Before I start, if anyone thinks for a single second that this was a victory for the common man against the powers that be. You are very much mistaken.
This was exactly what the central bankers wanted and planned, they just made us think that this was our decision and we had somehow gotten one over them. The dice was loaded from the very day that David Cameron announced a referendum . The rest was a show. A magic trick . A movie. The vote went exactly as the Central bankers wanted. Now, why would they do that? why did they want us out of EU? Considering centralization of power is their main agenda … I mean, they created The European Union for that very reason … So, I’ve been thinking ! I would say for the same reason they kept us out of the Euro (currency). To keep Britain or shall we say UK safe from the disasters that they were going to bring on the Union … Greece, Spain, Italy, the list goes on. Why UK in particular was spared? Why and why? The following are just my thoughts … I think because London is THE centre where currencies are priced , price of Gold is decided, price of Oil is decided and the list goes on. London is the most important financial centre in the world – more than Wall Street. This is where the Central Bankers have their roots, this is where they planned creation of the Federal Reserve in USA. This is their most significant base . The city is where trillions of dollars of foreign investments are received and attracted. So, it follows that they must keep at least one place stable in Europe, one place where it will be considered safe and one currency which will be considred solid and a safe haven in the midst of the carnage they are planning for evey single country in the EU. and the Euro … That is why we were spared ! and that is why we left the EU … it was not our decision, it was theirs made to look like ours. It was not for the good of the people but for the health and peosperity of the central bankers.
Having said the above , we are lucky to be out of EU and not part of the sinking burning ship of Europe. In no time at all, we will be thanking that we left whether it was our decision or not.
Britain was spared – We will remain a stable prosperous economy – Sterling will become a safe haven currency and gain increasing strength.
See you tomorrow
All in my humble opinion and no investment advice intended.
SUPREB ! SUPERB ! SUPERB analysis. You’re a genius sir. Full respect to you and your deep knowledge. Thank you for speaking the truth. Such a rare commodity these days.
WOW ! masterly and on the money Andre, you got it figured. I did not see it that way at all but it all seems to make sense, the pieces seem to come together of what on earth happened this last week. We were spared but we are still under their control. It’s like being thankful for being spared an execution and just being given a life sentence instead. these people are darkness, hope to see the light some day. They need to go or nothing will get better,,only shades of worse.
Respect your honesty Sir.
On the money Andre. Very well said.
your admirer
Very impressive Sir, Good to see honesty in this game once in a while.
Excellent and passionate. Thank you so much
The World markets on fire, wonder if footise will break through 6,400?
Andre, you are probably the only person in Uk who has figured this right.Hats off to you sir. Very impressed and makes perfect sense.