TORONTO, June 27,
2024 /CNW/ - Patrick A.
Blott, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Intermap
Technologies (TSX: IMP) ("Intermap" or the "Company"), Jennifer Bakken, Executive Vice President and
Chief Financial Officer, Intermap Technologies and several of their
colleagues joined Dani Lipkin,
Managing Director, Global Innovation Sector, Toronto Stock
Exchange, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Intermap's initial
public offering on Toronto Stock Exchange and open the market.
Intermap is a global leader in 3D geospatial products and
intelligence solutions. The Company serves governments and
companies around the world with rapid real 3D solutions in flood,
wildfire and other perils as well as unmatched geospatial data
collection and delivery. Intermap is preparing to deploy on
multiple international government programs where its unique sensors
penetrate cloud and jungle canopy to create and exploit
authoritative national basemaps.
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SOURCE Toronto Stock Exchange