They tripped me up in December !?

After getting the markets right since 2008, I was hoping for a 27,000 ish close in December 2018. Yet they went and did the opposite.
Lesson learnt … Never get too complacent about the targets you have … And trusting your intuition beats all analysis. They had taken the markets up almost every December and it felt oh so “given” that they would do the same in December 2018. I knew they would trip me up this time round and yet did not listen to my gut. Lesson learnt is that always trust your gut feelings more than any other indicator … Specially if you are an experienced trader.
Having said that, I did not accept that we would have a crash, I simply knew that we are heading for much higher highs, there was no real catalyst. Yes the interest rates was an issue but they have dealt with that now … They don’t want to take the interest rates high because they don’t want to pay you any interest on your deposits. That scenario is gone for ever. You will never get any interest on your deposits. They have decided. Why pay you interest for doing nothing . They can just print any amount of money that they wish. They don’t need yours.
Having said that, I am sure Dow Jones is heading for 32,000 before any thoughts of the bull market ending starts to even be thoughts of any seriousness.
2019 we will see 27,000 plus …won’t be a straight line up .
They best way to trade is to take smaller profits intraday in todays trading scenarios … and ignore the macro moves of the markets.
Lots of small profits adds up to big numbers … Very big numbers indeed.
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All in my humble opinion and no financial advice intended.
I really don’t think anyone is going to hold December against you Andre, you were to only one holding the forth for a no crash scenario.
Keep up the good work
Love the confidence’; I also agree with the previous poster that no one is going to hold anything against you, you have been invaluable and 99.99% of the time on the money~# and that is something !