The Panama papers … So what of it?

Whenever something like this is supposedly leaked I start thinking as to what the agenda is. I don’t believe anything like this is leaked without some higher purpose and I immediately look for the conspiracy and the macro game plan behind the action … Because that is the way I think … And that is the way I have managed to predict the stock market trends more correctly than not since 2008. Perhaps more than any other analyst or market commentator.
The papers were certainly not leaked by some good investigative journalism and it was not leaked by having the best interest of the public in mind.
So why was it leaked?
Let’s see, main reason of the leak in my opinion was to show Putin being dishonest and lending out some 2 Billon into some offshore companies … I say what of it? 2 billion is nothing significant to the trillions that are being hidden away by the real big players which somehow are not mentioned in the papers. In fact somehow no one of any significance is mentioned in the papers … the mentions have been targeted and purposeful. We have here and there BLT tax evasion and some other companies and of course Assad of Syria and the rest of the people who are standing between the central bankers and their agendas and insignificants like David Cameron’s family (and the potato face will still not go !).
Putin is the biggest obstacle standing between the powers that be and total domination of Russia which they seek so purposefully, frothing in the mouth and salivating over like hungry hyenas. They have not forgiven him for kicking them out when he came to power.
The other purpose of the leak was for the mega super rich insiders to let the non-insiders know that they are after their wealth, they want it all for themselves and no room for anyone else in the world wide wealth grab. No room for the %99999 of the %1 anymore. It is about the %0.00001. So the message is, you have nowhere to hide, nowhere to run. They started with the middle class, then the poor, then the rich, now the very rich and even the super-rich … Only the mega super rich within the circle are safe. They want it all and it is time to collect whilst they are busy making people homeless, closing our hospitals, taking away money from the very poor and getting us to work soon until the possible age of 80, and very very busy vaccinating our children so we are too busy trying to just manage a normal life trying to survive to think of anything else (more and more research is coming forward to relate vaccines to Autism).
The panama papers were a signal to the very rich and super rich by the mega super rich within the circle … You have nowhere to hide … How dare you? And just being a persistent pain on the side for Putin …
There is yet another reason for the deliberate leak … For the Central Bankers to show people in positions of power and importance that we have leverage on you. If you don’t do as we tell you or if you try and get too smart with us, we have the power and the will to expose you. So better watch out and be a good worker and carry out the agenda.
Because let’s face it almost everyone has some skeletons in the cupboard somewhere.
And just before I go … please give very serious consideration to NOT accepting SMART METERS into your home by utility companies, there are many negative issues related to these meters, it’s like having a cancer causing spy right in your home in my opinion …which is what I told British Gas today when they called to convince me to have one installed for free …They even have the ability to gather information from inside your home … even about your purchases … or anything with a Barcode.
Andre Minassian
Register for email updates for free at Clever Games UK
Thank you Andre, good breakdown of the situation, I refused smart metering already. Keep up the good work.
Andre, another great article to the crux of the point. Couldn’t agree more on the vaccination and the smart spy meters. I always look out for your writings. Thank you and please post more often ref: markets