2 days ago
AABB Expected PR's/Catalysts to Arrive Anytime
In other words, all the things that have been promised, and still have not happened. And never will.
As for that MOASS......please, please, let it happen! I have followed these scam stocks like AABB for a decade, and seen it promised over and over by the pumpers and promoters and yet I have still not seen it ever happen. Will it happen here???? Seriously doubt it.
2 days ago
*****AABB Expected PR's/Catalysts to Arrive Anytime***** ... Note Closure Verification, Share Buy-Backs, AABBS Silver Tokens Launch, New Processing Facility Completion & Start of Operations, New Wallet Featuring AI & Merchant/Retail Payment System Launch, 3rd Dividend Distribution & 2nd Half of 2025 Acquired Mine/s Development/s!
Possible Developments ... Major OS Reduction, Spin-Offs, New Mine Acquisitions, Partnership/s, Gold & Silver Price Increases & Naked Short Shares Sold to Retail Covering = MOASS!
IMHO "The Future Is Secure" with AABB! 😇
2 days ago
JonDoe1 & gitreal ... I've Never been to London where they say Big Ben is, but I've seen Pictures, I hear it's on the North End of the Westminster Palace and I Believe it's there! No Gold Audit at Fort Knox for Decades, it's in Kentucky where I've Never been, but the U.S. is Supposed to have 8000 Tons there, I Believe Fort Knox is there, but Not so sure about the Gold! My Point, Believe what you want, I have seen enough Evidence that AABB is Very Real and Not a Scam as You Suggest! Furthermore, I See the Potential to Eventually Up-List on a Major Exchange with Continued Revenues/Processing, New Gold/Silver Discoveries, New Acquisitions & Developments! 😇
2 days ago
gitreal ... Guerrero? - We've Beat this Subject to Death! This is the OTC, Hence the Minimum Reporting Requirements! AABB is a Start-Up, but Not for Long! We've Discussed the Partner and it's Majority Stake, Control, Privacy and Costs to Develop Guerrero! I Dug this Up from an Old Poster - "In December of 2015, the Company acquired its initial mineral concessions and licenses encompassing an area of 486 hectares in the Guerrero region of Mexico. Guerrero in known for its production of gold, silver and base metals. The property was acquired as a first step in the evaluation and feasibility process for the Company to commit to expand and develop mineral interests in the area. In March of 2016, the Company acquired an artisan mine and the surrounding property consisting of 2,328 hectares, which are adjacent to the initial property acquisition. The properties are within the group of mining concessions called La Coloradas and were formerly known as Santa Clara 1. They are located in the south east Guerrero Gold Belt (GGB), south of Mezcaltepec and east of Colotepec. The historic mine and properties have had underground and surface production processing, on a small scale basis, since 1953. The initial property acquisition combined with the artisan mine property were originally purchased for $441,396 and, as of December 31, 2018, the Company has capitalized a total of $1,824,520 in exploration and development costs associated with the properties".
How AABB Hit the Ground Running IMHO ... LAS VEGAS, Jan. 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Asia Broadband Inc. (OTC : AABB), through its wholly owned subsidiary Asia Metals Inc., announced today that the Company has completed the sale of its mineral property and mining operations facilities in the Guerrero Gold Belt (GGB), Mexico, to Joint Venture Partner, Qiangda Investments & Economics Co. Ltd. (QIEC). The principle consideration terms of the sale agreement have been delivered and included a $52 million cash payment, a $30 million transfer of gold bullion and an assignment of a 28% equity interest back to the Company. Additionally, all of the operational controls and authorities of the property and facilities have been transferred to the new ownershipβs designated management personnel.
gitreal ... It All Had to Start Somewhere, it Appears the Guerrero Belt was AABBs Golden Start! 😇
2 days ago
What legit company won't disclose the location, concession number, grade and tonnage, costs, etc. for a mining operation that it supposedly sold for $30 million in gold plus $52 million in cash?? And refuses to do an audit to prove those assets are real?
What legit company relies on funding from the worst toxic note EVER seen in the OTC?
What legit company promises a share buy back and note buy off....and a year later neither has happened?
AABB is one of the most obvious, sleaziest, con-jobs ever seen and has successfully ripped off investors to the tune of $150 million or more.
And you've spent the last several years pumping this garbage. You should be ashamed.
2 days ago
gitreal ... AABB = Gold & Coming Silver Backing, I'm Not Promoting, I'm Invested Here and Supporting the Companies Outstanding Vision, which by the way is Emerging a Reality! The Pictures and Videos are Proof of the Concept Mine/Ore Stock-pile to Tokens with Proprietary Processing! There have been Many Scams in the Markets Past, Duly Noted, but AABB is NOT One of them, IMHO! It's Taken some Trial and Error, but Enormous Progress has been Made to Date! Clearly AABB is Holding the Winning Cards and Bluffing with FUD won't Change the Awesome Possibilities that AABB Retains as they Emerge and Grow Going Forward! Constant Negativity is Shameful and Suits You Well! Your Reputation is well Known Around the Boards! Regardless of the Negativity you post, AABB has a Bright Future IMHO!😇
2 days ago
The unaudited OTC financials that sometimes don't add up? These lazy scammers couldn't even bother to fabricate numbers that total up.
And of course the PRs that are jam packed with lies, hyperbole, and fraud? Those PRs?
And what's with that halo emoji you use at end of your messages? You're implying you're an angel, super honest, etc.
On the contrary, your support of a serious financial scam, and repeating the lies and fraud means you really should use this emoji: 👿. Or maybe this one:💩