5 or the other limitations set forth in this Plan shall be paid to such Participant in one lump sum in cash as soon as reasonably practicable after the Purchase Date.


5.7 Non-U.S. Employees. In order to facilitate participation in the Plan, the Administrator may provide for such special terms applicable to Participants who are citizens or residents of a non-U.S. jurisdiction, or who are employed by a Designated Subsidiary outside of the United States, as the Administrator may consider necessary or appropriate to accommodate differences in local law, tax policy or custom. Except as permitted by Section 423 of the Code, with respect to the Section 423 Component, such special terms may not be more favorable than the terms of rights granted under the Section 423 Component to Eligible Employees who are residents of the United States. Such special terms may be set forth in an addendum to the Plan in the form of an appendix or sub-plan (which appendix or sub-plan may be designed to govern Offerings under the Section 423 Component or the Non-Section 423 Component, as determined by the Administrator). To the extent that the terms and conditions set forth in an appendix or sub-plan conflict with any provisions of the Plan, the provisions of the appendix or sub-plan shall govern. The adoption of any such appendix or sub-plan shall be pursuant to Section 11.2(f). Without limiting the foregoing, the Administrator is specifically authorized to adopt rules and procedures, with respect to Participants who are non-U.S. nationals or employed in non-U.S. jurisdictions, regarding the exclusion of particular Subsidiaries from participation in the Plan, eligibility to participate, the definition of Compensation, handling of payroll deductions or other contributions by Participants, payment of interest, conversion of local currency, data privacy security, payroll tax, withholding procedures, establishment of bank or trust accounts to hold payroll deductions or contributions.





5.8 Leave of Absence. During leaves of absence approved by the Company meeting the requirements of Treasury Regulation Section 1.421-1(h)(2) under the Code, a Participant may continue participation in the Plan by making cash payments to the Company on his or her normal Payday equal to the Participant’s authorized payroll deduction.


Article VI.
grant and Exercise of rights


6.1 Grant of Rights. On the Enrollment Date of each Offering Period, each Eligible Employee participating in such Offering Period shall be granted a right to purchase the maximum number of Shares specified under Section 4.2, subject to the limits in Section 5.5, and shall have the right to buy, on each Purchase Date during such Offering Period (at the applicable Purchase Price), such number of whole Shares as is determined by dividing (a) such Participant’s payroll deductions accumulated prior to such Purchase Date and retained in the Participant’s account as of the Purchase Date, by (b) the applicable Purchase Price (rounded down to the nearest Share). The right shall expire on the last day of the Offering Period.


6.2 Exercise of Rights. On each Purchase Date, each Participant’s accumulated payroll deductions and any other additional payments specifically provided for in the applicable Offering Document will be applied to the purchase of whole Shares, up to the maximum number of Shares permitted pursuant to the terms of the Plan and the applicable Offering Document, at the Purchase Price. No fractional Shares shall be issued upon the exercise of rights granted under the Plan, unless the Offering Document specifically provides otherwise. Any cash in lieu of fractional Shares remaining after the purchase of whole Shares upon exercise of a purchase right will be credited to a Participant’s account and carried forward and applied toward the purchase of whole Shares for the next following Offering Period. Shares issued pursuant to the Plan may be evidenced in such manner as the Administrator may determine and may be issued in certificated form or issued pursuant to book-entry procedures.


6.3 Pro Rata Allocation of Shares. If the Administrator determines that, on a given Purchase Date, the number of Shares with respect to which rights are to be exercised may exceed (a) the number of Shares that were available for issuance under the Plan on the Enrollment Date of the applicable Offering Period, or (b) the number of Shares available for issuance under the Plan on such Purchase Date, the Administrator may in its sole discretion provide that the Company shall make a pro rata allocation of the Shares available for purchase on such Enrollment Date or Purchase Date, as applicable, in as uniform a manner as shall be practicable and as it shall determine in its sole discretion to be equitable among all Participants for whom rights to purchase Shares are to be exercised pursuant to this Article VI on such Purchase Date, and shall either (i) continue all Offering Periods then in effect, or (ii) terminate any or all Offering Periods then in effect pursuant to Article IX. The Company may make pro rata allocation of the Shares available on the Enrollment Date of any applicable Offering Period pursuant to the preceding sentence, notwithstanding any authorization of additional Shares for issuance under the Plan by the Company’s shareholders subsequent to such Enrollment Date. The balance of the amount credited to the account of each Participant that has not been applied to the purchase of Shares shall be paid to such Participant in one lump sum in cash as soon as reasonably practicable after the Purchase Date or such earlier date as determined by the Administrator.





6.4 Withholding. At the time a Participant’s rights under the Plan are exercised, in whole or in part, or at the time some or all of the Shares issued under the Plan is disposed of, the Participant must make adequate provision for the Company’s federal, state, or other tax withholding obligations, if any, that arise upon the exercise of the right or the disposition of the Shares. At any time, the Company may, but shall not be obligated to, withhold from the Participant’s compensation or Shares received pursuant to the Plan the amount necessary for the Company to meet applicable withholding obligations, including any withholding required to make available to the Company any tax deductions or benefits attributable to sale or early disposition of Shares by the Participant.


6.5 Conditions to Issuance of Shares. The Company shall not be required to issue or deliver any certificate or certificates for, or make any book entries evidencing, Shares purchased upon the exercise of rights under the Plan prior to fulfillment of all of the following conditions: (a) the admission of such Shares to listing on all stock exchanges, if any, on which the Shares are then listed; (b) the completion of any registration or other qualification of such Shares under any state or federal law or under the rulings or regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission or any other governmental regulatory body, that the Administrator shall, in its absolute discretion, deem necessary or advisable; (c) the obtaining of any approval or other clearance from any state or federal governmental agency that the Administrator shall, in its absolute discretion, determine to be necessary or advisable; (d) the payment to the Company of all amounts that it is required to withhold under federal, state or local law upon exercise of the rights, if any; and (e) the lapse of such reasonable period of time following the exercise of the rights as the Administrator may from time to time establish for reasons of administrative convenience.


Article VII.


7.1 Withdrawal. A Participant may withdraw all but not less than all of the payroll deductions credited to his or her account and not yet used to exercise his or her rights under the Plan at any time by giving written notice to the Company in a form acceptable to the Company no later than one week prior to the end of the Offering Period. All of the Participant’s payroll deductions credited to his or her account during an Offering Period shall be paid to such Participant as soon as reasonably practicable after receipt of notice of withdrawal and such Participant’s rights for the Offering Period shall be automatically terminated, and no further payroll deductions for the purchase of Shares shall be made for such Offering Period. If a Participant withdraws from an Offering Period, payroll deductions shall not resume at the beginning of the next Offering Period unless the Participant timely delivers to the Company a new subscription agreement.


7.2 Future Participation. A Participant’s withdrawal from an Offering Period shall not have any effect upon his or her eligibility to participate in any similar plan that may hereafter be adopted by the Company or a Designated Subsidiary or in subsequent Offering Periods that commence after the termination of the Offering Period from which the Participant withdraws.


7.3 Cessation of Eligibility. Upon a Participant’s ceasing to be an Eligible Employee for any reason, he or she shall be deemed to have elected to withdraw from the Plan pursuant to this Article VII and the payroll deductions credited to such Participant’s account during the Offering Period shall be paid to such Participant or, in the case of his or her death, to the person or persons entitled thereto under Section 12.4, as soon as reasonably practicable, and such Participant’s rights for the Offering Period shall be automatically terminated. If a Participant transfers employment from the Company or any Designated Subsidiary participating in the Section 423 Component to any Designated Subsidiary participating in the Non-Section 423 Component, such transfer shall not be treated as a termination of employment, but the Participant shall immediately cease to participate in the Section 423 Component; however, any contributions made for the Offering Period in which such transfer occurs shall be transferred to the Non-





Section 423 Component, and such Participant shall immediately join the then-current Offering under the Non-Section 423 Component upon the same terms and conditions in effect for the Participant’s participation in the Section 423 Component, except for such modifications otherwise applicable for Participants in such Offering. A Participant who transfers employment from any Designated Subsidiary participating in the Non-Section 423 Component to the Company or any Designated Subsidiary participating in the Section 423 Component shall not be treated as terminating the Participant’s employment and shall remain a Participant in the Non-Section 423 Component until the earlier of (i) the end of the current Offering Period under the Non-Section 423 Component or (ii) the Enrolment Date of the first Offering Period in which the Participant is eligible to participate following such transfer. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Administrator may establish different rules to govern transfers of employment between entities participating in the Section 423 Component and the Non-Section 423 Component, consistent with the applicable requirements of Section 423 of the Code.


Article VIII.
Adjustments upon Changes in SHARES


8.1 Changes in Capitalization. Subject to Section 8.3, in the event that the Administrator determines that any dividend or other distribution (whether in the form of cash, Shares, other securities, or other property), change in control, reorganization, merger, amalgamation, consolidation, combination, repurchase, redemption, recapitalization, liquidation, dissolution, or sale, transfer, exchange or other disposition of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company, or sale or exchange of Shares or other securities of the Company, issuance of warrants or other rights to purchase Shares or other securities of the Company, or other similar corporate transaction or event, as determined by the Administrator, affects the Shares such that an adjustment is determined by the Administrator to be appropriate in order to prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits or potential benefits intended by the Company to be made available under the Plan or with respect to any outstanding purchase rights under the Plan, the Administrator shall make equitable adjustments, if any, to reflect such change with respect to (a) the aggregate number and type of Shares (or other securities or property) that may be issued under the Plan (including, but not limited to, adjustments of the limitations in Section 3.1 and the limitations established in each Offering Document pursuant to Section 4.2 on the maximum number of Shares that may be purchased); (b) the class(es) and number of Shares and price per Share subject to outstanding rights; and (c) the Purchase Price with respect to any outstanding rights.


8.2 Other Adjustments. Subject to Section 8.3, in the event of any transaction or event described in Section 8.1 or any unusual or nonrecurring transactions or events affecting the Company, any Affiliate of the Company, or the financial statements of the Company or any Affiliate, or of changes in Applicable Law or accounting principles, the Administrator, in its discretion, and on such terms and conditions as it deems appropriate, is hereby authorized to take any one or more of the following actions whenever the Administrator determines that such action is appropriate in order to prevent the dilution or enlargement of the benefits or potential benefits intended to be made available under the Plan or with respect to any right under the Plan, to facilitate such transactions or events or to give effect to such changes in laws, regulations or principles:


(a) To provide for either (i) termination of any outstanding right in exchange for an amount of cash, if any, equal to the amount that would have been obtained upon the exercise of such right had such right been currently exercisable or (ii) the replacement of such outstanding right with other rights or property selected by the Administrator in its sole discretion;


(b) To provide that the outstanding rights under the Plan shall be assumed by the successor or survivor corporation, or a parent or subsidiary thereof, or shall be substituted for by similar rights covering the shares of the successor or survivor corporation, or a parent or subsidiary thereof, with appropriate adjustments as to the number and kind of shares and prices;





(c) To make adjustments in the number and type of Shares (or other securities or property) subject to outstanding rights under the Plan and/or in the terms and conditions of outstanding rights and rights that may be granted in the future;


(d) To provide that Participants’ accumulated payroll deductions may be used to purchase Shares prior to the next occurring Purchase Date on such date as the Administrator determines in its sole discretion and the Participants’ rights under the ongoing Offering Period(s) shall be terminated; and


(e) To provide that all outstanding rights shall terminate without being exercised.


8.3 No Adjustment Under Certain Circumstances. Unless determined otherwise by the Administrator, no adjustment or action described in this Article VIII or in any other provision of the Plan shall be authorized to the extent that such adjustment or action would cause the Section 423 Component of the Plan to fail to satisfy the requirements of Section 423 of the Code.


8.4 No Other Rights. Except as expressly provided in the Plan, no Participant shall have any rights by reason of any subdivision or consolidation of shares of any class, the payment of any dividend, any increase or decrease in the number of shares of any class or any dissolution, liquidation, merger, or consolidation of the Company or any other corporation. Except as expressly provided in the Plan or pursuant to action of the Administrator under the Plan, no issuance by the Company of shares of any class, or securities convertible into shares of any class, shall affect, and no adjustment by reason thereof shall be made with respect to, the number of Shares subject to outstanding rights under the Plan or the Purchase Price with respect to any outstanding rights.


Article IX.
Amendment, modification and termination


9.1 Amendment, Modification and Termination. The Administrator may amend, suspend or terminate the Plan at any time and from time to time; provided, however, that approval of the Company’s shareholders shall be required to amend the Plan to: (a) increase the aggregate number, or change the type, of shares that may be sold pursuant to rights under the Plan under Section 3.1 (other than an adjustment as provided by Article VIII) or (b) change the corporations or classes of corporations whose employees may be granted rights under the Plan.


9.2 Certain Changes to Plan. Without shareholder consent and without regard to whether any Participant rights may be considered to have been adversely affected (and, with respect to the Section 423 Component of the Plan, after taking into account Section 423 of the Code), the Administrator shall be entitled to change the Offering Periods, add or revise Offering Period share limits, limit the frequency and/or number of changes in the amount withheld from Compensation during an Offering Period, establish the exchange ratio applicable to amounts withheld in a currency other than U.S. dollars, permit payroll withholding in excess of the amount designated by a Participant in order to adjust for delays or mistakes in the Company’s processing of withholding elections, establish reasonable waiting and adjustment periods and/or accounting and crediting procedures to ensure that amounts applied toward the purchase of Shares for each Participant properly correspond with amounts withheld from the Participant’s Compensation, and establish such other limitations or procedures as the Administrator determines in its sole discretion to be advisable that are consistent with the Plan.





9.3 Actions In the Event of Unfavorable Financial Accounting Consequences. In the event the Administrator determines that the ongoing operation of the Plan may result in unfavorable financial accounting consequences, the Administrator may, in its discretion and, to the extent necessary or desirable, modify or amend the Plan to reduce or eliminate such accounting consequence including, but not limited to:


(a) altering the Purchase Price for any Offering Period including an Offering Period underway at the time of the change in Purchase Price;


(b) shortening any Offering Period so that the Offering Period ends on a new Purchase Date, including an Offering Period underway at the time of the Administrator action; and


(c) allocating Shares.


Such modifications or amendments shall not require shareholder approval or the consent of any Participant.


9.4 Payments Upon Termination of Plan. Upon termination of the Plan, the balance in each Participant’s Plan account shall be refunded as soon as practicable after such termination, without any interest thereon, or the Offering Period may be shortened so that the purchase of Shares occurs prior to the termination of the Plan.


Article X.


The Plan shall become effective on the Effective Date. The effectiveness of the Plan shall be subject to approval of the Plan by the Company’s shareholders within twelve months before or after the date the Plan is first approved by the Board. No right may be granted under the Plan prior to such shareholder approval. No rights may be granted under the Plan during any period of suspension of the Plan or after termination of the Plan.


Article XI.


11.1 Administrator. Unless otherwise determined by the Board, the Administrator of the Plan shall be the Compensation Committee of the Board (or another committee or a subcommittee of the Board to which the Board delegates administration of the Plan). The Board may at any time vest in the Administrator any authority or duties for administration of the Plan. The Administrator may delegate administrative tasks under the Plan to the services of an Agent or Employees to assist in the administration of the Plan, including establishing and maintaining an individual securities account under the Plan for each Participant.


11.2 Authority of Administrator. The Administrator shall have the power, subject to, and within the limitations of, the express provisions of the Plan:


(a) To determine when and how rights to purchase Shares shall be granted and the provisions of each offering of such rights (which need not be identical).


(b) To designate from time to time which Subsidiaries of the Company shall be Designated Subsidiaries, which designation may be made without the approval of the shareholders of the Company.





(c) To impose a mandatory holding period pursuant to which Employees may not dispose of or transfer Shares purchased under the Plan for a period of time determined by the Administrator in its discretion.


(d) To construe and interpret the Plan and rights granted under it, and to establish, amend and revoke rules and regulations for its administration. The Administrator, in the exercise of this power, may correct any defect, omission or inconsistency in the Plan, in a manner and to the extent it shall deem necessary or expedient to make the Plan fully effective.


(e) To amend, suspend or terminate the Plan as provided in Article IX.


(f) Generally, to exercise such powers and to perform such acts as the Administrator deems necessary or expedient to promote the best interests of the Company and its Subsidiaries and to carry out the intent that the Plan be treated as an “employee stock purchase plan” within the meaning of Section 423 of the Code for the Section 423 Component.


(g) The Administrator may adopt sub-plans applicable to particular Designated Subsidiaries or locations, which sub-plans may be designed to be outside the scope of Section 423 of the Code. The rules of such sub-plans may take precedence over other provisions of this Plan, with the exception of Section 3.1 hereof, but unless otherwise superseded by the terms of such sub-plan, the provisions of this Plan shall govern the operation of such sub-plan.


11.3 Decisions Binding. The Administrator’s interpretation of the Plan, any rights granted pursuant to the Plan, any subscription agreement and all decisions and determinations by the Administrator with respect to the Plan are final, binding, and conclusive on all parties.


Article XII.


12.1 Restriction upon Assignment. A right granted under the Plan shall not be transferable other than by will or the applicable laws of descent and distribution, and is exercisable during the Participant’s lifetime only by the Participant. Except as provided in Section 12.4 hereof, a right under the Plan may not be exercised to any extent except by the Participant. The Company shall not recognize and shall be under no duty to recognize any assignment or alienation of the Participant’s interest in the Plan, the Participant’s rights under the Plan or any rights thereunder.


12.2 Rights as a Shareholder. With respect to Shares subject to a right granted under the Plan, a Participant shall not be deemed to be a shareholder of the Company, and the Participant shall not have any of the rights or privileges of a shareholder, until such Shares have been issued to the Participant or his or her nominee following exercise of the Participant’s rights under the Plan. No adjustments shall be made for dividends (ordinary or extraordinary, whether in cash securities, or other property) or distribution or other rights for which the record date occurs prior to the date of such issuance, except as otherwise expressly provided herein or as determined by the Administrator.


12.3 Interest. No interest shall accrue on the payroll deductions or contributions of a Participant under the Plan.





12.4 Designation of Beneficiary.


(a) A Participant may, in the manner determined by the Administrator, file a written designation of a beneficiary who is to receive any Shares and/or cash, if any, from the Participant’s account under the Plan in the event of such Participant’s death subsequent to a Purchase Date on which the Participant’s rights are exercised but prior to delivery to such Participant of such Shares and cash. In addition, a Participant may file a written designation of a beneficiary who is to receive any cash from the Participant’s account under the Plan in the event of such Participant’s death prior to exercise of the Participant’s rights under the Plan. If the Participant is married and resides in a community property state, a designation of a person other than the Participant’s spouse as his or her beneficiary shall not be effective without the prior written consent of the Participant’s spouse.


(b) Such designation of beneficiary may be changed by the Participant at any time by written notice to the Company. In the event of the death of a Participant and in the absence of a beneficiary validly designated under the Plan who is living at the time of such Participant’s death, the Company shall deliver such Shares and/or cash to the executor or administrator of the estate of the Participant, or if no such executor or administrator has been appointed (to the knowledge of the Company), the Company, in its discretion, may deliver such Shares and/or cash to the spouse or to any one or more dependents or relatives of the Participant, or if no spouse, dependent or relative is known to the Company, then to such other person as the Company may designate.


12.5 Notices. All notices or other communications by a Participant to the Company under or in connection with the Plan shall be deemed to have been duly given when received in the form specified by the Company at the location, or by the person, designated by the Company for the receipt thereof.


12.6 Equal Rights and Privileges. Subject to Section 5.7, all Eligible Employees will have equal rights and privileges under the Section 423 Component so that the Section 423 Component of this Plan qualifies as an “employee stock purchase plan” within the meaning of Section 423 of the Code. Subject to Section 5.7, any provision of the Section 423 Component that is inconsistent with Section 423 of the Code will, without further act or amendment by the Company, the Board or the Administrator, be reformed to comply with the equal rights and privileges requirement of Section 423 of the Code. Eligible Employees participating in the Non-Section 423 Component need not have the same rights and privileges as other Eligible Employees participating in the Non-Section 423 Component or as Eligible Employees participating in the Section 423 Component.


12.7 Use of Funds. All payroll deductions received or held by the Company under the Plan may be used by the Company for any corporate purpose, and the Company shall not be obligated to segregate such payroll deductions.


12.8 Reports. Statements of account shall be given to Participants at least annually, which statements shall set forth the amounts of payroll deductions, the Purchase Price, the number of Shares purchased and the remaining cash balance, if any.


12.9 No Employment Rights. Nothing in the Plan shall be construed to give any person (including any Eligible Employee or Participant) the right to remain in the employ of the Company or any Parent or Subsidiary or affect the right of the Company or any Parent or Subsidiary to terminate the employment of any person (including any Eligible Employee or Participant) at any time, with or without cause.


12.10 Notice of Disposition of Shares. Each Participant shall give prompt notice to the Company of any disposition or other transfer of any Shares purchased upon exercise of a right under the Section 423 Component of the Plan if such disposition or transfer is made: (a) within two years from the Enrollment Date of the Offering Period in which the Shares were purchased or (b) within one year after the Purchase Date on which such Shares were purchased. Such notice shall specify the date of such disposition or other transfer and the amount realized, in cash, other property, assumption of indebtedness or other consideration, by the Participant in such disposition or other transfer.





12.11 Governing Law. The Plan and any agreements hereunder shall be administered, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel, disregarding any state’s choice of law principles requiring the application of a jurisdiction’s laws other than the State of Israel. Certain definitions, which refer to the laws of such jurisdiction, shall be construed in accordance with other such laws. The competent courts located in Tel-Aviv-Jaffa, Israel shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Plan and any award granted hereunder.


12.12 Electronic Forms. To the extent permitted by Applicable Law and in the discretion of the Administrator, an Eligible Employee may submit any form or notice as set forth herein by means of an electronic form approved by the Administrator. Before the commencement of an Offering Period, the Administrator shall prescribe the time limits within which any such electronic form shall be submitted to the Administrator with respect to such Offering Period in order to be a valid election.


12.13 Data Privacy; Data Transfer. Information related to Employees and Offerings hereunder, as shall be received from Employees or others, and/or held by, the Company or its Affiliates from time to time, and which information may include sensitive and personal information related to Employees (“Information”), will be used by the Company or its Affiliates (or third parties appointed by any of them) to comply with any Applicable Law, or for administration of the Plan as they deem necessary or advisable, or for the respective business purposes of the Company or its Affiliates (including in connection with transactions related to any of them). The Company and its Affiliates shall be entitled to transfer the Information among the Company or its Affiliates, and to third parties for the purposes set forth above, which may include persons located abroad (including, any person administering the Plan or providing services in respect of the Plan or in order to comply with legal requirements, their respective officers, directors, employees and representatives, and the respective successors and assigns of any of the foregoing), and any person so receiving Information shall be entitled to transfer it for the purposes set forth above. The Company shall use commercially reasonable efforts to ensure that the transfer of such Information shall be limited to the reasonable and necessary scope. By enrolling to an Offering under the plan, Employee acknowledges and agrees that the Information is provided at Employee’s free will and Employee consents to the storage and transfer of the Information as set forth above.



* * * * *








This Israeli Appendix (the “Appendix”) to the 2024 Employee Share Purchase Plan (as amended from time to time, the “Plan”) of Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd. (the “Company”) shall apply only to persons who are, or are deemed to be, residents of the State of Israel for Israeli tax purposes.




1.1. The Administrator, in its discretion, may grant a right to purchase Awards to Eligible Employees and shall determine whether any Award is intended to be a 102 Award. Each exercise of a right to purchase an Award shall be evidenced by a Subscription Agreement, which shall expressly identify the Award type, and be in such form and contain such provisions, as the Administrator shall from time to time deem appropriate.


1.2. The Plan shall apply to any Awards and rights to purchase Awards, in each case granted pursuant to this Appendix, provided, that the provisions of this Appendix shall supersede and govern in the case of any inconsistency or conflict, either explicit or implied, arising between the provisions of this Appendix and the Plan.


1.3. Unless otherwise defined in this Appendix, capitalized terms contained herein shall have the same meanings given to them in the Plan.




2.1. “102 Award” means any Award intended to qualify (as set forth in the Subscription Agreement) and which qualifies under Section 102, provided it is settled only in Shares.


2.2. “102 Capital Gain Track Award” means any Award granted by the Company to an Employee pursuant to Section 102(b)(2) or (3) (as applicable) of the Ordinance under the capital gain track.


2.3. “102 Non-Trustee Award” means any Award granted by the Company to an Employee pursuant to Section 102(c) of the Ordinance without a Trustee.


2.4. “102 Ordinary Income Track Award” means any Award granted by the Company to an Employee pursuant to Section 102(b)(1) of the Ordinance under the ordinary income track.


2.5. “102 Trustee Awards” means, collectively, 102 Capital Gain Track Awards and 102 Ordinary Income Track Awards.


2.6. “Affiliate” means, with respect to any person, any other person that, directly or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, such person (with the term “control” or “controlled by” within the meaning of Rule 405 of Regulation C under the Securities Act), including, without limitation, any Parent or Subsidiary.


2.7. “Award” shall mean any Share purchased according to the Plan.


2.8. “Election” as defined in Section ‎3.2 below.





2.9. “Employee” means an “employee” within the meaning of Section 102(a) of the Ordinance (which as of the date of the adoption of this Appendix means (i) an individual employed by an Employer, and (ii) an individual who is serving and is engaged personally (and not through an entity) as an “office holder” by an Employer, excluding any controlling shareholder as to such term is defined in Section 32(9) of the Ordinance.), provided such Employee also satisfies the eligibility requirements under the Plan.


2.10. “Employer” means, for purpose of a 102 Trustee Award, an Affiliate, Subsidiary or Parent which is an “employing company” within the meaning and subject to the conditions of Section 102(a) of the Ordinance.


2.11. “ITA” means the Israel Tax Authority.


2.12. “Ordinance” means the Israeli Income Tax Ordinance (New Version), 1961, including the Rules and any other regulations, rules, orders or procedures promulgated thereunder, as may be amended or replaced from time to time.


2.13. “Required Holding Period” as defined in Section ‎3.5.1 below.


2.14. “Rules” means the Income Tax Rules (Tax Benefits in Share Issuance to Employees) 5763-2003.


2.15. “Section 102” means Section 102 of the Ordinance.


2.16. “Trust Agreement” means the agreement to be signed between the Company, an Employer and the Trustee for the purposes of Section 102.


2.17. “Trustee” means the trustee appointed by the Company’s Administrator to hold the Awards and approved by the ITA.


2.18. “Subscription Agreement” means a written or electronic agreement between the Company and the Participant or a written or electronic notice delivered by the Company evidencing the exercise of an Award granted pursuant to the Plan, in substantially such form or forms and containing such terms and conditions, as the Administrator shall from time to time approve.


2.19. “Withholding Obligations” as defined in Section ‎4.5 below.


3. 102 AWARDS


3.1. Tracks. Awards granted pursuant to this Section ‎3 are intended to be granted as either 102 Capital Gain Track Awards or 102 Ordinary Income Track Awards. 102 Trustee Awards shall be granted subject to the special terms and conditions contained in this Section ‎3 and the general terms and conditions of the Plan, except for any provisions of the Plan applying to Awards under different tax laws or regulations.


3.2. Election of Track. Subject to Applicable Law, the Company may grant only one type of 102 Trustee Award at any given time to all Employees who are to be granted 102 Trustee Awards pursuant to this Appendix, and shall file an election with the ITA regarding the type of 102 Trustee Award it elects to grant before the date of grant of any 102 Trustee Award (the “Election”). Such Election shall also apply to any other securities received by any Employee as a result of holding the 102 Trustee Awards. The Company may change the type of 102 Trustee Award that it elects to grant only after the expiration of at least 12 months from the end of the year in which the first grant was made in accordance with the previous Election, or as otherwise provided by Applicable Law. Any Election shall not prevent the Company from granting 102 Non-Trustee Awards.





3.3. Eligibility for Awards. Subject to Applicable Law, 102 Awards may only be granted to Employees. Such 102 Awards may either be granted to a Trustee or granted under Section 102 without a Trustee.


3.4. 102 Award Grant Date.


3.4.1. Each 102 Award will be deemed granted on the date determined by the Administrator, subject to the provisions of the Plan, provided that (i) the Employee has signed all documents required by the Company or pursuant to Applicable Law, and (ii) with respect to any 102 Trustee Award, the Company has provided all applicable documents to the Trustee in accordance with the guidelines published by the ITA.


3.4.2. Unless otherwise permitted by the Ordinance, any grants of 102 Trustee Awards that are made on or after the date of the adoption of the Plan and this Appendix or an amendment to the Plan or this Appendix, as the case may be, that may become effective only at the expiration of thirty (30) days after the filing of the Plan and this Appendix or any amendment thereof (as the case may be) with the ITA in accordance with the Ordinance shall be conditional upon the expiration of such 30-day period, and such condition shall be read and is incorporated by reference into any corporate resolutions approving such grants and into any Subscription Agreement evidencing such grants (whether or not explicitly referring to such condition), and the date of grant shall be at the expiration of such 30-day period, whether or not the date of grant indicated therein corresponds with this Section. In the case of any contradiction, this provision and the date of grant determined pursuant hereto shall supersede and be deemed to amend any date of grant indicated in any corporate resolution or Subscription Agreement.


3.5. 102 Trustee Awards.


3.5.1. Each Share issued pursuant to the 102 Trustee Award shall be allocated or issued to and registered in the name of the Trustee and shall be held in trust or controlled by the Trustee for the benefit of the Participant for the requisite period prescribed by the Ordinance (the “Required Holding Period”). In the event that the requirements under Section 102 to qualify an Award as a 102 Trustee Award are not met, then the Award may be treated as a 102 Non-Trustee Award (as determined by the Company), all in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance. After the expiration of the Required Holding Period, the Trustee may release such 102 Trustee Awards and any such Shares, provided that (i) the Trustee has received an acknowledgment from the ITA that the Participant has paid any applicable taxes due pursuant to the Ordinance, or (ii) the Trustee and/or the Company and/or the Employer withhold(s) all applicable taxes and compulsory payments due pursuant to the Ordinance arising from the 102 Trustee Awards. The Trustee shall not release any 102 Trustee Awards prior to the payment in full of the Participant’s tax and compulsory payments arising from such 102 Trustee Awards or the withholding referred to in (ii) above.


3.5.2. Each 102 Trustee Award shall be subject to the relevant terms of the Ordinance, the Rules and any determinations, rulings or approvals issued by the ITA, which shall be deemed an integral part of the 102 Trustee Awards and shall prevail over any term contained in the Plan, this Appendix or the Subscription Agreement that is not consistent therewith. Any provision of the Ordinance, the Rules and any determinations, rulings or approvals by the ITA not expressly specified in the Plan, this Appendix or Subscription Agreement that are necessary to receive or maintain any tax benefit pursuant to Section 102 shall be binding on the Participant. Any Participant granted a 102 Trustee Award shall comply with the Ordinance and the terms and conditions of the Trust Agreement entered into between the Company and the Trustee. The Participant shall execute any and all documents that the Company and/or the Affiliate and/or the Trustee determine from time to time to be necessary in order to comply with the Ordinance and the Rules.





3.5.3. During the Required Holding Period, the Participant shall not release from trust or sell, assign, transfer or give as collateral, the Shares issuable in connection with a 102 Trustee Award and/or any securities issued or distributed with respect thereto, until the expiration of the Required Holding Period. Notwithstanding the above, if any such sale, release or other action occurs during the Required Holding Period it may result in adverse tax consequences to the Participant under Section 102 and the Rules, which shall apply to and shall be borne solely by such Participant. Subject to the foregoing, the Trustee may, pursuant to a written request from the Participant, but subject to the terms of the Plan and this Appendix, release and transfer such Shares to a designated third party, provided that both of the following conditions have been fulfilled prior to such release or transfer: (i) payment has been made to the ITA of all taxes and compulsory payments required to be paid upon the release and transfer of the Shares, and confirmation of such payment has been received by the Trustee and the Company, and (ii) the Trustee has received written confirmation from the Company that all requirements for such release and transfer have been fulfilled according to the terms of the Company’s corporate documents, any agreement governing the Shares, the Plan, this Appendix, the Subscription Agreement and any Applicable Law.


3.5.4. Upon or after receipt of a 102 Trustee Award, if required, the Participant may be required to sign an undertaking to release the Trustee from any liability with respect to any action or decision duly taken and executed in good faith by the Trustee in relation to the Plan, this Appendix, or any 102 Trustee Awards granted to such Participant hereunder.


3.6. 102 Non-Trustee Awards. The foregoing provisions of this Section ‎3 relating to 102 Trustee Awards shall not apply with respect to 102 Non-Trustee Awards, which shall, however, be subject to the relevant provisions of Section 102 and the applicable Rules. The Administrator may determine that 102 Non-Trustee Awards and/or any securities issued or distributed with respect thereto, shall be allocated or issued to the Trustee, who shall hold such 102 Non-Trustee Award and all accrued rights thereon (if any) in trust for the benefit of the Participant and/or the Company, as the case may be, until the full payment of tax arising from the 102 Non-Trustee Awards and/or any securities issued or distributed with respect thereto. The Company may choose, alternatively, to require the Participant to provide the Company with a guarantee or other security, to the satisfaction of each of the Trustee and the Company, until the full payment of the applicable taxes.


3.7. Written Participant Undertaking. With respect to any 102 Trustee Award, as required by Section 102 and the Rules, by virtue of the receipt of such Award, the Participant is deemed to have provided, undertaken and confirmed the following written undertaking (and such undertaking is deemed incorporated into any documents signed by the Participant in connection with the grant of such Award), and which undertaking shall be deemed to apply and relate to all 102 Trustee Awards granted to the Participant, whether under the Plan and this Appendix or other plans maintained by the Company, and whether prior to or after the date hereof:


3.7.1. The Participant shall comply with all terms and conditions set forth in Section 102 with regard to the “Capital Gain Track” or the “Ordinary Income Track”, as applicable, and the applicable rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, as amended from time to time;





3.7.2. The Participant is familiar with, and understands the provisions of, Section 102 in general, and the tax arrangement under the “Capital Gain Track” or the “Ordinary Income Track” in particular, and its tax consequences; the Participant agrees that the 102 Trustee Awards will be held by a Trustee appointed pursuant to Section 102 for at least the duration of the “Holding Period” (as such term is defined in Section 102) under the “Capital Gain Track” or the “Ordinary Income Track”, as applicable. The Participant understands that any release of such 102 Trustee Awards or Shares from trust, or any sale of the Shares prior to the termination of the Holding Period, as defined above, will result in taxation at the marginal tax rate, in addition to deductions of appropriate social security, health tax contributions or other compulsory payments; and


3.7.3. The Participant agrees to the Trust Agreement signed between the Company, the Employer and the Trustee appointed pursuant to Section 102.




4.1. If the Company shall so require, as a condition of the release of Shares by the Trustee, a Participant shall agree that, no later than the date of such occurrence, the Participant will pay to the Company (or the Trustee, as applicable) or make arrangements satisfactory to the Company and the Trustee (if applicable) regarding payment of any applicable taxes and compulsory payments of any kind required by Applicable Law to be withheld or paid.











4.5. The Company or the Affiliate (including the Employer) may take such action as it may deem necessary or appropriate, in its discretion, for the purpose of or in connection with withholding of any taxes and compulsory payments which the Trustee, the Company or the Affiliate (including the Employer) is required by any Applicable Law to withhold in connection with any Awards, including, without limitations, any income tax, social benefits, social insurance, health tax, pension, payroll tax, fringe benefits, excise tax, payment on account or other tax-related items related to the Participant’s participation in the Plan and applicable by law to the Participant (collectively, “Withholding Obligations”). Such actions may include (i) requiring Participants to remit to the Company or the Employer in cash an amount sufficient to satisfy such Withholding Obligations and any other taxes and compulsory payments, payable by the Company or the Employer in connection with the Award; (ii) subject to Applicable Law, allowing the Participants to surrender Shares, in an amount that at such time, reflects a value that the Administrator determines to be sufficient to satisfy such Withholding Obligations; or (iii) any combination of the foregoing.


4.6. Each Participant shall notify the Company in writing promptly and in any event within ten (10) days after the date on which such Participant first obtains knowledge of any tax bureau inquiry, audit, assertion, determination, investigation, or question relating in any manner to the Awards granted or received hereunder or Shares issued thereunder and shall continuously inform the Company of any developments, proceedings, discussions and negotiations relating to such matter, and shall allow the Company and its representatives to participate in any proceedings and discussions concerning such matters. Upon request, a Participant shall provide to the Company any information or document relating to any matter described in the preceding sentence, which the Company, in its discretion, requires.





4.7. With respect to 102 Non-Trustee Awards, if the Participant ceases to be employed by the Company or any Parent, Subsidiary or Affiliate (including the Employer), the Participant shall extend to the Company and/or the Employer a security or guarantee for the payment of taxes due at the time of sale of Shares, all in accordance with the provisions of Section 102 and the Rules.




5.1. A Participant shall have no rights as a shareholder of the Company with respect to any Shares covered by an Award until the Participant becomes the record holder of the subject Shares. In the case of 102 Awards (if such Awards are being held by a Trustee), the Trustee shall have no rights as a shareholder of the Company with respect to the Shares covered by such Award until the Trustee becomes the record holder for such Shares for the Participant’s benefit, and the Participant shall not be deemed to be a shareholder and shall have no rights as a shareholder of the Company with respect to the Shares covered by the Award until the date of the release of such Shares from the Trustee to the Participant and the transfer of record ownership of such Shares to the Participant (provided however that the Participant shall be entitled to receive from the Trustee any cash dividend or distribution made on account of the Shares held by the Trustee for such Participant’s benefit, subject to any tax withholding and compulsory payment). No adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary or extraordinary, whether in cash, securities or other property) or distribution of other rights for which the record date is prior to the date on which the Participant or Trustee (as applicable) becomes the record holder of the Shares covered by an Award, except as provided in the Plan.


5.2. With respect to Shares issued in connection with Awards hereunder, any and all voting rights attached to such Shares shall be subject to the provisions of the Plan, and the Participant shall be entitled to receive dividends distributed with respect to such Shares, subject to the provisions of the Company’s Articles of Association, as amended from time to time, and subject to any Applicable Law.


5.3. The Company may, but shall not be obligated to, register or qualify the sale of Shares under any applicable securities law or any other Applicable Law.


5.4. Shares issued pursuant to an Award shall be subject to the Company’s Articles of Association (as amended from time to time), any limitation, restriction or obligation applicable to shareholders included in any shareholders agreement applicable to all or substantially all of the holders of Shares (regardless of whether or not the Participant is a formal party to such shareholders agreement), any other governing documents of the Company, and all policies, manuals and internal regulations adopted by the Company from time to time, in each case, as may be amended from time to time, including any provisions included therein concerning restrictions or limitations on disposition of Shares (such as, but not limited to, right of first refusal and lock up/market stand-off) or grant of any rights with respect thereto, forced sale and bring along provisions, any provisions concerning restrictions on the use of inside information and other provisions deemed by the Company to be appropriate in order to ensure compliance with Applicable Laws. Each Participant shall execute such separate agreement(s) as may be requested by the Company relating to matters set forth in this Section 5.4.


6. GOVERNING LAW. This Appendix shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Israel (excluding its choice-of-law provisions) except that applicable Israeli laws, rules and regulations (as amended) shall apply to any mandatory tax matters arising hereunder.







Exhibit 8.1




Name of Subsidiary Jurisdiction of Formation/Organization
Nuvo Assetco Corp. Cayman Islands
Nuvo Group Ltd. Israel
Nuvo Group USA, Inc. Delaware





Exhibit 15.1




Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm   F-2
Consolidated Balance Sheets   F-3
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Loss   F-4
Consolidated Statements of Changes in Shareholders’ Capital Deficiency   F-5
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows   F-6
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements   F-7






Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


To the Board of Directors and Shareholders of
Nuvo Group Ltd.


Opinion on the Financial Statements


We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Nuvo Group Ltd. and its subsidiary (the “Company”) as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, and the related consolidated statements of income, comprehensive income, changes in shareholders’ capital deficiency and cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2023, including the related notes (collectively referred to as the “consolidated financial statements”). In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 2023 in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.


Substantial Doubt About the Company’s Ability to Continue as a Going Concern


The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern. As discussed in Note 1b to the consolidated financial statements, the Company has not generated significant revenues from its operations and has suffered recurring losses from operations and negative cash flows from operations. These circumstances raise substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. Management’s plans in regard to these matters are also described in Note 1b. The consolidated financial statements do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty.


Basis for Opinion


These consolidated financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Company’s consolidated financial statements based on our audits. We are a public accounting firm registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB) and are required to be independent with respect to the Company in accordance with the U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB.


We conducted our audits of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with the standards of the PCAOB and in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether due to error or fraud.


Our audits included performing procedures to assess the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to error or fraud, and performing procedures that respond to those risks. Such procedures included examining, on a test basis, evidence regarding the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. Our audits also included evaluating the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.


/s/ Kesselman & Kesselman


Certified Public Accountants (Isr.)


A member of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited


Tel-Aviv, Israel

May 7, 2024


We have served as the Company’s auditor since 2022.







(U.S. dollars in thousands)


    December 31,  
    2023     2022  
CURRENT ASSETS:                
Cash and cash equivalents   $ 553     $ 837  
Restricted cash     -       271  
Accounts receivable, net of credit losses of zero as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively     40       -  
Other current assets     964       962  
Inventory     20       535  
TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS   $ 1,577     $ 2,605  
NON-CURRENT ASSETS:                
Property and equipment, net     741       909  
Restricted cash     28       34  
Severance pay fund     -       200  
Other assets     1,140       -  
TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS     1,909       1,143  
TOTAL ASSETS   $ 3,486     $ 3,748  
CURRENT LIABILITIES:                
Accounts payable and accruals:                
Trade     952       981  
Other     3,307       3,727  
Commitment to shareholder (see Note 17)     -       1,945  
SAFE liability     16,059       26,282  
Convertible loans     10,378       9,109  
Current maturities of bridge loans     249       -  
TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES     30,945       42,044  
Accrued severance pay     -       408  
Bridge loans     949       -  
Redeemable crossover preferred shares - put option derivative     7,464       -  
TOTAL LIABILITIES   $ 39,358     $ 42,452  
Redeemable crossover preferred shares and incentive shares, par value NIS 0.01 per share; 2,800,000 and zero shares authorized as of December 31, 2023 and 2022; 1,850,147 and zero shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively     31,618       -  
Ordinary shares, par value NIS 0.01 per share; 40,000,000 shares authorized as of December 31, 2023 and 2022; 15,505,853 shares and 15,477,374 shares issued and outstanding at December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively     39       39  
Additional paid-in capital     76,245       71,376  
Accumulated deficit     (143,774 )     (110,119 )
Total redeemable crossover preferred shares and capital deficiency     (67,490 )     (38,704 )
Total liabilities, net of capital deficiency   $ 3,486     $ 3,748  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.






(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share and per share data)


    Year Ended
December 31,
    2023     2022     2021  
Revenues   $ 176     $ -     $ -  
Cost of revenues     191       -       -  
GROSS LOSS     (15 )     -       -  
Operating expenses                        
Research and development, net     8,324       9,893       10,470  
Sales and marketing     3,221       4,752       2,369  
General and administrative     5,073       6,161       14,727  
Total operating expenses     16,618       20,806       27,566  
LOSS FROM OPERATIONS     (16,633 )     (20,806 )     (27,566 )
Change in fair value of financial instruments     (18,017 )     971       (5,948 )
Other financial expenses, net     (44 )     (69 )     (565 )
LOSS BEFORE TAX EXPENSE     (34,694 )     (19,904 )     (34,079 )
TAX EXPENSES     (1,039 )     775       433  
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE LOSS   $ (33,655 )   $ (20,679 )   $ (34,512 )
NET LOSS PER SHARE - BASIC AND DILUTED   $ (1.86 )   $ (1.21 )   $ (2.03 )


The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.







(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


    Ordinary shares     Paid-in     Accumulated        
    Number     Amount     capital     Deficit     Total  
Balance as of January 1, 2021     15,326,951     $ 39     $ 53,673     $ (54,928 )   $ (1,216 )
Exercise of options     64,294       *       139       -       139  
Share-based compensation     -       -       9,750       -       9,750  
Comprehensive loss     -       -       -       (34,512 )     (34,512 )
Balance as of December 31, 2021     15,391,245     $ 39     $ 63,562     $ (89,440 )   $ (25,839 )
Exercise of options     86,129       *       40       -       40  
Share-based compensation     -       -       7,774       -       7,774  
Comprehensive loss     -       -       -       (20,679 )     (20,679 )
Balance as of December 31, 2022     15,477,374       39       71,376       (110,119 )     (38,704 )
Exercise of options (see note 13d)     28,479       *       *       -       *  
Share-based compensation     -       -       3,095       -       3,095  
Bridge loan warrants     -       -       865       -       865  
Settlement of commitment to shareholder     -       -       909       -       909  
Comprehensive loss     -       -       -       (33,655 )     (33,655 )
Balance as of December 31, 2023     15,505,853     $ 39     $ 76,245     $ (143,774 )   $ (67,490 )



Represents an amount less than $1.


The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.







(U.S. dollars in thousands)


    Year Ended
December 31,
    2023     2022     2021  
Cash flows from operating activities:                        
Net loss   $ (33,655 )   $ (20,679 )   $ (34,512 )
Adjustments to reconcile net loss to net cash used in operating activities                        
Depreciation and amortization     206       495       214  
Remeasurement of financial instruments     18,017       (971 )     5,948  
Share-based compensation     3,095       7,774       9,750  
Non-cash interest expense     16       -       -  
Other financial expense (income), net     11       (62 )     14  
Changes in fair value of commitment to shareholder     (1,036 )     (1,500 )     3,445  
Amortization of debt discount     14       -       -  
Loss (gain) on amounts funded in respect of severance pay     -       23       (29 )
Changes in operating assets and liabilities                        
Inventory     515       (16 )     (352 )
Accounts receivable, net     (40 )     -       -  
Other current assets     (2 )     (394 )     (324 )
Other assets     (1,140 )     -       -  
Trade payables     (29 )     623       (68 )
Other accounts payable     (436 )     1,208       1,523  
Convertible loans     (284 )     -       -  
Accrued severance pay     (208 )     28       37  
Net cash used in operating activities     (14,956 )     (13,471 )     (14,354 )
Cash flows from investing activities:                        
Amounts funded in respect of severance pay     -       (24 )     (25 )
Purchase of property and equipment     (38 )     (253 )     (238 )
Net cash used in investing activities     (38 )     (277 )     (263 )
Cash flows from financing activities:                        
Exercise of options     -       40       139  
Proceeds from issuance of convertible loans     495       7,435       -  
Proceeds from issuance of SAFE liability     -       2,350       18,267  
Repayment of convertible loans     (1,100 )     -       -  
Proceeds from redeemable crossover preferred shares     13,000       -       -  
Proceeds from bridge loans and warrants     2,049       -       -  
Net cash provided by financing activities     14,444       9,825       18,406  
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash     (11 )     61       (12 )
(Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents, and restricted cash     (561 )     (3,862 )     3,777  
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at the beginning of the year   $ 1,142     $ 5,004     $ 1,227  
Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash at the end of the year   $ 581     $ 1,142     $ 5,004  
Supplemental disclosure of cash flow information:                        
Cash paid for income taxes   $ -     $ 8     $ 19  
Cash paid for interest   $ 284     $ -     $ -  
Noncash investing and financing activities                        
Cashless exercise of stock options   $ 157     $ -     $ -  
Issuance of SAFE liability   $ 1,465     $ -     $ -  
Settlement of commitment to shareholder     909       -       -  


The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)




a. General


Nuvo Group Ltd. (the “Company”) was incorporated under the laws of Israel and commenced operations in June 2006.


The Company operates in one line of business and is engaged in research, development and marketing of innovative medical devices and services for pregnancy monitoring.


In 2009 the Company established a wholly-owned subsidiary under the laws of the State of Delaware, Nuvo Group USA, Inc. (the “Subsidiary”), which provides distribution services under an intercompany distribution agreement with the Company.


As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, substantially all of the Company’s long-lived assets are located in Israel.


b. Liquidity and Going Concern


The Company is engaged in research and development activities, currently commercializing its product, INVU, which has not yet generated material revenues from operations. The Company has an accumulated deficit as of December 31, 2023, as well as a history of net losses and negative operating cash flows since its inception. The Company has funded its operations through financing, mainly equity issuance, convertible loans agreements (“Convertible Loans”) and Simple Agreements for Future Equity (“SAFE”). The Company expects to continue to incur losses and negative cash flows from operations until INVU reaches commercial profitability. As a result of these expected losses and negative cash flows from operations, along with the Company’s current cash position, the Company does not have sufficient resources to fund operations for the next 12 months from the issuance of these financial statements. These circumstances raise a substantial doubt about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. These financial statements have been prepared assuming that the Company will continue as a going concern and do not include any adjustments that might result from the outcome of this uncertainty. Management’s plans include the continued development and commercialization of the Company’s product. For this purpose, the Company intends to raise additional financing through the sale of additional equity securities, incurrence of debt, or capital inflows from strategic partnerships.


In the context of obtaining sustainable funding and in order to continue as a going concern, the Company has evaluated a broad range of financing options. On May 1, 2024, the Company completed its previously announced de-SPAC merger transaction with LAMF Global Ventures Corp I (“LAMF”), a NASDAQ listed Special Purpose Acquisition Company (“SPAC”) (see below). Following the de-SPAC, the Company still does not have sufficient resources to fund its operations for the next 12 months and will continue to depend on additional funding in the future.


There is no assurance, however, that the Company will be successful in obtaining the level of financing needed for its operations. If the Company is unsuccessful in commercializing its products and raising capital, it may be compelled to delay, restrict, reduce, or terminate its current activities or even discontinue one or more of its development programs entirely.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


Business Combination Agreement (BCA) and the de-SPAC transaction:


On April 25, 2023 the Company and LAMF signed a non-binding letter of intent (the “LOI”), contemplating entry into the BCA and its consummation, which was extended first on May 16, 2023 and then on May 31, 2023, and expired on June 14, 2023. On July 12, 2023, both parties entered into another LOI with an expiry date of August 14, 2024 (see below). The LOI contemplates a valuation of the Company before the BCA’s execution of $269,000, excluding a seller earnout of approximately $31,000 for the Company. On August 17, 2023 the Company and LAMF executed the BCA. Based on the BCA and upon the consummation of the mergers contemplated therein, the Company will become a subsidiary of Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd., a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Israel (“Holdco”) (the “de-SPAC”).


On May 11, 2023, LAMF held an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders. In this meeting, LAMF Shareholders approved amendments to the existing governing documents to extend the date by which LAMF must complete an initial business combination from May 16, 2023 to November 16, 2023, and to allow LAMF, without another shareholder vote, by resolution of the LAMF Board, to elect to further extend the date by which LAMF must complete an initial business combination in one-month increments up to six additional times, or a total of up to twelve months total, up to May 16, 2024. On January 8, 2024, the LAMF Board elected to extend the extended date to February 16, 2024 through an additional monthly extension. LAMF’s articles of association provides that the Company has the right to extend the deadline date up to three additional times for an additional one month each time, from February 16, 2024, the current deadline date, to up to May 16, 2024.


On May 1, 2024, the Company completed its previously announced de-SPAC merger transaction with LAMF. Each Nuvo Share issued and outstanding will, by virtue of the Acquisition Merger and upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Business Combination Agreement, automatically be deemed to have been transferred and automatically deemed for all purposes to represent only the right to receive a number of Holdco Ordinary Shares equal to the Equity Exchange Ratio. Each Nuvo Crossover Preferred Share issued and outstanding will represent only the right to receive a number of Holdco Preferred Shares. Each Nuvo Warrant issued and outstanding will be assumed by Holdco, and each such Nuvo Warrant shall be converted into a warrant to purchase Holdco Ordinary Shares (each, a “Converted Warrant”). Each Converted Warrant shall continue to have and be subject to the same terms and conditions as were applicable to such Nuvo Warrant immediately before the Acquisition Effective Time (including expiration date and exercise provisions), except as explicitly set forth in the Business Combination Agreement. All of the outstanding and unexercised options to purchase Nuvo Shares, whether or not then vested or fully exercisable, granted to any current or former employee, officer, director or other service provider of Nuvo will, automatically be assumed by Holdco, and each such Nuvo Option shall be converted into an option to purchase Holdco Ordinary Shares (each, a “Converted Option”). Each Converted Option shall continue to have and be subject to the same terms and conditions as were applicable to such Nuvo Option except as explicitly set forth in the Business Combination Agreement. The Company began trading on the Nasdaq on May 2, 2024 as Holdco Nuvo Group DG Ltd. (NUVO).


c. Risks Related to Our Operations in Israel including the recent attack by Hamas and other terrorist organizations from the Gaza Strip and Israel’s war against them.


In October 2023, Israel was attacked by a terrorist organization and entered a state of war. As of the date of these consolidated financial statements, the war in Israel is ongoing and continues to evolve. The Company operations including the production facility are located in Israel. Currently, such activities in Israel remain largely unaffected. During the year ended December 31, 2023, the impact of this war on the Company’s results of operations and financial condition was immaterial. However, at this time, it is not possible to predict the intensity or duration of the war, nor can we predict how this war will ultimately affect Israel’s economy in general, and The Company continues to monitor the situation closely and examine the potential disruptions that could adversely affect its operations.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)




a. Basis of presentation


The accompanying audited consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (“GAAP”).


b. Use of Estimates


The preparation of financial statements in conformity with GAAP requires management to make estimates, judgments and assumptions that affect the amounts reported in the consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes. The Company evaluates on an ongoing basis its assumptions, including those related to contingencies, income tax uncertainties, share-based compensation cost, useful lives of other assets, and fair value measurement of SAFE liability, commitment to shareholder and convertible loans. The Company bases these estimates on historical and anticipated results, trends and various other assumptions that it believes are reasonable under the circumstances, including assumptions as to future events. Actual results could differ from those estimates.


c. Functional Currency:


The Company’s financing rounds and financing agreements are denominated in United States dollars (“Dollars” or “U.S. dollars”). The Company’s management believes that the Dollar is the primary currency of the economic environment in which the Company operates. It is further expected that the Company’s current revenues will be denominated mainly in Dollars. Thus, the functional currency of the Company is the U.S. dollar. Accordingly, monetary accounts maintained in currencies other than the dollar are re-measured into dollars in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) Accounting Standards Codification (“ASC”) 830 “Foreign Currency Matters”.


Changes in currency exchange rates between the Company’s functional currency and the currency in which a transaction is denominated are included in the Company’s statements of comprehensive loss as financial expenses, net, in the period in which the currency exchange rates change.


d. Principles of consolidation:


The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its wholly owned Subsidiary. Intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated upon consolidation.


e. Cash and cash equivalents and restricted cash:


Cash equivalents are short-term highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to cash, with original maturities of three months or less, when purchased.


Restricted cash is primarily invested in deposits, to secure obligations under the Company’s lease agreements and to secure Company-issued credit cards.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


The following table provides a reconciliation of the cash and cash equivalents balances reported on the consolidated balance sheets and the cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash balances reported in the consolidated statements of cash flows:


    December 31,  
    2023     2022  
Cash and cash equivalents   $ 553     $ 837  
Restricted cash - current assets     -       271  
Restricted cash - long-term assets     28       34  
Total cash, cash equivalents, and restricted cash   $ 581     $ 1,142  


f. Accounts Receivable, Net


Accounts receivable, net are recorded at the invoiced amount and are non-interest bearing. The Company does not have a history of credit losses related to accounts receivables. The Company applies the Current Expected Credit Losses (CECL) methodology for estimating allowances for credit losses. The estimate of expected credit losses is based on an aging schedule which utilizes relevant information about past events, current conditions, and reasonable and supportable forecasts that affect the collectability of the reported amounts. The Company had zero expected credit losses as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively.


The Company receives payments from customers based on a billing schedule as established in its customer contracts. Accounts receivable are recorded when the Company has a contractual right to consideration. In some arrangements, a right to consideration for the Company’s performance under the customer contract may occur before invoicing the customer, resulting in unbilled accounts receivable.


g. Property and equipment, net:


Property and equipment are stated at cost, net of accumulated depreciation.


Depreciation is calculated using the straight-line method over the estimated useful lives of the assets, at the following annual rates:


Computers and software   33
Office furniture and equipment   6 - 15
Electronic equipment   12 - 25
Leasehold improvements   Over the shorter of the related lease period or the life of the asset


h. Impairment of long-lived assets:


The Company’s long-lived assets are reviewed for impairment in accordance with ASC 360-10-35, “Property, Plant, and Equipment- Subsequent Measurement,” whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. The carrying amount of a long-lived asset (asset group) is not recoverable if it exceeds the sum of the future undiscounted cash flows expected to be generated by such assets. Impairment is recognized at the amount by which the carrying amount of the assets exceeds the fair value of the assets. In 2023 and 2022, no impairment losses were recorded.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


i. Leases:


The Company’s leases are accounted for under ASC 842, “Leases”. Operating leases are included in operating lease right-of-use (“ROU”) assets and operating lease liabilities in the balance sheet. The Company elected the short-term lease recognition exemption for leases with a lease term of 12 months or less.


ROU assets represent the Company’s right to use an underlying asset for the lease term and lease liabilities represent its obligation to make lease payments arising from the lease. Operating lease ROU assets and liabilities are recognized at the commencement date based on the present value of lease payments over the lease term. The Company uses its incremental borrowing rate based on the information available at the commencement date to determine the present value of the lease payments. The Company elected the practical expedient to not separate lease and non-lease components for all of the Company leases.


The Company subsequently measures the ROU asset at the present value of the remaining lease payments, adjusted for the remaining balance of any lease incentives received, any cumulative prepaid or accrued rent if the lease payments are uneven throughout the lease term and any unamortized initial direct costs. Further, the Company will recognize lease expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term.


As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Company does not have any finance leases and had one short-term operating lease.


Leases with an initial term of 12 months or less that contain purchase options or renewal terms that the Company is not reasonably certain to exercise or leases with an initial term of more than 12 months that contain termination options exercisable in less than 12 months that the Company is not reasonably certain to not exercise, are not recorded on the consolidated balance sheet. The Company recognizes the lease expense for such leases on a straight-line basis in the statements of comprehensive loss over the lease term.


j. Severance pay:


Israeli labor law generally requires payment of severance pay upon dismissal of an employee or upon termination of employment in certain other circumstances.


Pursuant to section 14 of the Israeli Severance Compensation Act, 1963, most of the Company’s employees are entitled to have monthly deposits, at a rate of 8.33% of their monthly salary, made in their name with insurance companies. Payments in accordance with section 14 relieve the Company from any future severance payments to these employees. The severance pay expenses for such employees were approximately $472, $393, and $357 for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 and 2021, respectively.


The Company’s liability for severance pay for one of its Israeli employees is calculated pursuant to Israeli Severance Pay Law, 1963 (the “Israeli Severance Pay Law”) based on the most recent salary of the employee multiplied by the number of years of employment, as of the balance sheet date. This employee is entitled to one month’s salary for each year of employment or a portion thereof and to receive additional severance pay. The Company records the liability as if it were payable at each balance sheet date on an undiscounted basis. The liability is classified based on the expected date of settlement, and therefore is usually classified as a long-term liability, unless the cessation of the employees is expected during the upcoming year.


The Company’s liability for this Israeli employee is partially provided for by monthly deposits for insurance policies and the remainder by an accrual. The value of these policies is recorded as an asset in the Company’s balance sheet.


The deposited funds include profits and losses accumulated up to the balance sheet date. The deposited funds may be withdrawn only upon the fulfillment of the obligation pursuant to the Israeli Severance Pay Law or labor agreements. The value of the deposited funds is based on the cash redemption value of these policies.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


In addition, the Company has deposited certain amounts with a trustee, to compensate for any severance pay liability that is not covered by other funds. These deposits are restricted and may be withdrawn only for payment of severance pay liabilities. The severance pay funds and the restricted deposits for employee benefits are classified based on the classification of the corresponding liability.


The severance pay expenses for such employees were approximately $58 and $24 for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively. The Company recorded a gain of $177 during the year ended December 31, 2023 upon the fulfillment and extinguishment of the severance obligation which is recorded within general and administrative expenses on the consolidated statements of comprehensive loss.


k. Other assets:


The Company produces a wearable sensor band (“Band”) device which the Company considers an integral part of the Company’s service offering. The Bands are used numerous times and have useful lives beyond one year. Each time a Band is used over an expected lifetime of approximately three years, a portion of the cost of the Band is recorded as a cost of revenue. The Company’s estimate for the number of times the same Band can be used is based on testing in research and development, loss rates, product obsolescence, and the amount of time it takes the device to go through the manufacturing, shipping, customer shelf and patient wear time and upload process. The Company considers all finished goods and raw materials to be other assets.


As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, other assets included finished goods of $412 and zero, respectively. The Company did not have any work in process as of December 31, 2023 or 2022.


l. Inventory


Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Inventory write-off is provided to cover risks arising from slow-moving items, technological obsolescence, excess inventories and discontinued products. Write-offs during the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021 were immaterial.


Inventory items are valued using the “average price” method. The Company assesses the carrying value of its inventory for each reporting period to ensure inventory is reported at the lower of cost or net realizable value in accordance with ASC 330-10-35, “Inventory”. Charges for obsolete and slow-moving inventories are recorded based upon an analysis of specific identification of obsolete inventory items and quantification of slow-moving inventory items. These assessments consider various factors, technological obsolescence, estimated current and future market values and new product introduction. In cases when there is evidence that the anticipated utility of goods, in their disposal in the ordinary course of business, will be less than the historical cost of the inventory, the Company recognizes the difference as a current period charge to earnings and carries the inventory at the reduced cost basis until it is sold or disposed of. As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, inventory was comprised of raw material and components only.


m. Deferred Revenue


Revenue is deferred when the Company has the right to invoice in advance of performance under a customer contract. The current portion of deferred revenue balances are expected to be recognized in the following 12-month period and are recognized within other current liabilities. As of December 31, 2023, the Company did not have material non-current deferred revenue.


n. Redeemable Crossover Preferred Shares – Put Option Derivative


The Company has assessed under ASC 815 “Derivatives and Hedging” (“ASC 815”) that the conversion feature is not clearly and closely related to the debt host and requires bifurcation as a derivative liability, which will be recorded at fair value on a recurring basis.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


o. Redeemable Crossover Preferred Shares


The Company records all redeemable crossover preferred shares at their respective fair values, net of issuance costs, on the dates of issuance. Redeemable crossover preferred shares are classified outside of shareholders’ capital deficiency on the accompanying balance sheets. Because the redemption of the redeemable crossover preferred shares is contingent upon an occurrence of certain events outside of the Company’s control, their carrying values are not remeasured to their redemption values. Subsequent adjustment of the amount presented in temporary equity is required only if the Company’s management estimates that it is probable that the instrument will become redeemable and is recognized within change in fair value of financial instruments on the accompanying consolidated statements of comprehensive loss.


p. Warrants to purchase Ordinary Shares:


Warrants to purchase the Company’s ordinary shares of NIS 0.01 par value each (the “Ordinary Shares”) for a fixed number of shares and are classified as equity and, as such, are not subsequently remeasured. See also Note 10 and Note 13.


q. Concentrations of risk:


Financial instruments that potentially subject the Company to concentrations of credit risk consist principally of cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash and accounts receivable.


Cash and cash equivalents are invested in a major bank in Israel and the United States that exceed federally insured limits. The Company believes that the financial institutions that hold the Company’s cash are financially sound, and accordingly, that minimal credit risk exists with respect to these balances. The Company has not experienced any losses due to institutional failure or bankruptcy.


During the year ended December 31, 2023, two customers accounted for 10% or more of the Company’s revenue and four customers accounted for 10% or more of accounts receivable as of December 31, 2023. The Company did not generate revenue during the year ended December 31, 2022.


r. Net loss per share attributable to Shareholders:


The Company’s basic net loss per share is calculated by dividing net loss attributable to shareholders by the weighted-average number of shares of Ordinary Shares outstanding for the period, without consideration of potentially dilutive securities. The diluted net loss per share is calculated by giving effect to all potentially dilutive securities outstanding for the period using the treasury share method or the if-converted method based on the nature of such securities, unless the effects of potentially dilutive Ordinary Shares are anti-dilutive.


The calculation of basic and diluted loss per share includes fully vested options and warrants for the Company’s Ordinary Shares at an exercise price of USD 0.01 or NIS 0.01 per share, as the Company considers them Ordinary Shares because they are exercisable for no substantial consideration.


The Company considers its redeemable crossover preferred shares to be participating securities as a holder of a redeemable crossover preferred shares would be entitled to a dividend that would be distributed to the holders of ordinary shares, at an amount equal to the greater of (i) the sum of three times the original issue price of such share, or (ii) the amount such holder would actually receive if such redeemable crossover preferred share had been converted into ordinary shares immediately prior to such distribution event. These participating securities do not contractually require the holders of such shares to participate in the Company’s losses. Because no allocation is required under the two-class method during periods of loss to participating securities that do not have a contractual obligation to share in the losses of the Company, net loss for the periods presented was not allocated to the Company’s participating securities.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


s. Revenue Recognition


The Company recognizes revenue in accordance with ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers, when a customer obtains control of promised services. The amount of revenue recognized reflects the consideration that the Company expects to be entitled to receive in exchange for these services. To achieve the core principle of this standard, the Company applies the following five steps:


Identification of the contract, or contracts, with a customer;
Identification of the performance obligations in the contract;
Determination of the transaction price;
Allocation of the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract; and
Recognition of revenue when, or as, the Company satisfies a performance obligation.


At contract inception, the Company assesses whether each promised good or service is distinct to identify the performance obligations in the contract. The Company then recognizes as revenue the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to the respective performance obligations.


The Company derives its revenues through commercial contracts with distributors, health systems, large private practice groups and independent women’s health practices (“the customers”). The Company has two revenue models: (1) the sales model and (2) the subscription model. Substantially all the Company’s revenue is derived from the subscription model, under which the Company provides a monitoring service for high-risk pregnancy through the Band, which is leased to healthcare providers, using Company’s cloud during the time period the expectant mother is using the service (“an episode period” which is eight weeks on average). The Band is cleaned and refurbished between each episode period and then sent to the next patient.


Under the subscription model the Band remains with the expectant mother during the episode period and is then returned to the Company and prepared for use in the next episode. The Band remains the Company’s property and responsibility, and the customer pays a fixed fee per the number of episode prescriptions.


The Company accounts for revenue earned from subscriptions, wherein an identified asset is transferred to the customer and the customer has the ability to control that asset under ASC 842. The lease of the Band under the subscription model meets the classification of an operating lease. The Company has elected to aggregate the lease and non-lease components and record the revenue combined, over the lease term. The episodes are the period over which the Company recognizes revenue, based on time elapsed. Revenue from the operating lease is generally recognized on a straight-line basis over the service period.


Under the sales model, healthcare providers purchase the Band as well as monitoring sessions, or episodes of care. Under this model, the healthcare provider owns the Band and utilizes it for monitoring sessions for its patients. Between each episode period, the Band is cleaned and refurbished and sent to the next patient. Revenue is allocated to the sale of the Band, each episode period, and each refurbishment. Revenue from the Band is recorded upon transfer of the Band to the healthcare provider, episode revenue is recorded over the eight-week period it is used, and a portion of the revenue is allocated to each refurbishment between episode periods. Generally, the Company will collect cash in advance and should therefore consider the existence of a significant financing component. However, the Company has elected to apply the practical expedient under ASC 606 which exempts the adjustment of the consideration for the existence of a significant financing component when the period between the transfer of the services and the payment for such services is one year or less.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


t. Cost of Revenue


Cost of revenue primarily consists of inventory cost including materials cost, subcontracting manufacturing cost, and shipping and handling costs incurred in supporting revenue generating activities. In addition, cost of revenue includes amortization of the Bands used to fulfil the subscription services as well as royalties paid to the government in return for a government grant previously received.


u. Research and Development Costs, Net:


Research and development costs are charged to the statements of comprehensive loss as incurred, net of government grants, which represent participation in research and development.


Research and development expenses include costs directly attributable to the conduct of research and development programs, including the payroll costs, lab expenses, materials, consumables, and consulting fees. All costs associated with research and development are expensed as incurred. The Company receives royalty-bearing grants, which represents participation of the Israel Innovation Authority (hereafter “IIA”) in approved programs for research and development. These grants are recognized as a reduction of research and development expenses as the related costs are incurred. In 2022 the Company received grants from the IIA and recorded $77 in the year ended December 31, 2022, as a reduction of research and development. The Company did not receive any grants during the years ended December 31, 2023 or 2021.


The Company is committed to pay royalties to the Israeli Government at a rate of 3% to 3.5% of the sales of its product, up to 100% of the amount of the grants received plus interest at SOFR. See Note 14.


v. Sales and Marketing


Sales and marketing expenses primarily consist of personnel related expenses, including salaries and share-based compensation and marketing and business development expenses. The Company expenses sales and marketing as incurred.


w. General and Administrative


General and administrative expenses primarily consist of personnel-related expenses associated with finance, legal, and human resources personnel, including salaries and share-based compensation expenses. In additional to personnel-related expenses, general and administrative expenses consist of rent, utilities, software expense, changes in the fair value of the commitment to shareholder, and external professional services, including accounting, audit, tax, finance, legal, compliance, and information technology. General and administrative expenses are expensed as incurred.


x. Fair Value of Financial Instruments:


The Company accounts for financial instruments under ASC 820, Fair Value Measurements (“ASC 820”). This statement defines fair value, establishes a framework for measuring fair value in generally accepted accounting principles, and expands disclosures about fair value measurements.


To increase consistency and comparability in fair value measurements, ASC 820 establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value into three levels as follows:


Level 1 - quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


Level 2 - observable inputs other than Level 1, quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets, quoted prices for identical or similar assets and liabilities in markets that are not active, and model-derived prices whose inputs are observable or whose significant value drivers are observable.
Level 3 - assets and liabilities whose significant value drivers are unobservable.


Observable inputs are based on market data obtained from independent sources, while unobservable inputs are based on the Company’s market assumptions.


Unobservable inputs require significant management judgment or estimation. In some cases, the inputs used to measure an asset or liability may fall into different levels of the fair value hierarchy. In those instances, the fair value measurement is required to be classified using the lowest level of input that is significant to the fair value measurement. Such determination requires significant management judgment.


Convertible Loans


During the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Company entered into certain Convertible Loans. In accordance with ASC 480, Distinguishing Liabilities from Equity (“ASC 480”), the Convertible Loans were classified as liabilities. The Company has elected the fair value option for the recognition of Convertible Loans, in accordance with ASC 825 Financial Instruments, with changes in fair value recognized in the statements of comprehensive loss. Any changes in the fair value of liabilities resulting from changes in instrument-specific credit risk are reported in other comprehensive loss and were immaterial during the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022.


The fair value of the Convertible Loans has been estimated using the Market Approach – Guideline Public Company Method with the Hybrid method utilizing the Probability-Weighted Expected Return Method and the Option-Pricing Method.


The fair value option may be applied instrument by instrument, but it is irrevocable. Accrued interest for the Convertible Loans has been included in the change in fair value of financial instruments in the consolidated statements of comprehensive loss.


SAFE Agreements


During the years ended December 31, 2020 through 2022, the Company entered into certain SAFE agreements. In accordance with ASC 480, the Company accounts for a SAFE as a liability at fair value and adjusts the instrument to fair value at each reporting period. This liability is subject to re-measurement at each balance sheet date until a triggering event, equity financing or a liquidity or dissolution occurs, and any change in fair value is recognized in the Company’s statements of comprehensive loss. The fair value of these SAFE has been estimated using the Market Approach – Guideline Public Company Method with the Hybrid method utilizing the Probability-Weighted Expected Return Method and the Option-Pricing Method.


The carrying amounts of the Company’s other financial assets and liabilities, such as cash and cash equivalents, restricted cash, accounts receivable, and accounts payable, approximate the respective fair value due to the short-term nature of these instruments. The amounts funded in respect of employee rights are stated at cash surrender value which approximates its fair value.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


y. Share-Based Compensation:


The Company accounts for share-based payments to employees and consultants, including grants of service-based employee share options in accordance with ASC 718, Compensation—Share-based Compensation, which requires that share-based payments be recognized in the statements of comprehensive loss based on their fair values. The Company accounts for forfeitures of share-based awards as they occur. The Company recognizes compensation cost for options and share awards that have a graded vesting schedule and contain only service condition on a straight-line basis for the entire award. Expense for other share-based compensation expense is recognized over the awards’ vesting period using the accelerated method.


The Company uses the Black-Scholes option-pricing model to estimate fair value of share-based awards. The Black-Scholes option-pricing model requires the use of the following assumptions:


Expected term—The expected term represents the period that the share-based awards are expected to be outstanding. For option grants that are considered to be “plain vanilla”, the expected option term was calculated based on the simplified method, which uses the midpoint between the vesting date and the contractual term, as the Company does not have sufficient historical data to develop an estimate based on participant behavior. For options granted to non-employees, the expected life of the option used is the contractual term of each such option.


Expected volatility—Since the Company is not yet a public company and does not have any trading history for its ordinary share, the expected volatility was estimated based on the average historical volatilities of ordinary share of comparable publicly traded entities over a period equal to the expected term of the share option grants. The comparable companies were chosen based on their size, stage in the life cycle or area of specialty. The Company will continue to apply this process until enough historical information regarding the volatility of its share price becomes available.


Risk-free interest rate—The risk-free interest rate is based on the U.S. Treasury yield in effect at the time of grant for zero-coupon U.S. Treasury notes with maturities approximately equal to the expected term of the awards.


Expected dividend—The Company has never paid dividends on the ordinary share and has no plans to pay dividends on the ordinary shares. Therefore, the Company used an expected dividend yield of zero.


As the Company’s ordinary shares are not publicly traded, the fair value of the ordinary share has been determined by the Company’s Board of Directors with input from management, considering the Company’s most recently available third-party valuation of ordinary shares based on relevant valuation methodologies as outlined in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (“AICPA”) Practice Aid, “Valuation of Privately-Held-Company Equity Securities Issued as Compensation”. The Company also considered the amount of time between the independent third-party valuation dates and the grant. This included an evaluation of whether the subsequent valuation indicated that any significant change in valuation had occurred between the previous valuation and the grant date.


For awards with performance condition vesting features, compensation cost is recorded if it is probable that the performance condition will be achieved. If the Company originally estimated that it was not probable that the performance condition would be satisfied, compensation cost would not have been recognized. If the Company later determines that it is probable that the performance condition will be satisfied, it will recognize a cumulative catch-up adjustment to reflect the portion of the employee’s requisite service that has been provided to date and will continue to recognize compensation cost over the remaining requisite service period. The Company determined that the performance conditions as described above are not probable, and therefore no compensation cost was recognized.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


z. Legal Contingencies:


From time to time, the Company or its subsidiary become involved in legal proceedings or are subject to claims arising in the ordinary course of business. Such matters are generally subject to many uncertainties and outcomes and are not predictable with assurance. The Company accrues for contingencies when the loss is probable, and it can reasonably estimate the amount of any such loss. There are no legal proceedings that are pending as of the date the financial statements are issued.


aa. Taxes


The Company accounts for income taxes in accordance with ASC 740, “Income Taxes”. This codification prescribes the use of the asset and liability method whereby deferred tax asset and liability account balances are determined based on differences between financial reporting and tax bases of assets and liabilities and for carry-forward tax losses. Deferred taxes are measured using the enacted tax rates and laws that will be in effect when the differences are expected to reverse. The Company provides a valuation allowance, if necessary, to reduce deferred tax assets to their estimated realizable value if it is more likely than not that some portion or all of the deferred tax asset will not be realized. As of December 31, 2023 and December 31, 2022 a full valuation allowance was provided by the Company. The Company accounts for uncertain tax positions in accordance with the provisions of ASC 740, “Income Taxes”. Accounting guidance addresses the determination of whether tax benefits claimed or expected to be claimed on a tax return should be recorded in the consolidated financial statements, under which a company may recognize the tax benefit from an uncertain tax position only if it is more likely than not that the tax position will be sustained on examination by the taxing authorities, based on the technical merits of the position. The tax benefits recognized in the financial statements from such a position should be measured based on the largest benefit that has a greater than fifty percent likelihood of being realized upon ultimate settlement. Accordingly, as needed, the Company reports a liability for unrecognized tax benefits resulting from uncertain tax positions taken or expected to be taken in a tax return.


bb. Comprehensive income (loss)


Comprehensive income (loss) includes no items other than net income (loss).


cc. Emerging Growth Company


The Company is an emerging growth company, as defined in the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act of 2012 (the “JOBS Act”). Under the JOBS Act, emerging growth companies can delay the adoption of new or revised accounting standards issued subsequent to the enactment of the JOBS Act until such time as those standards apply to private companies. The Company has elected to use the extended transition period for complying with new or revised accounting standards that have different effective dates for public and private companies until the earlier of the date that (i) the Company is no longer an emerging growth company or (ii) the Company affirmatively and irrevocably opts out of the extended transition period provided in the JOBS Act. However, the Company may early adopt certain accounting standards, as the JOBS Act does not preclude an emerging growth company from adopting a new or revised accounting standard earlier than the time that such standard applies to private companies to the extent early adoption is permitted.


dd. New Accounting Pronouncements:


Recently Adopted Accounting Standards


In June 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-13, Financial Instruments—Credit Losses (“ASC 326”): Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments to introduce a new model for recognizing credit losses on financial instruments based on estimated current expected credit losses, or CECL. Under the new standard, an entity is required to estimate CECL on trade receivables at inception, based on historical information, current conditions, and reasonable and supportable forecasts. The guidance is effective for the Company for annual periods beginning after December 15, 2022, including interim periods within those fiscal years. Early application is permitted. The Company adopted ASC 326 on January 1, 2023, and there was no material impact on the Company’s consolidated balance sheet and the consolidated statements of comprehensive loss upon adoption.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


Recently Issued Accounting Standards, Not Yet Adopted


In November 2023, the FASB issued ASU No. 2023-07 Segment Reporting (Topic 280): Improvements to Reportable Segment Disclosures. The ASU improves reportable segments disclosure requirements, primarily through enhanced disclosures about significant segment expenses. The ASU also requires a public entity that has a single reportable segment to provide all the disclosures required by the amendments and all existing segment disclosures in Topic 280. The ASU is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2023, and interim periods within fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024. The Company does not expect the adoption of this guidance to have a material impact on the Company’s consolidated financial statement disclosures.


In December 2023, the FASB issued ASU 2023-09 “Income Taxes (Topic 740): Improvements to Income Tax Disclosures”. This guidance is intended to enhance the transparency and decision-usefulness of income tax disclosures. The amendments in ASU 2023-09 address investor requests for enhanced income tax information primarily through changes to disclosure regarding rate reconciliation and income taxes paid both in the U.S. and in foreign jurisdictions. ASU 2023-09 is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15, 2024 on a prospective basis, with the option to apply the standard retrospectively. Early adoption is permitted. The Company is currently evaluating this guidance to determine the impact it may have on its consolidated financial statements disclosures.




The following table summarizes revenue by timing of revenue recognition:


    Year Ended
December 31,
    Amount     Percentage of Revenue  
Sale of belts     78       44  
Refurbishment revenue     5       3  
Subscription revenue     93       53  
Total revenue   $ 176       100 %


    Year Ended
December 31,
    Amount     Percentage of Revenue  
Israel   $ 12       7  
United States     164       93  
Total revenue   $ 176       100 %


No revenues were recognized during the years ended December 31, 2022, or 2021.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


Unbilled Accounts Receivable


The Company had an unbilled accounts receivable balance of $17 and zero as of December 31, 2023 and 2022, respectively. Unbilled accounts receivable is recorded within accounts receivable, net on the accompanying consolidated balance sheets.


Deferred Revenue


The current portion of deferred revenue represents amounts that are expected to be recognized within one year of the balance sheet date. As of December 31, 2023, the Company had $24 of current deferred revenue and did not have material non-current deferred revenue. As of December 31, 2022, the Company did not have any deferred revenue.


The Company has elected the practical expedient not to disclose remaining performance obligations for contracts that are less than one year in length. The Company does not have any performance obligations extending beyond one year.




    December 31,  
    2023     2022  
Government authorities1   $ 336     $ 274  
Advances to vendors     432       489  
Prepaid expenses     175       163  
Other     21       36  
Total other current assets   $ 964     $ 962  


1 Other current assets related to government authorities is primarily related to value-added tax (“VAT”) receivables.




    December 31,  
    2023     2022  
Computers and software   $ 779     $ 760  
Office, furniture and equipment     535       520  
Electronic equipment     608       604  
Property and equipment, gross     1,922       1,884  
Less: accumulated depreciation     1,181       975  
Property and equipment, net   $ 741     $ 909  


Depreciation expenses amounted to $206, $495, and $214 for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021, respectively. The Company did not dispose of any property and equipment during the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022 or 2021.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)




During 2017 the Company entered into an operating lease agreement, according to which the paid rent started August 2018. The monthly average rent expenses were approximately $57 from August 2018 through March 2022. In March 2022 the Company exercised an extension option and the lease term was extended for a period of five years, through March 15, 2027, with a 5% increase in base rent. Upon the extension, the Company recorded right-of-use asset and liability of approximately $3,188. In November 2022, the Company agreed with the landlord to terminate the operating lease agreement effective December 31, 2022. As such, the corresponding right-of-use asset and liability were eliminated, with a loss of $5 recognized in the statement of comprehensive loss. In addition, the Company depreciated the entire amount of $248 “leased improvements”. Operating lease expense during the year ended December 31, 2022 was $799.


In August 2021, the Company signed a new sublease agreement to sublease parts of its office space in Tel Aviv to a third party for an annual consideration of approximately $280 which ended on August 31, 2022. In January 2020, the Company signed a sublease agreement to sublease parts of its office space in Tel Aviv to a third party for an annual consideration of approximately $240. This agreement ended in August 2021.


Currently the Company has two short term lease agreements with a monthly average rent expense of approximately $30. Short-term lease expense, including variable lease payments, associated with the operating lease during the year ended December 31, 2023 was $482.




    December 31,  
    2023     2022  
Employees and payroll accruals   $ 833     $ 1,058  
Accrued expenses     1,861       987  
Accrued vacation and recuperation     233       333  
Tax liability     140       1,180  
Deferred revenues     24       -  
Other     217       169  
Total other accruals   $ 3,307     $ 3,727  




From August through October 2023, the Company signed several agreements to issue Redeemable Crossover Preferred Shares at a per share issuance price of $7.0265 for total proceeds of $13,000, of which $245 was with related parties. Upon the consummation of a de-SPAC transaction, the Redeemable Crossover Preferred Shares will be converted to Holdco preferred shares with the same rights associated to those shares of Holdco.


The Redeemable Crossover Preferred Shares received a liquidation preference, ranking them ahead of all other classes of Nuvo shareholders, equal to the greater of (i) the sum of three times the original issuance price for the Redeemable Crossover Preferred shares, or (ii) the amount such shareholders would actually receive if such Redeemable Crossover Preferred shares had been converted into Nuvo ordinary shares immediately prior to a distribution event; in each case, plus any dividends declared but unpaid on such share. Each Redeemable Crossover Preferred Share will be converted to Holdco Preferred Shares and is then convertible at the option of the shareholder beginning three years after the sale of the Shares. Upon conversion of any Redeemable Crossover Preferred Share, the number of Ordinary Shares issued for each Redeemable Crossover Preferred shall be equal to the greater of: (i) One Ordinary Share for each Crossover Preferred Share converted; or (ii) A number of Ordinary Shares equal to three times the original issue price of the Redeemable Crossover Preferred Shares divided by the Fair Market Value as defined by the Company’s Articles of Association.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


Each Redeemable Crossover Preferred Share shall confer upon the holder thereof the rights, powers, restrictions, qualifications and limitations accruing to and imposed upon the holders of Ordinary Shares in the Articles of Association (except where expressly subject to different treatment).


The conversion option, which results in preferred shareholders receiving three times their initial investment in Preferred Shares, is in effect a share-settled put and therefore is considered an embedded derivative in a debt-like host. This embedded derivative is not clearly and closely related to the debt host and requires bifurcation as a derivative liability, which is recorded at fair value. For the fair value of the redeemable crossover preferred shares – put option derivative, see Note 11.


In addition, Holdco will also issue approximately $36,000 in Holdco Ordinary Shares as an incentive to Redeemable Crossover investors (“incentive shares”) immediately following the closing of the de-SPAC as contemplated by the BCA.


During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company received proceeds of $13,000. The proceeds were received before the crossover preferred shares were issued and the Company determined that, until issuance, the amounts received represented a contingent forward to issue redeemable crossover preferred shares. The contingent forward was accounted for as a liability measured at fair value at each balance sheet date. Upon issuance of the crossover preferred shares, the contingent forward was reclassified to mezzanine equity in the Company’s consolidated balance sheet. For the Redeemable Crossover Preferred shares’ fair value, see Note 11. The Company did not have any Redeemable Crossover Preferred shares agreements in effect during the year ended December 31, 2022.




The Company entered into SAFE agreements, with several existing shareholders and new investors, pursuant to which the Company issued to the investors the right to acquire certain shares in exchange for payment by the investors, subject to certain terms and conditions.


During the year ended December 31, 2020, a total of approximately $2,362 was raised through SAFEs, with a valuation cap of $200,000, applicable in the case of a Liquidity Event (as defined below), and a 15% conversion discount (“Discount Rate”), in the event of an equity financing in which the Company issues and sells shares for proceeds of at least $20,000 (“Equity Financing”).


During the year ended December 31, 2021, a total of approximately $18,267 was raised through SAFEs, out of which an amount of $12,638 was raised at the same terms as the 2020 SAFEs and amounts of $5,529 and $100 were raised with a valuation cap of $400,000 and $625,000 respectively, applicable in the case of a Liquidity Event, and a 25% Discount Rate, in the event of an Equity Financing. The rest of the SAFEs conditions are similar to the 2020 SAFEs’ terms.


During the year ended December 31, 2022, a total of approximately $2,350 was raised through SAFEs, which includes amounts of $2,150 and $200 that were raised at a valuation cap of $400,000 and $625,000 respectively, applicable in the case of a Liquidity Event, and a 25% Discount Rate, in the event of an Equity. The rest of the SAFEs conditions are similar to the 2020 SAFEs’ terms.


During the year ended December 31, 2023, $1,366 was granted in SAFEs to convertible loan investors as an incentive for extending the maturity date of the associated convertible loans for an additional one-year period and $99 was granted in SAFEs to new convertible loan investors as incentive for entering into the new loans.


During the year ended December 31, 2022, $1,267 was granted in SAFEs to convertible loan investors as an incentive for entering into the new loans. See Note 10 for additional information.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


After the execution of the BCA on August 17, 2023, the required majority of SAFE holders signed an amendment to their existing agreements. This adjusts the outstanding SAFEs to carry a valuation cap of $200,000 and 25% discount rate. In the event of a de-SPAC merger the valuation cap is adjusted to $150,000.


The SAFEs contain certain conversion triggers which provide for the conversion of the investment into Ordinary Shares in the event of: (i) an Equity Financing or (ii) either a change of control transaction or an initial public offering, whichever occurs sooner, which in each case is referred to as a Liquidity Event. Upon the occurrence of a Liquidity Event, the investor will, at its discretion, receive either a cash payment or shares of the most senior series issued prior to the Liquidity Event. In the event of a conversion, the conversion price is calculated as either: (i) the price per share of the Ordinary Shares sold in connection with the Equity Financing less the Discount Rate, or (ii) the price per Ordinary Share equal to the pre-money valuation cap divided by the Company’s outstanding capitalization in effect immediately prior to the Equity Financing or Liquidity Event, calculated on an as converted and fully diluted basis, with the conversion price with respect to an Equity Financing equaling whichever calculation results in the issuance of the greater number of shares to the SAFE holder.


The SAFEs are considered liabilities pursuant to ASC 480 and were initially and subsequently measured at fair value with change in fair value recognized in statements of comprehensive loss based on the following analysis:


The SAFEs were first evaluated under ASC 480-10. Each SAFE was determined to be a freestanding financial instrument since it was entered into separately and apart from any of the Company’s other financial instruments or equity transactions. In addition, each SAFE is legally detachable and separately exercisable.


The SAFEs are liabilities pursuant to ASC 480-10-25-8 since the SAFEs embody an obligation that is indexed to an obligation to repurchase the Company’s shares as the Company may be obligated to repurchase the SAFEs in certain circumstances as stipulated in the agreements. Therefore, the SAFEs are required to be initially and subsequently measured at fair value with change in fair value recognized in the statements of comprehensive loss pursuant to ASC480-10-30-7 and ASC 480-10-35-5.


The Company did not assess the SAFEs for embedded derivatives since any recognized derivatives shall not be separated from the SAFEs pursuant to ASC 815-15-25-1(b), as the SAFEs are measured at fair value through profit or loss.




Convertible Loans


During the year ended December 31, 2022, the Company entered into several loan agreements (“Convertible Loans”) with noteholders for a total amount of $7,435 out of which $2,350 are with related parties. Interest on the Convertible Loans accrues at a monthly rate of 2% over the twelve month term of the loan and is payable by the Company at maturity. Any portion of the principal and interest can be converted by the noteholder to the SAFE at any time before maturity.


The noteholders also received SAFEs concurrent with the loan agreement at an amount equal to 20% of the invested loan principal.


During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company entered into several loan agreements (“Convertible Loans”) with noteholders for a total amount of $495 for which those investors were granted an additional $99 in SAFEs. Interest on the Convertible Loans accrues at a monthly rate of 2% over the twelve-month term of the loan and is payable by the Company at maturity. Any portion of the principal and interest can be converted by the noteholder to the SAFE at any time before maturity.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


The Convertible Loans mature 12 months from the effective date and can be extended by an additional 12 months at the discretion of the Company. If the Company elects to extend the maturity date, the noteholders shall receive a one-time extension fee equal to 20% of the loan principal amount. This extension fee shall be issued in SAFE as well.


The Convertible Loans may be prepaid in whole or in part at any time.


Conversion terms:


The Convertible Loans may be converted to SAFEs (the “Convertible Loan SAFEs”) at any time.


Upon the occurrence of a Qualified Financing which is defined as an equity investment of $15,000 or more, the Company shall repay to noteholder the outstanding balance of the principal and accrued interest (“Purchase Amount”), unless any portion is applied to the Convertible Loan SAFEs pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Convertible Loan agreement.


Key terms of the Convertible Loan SAFEs:


Equity Financing – Means, with respect to the Convertible Loan SAFEs, prior to the expiration of such SAFEs, if an equity financing occurs (including through an initial public offering or business combination with a special purpose acquisition company) representing investment proceeds in excess of $15,000, the Company is to automatically issue a number of shares, equal to the Purchase Amount divided by the Conversion Price (as defined below).


Conversion Price – Means either: (1) the SAFE Price – which is the price per share equal to the pre-money valuation cap of $350,000 divided by the Company’s capitalization, calculated on an as converted and fully diluted basis or (2) the Discount Price – which is the price per share of the equity instrument sold in such Equity Financing multiplied by the Discount Rate of 75%, whichever calculation results in the greater number of shares.


Change of Control Event – Upon the occurrence of a change of control before the termination of the Convertible Loan SAFEs, the Purchase Amount shall automatically convert into the number of shares of the Company equal to the Purchase Amount divided by the Change of Control Conversion Price, calculated as the amount received by either the Company or its shareholders upon the change of control multiplied by the Discount Rate.


Upon the occurrence of a Termination Event (as defined under the note) and subject to applicable law, the Company will be required to facilitate the return of the Purchase Amount to the Investor immediately following the occurrence of the Termination Event.


The rest of the SAFE conditions are similar to the 2020 SAFEs’ terms. As such, it was determined to be freestanding financial instruments.


In August 2023 the Company repaid a total of $1,384 in Convertible Loans, consisting of $1,100 in invested principal and $284 in interest.


During the same time, 44 of 46 remaining loan investors signed the loan consent form and, as a result, the associated loans were extended for one year. Consequently, the associated extension incentive of $1,366 was granted in SAFEs to these loan investors. The loan consent form further ensures that the loans, including accrued interest, converts entirely into SAFEs immediately prior to the closing of the business combination pursuant to the BCA. These SAFEs originated based on the loan, are then converted under the same terms as captured in the SAFE amendment for original SAFE investors with a valuation cap of $200,000 and a 25% discount, and a $150,000 valuation cap in the case of a de-SPAC merger. See Note 9 for details on the SAFE amendment.


The Company has elected to account for the Convertible Loans using the fair value option. Refer to Note 11 for changes in fair value.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


Bridge Loans and Warrants


During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company entered into an agreement with a Lender (“the Lender”) to obtain financing in the amount of $1,000 at an interest rate of 15% per annum with an initial maturity date of 12 months. As a condition of the funding, the Company was required to obtain $2,000 of additional financing from third parties within 30 days of the issuance of the note.


In connection with the agreement, the Company entered into a secured promissory note agreement (the “Promissory Note”) with the Lender for $250 at an interest rate of 15% as an advance of the funding from the Lender. Upon maturity, the Lender may elect to receive the outstanding balance in either cash or convert the outstanding balance into ordinary shares of the Company at a price per share of $7.0265.


As of December 31, 2023, the Company had obtained $2,050 of the additional financing from third parties of which $400 was from related parties. In January 2024, the Company secured an additional $1,110 of the additional financing from third parties and received the remaining balance of $750 from the Lender. In February through April 2024, the Company secured an additional $3,014 of additional financing from third parties. For additional details following December 31, 2023, see Note 18.


In connection with the Bridge Loans, the Lender and the third-party investors received warrants to purchase a number of ordinary shares of the Company equal to twice the principal amount of their respective loan divided by a per share price of $7.0265. The warrants will be exercisable at an exercise price of NIS 0.01 at any time after issuance. The agreement provides for a total of 1,112,930 warrants, of which 796,938 and 315,947 will expire on the 3-year anniversary and 4-year anniversary of the issuance date, respectively. Of the 1,112,930 total warrants, 113,855 were due to related parties. The warrants are considered freestanding financial instruments and are equity classified. As of December 31, 2023, the Company had issued 512,346 warrants of which 113,855 were due to related parties. The Company recognized the warrants as a debt discount of $865 to additional paid-in capital. $193 of the debt discount was associated with related parties.


No warrants were exercised during the year ended December 31, 2023. As of December 31, 2023, 512,346 warrants were outstanding. The cash was allocated to the outstanding warrants based on the relative fair value, as determined in accordance with the methodology and assumptions described in Note 11. As of December 31, 2023, $865 was recorded as additional paid-in capital upon issuance of the warrants. The Company did not have any warrants outstanding during the year ended December 31, 2022. Subsequent to December 31, 2023, the Company issued the remaining 1,458,337 warrants and recognized $2,364 within additional paid-in capital. Refer to Note 18 for further information.


The Bridge Loans are subsequently accounted for under ASC 470: Debt at amortized cost using the effective interest method. The Bridge Loans contain an embedded derivative related to a put option which requires acceleration of repayment upon an event of default as defined in the loan agreement, the value of which is negligible as of December 31, 2023.


As of December 31, 2023, the future maturities of debt outstanding, including interest, are as follows:


Fiscal years ended December 31,   Amount  
2024   $ 10,641  
2025     -  
2026     1,800  
Thereafter     -  
Total debt outstanding   $ 12,441  





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)




The fair value of the Convertible Loans, SAFEs, and Commitment to Shareholder may change significantly as additional data is obtained, impacting the Company’s assumptions used to estimate the fair value of the liabilities. In evaluating this information, considerable judgment is required to interpret the data used to develop the assumptions and estimates. The estimates of fair value may not be indicative of the amounts that could be realized in a current market exchange. Accordingly, the use of different market assumptions and/or different valuation techniques may have a material effect on the estimated fair value amounts, and such changes could materially impact the Company’s results of operations in future periods.


The following table presents changes in Level 3 liabilities measured at fair value for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022. Unobservable inputs were used to determine the fair value of positions that the Company has classified within the Level 3 category:


Balance as of January 1, 2022   $ -     $ 26,577  
Issuance consideration     7,435       2,350  
Changes in fair value     1,674       (2,645 )
Balance as of December 31, 2022   $ 9,109     $ 26,282  
Issuance consideration     495       -  
Repayment of principal and accrued interest     (1,384 )     -  
Changes in fair value     2,158       (10,223 )
Balance as of December 31, 2023   $ 10,378     $ 16,059  


Refer to Note 17 for information related to the commitment to shareholder that was settled during the year ended December 31, 2023.


Significant Inputs


A summary of significant inputs (Level 3 inputs) used in measuring the Convertible Loans, the SAFEs and the contingent forward to issue Redeemable Crossover Preferred shares as of December 31, 2023 is as follows:


    de-SPAC     Staying  
    Transactions     Private  
    Valuation     Valuations  
Key assumptions:     35 %     65 %
Probability weighting                
Time to liquidity (in years)     0.22       0.37  
Expected volatility     80 %     80 %
Risk-free interest rate     5.37 %     5.37 %
Expected dividend yield     -       -  
Equity value (in thousands)   $ 300,000     $ 50,640  





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


A summary of significant inputs (Level 3 inputs) used in measuring the Convertible Loans and SAFEs as of December 31, 2022, is as follows:


    Equity     Liquidity  
    Financing     Event  
    Scenario     Scenario  
Key assumptions:                
Probability weighting     80 %     20 %
Time to liquidity (in years)     1.25       0.25  
Expected volatility     60 %     60 %
Risk-free interest rate     5 %     4 %
Expected dividend yield     0 %     0 %
Equity value (in thousands)   $ 151,303     $ 151,303  


Contingent Forwards Redeemable Crossover Preferred Shares


The contingent forward contract to issue 1,850,147 redeemable crossover preferred shares, incentive shares, and the redeemable crossover preferred shares – put option, was revalued from $13,000 to $39,082 as of December 31, 2023.


The fair value of the contingent forward was determined using level 3 fair value measurement inputs. A summary of the allocation of fair value to the individual components is presented below. The corresponding loss of $26,082 was recorded within change in fair value of financial instruments on the consolidated statements of comprehensive loss. Upon issuance, the shares were classified as mezzanine equity within the Company’s consolidated balance sheet and are not subject to remeasurement.


    SPAC     Staying     Weighted  
    Transaction     Private     Average  
    Scenario     Scenario     Value  
Probability     35 %     65 %        
Incentive shares   $ 21,597     $ -     $ 7,559  
Redeemable crossover preferred shares     15,675       28,574       24,059  
Redeemable crossover preferred - put option     21,326       -       7,464  
Fair value of redeemable crossover preferred shares   $ 58,598     $ 28,574     $ 39,082  




During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company issued equity-classified warrants in connection with their Bridge Loans. Upon issuance, the warrants were measured at the amount allocated to them based on relative fair value, which was determined utilizing the Black-Scholes model (“BSM”). For additional information, refer to Note 10.


A summary of significant inputs (Level 3 inputs) used in measuring the non-recurring warrants during the year ended December 31, 2023, is as follows:


    December 31,
Exercise price   NIS 0.01
Expected term (in years)   3.0 - 4.0
Current price of the underlying share   $2.80
Expected volatility of the underlying share   59.45% - 73.16%
Expected dividend yield on the underlying share   0.0%
Risk-free interest rate   4.12% - 4.04%





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)




Royalties to IIA:


Under the Company’s research and development agreements with the IIA and pursuant to applicable laws, the Company is required to pay royalties at the rate of 3% - 3.5% of sales of products developed with funds provided by the IIA, up to an amount equal to 100% of the IIA research and development grants received, totals to $1,164, including accrued interest at the SOFR rate. The Company is obligated to repay the IIA for the grants received only to the extent that there are sales of the funded products. The Company did not make any payments of royalties during the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, or 2021. As of December 31, 2023, accrued royalties due to the IIA were immaterial.




  a. Ordinary Shares rights:


Each Ordinary Share confers on its holder the rights to receive notice of, and to participate and vote in, all meetings of the shareholders, to receive dividends, and to participate in the distribution of the surplus assets and funds of the Company in the event of the liquidation, dissolution or winding up of the Company, all, as set forth in the Company’s Articles of Association and subject to applicable law.


  b. Issuance of shares:


During the year ended December 31, 2022, four of the Company’s consultants had exercised their options to purchase 86,129 Ordinary Shares in consideration of $38. No options were exercised by consultants during the year ended December 31, 2023.


c. Warrants:


On May 20, 2015, the Company granted 45,238 warrants to Ramot at Tel Aviv University Ltd. These warrants are exercisable, with an exercise price per share of NIS 0.01 to convert into one Ordinary Share of the Company per warrant. The warrants expire ten years from the issuance date.


  d. Share-based Compensation:


On December 2015, the Board of Directors of the Company adopted the 2015 Share Incentive Plan (the “Plan”), which provides for the grant of up to 1,000,000 options to purchase Ordinary Shares of the Company to employees, officers, directors and consultants of the Company. During 2022 the pool of options to purchase Ordinary Shares under the Plan was increased to 4,450,000.


Options granted under the Plan generally expire 10 years from the date of grant.


The options generally vest 25% on the first anniversary of the vesting start date and 6.25% at the end of each subsequent quarter over the course of the following three years.


On April 28, 2021, the Board of Directors of the Company adopted amendments to the Plan. The main amendment was a cashless exercise mechanism.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


The fair value of options granted under the stock option plan during the year ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 was estimated at the date of grant using the Black-Scholes option pricing model and the following assumptions for grants:


    December 31,
    2023   2022
Risk-free interest rates   3. 64 – 4.95%   2.97%
Expected life of options   2.5 – 6.1 years   6.25 years
Expected volatility   67.00 – 71.00%   70.00%
Expected dividend yield   0.00%   0.00%


The following table summarizes the allocation of total share-based compensation expense in the statements of comprehensive loss:


    Years Ended
December 31,
    2023     2022     2021  
Research and development, net   $ 1,346       1,664       2,784  
Sales and marketing     508       1,787       448  
General and administrative     1,241       4,323       6,517  
Total share-based compensation expense   $ 3,095     $ 7,774     $ 9,749  


The following table summarizes stock option activity:


   Number of
   Weighted Average
Exercise Price
   Weighted Average
Contractual Term
Balance at January 1, 2023   4,710,727   $5.16    4.26   $13,681 
Granted   967,472    4.21           
Forfeit   (219,764)   8.04           
Expired   (202,463)   6.29           
Exercised   (55,565)   5.55        $12 
Balance at December 31, 2023   5,200,407   $4.37    7.53    7,472 
Vested and expected to vest at December 31, 2022   4,710,727   $5.16    4.26   $13,681 
Vested and expected to vest at December 31, 2023   5,200,407   $4.37    7.53   $7,472 
Exercisable at December 31, 2022   3,333,715   $3.28    1.13   $11,175 
Exercisable at December 31, 2023   4,165,659   $3.33    7.40   $7,215 


The weighted-average grant date fair value of options granted during the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 was $2.16 and $4.57, respectively. The intrinsic value of options exercised for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 was $12 and $178, respectively. The aggregate grant-date fair value of options that vested during the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 was $5,438 and $6,510, respectively. Cash received from option exercises for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022 was zero and $411, respectively. During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company issued 28,479 shares upon cashless exercise of 55,565 options.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


For the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021, the Company recognized $3,095, $7,774, and $9,750 of share-based compensation expense relating to stock options, respectively. As of December 31, 2023, there was $1,839 of unrecognized stock compensation expense related to non-vested stock options granted under the Plan. These costs are expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of approximately 2.0 years.


The Company granted to several directors under the plan a total of 213,906 and 23,138 options during the years ending December 31, 2023, and 2022 respectively.


  e. Performance and market-based compensation:


The founder, who is a current Board member and former Chief Innovation Officer (“former CIO”) is entitled to future option allocations according to his employment contract. The allocation of a maximum total of 600,000 options with a strike price of $0.01 will depend on the increase of the Company value achieved via capital raises or a potential sale of the Company, out of which 75,000 options were granted during 2017. These options will be granted fully vested upon reaching related valuation milestones. The right to this allocation terminates 18 months after the termination of the employment in July 2024. No further options were allocated under these rights in 2023 and 2022. No other executive officers or Board members of the Company are entitled to such or similar allocations. The Company considers these allocation conditions as both market and performance conditions. They are considered market conditions since the employment contract links the option allocation to market prices for the Company’s equity. The Company also considers these allocations under performance conditions since the options’ vesting was dependent on achievement of the required valuation milestones. The associated liability was accrued as a commitment to shareholder on the Company’s consolidated balance sheets, with associated expense and change in fair value recognized within general and administrative within the statements of comprehensive loss.


Refer to note 17 for additional information.




    Years Ended
December 31,
    2023     2022     2021  
Salaries and wages   $ 4,734     $ 5,557     $ 5,293  
Share-based compensation     1,346       1,664       2,784  
Rent, office and utilities, software licenses and communication     1,740       1,834       1,924  
Professional services     486       556       215  
Other     18       359       254  
Research and development, gross   $ 8,324     $ 9,970     $ 10,470  
Less - participation of R&D expenses (see note 2u)1     -       (77 )     -  
Research and development, net   $ 8,324     $ 9,893     $ 10,470  


1 Participation of R&D expenses represents government grants received from the IIA. Refer to note 2 for additional information.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)




a. Tax laws applicable to the Company and the Subsidiary:


Nuvo Group Ltd. is taxed under the Israeli income tax laws. The Israeli corporate income tax rate was 23% in 2023 and thereafter. The Company’s subsidiary in the U.S. is subject to U.S. federal tax at the flat rate of 21% in 2023 and thereafter. The Company’s subsidiary is separately taxed in the state jurisdictions it is doing business in for income tax purposes.


b. Carry forward tax losses:


Nuvo Group Ltd. has accumulated losses for tax purposes in Israel of approximately $74,442 as of December 31, 2023 which may be carried forward and offset against future taxable income for an indefinite period.


As of December 31, 2023, the U.S. carryforward losses were $2,247. These losses may be carried forward and offset against future taxable income for an indefinite period.


c. Tax assessments:


Tax assessments filed by the Company in Israel through the year ended on December 31, 2017 are considered to be final and tax assessments filed by the Subsidiary in the United States through the year ended on December 31, 2019 are considered to be final.


d. Deferred taxes:


Deferred income taxes reflect the net tax effects of temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for income tax purposes. As of December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Company has provided a full valuation allowance in respect of deferred income tax assets. Management currently believes that it is more likely than not that the deferred income taxes regarding the carry forward tax losses and regarding other temporary differences will not be realized in the foreseeable future.


Significant components of the Company’s deferred income tax assets are as follows:


    December 31,  
    2023     2022  
Carry forward tax losses   $ 17,594     $ 17,372  
Research and development expenses, net     1,670       1,835  
Convertible loans     1,141       483  
Other temporary differences     80       144  
    $ 20,485     $ 19,834  
Less - valuation allowance     (20,485 )     (19,834 )
    $ -     $ -  
Valuation allowance                
Balance at beginning of year   $ 19,834     $ 16,212  
Losses during the year     651       3,622  
Balance at end of year   $ 20,485     $ 19,834  





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


e. Current taxes on income


The main reconciling item between the statutory tax rate of the Company and the effective tax rate is the change in valuation allowance in respect of tax benefits from carried forward tax losses due to uncertainty of the realization of such tax benefits.


The changes in the valuation allowance for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021 were as follows:


    December 31,  
    2023     2022     2021  
Balance at the beginning of the year   $ 19,834     $ 16,212     $ 12,491  
Changes during the year:                        
Losses during the year (including foreign exchange rate effect)     651       3,622       3,721  
Balance at the end of the year   $ 20,485     $ 19,834     $ 16,212  


f. Accounting for Uncertain Tax position


The following is a reconciliation of the total amounts of the Company’s uncertain tax positions during the year ended December 31, 2023 and 2022:


    December 31,  
    2023     2022  
Balance at the beginning of the year   $ 1,180     $ 413  
Increase in uncertain tax position because of tax positions taken during the year:     (1,040 )     767  
Balance at the end of the year   $ 140     $ 1,180  


Tax years as early as 2020 remain open and are subject to examination in the Company’s principal tax jurisdictions. The Company does not expect a significant change to its net unrecognized tax benefits over the next 12 months. No interest and penalties were recognized in the Consolidated Statement of Operations for the year ended December 31, 2023 or 2022, and there were no interest and penalties recognized in the statement of financial position as of December 31, 2023 and 2022. The Company classifies income tax related interest and penalties as income tax expense.




The following table sets forth the computation of basic and diluted net loss per share attributable to Shareholders for the periods presented:


    Year Ended
December 31,
    2023     2022     2021  
Net loss   $ (33,655 )   $ (20,679 )   $ (34,512 )
Weighted-average ordinary shares outstanding used in computing net loss per share attributable to shareholders     15,495,298       15,477,374       15,391,244  
Weighted average fully vested options and warrants for the Company’s Ordinary Shares at an exercise price of NIS 0.01 per share     2,551,444       1,546,023       1,573,483  
Weighted average number of shares     18,046,742       17,023,397       16,964,727  
Net loss per share attributable to shareholders, basic and diluted   $ (1.86 )   $ (1.21 )   $ (2.03 )





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


The potentially dilutive options to purchase Ordinary Shares that were excluded from the computation amounted to 3,642,987, 3,160,699, and 3,454,104 options for the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021, respectively, as their effect is anti-dilutive. As a result, diluted net loss per share is the same as basic net loss per share for each of the periods presented.


In addition, the Company has not considered the effect of the potential conversion of the SAFEs (see Note 9), Convertible Loans, Bridge Loans (see Note 10), or Redeemable Crossover Preferred Shares Liability (see Note 8) to Ordinary Shares of the Company in the calculation of diluted net loss per share since the conversion of these instruments is contingent upon the occurrence of future events.



Related party balances within the consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2023 and 2022 were as follows:


    December 31,  
    2023     2022  
SAFE liability due to related parties   $ 349     $ 571  
Convertible loans due to related parties   $ 2,416     $ 2,349  
Crossover preferred shares and incentives shares issued to related parties   $ 596     $ -  
Bridge loans due to related parties   $ 400     $ -  


Interest expense due to related parties in connection with the convertible loans during the years ended December 31, 2023, 2022, and 2021 was $749, $21, and zero, respectively. Interest expense due to related parties related to the bridge loans was immaterial during the year ended December 31, 2023. See Note 10 for additional information.


During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company issued 113,855 warrants with a total associated value of $193 to related parties. See also Note 10 and Note 13.


Cross-over Preferred Shares


During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company received several investments from related parties. These investments totaled $245 and were subsequently converted into 34,868 Redeemable Crossover Preferred shares. Additionally, during the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company received investments of $600 from a related party that was subsequently converted into 85,390 Redeemable Crossover Preferred shares. The individual was no longer a related party as of December 31, 2023. Refer to Note 8 for additional information.


Related Party Expenses


In relation to a service agreement with a related party to provide project-based work services, during the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022, the Company received such services for total consideration of $182 and $45, respectively. The Company did not incur related party service expenses during the year ended December 31, 2021. The expense was recognized within research and development on the consolidated statements of comprehensive loss.


In relation to a service agreement with a related party to provide advisory services, during the year ended December 31, 2023, the company received such services for total consideration of $50. The expense was recognized within general and administrative on the consolidated statements of comprehensive loss. The Company did not incur any expenses with this related party during the years ended December 31, 2022, or 2021.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)


In July 2023, the Company entered into a consulting services agreement (the “Consulting Agreement”) with an entity wholly owned and controlled by the Company’s Interim Chief Financial Officer as of August 2023 (“the Consulting Company”), to provide consulting services to the Company. Pursuant to the Consulting Agreement, the Company will pay the Consulting Company an annual retainer of $300,000 to be paid as follows: (i) 50% in cash and (ii) 50% by way of fully-vested options to purchase the Company’s Ordinary Shares issued under the Company’s Plan. During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company granted 60,000 fully vested options and recognized related shared-based compensation expenses of $157 and consulting expenses of $75 within general and administrative on the consolidated statements of comprehensive loss.


Commitment to Shareholder


On November 17, 2021, the Company entered into an agreement with its former CIO pursuant to which, the Company, subject to certain conditions, agreed to issue to the former CIO options to purchase 346,575 Ordinary Shares at an exercise price of NIS 0.01. In exchange for the issuance of the foregoing options, the former CIO agreed to waive the Company’s previously agreed obligation to pay any taxes resulting from the exercise of 346,575 options granted to him as part of the Company’s December 2014 financing round and any taxes resulting from the sale of those options. In addition, the Company agreed to reimburse the former CIO for expenses related to a tax ruling in connection with Company’s securities previously granted to him. Because these present obligations are considered probable by the Company and arise as a result of past transactions and events, the Company considers these obligations as liabilities under US GAAP. As of December 31, 2022 the Company accrued a liability measured at fair value of approximately $1,945, with changes in fair value of $1,036 recognized in general and administrative on the consolidated statements of comprehensive loss. During the year ended December 31, 2023, the Company granted the options and de-recognized the commitment to shareholder liability and recorded the settlement of $909 within additional paid-in capital on the balance sheet. 


On May 29, 2023, the Company entered into an employment termination agreement (the “Termination Agreement”) with its former CIO effective January 31, 2023:


  1. As per the Termination Agreement, the Company agreed to pay the former CIO the following:


  A. 12 monthly payments, equivalent to approximately $32 and totaling of approximately $384.


  B. Severance payments in respect of all employment’s periods, by no later than December 31, 2023, totaling of approximately $177.


  C. All other amounts that have not been distributed, as of the Termination Agreement date, to his pension funds during the term of his employment in a total amount of approximately $32.



In August 2023, following the BCA and the Redeemable Crossover Preferred shares agreements all the conditions set forth in the Termination Agreement, between the Company and the former CIO related to an option allocation in conjunction with waiving a tax liability, were met and in September 2023, 346,575 options were granted to the former CIO as a result. When the options were granted, the Company de-recognized the commitment to shareholder liability and recognized the gain on extinguishment which is recorded within general and administrative expenses on the consolidated statements of comprehensive loss.





(U.S. dollars in thousands, except share data)




The Company has evaluated subsequent events from the consolidated balance sheet date through May 7, 2024, the date at which consolidated financial statements were available to be issued.


In January 2024, the Company recorded $988 as additional paid-in capital upon issuance of the 600,584 warrants for the Bridge Loan program funding. Refer to Note 10 for further information.


In February 2024, the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) Kelly Londy resigned after accepting a leading position at a non-competitive multinational healthcare company. Following the departure, Board member Rice Powell assumed the position of CEO and Kelly Londy joined the Company’s Strategic Advisory Council.


In February through April of 2024, the Company obtained additional financing through the Bridge Loan program as described in Note 10, in the amount of $3,014. Further, all of the existing loan agreements were amended to extend the initial repayment option to subsequent to the closing of the de-SPAC transaction and shorten the longest repayment term.


In March 2024, the Board of Directors of the Company approved a stock option repricing (the “Option Repricing”), which was effective on March 26, 2024, (the “Repricing Date”). The Option Repricing applied to outstanding options to purchase ordinary shares of the Company that, as of the Repricing Date, are held by employees of the Company and had an exercise price per share greater than $2.80. As of the Repricing Date, 1,041,966 outstanding options were repriced such that the exercise price per share was reduced to $2.80 effective as of March 26, 2024.


In March 2024, the Board of Directors of the Company granted 750,000 new hire options to the Company’s CEO and 140,000 new hire options to the Company’s CFO. The options vest over a period of two to four years.


On May 1, 2024, the Company completed its previously announced de-SPAC merger transaction with LAMF. Each Nuvo Share issued and outstanding will, by virtue of the Acquisition Merger and upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Business Combination Agreement, automatically be deemed to have been transferred and automatically deemed for all purposes to represent only the right to receive a number of Holdco Ordinary Shares equal to the Equity Exchange Ratio. Refer to Note 1 for additional information.




Exhibit 15.2




The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information has been prepared in accordance with Article 11 of Regulation S-X (“Article 11”). The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information presents the pro forma effects of the Business Combination contemplated in the Business Combination Agreement, including the Mergers, comprising the SPAC Merger between LAMF and Assetco and the Acquisition Merger between Merger Sub and Nuvo, and the Interim Financing, which is recorded in the pro forma adjustments to the unaudited pro forma combined balance sheet as described in Note 3 below.


The assumptions and estimates underlying the unaudited adjustments to the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial statements are described in the accompanying notes, which should be read in conjunction with, the following included or incorporated by reference elsewhere in this Report:


  Nuvo’s audited consolidated financial statements and related notes as of and for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023.


  LAMF’s audited financial statements and related notes as of and for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023.
  Nuvo’s audited statements of operations for the year ended December 31, 2022.
  LAMF’s audited statements of operations for the year ended December 31, 2022.


  Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations of Nuvo.


  Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations of LAMF as set forth in the Prospectus which section is incorporated herein by reference.


The unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Statements do not necessarily reflect what the Post-Combination Company’s financial condition or results of operations would have been had the Business Combination occurred on the dates indicated. The unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Information also may not be useful in predicting the future financial condition and results of operations of the Post-Combination Company. The actual financial position and results of operations may differ significantly from the pro forma amounts reflected herein due to a variety of factors.


LAMF Global Ventures Corp I (“LAMF”)


LAMF is a blank check company incorporated on July 20, 2021, as a Cayman Islands exempted company and incorporated for the purpose of effecting a merger, share exchange, asset acquisition, share purchase, or reorganization or similar business combination with one or more businesses or entities. On November 16, 2021, LAMF consummated its initial public offering (“IPO”) of 25,300,000 units (“Units”) at a price of $10.00 per Unit, generating total gross proceeds of $253 million. Each Unit consists of one LAMF Class A Ordinary Share (“Public Shares”), and one-half of one redeemable warrant (“Public Warrants”), with each whole Public Warrant entitling the holder thereof to purchase one Class A ordinary share for $11.50 per share.


Prior to the consummation of the IPO, on September 3, 2021, the Sponsor paid $25,000, or approximately $0.003 per share, to cover formation costs in exchange for an aggregate of 7,666,667 Founder Shares. On November 10, 2021, LAMF completed a share capitalization pursuant to which an additional 766,666 Founder Shares were issued to the Sponsor, resulting in an aggregate of 8,433,333 Founder Shares outstanding.





Simultaneously with the Closing of the IPO, LAMF consummated the sale of 1,106,000 Private Placement Units at a price of $10.00 per Private Placement Unit in a private placement to our Sponsor, generating gross proceeds of approximately $11.1 million. Each Private Placement Unit consists of one LAMF Class A Ordinary Share (the “Private Placement Shares”), and one-half of one redeemable warrant (the “Private Placement Warrants”).


On May 11, 2023, the holders of 22,347,384 Public Shares exercised their right to redeem their shares for cash for a price of approximately $10.52 per share, for an aggregate redemption amount of approximately $235.1 million. After the satisfaction of such redemptions, the Trust Account balance was approximately $31.0 million.


Nuvo Group Ltd. (“Nuvo”)


Incorporated in June 2006 and headquartered in Israel, Nuvo is a women’s health and connected pregnancy care company, and has developed INVU by Nuvo, an FDA-cleared, prescription-initiated, remote pregnancy monitoring platform that enables the delivery of remote NSTs, MHR, and FHR monitoring, helping expectant mothers adhere to their prescribed care plan.


Holdco Nuvo Group D.G Ltd. (“Holdco”)


Holdco, a limited liability company organized under the laws of the State of Israel, was incorporated on July 20, 2023, for the sole purpose of effectuating the Transactions. Holdco has no material assets and does not operate any businesses. The historical audited financial statements of Holdco as at July 20, 2023 and as at December 31, 2023, included in this Report, were prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP and are denominated in U.S. dollars. Following consummation of the Business Combination, Holdco became the parent holding company of Acquisition Surviving Sub and the SPAC Surviving Company, and a SEC registrant.


Holdco prepares its financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP and its reporting currency is denominated in U.S. dollars. Accordingly, the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information of Holdco as of and for the year ended December 31, 2023 are prepared using a reporting currency of U.S. dollars.


Nuvo Assetco Corp. (“Assetco”)


Assetco is a Cayman Islands exempted company wholly owned by Holdco. Assetco was incorporated to merge with LAMF.


H.F.N Insight Merger Company Ltd. (“Merger Sub”)


Merger Sub is a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Israel, wholly owned by LAMF. Merger Sub was incorporated to merge with Nuvo.


Description of the Merger


On August 17, 2023, the foregoing parties entered into the Business Combination, pursuant to which, (i) one day prior to the Closing, LAMF will merge with Assetco, with Assetco continuing as the surviving entity (“SPAC Surviving Company”) of the SPAC Merger, and each LAMF Class A Ordinary Share issued and outstanding immediately prior to the effective time of the SPAC Merger will be automatically cancelled and converted into the right to receive one Holdco Ordinary Share, and (ii) on the Closing Date, Merger Sub merge into Nuvo, with Nuvo continuing as the surviving entity (“Acquisition Surviving Sub”) of the Acquisition Merger, and each Nuvo Share and each Nuvo Crossover Preferred Share, issued and outstanding immediately prior to the effective time of the Acquisition Merger will be automatically cancelled and converted into the right to receive a number of Holdco Ordinary Shares or Holdco Preferred Shares, respectively, as determined by the Equity Exchange Ratio. The Equity Exchange Ratio is equal to the equity value per share (determined by dividing an aggregate Equity Value of approximately $300 million following Nuvo’s execution of the Philips MPA, by the fully diluted share capital of Nuvo), divided by $10.20 per share. Subsequent to the Mergers, the SPAC Surviving Company will distribute any amounts remaining in the Trust Account to Holdco and will then be liquidated.





The equity exchange and financing related matters associated with the SPAC Merger and the Acquisition Merger are summarized as below. For additional information see “The Business Combination Agreement.”


LAMF Shareholders Merger Consideration


  At the SPAC Effective Time, by virtue of the SPAC Merger and without any action on the part of LAMF, Assetco or any holder of any LAMF Securities or shares of Assetco, all LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares that were owned by LAMF, Merger Sub or any wholly owned subsidiary of LAMF immediately prior to the SPAC Effective Time were canceled, and no other consideration was delivered in exchange therefor;


  Each other LAMF Class A Ordinary Share issued and outstanding immediately prior to the SPAC Effective Time automatically converted into a number of validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable Holdco Ordinary Shares based on the SPAC Exchange Ratio equal to 1.00 (provided, however, that if LAMF and Nuvo mutually agree, for Nasdaq or other applicable exchange listing purposes, then the SPAC Exchange Ratio may be some ratio other than 1.00, in which case any other ratios described in the Business Combination Agreement that would be impacted by such change was proportionately adjusted);


  At the SPAC Effective Time, each ordinary share of Assetco was converted into one ordinary share of the SPAC Surviving Company, which constituted the only outstanding share capital of the SPAC Surviving Company;


  At the SPAC Effective Time, each Public Warrant that was outstanding immediately prior to the Closing was converted into and became the right to receive a warrant to purchase one Holdco Ordinary Share with the same terms as the Public Warrants (other than the fact that it is exercisable for a Holdco Ordinary Share) and is governed by the Warrant Assignment, Assumption and Amendment Agreement;


  At the SPAC Effective Time, each Private Placement Warrant that was outstanding immediately prior to the SPAC Effective Time was converted into and became the right to receive a warrant to purchase one Holdco Ordinary Share with the same terms as the Private Placement Warrants (other than the fact that it is exercisable for a Holdco Ordinary Share) and is governed by the Warrant Assignment, Assumption and Amendment Agreement.


Nuvo Shareholders Merger Consideration


  At the Acquisition Effective Time, by virtue of the Acquisition Merger and without any action on the part of Nuvo, Merger Sub or any holders of Nuvo Shares or capital stock of Merger Sub, all Nuvo Treasury Shares outstanding immediately prior to the Acquisition Effective Time, if any, were transferred to Assetco and no consideration was delivered in exchange therefor;


  Each Nuvo Share issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Acquisition Effective Time (except for Nuvo Treasury Shares and including, for the avoidance of doubt, any outstanding Nuvo Shares issued upon conversion of the Nuvo SAFEs or Nuvo Convertible Loans or exercise of Nuvo Warrants, in each case to the extent issued and outstanding at the time of the Acquisition Effective Time) was, by virtue of the Acquisition Merger and upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Business Combination Agreement, automatically deemed to have been transferred to Assetco and automatically deemed for all purposes to represent only the right to receive a number of Holdco Ordinary Shares equal to the Equity Exchange Ratio, and as of the Acquisition Effective Time, each holder thereof ceased to have any other rights in or to Nuvo or the Acquisition Surviving Sub;


  Each Nuvo Crossover Preferred Share issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Acquisition Effective Time (except for Nuvo Treasury Shares) was, by virtue of the Acquisition Merger and upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Business Combination Agreement, automatically deemed to have been transferred to Assetco and automatically deemed for all purposes to represent only the right to receive a number of Holdco Preferred Shares equal to the Equity Exchange Ratio, and as of the Acquisition Effective Time, each holder thereof ceased to have any other rights in or to Nuvo or the Acquisition Surviving Sub;





  Unless otherwise exercised into Nuvo Shares prior to the Acquisition Effective Time, each Nuvo Warrant issued and outstanding immediately prior to the Acquisition Effective Time, was, by virtue of the Acquisition Merger and upon the terms and subject to the conditions set forth in the Business Combination Agreement, assumed by Holdco, and each such Nuvo Warrant was converted into a Converted Warrant to purchase Holdco Ordinary Shares, which warrant shall continue to have and be subject to the same terms and conditions as were applicable to such Nuvo Warrant immediately before the Acquisition Effective Time (including expiration date and exercise provisions), except that: (i) each Converted Warrant shall be exercisable for that number of Holdco Ordinary Shares equal to the product (rounded down to the nearest whole number) of (A) the number of Nuvo Shares subject to the Nuvo Warrant immediately before the Acquisition Effective Time multiplied by (B) the Equity Exchange Ratio and (ii) the per share exercise price for each Holdco Ordinary Share issuable upon exercise of the Converted Warrant shall be equal to the quotient obtained by dividing (A) the exercise price per Nuvo Share of such Nuvo Warrant immediately before the Acquisition Effective Time by (B) the Equity Exchange Ratio;


  Each Nuvo SAFE was automatically converted into Nuvo Shares immediately prior to the Acquisition Effective Time pursuant to the terms of such Nuvo SAFEs, which was then converted to Holdco Ordinary Shares at the Equity Exchange Ratio;


  The outstanding principal and accrued interest on each outstanding Nuvo Convertible Loan was automatically converted into Nuvo SAFEs pursuant to the terms of the Nuvo Loan Amendment, and such Nuvo SAFEs was automatically converted into Nuvo Shares and subsequently Holdco Ordinary Shares as described in the immediately preceding bullet.


Accounting for the Business Combination


Nuvo has been determined to be the accounting acquirer based on an evaluation of the following facts and circumstances (as described below):


  Nuvo’s existing shareholders are expected to have the greatest voting interest in the combined entity, excluding the dilutive effect of preferred shares, warrants, and options, approximately 73.7%, and on a fully diluted basis, Nuvo’s existing shareholders have 53.8%. Nuvo’s existing shareholders, therefore, have control over Holdco’s business following consummation of the Business Combination.


  Nuvo’s existing shareholders have the ability to control decisions regarding election and removal of the majority of the Holdco Board.


  Nuvo’s senior management are the senior management of Holdco.


Accordingly, the transaction is accounted for as a reverse recapitalization, with LAMF being treated as the “acquired” company for financial reporting purposes. For accounting purposes, the reverse recapitalization is the equivalent of Nuvo issuing shares for the net assets of LAMF, accompanied by a recapitalization as Holdco. As a result of the Business Combination being an in-substance capital transaction, Holdco’s qualifying transaction costs has been treated as an equivalent to equity issuance costs, reflected as a reduction to additional paid-in capital, rather than as an expense, in the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information. The net assets of both LAMF and Nuvo has been stated at historical cost, with no goodwill or other intangible assets recorded. Operations prior to the reverse recapitalization is that of Nuvo.


Outstanding vested and unvested share-based awards of Nuvo has been converted into the right to receive upon vesting or exercise such awards for Holdco Ordinary Shares. Because no terms of such share-based awards are modified upon consummation of the Business Combination, no accounting impact for such outstanding awards is currently expected.


The Public Warrants and Private Placement Warrants of LAMF are not expected to be modified as a result of the Business Combination and are expected to be continued to be treated as equity in Holdco’s financial statements.





Basis of Pro Forma Presentation


The following unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information has been prepared in accordance with Article 11. The adjustments presented on the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information have been identified and presented to provide relevant information necessary for an understanding of Holdco upon consummation of the Business Combination.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information is for illustrative purposes only. The financial results may have been different had the applicable companies been combined as of and for the period(s) presented in the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information, and you should not rely on the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information as being indicative of the historical results that would have been achieved had the companies been so combined or Holdco’s future results. Nuvo and LAMF have not had any historical relationship prior to the Business Combination. Accordingly, no pro forma adjustments were required to eliminate activities between the companies.


The historical financial information of Nuvo has been adjusted to give effect to material subsequent events for the purposes of the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information.


The combined company’s balances described below are performed based on the Trust Account figures as of December 31, 2023, which included $32.1 million of cash and accrued interest held in the Trust Account and 2,952,616 outstanding LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares held by Public Shareholders. This results in an implied redemption price per share of $10.54. On May 11, 2023, as part of the approval of the Extension Proposal, LAMF approved the conversion of 8,433,333 LAMF Class B Ordinary Shares to 8,433,333 LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares (the “Founder Share Conversion”). Further, 22,347,384 LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares were redeemed for approximately $235.0 million at a value of $10.52 per share, based on Trust Account figures at the time of redemption. As a result, there were 12,491,949 LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares outstanding following the approval of the Extension Proposal and, as of December 31, 2023, there were no LAMF Class B Ordinary Shares outstanding. Of the 12,491,949 LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares, 9,539,333 shares were not subject to redemption, which include 1,106,000 shares held by the Sponsor and 8,433,333 shares converted in the Founder Share Conversion that are held by the Sponsor, LAMF’s independent directors and LAMF Insiders.


The following table presents the ownership of Holdco immediately following the Closing, which does not give effect to the potential exercise of any unvested warrants, the Holdco Preferred Shares or any of Nuvo’s equity awards assumed by Holdco:


   Share Ownership in Holdco 
Shareholders  Number of
Ordinary Shares
   Percentage of
Share Capital
LAMF Public Shareholders(1)   1,356,330    4.1%
Sponsor(2)   7,381,373    22.2%
Nuvo Shareholders(3)   24,523,846    73.7%
Total   33,261,549    100.0%
Total Preferred Shares(4)   1,850,126      


(1)Includes 143,370 of LAMF Public Shareholders after redeemed shares, and includes 1,212,960 shares transferred by the Sponsor to certain LAMF Shareholders who agreed not to redeem their LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares at the extraordinary general meeting of LAMF’s shareholders held on May 11, 2023.
(2)Includes 1,106,000 shares held by the Sponsor, 55,000 shares issued to an affiliate of the Sponsor upon conversion of $550,000 of Working Capital Loans and 8,433,333 Founder Shares held by the Sponsor, LAMF’s independent directors and LAMF Insiders. The 8,433,333 Founder Shares were converted from Class B Ordinary Shares to Class A Ordinary Shares through the Founder Share Conversion. Prior to the Closing, the Sponsor forfeited 1,000,000 shares as part of the Interim Financing which shares are excluded from the table above. As of December 31, 2023 there were no LAMF Class B Ordinary Shares outstanding.
(3)The number of shares reflects the conversion of the SAFE liability and the Nuvo Convertible Loans to Holdco Ordinary Shares based on the conversion ratio of 6.47 as of December 31, 2023.
(4) The Holdco Preferred Shares are not included in the weighted average ordinary shares for the purpose of calculating loss per share because they do not participate in losses.





The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information has been prepared considering actual redemptions of 25.16 million shares of Class A common stock.


Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Pro Forma Balance Sheet

as of December 31, 2023

(in thousands, except per share data)


   LAMF Global
Corp. 1
   Holdco Nuvo
Group D.G Ltd.
       Transactions Accounting Adjustments       Pro Forma
Current Assets:                                      
Cash and cash equivalents  $128    553    -   $451   A   $987   J   $2,119 
Inventory   -    20    -    -        -        20 
Accounts receivable   -    40    -    -        -        40 
Other current asset   -    964    -    -        -        964 
Prepaid expenses   43    -    99    (99)  B    -        43 
Total current assets   171    1,577    99    352        987        3,186 
Restricted cash (Non-current)   -    28    -    -        -        28 
Property and equipment, net   -    741    -    -        -        741 
Other assets   -    1,140    -    -        -        1,140 
Cash in Trust Account   32,179    -    -    -        (32,179)  K    - 
Total Assets  $32,350    3,486    99   $352       $(31,192)      $5,095 
LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY (DEFICIT)                                      
Current liabilities:                                      
Accounts payable and accruals:                                      
Trade  $-    952    -   $-       $-       $952 
Other   -    3,307    -    -        1,091   L   $4,398 
Due to sponsor   88    -    -    -        (88)  M    - 
Sponsor advance   650    -    -    -        277   M    927 
Non-redemption liability   205    -    -    -        (205)  N    - 
Other Current Liabilities   -    -    99    (99)  C    -        - 
SAFE Liability   -    16,059    -    -        (16,059)  O    - 
Bridge Loans (Current)   -    249    -    -        -        249 
Working capital loans   -    -    -    550   D    -        550 
Convertible Loans   -    10,378    -    -        (10,378)  O    - 
Accrued expenses   4,934    -    -    -        2,219   M    7,153 
Total current liabilities   5,877    30,945    99    451        (23,143)       14,229 
Deferred underwriting fee payable   9,915    -    -    (9,915)  E    -        - 
Bridge Loans (Non-current)   -    949    -    4,839   F    -        5,788 
Cross Over preferred- put option   -    7,464    -    -        -        7,464 
Deferred advisory fees payable   2,974    -    -    -        -        2,974 
Total liabilities   18,766    39,358    99    (4,626)       (23,143)       30,455 
Holdco Preferred Shares   -    31,618    -    -        -        31,618 
Ordinary Shares subject to possible redemption   32,079    -    -    100   G    (32,179)  P    - 
Total ordinary shares subject to possible redemption   32,079    31,618    -    100        (32,179)       31,618 
Shareholders’ equity:                                      
Nuvo Ordinary Shares   -    39    -    -        (39)  Q    - 
LAMF Ordinary Shares Class A   1    -    -    -        (1)  R    - 
LAMF Ordinary Shares Class B   -    -    -    -        -        - 
Holdco Ordinary Shares   -    -    -    -        27,165   S    27,165 
Additional paid-in capital   415    76,245    -    11,723   H    (17,329)  T    71,054 
Accumulated deficit   (18,911)   (143,774)   -    (6,845)  I    14,334   U    (155,196)
Total shareholders’ equity   (18,495)   (67,490)   -    4,878        24,130        (56,978)
Total liabilities and shareholders’ deficit  $32,350    3,486    99   $352       $(31,192)       5,095 





Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Pro Forma Income Statement

for the Period Ended December 31, 2023

(in thousands, except per share data)


   LAMF Global
Corp. 1
   Holdco Nuvo
Group D.G Ltd.
       Transactions Accounting Adjustments      Pro Forma
Revenue  $-   $176   $-   $-       $-       $ 176  
Cost of revenues:   -    (191)   -    -        -         (191)  
Gross profit (loss)  $-   $(15)  $-   $-       $-       $ (15)  
Cost and expenses                                         
Research and development, net  $-    (8,324)   -    -        -       $ (8,324)  
Sales and marketing   -    (3,221)   -    -        -         (3,221)  
General and administrative   (8,649)   (5,073)   -    (1,907)  AA    -         (15,629)  
Loss from operations   (8,649)   (16,633)   -    (1,907)       -         (27,189)  
Change in fair value of financial instruments   -    (18,017)   -    -        18,500   AB     483  
Other financial expenses, net   -    (44)   -    -        -         (44)  
Dividend income   966    -    -    -        (966)  AC     (0)  
Interest income   4,228    -    -    -        (4,228)  AC     (0)  
Change in fair value of derivatives   (33)   -    -    -        33   AD     (0)  
Income (loss) before income taxes  $(3,489)  $(34,694)  $-   $(1,907)      $13,339       $ (26,750)  
Income taxes   -    (1,039)   -    -        -         (1,039)  
Net income (loss)  $(3,489)  $(33,655)  $-   $(1,907)      $13,339       $ (25,711)  
Total comprehensive income (loss)  $(3,489)  $(33,655)  $-   $(1,907)      $13,339       $ (25,711)  
Ordinary Shares (Income) Loss per Share:                                        
Basic and Diluted weighted average shares outstanding (Class A)   17,523,880    18,046,742    -                          
Income (loss) per share  $(0.17)  $(1.86)  $-                          
Basic and Diluted weighted average shares outstanding (Class B)   3,049,863                                    
Income per share  $(0.17)                                   
Ordinary Shares Income (Loss) per Share:                                        
Net loss attributable to Ordinary Shareholders, basic and diluted                                     (25,711)  
Basic and Diluted weighted average shares outstanding                                     33,261,549  
Loss per share                                     (0.77)  





Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Pro Forma Income Statement

for the Year ended December 31, 2022

(in thousands, except per share data)


   LAMF Global
Corp. 1
   Holdco Nuvo
Group D.G Ltd.
Pro Forma
       Pro Forma
Cost and expenses                             
Research and development, net  $-   $9,893   $-   $-       $9,893 
Sales and marketing   -    4,752    -    -        4,752 
General and administrative   1,690    6,161    -    -        7,851 
Total costs and expenses   1,690    20,806    -    -        22,496 
Change in fair value of financial instruments   -    (971)   -    971   AB    - 
Financial expenses   -    69    -    -        (69)
Dividend income   (753)   -    -    753   AC    - 
Interest income   (3,188)   -    -    3,188   AC    - 
Loss (income) before income taxes   (2,251)   19,904    -    4,912        22,565 
Income taxes   -    775    -    -        (775)
Net (income) loss  $(2,251)  $20,679   $-   $(4,912)      $(23,340)
Total comprehensive income (loss)  $(2,251)  $20,679   $-   $(4,912)      $(23,340)
Ordinary Shares income (loss) per Share:                             
Basic and Diluted weighted average shares outstanding (Class A)   26,406,000    17,023,397    -               
Income (loss) per share  $(0.06)  $1.21   $-               
Basic and Diluted weighted average shares outstanding (Class B)   8,433,333                         
Income per share  $(0.06)                        
Ordinary Shares Loss per Share:                             
Net Loss Attributable to Ordinary Shareholders, basic and diluted                           (23,340)
Basic and Diluted weighted average shares outstanding                           37,394,332 
Loss per share                           (0.62)







Note 1 – Basis of Presentation


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information has been prepared to illustrate the effect of the Business Combination and has been prepared for informational purposes only.


The Business Combination has been accounted for as a reverse recapitalization, in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Under this method of accounting, LAMF has been treated as the acquired company for financial reporting purposes. Accordingly, for accounting purposes, the Business Combination has been treated as the equivalent of Nuvo issuing shares in exchange for the net assets of LAMF, accompanied by a recapitalization as Holdco. The net assets of LAMF has been recognized at carrying value, with no goodwill or other intangible assets recorded. Therefore, any change in the Equity Exchange Ratio has not impacted the pro forma condensed combined financial statements because Nuvo has accounted for the acquisition of LAMF based on the amount of net assets acquired upon consummation of the Business Combination.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet as of December 31, 2023, assumes that the Business Combination occurred on December 31, 2023. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of operations for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023 and the year ended December 31, 2022 presents the pro forma effect of the Business Combination as if it had been completed on January 1, 2022. These financial statements are presented on the basis of Nuvo as the accounting acquirer.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet as of December 31, 2023, has been prepared using, and should be read in conjunction with, the following:


  LAMF’s audited balance sheet as of December 31, 2023, and the related notes, incorporated by reference into this Report; and


  Nuvo’s audited consolidated balance sheet as of December 31, 2023, and the related notes, attached as Exhibit 15.1 to this Report.


The audited pro forma condensed combined statement of operations for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023 and the year ended December 31, 2022 have been prepared using, and should be read in conjunction, with the following:


  LAMF’s audited statement of operations for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023, and audited statement of operations for the year ended December 31, 2022 and the related notes, incorporated by reference into this Report; and


  Nuvo’s audited consolidated statement of comprehensive loss for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023, audited consolidated statement of comprehensive loss for the year ended December 31, 2022, and the related notes, attached as Exhibit 15.1 to this Report.


LAMF’s management has made significant estimates and assumptions in its determination of the pro forma adjustments (“Transaction Accounting Adjustments”). As the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information has been prepared based on these preliminary estimates, the final amounts recorded may differ materially from the information presented. The related Transaction Accounting Adjustments are based on currently available information and assumptions management believes are, under the circumstances and given the information available at this time, reasonable, and reflective of adjustments necessary to report Holdco’s financial condition and results of operations as if the Business Combination was completed on the dates indicated. Therefore, it is likely that the actual adjustments will differ from the pro forma adjustments, and it is possible the difference may be material. LAMF believes that its assumptions and methodologies provide a reasonable basis for presenting all of the significant effects of the Business Combination and related transactions contemplated based on information available to management at the time and that the pro forma adjustments give appropriate effect to those assumptions and are properly applied in the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information.





The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information does not give effect to any anticipated synergies, operating efficiencies, tax savings, or cost savings that may be associated with the Business Combination (“Management Adjustments”). LAMF has elected not to present Management Adjustments and has only presented Transaction Accounting Adjustments in the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information.


The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information is not necessarily indicative of what the actual results of operations and financial position would have been had the Business Combination taken place on the dates indicated, nor are they indicative of the future consolidated results of operations or financial position of the post-combination company. They should be read in conjunction with the financial statements and notes thereto of each of LAMF and Nuvo included or incorporated by reference elsewhere in this Report.


The combined company’s balances described below are performed based on the Trust Account figures as of December 31, 2023, which included $32.1 million of cash and accrued interest held in the Trust Account and 2,952,616 outstanding LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares held by Public Shareholders. This results in an implied redemption price per share of $10.54. On May 11, 2023, as part of the approval of the Extension Proposal, LAMF approved the conversion of 8,433,333 LAMF Class B Ordinary Shares to 8,433,333 LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares (the “Founder Share Conversion”). Further, 22,347,384 LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares were redeemed for approximately $235.0 million at a value of $10.52 per share, based on Trust Account figures at the time of redemption. As a result, there were 12,491,949 LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares outstanding following the approval of the Extension Proposal and, as of December 31, 2023, there were no LAMF Class B Ordinary Shares outstanding. Of the 12,491,949 LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares, 9,539,333 shares were not subject to redemption, which include 1,106,000 shares held by the Sponsor and 8,433,333 shares converted in the Founder Share Conversion that are held by the Sponsor, LAMF’s independent directors and LAMF Insiders


Note 2 – Accounting Policies


Upon consummation of the Business Combination, Holdco management has performed a comprehensive review of the two entities’ accounting policies. As a result of the review, management may identify differences between the accounting policies of the two entities which could have a material impact on the financial statements of Holdco.


Note 3 – Adjustments to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Financial Information


The historical audited financial statements have been adjusted in the unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information to give pro forma effect to events that directly reflect the accounting for the transaction. Nuvo and LAMF have not had any historical relationship prior to the Business Combination. Accordingly, no pro forma adjustments were required to eliminate activities between the companies.


The pro forma condensed combined provision for income taxes does not necessarily reflect the amounts that would have resulted had the Company filed consolidated income tax returns during the periods presented.


The pro forma basic and diluted loss per share amounts presented in the unaudited pro forma condensed combined statement of operations are based upon the estimated number of Holdco shares outstanding, assuming the Business Combination occurred on January 1, 2022, inclusive of the adjustments described below.


Adjustments to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Balance Sheet


The adjustments included in the unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Balance Sheet as of December 31, 2023, are as follows:






Represents adjustments to cash assuming 25.16 million Class A share redemptions as follows:


    (In thousands)    
Proceeds from Bridge Loans   $ 4,839   (i)
Outlay of Bridge Loans for operations     (4,839 ) (ii)
Repayment of Holdco deferred offering costs     (99 ) (iii)
Proceeds from Working Capital Loan     550   (iv)
Total   $ 451    


(i) Represents proceeds of $4.8 million received from the issuance of additional Nuvo Convertible Loans.
(ii) Represents cash outlay of $4.8 million for operational requirements.
(iii) Represents $0.1 million of repayment of Holdco deferred offering costs.
(iv) Represents the proceeds of $0.6 million received by LAMF from the issuance of Working Capital Loans.


  (B) Represents $0.1 million derecognition of the deferred offering costs adjusted against additional paid in capital.
  (C) Represents $0.1 million of deferred offering costs paid by Nuvo adjusted against cash and cash equivalents.
  (D) Represents the liability associated with the Working Capital Loan received by LAMF.
  (E) Reflects the waiver of $9.9 million of deferred underwriting fees incurred during LAMF’s IPO due upon completion of the Business Combination.
  (F) Reflects the liability associated with the $4.8 million of issuance of additional Nuvo Convertible Loans.
  (G) Reflects the elimination of interest accretion of $0.1 million.
  (H) Reflects the following transactions that increase or decrease additional paid-in capital. The unaudited pro forma condensed balance sheet reflects the corresponding total increase of $11.7 million to additional paid-in capital.
  (I) Reflects the following adjustments that increase or decrease Accumulated Deficit. The unaudited pro forma condensed balance sheet reflects the corresponding decrease of $6.8 million to Accumulated Deficit.
  (J) Represents adjustments to cash assuming 25.16 million Class A share redemptions as follows:


    (In thousands)    
Release of cash from Trust Account   $ 32,179    (i)
Release of cash for redemption of shares     (30,597 )  (ii)
Payment of transaction expenses     (595 )  (iii)
Total   $ 987    


(i) Represents the reclassification of cash equivalents held in the trust account and to reflect that the cash equivalents are available to effectuate the transaction or to pay redeeming Parent public stockholders.
(ii) Represents the payment of cash of $30.6 million paid for the redeeming Parent public stockholders.

Represents incremental transaction costs incurred by Nuvo of approximately $0.2 million for legal, financial advisory and other professional fees incurred in consummating the Business Combination. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet reflects these costs as a reduction of cash with a corresponding increase in accumulated deficit as these costs are expensed as incurred.


Additionally, this includes incremental transaction costs incurred by LAMF in the amount of $0.4 million. The unaudited pro forma condensed combined balance sheet reflects payment of these costs as a reduction of cash, with a corresponding increase in accumulated deficit, as these costs are expensed as incurred.





  (K) Represents the reclassification of cash equivalents held in the Trust Account and to reflect that the cash equivalents are available to effectuate the transaction or to pay redeeming LAMF public shareholders.


  (L) Reflects the amount of Nuvo transaction costs deferred as part of Holdco's negotiation with vendors to defer these balances shortly after closing with funds from additional capital raises.
  (M) Represents payments and deferrals related to LAMF accrued expenses and payables to be settled upon Closing.


  (N) Represents settlement of the non-redemption liability to Holdco Ordinary Shares which will terminate upon the expiration of the Sponsor and LAMF Insiders non-redemption agreements in connection with the Closing.



Represents the conversion of the aggregate outstanding principal amount of, and accrued but unpaid interest on, Nuvo Convertible Loans into related SAFEs, then the corresponding conversion of these SAFEs into Holdco Ordinary Shares upon the completion of the Acquisition Merger. The conversion of the Nuvo Convertible Loans and SAFEs into Holdco Ordinary Shares is based on the conversion ratio in effect as of December 31, 2023, and will result in the issuance of 5,241,917 Holdco Ordinary Shares which amounts to a $26.4 million reclassification from Convertible Loans and SAFE liability to Holdco Ordinary Shares.


  (P) Reflects the reclassification of $1.6 million of LAMF public shares, from mezzanine equity to permanent equity. The unaudited pro forma balance sheet reflects the reclassification with a corresponding increase of $1.6 million to additional paid in-capital. Further reflects the redemption of $30.6 million of LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares.


    (In thousands)  
Reclassification of LAMF’s Redeemable Class A Ordinary Shares     1,582  
Redemption of LAMF Class A Common Stock     30,597  
Total     (32,179 )


  (Q) Represents conversion of Nuvo Ordinary Shares to Holdco Ordinary Shares as a result of the Nuvo recapitalization.


  (R) Represents conversion of LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares to Holdco Ordinary Shares as a result of the Nuvo recapitalization.


  (S) Reflects the following transactions that increase Holdco. Ordinary Shares. The unaudited pro forma condensed balance sheet reflects the corresponding total increase of $27.2 million to Holdco. Ordinary Shares.


    (In thousands)  
Conversion of SAFE to Holdco Ordinary Shares   $ 16,059  
Recapitalization of Nuvo Ordinary Shares to Holdco Ordinary Shares     39  
Conversion of LAMF Class A Ordinary Shares to Holdco Ordinary Shares     1  
Recapitalization of accrued interest on Convertible Loan     483  
Settlement of shares by the Sponsor upon closing     205  
Conversion of Convertible Loan to Holdco Ordinary Shares     10,378  
Total   $ 27,165  





  (T) Reflects the following transactions that increase or decrease additional paid-in capital. The unaudited pro forma condensed balance sheet reflects the corresponding total decrease of $17.3 million to additional paid-in capital.


    (In thousands)  
Reclassification of LAMF's Redeemable Class A Ordinary Shares   $ 1,582  
Reclassification of LAMF's historical retained earnings balance into additional paid-in capital     (18,911 )
Total   $ (17,329 )


  (U) Reflects the following adjustments that increase or decrease Accumulated Deficit. The unaudited pro forma condensed balance sheet reflects the corresponding increase of $14.3 million to Accumulated Deficit.


    (In thousands)  
Acquisition related transaction expenses incurred by Nuvo   $ (1,279 )
Acquisition related transaction expenses incurred by LAMF     (2,815 )
Recapitalization of accrued interest on Convertible Loan     (483 )
Elimination of historical LAMF Acquisition Corporation retained earnings     18,911  
Total   $ 14,334  


Adjustments to Unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Statements of Operations


The pro forma adjustments included in the unaudited Pro Forma Condensed Combined Statement of Operations for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023, and year ended December 31, 2022 are as follows:


  (AA) Represents the expense of $1.9 million incurred upon the issuance of Ordinary Warrants.


  (AB) Represents the elimination of the change in fair value of the Company’s Crossover Preferred Shares, Convertible Loans and SAFE financial instruments of $18.5 million for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023, and $1.0 million for the year ended December 31, 2022.


  (AC) Represents the elimination of the interest income and dividend income earned from the investments held in the Trust Account of $5.2 million for the twelve months ended December 31, 2023, and $3.9 million for the year ended December 31, 2022.
  (AD) To reflect the elimination of the change in fair value of derivatives held.


Note 4 – Loss per Share


Represents the net loss per share calculated using the historical weighted average shares outstanding, and the issuance of additional shares in connection with the Business Combination, assuming the shares were outstanding since January 1, 2022. As the Business Combination, including related proposed equity purchases, is being reflected as if it had occurred at the beginning of the period presented, the calculation of weighted average shares outstanding for basic and diluted net loss per share assumes that the shares issuable in connection with the Business Combination have been outstanding for the entire period presented. If the maximum number of ordinary shares of LAMF are redeemed, this calculation is retroactively adjusted to eliminate such shares for the entire period.





The unaudited pro forma condensed combined financial information has been prepared for redemptions of 25.16 million Class A shares:


    Twelve Months Ended
December 31,
Ordinary Shares Pro Forma Basic and Diluted Loss Per Share        
Pro Forma net loss attributable to Ordinary shareholders   $ (25,711 )
Weighted average shares outstanding, basic and diluted     33,261,549  
Basic and diluted net loss per Ordinary share   $ (0.77 )
Ordinary Shares Pro Forma Weighted Average Shares—Basic and Diluted        
Ordinary Shares issued to Nuvo stockholders     24,523,846  
Ordinary Shares issued to current LAMF public shareholders     1,356,330  
Sponsor     7,381,373  
Holdco Ordinary Shares Pro Forma Weighted Average Shares—Basic and Diluted     33,261,549  


As a result of the pro forma net loss, the loss per share amounts exclude the anti-dilutive impacts from the following securities:


  The 3,663,440 Holdco stock options and 1,586,314 Holdco warrants outstanding as of the close of the Business Combination.


  The 1,778,685 Crossover preferred stock outstanding as of the close of the Business Combination.


  The 12,650,000 Public Warrants that will be exercisable to purchase Holdco Ordinary Shares at an exercise price of $11.50 per share.


  The 553,000 Private Placement Warrants that will be exercisable to purchase Holdco Ordinary Shares at an exercise price of $11.50 per share.


  The 1,713,010 Ordinary Stock Warrants outstanding as of the close of the Business Combination.


  The 27,500 Working Capital Loan Warrants outstanding as of the close of the Business Combination.




Exhibit 15.3




We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in this Registration Statement on Form 20-F of our report dated February 23, 2024, relating to the consolidated financial statements of LAMF Global Ventures Corp. I (the “Company”), which contains an explanatory paragraph about the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, appearing in the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the years ended December 31, 2023 and 2022. We also consent to the reference to our Firm under the caption “Experts” in the Prospectus.


/s/ WithumSmith+Brown, PC


New York, New York

May 7, 2024




Exhibit 15.4




We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in this Report on Form 20-F of Holdco Nuvo Group D.G. Ltd. of our report dated February 9, 2024 relating to the financial statements of Holdco Nuvo Group D.G. Ltd. which appears in the Registration Statement on Form F-4 (No. 333-274803) of Holdco Nuvo Group D.G. Ltd. We also consent to the reference to us under the heading “Experts” in this Report.


Tel-Aviv, Israel /s/ Kesselman & Kesselman
May 7, 2024 Certified Public Accountants (Isr.)

A member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited




Exhibit 15.5




We hereby consent to the use in this Report on Form 20-F of Holdco Nuvo Group D.G. Ltd. of our report dated May 7, 2024 related to the financial statements of Nuvo Group Ltd., which appears in this Report on Form 20-F. We also consent to the reference to us under the heading “Experts” in this Report.


Tel-Aviv, Israel /s/ Kesselman & Kesselman
May 7, 2024 Certified Public Accountants (Isr.)

A member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited



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