1 hour ago
From the court appointed is your HAM short. Give away the stock to friend's and family and then blame big bad market making firms and Kramer for the wonder Wes dumped this in a texas toast minute!
We anticipate being able to recover additional stock from individuals without having to compel
turnover or institute legal proceedings. It is the Receiver’s opinion that there are roughly
182,000,000 shares issued to parties under dubious circumstances. The Receiver will endeavor to
obtain the shares through mutual resolutions but may seek court intervention.
6. To date, I have identified $12,322,302.15 in stock sales, or proceeds from stock sales, that appear
to be illicit and/or are otherwise unreported, including:
a. $2,923,237.11 in unreported and potentially illicit stock sales by GTII’s wholly owned
subsidiary, Dot8, Inc., which is currently being controlled by Justine Riechman;
b. the transfer of $1,918,945.81 to Mr. Reichman that may have originated from illicit stock
sales by attorney Mark Richardson;
c. $2,000,000 by Internet Capital/ Warren Markowitz, the majority of which was transferred
to Mr. Reichman;
d. $5,249,910.65 by Justine Reichman, and
e. $230,208.58 in illicit stock sales directly by Mr. Reichman
23 hours ago
Uhmmm... Stevie Wonder...I was quoting DIRECTLY from GTII CEO at the time regarding Kramer and others... Reichman said it. You know the CEO who stole all your money and was buying lavish cars, jewelry and using the company as a piggy bank for friends and family while convincing the illiterate there was this " huge Naked Short"??? Did you not read the receivers report either? he is clawing back $$, Watches ,bank accounts and stock...Receiver never mentioned shorts did he? even though he had a court order to get all records. But i guess some people will never see. Alos, SCOTUS (i hope you don't have to google that ?) just ruled against Alpine. DTC will most likely freeze the deposit they have (about 7 million) and use it to send out stock certs, pay debits and more. usually DTC will hold a defunct clearing firms $$ for years. Enjoy yet ANOTHER educational courtesy of the only person who knows how it works.
YOU are the exact reason WHY the OTC is ending and they dont want it (Check out the SEC/NASDAQ latest notice on OTC stocks filing for listing and the deadline)...thats right...Stevie Wonder cant or wont see.
1 day ago
DTCC Rule #4: The Participant Fund—Wall Street’s safety net. If a firm defaults, the ‘Loss Allocation Waterfall’ kicks in: 1) Their collateral, 2) DTCC’s cash, 3) Other firms’ deposits, 4) System-wide cash call. Why Citadel bailed out Melvin? To dodge the domino effect. Wild,…— Eronima (@eronimusss) March 17, 2025
1 week ago
"At this time, the Company has no specific evidence of any kind of a particular broker, bank, institution, or individual, including Mr. Curt Kramer, Mr. Seth Kramer, Power Up Lending Group, or Geneva Roth Remark Holdings undertaking such activity, but will continue to take action to combat any illegal trading or naked shorting in its stock whenever it occurs.".................WTF are you talking about?
3 weeks ago
Alpine Securities takes its case against FINRA to the Supreme Court, essentially challenging the regulator's existence and power to enforce federal laws.
Alpine wants the Supreme Court to stop FINRA's decision to expel the broker dealer from the brokerage industry.
Federal regulators have documented, in writing,
specific concerns about Alpine, including its "concentrated short position in GTII"
This case began years ago and "last year, a three-judge panel in the D.C. Court of Appeals partially affirmed Alpine’s argument, ruling FINRA must let the SEC review its decisions to expel registrants before FINRA is allowed to do so, saying Alpine would face “irreparable harm” if expelled without SEC review.
The court didn’t rule on the merits of Alpine’s claims and allowed FINRA’s enforcement proceedings against the firm to continue, leading Judge Justin Walker to dissent in part.
He argued that the court should dismiss FINRA’s proceedings against Alpine altogether, arguing that FINRA’s design means that it “unilaterally” has enforcement powers in an arrangement that “violates the Constitution.”..."
FINRA says Alpine’s request is "meritless".
There are other cases across the country challenging FINRA's existence, but whether Alpine is the case the Supreme Court will hear to decide that remains to be seen.
Alpine Securities takes its case against FINRA to the Supreme Court, essentially challenging the regulator's existence and power to enforce federal laws.
Alpine wants the Supreme Court to stop FINRA's decision to expel the broker dealer from the brokerage industry.…— kristen shaughnessy (@kshaughnessy2) February 26, 2025
4 weeks ago
Supplemental Information Disclosure Out Now:
Notice of Hearing: February 19, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. (Las Vegas Time).
Interested parties may appear by Zoom by using
the following link:
Supplemental Information Disclosure Out Now:
Notice of Hearing: February 19, 2025, at 9:30 a.m. (Las Vegas Time).
Interested parties may appear by Zoom by using
the following link:
https://clarkcountycourts-— GTII Receiver (@GTIIReceiver) February 1, 2025
🚀$GTII & Aiversity @AIVersityio🚀
2 months ago
you do realize this guy is a tool doing damage control right? you can call yourself "knot legal advice" all you want but he was pumping GTII all along with Ferand, Ham and Ace and gave such "legal knowledge on" a regular basis to people that he constantly did what? he invited them to "like" and 'Subscribe" which constitutes solicitations of legal clients. He had Definitive talks in which he also claimed (with no proof) and helped justify and give credence to this idea that there were MILLIONS of naked shorts.... then when he realized he was a tool what did he do? he sues to disassociate himself from his previous videos , interviews and solicitations and got other shareholders to join him (Once again SOLICITING while claiming KNOT LEGAL ADVICE) and what did receiver do for shareholders?zero. nilch. nada. most likely they will walk away with public vehicle while stripping put all shareholder value and debts and liabilities(receivers can do this)... so long story short: Knot. humming, ferrand, ace, and anyone owning this got reared listening to this clown. If anyone had any sense they would be filing bar complaints against him and SEC complaints against the clown with the truck in front of the SEC building (which was also totally fake).