I’m still searching for a company to go in my Modified cyclically adjusted price earnings ratio portfolio. So far: no luck. I’ll keep working on it.
In the meantime here are a couple of principles for all value investors to keep in mind:
Dreams do not come true by wishing, but if you internalise them and determine to grow into them and visualise them coming true, then there is a greater chance that they will be realised. (Don Keough, CEO Coca Cola, Omahan and director of Berkshire Hathaway)
Comment: For example, many would like to emulate the success of Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch or Sir John Templeton. Dreaming about it will not get you there, not even close.
But if you spend time really trying to understand what it is that made them so capable you might get some of the way there, and along the way you will improve immensely your investment returns.
You cannot internalise principles and concepts if you never heard them – hence the need for being proactive in gathering knowledge and piecing it together.
There is also a need to reinforce the intellectual muscle memory through practice.
Are you one of those that not only has the will to win, but also the will to prepare?
[Shares] are embraced as investments or dismissed as gambles in routine and circular fashion, and usually at the wrong times (Peter Lynch)
Comment: Speculators, those uninformed and emotional creatures, tend to have very short memories…….
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