RNS Number:2254I
Prime People PLC
04 March 2003

                               PRIME  PEOPLE  PLC

   Operations: principally specialist recruitment of senior managers for the
          leisure industry, together with  a related training business


                                  KEY  POINTS

*     Group profit before tax up  68 % to #0.27m(2001 #0.16m)

*     Sales from continuing operations down 3% to  3.93 million (2001: #4.06m)

*     Diluted earnings per share up 100% to  0.48p (2001: 0.24p)

*     In the light of continued uncertainty in the hospitality sector no 
      dividend will be paid

*     Portfolio Design International has been severely affected by the downturn 
      in the tourism sector and as a result will close

*     The balance sheet has been strengthened with net funds of #1,156,626

Commenting on the results, chief executive David Coubrough said, "The
improvement in both profitability and the cash position is entirely down to the
performance of our recruitment subsidiary, Portfolio International.  Trading in
the hotel and catering sector remains tough, but the Company has capitalised on
the upturn in domestic tourism and the growing leisure market.  In the current
political and economic climate it is difficult to be anything other than
extremely cautious when viewing the current year."

Press enquiries:

David Coubrough, chief executive
Chris Heayberd, finance director                                   020 7520 5000


Chairman's statement



Against an uncertain economic background which is reflected by disappointing
results from our associate company Cameron Kennedy, and the Board decision
subsequent to the year end to close our design business, I am pleased to be able
to report that our core recruitment and training businesses have performed


Whilst we are pleased to announce a 68% improvement in profit on ordinary
activities from #158,900 to #266,746, it is disappointing to report that our
share of the losses recorded by Cameron Kennedy amounted to #85,772 (2001 -
#193,060 profit).  Cameron Kennedy has found trading conditions in the financial
recruitment sector particularly difficult in the last year.

Although group sales from continuing business were marginally lower at #3.9m
compared to #4.06m in 2001, the small operating loss of #39,894 the previous
year turned to an operating profit of #348,878 - a strong performance which has
given some confidence to the core businesses within the group and justified the
difficult decision that we took to reduce consultant headcount in the latter
part of 2001.

Diluted earnings per share improved from 0.24p to 0.48p.

Group cash-flow has been positive over the year producing an increase in cash
and liquid resources of #0.53m and we end the year with nil gearing.

Operating review

After the problems of 2001, the hospitality industry continued to be faced with
difficult circumstances, the most significant factor being the continued low
average room rates of London hotels. This has significantly influenced the
industry's investment in both people (affecting Portfolio International) and
capital expenditure (affecting Portfolio Design International).

Given this backdrop, the performance of Portfolio International has been
resilient and provided the Group with an improved net profit and earnings per
share, both of which have doubled, albeit from a low base.

Portfolio International

In the last quarter of 2001, Portfolio International reduced consultant
headcount by 28%.  This measure facilitated a return to profitability in 2002 as
the turnover for the year was very similar to the prior year, but with a
consequently much improved bottom line.

The Company benefited from an upswing in domestic tourism and capitalised on the
increasing UK leisure market where spend has continued to grow.  The culinary
sector also demonstrated improved sales rates and grew turnover by 26% as the
demand for quality chefs has become an ever greater need of the hospitality

2003 is presenting further difficulties.  The current nervousness at potential
world events is stalling appointments and the delay has an immediate impact on
sales performance.  It is still too early to predict the outcome on the year
but, if necessary, there is still scope to reduce costs if turnover were to
decline significantly.

Portfolio Design International

The Interior Design business has failed to really recover from the impact of
events in 2001.  The team was reduced by 50% in the last quarter of 2001 and has
achieved further recognition for its work, principally at the new restaurant at
the Mayfair Millennium Hotel.  However, the costs of maintaining this business
(loss in 2002 #39,894) have become too onerous, after a second year of failure
to cover its own costs.  Hence the Board have taken the decision, in
consultation with the minority shareholder, to close the business.


Chairman's statement


Harper Craven Associates

This business has recovered its profitability, as it (like Portfolio
International) reduced its cost base in the last quarter of 2001.  Harper Craven
has been successful in winning new business and in retaining work at a time of
on-going pressure on training budgets.  The quality of this niche business has
won through in difficult times and is well placed to take advantage of any
upturn in the market.

Cameron Kennedy Resources

This company specialises in financial recruitment to both the permanent and
temporary market sectors.  Our share of its losses in 2002 has been #85,772,
which includes a loss of #20,250 arising from a dilution in our interest from
46.5% to 44.7%.

It is difficult to predict an upturn this year as the marketplace Cameron
Kennedy recruits for (banks, financial institutions etc.) has yet to return to
commercial prosperity.  For the time being the business remains focused and
determined to trade through the hard times that have affected it for the last 14

Share Option Scheme

Following the preliminary announcement of our 2001 results, we granted options
under the 2001 Employee Share Option Scheme to certain key staff to subscribe
for 543,298 at an exercise price of 6.333p.  All options granted will be subject
to achieving performance targets and are exercisable between 7 March 2005 and 7
March 2012.


As stated in last year's report, our management team has proved a tower of
strength, particularly in Portfolio International.  The loyalty and commitment
of the team, whose average length of time with the company exceeds ten years,
has been very much appreciated.

Throughout the year, Portfolio International has maintained its commitment to
training and employee development programmes and this has manifested itself in
the resilient trading performance.


The outlook for the recruitment industry remains very subdued.  Costs remain
closely monitored and will be further reduced should the current levels of
business fall.

We do not anticipate any significant changes to the performance of the training
business in the coming year and we look forward to an improved result from
Cameron Kennedy.

In the light of the continued uncertainty we do not consider that the payment of
a dividend would be appropriate.  We will consider the position again during the
coming year.

Richard E M Lee
Non Executive Chairman
3 March 2003


Consolidated profit and loss account for the year ended 31 December 2002


                                   Continuing operations         Discontinued operations
                        Note       2002             2001            2002           2001         2002         2001
                                      #                #               #              #            #            #

Turnover                      3,933,886        4,059,632         168,348        493,865    4,102,234    4,553,497

Cost of sales                  (169,285)       (221,231)         (3,366)       (24,004)    (172,651)    (245,235)
                                ________        ________         ________      ________    ________     ________

Gross profit                   3,764,601       3,838,401         164,982        469,861    3,929,583    4,308,262

Administrative expenses      (3,415,723)     (3,878,295)       (193,258)      (486,161)  (3,608,981)  (4,364,456)
                                ________        ________         ________      ________    ________     ________

Group operating
profit/(loss)                   348,878         (39,894)        (28,276)       (16,300)     320,602      (56,194)

Share of operating (loss)/
profit in associates           (53,522)          205,060               -              -    (53,522)       205,060       
Amortisation of goodwill       (12,000)         (12,000)               -              -    (12,000)      (12,000)
Loss arising from 
dilution of
interest in associates         (20,250)                -               -              -    (20,250)             -

                               (85,772)          193,060               -              -    (85,772)       193,060
                                ________        ________         ________      ________    ________     ________

Profit on ordinary
activities before 
interest                        263,106          153,166        (28,276)       (16,300)     234,830       136,866

Interest receivable and
similar income (group)                                                                       32,452        25,533
Interest payable and
similar charges (group)                                                                       (536)       (3,499)
                                                                                           ________       ________
Profit on ordinary
activities before taxation                                                                  266,746       158,900
Taxation on profit on
ordinary activities                                                                        (91,906)      (71,503)
                                                                                           ________       ________

Profit on ordinary
activities after taxation
and transferred to
reserves                                                                                    174,840        87,397
                                                                                           ________       ________

Earnings per share                                  
- Basic             2                                                                         0.48p         0.24p
- Diluted           2                                                                         0.48p         0.24p
                                                                                            ________     ________

All recognised gains and losses are included in the profit and loss account.


Consolidated balance sheet at 31 December 2002


                                          2002                2002                2001                2001
                                             #                   #                   #                   #

Fixed assets
    Tangible assets                                        142,449                                 283,345
    Investment in associate                                630,652                                 699,378
                                                           ________                               ________

                                                           773,101                                 982,723

Current assets
    Debtors                          1,235,628                               1,195,853
    Cash at bank and in hand         1,228,340                                 857,357
                                     ________                                ________

                                     2,463,968                               2,053,210

Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year                        796,955                                 790,659
                                     _________                               ________

Net current assets                                       1,667,013                               1,262,551
                                                         ________                                 ________

Total assets less current liabilities                    2,440,114                               2,245,274
                                                         _________                                _________

Capital and reserves

    Called up share capital                               363,467                                  363,467
    Share premium account                                 884,925                                  864,925
    Merger reserve                                        173,077                                  173,077
    Profit and loss account                             1,018,645                                  843,805
                                                         ________                                 ________

Equity shareholders' funds                              2,440,114                                2,245,274
                                                         ________                                 ________


Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended 31 December 2002


                               Note       2002                2002                2001                2001
                                             #                   #                   #                   #

Net cash inflow from 
operating activities            3                           502,582                                 383,022

Dividend from associated 
undertaking                                                       -                                 158,100

Returns on investment and
servicing of finance
    Interest received                   32,452                                  25,533
    Interest paid                        (536)                                 (3,499)
                                        ________                               ________
                                                             31,916                                  22,034

Taxation                                                    (7,963)                               (200,201)

Capital expenditure and financial
    Purchase of tangible 
     fixed assets                     (33,313)                               (203,778)
    Sale of tangible fixed assets       30,300                                  34,212
                                      ________                                ________

                                                            (3,013)                               (169,566)
                                                            ________                               ________

Net cash inflow before management
of liquid resources and financing                           523,522                                 193,389

Management of liquid resources
    Purchase of treasury deposits                         (600,000)                               (100,000)

    Capital element of finance 
    lease payments                                         (13,828)                                (12,565)
                                                            ________                               ________

(Decrease)/increase in cash     4                          (90,306)                                  80,824
                                                            ________                               ________


Notes to the preliminary announcement for the year ended 31 December 2002


1    Accounting Policies

The final results have been prepared on the same basis and using the same
accounting policies as those used in the preparation of the accounts for the
year ended 31 December 2001, except that the group has adopted FRS19, Deferred
Taxation in 2002. This change in accounting policy has had no impact on the
results of the group.

2    Earnings per share

The earnings per share is calculated based on a weighted average number of
shares of 36,346,692 (2001 - 36,346,692) and the profit of #174,841 (2001 -
#87,397), giving earnings per share of 0.48p (2001 - 0.24p).

Diluted earnings per share is based on the above earnings and adjusts the basic
weighted average number of shares to 36,571,381 (2001 - 36,651,887) as a result
of dilutive share options, giving earnings per share of 0.48p (2001 - 0.24p).

The weighted average number of shares in issue calculated under the different
methods reconciles as follows:
                                                    2002              2001
                                                       #                 # 

        Basic                                 36,346,692        36,346,692
        Number of shares under option          1,043,298           500,000
        Number of shares which would have
        been issued at fair value              (818,609)         (194,805)
                                               _________         _________

        Diluted                               36,571,381        36,651,887
                                               _________         _________

3      Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow from operating
                                                   2002               2001
                                                      #                  #

        Group operating profit/(loss)           320,602           (56,194)
        Depreciation                            151,205           179,652
        Profit on sale of tangible 
        fixed assets                            (7,296)            (1,763)
        (Increase)/Decrease in debtors         (39,775)            364,764
        Increase/(Decrease) in creditors         77,846          (103,437)
                                                ________          ________
        Net cash inflow from operating 
        activities                              502,582            383,022
                                                ________           ________


Notes to the preliminary announcement for the year ended 31 December 2002


4       Reconciliation of net cash inflow to movement in net funds

                                                       2002                2002                2001                2001
                                                          #                   #                   #                   #

        (Decrease)/Increase in cash in the year     (90,306)                                 80,824

        Cash outflow from
        decrease in debt and lease financing          13,828                                 12,565

        Cash outflow from increase in
        liquid resources                             600,000                                100,000
                                                     ________                               ________

        Increase in net funds resulting
        from cash flows in the year                                     523,522                                193,389

        Opening net funds                                               633,104                                439,715
                                                                       ________                               ________

        Closing net funds                                             1,156,626                                633,104
                                                                       ________                               ________

5    Nature of the financial information

The financial information does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in
section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.  The financial information for the year
ended 31 December 2002 is extracted from the group's financial statements to
that date which received an unqualified auditors' report and will be filed with
the Registrar of Companies.   The financial information for the year ended 31
December 2001 is extracted from the financial statements to that date which
received an unqualified auditors' report and have been filed with the Registrar
of Companies.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange