The investor’s worst enemy is likely to himself – his feelings and compulsions, his decision-making flaws. A sound investment strategy can be scuppered because when the crunch-time comes excitement, fear, impatience, greed and other emotions get in the way.

Being temperamentally well-suited for investment is far more important than IQ or knowledge of accounting, economics, stock markets, etc. As Phillip Fisher said a good nervous system is more important than a good head.
Patience regarding shares you’ve bought
It sometimes takes what seems an age for the rest of the market to catch up and recognise the value of a company you have bought into. While it is easier to estimate that a share will rise it is not so easy to say how much time will elapse before it happens.
Keep to rational investing principles while waiting for others to become more rational.
“I’m accustomed to hanging around with a stock when the price is going nowhere. Most of the money I make is in the third or fourth year that I’ve owned something….It takes remarkable patience to hold on to a stock in a company that excites you, but which everybody else seems to ignore. You begin to think everybody else is right and you are wrong. But where the fundamentals are promising, patience is often rewarded” (Peter Lynch)
Do not be so hasty young hobbit
Many investors feel they should be making double digit returns every year. Dreaming of this they push the boundaries of prudence by borrowing to invest, or putting money in much more risky areas, or rushing to the latest hot theme, or selling for a quick profit.
Patience is a virtue in investing. Do not be in so much of a hurry that you risk the money that you need to attempt a shot at a goal that is merely desired.
Investors often feel they have to be hyper-active in the market to achieve their goals, but as Pascal said “It has struck me that all men’s misfortunes spring from the single cause that they are unable to stay quietly in one room.”
Patience is needed when you….To read more subscribe to my premium newsletter Deep Value Shares – click here