10 hours ago
Mar 7, 2025
Order Granting Ex Parte Motion for Order Requiring Custodian of Records for Charles Schwab & Co. Inc. to Appear for Examination Pursuant to F.R.BANKR.P. 2004 (Related document(s) 1624) (mmm) (Entered: 03/07/2025)
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Examination (BK)
Mar 7, 2025
Proof of Interest Filed by JAY FELDMAN (mms) (Entered: 03/07/2025)
Main Doc
Document (BK)
Mar 7, 2025
Order Granting Ex Parte Motion for Order Requiring Custodian of Records for Depository Trust Clearing Corporation to Appear for Examination Pursuant to F.R.BANKR.P. 2004 (Related document(s) 1618) (mmm) (Entered: 03/07/2025)
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Examination (BK)
Mar 7, 2025
Order Granting Ex Parte Motion for Order Requiring Custodian of Records for TD Ameritrade to Appear for Examination Pursuant to R.R.BANKR.P. 2004 (Related document(s) 1626) (mmm) (Entered: 03/07/2025)
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Examination (BK)
Mar 7, 2025
Order Granting Ex Parte Motion for Order Requiring Custodian of Records for Citadel Securities LLC to Appear for Examination Pursuant to F.R.BANKR.P. 2004 (Related document(s) 1616) (mmm) (Entered: 03/07/2025)
Main Doc
Examination (BK)
13 hours ago
In reality, I spent roughly 4 decades in IMGN before a buyout made me a big profit. During those decades I was up and down in the shares I was holding, but never out as I've always believed in the technology. When they sold out, I was somewhere between the highs and lows in the number of shares I owned. During all those years they did gain an approval, but it was with a drug Roche owned, and they only had a small royalty stream, plus milestones, and even that they monetized rather than waiting for bigger money to come in. In the end, they sold very shortly after their first wholly owned drug was approved, well before meaningful sales could demonstrate the potential of the drug.
I certainly hope that NWBO doesn't go down a similar path even if the buyout was well into double digits. I still believe it's worthy of far more if it remains independently trading for a longer period of time. A BP could take a 20% or greater position, bring in billions, have a seat on the board and say much about control of the company, but the stock could grow dramatically. It all ends with a buyout. Even if it's possible to take stock in the acquiring company, which wasn't possible with IMGN, the BP won't grow at nearly the rate that NWBO would grow with every increasing sales of the DCVax's.
13 hours ago
I believe that once we have UK approval other things will start to fall in line fairly rapidly. It shouldn't take over a year to be above $5. Look at what $5 would represent from where we are today, that's a 20X gain.
When people are down in a stock, but just wait for either a break even price, or some nominal number, without being concerned with the potential thereafter, they're ignoring the potential for tremendous gains.
If $1 is your point, if we rise to that point very slowly, and nothing more is anticipated, fine, get out. But if we move to $1 rapidly on positive news, and more such news is anticipated, why leave a potentially big winner?
All I'm saying is, don't put in a sell order there, reevaluate what you want to do when we're actually there. If you don't see the potential to go dramatically higher, then sell, but if you do, hang on, it might be the best ride in your life.
15 hours ago
Good question 😶
Landru states that executive compensation may include shares of the company’s stock, aligning leadership’s interests with company growth and shareholder value. Shareholders, logically, want leadership to prioritize their interests—for obvious reasons. After all, how else can shareholders be sure leadership is focused on the company’s long-term success?
Common Sense ✅️:
Investors prefer leaders who are committed long-term and stand to benefit personally from an increase in the company’s value.
15 hours ago
Biotech CEO's make millions through selling the stocks awarded to them, as part of their overall compensation package. I owned Amrn. It was fresh off a patent loss, and subsequent to the loss of the US Market. While the company's revenues eroded at 25% annually, from its peak of $475 million, Amrn's CEO was cashing in his stock options earning him $5.9 million. He did that again the following year, despite the fact that he had done nothing to stop the bleeding. The exiting CEO, under who's tenure the worst patent defence loss occurred had $40 million in options as part of his golden parachute.
After NVCR had lost 65% of its market cap, thereabouts, the CEO sold his shares earning him $23 million, among other numerous insiders, who also did the same for relatively much smaller amounts. These are just a drop in the bucket examples of rampant compensation vampirism endemic within the biotech space.
15 hours ago
Are you referring to the lawsuit about SP manipulation? 😶
While lawsuits may be entertaining and legal forces powerful, the most fundamental and unstoppable force is gravity. Science will drive progress forward, regardless of the OTC market, stock price manipulation, or any other force…
The best example of this is the Nobel Prize-winning science of PD-1 blockade technology. Checkpoint inhibitors have only been on the market for a little over a decade, but this class of immunotherapy drugs has exploded in value in a relatively short time. Currently, new PD-1 drugs and related technologies are entering the global market, and new subcutaneous versions are beginning to emerge.
Today, the most exciting developments across all immunotherapy drug classes are the discoveries of various combo therapies, offering potential efficacy across a wide range of diseases!
⭐️Combo is King!⭐️
15 hours ago
I doubt that your numbers are quite accurate, but I will assume that they are close…
Since NWBO has yet to disclose the cash bonus she was awarded in 2023 we have to estimate. But given the cash bonus she was paid in 2017,18,19,20,21 and 22 I think my estimation about right.
Can you also enlighten us about the compensation awarded to the CEO of Citadel? —Slightly off topic, but interesting and relevant considering the big picture
I have no idea what his cash salary plus bonus is. I do know that the vast majority of that $4.2B ius becuae he owns most of Citadel and it returned something like $7b to investors in 2023. And as he is an investor in it, he received his fair share of what was returned to all.
LP has not been returning cash to shareholders last I checked. If she did, I would expect her to get the same percent others do.
EDEN is a patent-fortified novel manufacturing technology that may add a vast amount of additional value to the company.
Flaskworks will be a me to player in a crowded field of automated cell manufactures that is well in advance of them. As already in approved and in commercial sue. Does not matter what the patents are.
Have a nice day.
16 hours ago
Marty, I really don't care about $1 either, though it would make me quite profitable. I won't sell then, so why discuss it. The question you should consider is, what share price will make you happy? Also perhaps, what does happy mean?
I don't intend to sell at any particular price, but I would be happy to have options available and be able to bring in pocket change by writing out of the money covered calls. I believe that should happen once we've reach a move to a major exchange.
If your intent is to sell out once you see a specific price, that's fine, but I believe that at that time you should honestly look to see if there is a better place to invest the money, unless you actually need cash. If you do need the cash, unless you need it all, I'd only take what I need.
For me, it would be nice to travel well in seeing much of the world, but commercial air in business class would be more than sufficient. Taking out more money to rent a private jet just seems extreme, even if I could easily afford it. I'm also fine with a Lexus, or similar vehicle, even if I could afford a Rolls or Bentley though I have friends who have them.
I really don't believe $1 or $2 will be difficult to achieve at all. Achieving double digits may take a bit, but could come prior to approval from all regulators, provided they're in the process of doing it.
Of course all this doesn't consider major news partnering NWBO with some major company, BP, etc that could involve purchasing stock at a fixed price. Should that occur, the stock would almost instantly approach that price. I don't believe that LP would do that for something not in double digits.
In my lifetime I've seen companies move from the $1 range to over $100 and more. In some cases such growth was sustained, in others they fell back to earth. We have the kind of potential that over time such growth should be possible, but we need to give it time.
17 hours ago
The question of why so many GBM products are still under development if DCVax-L achieves so much improvement is something we all should understand. According to Google, worldwide over 300,000 GBM patients are discovered annually. Let's say that DCVax-L and Poly-ICLC or other therapeutics actually cures 50%, so all living 5 years or more are cured. That still leave 150,000 who are not cured, and eventually die. That is certainly a sufficient audience to attract additional therapeutics.
In reality, we don't yet know how many who live to 5 years and beyond are viewed to be cured, but I was minimizing the target market for other products, and it's still quite large.
When we look at that market, I think we need to look at two specifically different types of products. One would be products which added to a protocol that already used DCVax-L would take survival substantially higher than 50% at 5 years. The second would be a product that looks to replace DCVax-L in the SOC and can achieve better than 50% achieving 5 year survival.
It would be my belief that all who have GBM products in trials will want to determine if their products improve on survival if added to a SOC which includes DCVax-L. In certain cases they may also want to determine if DCVax-L can be removed from the protocol with little, or no loss.
I believe Dr. Liau is certainly one who's working on improving on the benefits she's already been able to achieve. I believe if 90% of GBM were being cured that Dr. Liau would still be working on that last 10%.
I'm also of the belief that like NWBO, many of the developers of GBM therapeutics are also of the belief that that their products have benefits in other forms of cancer.
I don't believe anyone here knows for certain that the UK will label DCVax-L as only for GBM or Brain Cancer, or go all the way to tumor agnostic. Clearly confirmational trials would be required with a tumor agnostic label, but it would make DCVax-L far more available for sale than if all uses in other than GBM are off label uses. DCVax-L can certainly be used off label, after approval, like other products, but until substantial anecdotal evidence is available insurance won't be paying, or they'll have to be fought with to pay. Even with a tumor agnostic label I'd suspect that patients with cancers thought to be reasonable curable with the SOC will be hard pressed to add the vaccine until the SOC is deemed to be failing.
With a tumor agnostic label I believe that patients with deadlier cancers, like pancreatic, would have no problem adding DCVax-L to their treatment protocol.
It would be my belief that if NWBO gets a tumor agnostic label from the UK, that will be what's achieved from the other regulators as well. If not, clearly additional trials will be required to change the label, but off label use may still grow dramatically while the new trials are being run and evaluated which could easily take much of a decade to complete and evaluate.
In my view, companies who believe their products have benefits in most solid cancers, but don't know they can handle the blood-brain barrier, will start with the deadlier cancers like pancreatic. Those who believe they can handle to blood-brain barrier and many solid cancers will start with GBM. In both cases, the developers can attempt to gain label expansion up front, then go to other trials to prove it whether approved that way, or not.
I have no idea about what's taking the UK so long, and we'll probably never learn why, but the possibility of discussions on a more open label and/or approval of the EDEN unit simultaneously certainly seem like a possibility.
17 hours ago
I doubt that your numbers are quite accurate, but I will assume that they are close…
Can you also enlighten us about the compensation awarded to the CEO of Citadel? —Slightly off topic, but interesting and relevant considering the big picture 🤔
I think Powers’ ability to build successful CDMOs is reflective of a skill set that is immeasurably valuable to a pre-commercial biotech like NWBO. Her business acumen, knowledge, and strategic vision also resulted in the acquisition of Flaskworks which is owned by NWBO today. EDEN is a patent-fortified novel manufacturing technology that may add a vast amount of additional value to the company.
And Cognate was of great benefit to NWBO, and Charles River may also be useful to NWBO in the near future…
Cognate was a valuable partner for NWBO prior to its acquisition by Charles River as Cognate produced DCVax-L during a critical stage of its clinical development.
In the rapidly expanding cell-based technology industry, Charles River could be involved in some capacity in manufacturing one or more of NWBO’s products for a regional market (conceivably).
Pushing the false narrative that immunotherapy and emerging cell-based technologies represent a zero-sum game globally is short-sighted/myopic. The worldwide market offers fertile ground for a variety of cell-based technologies and manufacturing technologies to thrive in combos, advance each other, and benefit each other.
17 hours ago
Fact ✅️: No, the shares were not “free.”
While people may disagree with executive compensation or how executives acquire shares, there is no company that gives “free” shares to anyone. 🙄
Additionally, Advent also owns shares of NWBO…
Why might Linda Powers have believed that shares of NWBO constituted an acceptable form of compensation for services rendered by Advent? 🤔
Advent/Linda Powers, and the other long-committed members of NWBO’s leadership team have a vested interest in NWBO’s growth and success, which includes their ownership of NWBO shares.