Having been through a long period of tough trading conditions, when the managers of TClarke (LSE:CTO) were forced to cut tender prices to the bone, they learnt to live with a leaner organisation. Loss-making operations have been cut.
Despite the harshness of the recession they maintained their long tradition of building the organisation from the bottom up. Each year they take on dozens of apprentices (usually 100, but only 75 in 2015) and develop them in the TClarke way: emphasis is on continual learning and safety first. There are 1,288 staff.
They must be doing something right because staff retention is 95%.
Indeed, the CEO started as a 17-year old apprentice. He regularly notes the loyalty and expertise that the TClarke approach produces, e.g. the Group MD started as a 21-year old.
They now expect the company to reap the rewards of their cautious long-term focused stewardship, building up capabilities and developing a quality reputation in the fast growing business of constructing complex buildings.
Extracts from the 2015 Report show the rising optimism:
“The Company is focused on improving performance and margins throughout the Group. We remain alert to any challenges that we may face, yet we approach the future with confidence and enthusiasm. The future for the Group remains solid”.
“As the construction sector becomes increasingly complex and as digital technologies drive innovation, I am proud to say that TClarke is increasingly seen as the partner of choice.”
“TClarke’s business agility was demonstrated by………..To read the rest of this article, and more like it, subscribe to my premium newsletter Deep Value Shares – click here http://newsletters.advfn.com/deepvalueshares/subscribe-1