The FTSE, S&P and Dow have gone to my plan so far, I will continue to hold long on FTSE and S&P 500, we are even close to hitting a historical high on The Dow, which I have been predicting for a while.

The Sterling is weak but it will settle and become a safe haven of a currency once our European uncertainties are out of the way. I feel FTSE will hit 7,000 and Dow has a very good possibility of making 19,000 by the end of the year with a chance at 20,000 perhaps/ maybe. I’m changing my mind on a few things regarding world politics, I no longer think Trump will become president and the money is on Hilary. I also think Teresa May will be the next British prime minister, not that I think she is “good”, but she has worked for the central bankers and will carry on faithfully their agenda – Be the flag bearer of transferring wealth from the poor, middle class and even the wealthy in Britain to the very wealthy. She will make sure austerity deepens further and continues, she will make sure Britain’s’ assets are sold for nothing to the central bankers, make sure our national health is privatized even further and that our children are super vaccinated. Oh … and I still think Britain was saved coming out of The EU. I feel Britain despite the rhetoric will take the best of Europe and leave the bad behind, time will prove me right … and if anyone had voted on the grounds of stopping mass immigration into Britain, I have very bad news for you. NOTHING will change on that front. ” Diversity ” is one agenda the central bankers pursue tirelessly. We should welcome Syrian refugees into Britain by the way … since Cameron put us under further debt of 170 billion GBP to help flatten Syria to dust, help create 12 million refugees (almost half the population of Syria), with 10,000 children missing. Can someone tell me to whom all the Syrian oil has gone to? It sure hasn’t gone to US, Britain, ISIS or NATO or anyone else they tell us on the news.
I think Hilary in USA , Teresa May in Britain and Merkel in Germany will be the three angels of doom which so un – ashamedly were portrayed in the Gotthard base tunnel opening ceremony in Switzerland recently … I don’t buy any of these supernatural rubbish they are trying to distract us with but they do give us clues as what they are up to. Nothing on the macro economic-geopolitical plain happens by accident.
Euro2016 game tonight . France V Portugal
What about France 7 and Portugal 0 tonight? I mean why not? … I mean Ronaldo really knows how to throw a game – Portugal V Iceland , he missed five goals including a penalty … why isn’t he being investigated for match fixing?
All in my humble opinion and no investment advice intended
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See you in the week
BRILLIANT ! Thank you for your thoughts Andre , I thought I was the only one that saw a giant match fixing going on with Ronaldo. Superb call on the S&P .
The three angels of doom :) It appears that it will indeed be so. That Gotthard tunnel ceremony is as creepy as they could get.I also don’t believe in all the illuminati and all that nonsense , just arrest the bankers and we are sorted. Great prediction on the markets last week. Always looking forward to your articles.
You have deep knowledge sir, very good prediction re markets last week.Merkel,Clinton and Teresa? wow! have we run out of human beings?
Kind regards
Courageous and to the heart of the matter Sir. Super respect!
Perfect market call !!!!!!!!
Excellent Article Andre France 3 – Portugal 2
Hilary,Merkel& Teresa seems to be the future. No men left in the western hemisphere of this planet?
Look forward to your articles impatiently — please do write more often with updates. x
3 angels of doom, quiet apt and poss ‘good call on ftse. France 3 -Portugal 0 I think. Agree Ronaldo fixed the match between them and Iceland.
Best regards
Andre what kind of bet would you put on tonight’s match?
So far your predictions have been spot on S&P//ftse.Always enjoy your articles and alternative views.
Ronaldo up to match fixing again yesterday, he thought if he feigns injury Portugal would lose, but his team mates had already figured he was a conman. What a disgusting human being he is. They should arrest him for treason.