The Techical Trader has been published continually since 1989 and is the leading UK techical analysis and trading newsletter. Written and edited by John Piper, one of the UK’s most respected traders and analysts, out motto is “TOMORROW’s NEWS TODAY!” – a boast we have often delivered, perhaps most notably with the book FINANCIAL CATACLYSM NOW! published in 2006.

Here is the link to the October issue…
and here is the introduction…
Last month we released a new trading system called KrautGap. The name was based on the term KrautRock, given affectionately to one of my favourite types of music. In this short piece I want to say a little about the philosophy behind KrautGap and also why we decided to release it as a 10 module course rather than a single manual. First the system is one I discovered simply by looking at charts and I was inspired to do this by Mark Austin who, as you may know, is “the guru of the gap!” But I have an edge when it comes to charts and this is because I do not use the spread betters’ 24 hour charts which successfully “hide” all gaps. Instead I look at charts of the official markets and in the case of the main German Index, I assume you already realise this system is based on a German index, this means that the price action starts at 09h00 Central European Time (CET) and stops at 17h30 (CET). Why should this give me an edge? There are two reasons:
• Firstly you can see the gaps
• Secondly most other traders use the 24 hour charts.
So I am seeing stuff that most other traders do not see – sounds like an edge to me! You may wonder why I am being so upfront on KrautGap – haven’t I given you the system already? I’m afraid not, as the system uses a number of key filters and stop levels which are what makes it so successful. If I wanted to hide the fact it was a gap system based on a German index I would have come up with another name!
The philosophy behind the system is that I wanted it to be extremely simple to understand and to operate. I also wanted each module to be set out very clearly and, as far as possible, be a thing of beauty! I cannot say whether we have managed the last part but with some very able assistance I am confident that the system is easy to understand and operate. It has also continued to bring in the profits since release and this latter point is what it is all about. Although to be precise it is all about putting profits in the hands of those who buy the system.
But why have I released this as a set of modules, there are actually 11 but we always like to give something extra, in this case a surprise module from Mark on some advanced gap techniques. The idea behind the modules was simply to give time for key trading ideas to soak into a trader’s mind with a view they may stay there. Too many traders employ stops that are far too tight and take profits that are far too small, not prepared to wait for the large juicy profit that may be waiting just around the corner. These too factors are absolutely essential to trading success and make all the difference in the world. The idea of the KrautGap modules is to allow due consideration of these key ideas in the hope they will be better implemented.
Finally here is a comment I received very recently about the PDS (aka PBW) system I released some years ago:
“Hello John,
I joined up with you a few years back on the PBW system and the big call. I am working with Mark Austin and Steve Bradley and I am having some good returns from them both,
I have stuck with the PBW system and slightly refined it after studying results and data, also modified it to run with other European indices as well as the Dow.
This has netted me handsome profits over the last few years running with it and enabled ourselves to do some super things, also stopped my business from hitting the wall and glad to say we are recovering well and growing.
John, frankly without the PBW we would have gone bust like the many that have over the past few years, and I will keep running with the 3 trading systems well into the future.
A big thanks as it has really allowed us to change a lot of things in our lives.
Kind regards
You may think it a cliché for me to say that it is this type of feedback that makes it all worthwhile, nevertheless, it is true. Helping our fellow man or woman is the most satisfying aspect of life in general. In the months and years to come I look forward to similar feedback on KrautGap – I hope you have found this short piece of interest.
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