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Joshua Gold Resources Inc (PK)

Joshua Gold Resources Inc (PK) (JSHG)

Closed 21 March 7:00AM

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aredrooster aredrooster 4 months ago
Man, am I thirsty. It's been over a year, I drink Brewdog Hazy Jane. Lol
gitreal gitreal 4 months ago
Rich, Rich, Rich....another mining scam in your portfolio? Do you systematically cruise through the mining stock listings to see which ones are the scammiest?
🥵 1
rich2 rich2 7 months ago
how long do you think lab analysis will take ? couple of months

JSGH could be very positive in 3 months
JoshuaGoldResourcesCommunications JoshuaGoldResourcesCommunications 7 months ago
Re-Introductory Sampling Program at Tecumseh: 34 rock and soil samples currently undergoing lab analysis following exploration at long-held site.

Read Full Story
Tim36 Tim36 8 months ago
And a little bit more. Now I'm happier! Should be due for some news!
rich2 rich2 8 months ago
a little movement ( to make Tim happy)
JALchicago JALchicago 10 months ago
Tim, what you are waiting for already happened. You lost your money to old Findore crew. Should have used Google!!
Tim36 Tim36 10 months ago
Should be time for something to happen here.
rich2 rich2 1 year ago
sure glad I got some very early = greater potential for profit
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." Oscar Wilde
rich2 rich2 1 year ago
I see great potential here, like lb$r. Sometimes it takes great patience to arrive at great potential
Tim36 Tim36 1 year ago
The sleeping giant Hemorrhoid! A royal pain in the....... It should be of a much higher value butt..........
rich2 rich2 1 year ago
More movement !!! not me, I will get a little more and hold maybe for 6 months or more
Tim36 Tim36 1 year ago
Your welcome! Hopefully something will happen before we're a hundred! But I'll probably need an oil can for my joints to get to the computer!
rich2 rich2 1 year ago
your post put a smile on my face( I followed SRSR for along time)
in a couple more birthdays I will be 80
Tim36 Tim36 1 year ago
At my age any movement is a plus!!!!
rich2 rich2 1 year ago
If you like me, understood SRSR and these properties are some of old SRSR properties, These properties COULD HAVE great potential. I used to go to Las Vegas a lot. If I stayed long enough, they usually took all my money I planed, if I lost it all. Too expensive for me to go, I live in California, compared to taking a chance on a OTC penny stock that might go up. So I am taking a chance on JSHG. Only need 1 OTC penny stock to hit what I call a grand slam home run to make more profit for me than ever going to Vegas again.
You said small movement, well so far only properties. I figure I must add some more and have patience for a least six months or more. I have spent a whole lot more in Vegas( 1 trip) than taking a chance on JSHG
Taking a chance on finding a very cheap OTC penny stock is entertaining. Planning on how much you can afford to lose before you even get to Vegas is not.
All-Bidness All-Bidness 1 year ago
$497.35 worth.
Tim36 Tim36 1 year ago
OMG!!!!!! We have movement!!!!!!!!!
rich2 rich2 1 year ago
able to buy a few more today
Lost a little bit on SRSR
Now if I am early enough
This could bring a nice big profit
I have done a lot of research about what SRSR was looking /finding
that is why I want some as early for me as possible
Waited a long time to get a goose egg = O from SRSR
Now might have to wait a year, patience is a virtue
"A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world." Oscar Wilde

Tim36 Tim36 1 year ago
No movement! I have that problem too! These guys are old and slow like me. But, I think there maybe just one more surprise or two in the wings.
All-Bidness All-Bidness 1 year ago
Tim, been years, no movement, no drilling, no meaningful PRs just now property. Only been tending down.
Tim36 Tim36 1 year ago
Great properties, great potential, nonaggressive managers! and what is up with the spread between bid and ask! No one in their right mind is going to buy it like that!
rich2 rich2 1 year ago
I see great potential. They will not be looking for something that has not been found in that area. Decided to get some early, now I must have great patience and wait.
rich2 rich2 1 year ago
so far see only a little smoke

But when there's smoke there is always fire, just take some patience
Tim36 Tim36 1 year ago
And there's fire on the mountain, lightnin' in the air
Gold in them hills, and it's waitin' for me there
👍️ 1
cornholio 18 cornholio 18 2 years ago
hello, all you drew lovers out there. I have some good news for you. The lady at the cra Janice has told me that they want more info on this 2.6 million that drew may or may not have reported. it will be up to them. So any info would be great
cornholio 18 cornholio 18 2 years ago
hey drew how are ya doing? Did you declare the 2.6 million you received to the CRA if you haven't I will be kind enough to do it for you.
👍️ 2
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
A case of beer say's this stock will be $1.00 in a year, your buying!
Suvorov Suvorov 2 years ago
You make a good point, Tim.
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
Myopic from the standpoint of the most potential financial gain. The exploration with massive positive results will move the stock, but a partnership or an outright purchase would blow the roof off this stock. Twenty cents or five dollars, the choice is obvious. Oh! Welcome back to the forum!
Suvorov Suvorov 2 years ago
With all due respect, Tim, to get a mine going takes many years. The way junior exploration companies, like JSHG, makes money is by discovering deposits, that's when the real money comes.

So when JSHG drills into the Niobium and rare earths that were drilled into in 1955 at Nemegosenda , and they extend the depth from 60 metres to 200 metres and do a few more holes than the stock will 20 cents or 50 cents; that takes time.

If you are in for short term in JSHG I think that is myopic thinking.
aredrooster aredrooster 2 years ago
Just a continuation of the SRSR/MGGV/Wayland Group/and on and on scams
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
I agree 100%!!! Why not establish some partnerships, or sell a piece, or mine something yourself! The shareholders would like to see some returns on their investment! But this isn't the only stock like this. All the exploration stocks, and I have quite a collection, are doing the same thing. It's a royal pain in the buttocks! That would be gluteus maximus to some, and gluteus minimus to others!
cornholio 18 cornholio 18 2 years ago
another property maybe it's best to work with what you have
JoshuaGoldResourcesCommunications JoshuaGoldResourcesCommunications 2 years ago
Niobium potential at Joshua Gold Ressources properties:

Mineral exploration company JSHG has completed an acquisition to secure full ownership of two Nemegosenda-based Niobium prospect properties, which it has named Prometheus and Vulcan. Visit the link for more detail:
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
Goin' once, Goin' Twice, Gone!
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
I would strongly suggest anyone interested to get in now. Just a gut feeling. My opinion, but I really feel something will move this significantly in the coming days or week.
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
no. getting more soon
canofan2222 canofan2222 2 years ago
Disregard, app glitched and only showed first sentence lol
canofan2222 canofan2222 2 years ago
are you 100% out?
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
Get out of this stock while you can! Big news is coming, and you wouldn't want to make huge money!
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
Get ready for the shock of your life!
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
Still no news, no updates! Sounds like everything is going as planned!
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
Nope! Need to change the Batteries in my crystal ball!
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
My crystal ball says news is coming, but it's not clear. I think global warming is affecting it, damn cow poop!
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
Braving, Mosquitos, ticks, bears, big foot, and drunk moose attacks, not to mention aliens. The search goes on for Lithium and gold!
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
The last man standing!
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
Good news folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's no bad news! In fact there's no news at all!!!!!!!!!!
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
Another are word from anyone....don't know how much longer we can hold out.
Tim36 Tim36 2 years ago
Nope! The dog farted!