9 hours ago
"Public Holiganism" "culture of chaos" so you admit it? On February 6, 2024, $GVSI announced that it had enter into a non-binding Term Sheet for the acquisition of a privately owned Blockchain enterprise. This evening, that company informed $GVSI by email, that it was terminating the merger effort as neither they nor the funding company wished to be involved in the "culture of chaos that is common in the OTC market". Specifically, the blockchain company cited the "lack of appreciation by supposed shareholders who currently own nothing as will [sic] as disdain towards management, as seen on social media." The email also states that, "We do not wish to be subject to nor influenced by public holiganism [sic]."
$GVSI notes that the owners of the blockchain company are foreign-born Americans and of a culture more tempered than that of western countries.
$GVSI management will continue to seek the acquisition of an asset, but given the previously discussed issues with FINRA, it does not expect to be successful before mid-2025.
12 hours ago
It's more of passionate hobby that morphs into flaunting and showing off. People that have thoroughbred horses, should be worth well over 100 million dollars, don't think George Sharp is there at all. The upkeep doesn't jive in winning the purses, especially if you don't have a winning horse, he has to win at least once a week, for him to breakeven on that many horses.
14 hours ago
According to published reports and easily found facts George grew his stable from 14 to over 100 horses since he started his shell scams. He had 60 as of 2022.Three horses alone cost him 3/4 million. Then toss in the cost of the others.
Hello Hot Rod for $335,000.
Front Run the Fed $440,000
George grossed $1,381,250 on his races last year which seems good to some, but his expenses probably were in the $4 million range.
The monthly costs also include veternary, horse shoeing, van travel to other tracks, monies paid to trainers and jockeys on race day and let's not forget food, lodging and travel for George.
My estimate is in the $4 million annually range taking everything into account.
17 hours ago
Let's see what Sharp has said about GVSI.
What a glowing GVSI review from Sharp...full of regret...and in retrospect he would never had done it. Seems like even Sharp thinks GVSI is a disaster.
Sharp already said he can't produce what FINRA/SEC is specifically asking for in its Notice of Deficiency - AUDITED financials from 2008 - 2013 to conform with FINRA Rule 6490 which GVSI has and is continuing to violate. And Sharp already said he ABANDONED getting GVSI audited which means he won't be able to get GVSI SEC registered and reporting for a reverse merger.
What Sharp says he plans to do in 2025 about another merger attempt and filing GVSI's Form 10 should be believed about as much as Sharp's tweets saying he would get GVSI SEC registered and reporting three years ago, that he would refile GVSI's SEC Form 10 registration statement three Decembers ago and never did, saying that WNFT had reached the "promised land" and would have a "business plan over the next several weeks which will include an acquisition(s)" that never materialized in September two years ago when Sharp said it would happen and saying he would not reverse split GRDO then did just that.
Mind you that Sharp again said in the above tweet that he would NEVER reverse split any stock he's involved with BEFORE AND AFTER he did just that for GRDO - is that being honest?
GVSI continues to slowly bleed out while people who listen to the pumpers will continue to buy and keep getting deeper and deeper in the hole with their investment because of dilusional and nefarious pumpers keep telling them that GVSI is "going to dollars" and that "a merger is coming," all the while the SEC/FINRA is MIA with it's corporate actions approvals. Sharp kept pumping the name, ticker symbol change and merger for months - so what happened? NOTHING! Again it was all BULLSHIT with no corporate actions approval and the merger failed miserably.
Not only that but Sharp has NEVER filed an audited financial statement for GVSI - something the SEC demands in order to approve any of GVSI's corporate actions. GVSI is his only ticker not to have ever filed an audited financial statement.
How many times will the remaining Sharp cult need to get swindled by Sharp and the pumpers on this board? It's been happening over and over and over again. At this point you have to question their intelligence.
Straight from the SEC website:
FINRA's deficiency determination and the Commission's affirmation of FINRA's deficiency determination would have the collateral consequence of preventing GVSI from ever conducting future corporate actions.
The Companyβs many shareholders have essentially all lost their investment in the Company.
There is an SEC/FINRA restriction on GVSI's corporate actions and a FINRA Notice of Deficiency issued to GVSI that can't be fixed because Sharp already said he can't audit GVSI's financials. So GVSI won't be able to recover from the steep decline in price and accumulation from the last year.
GVSI failed to get registered with the SEC since it had to withdraw its Form 10 registration statement...
Please be advised that Good Vibrations Shoes, Inc. (the βCompanyβ) hereby respectfully requests withdrawal of the above-mentioned Registration Statement pursuant to Rule 477 of Regulation C promulgated by the Securities and Exchange Commission (the βSECβ) under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. The Registration Statement was originally filed on September 27, 2021.
The Form 10 registration was never refiled like Sharp said he would three Decembers ago.
...and Sharp said he couldn't audit GVSI's financials.
The SEC has already put a restriction on GVSI's corporate actions such as a reverse merger because of its missing audited financials from 2008 through 2013. Audited financials that Sharp has already said he can't produce.
FINRA also acknowledges that the denial is based solely on failure to file periodic reports from 2008 to 2013
FINRA has already affirmed GVSI's deficiency determination and the SEC has placed a restriction on corporate actions such as a reverse merger.
In sum, given the reasons set forth by the FINRA and the DOP in their determinations...the Commission's enforcement of FINRA's denial would effectively terminate the ability of GVSI to operate its business...
FINRA's deficiency determination and the Commission's affirmation of FINRA's deficiency determination would have the collateral consequence of preventing GVSI from ever conducting future corporate actions.
The most recent unaudited quarterly report, which is a signed and legally binding document, says there is no merger anticipated and that the search hasn't even started yet - no matter what he might post on GVSI's X account (which is not legally binding) and the pumpers post here.
We have incurred nominal operations since custodianship and will actively search for suitable merger candidates to assist in the sustaining of operations.
"will actively search"...future tense.
It seems there's no merger candidate to speak of.
So even the search hasn't begun.
And there is no anticipated merger.
List any stock split, stock dividend, recapitalization, merger, acquisition, spin-off, or reorganization either currently anticipated or that occurred within the past 12 months:
And now FINRA is "concerned" (I'm sure it's more than a "concern") about the six years of missing audited financials from 2008 - 2013 that violate FINRA Rule 6490 and will deny any corporate actions again since it denied them before and Sharp has done nothing to fix the problem since the missing financials are still missing.
Three years of pumpers' posts down the drain.
So the above shows there isn't a merger candidate or a merger even anticipated and FINRA has serious "concerns" about the missing audited financials. But then again, what serious company would merge into such a bloated, problem-plagued shell?
FINRA's "concerns" about the missing financials are the writing on the wall for GVSI.
Again, straight from the SEC documetation concerning GVSI's SEC Administrative proceeding against it:
The Companyβs many shareholders have essentially all lost their investment in the Company.
And to add insult to injury, Sharp dumped all of his 20 million GVSI common shares and then lied about never having been issued those shares.
GVSI is a dumpster fire.
17 hours ago
You think? Each thoroughbred horse runs about 2000 dollars a month for boarding, training and feeding. Depending on how many horses he has you multiply them. It doesn't cost a lot, though it could be a money pit for months, until he wins a big one, provided that he doesn't gamble it away. I get the passion for owning thoroughbred horses, but you have to have a great trainer.