Washington, D.C. 20549



Exxon Mobil Corporation
(Exact name of the registrant as specified in its charter)

New Jersey1-225613-5409005
(State or other jurisdiction of(Commission(IRS Employer
incorporation or organization)File Number)Identification No.)

 22777 Springwoods Village Parkway, Spring, Texas 77389-1425
(Address of principal executive offices)

Cindy Allen (972) 940-6000
(Name and telephone number, including area code, of the person to contact in connection with this report)

Check the appropriate box to indicate the rule pursuant to which this Form is being filed, and provide the period to which the information in this Form applies:

[ ] Rule 13p-1 under the Securities Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13p-1) for the reporting period from January 1 to December 31 _____ .

[X] Rule 13q-1 under the Securities Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13q-1) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023.

Item 2.01 Resource Extraction Issuer Disclosure and Report
This consolidated report (“Report”) is prepared and furnished in accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 under Rule 13q-1 transposed into law effective March 16, 2021, regarding Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers (the “Regulations”) on behalf of Exxon Mobil Corporation, its subsidiaries and entities required to be included in this Report (hereinafter referred to as “ExxonMobil”).

This Report includes cash and in-kind payments made to Foreign Governments or the U.S. Federal Government with respect to commercial development of oil, natural gas, or minerals involving exploration, extraction, processing, and export of oil, natural gas, or minerals, or the acquisition of a license for any such activity. Any extractive payments in the Upstream, Energy Products, Chemical Products, and Specialty Products business segments have been captured. As required by the Regulations, payments included in this Report are on a cash (rather than accrual) basis, based on the year in which the payment was made.

The payments reported follow Form SD’s instructions but do not equal our ultimate liabilities (e.g., production entitlements, taxes, and royalties) for the reporting year. Notably, the Report only covers extractive payments and, in most cases, fails to include payments made to governments related to our other business segments. Additionally, the Report is limited to payments we control and excludes ExxonMobil’s share of significant payments made to governments by other parties (e.g., equity companies). More specifically, the tax payments reported in this document do not equal our ultimate tax liability. They are the payments we made to the governments in the reporting year reduced by the amount of any refunds and do not include amounts for the purchase of tax credits. For these reasons, we believe the total global taxes and duties expense listed in the companies’ Form 10-K reports provide a more accurate reflection of the full scope of contributions made to governments.

Please note: this Report only covers the payments required to be disclosed under the Regulations. This does not reflect the full scope of ExxonMobil’s global economic contributions from the capital we invest annually (>$26 billion in 2023) or the taxes, fees, and duties paid to local, state, and federal governments, which is far greater than what is reflected in this report:

In 2023, as reflected in the companies' 10-K Reports, ExxonMobil earnings totaled nearly $41 billion.

Global tax and duties expense in 2023 was $49 billion.
This includes more than $16 billion in income taxes.
Based on 2023 Form 10-K's, ExxonMobil was the 3rd highest cash tax payor of worldwide income taxes in the Fortune 25 U.S. companies. Our 2023 worldwide effective income tax rate was 33% (excluding acquired entities).

In the United States specifically, ExxonMobil's total expense for taxes and duties in 2023 was more than $10 billion.
$10 billion is more than eight times higher than the U.S. taxes shown in this Report.

The narrow focus of this report makes it challenging to draw meaningful comparisons of payments across countries. Payments to different governments vary due to factors like resource type, project start-up timing, whether payments are controlled by ExxonMobil or third parties, and whether third parties or partners are considered government entities. Payments can also vary dramatically depending on the age of the field and the related pace and amount of resource depletion. Fiscal terms are always subject to negotiation and are reflective of the relative risk and upfront investment required.

The payment disclosure required by Form SD is included as an exhibit to this Form. Payments are reported in U.S. Dollars and are shown in this Report rounded to the nearest $0.1 million. Due to rounding, numbers presented may not add up precisely to the totals indicated. If payments are made in currencies other than U.S. Dollars, those payments are translated using the exchange rate at the time of payment.

ExxonMobil is relying on the alternative reporting provision of Item 2.01. The alternative reports are included in the exhibit to this Form and are available for downloading as follows:


Imperial Oil Limited’s Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (“ESTMA”) report is available at: https://www.imperialoil.ca/investors/investor-relations/annual-and-quarterly-reports-and-filings.
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company, ExxonMobil Canada Properties and ExxonMobil Canada Energy ESTMA reports are available at: https://corporate.exxonmobil.com/Locations/Canada/ExxonMobil-in-Canada.
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA’s European Union Directive 2013/34/EU report (RCS number B72560) is available on The Luxemburg Chamber of Commerce website at: https://www.lbr.lu/mjrcs/jsp/IndexActionNotSecured.action?time=1717159937606.
ESSO Exploration and Production UK Limited’s UK Report on Payments to Government Regulations is available on Companies House’s website at: https://extractives.companieshouse.gov.uk/.

The alternative reports listed above for Canada and the UK are reported in local currency with a USD conversion included as supplemental information.
Item 3.01 Exhibits
The following exhibit is filed as part of this report.
Exhibit to Form SD - Resource Extraction Payment Report as required by Item 2.01 of this Form


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the duly authorized undersigned.

/s/ KATHRYN A. MIKELLSSeptember 25, 2024
ByKathryn A. Mikells(Date)
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer


The following tables display the country consolidated view of the relevant payments to governments made by government and payment type and by project and payment type during the year ended December 31, 2023. The alternative reports listed in Form SD also appear as part of this exhibit.


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Administracion Federal de Ingresos Publicos (AFIP)— — — — — 0.4 — — 0.4 
Provincia del Neuquén— 0.2 35.2 — — 0.5 — — 35.9 
Secretaria de Energia, Republica Argentina— — — — — 0.5 — — 0.5 
Total 0.2 35.2   1.4   36.9 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Neuquén-Onshore-Oil & Gas— 0.2 35.2 — — 1.0 — — 36.4 
Tierra del Fuego-Offshore-Argentinian Sea-Oil & Gas— — — — — 0.4 — — 0.4 
Total 0.2 35.2   1.4   36.9 
Payments made in Argentine Peso
Well method of extraction for all projects



(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Australian Taxation Office— 1,171.5 — — — — — — 1,171.5 
Department of Industry, Science and Resources— — 0.7 — — — — — 0.7 
Energy Safe Victoria— — — — — 0.6 — — 0.6 
Environmental Protection Authority— — — — — 0.8 — — 0.8 
Gippsland Water— — — — — 2.2 — — 2.2 
National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA)— — — — — 6.7 — — 6.7 
State Revenue Office Victoria— — — — — 1.9 — — 1.9 
The National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA)— — — — — 1.0 — — 1.0 
Victoria Workcover Authority— — — — — 0.1 — — 0.1 
Wellington Shire Council— — — — — 3.2 — — 3.2 
Total 1,171.5 0.7   16.5   1,188.7 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Victoria-Offshore-Bass Strait-Oil & Gas— 320.4 — — — 16.5 — — 336.9 
Western Australia-Offshore-Indian Ocean-Oil & Gas— 31.2 — — — — — — 31.2 
Western Australia-Onshore-Oil— — 0.7 — — — — — 0.7 
Entity Level Payment— 819.9 — — — — — — 819.9 
Total 1,171.5 0.7   16.5   1,188.7 
Payments made in Australian Dollar
Well method of extraction for all projects



(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
State Tax Services of the Republic of Azerbaijan— 39.6 — — — — — — 39.6 
Total 39.6       39.6 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Baku-Offshore-Caspian Sea-Oil & Gas— 39.6 — — — — — — 39.6 
Total 39.6       39.6 
Payments made in US Dollar
Well method of extraction for all projects



(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos— — — — — — — 0.9 0.9 
Fundacao Coordenacao de Projetos, Pesquisas e Estudos Tecnologicos— — — — — — — 3.2 3.2 
Fundacao da Universidade Federal do Parana— — — — — — — 0.3 0.3 
Fundacao de Apoio a Universidade de Sao Paulo— — — — — — — 0.4 0.4 
Fundacao de Apoio a Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul— — — — — — — 0.2 0.2 
Fundacao de Apoio a Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro— — — — — — — 0.1 0.1 
Fundacao de Ciencia Aplicacoes e Tecnologia Espaciais — — — — — — — 0.4 0.4 
Fundacao de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa— — — — — — — 0.3 0.3 
Fundacao de Desenvolvimento da Unicamp— — — — — — — 0.2 0.2 
Ministerio da Fazenda— (0.9)— — — 3.3 — — 2.4 
Total (0.9)   3.3  6.1 8.5 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Rio de Janeiro-Offshore-Campos Basin-Oil & Gas— — — — — 1.4 — — 1.4 
São Paulo-Offshore-Santos Basin-Oil & Gas— — — — — 0.8 — 6.1 6.9 
Sergipe-Offshore-Sergipe-Alagoas Basin-Oil & Gas— — — — — 1.2 — — 1.2 
Entity Level Payment— (0.9)— — — — — — (0.9)
Total (0.9)   3.3  6.1 8.5 
Payments made in Brazilian Real
Well method of extraction for all projects



(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS)— — — — 6.9 1.9 — — 8.7 
Total    6.9 1.9   8.7 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Al Iskandarīyah-Offshore-Mediterranean Sea-Oil— — — — 6.9 1.9 — — 8.7 
Total    6.9 1.9   8.7 
Payments made in Egyptian Pound and US Dollar
Well method of extraction for all projects


Equatorial Guinea

(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Guinea Ecuatorial de Petróleos (GEPetrol)32.8 — — — — — — — 32.8 
Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons2.4 — 65.9 — — — — — 68.3 
Ministry of Taxes / Public Treasury— 74.9 — — — 12.5 — 0.7 88.2 
Total35.2 74.9 65.9   12.5  0.7 189.2 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Bioko Norte-Offshore-Gulf of Guinea-Oil & Gas35.2 74.9 65.9 — — 12.5 — 0.7 189.2 
Total35.2 74.9 65.9   12.5  0.7 189.2 
Payments made in Central African Franc
Well method of extraction for all projects
Production entitlement and royalties include in-kind payments valued pursuant to production agreements



(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Hellenic Hydrocarbons and Energy Resources Management Company (HEREMA)— — — — — 1.4 — — 1.4 
Total     1.4   1.4 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Thessaloniki-Offshore-Cretan Sea-Oil— — — — — 1.4 — — 1.4 
Total     1.4   1.4 
Payments made in Euro
Well method of extraction for all projects



(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Directorate General Of Marine Transportation— — — — — 1.2 — — 1.2 
Directorate General Of Taxation— 184.5 — — — — — — 184.5 
Pertamina Ep Cepu681.4 — — — — — — — 681.4 
Perusahaan Umum Perum Jasa Tirta— — — — — 0.3 — — 0.3 
PT. Blora Patragas Hulu (Perseroda)33.0 — — — — — — — 33.0 
PT. Asri Dharma Sejahtera67.9 — — — — — — — 67.9 
PT. Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana34.0 — — — — — — — 34.0 
PT. Sarana Patra Hulu Cepu16.5 — — — — — — — 16.5 
SKK Migas3,575.2 — — — — 3.0 — — 3,578.2 
Total4,408.0 184.5    4.5   4,596.9 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Jawa Tengah-Offshore-Indonesia Open Area-Oil— — — — — 0.2 — — 0.2 
Jawa Tengah-Onshore-Oil4,408.0 184.5 — — — 3.0 — — 4,595.4 
Sulawesi Tengah-Offshore-Indonesia Open Area-Oil— — — — — 0.7 — — 0.7 
Sulawesi Tengah-Offshore-Makassar Straight-Oil— — — — — 0.6 — — 0.6 
Total4,408.0 184.5    4.5   4,596.9 
Payments made in Indonesian Rupiah and US Dollar
Well method of extraction for all projects
Production entitlements include in-kind payments valued pursuant to production agreements



(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
General Commission for Taxes— 28.8 — — — — — — 28.8 
Total 28.8       28.8 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Al Başrah-Onshore-Oil— 28.8 — — — — — — 28.8 
Total 28.8       28.8 
Payments made in Iraqi Dinar
Well method of extraction for all projects



(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Atyrau Tax Committee— 6.1 — — — 3.3 — — 9.4 
KazTransOil— — — — — 2.7 — — 2.7 
Total 6.1    6.0   12.2 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Atyrauskaya oblast'-Offshore-Caspian Sea- Kashagan Field-Oil & Gas— 6.1 — — — 3.3 — — 9.4 
Entity Level Payment— — — — — 2.7 — — 2.7 
Total 6.1    6.0   12.2 
Payments made in Kazakhstani Tenge
Well method of extraction for all projects



(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia— 277.8 — — — — — — 277.8 
PETRONAS2,388.9 92.6 447.3 — — — — — 2,928.8 
Total2,388.9 370.3 447.3      3,206.6 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Terengganu-Offshore-South China Sea-Oil & Gas2,388.9 92.6 447.3 — — — — — 2,928.8 
Entity Level Payment— 277.8 — — — — — — 277.8 
Total2,388.9 370.3 447.3      3,206.6 
Payments made in Malaysian Ringgit and US Dollar
Well method of extraction for all projects
Production entitlement and royalties include in-kind payments valued pursuant to production agreements



(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Instituto Nacional de Petroleo (INP)— — — — — 39.5 — — 39.5 
Unidade de Grandes Contribuintes— 4.7 — — — — — — 4.7 
Total 4.7    39.5   44.2 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Zambezia-Offshore-Zambezi Basin-Oil & Gas— — — — — 39.5 — — 39.5 
Cabo Delgado-Offshore-Rovuma Basin-Oil & Gas— 4.7 — — — — — — 4.7 
Total 4.7    39.5   44.2 
Payments made in Mozambican Metical and US Dollar
Well method of extraction for all projects



(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Akwa Ibom State Government— — — — — 0.9 — 1.9 2.8 
Federal Government— — — — — 7.1 — — 7.1 
Federal Inland Revenue Service— 1,686.7 — — — 6.7 — — 1,693.4 
Industrial Training Fund— — — — — 4.8 — — 4.8 
Lagos State Board of Internal Revenue— 0.7 — — — — — — 0.7 
Local Government— — — — — 0.4 — — 0.4 
Niger Delta Development Commission— — — — — 82.4 — — 82.4 
Nigeria Host Community Development Trust Fund— — — — — — — 72.4 72.4 
Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board— — — — — 9.9 — 2.8 12.8 
Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited318.7 — — — — 10.0 1.4 — 330.1 
Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission c/o Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority— — 761.0 — — 63.3 — — 824.3 
Other Federal Ministries— — — — — 0.2 — — 0.2 
Total318.7 1,687.4 761.0   185.7 1.4 77.1 3,031.3 

(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas90.7 — 122.5 — — 11.9 — — 225.0 
Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas— — 381.3 — — 69.2 1.4 1.9 453.7 
Cross River-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas— — — — — — — 2.8 2.8 
Lagos-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas— 0.7 — — — — — — 0.7 
Ondo-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas228.0 — 245.9 — — 15.5 — — 489.4 
Rivers-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean-Oil & Gas— — 11.3 — — 0.2 — — 11.5 
Entity Level Payment— 1,686.7 — — — 89.0 — 72.4 1,848.1 
Total318.7 1,687.4 761.0   185.7 1.4 77.1 3,031.3 
Payments made in Nigerian Naira and US Dollar
Well method of extraction for all projects
Production entitlements, royalties and taxes include in-kind payments valued pursuant to production agreements


Papua New Guinea

(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Conservation and Environment Protection Authority— — — — — 0.6 — — 0.6 
Department of Petroleum & Energy— 176.1 — — — 0.4 — — 176.5 
Department of Works— 22.9 — — — — — — 22.9 
Internal Revenue Commission— 301.3 — — — — — — 301.3 
Kumul Petroleum PNG Holdings Limited— — — 266.7 — — — — 266.7 
Mineral Resources Development Company— — — 91.0 — — — — 91.0 
Total 500.4  357.7  1.0   859.1 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Central-Onshore-Oil & Gas— — — — — 0.1 — — 0.1 
Gulf-Onshore-Oil & Gas— — — — — 0.0 — — 0.0 
Hela-Onshore-Oil & Gas— 176.1 — — — 0.2 — — 176.3 
National Capital District (Port Moresby)-Onshore-Oil & Gas— — — — — 0.0 — — 0.0 
Southern Highlands-Onshore-Oil & Gas— 22.9 — — — 0.5 — — 23.4 
Western-Onshore-Oil & Gas— — — — — 0.2 — — 0.2 
Entity Level Payment— 301.3 — 357.7 — — — — 659.0 
Total 500.4  357.7  1.0   859.1 
Payments made in Papua New Guinean Kina and US Dollar
Well method of extraction for all projects



(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
General Tax Authority— 147.5 — — — — — — 147.5 
INJAZ Qatar Establishment— — — — — — — 0.5 0.5 
Ministry of Education and Higher Education— — — — — — — 0.8 0.8 
Ministry of Environment and Climate Change— — — — — — — 0.3 0.3 
Qatar Foundation— — — — — — — 0.2 0.2 
Qatar Museums Authority— — — — — — — 1.1 1.1 
Qatar University— — — — — — — 0.5 0.5 
QatarEnergy1,653.0 — — 31.4 — — — 0.6 1,684.9 
Teach For Qatar— — — — — — — 2.0 2.0 
Total1,653.0 147.5  31.4    5.9 1,837.7 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Ad Dawḩah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas— — — — — — — 5.9 5.9 
Al Khawr wa adh Dhakhīrah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas1,653.0 147.5 — 31.4 — — — — 1,831.8 
Total1,653.0 147.5  31.4    5.9 1,837.7 
Payments made in Qatari Riyal and US Dollar
Well method of extraction for all projects
Production entitlements include in-kind payments valued pursuant to production agreements



(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Department of Mineral Fuels, Ministry Of Energy— — 3.9 — — — — — 3.9 
Revenue Department— 11.4 — — — — — — 11.4 
Total 11.4 3.9      15.3 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Khon Kaen-Onshore-Gas— 11.4 3.9 — — — — — 15.3 
Total 11.4 3.9      15.3 
Payments made in Thai Baht
Well method of extraction for all projects


United Arab Emirates

(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Department of Finance, Abu Dhabi— 5,634.5 1,775.7 — — — — — 7,410.2 
Total 5,634.5 1,775.7      7,410.2 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Abū Z̧aby-Offshore-Persian Gulf-Oil— 5,634.5 1,775.7 — — — — — 7,410.2 
Total 5,634.5 1,775.7      7,410.2 
Payments made in US Dollar
Well method of extraction for all projects


United States of America

(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Bureau of Land Management— — 37.3 — — 0.3 — — 37.6 
Internal Revenue Service— 1,161.8 — — — — — — 1,161.8 
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation— — — — 0.3 — — — 0.3 
Office of Natural Resources Revenue— — 1,077.0 — 9.8 10.6 — — 1,097.4 
U.S. Department of Justice— — 10.4 — — — — — 10.4 
Total 1,161.8 1,124.7  10.0 10.9   2,307.4 

(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
California-Offshore-Pacific Ocean-Oil & Gas— — (0.4)— — — — — (0.4)
Colorado-Onshore-Oil & Gas— — 12.7 — — — — — 12.7 
Louisiana-Offshore-Gulf of Mexico-Gas— — 0.3 — — — — — 0.3 
Louisiana-Offshore-Gulf of Mexico-Oil & Gas— — 160.2 — — 3.7 — — 164.0 
Louisiana-Onshore-Oil & Gas— — 0.4 — — — — — 0.4 
Montana-Onshore-Oil & Gas— — 11.8 — — — — — 11.8 
New Mexico-Onshore-Oil & Gas— — 691.8 — — 0.3 — — 692.1 
North Dakota-Onshore-Oil & Gas— — 132.7 — — — — — 132.7 
Oklahoma-Onshore-Oil & Gas— — 0.5 — — — — — 0.5 
Texas-Offshore-Gulf of Mexico-Oil & Gas— — 5.9 — 9.8 6.9 — — 22.6 
Texas-Onshore-Oil & Gas— — 0.9 — 0.3 — — — 1.1 
Utah-Onshore-Gas— — 2.2 — — — — — 2.2 
Wyoming-Onshore-Oil & Gas— — 105.7 — — — — — 105.7 
Entity Level Payment— 1,161.8 — — — — — — 1,161.8 
Total 1,161.8 1,124.7  10.0 10.9   2,307.4 
Payments made in US Dollar
Well method of extraction for all projects

Supplemental Information:

We believe the total U.S. taxes and duties expense listed in companies’ 10-K report is a better reflection of the contributions made to the U.S. governments. For 2023, the total U.S. taxes and duties expense for all ExxonMobil entities included in this Report exceeded $10 billion and represents approximately 48% of U.S. income before income taxes.*

Additionally, the tax payment number reported in the table does not reflect a reliable estimate for ExxonMobil's ultimate tax liability for the reporting year. The tax payment reported follows Form SD’s instructions and is net of all refunds (whether related to the reporting year or another year) and excludes both payments for the purchase of tax credits and payments related to the reporting year but made in prior or subsequent years. Additionally, it may include payments made in the reporting year but related to prior or subsequent years.

The table above only includes certain ExxonMobil payments to the U.S. Federal Government related to extractive activities as required by the Regulations. It is important to note that the Regulations do not require the inclusion of payments to U.S. State and Local entities which are significant. The U.S. reported payments on a comparable basis to the information reported for foreign countries is shown in Figure 1 below and reflects the over $4 billion in U.S. State and Local payments omitted by the Regulations, bringing the total payments in the U.S. to an estimated $6.6 billion.

Figure 1
U.S. State & Local4,271.8
Total U.S. Government Payments6,579.2

*To provide a clearer comparison with Section 13-q reporting, this 2023 calculation includes contributions by all entities acquired in 2023 and 2024.


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam)— — — — — — — 0.2 0.2 
Total       0.2 0.2 


(Millions of dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusesFeesInfrastructure ImprovementsCommunity & Social ResponsibilityTotal
Quang Nam-Offshore-Pacific Ocean-Gas— — — — — — — 0.2 0.2 
Total       0.2 0.2 
Payments made in Vietnamese Dong
Well method of extraction for all projects


Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés
Numéro RCS : B72560
Référence de dépôt : L240205570
Déposé et enregistré le 06/09/2024

ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie
Société en Commandite par Actions

Report on Payments to Governments in respect of Extractive

Year ended December 31, 2023

20, rue de l’Industrie

L-8069 Bertrange

R.C.S. Luxembourg B 72 560

ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA

Table of contents
Introduction 3
Definitions relating to reporting on payments to governments 3
Reporting principles 4
Reporting of payments 5-8
- Angola5
- Cyprus5
- Germany6
- Guyana7
- Mauritania7
- Namibia8
- Netherlands8
- Suriname8


ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA


This consolidated report is prepared and published in accordance with the European Union directive 2013/34/EU and transposed into the Luxembourg law of December 18, 2015 regarding payments to governments for companies operating in the extractive industries, which modifies inter alia the law of August 10, 1915 on commercial companies, as amended (the “Law”) on behalf of ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (“ELEC”) and its subsidiaries.

Under the Law, ELEC is required to prepare a consolidated report on payments made to governments in relation to its extractive activities including subsidiaries included in its consolidated financial statements.

ELEC is an intermediate holding company. The ultimate parent is Exxon Mobil Corporation in Spring, Texas in the USA. ELEC and its subsidiaries (the “Group”) are involved in exploration, production, transportation and sale of crude oil and natural gas and the manufacture, transportation and sale of petroleum products and petrochemicals in addition to developing low carbon solutions.

Definitions relating to reporting on payments to governments

Activities within the scope of the report

This report include all payments made to governments with respect to the group activities involving exploration, prospection, discovery, development, and extraction of minerals, oil, natural gas deposits or other materials, within the economic activities listed in Section B, Divisions 05 to 08 of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 establishing the statistical classification of economic activities NACE Revision 2 (cfr. Art. 1760-1 point 1° of the Law).


A government is defined as national, regional or local authority of a member state or third party country. It includes a department, agency or undertaking controlled by that authority as defined in articles 1711-1 to 1711-3 of the Law (cfr. Art. 1760-1 point 3° of the Law).


Payments whether in money or in kind for the activities mentioned above of the following type:
-Production entitlements;
-Taxes levied on the income, production or profits of companies, excluding taxes levied on consumption such as value added taxes, personal income taxes or sales taxes;
-Signature, discovery and production bonuses;
-License fees, rental fees, entry fees and other considerations for licenses and/or concessions;
-Payments for infrastructure improvements (cfr. Art. 1760-1 point 5° of the Law).


ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA


Project is defined as: the operation activities that are governed by a single contract, license, lease, concession or similar legal agreements and form the basis for payment liabilities with a government. Nonetheless, if multiple such agreements are substantially interconnected, this shall be considered a single project (cfr. Art. 1760-1 point 4° of the Law).

Reporting principles

In accordance with the Law, ELEC has applied the following principles:

1.The consolidated report mentions:
a.Total amount of payments made to each government;
b.Total amount per type of payment made to each government;
c.Where those payments have been attributed to a specific project, the total amount per type of payment made for each such project and the total amount of payments for each such project.

2.Any payment, whether made as a single payment or as a series of related payments is not taken into account if it is below EUR 100 000 within a financial year (cfr. Art. 1760-3 (1) of the Law).

3.Payments made by the undertaking in respect of obligations imposed at entity level are disclosed at entity level rather than at project level if it is not possible to disaggregate the payment per project (cfr. Art. 1760-3 (2) last sub-paragraph of the Law).

4.Payments in kind are reported in value and, where applicable, in volume. Supporting notes provide an explanation on how their value has been determined (cfr. Art. 1760-3 (3) of the Law).

5.Disclosure of the payments referred to in this Article reflect the substance, rather than the form, of the payment or activity concerned. Payments and activities are not artificially split or aggregated to avoid the application of the Law (cfr. Art. 1760-3 (4) of the Law).


ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA

Payments per country, per government and, where applicable, per project

The tables hereinafter show the payments made to governments by the Group on a government and, where applicable, on a project basis for each type of payment during the year ended December 31, 2023.

Payments per Government
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlements ¹TaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Agencia Nacional de Petroleo e Gas1,789,763 — — — — — — 1,789,763 
Ministerio das Financas— 443,113 — — — 310 — 443,423 
Ministerio dos Petroleos— 6,547 — — — — — 6,547 
TOTAL1,789,763 449,660    310  2,239,733 
¹ Production entitlement of 22,190 kbbls is valued at a tax reference price ($80.65.70/bbl) issued by the Angola autorities.
Payments per Project
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Block 151,789,763 151,249 — — — 310 — 1,941,322 
Block 17— 231,186 — — — — — 231,186 
Block 32— 67,226 — — — — — 67,226 
TOTAL1,789,763 449,660    310  2,239,733 

Payments per Government
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry— — — — — 1,937 — 1,937 
TOTAL     1,937  1,937 
Payments per Project
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Block 5— — — — — 332 — 332 
Block 10— — — — — 1,605 — 1,605 
TOTAL     1,937  1,937 

ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA
Payments per Government
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Finanzamt Fuer Grossunternehmen— 173,715 — — — — — 173,715 
Flecken Steyerberg— 6,582 — — — — — 6,582 
Finanzamt Berlin-Kreuzberg— 828 — — — — — 828 
Gemeinde Cappeln— 952 — — — — — 952 
Gemeinde Emsteck— 3,685 — — — — — 3,685 
Gemeinde Grossenkneten— 12,490 — — — — — 12,490 
Gemeinde Goldenstedt— 1,414 — — — — — 1,414 
Gemeinde Krummhoern— 392 — — — — — 392 
Gemeinde Lastrup— 1,919 — — — — — 1,919 
Gemeinde Neuenkirchen— 521 — — — — — 521 
Gemeinde Visbek— 3,151 — — — — — 3,151 
Gemeinde Wagenfeld— 658 — — — — — 658 
Gemeinde Wardenburg— 1,270 — — — — — 1,270 
Gemeinde Burgwedel— 701 — — — — — 701 
Gemeinde Doetlingen— 5,895 — — — — — 5,895 
Landeshauptstadt Hannover— 25,706 — — — — — 25,706 
Landesamt Fuer Bergbau, Claustha— 26,465 — — — — — 26,465 
Samtgemeinde Barnstorf— 442 — — — — — 442 
Samtgemeinde Bothel— 3,324 — — — — — 3,324 
Samtgemeinde Hankensbuettel— 3,297 — — — — — 3,297 
Samtgemeinde Kirchdorf-Bahrenbor— 3,346 — — — — — 3,346 
Samtgemeinde Kirchdorf-Barenburg— 7,378 — — — — — 7,378 
Samtgemeinde Neuenhaus— 3,200 — — — — — 3,200 
Samtgemeinde Siedenburg— 2,380 — — — — — 2,380 
Samtgemeinde Sottrum— 1,039 — — — — — 1,039 
Samtgemeinde Uchte— 1,779 — — — — — 1,779 
Samtgemeinde Wathlingen— 1,783 — — — — — 1,783 
Samtgemeinde Zeven— 267 — — — — — 267 
Stadt Bassum— 187 — — — — — 187 
Stadt Braunschweig— 723 — — — — — 723 
Stadt Cloppenburg— 1,029 — — — — — 1,029 
Stadt Karlsruhe— 2,025 — — — — — 2,025 
Stadt Loeningen— 279 — — — — — 279 
Stadt Meppen— 6,263 — — — — — 6,263 
Stadt Sulingen— 6,932 — — — — — 6,932 
Stadt Vechta— 3,878 — — — — — 3,878 
Stadt Visselhoevede— 523 — — — — — 523 
Stadt Walsrode— 1,709 — — — — — 1,709 
Steuerkasse Koeln— 15,916 — — — — — 15,916 
Stadt Munster— 591 — — — — — 591 
Stadt Rotenburg (Wuemme)— 895 — — — — — 895 
Stadt Wildeshausen— 839 — — — — — 839 
Verbandsgemeinde Eich— 105 — — — — — 105 
TOTAL 336,469      336,469 
Payments per Project
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Lower Saxony— 26,465 — — — — — 26,465 
Other Germany ⁴— 310,005 — — — — — 310,005 
TOTAL 336,469      336,469 
⁴ Payments made in respect of obligations imposed at entity level.

ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA

Payments per Government
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlements ²Taxes ³RoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Guyana Geology and Mines Commission— — — — — 2,923 — 2,923 
Ministry of Natural Resources733,538 — 218,091 — — — — 951,629 
Environmental Protection Agency— — — — — 208 — 208 
Guyana Revenue Authority— 656,591 — — — — — 656,591 
Maritime Administration Department— — — — — 2,640 — 2,640 
Ministry of Culture, Youth, Sport— — — — — — 8,915 8,915 
TOTAL733,538 656,591 218,091   5,771 8,915 1,622,906 
² Production entitlement of 17,039,138 BBLs is valued at the realization price issued in the press by the Ministry of Natural Resources offset by EMNI Taxes
³ ExxonMobil Net Interest
Payments per Project
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Canje— — — — — 145 — 145 
Kaieteur— — — — — 262 — 262 
Stabroek733,538 656,591 218,091 — — 5,364 8,915 1,622,499 
TOTAL733,538 656,591 218,091   5,771 8,915 1,622,906 

Payments per Government
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines— — — — — — — — 
Commission Environnementale— — — — — — — — 
Societe Mauritanienne des Hydrocarbure
et de Patrimoine Minier
— — — — — — — — 
Mauritania Tax Authority— 1,245 — — — — — 1,245 
TOTAL 1,245      1,245 
Payments per Project
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Block C-14— 653 — — — — — 653 
Block C-17— 399 — — — — — 399 
Block C-22— 192 — — — — — 192 
TOTAL 1,245      1,245 

ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA

Payments per Government
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Ministry of Finance— 182 — — — — — 182 
Petrofund— — — — — 390 — 390 
TOTAL 182    390  572 
Payments per Project
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Block PEL86— 61 — — — 30 — 91 
Block PEL89— 61 — — — 81 — 142 
Block PEL95— 61 — — — 278 — 339 
TOTAL 182    390  572 
Payments per Government
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Belastingdienst— 81,958 7,799 — — — — 89,757 
TOTAL 81,958 7,799     89,757 
Payments per Project
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Other Netherlands — 81,958 7,799 — — — — 89,757 
TOTAL 81,958 7,799     89,757 
Payments per Government
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Staatsolie Maatschappij— — — — — — 190 190 
TOTAL      190 190 
Payments per Project
in Thousands U.S. DollarsProduction entitlementsTaxesRoyaltiesDividendsBonusFeesPayments for infrastructure improvementsTotal
Natin Upgrade— — — — — — 190 190 
TOTAL      190 190 

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting Entity NameImperial Oil Limited
Reporting YearFrom:2023-01-01To:2023-12-31Date submitted2024-04-23
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification NumberE425849
¤ Original Submission
¡ Amended Report
Other Subsidiaries Included (optional field)
For Consolidated Reports - Subsidiary Reporting Entities Included in Report:E752542 Imperial Oil Resources Limited, E891279 Imperial Oil Resources N.W.T. Limited
Not Substituted
Attestation by Reporting Entity
In accordance with the requirements of the ESTMA, and in particular section 9 thereof, I attest I have reviewed the information contained in the ESTMA report for the entity(ies) listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, the information in the ESTMA report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.
Full Name of Director or Officer of Reporting EntityChris LeyerzapfDate2024-04-04
Position TitleAssistant Controller

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting YearFrom:2023-01-01To:2023-12-31
Reporting Entity Name
Imperial Oil Limited
Currency of the ReportCAD
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification Number
Subsidiary Reporting Entities (if necessary)
E752542 Imperial Oil Resources Limited, E891279 Imperial Oil Resources N.W.T. Limited
Payments by Payee
Payee Name1
Departments, Agency, etc… within Payee that Received Payments2
TaxesRoyaltiesFeesProduction EntitlementsBonusesDividendsInfrastructure Improvement PaymentsTotal Amount paid to Payee
CanadaGOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA461,190,000 1,060,610,000 21,940,000 1,543,740,000 
CanadaMUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BONNYVILLE NO 8729,960,000 29,960,000 
CanadaTOWN OF NORMAN WELLS5,150,000 5,150,000 
CanadaGOVERNMENT OF CANADA 1,345,380,000 1,680,000 630,000 1,347,690,000 
CanadaGOVERNMENT OF QUEBEC20,050,000 20,050,000 
CanadaCOLD LAKE FIRST NATIONS1,050,000 1,050,000 
CanadaFORT MCKAY FIRST NATION7,540,000 7,540,000 
CanadaFORT MCMURRAY #468 FIRST NATION1,350,000 1,350,000 
CanadaHEART LAKE FIRST NATION180,000 180,000 
CanadaMIKISEW CREE FIRST NATION2,130,000 2,130,000 
CanadaONION LAKE CREE NATION300,000 300,000 
CanadaBEAVER LAKE CREE NATION150,000 150,000 
Additional Notes:This consolidated report includes payments for the period of January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023, for the following reporting entities: E752542 Imperial Oil Resources Limited, E891279 Imperial Oil Resources N.W.T. Limited.
1 Enter the proper name of the Payee receiving the money (i.e. the municipality of x, the province of y, national government of z).
2 Optional field.
3 When payments are made in-kind, the notes field must highlight which payment includes in-kind contributions and the method for calculating the value of the payment.
4 Any payments made in currencies other than the report currency must be identified. The Reporting Entity may use the Additional notes row or the Notes column to identify any payments that are converted, along with the exchange rate and primary method used for currency conversions.

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting YearFrom:2023-01-01To:2023-12-31
Reporting Entity Name
Imperial Oil Limited
Currency of the ReportCAD
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification Number
Subsidiary Reporting Entities (if necessary)
E752542 Imperial Oil Resources Limited, E891279 Imperial Oil Resources N.W.T. Limited
Payments by Project
Project Name1
TaxesRoyaltiesFeesProduction EntitlementsBonusesDividendsInfrastructure Improvement PaymentsTotal Amount paid by Project
CanadaCOLD LAKE29,960,000 612,990,000 10,200,000 653,150,000 
CanadaKEARL52,360,000 447,160,000 24,120,000 523,640,000 
CanadaOTHER OIL SANDS 1,826,620,000 8,100,000 1,834,720,000 
CanadaCONVENTIONAL460,000 1,670,000 2,130,000 
CanadaNORMAN WELLS5,150,000 1,680,000 10,000 6,840,000 
CanadaHORN RIVER350,000 350,000 
Additional Notes3:
This consolidated report includes payments for the period of January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023, for the following reporting entities: E752542 Imperial Oil Resources Limited, E891279 Imperial Oil Resources N.W.T. Limited.
1 Enter the project that the payment is attributed to. Some payments may not be attributable to a specific project, and do not need to be disclosed in the "Payments by Project" table.
2 When payments are made in-kind, the notes field must highlight which payment includes in-kind contributions and the method for calculating the value of the payment.
3 Any payments made in currencies other than the report currency must be identified. The Reporting Entity may use the "Additional Notes" row or the "Notes" column to identify any payments that are converted, along with the exchange rate and primary method used for currency conversions.

(Millions of USD dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesFeesProduction EntitlementsBonusesDividendsInfrastructure Improvements PaymentsTotal
Imperial Oil Limited Total1,426.1 784.2 32.9 — — — — 2,243.1 

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting Entity NameExxonMobil Canada Investments Company
Reporting YearFrom:2022-12-01To:2023-11-30Date submitted2024-04-26
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification NumberE872118
¤ Original Submission
¡ Amended Report
Other Subsidiaries Included (optional field)
For Consolidated Reports - Subsidiary Reporting Entities Included in Report:E821931 ExxonMobil Canada Ltd., E108786 ExxonMobil Canada Resources Company, E151657 ExxonMobil Canada Energy, E188132 ExxonMobil Canada Properties
Not Substituted
Attestation by Reporting Entity
In accordance with the requirements of the ESTMA, and in particular section 9 thereof, I attest I have reviewed the information contained in the ESTMA report for the entity(ies) listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, the information in the ESTMA report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.
Full Name of Director or Officer of Reporting EntityKitty LeeDate2024-04-26
Position TitleController

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting YearFrom:2022-12-01To:2023-11-30
Reporting Entity Name
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company
Currency of the ReportCAD
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification Number
Subsidiary Reporting Entities (if necessary)
E821931 ExxonMobil Canada Ltd., E108786 ExxonMobil Canada Resources Company, E151657 ExxonMobil Canada Energy, E188132 ExxonMobil Canada Properties
Payments by Payee
Payee Name1
Departments, Agency, etc… within Payee that Received Payments2
TaxesRoyaltiesFeesProduction EntitlementsBonusesDividendsInfrastructure Improvement PaymentsTotal Amount paid to Payee
Canada -AlbertaGOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA34,370,000 400,000 180,000 34,950,000 
CanadaGOVERNMENT OF CANADA880,000 151,340,000 650,000 152,870,000 
Canada -Newfoundland and LabradorGOVERNMENT OF NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR184,060,000 710,000 184,770,000 
Canada -Newfoundland and LabradorCANADA NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR OFFSHORE PETROLEUM BOARD3,400,000 3,400,000 
Additional Notes:This consolidated report includes payments for the period of January 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023, for the following reporting entity: E188132 ExxonMobil Canada Properties
This consolidated report includes payments for the period of February 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023, for E151657 ExxonMobil Canada Energy,

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting YearFrom:2022-12-01To:2023-11-30
Reporting Entity Name
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company
Currency of the ReportCAD
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification Number
Subsidiary Reporting Entities (if necessary)
E821931 ExxonMobil Canada Ltd., E108786 ExxonMobil Canada Resources Company, E151657 ExxonMobil Canada Energy, E188132 ExxonMobil Canada Properties
Payments by Project
Project Name1
TaxesRoyaltiesFeesProduction EntitlementsBonusesDividendsInfrastructure Improvement PaymentsTotal Amount paid by Project
CanadaHIBERNIA191,210,000 560,000 191,770,000 
CanadaHSE72,360,000 150,000 72,510,000 
CanadaHEBRON71,800,000 2,590,000 74,390,000 
CanadaSABLE30,000 630,000 660,000 
CanadaCONVENTIONAL11,870,000 400,000 100,000 12,370,000 
CanadaOFFSHORE ATLANTIC1,450,000 1,450,000 
CanadaEXXONMOBIL CANADA INVESTMENT COMPANY23,380,000 23,380,000 Payments not directly linked to a specific project, but levied at entity level.
CanadaKEARL90,000 90,000 
Additional Notes3:
This consolidated report includes payments for the period of January 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023, for the following reporting entity: E188132 ExxonMobil Canada Properties
This consolidated report includes payments for the period of February 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023, for E151657 ExxonMobil Canada Energy,

(Millions of USD dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesFeesProduction EntitlementsBonusesDividendsInfrastructure Improvements PaymentsTotal
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company Total26.2 248.2 4.1 — — — — 278.5 

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting Entity NameExxonMobil Canada Energy
Reporting YearFrom:2023-12-01To:2024-01-31Date submitted2024-04-26
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification NumberE151657
¤ Original Submission
¡ Amended Report
Other Subsidiaries Included (optional field)
For Consolidated Reports - Subsidiary Reporting Entities Included in Report:
Not Substituted
Attestation by Reporting Entity
In accordance with the requirements of the ESTMA, and in particular section 9 thereof, I attest I have reviewed the information contained in the ESTMA report for the entity(ies) listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, the information in the ESTMA report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.
Full Name of Director or Officer of Reporting EntityKitty LeeDate2024-04-26
Position TitleController

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting YearFrom:2023-12-01To:2024-01-31
Reporting Entity Name
ExxonMobil Canada Energy
Currency of the ReportCAD
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification Number
Subsidiary Reporting Entities (if necessary)
Payments by Payee
Payee Name1
Departments, Agency, etc… within Payee that Received Payments2
TaxesRoyaltiesFeesProduction EntitlementsBonusesDividendsInfrastructure Improvement PaymentsTotal Amount paid to Payee
Canada -AlbertaGOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA30,000 30,000 
Additional Notes:ExxonMobil Canada Energy payments for the period February 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023 have been consolidated within its parent - ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company's ESTMA report (E872118).

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting YearFrom:2023-12-01To:2024-01-31
Reporting Entity Name
ExxonMobil Canada Energy
Currency of the ReportCAD
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification Number
Subsidiary Reporting Entities (if necessary)
Payments by Project
Project Name1
TaxesRoyaltiesFeesProduction EntitlementsBonusesDividendsInfrastructure Improvement PaymentsTotal Amount paid by Project
CanadaCONVENTIONAL30,000 30,000 
Additional Notes3:
ExxonMobil Canada Energy payments for the period February 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023 have been consolidated within its parent - ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company's ESTMA report (E872118).

(Millions of USD dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesFeesProduction EntitlementsBonusesDividendsInfrastructure Improvements PaymentsTotal
ExxonMobil Canada Energy Total— — 0.0 — — — — 0.0 

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting Entity NameExxonMobil Canada Properties
Reporting YearFrom:2023-12-01To:2023-12-31Date submitted2024-04-26
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification NumberE188132
¤ Original Submission
¡ Amended Report
Other Subsidiaries Included (optional field)
Not Consolidated
Not Substituted
Attestation by Reporting Entity
In accordance with the requirements of the ESTMA, and in particular section 9 thereof, I attest I have reviewed the information contained in the ESTMA report for the entity(ies) listed above. Based on my knowledge, and having exercised reasonable diligence, the information in the ESTMA report is true, accurate and complete in all material respects for the purposes of the Act, for the reporting year listed above.
Full Name of Director or Officer of Reporting EntityKitty LeeDate2024-04-26
Position TitleController

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting YearFrom:2023-12-01To:2023-12-31
Reporting Entity Name
ExxonMobil Canada Properties
Currency of the ReportCAD
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification Number
Subsidiary Reporting Entities (if necessary)
Payments by Payee
Payee Name1
Departments, Agency, etc… within Payee that Received Payments2
TaxesRoyaltiesFeesProduction EntitlementsBonusesDividendsInfrastructure Improvement PaymentsTotal Amount paid to Payee
Canada -Newfoundland and LabradorGOVERNMENT OF NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR10,000 1,010,000 1,020,000 
CanadaGOVERNMENT OF CANADA6,800,000 6,800,000 
Canada -AlbertaGOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA780,000 780,000 
Canada -Newfoundland and LabradorCANADA NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR OFFSHORE PETROLEUM BOARD3,910,000 3,910,000 
Additional Notes:ExxonMobil Canada Properties payments for the period January 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023 have been consolidated within its parent - ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company's ESTMA report (E872118)

Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act - Annual Report
Reporting YearFrom:2023-12-01To:2023-12-31
Reporting Entity Name
ExxonMobil Canada Properties
Currency of the ReportCAD
Reporting Entity ESTMA Identification Number
Subsidiary Reporting Entities (if necessary)
Payments by Project
Project Name1
TaxesRoyaltiesFeesProduction EntitlementsBonusesDividendsInfrastructure Improvement PaymentsTotal Amount paid by Project
CanadaHIBERNIA10,000 790,000 800,000 
CanadaHSE220,000 220,000 
CanadaHEBRON6,800,000 3,910,000 10,710,000 
CanadaKEARL780,000 780,000 
Additional Notes3:
ExxonMobil Canada Properties payments for the period January 1, 2023 to November 30, 2023 have been consolidated within its parent - ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company's ESTMA report (E872118)

(Millions of USD dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesFeesProduction EntitlementsBonusesDividendsInfrastructure Improvements PaymentsTotal
ExxonMobil Canada Properties Total— 5.2 4.2 — — — — 9.4 

GBRHM REVENUE & CUSTOMSTax0GBP47145949Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited207426Extractives Report12/31/20231All of the entities' interests in the UK are operated by others.
Payments are reported at an appropriate project level except for payments that are not attributable to a specific project which are reported at entity level.

HM REVENUE & CUSTOMSGBR47145949GBPEsso Exploration and Production UK Limited20742612/31/20231Extractives ReportAll of the entities' interests in the UK are operated by others.
Payments are reported at an appropriate project level except for payments that are not attributable to a specific project which are reported at entity level.

GB001CENTRAL & NORTHERN NORTH SEAGBRTax0GBP-47985696Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited207426ExxonMobil previously divested its interest in the Fulmar field. In 2023     ExxonMobil received a Petroleum Revenue Tax refund amounting to £17.1M which was subsequently passed on to the new owners net of any associated tax liability.Extractives Report12/31/20231All of the entities' interests in the UK are operated by others.
Payments are reported at an appropriate project level except for payments that are not attributable to a specific project which are reported at entity level.
GB002SOUTHERN NORTH SEAGBRTax0GBP-2181879Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited207426Net refunds result from the carry back of tax losses, resulting in a refund of taxes paid in prior years.Extractives Report12/31/20231All of the entities' interests in the UK are operated by others.
Payments are reported at an appropriate project level except for payments that are not attributable to a specific project which are reported at entity level.
GB003Esso Exploration and Production UK LimitedGBRTax0GBP97313524Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited207426Extractives Report12/31/20231All of the entities' interests in the UK are operated by others.
Payments are reported at an appropriate project level except for payments that are not attributable to a specific project which are reported at entity level.

CENTRAL & NORTHERN NORTH SEAGB001-47985696GBPEsso Exploration and Production UK Limited20742612/31/20231ExxonMobil previously divested its interest in the Fulmar field. In 2023     ExxonMobil received a Petroleum Revenue Tax refund amounting to £17.1M which was subsequently passed on to the new owners net of any associated tax liability.Extractives ReportAll of the entities' interests in the UK are operated by others.
Payments are reported at an appropriate project level except for payments that are not attributable to a specific project which are reported at entity level.
SOUTHERN NORTH SEAGB002-2181879GBPEsso Exploration and Production UK Limited20742612/31/20231Net refunds result from the carry back of tax losses, resulting in a refund of taxes paid in prior years.Extractives ReportAll of the entities' interests in the UK are operated by others.
Payments are reported at an appropriate project level except for payments that are not attributable to a specific project which are reported at entity level.
ESSO EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION UK LIMITEDGB00397313524GBPEsso Exploration and Production UK Limited20742612/31/20231Extractives ReportAll of the entities' interests in the UK are operated by others.
Payments are reported at an appropriate project level except for payments that are not attributable to a specific project which are reported at entity level.
(Millions of USD dollars)
TaxesRoyaltiesFeesProduction EntitlementsBonusesDividendsInfrastructure Improvements PaymentsTotal
Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited Total57.3 — — — — — — 57.3 

Document Information
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2023
Document Information:  
Document Type 2.01 SD
Amendment false
CIK 0000034088
Registrant Name Exxon Mobil Corporation
Period End Date Dec. 31, 2023
Reporting Currency USD
Payments, by Category - 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2023 - USD ($)
$ in Millions
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member]
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member]
Imperial Oil Limited [Member]
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member]
ExxonMobil Canada Energy [Member]
ExxonMobil Canada Properties [Member]
Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited [Member]
Taxes $ 14,058.4 $ 11,022.7 $ 1,526.1 $ 1,426.1 $ 26.2     $ 57.3
Royalties 5,478.0 4,214.5 225.9 784.2 248.2   $ 5.2  
Fees 334.4 284.8 8.4 32.9 4.1 $ 0.0 4.2  
Prod. Entitlements 11,327.1 8,803.8 2,523.3          
Bonuses 17.0 17.0            
Dividends 389.1 389.1            
Infrastructure 10.5 1.4 9.1          
Comm. Social Resp. 90.0 90.0            
Total Payments $ 31,704.5 $ 24,823.3 $ 4,292.8 $ 2,243.1 $ 278.5 $ 0.0 $ 9.4 $ 57.3
Payments, by Project - 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2023
$ in Thousands, $ in Thousands
USD ($)
CAD ($)
GBP (£)
USD ($)
CAD ($)
USD ($)
CAD ($)
Prod. Entitlements
USD ($)
USD ($)
USD ($)
USD ($)
Comm. Social Resp.
USD ($)
Total Payments
USD ($)
Total Payments
CAD ($)
Total Payments
GBP (£)
Total $ 14,058,400     $ 5,478,000   $ 334,400   $ 11,327,100 $ 17,000 $ 389,100 $ 10,500 $ 90,000 $ 31,704,500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member]                              
Total 11,022,700     4,214,500   284,800   8,803,800 17,000 389,100 1,400 90,000 24,823,300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Neuquén-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [1] 200     35,200   1,000             36,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Tierra del Fuego-Offshore-Argentinian Sea-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [1]           400             400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Victoria-Offshore-Bass Strait-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [2] 320,400         16,500             336,900    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Western Australia-Offshore-Indian Ocean-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [2] 31,200                       31,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Western Australia-Onshore-Oil [Member]                              
Total [2]       700                 700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Entity Level Payment - AU [Member]                              
Total [2] 819,900                       819,900    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Baku-Offshore-Caspian Sea-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [3] 39,600                       39,600    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Rio de Janeiro-Offshore-Campos Basin-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [4]           1,400             1,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | São Paulo-Offshore-Santos Basin-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [4]           800           6,100 6,900    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Sergipe-Offshore-Sergipe-Alagoas Basin-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [4]           1,200             1,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Entity Level Payment - BR [Member]                              
Total [4] (900)                       (900)    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Al Iskandarīyah-Offshore-Mediterranean Sea-Oil [Member]                              
Total [5]           1,900     6,900       8,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Bioko Norte-Offshore-Gulf of Guinea-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [6] 74,900     65,900   12,500   35,200       700 189,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Thessaloniki-Offshore-Cretan Sea-Oil [Member]                              
Total [7]           1,400             1,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Jawa Tengah-Offshore-Indonesia Open Area-Oil [Member]                              
Total [8]           200             200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Jawa Tengah-Onshore-Oil [Member]                              
Total [8] 184,500         3,000   4,408,000         4,595,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Sulawesi Tengah-Offshore-Indonesia Open Area-Oil [Member]                              
Total [8]           700             700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Sulawesi Tengah-Offshore-Makassar Straight-Oil [Member]                              
Total [8]           600             600    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Al Başrah-Onshore-Oil [Member]                              
Total [9] 28,800                       28,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Atyrauskaya oblast'-Offshore-Caspian Sea- Kashagan Field-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [10] 6,100         3,300             9,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Entity Level Payment - KZ [Member]                              
Total [10]           2,700             2,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Terengganu-Offshore-South China Sea-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [11] 92,600     447,300       2,388,900         2,928,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Entity Level Payment - MY [Member]                              
Total [11] 277,800                       277,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Zambezia-Offshore-Zambezi Basin-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [12]           39,500             39,500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Cabo Delgado-Offshore-Rovuma Basin-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [12] 4,700                       4,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [13]       122,500   11,900   90,700         225,000    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [13]       381,300   69,200         1,400 1,900 453,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Cross River-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [13]                       2,800 2,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Lagos-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [13] 700                       700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Ondo-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [13]       245,900   15,500   228,000         489,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Rivers-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [13]       11,300   200             11,500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Entity Level Payment - NG [Member]                              
Total [13] 1,686,700         89,000           72,400 1,848,100    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Central-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [14]           100             100    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Gulf-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [14]           0             0    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Hela-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [14] 176,100         200             176,300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | National Capital District (Port Moresby)-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [14]           0             0    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Southern Highlands-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [14] 22,900         500             23,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Western-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [14]           200             200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Entity Level Payment - PG [Member]                              
Total [14] 301,300                 357,700     659,000    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Ad Dawḩah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas [Member]                              
Total [15]                       5,900 5,900    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Al Khawr wa adh Dhakhīrah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas [Member]                              
Total [15] 147,500             1,653,000   $ 31,400     1,831,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Khon Kaen-Onshore-Gas [Member]                              
Total [16] 11,400     3,900                 15,300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Abū Z̧aby-Offshore-Persian Gulf-Oil [Member]                              
Total [17] 5,634,500     1,775,700                 7,410,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | California-Offshore-Pacific Ocean-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [18]       (400)                 (400)    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Colorado-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [18]       12,700                 12,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Louisiana-Offshore-Gulf of Mexico-Gas [Member]                              
Total [18]       300                 300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Louisiana-Offshore-Gulf of Mexico-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [18]       160,200   3,700             164,000    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Louisiana-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [18]       400                 400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Montana-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [18]       11,800                 11,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | New Mexico-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [18]       691,800   300             692,100    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | North Dakota-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [18]       132,700                 132,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Oklahoma-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [18]       500                 500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Texas-Offshore-Gulf of Mexico-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [18]       5,900   6,900     9,800       22,600    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Texas-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [18]       900         $ 300       1,100    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Utah-Onshore-Gas [Member]                              
Total [18]       2,200                 2,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Wyoming-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member]                              
Total [18]       105,700                 105,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Entity Level Payment - US [Member]                              
Total [18] 1,161,800                       1,161,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | Quang Nam-Offshore-Pacific Ocean-Gas [Member]                              
Total [19]                       $ 200 200    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member]                              
Total 1,526,100     225,900   8,400   2,523,300     9,100   4,292,800    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Block 15 [Member]                              
Total 151,249         310   1,789,763         1,941,322    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Block 17 [Member]                              
Total 231,186                       231,186    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Block 32 [Member]                              
Total 67,226                       67,226    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Block 5 [Member]                              
Total           332             332    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Block 10 [Member]                              
Total           1,605             1,605    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Lower Saxony [Member]                              
Total 26,465                       26,465    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Other Germany ⁴ [Member]                              
Total [20] 310,005                       310,005    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Canje [Member]                              
Total           145             145    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Kaieteur [Member]                              
Total           262             262    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Stabroek [Member]                              
Total 656,591     218,091   5,364   $ 733,538     8,915   1,622,499    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Block C-14 [Member]                              
Total 653                       653    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Block C-17 [Member]                              
Total 399                       399    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Block C-22 [Member]                              
Total 192                       192    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Block PEL86 [Member]                              
Total 61         30             91    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Block PEL89 [Member]                              
Total 61         81             142    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Block PEL95 [Member]                              
Total 61         278             339    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Other Netherlands [Member]                              
Total 81,958     7,799                 89,757    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | Natin Upgrade [Member]                              
Total                     $ 190   190    
Imperial Oil Limited [Member]                              
Total 1,426,100     784,200   32,900             2,243,100    
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | COLD LAKE [Member]                              
Total   $ 29,960     $ 612,990   $ 10,200             $ 653,150  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | KEARL [Member]                              
Total   52,360     447,160   24,120             523,640  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | OTHER OIL SANDS [Member]                              
Total   1,826,620         8,100             1,834,720  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CONVENTIONAL [Member]                              
Total         460   1,670             2,130  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | NORMAN WELLS [Member]                              
Total   5,150     1,680   10             6,840  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | HORN RIVER [Member]                              
Total             350             350  
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member]                              
Total 26,200     248,200   4,100             278,500    
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member] | KEARL [Member]                              
Total             90             90  
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member] | CONVENTIONAL [Member]                              
Total   11,870     400   100             12,370  
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member] | HIBERNIA [Member]                              
Total         191,210   560             191,770  
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member] | HSE [Member]                              
Total         72,360   150             72,510  
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member] | HEBRON [Member]                              
Total         71,800   2,590             74,390  
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member] | SABLE [Member]                              
Total         30   630             660  
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member] | OFFSHORE ATLANTIC [Member]                              
Total             1,450             1,450  
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member] | EXXONMOBIL CANADA INVESTMENT COMPANY [Member]                              
Total [21]   $ 23,380                       23,380  
ExxonMobil Canada Energy [Member]                              
Total           0             0    
ExxonMobil Canada Energy [Member] | CONVENTIONAL [Member]                              
Total             30             30  
ExxonMobil Canada Properties [Member]                              
Total       $ 5,200   $ 4,200             9,400    
ExxonMobil Canada Properties [Member] | KEARL [Member]                              
Total             780             780  
ExxonMobil Canada Properties [Member] | HIBERNIA [Member]                              
Total         10   790             800  
ExxonMobil Canada Properties [Member] | HSE [Member]                              
Total             220             220  
ExxonMobil Canada Properties [Member] | HEBRON [Member]                              
Total         $ 6,800   $ 3,910             $ 10,710  
Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited [Member]                              
Total $ 57,300                       $ 57,300    
Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited [Member] | GB001 CENTRAL & NORTHERN NORTH SEA [Member]                              
Total | £     £ (47,985,696)                       £ (47,985,696)
Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited [Member] | GB002 SOUTHERN NORTH SEA [Member]                              
Total | £     (2,181,879)                       (2,181,879)
Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited [Member] | GB003 Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited [Member]                              
Total | £     £ 97,313,524                       £ 97,313,524
[1] Payments made in Argentine Peso
[2] Payments made in Australian Dollar
[3] Payments made in US Dollar
[4] Payments made in Brazilian Real
[5] Payments made in Egyptian Pound and US Dollar
Payments made in Central African Franc
Payments made in Euro
Payments made in Indonesian Rupiah and US Dollar
Payments made in Iraqi Dinar
Payments made in Kazakhstani Tenge
Payments made in Malaysian Ringgit and US Dollar
Payments made in Mozambican Metical and US Dollar
Payments made in Nigerian Naira and US Dollar
Payments made in Papua New Guinean Kina and US Dollar
Payments made in Qatari Riyal and US Dollar
Payments made in Thai Baht
[17] Payments made in US Dollar
[18] Payments made in US Dollar
[19] Payments made in Vietnamese Dong
[20] ⁴ Payments made in respect of obligations imposed at entity level.
[21] Payments not directly linked to a specific project, but levied at entity level.
Payments, by Government - 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2023
$ in Thousands, $ in Thousands
USD ($)
CAD ($)
GBP (£)
USD ($)
CAD ($)
USD ($)
CAD ($)
Prod. Entitlements
USD ($)
USD ($)
USD ($)
USD ($)
Comm. Social Resp.
USD ($)
Total Payments
USD ($)
Total Payments
CAD ($)
Total Payments
GBP (£)
Total $ 14,058,400     $ 5,478,000   $ 334,400   $ 11,327,100 $ 17,000 $ 389,100 $ 10,500 $ 90,000 $ 31,704,500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member]                              
Total 11,022,700     4,214,500   284,800   8,803,800 17,000 389,100 1,400 90,000 24,823,300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | ARGENTINA                              
Total [1] 200     35,200   1,400             36,900    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | ARGENTINA | Administracion Federal de Ingresos Publicos (AFIP) [Member]                              
Total [1]           400             400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | ARGENTINA | Provincia del Neuquén [Member]                              
Total [1] 200     35,200   500             35,900    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | ARGENTINA | Secretaria de Energia, Republica Argentina [Member]                              
Total [1]           500             500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | AUSTRALIA                              
Total [2] 1,171,500     700   16,500             1,188,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | AUSTRALIA | Australian Taxation Office [Member]                              
Total [2] 1,171,500                       1,171,500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | AUSTRALIA | Department of Industry, Science and Resources [Member]                              
Total [2]       700                 700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | AUSTRALIA | Energy Safe Victoria [Member]                              
Total [2]           600             600    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | AUSTRALIA | Environmental Protection Authority [Member]                              
Total [2]           800             800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | AUSTRALIA | Gippsland Water [Member]                              
Total [2]           2,200             2,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | AUSTRALIA | National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) [Member]                              
Total [2]           6,700             6,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | AUSTRALIA | State Revenue Office Victoria [Member]                              
Total [2]           1,900             1,900    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | AUSTRALIA | The National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) [Member]                              
Total [2]           1,000             1,000    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | AUSTRALIA | Victoria Workcover Authority [Member]                              
Total [2]           100             100    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | AUSTRALIA | Wellington Shire Council [Member]                              
Total [2]           3,200             3,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | AZERBAIJAN                              
Total [3] 39,600                       39,600    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | AZERBAIJAN | State Tax Services of the Republic of Azerbaijan [Member]                              
Total [3] 39,600                       39,600    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | BRAZIL                              
Total [4] (900)         3,300           6,100 8,500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | BRAZIL | Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos [Member]                              
Total [4]                       900 900    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | BRAZIL | Fundacao Coordenacao de Projetos, Pesquisas e Estudos Tecnologicos [Member]                              
Total [4]                       3,200 3,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | BRAZIL | Fundacao da Universidade Federal do Parana [Member]                              
Total [4]                       300 300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | BRAZIL | Fundacao de Apoio a Universidade de Sao Paulo [Member]                              
Total [4]                       400 400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | BRAZIL | Fundacao de Apoio a Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul [Member]                              
Total [4]                       200 200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | BRAZIL | Fundacao de Apoio a Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro [Member]                              
Total [4]                       100 100    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | BRAZIL | Fundacao de Ciencia Aplicacoes e Tecnologia Espaciais [Member]                              
Total [4]                       400 400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | BRAZIL | Fundacao de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa [Member]                              
Total [4]                       300 300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | BRAZIL | Fundacao de Desenvolvimento da Unicamp [Member]                              
Total [4]                       200 200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | BRAZIL | Ministerio da Fazenda [Member]                              
Total [4] (900)         3,300             2,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | EGYPT                              
Total [5]           1,900     6,900       8,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | EGYPT | Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) [Member]                              
Total [5]           1,900     6,900       8,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | EQUATORIAL GUINEA                              
Total [6] 74,900     65,900   12,500   35,200       700 189,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | EQUATORIAL GUINEA | Guinea Ecuatorial de Petróleos (GEPetrol) [Member]                              
Total [6]               32,800         32,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | EQUATORIAL GUINEA | Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons [Member]                              
Total [6]       65,900       2,400         68,300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | EQUATORIAL GUINEA | Ministry of Taxes / Public Treasury [Member]                              
Total [6] 74,900         12,500           700 88,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | GREECE                              
Total [7]           1,400             1,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | GREECE | Hellenic Hydrocarbons and Energy Resources Management Company (HEREMA) [Member]                              
Total [7]           1,400             1,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | INDONESIA                              
Total [8] 184,500         4,500   4,408,000         4,596,900    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | INDONESIA | Directorate General Of Marine Transportation [Member]                              
Total [8]           1,200             1,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | INDONESIA | Directorate General Of Taxation [Member]                              
Total [8] 184,500                       184,500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | INDONESIA | Pertamina Ep Cepu [Member]                              
Total [8]               681,400         681,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | INDONESIA | Perusahaan Umum Perum Jasa Tirta [Member]                              
Total [8]           300             300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | INDONESIA | PT. Blora Patragas Hulu (Perseroda) [Member]                              
Total [8]               33,000         33,000    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | INDONESIA | PT. Asri Dharma Sejahtera [Member]                              
Total [8]               67,900         67,900    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | INDONESIA | PT. Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana [Member]                              
Total [8]               34,000         34,000    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | INDONESIA | PT. Sarana Patra Hulu Cepu [Member]                              
Total [8]               16,500         16,500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | INDONESIA | SKK Migas [Member]                              
Total [8]           3,000   3,575,200         3,578,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | IRAQ                              
Total [9] 28,800                       28,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | IRAQ | General Commission for Taxes [Member]                              
Total [9] 28,800                       28,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | KAZAKHSTAN                              
Total [10] 6,100         6,000             12,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | KAZAKHSTAN | Atyrau Tax Committee [Member]                              
Total [10] 6,100         3,300             9,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | KAZAKHSTAN | KazTransOil [Member]                              
Total [10]           2,700             2,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | MALAYSIA                              
Total [11] 370,300     447,300       2,388,900         3,206,600    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | MALAYSIA | Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia [Member]                              
Total [11] 277,800                       277,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | MALAYSIA | PETRONAS [Member]                              
Total [11] 92,600     447,300       2,388,900         2,928,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | MOZAMBIQUE                              
Total [12] 4,700         39,500             44,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | MOZAMBIQUE | Instituto Nacional de Petroleo (INP) [Member]                              
Total [12]           39,500             39,500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | MOZAMBIQUE | Unidade de Grandes Contribuintes [Member]                              
Total [12] 4,700                       4,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | NIGERIA                              
Total [13] 1,687,400     761,000   185,700   318,700     1,400 77,100 3,031,300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | NIGERIA | Akwa Ibom State Government [Member]                              
Total [13]           900           1,900 2,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | NIGERIA | Federal Government [Member]                              
Total [13]           7,100             7,100    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | NIGERIA | Federal Inland Revenue Service [Member]                              
Total [13] 1,686,700         6,700             1,693,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | NIGERIA | Industrial Training Fund [Member]                              
Total [13]           4,800             4,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | NIGERIA | Lagos State Board of Internal Revenue [Member]                              
Total [13] 700                       700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | NIGERIA | Local Government [Member]                              
Total [13]           400             400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | NIGERIA | Niger Delta Development Commission [Member]                              
Total [13]           82,400             82,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | NIGERIA | Nigeria Host Community Development Trust Fund [Member]                              
Total [13]                       72,400 72,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | NIGERIA | Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board [Member]                              
Total [13]           9,900           2,800 12,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | NIGERIA | Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited [Member]                              
Total [13]           10,000   318,700     1,400   330,100    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | NIGERIA | Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission c/o Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority [Member]                              
Total [13]       761,000   63,300             824,300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | NIGERIA | Other Federal Ministries [Member]                              
Total [13]           200             200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | PAPUA NEW GUINEA                              
Total [14] 500,400         1,000       357,700     859,100    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Conservation and Environment Protection Authority [Member]                              
Total [14]           600             600    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Department of Petroleum & Energy [Member]                              
Total [14] 176,100         400             176,500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Department of Works [Member]                              
Total [14] 22,900                       22,900    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Internal Revenue Commission [Member]                              
Total [14] 301,300                       301,300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Kumul Petroleum PNG Holdings Limited [Member]                              
Total [14]                   266,700     266,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | PAPUA NEW GUINEA | Mineral Resources Development Company [Member]                              
Total [14]                   91,000     91,000    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | QATAR                              
Total [15] 147,500             1,653,000   31,400   5,900 1,837,700    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | QATAR | General Tax Authority [Member]                              
Total [15] 147,500                       147,500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | QATAR | INJAZ Qatar Establishment [Member]                              
Total [15]                       500 500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | QATAR | Ministry of Education and Higher Education [Member]                              
Total [15]                       800 800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | QATAR | Ministry of Environment and Climate Change [Member]                              
Total [15]                       300 300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | QATAR | Qatar Foundation [Member]                              
Total [15]                       200 200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | QATAR | Qatar Museums Authority [Member]                              
Total [15]                       1,100 1,100    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | QATAR | Qatar University [Member]                              
Total [15]                       500 500    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | QATAR | QatarEnergy [Member]                              
Total [15]               1,653,000   $ 31,400   600 1,684,900    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | QATAR | Teach For Qatar [Member]                              
Total [15]                       2,000 2,000    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | THAILAND                              
Total [16] 11,400     3,900                 15,300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | THAILAND | Department of Mineral Fuels, Ministry Of Energy [Member]                              
Total [16]       3,900                 3,900    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | THAILAND | Revenue Department [Member]                              
Total [16] 11,400                       11,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES                              
Total [17] 5,634,500     1,775,700                 7,410,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Department of Finance, Abu Dhabi [Member]                              
Total [17] 5,634,500     1,775,700                 7,410,200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | UNITED STATES                              
Total [18] 1,161,800     1,124,700   10,900     10,000       2,307,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | UNITED STATES | Bureau of Land Management [Member]                              
Total [18]       37,300   300             37,600    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | UNITED STATES | Internal Revenue Service [Member]                              
Total [18] 1,161,800                       1,161,800    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | UNITED STATES | Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation [Member]                              
Total [18]                 300       300    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | UNITED STATES | Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member]                              
Total [18]       1,077,000   10,600     $ 9,800       1,097,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | UNITED STATES | U.S. Department of Justice [Member]                              
Total [18]       10,400                 10,400    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | VIET NAM                              
Total [19]                       200 200    
Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] | VIET NAM | Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) [Member]                              
Total [19]                       $ 200 200    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member]                              
Total 1,526,100     225,900   8,400   2,523,300     9,100   4,292,800    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | ANGOLA                              
Total 449,660         310   1,789,763 [20]         2,239,733    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | ANGOLA | Agencia Nacional de Petroleo e Gas [Member]                              
Total               1,789,763 [20]         1,789,763    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | ANGOLA | Ministerio das Financas [Member]                              
Total 443,113         310             443,423    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | ANGOLA | Ministerio dos Petroleos [Member]                              
Total 6,547                       6,547    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | CYPRUS                              
Total           1,937             1,937    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | CYPRUS | Ministry of Energy, Commerce, and Industry [Member]                              
Total           1,937             1,937    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY                              
Total 336,469                       336,469    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Finanzamt Fuer Grossunternehmen [Member]                              
Total 173,715                       173,715    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Flecken Steyerberg [Member]                              
Total 6,582                       6,582    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Finanzamt Berlin-Kreuzberg [Member]                              
Total 828                       828    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Gemeinde Cappeln [Member]                              
Total 952                       952    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Gemeinde Emsteck [Member]                              
Total 3,685                       3,685    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Gemeinde Grossenkneten [Member]                              
Total 12,490                       12,490    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Gemeinde Goldenstedt [Member]                              
Total 1,414                       1,414    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Gemeinde Krummhoern [Member]                              
Total 392                       392    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Gemeinde Lastrup [Member]                              
Total 1,919                       1,919    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Gemeinde Neuenkirchen [Member]                              
Total 521                       521    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Gemeinde Visbek [Member]                              
Total 3,151                       3,151    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Gemeinde Wagenfeld [Member]                              
Total 658                       658    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Gemeinde Wardenburg [Member]                              
Total 1,270                       1,270    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Gemeinde Burgwedel [Member]                              
Total 701                       701    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Gemeinde Doetlingen [Member]                              
Total 5,895                       5,895    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Landeshauptstadt Hannover [Member]                              
Total 25,706                       25,706    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Landesamt Fuer Bergbau, Claustha [Member]                              
Total 26,465                       26,465    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Samtgemeinde Barnstorf [Member]                              
Total 442                       442    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Samtgemeinde Bothel [Member]                              
Total 3,324                       3,324    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Samtgemeinde Hankensbuettel [Member]                              
Total 3,297                       3,297    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Samtgemeinde Kirchdorf-Bahrenbor [Member]                              
Total 3,346                       3,346    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Samtgemeinde Kirchdorf-Barenburg [Member]                              
Total 7,378                       7,378    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Samtgemeinde Neuenhaus [Member]                              
Total 3,200                       3,200    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Samtgemeinde Siedenburg [Member]                              
Total 2,380                       2,380    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Samtgemeinde Sottrum [Member]                              
Total 1,039                       1,039    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Samtgemeinde Uchte [Member]                              
Total 1,779                       1,779    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Samtgemeinde Wathlingen [Member]                              
Total 1,783                       1,783    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Samtgemeinde Zeven [Member]                              
Total 267                       267    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Stadt Bassum [Member]                              
Total 187                       187    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Stadt Braunschweig [Member]                              
Total 723                       723    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Stadt Cloppenburg [Member]                              
Total 1,029                       1,029    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Stadt Karlsruhe [Member]                              
Total 2,025                       2,025    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Stadt Loeningen [Member]                              
Total 279                       279    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Stadt Meppen [Member]                              
Total 6,263                       6,263    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Stadt Sulingen [Member]                              
Total 6,932                       6,932    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Stadt Vechta [Member]                              
Total 3,878                       3,878    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Stadt Visselhoevede [Member]                              
Total 523                       523    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Stadt Walsrode [Member]                              
Total 1,709                       1,709    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Steuerkasse Koeln [Member]                              
Total 15,916                       15,916    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Stadt Munster [Member]                              
Total 591                       591    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Stadt Rotenburg (Wuemme) [Member]                              
Total 895                       895    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Stadt Wildeshausen [Member]                              
Total 839                       839    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GERMANY | Verbandsgemeinde Eich [Member]                              
Total 105                       105    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GUYANA                              
Total 656,591 [21]     218,091   5,771   733,538 [22]     8,915   1,622,906    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GUYANA | Guyana Geology and Mines Commission [Member]                              
Total           2,923             2,923    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GUYANA | Ministry of Natural Resources [Member]                              
Total       218,091       $ 733,538 [22]         951,629    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GUYANA | Environmental Protection Agency [Member]                              
Total           208             208    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GUYANA | Guyana Revenue Authority [Member]                              
Total 656,591 [21]                       656,591    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GUYANA | Maritime Administration Department [Member]                              
Total           2,640             2,640    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | GUYANA | Ministry of Culture, Youth, Sport [Member]                              
Total                     8,915   8,915    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | MAURITANIA                              
Total 1,245                       1,245    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | MAURITANIA | Mauritania Tax Authority [Member]                              
Total 1,245                       1,245    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | NAMIBIA                              
Total 182         390             572    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | NAMIBIA | Ministry of Finance [Member]                              
Total 182                       182    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | NAMIBIA | Petrofund [Member]                              
Total           390             390    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | NETHERLANDS                              
Total 81,958     7,799                 89,757    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | NETHERLANDS | Belastingdienst [Member]                              
Total 81,958     7,799                 89,757    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | SURINAME                              
Total                     190   190    
ExxonMobil Luxembourg et Cie SCA (ELEC) [Member] | SURINAME | Staatsolie Maatschappij [Member]                              
Total                     $ 190   190    
Imperial Oil Limited [Member]                              
Total 1,426,100     784,200   32,900             2,243,100    
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA [Member]                              
Total   $ 461,190     $ 1,060,610   $ 21,940             $ 1,543,740  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF WOOD BUFFALO [Member]                              
Total   52,360                       52,360  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OF BONNYVILLE NO 87 [Member]                              
Total   29,960                       29,960  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | TOWN OF NORMAN WELLS [Member]                              
Total   5,150                       5,150  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | GOVERNMENT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA [Member]                              
Total             110             110  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | GOVERNMENT OF CANADA [Member]                              
Total   1,345,380     1,680   630             1,347,690  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | GOVERNMENT OF QUEBEC [Member]                              
Total   20,050                       20,050  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | ATHABASCA CHIPEWYAN FIRST NATION [Member]                              
Total             4,260             4,260  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | COLD LAKE FIRST NATIONS [Member]                              
Total             1,050             1,050  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | ELIZABETH METIS SETTLEMENT [Member]                              
Total             700             700  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | FORT MCKAY FIRST NATION [Member]                              
Total             7,540             7,540  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | FORT MCKAY METIS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION [Member]                              
Total             1,140             1,140  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | FORT MCMURRAY #468 FIRST NATION [Member]                              
Total             1,350             1,350  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | HEART LAKE FIRST NATION [Member]                              
Total             180             180  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | METIS NATION OF ALBERTA ASSOCIATION LOCAL #125 FORT CHIPEWYAN [Member]                              
Total             1,140             1,140  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | METIS NATION OF ALBERTA ASSOCIATION LOCAL #1935 FORT MCMURRAY [Member]                              
Total             900             900  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | MIKISEW CREE FIRST NATION [Member]                              
Total             2,130             2,130  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | ONION LAKE CREE NATION [Member]                              
Total             300             300  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | WHITEFISH LAKE FIRST NATION [Member]                              
Total             180             180  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | BEAVER LAKE CREE NATION [Member]                              
Total             150             150  
Imperial Oil Limited [Member] | CANADA | BUFFALO LAKE METIS SETTLEMENT [Member]                              
Total             750             750  
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member]                              
Total 26,200     248,200   4,100             278,500    
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member] | CANADA | GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA [Member]                              
Total   34,370     400   180             34,950  
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member] | CANADA | GOVERNMENT OF CANADA [Member]                              
Total   $ 880     151,340   650             152,870  
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member] | CANADA | CANADA NOVA SCOTIA OFFSHORE PETROLEUM BOARD [Member]                              
Total             630             630  
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member] | CANADA | GOVERNMENT OF NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR [Member]                              
Total         184,060   710             184,770  
ExxonMobil Canada Investments Company [Member] | CANADA | CANADA NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR OFFSHORE PETROLEUM BOARD [Member]                              
Total             3,400             3,400  
ExxonMobil Canada Energy [Member]                              
Total           0             0    
ExxonMobil Canada Energy [Member] | CANADA | GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA [Member]                              
Total             30             30  
ExxonMobil Canada Properties [Member]                              
Total       $ 5,200   $ 4,200             9,400    
ExxonMobil Canada Properties [Member] | CANADA | GOVERNMENT OF ALBERTA [Member]                              
Total             780             780  
ExxonMobil Canada Properties [Member] | CANADA | GOVERNMENT OF CANADA [Member]                              
Total         6,800                 6,800  
ExxonMobil Canada Properties [Member] | CANADA | GOVERNMENT OF NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR [Member]                              
Total         $ 10   1,010             1,020  
ExxonMobil Canada Properties [Member] | CANADA | CANADA NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR OFFSHORE PETROLEUM BOARD [Member]                              
Total             $ 3,910             $ 3,910  
Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited [Member]                              
Total $ 57,300                       $ 57,300    
Esso Exploration and Production UK Limited [Member] | UNITED KINGDOM | HM REVENUE & CUSTOMS [Member]                              
Total | £     £ 47,145,949                       £ 47,145,949
[1] Payments made in Argentine Peso
[2] Payments made in Australian Dollar
[3] Payments made in US Dollar
[4] Payments made in Brazilian Real
[5] Payments made in Egyptian Pound and US Dollar
Payments made in Central African Franc
Payments made in Euro
Payments made in Indonesian Rupiah and US Dollar
Payments made in Iraqi Dinar
Payments made in Kazakhstani Tenge
Payments made in Malaysian Ringgit and US Dollar
Payments made in Mozambican Metical and US Dollar
Payments made in Nigerian Naira and US Dollar
Payments made in Papua New Guinean Kina and US Dollar
Payments made in Qatari Riyal and US Dollar
Payments made in Thai Baht
[17] Payments made in US Dollar
[18] Payments made in US Dollar
[19] Payments made in Vietnamese Dong
[20] ¹ Production entitlement of 22,190 kbbls is valued at a tax reference price ($80.65.70/bbl) issued by the Angola autorities.
[21] ³ ExxonMobil Net Interest
[22] ² Production entitlement of 17,039,138 BBLs is valued at the realization price issued in the press by the Ministry of Natural Resources offset by EMNI Taxes
Payments, Details - Exxon Mobil Corp (Dodd Frank Only) [Member] - 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2023 - USD ($)
$ in Millions
Subnat. Juris.
Ext. Method
In-kind Calc.
#: 1                      
$ 0.4 Fees ARGENTINA snj:AR-V Administracion Federal de Ingresos Publicos (AFIP) [Member] Tierra del Fuego-Offshore-Argentinian Sea-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 2                      
0.2 Taxes ARGENTINA snj:AR-Q Provincia del Neuquén [Member] Neuquén-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 3                      
35.2 Royalties ARGENTINA snj:AR-Q Provincia del Neuquén [Member] Neuquén-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 4                      
0.5 Fees ARGENTINA snj:AR-Q Provincia del Neuquén [Member] Neuquén-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 5                      
0.5 Fees ARGENTINA snj:AR-Q Secretaria de Energia, Republica Argentina [Member] Neuquén-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 6                      
320.4 Taxes AUSTRALIA snj:AU-VIC Australian Taxation Office [Member] Victoria-Offshore-Bass Strait-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 7                      
31.2 Taxes AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Australian Taxation Office [Member] Western Australia-Offshore-Indian Ocean-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 8                      
819.9 Taxes AUSTRALIA   Australian Taxation Office [Member] Entity Level Payment - AU [Member]          
#: 9                      
0.7 Royalties AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Department of Industry, Science and Resources [Member] Western Australia-Onshore-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 10                      
0.6 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-VIC Energy Safe Victoria [Member] Victoria-Offshore-Bass Strait-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 11                      
0.8 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-VIC Environmental Protection Authority [Member] Victoria-Offshore-Bass Strait-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 12                      
2.2 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-VIC Gippsland Water [Member] Victoria-Offshore-Bass Strait-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 13                      
6.7 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-VIC National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) [Member] Victoria-Offshore-Bass Strait-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 14                      
1.9 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-VIC State Revenue Office Victoria [Member] Victoria-Offshore-Bass Strait-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 15                      
1.0 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-VIC The National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator (NOPTA) [Member] Victoria-Offshore-Bass Strait-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 16                      
0.1 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-VIC Victoria Workcover Authority [Member] Victoria-Offshore-Bass Strait-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 17                      
3.2 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-VIC Wellington Shire Council [Member] Victoria-Offshore-Bass Strait-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 18                      
39.6 Taxes AZERBAIJAN snj:AZ-BA State Tax Services of the Republic of Azerbaijan [Member] Baku-Offshore-Caspian Sea-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 19                      
0.9 Comm. Social Resp. BRAZIL snj:BR-SP Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos [Member] São Paulo-Offshore-Santos Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 20                      
3.2 Comm. Social Resp. BRAZIL snj:BR-SP Fundacao Coordenacao de Projetos, Pesquisas e Estudos Tecnologicos [Member] São Paulo-Offshore-Santos Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 21                      
0.3 Comm. Social Resp. BRAZIL snj:BR-SP Fundacao da Universidade Federal do Parana [Member] São Paulo-Offshore-Santos Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 22                      
0.4 Comm. Social Resp. BRAZIL snj:BR-SP Fundacao de Apoio a Universidade de Sao Paulo [Member] São Paulo-Offshore-Santos Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 23                      
0.2 Comm. Social Resp. BRAZIL snj:BR-SP Fundacao de Apoio a Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul [Member] São Paulo-Offshore-Santos Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 24                      
0.1 Comm. Social Resp. BRAZIL snj:BR-SP Fundacao de Apoio a Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro [Member] São Paulo-Offshore-Santos Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 25                      
0.4 Comm. Social Resp. BRAZIL snj:BR-SP Fundacao de Ciencia Aplicacoes e Tecnologia Espaciais [Member] São Paulo-Offshore-Santos Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 26                      
0.3 Comm. Social Resp. BRAZIL snj:BR-SP Fundacao de Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa [Member] São Paulo-Offshore-Santos Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 27                      
0.2 Comm. Social Resp. BRAZIL snj:BR-SP Fundacao de Desenvolvimento da Unicamp [Member] São Paulo-Offshore-Santos Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 28                      
(0.9) Taxes BRAZIL   Ministerio da Fazenda [Member] Entity Level Payment - BR [Member]          
#: 29                      
1.4 Fees BRAZIL snj:BR-RJ Ministerio da Fazenda [Member] Rio de Janeiro-Offshore-Campos Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 30                      
0.8 Fees BRAZIL snj:BR-SP Ministerio da Fazenda [Member] São Paulo-Offshore-Santos Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 31                      
1.2 Fees BRAZIL snj:BR-SE Ministerio da Fazenda [Member] Sergipe-Offshore-Sergipe-Alagoas Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 32                      
6.9 Bonuses EGYPT snj:EG-ALX Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) [Member] Al Iskandarīyah-Offshore-Mediterranean Sea-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 33                      
1.9 Fees EGYPT snj:EG-ALX Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) [Member] Al Iskandarīyah-Offshore-Mediterranean Sea-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 34                      
32.8 Prod. Entitlements EQUATORIAL GUINEA snj:GQ-BN Guinea Ecuatorial de Petróleos (GEPetrol) [Member] Bioko Norte-Offshore-Gulf of Guinea-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 35                      
2.4 Prod. Entitlements EQUATORIAL GUINEA snj:GQ-BN Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons [Member] Bioko Norte-Offshore-Gulf of Guinea-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 36                      
65.9 Royalties EQUATORIAL GUINEA snj:GQ-BN Ministry of Mines and Hydrocarbons [Member] Bioko Norte-Offshore-Gulf of Guinea-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 37                      
74.9 Taxes EQUATORIAL GUINEA snj:GQ-BN Ministry of Taxes / Public Treasury [Member] Bioko Norte-Offshore-Gulf of Guinea-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 38                      
12.5 Fees EQUATORIAL GUINEA snj:GQ-BN Ministry of Taxes / Public Treasury [Member] Bioko Norte-Offshore-Gulf of Guinea-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 39                      
0.7 Comm. Social Resp. EQUATORIAL GUINEA snj:GQ-BN Ministry of Taxes / Public Treasury [Member] Bioko Norte-Offshore-Gulf of Guinea-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 40                      
1.4 Fees GREECE snj:GR-B Hellenic Hydrocarbons and Energy Resources Management Company (HEREMA) [Member] Thessaloniki-Offshore-Cretan Sea-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 41                      
184.5 Taxes INDONESIA snj:ID-JT Directorate General Of Taxation [Member] Jawa Tengah-Onshore-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 42                      
681.4 Prod. Entitlements INDONESIA snj:ID-JT Pertamina Ep Cepu [Member] Jawa Tengah-Onshore-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 43                      
33.0 Prod. Entitlements INDONESIA snj:ID-JT PT. Blora Patragas Hulu (Perseroda) [Member] Jawa Tengah-Onshore-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 44                      
67.9 Prod. Entitlements INDONESIA snj:ID-JT PT. Asri Dharma Sejahtera [Member] Jawa Tengah-Onshore-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 45                      
34.0 Prod. Entitlements INDONESIA snj:ID-JT PT. Petrogas Jatim Utama Cendana [Member] Jawa Tengah-Onshore-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 46                      
16.5 Prod. Entitlements INDONESIA snj:ID-JT PT. Sarana Patra Hulu Cepu [Member] Jawa Tengah-Onshore-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 47                      
3,575.2 Prod. Entitlements INDONESIA snj:ID-JT SKK Migas [Member] Jawa Tengah-Onshore-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 48                      
1.2 Fees INDONESIA snj:ID-JT Directorate General Of Marine Transportation [Member] Jawa Tengah-Onshore-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 49                      
0.3 Fees INDONESIA snj:ID-JT Perusahaan Umum Perum Jasa Tirta [Member] Jawa Tengah-Onshore-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 50                      
1.6 Fees INDONESIA snj:ID-JT SKK Migas [Member] Jawa Tengah-Onshore-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 52                      
0.6 Fees INDONESIA snj:ID-ST SKK Migas [Member] Sulawesi Tengah-Offshore-Makassar Straight-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 53                      
0.2 Fees INDONESIA snj:ID-JT SKK Migas [Member] Jawa Tengah-Offshore-Indonesia Open Area-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 54                      
0.7 Fees INDONESIA snj:ID-ST SKK Migas [Member] Sulawesi Tengah-Offshore-Indonesia Open Area-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 55                      
28.8 Taxes IRAQ snj:IQ-BA General Commission for Taxes [Member] Al Başrah-Onshore-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 56                      
6.1 Taxes KAZAKHSTAN snj:KZ-ATY Atyrau Tax Committee [Member] Atyrauskaya oblast'-Offshore-Caspian Sea- Kashagan Field-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 57                      
3.3 Fees KAZAKHSTAN snj:KZ-ATY Atyrau Tax Committee [Member] Atyrauskaya oblast'-Offshore-Caspian Sea- Kashagan Field-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 58                      
2.7 Fees KAZAKHSTAN   KazTransOil [Member] Entity Level Payment - KZ [Member]          
#: 59                      
277.8 Taxes MALAYSIA   Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia [Member] Entity Level Payment - MY [Member]          
#: 60                      
2,388.9 Prod. Entitlements MALAYSIA snj:MY-11 PETRONAS [Member] Terengganu-Offshore-South China Sea-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 61                      
92.6 Taxes MALAYSIA snj:MY-11 PETRONAS [Member] Terengganu-Offshore-South China Sea-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 62                      
447.3 Royalties MALAYSIA snj:MY-11 PETRONAS [Member] Terengganu-Offshore-South China Sea-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 63                      
39.5 Fees MOZAMBIQUE snj:MZ-Q Instituto Nacional de Petroleo (INP) [Member] Zambezia-Offshore-Zambezi Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 64                      
4.7 Taxes MOZAMBIQUE snj:MZ-P Unidade de Grandes Contribuintes [Member] Cabo Delgado-Offshore-Rovuma Basin-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 65                      
1.9 Comm. Social Resp. NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Akwa Ibom State Government [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 66                      
1,686.7 Taxes NIGERIA   Federal Inland Revenue Service [Member] Entity Level Payment - NG [Member]       Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 67                      
0.7 Taxes NIGERIA snj:NG-LA Lagos State Board of Internal Revenue [Member] Lagos-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 68                      
72.4 Comm. Social Resp. NIGERIA   Nigeria Host Community Development Trust Fund [Member] Entity Level Payment - NG [Member]          
#: 69                      
2.8 Comm. Social Resp. NIGERIA snj:NG-CR Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board [Member] Cross River-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 70                      
90.7 Prod. Entitlements NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 71                      
228.0 Prod. Entitlements NIGERIA snj:NG-ON Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited [Member] Ondo-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 72                      
1.4 Infrastructure NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 73                      
122.5 Royalties NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission c/o Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 74                      
381.3 Royalties NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission c/o Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 75                      
245.9 Royalties NIGERIA snj:NG-ON Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission c/o Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority [Member] Ondo-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 76                      
11.3 Royalties NIGERIA snj:NG-RI Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission c/o Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority [Member] Rivers-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 77                      
0.9 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Akwa Ibom State Government [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 78                      
5.2 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Federal Government [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 79                      
0.5 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Federal Government [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 80                      
1.4 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-ON Federal Government [Member] Ondo-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 81                      
6.7 Fees NIGERIA   Federal Inland Revenue Service [Member] Entity Level Payment - NG [Member]          
#: 82                      
4.8 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Industrial Training Fund [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 83                      
0.4 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Local Government [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 84                      
82.4 Fees NIGERIA   Niger Delta Development Commission [Member] Entity Level Payment - NG [Member]          
#: 85                      
6.5 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 86                      
1.3 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 87                      
2.1 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-ON Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board [Member] Ondo-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 88                      
7.9 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 89                      
1.2 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 90                      
0.9 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-ON Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) Limited [Member] Ondo-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 91                      
43.4 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission c/o Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Biafra)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 92                      
8.9 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-AK Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission c/o Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority [Member] Akwa Ibom-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 93                      
11.0 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-ON Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission c/o Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority [Member] Ondo-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean (Bight of Benin)-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 94                      
0.2 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-RI Other Federal Ministries [Member] Rivers-Offshore-Atlantic Ocean-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 95                      
176.1 Taxes PAPUA NEW GUINEA snj:PG-HLA Department of Petroleum & Energy [Member] Hela-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 96                      
22.9 Taxes PAPUA NEW GUINEA snj:PG-SHM Department of Works [Member] Southern Highlands-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 97                      
301.3 Taxes PAPUA NEW GUINEA   Internal Revenue Commission [Member] Entity Level Payment - PG [Member]          
#: 98                      
266.7 Dividends PAPUA NEW GUINEA   Kumul Petroleum PNG Holdings Limited [Member] Entity Level Payment - PG [Member]          
#: 99                      
91.0 Dividends PAPUA NEW GUINEA   Mineral Resources Development Company [Member] Entity Level Payment - PG [Member]          
#: 100                      
0.1 Fees PAPUA NEW GUINEA snj:PG-CPM Conservation and Environment Protection Authority [Member] Central-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 101                      
0.0 Fees PAPUA NEW GUINEA snj:PG-GPK Department of Petroleum & Energy [Member] Gulf-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 102                      
0.2 Fees PAPUA NEW GUINEA snj:PG-HLA Department of Petroleum & Energy [Member] Hela-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 103                      
0.0 Fees PAPUA NEW GUINEA snj:PG-NCD Department of Petroleum & Energy [Member] National Capital District (Port Moresby)-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 104                      
0.5 Fees PAPUA NEW GUINEA snj:PG-SHM Conservation and Environment Protection Authority [Member] Southern Highlands-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 105                      
0.2 Fees PAPUA NEW GUINEA snj:PG-WPD Department of Petroleum & Energy [Member] Western-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 106                      
147.5 Taxes QATAR snj:QA-KH General Tax Authority [Member] Al Khawr wa adh Dhakhīrah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 107                      
0.5 Comm. Social Resp. QATAR snj:QA-DA INJAZ Qatar Establishment [Member] Ad Dawḩah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 108                      
0.8 Comm. Social Resp. QATAR snj:QA-DA Ministry of Education and Higher Education [Member] Ad Dawḩah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 109                      
0.3 Comm. Social Resp. QATAR snj:QA-DA Ministry of Environment and Climate Change [Member] Ad Dawḩah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 110                      
0.2 Comm. Social Resp. QATAR snj:QA-DA Qatar Foundation [Member] Ad Dawḩah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 111                      
1.1 Comm. Social Resp. QATAR snj:QA-DA Qatar Museums Authority [Member] Ad Dawḩah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 112                      
0.5 Comm. Social Resp. QATAR snj:QA-DA Qatar University [Member] Ad Dawḩah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 113                      
1,653.0 Prod. Entitlements QATAR snj:QA-KH QatarEnergy [Member] Al Khawr wa adh Dhakhīrah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Valued based on production agreements
#: 114                      
31.4 Dividends QATAR snj:QA-KH QatarEnergy [Member] Al Khawr wa adh Dhakhīrah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 115                      
0.6 Comm. Social Resp. QATAR snj:QA-DA QatarEnergy [Member] Ad Dawḩah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 116                      
2.0 Comm. Social Resp. QATAR snj:QA-DA Teach For Qatar [Member] Ad Dawḩah-Offshore-Arabian Gulf-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 117                      
3.9 Royalties THAILAND snj:TH-40 Department of Mineral Fuels, Ministry Of Energy [Member] Khon Kaen-Onshore-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 118                      
11.4 Taxes THAILAND snj:TH-40 Revenue Department [Member] Khon Kaen-Onshore-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 119                      
5,634.5 Taxes UNITED ARAB EMIRATES snj:AE-AZ Department of Finance, Abu Dhabi [Member] Abū Z̧aby-Offshore-Persian Gulf-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 120                      
1,775.7 Royalties UNITED ARAB EMIRATES snj:AE-AZ Department of Finance, Abu Dhabi [Member] Abū Z̧aby-Offshore-Persian Gulf-Oil [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 121                      
0.3 Fees UNITED STATES snj:US-NM Bureau of Land Management [Member] New Mexico-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 122                      
1,161.8 Taxes UNITED STATES   Internal Revenue Service [Member] Entity Level Payment - US [Member]          
#: 123                      
0.3 Bonuses UNITED STATES snj:US-TX Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation [Member] Texas-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 124                      
9.8 Bonuses UNITED STATES snj:US-TX Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Texas-Offshore-Gulf of Mexico-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 125                      
3.7 Fees UNITED STATES snj:US-LA Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Louisiana-Offshore-Gulf of Mexico-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 126                      
6.9 Fees UNITED STATES snj:US-TX Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Texas-Offshore-Gulf of Mexico-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 127                      
(0.4) Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-CA Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] California-Offshore-Pacific Ocean-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 128                      
0.3 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-CO U.S. Department of Justice [Member] Colorado-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 129                      
12.4 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-CO Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Colorado-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 130                      
0.3 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-LA U.S. Department of Justice [Member] Louisiana-Offshore-Gulf of Mexico-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 131                      
160.2 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-LA Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Louisiana-Offshore-Gulf of Mexico-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 132                      
0.0 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-LA U.S. Department of Justice [Member] Louisiana-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 133                      
0.4 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-LA Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Louisiana-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 134                      
0.0 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-MT U.S. Department of Justice [Member] Montana-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 135                      
11.8 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-MT Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Montana-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 136                      
5.1 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-NM U.S. Department of Justice [Member] New Mexico-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 137                      
686.7 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-NM Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] New Mexico-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 138                      
0.5 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-ND U.S. Department of Justice [Member] North Dakota-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 139                      
132.3 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-ND Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] North Dakota-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 140                      
0.0 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-OK U.S. Department of Justice [Member] Oklahoma-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 141                      
0.5 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-OK Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Oklahoma-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 142                      
5.9 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-TX Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Texas-Offshore-Gulf of Mexico-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 143                      
0.8 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-TX U.S. Department of Justice [Member] Texas-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 144                      
0.1 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-TX Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Texas-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 145                      
2.2 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-UT U.S. Department of Justice [Member] Utah-Onshore-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 146                      
0.0 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-UT Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Utah-Onshore-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 147                      
67.2 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-WY Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Wyoming-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 148                      
1.2 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-WY U.S. Department of Justice [Member] Wyoming-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 149                      
37.3 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-WY Bureau of Land Management [Member] Wyoming-Onshore-Oil & Gas [Member] Oil & Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 150                      
$ 0.2 Comm. Social Resp. VIET NAM snj:VN-27 Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (Petrovietnam) [Member] Quang Nam-Offshore-Pacific Ocean-Gas [Member] Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    

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