Reading the heading it would be natural to say , well yes! too late, it’s been over since The New Year.

I am kind of inclined to agree. The mere fact that they did not take the S&P and Dow Jones (DJIA) to a historical high before The New Year was an indication for me that they have a negative stance/game plan for this year. It was never about the numbers for me but the signals. What signal were they sending to us … now folks will ask me … “they”? We thought the markets moved with sentiment and economic factors – supply and demand, currencies etc. .. Not so ! The markets are controlled and they have always been. I repeat, nothing in the macro geo political economic game plans happen by accident and as much people do not like me saying it – The markets are fixed to the last digit on the Dow, CAC, DAX, FTSE …On daily basis.
Now that is not a bad thing ! markets being fixed I mean, at least if you figure out the game plans you have a good chance of winning and making sure you are on the right side of the trade/trend … which is what I have always tried to do and hence got the markets right since 2008.
So! What is the game plan for 2016?
Well, I decided to sit out and watch the month of January before I put in a single trade as I feel they are miss-directing us by dropping the indexes.
But I have certain definite numbers which are indicators to me which have served me very well to date, one number is DJIA 17,000.
If they have not come back up and gone over DJIA 17,400 by the first week of February then we are looking at a market crash scenario….We are looking at DJIA 14,000 as the next level and even 13,500.
So indeed there is a lot of money to be made whether the market falls or rises but will wait for the first week of Feb before I conclude as to the REAL game plan for this year.
Catch up later ..
Andre Minassian
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Dear Sir,I am in complete agreement with your views and admire your honesty. Please do keep up the excellent work.