10 years ago
From Zacks Equity Research:
Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. : Based in George Town, Cayman Islands, the company has a forward P/E of 14.19x. The company produces, markets and distributes fresh-cut fruit and vegetables worldwide in addition to the manufacturing of plastic and box products including bins, trays, bags, and boxes. The stock has retained its Zacks Rank #1 (Strong Buy) since Aug 31.
The U.S. agriculture sector had performed relatively better than other sectors in the economy during the Great Recession and its immediate aftermath. A vibrant U.S. agricultural sector is essential for the overall growth and prosperity of the nation and these high-potential stocks with strong fundamentals pledge a healthy ROI during this uncertain time.
11 years ago
$FDP DD Notes ~ http://www.ddnotesmaker.com/FDP
$FDP recent news/filings
## source: finance.yahoo.com
Mon, 08 Sep 2014 10:34:57 GMT ~ Tumi Holdings (TUMI) in Focus: Stock Falls 5.8%
read full: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/tumi-holdings-tumi-focus-stock-103457766.html
Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:04:07 GMT ~ FRESH DEL MONTE PRODUCE INC Financials
read full: http://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=fdp
Wed, 20 Aug 2014 20:28:18 GMT ~ 11 Companies in Need of a CEO (or Maybe a Buyer)
read full: http://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2014/08/20/11-companies-in-need-of-a-ceo-or-maybe-a-buyer/?mod=yahoo_hs
Wed, 30 Jul 2014 19:10:32 GMT ~ FRESH DEL MONTE PRODUCE INC Files SEC form 8-K, Other Events, Financial Statements and Exhibits
read full: http://biz.yahoo.com/e/140730/fdp8-k.html
Wed, 30 Jul 2014 19:00:00 GMT ~ Fresh Del Monte Produce's Board of Directors Declares Cash Dividend
[Business Wire] - Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. today announced that its board of directors declared an interim cash dividend of twelve and a half cents per share, payable on Sep
read full: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/fresh-del-monte-produces-board-190000652.html
$FDP charts
basic chart ## source: stockcharts.com
basic chart ## source: stockscores.com
big daily chart ## source: stockcharts.com
big weekly chart ## source: stockcharts.com
$FDP company information
## source: otcmarkets.com
Link: http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/FDP/company-info
Ticker: $FDP
OTC Market Place: Not Available
CIK code: 0001047340
Company name: Fresh Del Monte Produce, Inc.
Incorporated In: Cayman Islands
$FDP share structure
## source: otcmarkets.com
Market Value: $1,794,055,067 a/o Sep 05, 2014
Shares Outstanding: 55,491,960 a/o Jul 18, 2014
Float: Not Available
Authorized Shares: Not Available
Par Value: 0.01
$FDP extra dd links
Company name: Fresh Del Monte Produce, Inc.
After Hours Quote (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/after-hours
Option Chain (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/option-chain
Historical Prices (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?s=FDP+Historical+Prices
Company Profile (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/pr?s=FDP+Profile
Industry (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/in?s=FDP+Industry
Market Stream (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/stream
Latest news (otcmarkets.com): http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/FDP/news - http://finance.yahoo.com/q/h?s=FDP+Headlines
Analyst Research (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/analyst-research
Guru Analysis (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/guru-analysis
Stock Report (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/stock-report
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Investopedia (investopedia.com): http://www.investopedia.com/markets/stocks/FDP/?wa=0
Research Reports (otcmarkets.com): http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/FDP/research
Basic Tech. Analysis (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ta?s=FDP+Basic+Tech.+Analysis
Barchart (barchart.com): http://www.barchart.com/quotes/stocks/FDP
DTCC (dtcc.com): http://search2.dtcc.com/?q=Fresh+Del+Monte+Produce%2C+Inc.&x=10&y=8&sp_p=all&sp_f=ISO-8859-1
Spoke company information (spoke.com): http://www.spoke.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=Fresh+Del+Monte+Produce%2C+Inc.
Corporation WIKI (corporationwiki.com): http://www.corporationwiki.com/search/results?term=Fresh+Del+Monte+Produce%2C+Inc.&x=0&y=0
Call Transcripts (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/call-transcripts
Annual Report (companyspotlight.com): http://www.companyspotlight.com/library/companies/keyword/FDP
Income Statement (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/financials?query=income-statement
Revenue/EPS (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/revenue-eps
SEC Filings (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/sec-filings
Edgar filings (sec.gov): http://www.sec.gov/cgi-bin/browse-edgar?action=getcompany&CIK=0001047340&owner=exclude&count=40
Latest filings (otcmarkets.com): http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/FDP/filings
Latest financials (otcmarkets.com): http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/FDP/financials
Short Interest (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/short-interest
Dividend History (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/dividend-history
RegSho (regsho.com): http://www.regsho.com/tools/symbol_stats.php?sym=FDP&search=search
OTC Short Report (otcshortreport.com): http://otcshortreport.com/index.php?index=FDP
Short Sales (otcmarkets.com): http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/FDP/short-sales
Key Statistics (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=FDP+Key+Statistics
Insider Roster (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ir?s=FDP+Insider+Roster
Income Statement (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/is?s=FDP
Balance Sheet (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/bs?s=FDP
Cash Flow (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/cf?s=FDP+Cash+Flow&annual
Major holdings (cnbc.com): http://data.cnbc.com/quotes/FDP/tab/8.1
Insider transactions (yahoo.com): http://finance.yahoo.com/q/it?s=FDP+Insider+Transactions
Insider transactions (secform4.com): http://www.secform4.com/insider-trading/FDP.htm
Insider transactions (insidercrow.com): http://www.insidercow.com/history/company.jsp?company=FDP
Ownership Summary (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/ownership-summary
Institutional Holdings (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/institutional-holdings
Insiders (SEC Form 4) (nasdaq.com): http://www.nasdaq.com/symbol/FDP/insider-trades
Insider Disclosure (otcmarkets.com): http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/FDP/insider-transactions
PST (pennystocktweets.com): http://www.pennystocktweets.com/stocks/profile/FDP
Market Watch (marketwatch.com): http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/FDP
Bloomberg (bloomberg.com): http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/FDP:US
Morningstar (morningstar.com): http://quotes.morningstar.com/stock/s?t=FDP
Bussinessweek (businessweek.com): http://investing.businessweek.com/research/stocks/snapshot/snapshot_article.asp?ticker=FDP
$FDP DD Notes ~ http://www.ddnotesmaker.com/FDP
14 years ago
Fresh Del Monte 2Q Net Rises 67% On Higher Prices; Misses Street ViewFont size: A | A | A
6:50 AM ET 8/2/11 | Dow Jones
Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc.'s (FDP) second-quarter earnings rose 67%, aided by higher prices and fewer charges, but fell short of expectations due to a weak fresh-produce market in Europe.
"A depressed fresh produce market in Europe characterized by significantly lower banana and pineapple selling prices during the month of June, along with substantially higher fuel costs and continued competitive pressure in our melon business collectively impacted our financial results," said Chairman and Chief Executive Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh.
Harsh weather in Guatemalan banana-production areas and higher fruit-production costs had hampered the company's bottom line for most of last year. But increased demand for bananas amid tightened industry-wide production helped to drive prices higher during the first quarter.
For the quarter ended July 1, Fresh Del Monte reported a profit of $35.2 million, or 59 cents a share, up from $21.1 million, or 34 cents a share, a year earlier. Excluding asset impairment and other charges, earnings fell to 77 cents from 85 cents. Revenue jumped 40% to $1.04 billion, due primarily to higher selling prices in all segments.
Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters had most recently forecast earnings of 96 cents on revenue of $1.02 billion.
Gross margin rose to 9.9% from 8.3%.
Banana sales, which make up nearly half of Fresh Del Monte's top line, increased 3.1%. Volume was 4% lower, while worldwide pricing increased 7%.
Sales of other fresh produce were up 4%, while prepared food sales rose 8.1%.
The company is sometimes confused with Del Monte Foods Co. (DLM), which is in the canned-vegetable business. Fresh Del Monte bought Del Monte Foods Europe in 2004 and has a perpetual royalty-free license to use the Del Monte trademark for certain products worldwide.
Shares closed Monday at $24.64 and were inactive premarket. The stock has risen 17% over the past year.
-By Melodie Warner, Dow Jones Newswires; 212-416-2283; melodie.warner@dowjones.com
> Dow Jones Newswires
08-02-11 0650ET
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