BULGOLD Inc. (TSXV: ZLTO) (the “Company” or
“BULGOLD”) is pleased to announce that it has received all
outstanding assay data relating to the Lutila Gold Project (the
“Property”). This information has now been validated and
incorporated into the Company’s database. The Lutila exploration
licence covers an area of 32.2km2 and is prospective for
quartz-adularia epithermal gold mineralisation.
- Highlights
- Drill
hole CVDD001, drilled within the North East Block, intersected
multiple low-grade gold intervals within rhyolite flow dome rocks;
best interval of 18m @ 0.14g/t Au, 1,071g/t As & 167g/t Sb
(from 33m).
- Drill
holes RRDD001 and RRDD002, drilled from the same drill pad within
the Sinter Field failed to intersect any significant gold
intervals; there were some indications of hydrothermal activity
i.e. silicified pyroclastic rocks with disseminated
Persistent prospecting activity led to the discovery of
epithermal quartz vein material on the highest peak within the
Sinter Field; located 2.7km north along Rhyolite Ridge from RRDD001
and RRDD002 and 1.7km south west from CVDD001. This is the first
time that epithermal quartz veins have been recognised within the
Sinter Field and validate the Company’s exploration
Additionally, 500m north east and along strike from the
epithermal quartz veins the Company discovered an area of ancient
mining located at the end of the ridgeline. A slot has been mined
into the ridge face which measures 70m in width and 40m in height
with the corresponding waste dump measuring approximately 200m in
length and up to 50m wide. The waste dump is defined by an historic
antimony soil anomaly. Rocks within the ancient mining area are
predominantly strongly silicified ± chalcedonic veins, flow banded
rhyolite and likely represent exposure of the upflow zone that the
Company has been exploring for within the Lutila Gold
- Mapping
and assessment of all sinters within the Sinter Field revealed that
sinters located on Rhyolite Ridge (at the highest elevations)
reflect the highest temperatures of formation and therefore
proximity to the “hot springs” or “outflow zones” which continues
to support the view that the 5km-long Rhyolite Ridge is one of the
primary exploration targets on the Property.
- The Company commenced its
maiden drilling programme on the Property less than a year after
incorporating a local subsidiary (Stredné Slovensko s.r.o.),
demonstrating that the Company’s policy of proactive engagement
with stakeholders results in a greater understanding of the modern
gold exploration process.
- The Property is located 5km
south, along strike and within the same volcanic depression that
hosts the historic quartz-adularia Kremnica gold mine (current JORC
(2012) mineral resource estimate of 2.7Moz
Au2). Historic gold production is
estimated by Finka (1995) to be
Exploration target: underground, high-grade gold (Au) ±
silver (Ag) quartz veins.
2 This is not a mineral reserve or mineral
resource that has been prepared in compliance with the requirements
of National Instrument 43-101. Source: Metals Tech Limited, ASX
Release, 8th May 2023
Quote from the President & CEO, Mr
Sean Hasson:
“The discovery of strongly antimony anomalous
epithermal quartz veins together with the nearby area of ancient
mining represent a pivotal moment in the exploration of the Lutila
Gold Project.
The Company has drill tested Rhyolite Ridge
2.7km south of this location and used the occurrence and
distribution of outcropping sinters to guide such drilling efforts.
It is now clear to the Company that future exploration drilling
should take place within this +1,000m portion of Rhyolite Ridge
where epithermal quartz veins are found at surface together with
ancient mining activity which provide direct evidence for the
presence of epithermal veins at depth beneath the ridgeline within
the upflow zone.
The Lutila Gold Project is located favourably
between two of the largest Au-Ag epithermal systems within the
Central Slovakia Volcanic Field, the Kremnica gold deposit and the
Banska Štiavnica gold-silver ore field, which, collectively, have
produced significant amounts of precious metals over many
At BULGOLD we believe that the art of discovery
is defined by subtlety, and one does not need to be reminded that
the Fruta del Norte gold mine was discovered by drilling beneath a
surface antimony anomaly to reveal the 300m long high-grade core of
the deposit. With that in mind, the Company is evaluating a number
of options to progress the discovery process on the Lutila Gold
2. Exploration
Three diamond drill holes were completed by the
Company as part of its 2024 exploration programme. CVDD001 was
drilled within the North East Block to test the Čertov vrch target
area and RRDD001 and RRDD002 were subsequently drilled from the
same drill pad within the Sinter Field on the western side of
Rhyolite Ridge. A total of 1,615.8m was drilled, sampled and
assayed; individual drill hole details are outlined below:
Hole No. |
Grid Name |
X |
Y |
Z |
Dip |
Azimuth |
Depth |
CVDD001 |
UTM35N |
344666 |
5392610 |
594 |
-67.4 |
091 |
515.4 |
RRDD001 |
UTM35N |
342611 |
5388686 |
519 |
-66.7 |
091 |
600 |
RRDD002 |
UTM35N |
342618 |
5388688 |
519 |
-50.3 |
126 |
500.4 |
Table 1. Exploration drill hole information.
Gold anomalous intervals from CVDD001, targeting
beneath the Čertov vrch prospect area are outlined below:
- 18m @ 0.14g/t Au, 1,071g/t As,
167g/t Sb (from 33m) *
- 5m @ 0.13g/t Au, 988g/t As, 96g/t
Sb (from 126m) *
- 6m @ 0.13g/t Au, 300g/t As, 30g/t
Sb (from 358m) *
*2m minimum composite length, 2m maximum
internal dilution, 0.1g/t Au cut-off; the Company considers this to
represent a ‘geological cut-off’ which shows that gold is present
in rhyolite volcanic rocks at anomalous values.
Geologically, CVDD001 intersected the following
volcanic units:
- 0 – 23m:
Feldspar-phyric rhyolite tuff.
- 23 – 51m:
Rhyolite pyroclastic breccia.
- 51 – 340m: Flow
banded rhyolite with steep, wispy, veinlets of chalcedony (±
quartz) + pyrite approximately one per metre from 51 – 305m, after
which the veinlets become carbonate + pyrite dominant from 305 –
- 340 – 481m: Flow
banded feldspar-phyric rhyodacite with steep carbonate + pyrite
veinlets dominating on a regular basis; pyrite also replaces
hornblende phenocrysts and feldspar phenocrysts are variously
altered to yellow/green smectite clays; strong to intense
propylitic alteration.
- 481 – 488m:
Rhyolite volcanic breccia, matrix supported with non-flow banded
clasts of rhyodacite to dacite; feldspar phenocrysts are altered to
green smectite clays and hornblendes have been replaced by pyrite
and locally converted to iron oxides with disseminated pyrite
within a red fine-grained matrix.
- 488 – 515.4m:
Dacite with >70% feldspar phenocrysts altered to green smectite
clays with accessory hornblende ± biotite commonly altered to iron
oxides, quartz phenocrysts, when present, generally show corroded
rims. Steep carbonate + pyrite veinlets, together with disseminated
pyrite in the matrix increase from 502m.
Operationally, core recovery was good and
averaged 99%. Drilling rates were reasonable; however, mechanical
issues with the drill rig resulted in significant drilling downtime
which led to the Company deciding to halt the drill hole at 515.4m
rather than continuing drilling and risk losing the HQ drill
string. The drill hole could be re-entered at a future date.
Figure 1. Examples of gold mineralised drill
core from CVDD001; (A): hydrothermal breccia containing
disseminated marcasite and clasts of quartz vein (upper left),
chalcedonic quartz fragments and rhyolite volcanic rock (35.6m);
(B): chalcedonic quartz vein with lattice bladed quartz textures
(circled in red) within rhyolite rock (36.2m); (C): brecciated
rhyolite rock with chalcedonic quartz matrix infill with minor
disseminated and blebby marcasite (38.1m); (D): hydrothermal
breccia containing chalcedonic quartz fragments with disseminated
marcasite in rhyolite volcanic rock (51m).
Figure 2. Schematic geological cross section
showing drill hole CVDD001 in relation to the gold mineralised
quartz veins believed to be deposited within an upflow zone beneath
the ridgeline that the Company was targeting.
RRDD001 & RRDD002
The drill site was selected to test the middle
of the 4km long, north-south trending portion of Rhyolite Ridge
that is surrounded by sinters, which represent the surface
expression of upflow zones. The Company believed that this location
was representative in terms of testing the potential of Rhyolite
Ridge for mineralised epithermal veins at depth beneath the
ridgeline, where we believed they may have been deposited within an
upflow zone.
Geologically, RRDD001 intersected the following
volcanic units:
- 3 – 23m:
Epiclastic rocks, coarse volcanic sandstones, fine grained tuff and
lithic tuffs with weak bedding and grading together with
devitrification textures after volcanic glass.
- 23 – 45m: Block
and ash pyroclastic flow.
- 45 – 64m:
Epiclastic rocks, polymictic volcanic sandstone to conglomerate
composed of rhyolite material.
- 64 – 170.8m:
Block and ash pyroclastic flow.
- 170.8 – 289m:
Epiclastic rocks, volcaniclastic conglomerate and sandstone with
intercalated tuff bands with spherulitic textures.
- 289 – 411m:
Block and ash pyroclastic flow, matrix supported with clasts of
flow and non-flow banded rhyolite; from 370m the ash/glass matrix
is altered to yellow/green zeolite and/or smectite clays.
- 411.5 – 462m:
Epiclastic rocks, volcaniclastic conglomerate and coarse sandstone
with tuff bands.
- 462 – 481m:
Block and ash pyroclastic flow with minor green zeolite and/or
smectite clays.
- 481 – 485.3m:
Silicified block and ash pyroclastic flow with disseminated and
blebby marcasite in the matrix.
- 485.3 – 600m:
Lacustrine sedimentary rocks, grey marls, black mudstones, grey,
partly calcareous sandstones, green siltstones and lesser coarse
sandstone composed of rounded quartz, limestone (marble?) and minor
volcanic derived clasts.
Following the completion of RRDD001, the
geological model was revised to incorporate the presence of
lacustrine sedimentary rocks within the stratigraphy which would
likely act as an aquitard within the upflow zone and to reflect the
greater thickness of the volcanic pile (rhyolite
pyroclastic/epiclastic products). The Company was encouraged by the
silicification with associated marcasite of the pyroclastic flow
immediately above the contact with the lacustrine sedimentary rocks
and also the smectite alteration of the matrix within the
pyroclastic flows. As such, it was decided to collar RRDD002 at a
shallower angle from the same drill pad so as to cross the
ridgeline and confirm (or not) the presence of an upflow zone
beneath this portion of Rhyolite Ridge.
Figure 3. Schematic representation of the
Company’s revised geological model for Rhyolite Ridge following the
completion of RRDD001.
Geologically, RRDD002 intersected the following
volcanic units:
- 5.3 – 24.5m:
Epiclastic rocks, tuff, coarse volcanic sandstone composed of
rhyolite rock.
- 24.5 – 57m:
Block and ash pyroclastic flow.
- 57 – 81.6m:
Epiclastic rocks, coarse, polymictic, volcanic sandstone and
- 81.6 – 206.2m:
Block and ash pyroclastic flow.
- 206.2 – 428.1m:
Epiclastic rocks, coarse volcanic sandstone/conglomerate/breccia
composed of lithic rhyolite clasts with tuff layers.
- 428.1 – 500.4m:
Block and ash pyroclastic flow.
RRDD002 failed to show evidence of an upflow
zone below this portion of Rhyolite Ridge.
3. Epithermal
Quartz Veins within the Sinter Field
Persistent prospecting following the completion
of exploration drilling led to the discovery of epithermal quartz
veins on and just below the equal highest peak (687mRL) within the
Sinter Field. The quartz vein material is located 60m vertically
above and 1km north east from the nearest outcropping sinter.
Sinters form at the paleo-water table, while epithermal quartz
veins form beneath the paleo-water table.
Figure 4. Field images of the epithermal quartz
vein pieces located at the equal highest peak within the Sinter
The epithermal quartz vein fragments represent
the high-level expression of an upflow zone located beneath this
+1,000m portion of Rhyolite Ridge, where the overall strike of the
ridge abruptly changes from a north-south to a north-east
orientation. The vein pieces are dominated by low temperature, low
fluid-flux textures and are commonly coarsely banded chalcedonic
quartz with zones of quartz lattice bladed textures which indicate
that boiling has occurred. Minor included fragments of rhyolite
rock within the vein pieces clearly indicates that the veins formed
within rhyolite rock. They are strongly anomalous for antimony
(average of 228g/t Sb) with very low levels of Au, Ag and As and
correlate well with the historic Sb soil geochemistry.
Additionally, 500m north east and along strike
from the epithermal quartz veins the Company discovered an area of
ancient mining located at the end of the ridgeline. A slot has been
mined into the ridge face which measures 70m in width and 40m in
height with the corresponding waste dump measuring approximately
200m in length and up to 50m wide. The waste dump is defined by a
historic antimony soil anomaly. Rocks within the ancient mining
area are predominantly strongly silicified ± chalcedonic veins,
flow banded rhyolite and likely represent exposure of the upflow
zone that the Company has been exploring for within the Lutila Gold
Project (Figure 6).
Historic gold exploration within the Lutila Gold
Project has been ongoing for centuries given its location
immediately south and along strike from the Kremnica gold deposit,
which has been mined for approximately 1,000 years, and in that
time, this is the first recorded occurrence of epithermal quartz
veins within the Sinter Field. The Company has drill tested
Rhyolite Ridge 2.7km south of this location and used the occurrence
and distribution of outcropping sinters to guide such drilling
efforts. It is now clear to the Company that future exploration
drilling should take place within this +1,000m portion of Rhyolite
Ridge where epithermal quartz veins are found at surface together
with ancient mining activity which provide direct evidence for the
presence of epithermal veins at depth beneath the ridgeline where
they may have been deposited within an upflow zone (Figure 13,
Figure 14 & Figure 17).
Figure 5. Slabbed examples of epithermal quartz
veins from the north east trending, +1,000m long portion of
Rhyolite Ridge. (A) Coarse chalcedonic banding with minor quartz
lattice bladed bands; (B) quartz lattice bladed textures after
carbonate indicating that boiling has taken place; (C) Coarse
chalcedonic banding with minor quartz lattice bladed bands; (D)
Coarse chalcedonic banding with minor quartz lattice bladed bands
circled in red (centre left) together with an included fragment of
rhyolite circled in red (centre); (E) & (F) Typical low
temperature textures reflecting a low fluid-flux environment of
formation within upper levels of the upflow zone.
Figure 6. Location of the area of ancient mining
in relation to the area of epithermal quartz veins (purple
circles). Green squares are locations of chalcedonic veinlets in
rhyolite flow dome complexes, green outlines are bentonite open
pits, solid black circles are the nearest outcropping sinters
overlain on historic Sb soil geochemistry; 2m contours derived from
4. Chalcedonic
Veinlets in Rhyolite Flow Dome Complexes
Prospecting by the BULGOLD exploration team also
revealed the presence of chalcedonic veins/veinlets within rhyolite
flow dome complexes located at higher elevations, principally on
Rhyolite Ridge, but also found throughout the property. Only within
the area of epithermal quartz veins are the two types of veins
found together. They are moderately anomalous for antimony (average
of 85g/t Sb) with very low levels of Au, Ag and As and correlate
well with the historic Sb soil geochemistry. Their significance is
poorly understood at this stage (Figure 16).
Figure 7. Examples of chalcedonic veins within
rhyolite rock located throughout the property. (A) Float sample in
field; (B), (C) & (D) Crudely banded chalcedonic veins in
rhyolite rock; (E) & (F) Brecciated rhyolite rock with
chalcedony matrix infill.
5. Alteration
& Mineralisation within the North East Block
At surface, the North East Block is dominated by
rhyolite ‘shingle’ float due to the abundance of flow banding
within the rhyolite rocks in this area, however, below the 600mRL
and more commonly around the 500mRL, altered and mineralised
rhyolite rocks can be found as float in many areas. Figure 8 shows
some examples of the float rock which represents a composite
‘stratigraphy’ from across the North East Block from low
temperature alteration to low temperature gold mineralisation;
these rocks are responsible for the extensive arsenic and antinomy
anomalism as defined by historic soil sampling.
Figure 8. (A) Brecciated rhyolite with
chalcedony matrix infill often found at higher elevations (0.12%
As, 179g/t Sb); (B) Silicified epiclastic volcanic breccia
dominated by various rhyolite clasts (81.3g/t As, 35.6g/t Sb); (C)
Silicified rhyolite rock with disseminated pyrite (381g/t As,
73.4g/t Sb); (D) Weakly developed chalcedonic quartz vein in
rhyolite rock with pseudo moss textures and a radiating fabric
(37.7g/t As, 961g/t Sb); (E) Coarsely banded chalcedonic quartz
vein with quartz lattice bladed textures circled in red (0.81g/t
Au, 5g/t Ag, 74.8g/t As, 26.6g/t Sb); (F) Chalcedonic quartz vein
with coarse banding and minor quartz lattice bladed textures
(0.58g/t Au, 5.9g/t Ag, 38.5g/t As, 44g/t Sb).
6. Sinters
All sinters within the Sinter Field were mapped
at 1:10,000 scale. The key finding from this exercise was that
there is no preferred topographic level for the formation of
sinters and they occur/outcrop at all topographic levels and are
commonly ‘stacked’ in that they form significant sinter terraces,
separated by tuff layers, across the property. The sinters show a
strong correlation with antimony in the historic soil geochemistry
(Table 2).
Figure 9. Stacked sinters within the southern
pit wall of the Jelsovy potok bentonite open pit separated by tuff
layers. The yellow dashed line outlines the base of each sinter
Additionally, 69 samples were collected from the
sinter outcrops ± minor float across the western side of Rhyolite
Ridge. These samples were then slabbed in the Lutila core shed and
a detailed hand specimen review was completed based on textural
characteristics using the Atlas of Siliceous Hot Spring Deposits
(Sinter) and Other Silicified Surface Manifestations in Epithermal
Environments (Hamilton et al, 2019) as a guide to determine the
likely temperatures of sinter formation (Figure 15).
This study revealed that sinters located on
Rhyolite Ridge (at the highest elevations) reflect the highest
temperatures of formation and therefore proximity to the “hot
springs” or “outflow zones”, which continues to support the view
that the 5km-long Rhyolite Ridge is one of the primary exploration
targets on the Property. Additionally, a review of historic
bentonite exploration drilling revealed many sinters which do not
outcrop and occur subsurface (Figure 16).
7. Discussion
The Lutila Gold Project is located favourably
between two of the largest Au-Ag epithermal systems within the
Central Slovakia Volcanic Field, the Kremnica gold deposit and the
Banska Štiavnica gold-silver ore field, which collectively, have
produced significant amounts of precious metals over many
centuries. According to Kodera (2005) the Banska Štiavnica ore
field has produced 2.6Moz Au and 129Moz Ag from the early middle
ages until the twentieth century. The fact that low to intermediate
sulfidation Au-Ag epithermal veins are intimately associated with
rhyolite volcanism during the period 12.4 – 11.2Ma underpins the
Company’s exploration model.
Figure 10. Regional geological setting of the
Lutila Gold Project in relation to adjacent ore districts within
the Central Slovakia Volcanic Field (after Kodera et al, 2014).
At the nearby Kremnica gold deposit, which is
hosted in andesite volcanic rocks, rhyolite dykes are intimately
associated with and often well mineralised where they are
cross-cut, or run parallel to quartz-adularia veins, thus
indicating that extrusive rhyolite volcanism was likely a
pre-mineral event. The historic exploration drilling has indicated
that andesite volcanic rocks are present below the exposed rhyolite
flow dome complexes and their associated pyroclastic products
within the area of the North East Block and it is likely that
andesite volcanic rocks are present beneath the rhyolite and
lacustrine sedimentary rock stratigraphy currently determined
within the Sinter Field. It should be noted that the formation of a
significant epithermal system within the property is somewhat
independent of host rock.
Historic soil sampling has outlined a
significant, +7km long, paleo-geothermal system as defined by
arsenic and antimony geochemistry. Historic and the Company’s rock
chip sampling, which is biased to the North East Block, has shown
that surface gold grades increase in value toward lower elevations,
which is in line with the Company’s current geological model.
Historic exploration drilling, which is also restricted to the
North East Block, has shown that there are anomalous gold grades
within the rhyolite flow dome complexes and their pyroclastic
products on either flank of the Čertov vrch target area which is
centred on the Čertov vrch peak (748mRL).
Figure 11. Rhyolite clast surrounded by tetrahedrite within
quartz-adularia vein from the northern portion of the Kremnica gold
deposit (Kremnička Banya – Wolf Veins), Private Collection,
The Company believes that the Lutila Gold
Project reflects a continuation of the same volcanic depression
(that hosts the Kremnica gold mine), which has been downfaulted,
creating a preserved graben of rhyolite flow domes complexes and
their pyroclastic products together with a very large sinter
Field work completed by the Company during 2024,
in conjunction with a thorough review of the historic exploration
data (primarily within the North East Block), taken together with
the extensive Sinter Field, which reflects the position of the
Miocene paleosurface and is an indication of boiling at depth
within an epithermal system which, if present, is preserved from
erosion, would tend to strongly support the Company’s conceptual
exploration model. The discovery of epithermal quartz vein material
within the Sinter Field and the associated area of ancient mining
have now shown, for the first time, that the Lutila Gold Project
remains a highly prospective property for the discovery of
epithermal quartz-adularia vein systems.
Figure 12. Conceptual exploration model for the
Lutila Gold Project. The Kremnica gold deposit schematic section is
a composite section based on public domain information.
8. About the Slovak
- EU and NATO member since 2004.
- Eurozone member since 2009.
- Established mining industry,
clearly defined mining legislation.
- No restrictions on foreign
- 5% NSR for gold and silver.
- The use of cyanide for extractive
purposes has been prohibited since 2014.
- Low-cost profiles, skilled local
- Exploration licences can be held
for a 10-year period (4+4+2).
O., 1995. Zlatá Kremnica: Tisícročná
história baníctva, Neografia vydavateľstvo, Monografie 71 pages (in
Slovak).Hamilton AR., Campbell KA., Guido DM.,
2019. Atlas of Siliceous Hot Spring Deposits (Sinter) and
Other Silicified Surface Manifestations in Epithermal Environments.
Lower Hutt (NZ): GNS Science 56 p. (GNS Science report;
2019/06.Kodera P., Lexa J., Rankin AH., Fallick AE.,
2005. Epithermal gold veins in a caldera setting: Banská
Hodruša, Slovakia. Mineralium Deposita. 39:
921-943.Kodera P., Lexa J., Fallick AE.,
Walle M., Biron A., 2014. Hydrothermal fluids in
epithermal and porphyry Au deposits in the Central Slovakia
Volcanic Field. Geological Society, London, Special Publications
2014, v.402; p177-206.Leary S., Sillitoe R., Stewart P.,
Roa K., Nicolson B., 2016. Discovery,
Geology and Origin of the Fruta del Norte Epithermal Gold-Silver
Deposit, Southeastern Ecuador. Economic Geology, Vol. 111, pp. 1043
– 1072.
About BULGOLD Inc.
BULGOLD is a gold exploration company focused on
the exploration and development of mineral exploration projects in
Central and Eastern Europe. The Company controls 100% of three
quality quartz-adularia epithermal gold projects located in the
Slovakian and Bulgarian portions of the Western Tethyan Belt: the
Lutila Gold Project, the Kostilkovo Gold Project and the Kutel Gold
Project. Management of the Company believes that its assets show
potential for high-grade, good-metallurgy, low-sulfidation
epithermal gold mineralisation.
Historic Sampling and Drilling Data and
The historical sampling and drilling data and
information disclosed in this news release is related to historical
exploration results. The reader is cautioned that the historical
sampling and drilling data and information are based on prior data
and reports previously prepared by third parties without the
involvement of the Company. Information has been sourced from the
Slovak Geological Survey in reports 83971 (December 1997) and 92416
(February 2013). BULGOLD has not undertaken any independent
investigation of the historical sampling and drilling data and
information, nor has it independently analyzed the results of the
historical sampling and drilling exploration work in order to
verify the results. The reader is cautioned not to treat them, or
any part of them, as current due to the fact that a qualified
person has not done sufficient work to verify the results and that
they may not form a reliable guide to future results. No
independent quality assurance/quality control protocols are known
for these historic samples and drill holes and therefore the
analytical results, data and information may be unreliable. BULGOLD
considers the historical sample and drill data and information to
be relevant as BULGOLD is using this data and information, in
conjunction with the sampling conducted by BULGOLD, as a guide to
plan its exploration program for the Lutila Gold Project. BULGOLD’s
current exploration work includes verification of the historical
data and information through further exploration.
Sampling, Analysis and QAQC of
Exploration Drill Core Samples
Most exploration diamond drill holes are
collared with PQ size, continued with HQ, and are sometimes
finished with NQ. Triple tube core barrels and short runs are used
whenever possible to improve recovery. All drill core is cut
lengthwise into two halves using a diamond saw; the right-hand half
looking downhole is sampled for assaying and the other half is
retained in core trays. The common length for sample intervals
within mineralized zones is one metre. Weights of drill core
samples range from three to eight kilograms (“kg”), depending on
the size of core, rock type, and recovery. A numbered tag is placed
into each sample bag, and the samples are grouped into batches for
laboratory submissions.
Diamond drill core samples are shipped to SGS
Burgas, Bulgaria. Quality control samples, comprising certified
reference materials, blanks, and field duplicates, are inserted
into each batch of samples and locations for crushed duplicates and
pulp replicates are specified. All drill core and quality control
samples are tabulated on sample submission forms that specify
sample preparation procedures and codes for analytical methods. For
internal quality control, the laboratory includes its own quality
control samples comprising certified reference materials, blanks
and pulp duplicates. All QAQC monitoring data are reviewed,
verified and signed off by the Company. Chain of custody records
are maintained from sample shipments to the laboratory until
analyses are completed and remaining sample materials are returned
to the Company. The chain of custody is transferred from the
Company to SGS at the laboratory door.
At the SGS Burgas laboratory, the submitted core
samples are dried at 105°C for a minimum of 12 hours, and then jaw
crushed to ~80% passing 2-6mm. Sample preparation duplicates are
created by riffle splitting crushed samples on a 1-in-20 basis.
Larger samples are riffle split prior to pulverizing, whereas
smaller samples are pulverized entirely. Pulverizing specifications
are 90% passing 75 microns. Gold analyses are done using a
conventional 50-gram fire assay and AAS finish. Multi-element
analyses for 36 elements are done using a four-acid digestion and
an ICP-OES finish.
BULGOLD’s issued and outstanding shares are
27,597,928 of which approximately 39.54% are held by Founders,
Directors and Management. Additional information about the Company
is available on BULGOLD’s website (www.BULGOLD.com) and on SEDAR+
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical information in this
news release was reviewed and approved by Mr Sean Hasson, a
Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and
President and Chief Executive Officer to the Company.
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its
Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the
policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for
the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking
This press release contains forward‐looking
statements and forward‐looking information within the meaning of
applicable securities laws (collectively, “forward-looking
statements”). These statements relate to future events or future
performance and include statements relating to the exploration and
drilling plans of the Company and the timing thereof; the Lutila
Gold Project and the status of the Lutila Gold Project as a strong
early-stage gold project in Europe; the Kremnica gold mine and the
reason for the Kremnica gold mine being exploited over a long
period of time; the Lutila Gold Project reflecting a continuation
of the same Kremnica volcanics; the Company’s conceptual
exploration model for the Lutila Gold Project’ the potential of the
Lutila Gold Project to benefit the Company’s stakeholders; the
mineralised inventory within the Kremnica deposit through time; the
targeted upflow zone drilling at Rhyolite Ridge target; and the
potential drill success on the Rhyolite Ridge target area and the
impact thereof on future exploration. All statements other than
statements of historical fact may be forward‐looking statements or
information. The forward‐looking statements and information are
based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by
management of the Company. Although management of the Company
believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such
forward-looking statements and information are based are
reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the
forward‐looking statements and information since no assurance can
be given that they will prove to be correct.
Forward-looking statements and information are
provided for the purpose of providing information about the current
expectations and plans of management of the Company relating to the
future. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such statements and
information may not be appropriate for other purposes, such as
making investment decisions. Since forward‐looking statements and
information address future events and conditions, by their very
nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual
results could differ materially from those currently anticipated
due to a number of factors and risks, including the inherent
uncertainty of mineral exploration; risks related to title to
mineral properties; and changes in laws or regulations, including
environmental laws and regulations; and credit, market, currency,
operational, commodity, geopolitical, liquidity and funding risks
generally, including changes in economic conditions, interest rates
or tax rates and general market conditions. Accordingly, readers
should not place undue reliance on the forward‐looking statements
and information contained in this press release. Readers are
cautioned that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. The
forward‐looking statements and information contained in this press
release are made as of the date hereof and no undertaking is given
to update publicly or revise any forward‐looking statements or
information, whether as a result of new information, future events
or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws. The
forward-looking statements and information contained in this press
release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.
For further information, please contact:
BULGOLD Inc.Sean Hasson, President
and Chief Executive OfficerTelephone: +359 887 560 545Email:
sean.hasson@BULGOLD.com Website: www.BULGOLD.com
A Media Snippet accompanying this announcement is
available by clicking on this link.
Figure 13. The Lutila Exploration Licence –
Geology & Antimony (Sb) Soil Geochemistry.
Figure 14. The Lutila Exploration Licence –
Geology & Arsenic (As) Soil Geochemistry.
Figure 15. Sinter Field – Interpreted
Temperatures of Formation based on Textural Characteristics within
Figure 16. Sinter Field – Showing Historic
Bentonite Exploration Drill Holes with Sinter Intercept(s) &
Location of Chalcedonic Veinlets in Rhyolite Flow Dome
Table 2. All assayed sinter samples for Au, Ag,
As & Sb sorted by elevation. In general, sinter samples at
higher elevations e.g. 621mRL are located approximately 300m from
the centreline of Rhyolite Ridge, while samples at lower elevations
e.g. 381mRL can be up to 1,600m from the centreline of Rhyolite
Figure 17. Lutila Gold Project – Geology.
Photos accompanying this announcement are
Bulgold (TSXV:ZLTO)
Historical Stock Chart
From Feb 2025 to Mar 2025
Bulgold (TSXV:ZLTO)
Historical Stock Chart
From Mar 2024 to Mar 2025