Well this is something I find very upsetting!

So today I got a an email with details on something rather upsetting.It involves a well know financial site that will remain anonymous and that we will simply call stock profiteers or stock profits for short.
The company in question received insider information (information not yet disclosed to the market) namely the requisition letter and released said information via one of their writers (we will call him Benneth Turnpills).
So who could have gave them such information?
Who had that information?
Was it the postman?
Hardly likely when it was hand delivered.
Was it the carrier?
Again, I hardly think so as the carrier is a person I know to be trustworthy.
So who then???
Well lets see, who would want this to fail? Who would want to discredit the team looking to make a change for the better?
You got it! It was Sefton and guess who in particular? Yes once again your right, good old Raylene gave “Benneth” the information but in doing so incriminated herself.
So why has Raylene stepped down?
Its very simple really, she has had a market abuse allegation made against her and so she had no choice.
This is a great bit of news for shareholders and we should e looking forwards to the EGM and making sure our votes are in early so as not to let the current team stay in power, robbing investors, any longer.
All the best and as always.
All in my opinion and not to be taken as fact nor advice.
Always seek professional advice before investing in any company.
Anthony Wintle