DALLAS, Oct. 18, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- Dallas County Schools (DCS) found that school districts and, therefore, taxpayers of Dallas County saved over $42 million on the cost of student transportation by utilizing DCS services, compared to a private vendor. This metric is based on DCS's 2016-2017 Near Final Settle-up amounts with the school districts and the cost the districts would have paid for those same services, per vendor responses to user districts' requests for proposals.

"DCS can never go up on taxes," confirmed Gary Lindsey, Interim Superintendent of DCS. "We provide a tax rate of $.01 per $100 assessed valuation property tax levied on Dallas County property - the statutory maximum. To put the DCS tax cost in perspective, for a home with a taxable value of $100,000 it would cost less than $10.00 annually. This is $0.83 per month, or less than the cost of one large soft drink per month!"

This summer, Carrollton-Farmers Branch ISD found that DCS was the most affordable option when they put out their request for proposals for student transportation services and discovered they would have to pay $2.5 million dollars more for another vendor.

Without DCS, increased costs to the districts might result in having to remove funds from student programs and reallocate them to transportation services.

For more information visit dcschools.com/FAQ. To stay current on the improvements and new developments at DCS, visit dcschools.com/news. For all media inquiries or to request an interview with DCS leadership, please contact: press@dcschools.com.

About Dallas County Schools
Dallas County Schools (DCS) is a county school district that provides services to school districts and government entities in and around Dallas County. One of the top pupil transportation fleets in the nation, DCS was ranked #5 on the list of 2016 Top 100 Schools District Fleets by School Bus Fleet Magazine. DCS operates over 1,900 buses and transports more than 75,000 children to and from school safely each day. To learn more about the benefits DCS provides school districts, visit dcschools.com.


View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/school-districts-and-taxpayers-saved-42-million-last-school-year-on-student-transportation-by-using-dallas-county-schools-300539167.html

SOURCE Dallas County Schools (DCS)

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