TORONTO, July 5, 2024
PGIC.PR.A) Mulvihill Capital Management Inc., the
manager of Premium Global Income Split Corp., formerly World
Financial Split Corp. (the "Fund"), is pleased to announce
that the reorganization of the Fund has been completed, which
included a change to the Fund's name, ticker symbols, investment
objectives and strategies of the Fund and amendments to the
articles of the Fund (the "Reorganization").
As a result of the Reorganization, there are 446,654 Class A
Shares and 446,654 Preferred Shares of the Fund issued and
outstanding following the consolidation of the Class A Shares and
the exchange of Preferred Shares into Class A Shares and a lesser
number of Preferred Shares.
You will usually
pay brokerage fees to your dealer if you purchase
or sell shares
of the Fund on the TSX. If the
shares are purchased or sold on the TSX,
investors may pay more than the current net asset value
when buying and may receive less than current net asset value when
selling them. There are ongoing fees and expenses associated with
owning shares of the Fund. An investment fund must prepare
disclosure documents that contain key information about the Fund.
You can find more detailed information about the Fund in these
documents. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values change
frequently and past performance may not be repeated.
SOURCE Mulvihill Capital Management Inc.